Buddhist Studies schools / lineages
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NYINGMA (Old School; School of the Ancient Ones)
FOUNDER: Padmasambhava 9th century
LINEAGES: Mindroling, Palyul, Dorje Trak, Shechen, Dzogchen, Kathok
CENTRAL TEACHINGS: Kama and Terma; Nyin-Thig
MAIN TANTRIC PRACTICE: 3 Innermost Tantras = Mahayoga/Anuyoga/Atiyoga (Dzogchen)
HEAD OF NYINGMA: H.H. Penor Rinpoche
LITERARY WORKS: Tibetan Book of the Dead, Rin-chen Ter-dzod
LAMAS: Sogyal Rinpoche (Rigpa), Chagdud Tulku and Chagdud Khandro, Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche

SAR (New Translation Schools)
FOUNDERS: Tilopa (988-1069), Naropa (1016-1100), Marpa (1012-1096) & Gampopa (1079-1153)
LINEAGES: Marpa / Dagpo / Rechung / Shangpa / Karma / Tsalpa / Barom/ Phagmo / Drikung / Taglung / Trophu / Lingre / / Martsang/ Yelpa / Yazang / Shugseb / Drukpa
MAIN TANTRIC PRACTICE: Six Yogas of Naropa/Chakrasambhava/Mahakala
SPIRITUAL HEADS: H.H. XVII Karmapa Orgyen Thrinley Rinpoche (Karma Kagyu), H.H. XVII Karmapa Thaye Dorje Rinpoche (Karma Kagyu), H.H. Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche (Drikung), H.H. Drikung Chuntsang (Drikung), H.H. Taglung Shabrung (Taglung), H.H. the Gyalwang Drukpa (Drukpa)
LITERARY WORKS: Jewel Ornament of Liberation (Gampopa),
LAMAS : H.E. Shamar Rinpoche (Karma Kagyu), H.E. Pawo Rinpoche (Karma Kagyu), H.E. IX Choegon Rinpoche Chokyi Sengye (Drukpa), H.E. IX Choegon Rinpoche Tenzin Chokyi Gyatsho (Drukpa), H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche (Karma
Kagyu), H.E. Thuksey Rinpoche (Drukpa)...many can be found in the websites of individual lineages such as for Drikung (www.drikung.org) and others.

SAKYA (School that came from the monastery with grey earth walls)
FOUNDER: Khon Konchok Gyelpo 1034-1102
LINEAGES: Ngor, Tsarpa, Ngorpa
MAIN TANTRIC PRACTICE: (Anuttarayogatantra) Hevajra/Mahakala/Chakrasambhava
HEADS OF SAKYA TRADITION: Ngawang Kunga / Sakya Trizin
LAMAS: H.E. Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
LITERARY WORKS: Discrimination of the 3 vows/Treasury of Logic on Valid Cognition
and works of Gorampa Sonam Sengey and others.

GELUGPA (School that came from Gaden Monastery)
FOUNDERS: Atisha 982-1054, Tsongkhapa 1355-1417
LINEAGES: Gaden, Gyume, Drepung, Sera, Tashi Lhunpo and Gyuto
CENTRAL TEACHINGS: Chakrasamvara, Vajrayogini, Kalachakra
HEAD: Ven. Ganden Tripa Rinpoche
LAMAS: HH the Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama/ Ven Yeshi Dhondup, Lama Zopa.
LITERARY WORKS: Lam Rim / Works by Tsongkhapa

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