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Verses of the Elder Nuns

See also the Theragatha (Verses of the Elder Monks).

The Therigatha, the ninth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, contains 73 stories in verse form in which the early nuns (bhikkhunis) recount their struggles and accomplishments along the road to arahantship. These stories are told with often heart-breaking honesty and beauty, revealing the human side of these extraordinary women, and thus serve as inspiring reminders of our own potential to follow in their footsteps.

The verses of the Therigatha also serve as a powerful curative to any mistaken notion that the Buddha's teachings are somehow only applicable to -- and effective for -- men. The outstanding heroism and nobility of these pioneering women has served for over two and one-half millennia as an inspiration for all those who have endeavored to practice the Buddha's teachings since -- whether monk, nun, layman, or laywoman. Arahantship is open to all who -- like these exemplary women -- are willing to put forth the effort.

Selected suttas from the Therigatha

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, these suttas were translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Revised: Fri 30 October 1998