Forest Sangha Newsletter October 2002
Phra Dhammapariyattimuni
'Phra Dhammapariyattimuni passed away on the 19th of July 2002. He was the Upajjhaya (Preceptor) of Ajahn Sumedho. He was the head monk of Nongkhai Province, Thailand when Ajahn Sumedho received the Pabbajja (Samanera ordination) in July of 1964. He gave the higher ordination (Upasampada) to Ajahn Sumedho in 1967. He, later, resigned his position in Nong Khai in order to become the Abbot of Wat Dhatu Panom province.

He was 84 years old when he died.'

Lay Events at Amaravati 2003
These events provide an opportunity to practice together and explore themes relevant to practice and lay life. They include silent and guided meditation, sutta study groups, yoga, discussion groups and other workshops. All groups are optional so you can participate in silence if you wish. All are welcome.

Days of Practice (no need to book); 10am-5pm (please bring food to share)
Retreats - advance booking essential
  • Fri 5.30pm - 4.00pm on last day
  • January 18 Day of Practice
  • February 22 Day of Practice
  • March 15 Day of Practice
  • April 11- 13 Weekend Lay Retreat
  • May 17 Day of Practice (to be confirmed)
  • May 23-26 3 day Lay Retreat (incl. Bank Holiday)
  • June 28 Day of Practice
  • July 18-20 Weekend Lay Retreat
  • Sept. 12-14 Weekend Lay Retreat
  • Oct. 4 Day of Practice
  • Nov. (to be confirmed)
  • Dec. 6 Day of Practice

  • Themes of events to follow
    For more information please contact: Nick Carroll 020 8740 9748 or Chris Ward 01442 890034
    Organised by the Amaravati Upasaka / Upasika Association (AUA)

    Kathina & Almsgiving ceremonies
    All welcome - for further information please contact the monasteries;
  • Aruna Ratanagiri (Harnham),
        Sunday 27th October
  • Dhammapala (Switzerland), Sunday 27th October
  • Santacittarama (Italy), Sunday 27th October
  • Cittaviveka (Chithurst), Sunday 3rd November
        Contact: Khun Mudita, Tel: 01730 812555
  • Amaravati, Sunday 10th November
        Contact: Rocana for dana offerings on, Tel: 01483 761398
        For volunteer help please contact Anne Jameson, Tel: 01525 229172 or email:

  • 10.00am arrival for 10.30 pindapat.
    Contact: the monastery for further details and use the contact person detailed if you would like to offer any help with any of the arrangements.

    General Notices:
    Nuns' Pilgrimage:
    Ajahn Jitindriya and Sister Anandabodhi are planning to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Places in India in December 2002. If you would like to support them in any way, please contact Jill Osler at 9B Alpha Road, Southville, Bristol, BS3 1DH. Tel 01179 631610. Alternatively, contact the English Sangha Trust secretary stating that it is about the Nuns' Pilgrimage.

    Buddhist/Christian weekends at Turvey Abbey 2003
    • April 4-6 Meister Eckhart: Inner silence and awakening. A contemplatative weekend reflecting on the wisdom of Meister Eckhart through Benedictine Lectio Divina. George Wilson and Sr. Lucy OSB
    • October 3-5 Meditation and Mindfulness. A weekend learning from the wisdom of each other's traditions. A Buddhist nun and Sr. Lucy OSB

    Dhamma Talks Now on CD-Rom
    A number of Sangha members' talks have been compiled into CD-Rom disks and are available for loan from the library at Amaravati and other monasteries.

    Tape Transcription
    Can you type? Do you own a cassette player and a PC? We need people who have some spare time to transcribe talks for publication. This is a rewarding task, however it is not always easy. Some tapes are difficult to hear and transcribing is generally a slow process. If interested please write to:
    nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Khema, 53 Dennis Park Crescent, London SW20 8QH or E-mail to:

    Copying CD's
    More people are requesting copies of Dhamma Talks and chanting on CD. Anyone who has the technology and time to offer help with burning copies please get in touch:
    In case you are not aware of its existence please visit the website at

    Angulimala Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy
    If you are committed Buddhist, who meditates, whose lifestyle is rooted in the five precepts, and who would be interested in offering yourself as a Buddhist prison chaplain please contact:
    Angulimala, The Forest Hermitage,
    Lower Fulbrook, nr Sherbourne,
    Warwickshire, CV35 8AS.