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The Forest Sangha is a world-wide Buddhist community
in the Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah.

Current Issue
Back Issues
Events, Retreats, Teaching
  Groups & Contacts
About the Sangha
Index of Past Articles

The newsletter is printed quarterly, depending on funds and written material. In the spirit of our relationship with lay people, we naturally depend upon donations. Any contributions towards printing/distribution costs can be made to: 'The English Sangha Trust', Amaravati. In that same spirit please let us know if you wish to be put on (or removed from) the hard-copy mailing list, or if you have moved.
For direct mailing of the Newsletter to Thailand, please write directly to Amaravati.
All USA newsletters and sangha literature are distributed by Abhayagiri (see: 'Contacts').
Alternative URL: www.FSnews.cjb.net
Data Protection Act: The Forest Sangha Newsletter mailing list is maintined on computer. If you object to your record being kept let us know.

a digital assortment of dhamma - games - activities
Copyright: The Forest Sangha Newsletter© is edited from material sent to or written at our monasteries in Britain; it is distributed without charge. Comment within is personal reflection only and does not neccessarily represent the opinion of the Sangha as a whole. We welcome appropriate articles and artwork, information for fellow buddhists, or comments on the Newsletter itself. (Please send c/o 'Newsletter' to your local monastery)
For permission to reprint any material please write to the Newsletter Editor c/o Cittaviveka.

Thanks, Apologies & etc....
The original site was built and maintained for several years by Colin Renshaw and we remain very grateful for his work. The current bout of code is by Ajahn Kusalo who hopes he's got it right. Please let me know where I missed -