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Anguttara Nikaya I.21-26

Abhavita Sutta


Translated from the Pali by F.L. Woodward

For free distribution only,
by arrangement with the Buddhist Publication Society

Context of this sutta

From Taming the Mind: Discourses of the Buddha (WH 51), edited by the Buddhist Publication Society, (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1983).

At Savatthi.

"Monks, I know not of any other single thing so intractable as the untamed mind. The untamed mind is indeed a thing untractable.

"Monks, I know not of any other thing so tractable as the tamed mind. The tamed mind is indeed a thing tractable.

"Monks, I know not of any other single thing so conducive to great loss as the untamed mind. The untamed mind indeed conduces to great loss.

"Monks, I know not of any other single thing so conducive to great profit as the tamed mind. The tamed mind indeed conduces to great profit.

"Monks, I know not of any other single thing that brings such woe as the mind that is untamed, uncontrolled, unguarded and unrestrained. Such a mind indeed brings great woe.

"Monks, I know not of any other single thing that brings such bliss as the mind that is tamed, controlled, guarded and restrained. Such a mind indeed brings great bliss."

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998