the Buddha's time what role did women play in Buddhism?

I have already given you the picture of what the bhikkhunis
did in the previous pages. Here I would like to mention the
role of Visakha as a case study reflecting on the positive role
of women in Buddhism during the Buddha's time.
was born in a Buddhist family. As a child she used to follow
her grandparents to listen to the teaching of the Buddha. She
was married to an equally wealthy family. Not only was she herself
interested in Buddhism, she was also successful to influence
Singala, the millionaire who was her father-in-law to convert
to Buddhism as well. Because of this, sometimes people addressed
her as "Singalamata" or "mother of Singala"
to honour her.
She had
been so involved in Buddhist circle from childhood that she
was known both to the Buddha and the Sanghas. Her role was not
limited only to following the teaching of the Buddha but she
also played a significant role of consultant as well as regular
supporter. Furthermore, she was equally well versed both in
the Dharma and Vinaya.
When she noticed that some monks were not behaving well she
brought it to the Buddha's attention and as a result rules were
laid down at her request. Two Aniyata rules came into existence
because of her suggestion. Bathrobes for the monks also became
a monastic requirement as suggested by her.
In the role
of a consultant to the Sangha, there was a case of pregnant
bhikkhuni who was expelled by Ven Devadatta. But this bhikkhuni
appealed to the Buddha and insisted upon her purity. The Buddha
ordered the Sangha to reinvestigate and Visakha was invited
to the newly appointed committee to give advice to the Sangha.
Visakha came from a large family. She herself had many children
and grand children, hence an experienced householder. Upon her
investigation she found out that the bhikkhuni was pregnant
before being ordained. When the purity of this bhikkhuni came
to light, the Buddha allowed her to remain without having to
disrobe and the baby was later adopted by the royal family.
played a very significant role as a lay female disciple; she
indeed met the requirement of an established Buddhist who was
responsible for propagating and establishing Buddhism in the
early period.