Pali Poetry

translated by Andrew Olendzki


Mother Rain
S 1:80

The rain pours down on weak and strong
As a mother nurtures her child.
The spirits of the rain sustain
All creatures who dwell on the earth.

Slipping Away
Herannakani Thera
Thag 145

Days and nights go hurtling by
Till our lifetime comes to an end.
The life of mortals slips away
—Like the water of tiny streams.

Gurgling Loudly
Nalaka Sutta
Sn 720

Listen to the sound of water
In the clefts and in the gullies:
The tiny streams gurgle loudly
—Mighty waters flow in silence.

Rain Cloud
Annakondanna Thera
Thag 675

Just as a rain-cloud would settle
The dust that’s been raised by the wind,
So all conceptions come to rest
—When one sees clearly with wisdom.