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Samyutta Nikaya XLVIII.44

Pubbakotthaka Sutta

Eastern Gatehouse

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi, at the Eastern Gatehouse. There he addressed Ven. Sariputta: "Sariputta, do you take it on conviction that the faculty of conviction, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation? Do you take it on conviction that the faculty of persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation?"

"Lord, it's not that I take it on conviction in the Blessed One that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation. Those who have not known, seen, penetrated, realized, or attained it by means of discernment would have to take it on conviction in others that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation; whereas those who have known, seen, penetrated, realized, & attained it by means of discernment would have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation. And as for me, I have known, seen, penetrated, realized, & attained it by means of discernment. I have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation."

"Excellent, Sariputta. Excellent. Those who have not known, seen, penetrated, realized, or attained it by means of discernment would have to take it on conviction in others that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation; whereas those who have known, seen, penetrated, realized, & attained it by means of discernment would have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction...persistence...mindfulness...concentration...discernment, when developed & pursued, plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as its goal & consummation."

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998