Errata to "Change" by Samanera Bodhesako (Karunaratne & Sons, Colombo 1992) ___________________________________________________________________________ Last modified: 4 July 1998 * = recent additions page comment 36 line 4: for "S. XII,37" read "S. XXII,37" 36 line 9: for "I am not this," read "I am not this;" 46 line 6: for "recognise" read "recognize" * 47 line 13up read: already become 49 line 7up: for "ontological" read "teleological" 58 lines 7 & 12 read: sabbe sa^nkhaaraa dukkhaa 59 line 1 read: sabbe sa^nkhaaraa aniccaa * 59 line 9-10: for "absolute temporality" read "absolute extra-temporality" 65 line 5: for "M. 9: 8,46-55" read "M. 9: i,46-55" 70 line 2up: for "sections 5" read "section 5" 92 line 5up read: sa^nkhataa dhammaa 94 line 16: for "speech-condition" read "speech condition" 94 line 18: for "mind-condition" read "mind condition" 103 line 19: for "body-" read "body" 103 line 20: for "mind-condition" read "mind condition" 113 line 8up: for "my self" comes to" read "my self," comes to" 116 line 18: for "self-view are" read "self-view is" 117 line 16up: for "cease) we can" read "cease), we can" 118 line 6up: for "in self depend" read "in self depends" 125 line 4 read: Mahaa Cattaariisaka Sutta 127 line 11up: for "craving)." read "craving." 144 line 4: for "invariable" read "invariably" 145 line 5: for "earth-element" read "earth element" Note: the book should be (c) Path Press and not (c) Karunaratne & Sons