This Pali-English Glossary contains all the Pali terms used in Notes on Dhamma together with their English equivalents (sometimes only approximate). Only the separate elements of some compound words are given. Words occurring in quoted Pali passages and whose meaning may be discovered from the English renderings of such passgaes are not always listed separately.

Akálika -- timeless, intemporal.
akusala -- unskilful.
acinteyya -- not to be speculated about, unthinkable.
ajjhatta -- inside, internal, subjective. (Opp. bahiddhá.)
añña -- other, another. (Opp. sa.)
atthapurisapuggalá -- (the) eight individual men.
atakkávacara -- not in the sphere of reason or logic.
atidhávati -- (to) overrun, overshoot.
attaváda -- belief in self.
attá -- self.
atthi -- there is.
adhivacana -- designation.
anattá -- not-self.
anágámí -- non-returner.
anicca -- impermanent.
aniccatá -- impermanence.
anidassana -- non-indication, non-indicative.
anupádisesa -- without residue.
anuruddha-pativiruddha -- approving-&-disapproving, accepting-&-rejecting,
anuloma -- with the grain, in conformity. (Opp. patiloma.)
anulomikáya khantiyá samannágato -- one endowed with acquiescence in conformity.
anvaya -- inference, inferability.
aparapaccayá -- not dependent on others.
apuñña -- demerit.
abhijjhá -- covetousness.
abhisankharoti -- (to) determine.
abhisankhára = sankhára.
abhisañcetayati -- (to) intend, will.
arahat -- one who is worthy. (Usually untranslated.)
arahattá -- state of the arahat.
ariya -- noble. (Opp. puthujjana.)
ariyasávaka -- noble disciple.
arúpa -- immaterial.
avijjá -- nescience. (Opp. vijjá.)
asankhata -- non-determined.
asmimána -- conceit '(I) am. ('Conceit', mána, is to be understood as a cross between
        'concept' and 'pride' -- almost the French 'orgueil' suitably attenuated. Asmi is 'I am'
        without the pronoun, like the Latin 'sum'; but plain 'am' is too weak to render asmi,
        and aham asmi ('ego sum') is too emphatic to be adequately rendered 'I am'.)
asmí ti chanda -- desire (I am). (See asmimána.)
assásapassásá -- in-&-out-breaths.
assutavá -- uninstructed.

Ákása -- space.
ákiñcaññáyatana -- nothingness-base.
áneñja -- immobility, unshakability, imperturbability.
áyatana -- base.
áyusankhára -- life-determination.
ásava -- canker, intoxication.

Idha -- here.
indriya -- faculty.

Ucchedaditthi -- annihilacionist-view. (Opp. sassataditthi.)
upavicarati -- (to) dwell upon, ponder.
upádána -- holding.
upekkhá -- indifference.

Etam -- this, that.

Opanayika -- leading.

Kamma -- action.
káya -- body.
káyika -- bodily.
kálika -- temporal, involving time.
kusala -- skilful.
khandha -- aggregate, mass, totality.

Gotrabhu -- become of the clan or lineage. (Sometimes translated as 'one who destroys
        the lineage'; the etymologists seem to be in doubt.)

Cakkhu -- eye.
citta -- mind, consciousness, cognition, spirit, heart, purpose, (conscious) experience, &c.
        (Citta is sometimes synonymous with mano, and sometimes not; it is occasionally
        equivalent to viññána in certain senses. Related to cetaná, but more general. Its
        precise meaning must be determined afresh in each new context.)
cittavíthi -- mental process, cognitive series.
cetaná -- intention, volition, will.
cetasika -- mental. (See citta.)

Jará -- ageing, decay.
játi -- birth.
jhána -- meditation.

Ñána -- knowledge.

Takka -- reasoning, logic.
tanhá -- craving.
Tathágata -- (usually untranslated epithet of) the Buddha, (and, by transference, of) an arahat.
Távatimsa -- 'Heaven of the Thirty-Three'.
theta -- reliable, actual.

Ditthi -- view. (Usually, wrong view.)
ditthigata -- going to, involved with, consisting of, (wrong) view.
ditthisampanna -- (one) attained to (right) view. (= sotápanna.)
dukkha -- unpleasure (opp. sukha), pain, suffering.
dutiya, tatiya tappurisa -- accusative, instrumentive dependent determinative compound.
        (Grammatical terms.)
dussíla -- immoral, unvirtuous.
domanassa -- grief.
dosa -- hate.
dvayam -- dyad, duality.
dhamma -- thing, image, idea, essence, universal, teaching, Teaching, nature, natural law, &c.
        (cf. the Heraclitan 'logos').
dhamm'anvaya -- inferability of the dhamma (to past and future).
dhammánusárí -- teaching-follower. (Opp. saddhánusárí.)
dhátu -- element.

Náma -- name.
námarúpa -- name-&-matter.
nidassana -- indication, indicative.
nibbána -- extinction.
nibbuta -- extinguished.
niruddha -- ceased.
nirodha -- ceasing, cessation.

Paccaya -- condition.
pañcakkhandhá -- five aggregates.
pañc'upádánakkhandhá -- five holding aggregates. (This needs expansion to be intelligible.)
paññá -- understanding.
patigha -- resistance.
paticcasamuppanna -- dependently arisen.
paticcasamuppáda -- dependent arising.
patiloma -- against the grain. (Opp. anuloma.)
patisotagámí -- going against the stream.
paramattha sacca -- truth in the highest, or ultimate, or absolute, sense.
paritassaná -- anxiety, anguish, angst.
pariyesaná -- seeking.
pahoti -- (to) originate.
pána -- animal, living being.
pápadhamma -- evil-natured.
pápima -- evil one.
puggala -- individual.
puñña -- merit.
puthujjana -- commoner. (Opp. ariya.)
punabbhavábhinibbatti -- coming into renewed being, re-birth.
purisa -- man, male.
phala -- fruit, fruition.
phassa -- contact.

Bala -- power, strength.
bahiddhá -- outside, external, objective. (Opp. ajjhatta.)
bhava -- being, existence.
bhikkhu -- monk, almsman.
bhikkhuní -- nun, almswoman.
bhúta -- being.

Magga -- path.
maññati -- (to) conceive. (See asmimána.)
maññaná -- conceiving. (See asmimána.)
manasikára -- attention.
manussa -- human (being).
mano -- mind. (See citta.)
mama -- mine, of me.
marana -- death.
mahábhúta -- great entity.
miccháditthi -- wrong view. (Opp. sammáditthi.)
me -- mine. (Weaker than mama.)
moha -- delusion.

Rága = lobha.
ruppati -- (to) 'matter', be broken. (Untranslatable verb from rúpa.)
rúpa -- matter, substance, (visible) form.

Lakkhana -- mark, characteristic.
lábha -- gain.
loka -- world.
lokuttara -- beyond the world, world-transcending.
lobha -- lust.

Vací -- speech.
vicára -- pondering.
vijánáti -- (to) cognize, be conscious (of).
vijjá -- science. (Opp. avijjá.)
viññána -- consciousness, knowing.
vitakka -- thinking, thought.
vipáka -- ripening, result, consequence.
viriya -- energy, exertion.
vedaná -- feeling.
vediyati -- (to) feel.

Sa -- that, the same. (Opp. añña.)
sa- -- with. (Prefix.)
saupádisesa -- with residue.
sakkáya -- person, somebody, personality.
sakkáyaditthi. -- personality-view.
sankhata -- determined.
sankhára -- determination, determinant.
sangha -- Community, Order.
sacca -- truth.
sañcetaná = cetaná.
sañjánáti -- (to) perceive.
saññá -- perception, percept.
saññávedayitanirodha -- cessation of perception and feeling.
sati -- mindfulness, recollection, memory.
satta -- creature, sentient being.
sattama puggala -- seventh individual.
saddhá -- faith, confidence, trust.
saddhánusárí -- faith-follower. (Opp. dhammánusárí.)
sanditthika -- evident, immediately visible.
samádhi -- concentration.
samudaya -- appearing, arising, coming into being.
sampajañña -- awareness.
samphassa = phassa.
sammáditthi -- right view. (Opp. miccháditthi.)
sassataditthi -- eternalist-view. (Opp. ucchedaditthi.)
saláyatana -- six bases.
samsára -- running on (from existence to existence).
sukha -- pleasure. (Opp. dukkha.)
sutavá -- instructed.
sekha -- one in training, (self-)trainer.
so   (see sa).
sotápatti -- attaining of the stream.
sotápanna -- stream-attainer.
somanassa -- joy.

Huram -- yonder.
hetu -- condition (= paccaya).

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