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Samyutta Nikaya II.19

Uttara Sutta

Uttara the Deva's Son

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

At Rajagaha. As he was standing to one side, Uttara the deva's son recited this verse in the Blessed One's presence:
Life is swept along,
next-to-nothing its span.
For one swept on by aging
    no shelters exist.
Perceiving this danger in death,
one should do deeds of merit
    that bring about bliss.

[The Buddha:]

Life is swept along,
next-to-nothing its span.
For one swept to old age
    no shelters exist.
Perceiving this danger in death,
one should drop the world's bait
    and look for peace.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998