Buddhist Studies timelines of buddhist history
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Timeline of Japanese Buddhism
Major Events in Japanese Buddhism
538 or 552 • Buddhism introduced into Japan.
594 C.E. • Imperial Decree Encouraging Buddhism promulgated.
607 • Horyu-ji Temple built, completed in 615 C.E.
621 or 622

• "Commentaries on the Three Scriptures", by Prince Shotoku.


• The Huge Statue of the Vairocana Buddha of the Todai-ji Temple of Nara completed.

770 • One Million Miniature Stupas (Pagodas) built in 794 C.E. Capital moved from Nara to Kyoto.
805 • Saicho (767-822) established Tendai Buddhism.

• Kukai (774-835) established Shingon Buddhism.

822 • The Establishment of the Mahayana Disiplines.
972 • Kuya (903-972), an advocator of the Pure Land Faith, died.

• Genshin (944-1017) wrote the 0-jo-yo-shu (Collection of Essential Documents to Attain the Birth in the Pure Land)


• Ryonin (1072-1132) founded the Yuzu- gatari) written Nembutsu Sect.


Honen (1133-1212) founded the Jodo Sect.


• Eisai (1141-1215) founded the Rinzai Sect of Zen Buddhism.

1224 Shinran (1173-1262) founded the Jodo-Shin Sect.
1227 Dogen (1200-1253) founded the Soto Zen Sect.
1252 • The Huge Image of Amida Buddha at Kamakura cast.

Nichiren (1222-1282) founded the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism.

1275 • Ippen (1239-1289) founded the Ji Sect.
1339 • The Moss-garden of the Saiho-ji Temple in Kyoto built.
1397 • The Kinkaku-ji Temple or the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto built.
1499 • The Rock-garden of the Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto built. • Rennyo (1415-1499), restorer of the Jodo-Shin Sect, died.
1602 • The Jodo-Shin Sect Split into the Higashi (East) and the Nishi (West) Hongan-ji Schools.
1613 • The Danka System or the Family-temple system formed.
1654 • Ingen or Yin-yuan (1592-1673) introduced the Obaku Sect of Zen Buddhism.
1681 • Buddhist Scriptures in Chinese Version published by Tetsugen.

• Buddhism suppressed by the Shintoists. • The Meiji Restoration.

1872 C• elibacy and vegetarianism allowed by governmental permission.
• Ban on Christianity cancelled. • Women admitted to Buddhist temple.

Religions in Japan put under government control.

1934 Taisho Edition of the Buddhist Scriptures in Chinese Version completed in 100 volumes.
1951 • The Religious Juridical Persons Law. • Japan's Peace Treaty enforced signed.
1952 • The Second World Buddhists Conference held in Tokyo.
1959 • Buddha Jayanti, commemorating 2,500 years of Buddhism is held in Japan.
1968 • International Buddhist Exchange Centre incorporated.

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