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Sutta Nipata V.12


Bhadravudha's Questions

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

I entreat the one
who is very intelligent,
    released, unperturbed --
who has     abandoned home,
        abandoned delight,
        abandoned resemblances,
        cut through craving,
        crossed over the flood.

Having heard the Great One, they will leave --
    the many gathered
    from many lands, hero,
    in hopes of your words.
So tell them, please,
    how this Dhamma has
    been known to you.
The Buddha:
Subdue craving & clinging -- all --
    above, below,
    across, in between. [1]
For whatever people cling to in the world,
    it's through that
    that Mara pursues them.

So a monk, mindful,
    seeing these people
    clinging to entanglement
    as entangled in Death's realm,
should cling to nothing
    in all the world,
        every world.


1. For Nd.II's discussion of the various meanings of the objects of craving "above, below, across, in between," see Note [2] to Sn.V.4 (Mettagu's Question). [Go back]

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998