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Previous issues of Insight Journal and Insight (its predecessor) are no longer available in printed form, but can be freely accessed electronically. Simply click on the article of interest to view a text-only version. The original formatting, including artwork and special characters for Pali words, will soon be available in a downloadable PDF format. The current printed issue of Insight Journal is available by subscription, but will be added to the archive when the following issue comes out.

Volume 20: Spring 2003

Full issue as .pdf (1.6MB)

Teacher Interveiw: Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
The Truth of Interpersonal Suffering: Greg Kramer
The Five Spiritual Powers: Sarah Doering
The Rock Inscriptions of King Ashoka: Andrew Olendzki
Evolving Beyond Delusion: Andrew Olendzki
A Radiance of Nuns: Charlotte Sudhamma Bhikkhuni
A Discussion Among Psychologists: Trudy Goodman, Chris Germer, et. al.
Pali Poetry: The Lonely Forest Dweller

Volume 19: Fall 2002

Teacher Interview: Bhikkhu Bodhi
Instructions for Jhana - Leigh Brasington
On Self-Judgement - Diana Winston
Putting Down the Burden - Thanissaro Bhikkhu
The 4th Foundation of Mindfulness - Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia and Andrew Olendzki
Resistance in Meditation - Bill Morgan
Healing the Wounds of the World - Andrew Olendzki
Sutta Studies: Brahma Vihara Matrix - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: King Pasenadi Goes on a Diet - Andrew Olendzki


Volume 18: Spring 2002

Interview: Paula Green
Full Ordination for Nuns Restored in Sri Lanka - Ven. Ani Jutima
The Buddha Taught Nonviolence, Not Pacifism - Paul Fleischman
Zazen is Not the Same as Meditation - Rev. Issho Fujita
Sutta Studies: Skinny Gotami and the Mustard Seed - Andrew Olendzki
Being Present: An Invitation to Meditation - Michael Liebenson Grady
Pali Poetry: Water Themes - Andrew Olendzki


Volume 17: Fall 2001

Teacher Interview: Ajahn Sundara
TAPAS --Paul Fleischman, M.D.
How to Understand? - Joseph Goldstein
Stillness and Insight - Christina Feldman
Sutta Studies: Healing or Harming? - Andrew Olendzki
A Simple Matter of Choice? - Taraniya
Leaving No Trace -Nancy Waring
Pali Poetry: The Moon Released - Andrew Olendzki


spring 2001 cover

Volume 16: Spring 2001

Teacher Interview: Ajaan Succito
Taking Responsibility for Our Thoughts - Mark W. Muesse
The Wings of the Bodhisattva - Joanna Macy
Sutta Studies: Distortions of the Mind - Andrew Olendzki
The Light of Asia - Sir Edwin Arnold
Snowstorm in a Cabin in the Woods - Paul Fleischman
Body People, Mind People - Larry Rosenberg
Pali Poety: Stealing the Scent - Andrew Olendzki


fall 2000 cover

Volume 15: Fall 2000

Teacher Interview: Myoshin Kelley
An Interview with Judy Phillips, Director of Dharma Seed
The Investigation of Dhammas - Santikaro Bhikkhu

Dharma Talk: Mindfulness - Susan O'Brien

A Zen Look at a Pali Text - Issho Fujita
Sutta Studies: Dhamma Teaching - Andrew Olendzki
Sutta Studies: Cutting the Stream - Andrew Olendzki
Waking up in Relationships - Michael Liebenson Grady
Pali Poety: The Blooming Lotus - Andrew Olendzki


Insight Cover

Volume 14: Spring 2000

Teacher Interview: Thanissaro Bhikkhu
A Tribute to Phil Aranow
The Highest Blessing - Sharon Salzberg

Notes from the Bhavana Program - Taraniya and Andrew Olendzki
Sutta Studies: Three Views of Transience - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: The Healing Medicine of Dhamma - Andrew Olendzki


Insight Cover

Volume 13: Fall 1999

Teacher Interview: Sharda Rogell
Do We Really Believe in Impermanence? -Carol Wilson

The Context of Impermanence - Andrew Olendzki

Sutta Studies: The Thorn in Your Heart - Andrew Olendzki
Anatta: A Practical Approach - Tom Pedulla
Pali Poetry: Like Moths to the Flame - Andrew Olendzki


Insight  Cover

Volume 12: Spring 1999

Teacher Interview: Larry Rosenberg
Dependent Origination -Christina Feldman

Practicing for Awakening: Part II - Jack Engler

Cultivating Equanimity - Narayan Liebenson Grady

Sutta Studies: The Foolish Monkey - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: You Call Yourself a Farmer? - Andrew Olendzki


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Volume 11: Fall 1998

Teacher Interview: Joseph Goldstein
Practicing for Awakening: Part I - Jack Engler

Mindfulness: Gateway Into Experience
- Carol Wilson
One Tool Among Many - Thanissaro Bhikku

Sutta Studies: Upon the Tip of a Needle - Andrew Olendzki

Pali Poetry: Let the Wilderness Serve! - Andrew Olendzki!


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Volume 10: Spring 1998

Teacher Interview: Rodney Smith
Buddhist Engagements: Contemporary Challenges

Working with Fear - Michael Libenson Grady

Sutta Studies: Devadaha Sutta

Pali Poetry: Irresistible Force


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Volume 9: Fall 1997

Teacher Interview: Kamala Masters & Steve Armstrong
Paramis: The Heart of Buddha's Teaching and Our Own Practice - Sylvia Boorstein

The Path of Concentration and Mindfulness - Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Teenage Dharma: The IMS Young Adult Retreat
Sutta Studies: Directed and Undirected Meditation - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: Breaking the Cycle - Andrew Olendzki


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Volume 8: Spring 1997

Teacher Interview: Ruth Denison
Buddhist Psychology: Report from BCBS

Sharon Salzberg on Faith
Sutta Studies: A Tree Called Steadfast - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: No Greater Contentment - Andrew Olendzki


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Volume 7: Fall 1996

Teacher Interview: Martine and Stephen Batchelor
Renunciation - Sister Siripanna

Investigation - Narayan and Michael Liebenson Grady

Sutta Studies: The Tathagata is “Truly Gone” - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: Mara Meets His Match - Andrew Olendzki

Volume 6: Spring 1996

Teacher Interview: Corrado Pensa
Going for Refuge - Tanissaro Bhikkhu
Lions in the Wilderness - Andrew Olendzki
Pali Poetry: A Mother's Blessing - Andrew Olendzki



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