

Ajahn Sumedho

Ajahn Pasanno

Ajahn Amaro

Ajahn Sundara

Ajahn Jitindriya

Talks by Ajahn Sumedho


Venerable Ajahn Sumedho was born in Seattle, Washington, USA in 1934. He left the States in 1964 and took bhikkhu ordination in Nong Khai, N.E. Thailand in 1967. Soon after his ordination, he went to stay with Venerable Ajahn Chah at Wat Pah Pong, a forest monastery in Ubon Province. Ajahn Sumedho eventually stayed there for ten years before being invited to take up residence in England. He is abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery near London, England, and spiritual leader of its many branches.

Click on the talk below to listen.