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Samyutta Nikaya VII.6

Jata Sutta

The Tangle

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. Then the brahmin Jata ("Tangle") Bharadvaja went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After this exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he addressed the Blessed One with a verse:
A tangle within,
a tangle without,
people are entangled
        in a tangle.
Gotama, I ask you this:
    who can untangle this tangle?
[The Buddha:]
A man established in virtue,
developing discernment & mind,
a monk ardent, astute:
    he can untangle this tangle.

Those whose     passion,
            & ignorance
        have faded away,
Arahants, their effluents ended:
    for them the tangle's untangled.

Where name-&-form,
    along with perception
    of impingement & form,
totally stop without trace:
    that's where the tangle
        is cut.

When this was said, the brahmin Jata Bharadvaja said to the Blessed One, "Magnificent, lord, magnificent! In many ways has the Blessed One made the Dhamma clear -- just as if he were to place upright what had been overturned, were to reveal what was hidden, were to show the way to one who was lost, or were to hold up a lamp in the dark so that those with eyes could see forms. I go to the Blessed One for refuge, and to the Dhamma and to the community of monks. Let me obtain the going forth in the Blessed One's presence, let me obtain admission."

Then the brahmin Jata Bharadvaja received the going forth & the admission in the Blessed One's presence. And not long after his admission -- dwelling alone, secluded, heedful, ardent, & resolute -- he in no long time reached & remained in the supreme goal of the holy life, for which clansmen rightly go forth from home into homelessness, knowing & realizing it for himself in the here & now. He knew: "Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for the sake of this world." And so Ven. Bharadvaja became another one of the Arahants.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998