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Sutta Nipata V.8


Hemaka's Question

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

In the past,
before hearing Gotama's teaching,
when anyone explained 'It was,' 'It will be,'
all that was hearsay,
        quoted words.
All that promoted conjecture
and gave me no pleasure.
Now, sage, teach me the Dhamma
demolishing craving,
knowing which, living mindfully,
one would cross over beyond
entanglement in the world.
The Buddha:
Here, Hemaka,
with regard to things that are dear
    -- seen, heard, sensed, & cognized --
there is:    the dispelling of passion & desire,
        the undying state of Unbinding.
Those knowing this, mindful,
    fully unbound
    in the here & now,
are forever calmed,
have crossed over beyond
entanglement in the world.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998