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Sutta Nipata V.16


Pingiya's Question

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

I'm old & weak,
my complexion dull.
I've blurry eyes
and trouble hearing,
but may I not perish deluded,
Teach me the Dhamma
so that I may know
the abandoning here
    of birth & aging.
The Buddha:
Seeing people suffering
on account of their bodies --
    heedless people are oppressed
    on account of their bodies --
then heedful, Pingiya,
let go of the body
    for the sake of no further becoming.
In the four cardinal directions,
the four intermediate,
above & below
    -- the ten directions --
there is nothing in the world
    unseen, unheard,
    unsensed, uncognized by you.
Teach me the Dhamma
so that I may know
the abandoning here
    of birth & aging.
The Buddha:
Seeing people,
    victims of craving --
    aflame, overwhelmed with aging --
then heedful, Pingiya,
let go of craving
    for the sake of no further becoming.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998