Buddhist Studies deities and bodhisattvas
The Chinese Pantheon
Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism
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AMITABHA: Buddha of Boundless Light of the Western Paradise
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YAO SHIH FWO: Bhaisajyaguru or the Healing Buddha
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LUNG-NU: Jade Maiden
KUAN SHIH YIN P'USA: Avalokiteshvara
HOAN SHEN-TSAI: Golden Youth
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WEN-SHU-SHIH LI P'USA: Manjushri Bodhisattva
PU HSIEN P'USA: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
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TI-TSANG WANG P'USA: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
Mi-LO FWO: Maitreya Buddha
The Protectors
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KUAN TI: (Sangharama) Protector of Buddhism
WEI-TO: (Skanda) Protector of the Dharma
Si-Ta-Tien-Wang or the Four Great Kings of the Devas
Four Guardian Kings of the four directions represent the protection of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs
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MO-LI CHING: Guardian of East

MO-LI HAI: Guardian of West

MO-LI SHOU: Guardian of North

MO-LI HUNG: Guardian of South

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The 18 LOHANS or Arhats (Arahants)

The Eighteen Lohans

The Lohans' Place in Buddhism

Lohans are well-known for their great wisdom, courage and supernatural power. Due to their abilities to ward off the evil, Lohans have became guardian angels of the Chinese Buddhist temple and there in the main hall standing guard are the ever-present, indomitable-looking 18 Lohan figures, sometimes accompanied by 500 or more lesser Lohans.

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Popular Deities in Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) download as an E-book.

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