are the requirements for Bhikkhuni ordination?

Bhikkhuni ordination requires a minimum of 5 bhikkhunis. On
the same day, after having been admitted by the bhikkhuni Sangha,
that woman must be admitted also by a minimum of 5 monks. The
pavattini or bhikkhuni preceptor must have at least 12
years standing as a bhikkhuni who is well versed both in dharma
and vinaya, and also must be appointed as preceptor by both
After having
been admitted women to the Order, it became very popular for
women to join the Order, resulting in a lack of residential
provision. Each Pavattini, then was allowed to give ordination
only every other year. The preceptor is to provide for both
teaching and training for nuns under her guidance, including
taking care of them if they should become ill.
There are
three forms of ordination for monks. First Ehi bhikkhu Upasampada,
an ordination given directly by the Buddha in the early period
with literally no formal ritual. The Buddha simply allowed "Do
become a monk," which was considered a complete ordination.
Next came
ordination by accepting the Triple Gem, namely Buddha, Dharma
and Sangha, as refuge. This was the form of ordination by which
teachers in the early period accepted their disciples to become
Later when
the number of applications became much higher, a more formal
type of ordination was given. It is called natticatuthakammavaca,
with a preceptor with two trainers and minimum chapter of 10
monks to witness the ordination. This is an ordination given
by a sangha, and is the prevalent type of ordination available
in the present day.
There is
yet another type of ordination provided for bhikkhunis. There
was a case of a woman who had completed the ordination procedure
by the bhikkhuni sangha but could not reach the bhikkhu sangha
in another village in the same day as prescribed by the ordination
requirement. In this case, there were some thieves waiting on
the way to abduct her. The Buddha allowed Dutenasampada,
ordination through an appointed ambassador. That is another
bhikkhuni was assigned by the bhikkhuni sangha on behalf of
the bhikkhuni-to-be. This is also considered a rightful ordination.
A woman
who requests bhikkhuni ordination must he at least 20 years
of age, with permission from her parents, having no illness
that would be an obstacle to leading an ordained life. She must
have completed a 2-year training period as sikkhamana
and be able to obtain the basic material requirements e.g. robes,
bowl, etc.