was the attitude of the bhikkhus towards the Buddha's acceptance
of women?

Again there is no direct record from the Buddha's time, partly
because when the Buddha allowed women to join the Order, it
was the Queen Maha Pajapati who approached him. Because of their
close relationship even if some monks may not have approved
of the decision, no one made it known to be sufficient evident
for recording.
But at the
First Council only three months after the Buddha's passing away,
with Maha Kassapa presiding over the council, discontentment
was made known for admitting women to the Order by asking Ananda
to confess that it was his offence for being an important mediator
to approach the Buddha on behalf of women and finally got them
admitted to the Order. Venerable Ananda clearly made his point
that he did not see his intervention as an offence, but with
respect to the Sangha he confessed.
An interesting
incident to be mentioned in this connection is that Maha Kassapa
who presided at this historic council, was not on good terms
with the bhikkhunis. We found an incident recorded when he went
to give teaching to the bhikkhuni Sangha, he was ridiculed by
them as the bhikkhunis expressed their doubts as to how could
he know of any dharma with his brahministic background. Apart
from that, the bhikkhunis also made clear their preference for
Ananda's teaching. This caused Maha Kassapa to be much displeased
and again Venerable Ananda had to intervene asking for forgiveness
from Maha Kassapa on the behalf of the bhikkhunis. This background
incident implies the already existing unpleasant feeling between
Maha Kassapa and the bhikkhuni Sangha. What followed at the
First Council is understandable.