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Sutta Nipata IV.14

Tuvataka Sutta


For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

[A questioner:]
I ask the kinsman of the Sun, the great seer,
about seclusion & the state of peace.
Seeing in what way is a monk unbound,
clinging to nothing in the world?
[The Buddha:]
Through wisdom, he should put
    an entire stop
to the root of the differentiation-classifications:
    'I am.'
He should always train mindfully
to subdue any internal craving.
Whatever truth he may know,
    within or without,
he should not become fixed because of it,
    for that isn't called
    Unbinding by the good.
He should not, because of it, think himself
            lower, or
Touched by contact in various ways,
he should not keep forming conceits about self.
Stilled right within,
he should not seek peace from another.
For one stilled right within,
there's nothing grasped,
    so how rejected?
As in the middle of the sea
    it is still,
with no waves upwelling,
so the monk -- unperturbed, still --
should not swell himself in any way.
[A questioner:]
He whose eyes are open has described
the Dhamma he's witnessed,
subduing danger.
Now tell us, sir, the practice:
the code of discipline & concentration.
[The Buddha:]
One should not be careless with his eyes,
should close his ears to village-talk,
should not hunger for flavors,
or view anything in the world
    as mine.
When touched by contact
he should not lament,
should not covet any state of becoming at all,
or tremble at terrors.
When gaining food & drink,
        staples & cloth,
    he should not make a hoard.
Nor should he be upset
when receiving no gains.

Absorbed, not foot-loose,
            or heedless,
he should live in a noise-less abode.
Not making much of sleep,
ardent, given to wakefulness,
he should abandon sloth, deception,
    laughter, sports,
    fornication, & all that goes with it;
should not practice charms,
    interpret physical marks, dreams,
    the stars, animal cries;
should not be devoted to
    medicine or inducing fertility.

A monk should not tremble at blame
or grow haughty with praise;
should thrust aside stinginess, greed,
divisive speech, anger;
should not buy or sell
or revile anyone in any way;
should not linger in villages,
or flatter people in hopes of gains.

A monk should not boast
or speak with ulterior motive,
should not train in impudence
or speak quarrelsome words;
should not engage in deception
or knowingly cheat;
should not despise others for their
    or practices.
Provoked with many words
from contemplatives or ordinary people,
he should not respond harshly,
for those who retaliate
    are't calm.

Knowing this teaching, inquisitive,
a monk should always train in it mindfully.
Knowing Unbinding as peace,
he should not be heedless of Gotama's message --
for he, the Conqueror unconquered,
witnessed the Dhamma,
    not by hearsay,
    but directly, himself.
So, heedful, one should always train
in line with that Blessed One's message.

Revised: Fri 23 October 1998