JBE: East Asian Buddhist Studies: A Reference Guide (CJK Version)
ISSN 1076-9005

East Asian Buddhist Studies: A Reference Guide

First Compiled by Robert Buswell

Revised and Expanded by William Bodiford

Copyright 1996 Robert Buswell and William Bodiford. This list may be freely cited and reproduced for non-profit educational purposes provided credits and copyright are fully acknowledged.

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**Suggestions, Evaluations, Feedback Welcome
This document is subject to continuous revision. Please send suggestions for additional entries (with complete bibliographic data), evaluations of the usefulness (or lack thereof) of the references listed below, and/or feedback on how to improve this list to bodiford@ucla.edu
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**Numbers inside square brackets indicate UCLA East Asian Library call numbers (either Harvard-Yenching system or Library of Congress).


Taishoo shinshuu dai zookyoo OEåΔ"ΔVãùOEååUãS [Revised version of the canon, compiled during the Taishoo era]. Ed. Takakusu Junjiroo Ÿ≠"í∂Omega/ƒuY, Watanabe Kaikyoku "nÓ…C√® et al. 100 vols. Tokyo: Taishoo Issaikyoo Kankookai, 1924--1932 [--1935]. Total fascicles: 11,970. [1803 T11 J] The standard edition for scholarship in all areas of East Asian Buddhism. References to Buddhist texts always should include a Taishoo number, where available. Vols. 1--55 are the main canon; vols. 56--84 (produced between 1929--1932) added Japanese works on Buddhism; vol. 85 reprinted newly discovered texts from Tun-huang and indigenous Chinese scriptures; vols. 86--97 (1932--1935), catalogues of iconography; vols. 98--100 (1932--1935), bibliography.

The first edition of the canon edited in consultation with old Japanese manuscript editions of the scripture (some of which date to the 8th century), the main section of the Taishoo consists largely of verbatim reprints of the second Koryô edition of the canon. Texts missing from the Koryô edition were added from other Chinese canons. While the annotation provides alternate readings from other xylographic canons, this is not a true critical edition. The punctuation is frequently wrong---do not hesitate to try a different reading.

Taishoo shinshuu dai zookyoo sakuin OEåΔ"ΔVãùOEååUãSŸõ√ø [Indexes to the Taishoo canon]. 50 vols. (India section, 20 vols.; China section, 14 vols.; Japan section, 16 vols.) Tokyo: Daizoo Shuppan, 1926-1985. [1803 T11 Index J] Rpt. of India and China sections, 31 vols.: Hsin-wen-feng, n.d. [Ref. BQ 1219 T3 C] An indispensable reference tool for tracing terms, texts, and proper nouns through the canon.

Dai Nihon kootei shukusatsu dai zookyoo OEå"ú^{ŸZ,ù∂kŸüOEååUãS [The Tokyo ``small-print'' edition of the canon]. 418 vols. Ed. Fukuda Gyookai, . Tokyo: Kookyoo Shoin, 1880-1885. Total fascicles: 8,534. [NOT at UCLA.]

Based on the second Koryô edition of the canon, the shukusatsu version is generally recognized as the most accurate modern edition available. Although one must provide citations to the Taishoo edition as a standard operating procedure, whenever possible one should also consult this edition. A few texts are found only in this edition, most notably, the most complete collection (10 vols.) of yin-i (Jpn. ongi;≈'-` i.e., traditional Chinese glossaries of Sanskrit terms transliterated into Chinese).

Dai Nihon kootei zookyoo OEå"ú^{ŸZ,ùåUãS [The Kyoto revised version of the canon, popularly known as the Manji edition]. 347 vols. Kyoto: Zookyoo Shoin, 1902--05. Rpt. ed.: Hsiang-kang ying-yin Hsü-tsang-ching wei-yüan-hui, eds. Wan cheng tsang-ching .Â,ùåUãS. Taipei, 1965. 70 vols. Total fascicles: 7,082. [NOT at UCLA.] Only edition of the canon with kundoku `P"Çreadings (of uncertain reliability). Now largely ignored except for a few texts found only in this edition (such as the sayings of Chung-feng Ming-pen). Chinese works not found herein formed the basis for the following supplement:

Dai Nihon zoku zookyoo OEå"ú^{ão/ooåUãS [The Kyoto supplement to the canon]. 750 vols. in 150 cases. Kyoto: Zookyoo Shoin, 1905--1912. Rpt.: Hsiang-kang ying-yin Hsü-tsang-ching wei-yüan-hui, eds. Hsü-tsang ching ão/ooåUãS [Supplement to the canon (listed in ORION under Wan hsü tsang.ÂåUãS)]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Buddhist Association, 1967. 150 vols. [1803 H86] The standard reference for Chinese texts (largely by post-T'ang, Chinese authors) not included in the traditional versions of the canon. Major source for indigenous Chinese Buddhist literature (especially scriptural commentaries, litergies, and records of the Ch'an school). The number of inaccuracies in this edition exceeds even that of the Taishoo. A revised edition (shinsan)ΔV/[ in 100 vols. was published in Japan in 1975, but it is NOT at UCLA.

Saiiki bunka kenkyuukai, eds. Δπ√æ¶≈»`¤-∫≈ïTonkoo Bukkyoo shiryoo "Öà…uÅ-"/OE~¿ [Materials on Tun-huang Buddhism]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1958. [3079 S45 v.1 J]

Tun-huang Ta tsang-ching. "Öà…OEååUãS Taipei: Ch'ien-ching Ch'u-pan-she, 1989. 64 vols. [BQ 1210 1989] Photolithographic reprints of Buddhist manuscripts from Tun-huang.

Koryô taejanggyông Ÿ≠~íOEååUãS [Koryô canon]. 47 vols. Photolithographic reprint; Seoul: Tongguk University Press, 1976. [1803 T77 J] Rpt. of the second Koryô canon (completed ca. 1251), one of only two or three sets of xylographs still extant among the East Asian canons.

Sung Chi-sha-pan Ta tsang-ching OEvâ@Ÿ»o/ooÅOEååUãS [Chi-sha edition of the Sung canon]. 591 vols. Ed. Sung-pan tsang-ching-hui ying-yin. Shang-hai: Sung-pan tsang-ching-hui, 1936. [1803 T73] Reprint of much of the Chi-sha Yen-sheng-yüan edition of the canon (completed ca. 1322), which was rediscovered in 1931. Incomplete sections were filled in with passages taken from later editions of the canon.

Sung-tsang i-chen OEvåU√â,¿ [Rarities from the Sung Canon]. 45 vols. Ed. Shang-hai ying-yin Sung-pan tsang-ching-hui. Shang-hai: Ying-yin Sung-pan tsang-ching hui, 1935. [1803 S95] Reprint of selected works from the Chin-dynasty edition of the canon (completed ca. 1173), which was rediscovered in 1933. Consists of works not found in the Sung Chi-sha-pan Ta tsang-ching, a few of which exist no where else.

Bukkyoo taikei uÅ-"OEÌ`n [Buddhist Systems]. 63 vols. Tokyo: 1917--1938. [NOT at UCLA]. Contains the most useful editions of major Sino-Japanese doctrinal treatises, in which the main texts and principle commentaries are printed in parallel columns. Many of the commentaries contained herein are not available elsewhere.

Dai Nihon Bukkyoo zensho OEå"ú^{uÅ-"OES∂OE [Complete Buddhist Works of Japan]. 150 vols. Tokyo: Bussho Kankookai, 1912--1922. [1803 D14] Use the revised edition: Ed. Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan ~é^Ø…w∂pŸà,c 100 vols. Tokyo: Koodansha, 1970-1973. [BQ 670 D35 1970] In addition to being the most important source for works related to Japanese Buddhism, this collection also contains much that is of use to students of China: catalogues of scriptures, pilgrimage diaries, commentaries on Chinese texts, indexes to Chinese Buddhist histories, etc. Vols. 98--100 of the revised edition contain useful textual studies and indexes by post-war Japanese scholars.

Nihon dai zookyoo "ú^{OEååUãS [Japanese Buddhist Canon]. Ed. Naka Takkei et al. Tokyo: Nihon Daizookyoo Hensankai, 1914--1919. 51 vols. [1803 N57] A collection of the major doctrinal texts of India and China with commentaries (mainly by Japanese monks) arranged in parallel columns. A few of the commentaries found herein are not available elsewhere.

Chung-kuo Fo-ssu chih ,∫ŸOEuÅ/"/u [Gazetteers of Chinese Buddhist Monasteries]. 1st Series, 50 vols. 2d series, 30 vols. 3d series, 30 vols. Taipei: Ming-wen Shu-chü, 1980--1985. [BQ 6344 C49 1980; BQ 6344 C5 1980; BQ 6344 C52 1985] Not ``scripture'' in any sense, these gazetteers represent a major source for studying local histories and popular practices.

Eiin Pekin-ban Chibetto Daizookyoo ≈e√ó^k-1o/ooÅ∞`∞x∞b∞gOEååUãS [English title: The Tibetan Tripitaka]. Ed. Daisetsu T. Suzuki ~é^ØOEåΔÙ Peking edition, reprinted under the supervision of Otani University, Kyoto. 168 vols. [Note: vols. 165--168 are a catalog.] Kyoto: Tibetan Tripitaka Research Institute, 1955-1961. [SRLF]


Comprehensive Catalogues:

Bukkyoo soosho (nanashu) soosakuin uÅ-"OEp∂OE™i/µ/í™jOEŸŸõ√ø [Comprehensive Index to Seven Collections of Buddhist Texts]. Tokyo: Meichoo Fukyuusha, 1984. [Ref. Z 7862.3 B85 1984] Adds three collections (namely Koryô taejanggyông Ÿ≠~íOEååUãS, Dai Nihon Bukkyoo zensho OEå"ú^{ŸZ,ùåUãS, Kokubun toohoo Bukkyoo soosho ŸOE¶"`ûuÅ-"OEp∂OE) to the four collections in the Harvard-Yenching version (next item below).

Harvard-Yenching Institute. Fo-tsang tzu-mu yin-te uÅåU/q^Ú√ø"≤ [English title: Combined indices to the authors and titles in four collections of Buddhist literature]. 3 vols. Sinological Index no. 11. Pei-p'ing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1933. [Ref. 9558 Y58 no. 11] Extremely useful index to authors, translators, titles, and section titles of all works included in the four principle collections of Chinese Buddhist texts: Dai Nihon kootei shukusatsu daizookyoo OEå"ú^{ŸZ,ù∂kŸüOEååUãS, Dai Nihon kootei zookyoo OEå"ú^{ŸZ,ùåUãS, Dai Nihon zoku zookyoo OEå"ú^{ão/ooåUãS, and Taishoo shinshuu dai zookyoo OEåΔ"ΔVãùOEååUãS The only index for finding titles of chapters within larger works.

Nihon Bukkyoo tenseki dai jiten "ú^{uÅ-""TΔ<OEå/«"T [Encyclopedic Bibliography of Japanese Buddhist Texts]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F Tokyo: Yuusankaku, 1986. [Ref. Z 7861 J3N545 1986] Tables of contents for all collections of Buddhist literature and scripture (including Chinese and Korean works) published in Japan.

Nihon Bukkyoo zenshuu soosho shiryoo sooran "ú^{uÅ-"OES∂WOEp∂OE/OE~¿OEŸ~~ [Guide to Collections of Sources and Texts of Japanese Buddhism]. Ed. Oyamada Kazuo ∂¬/R"cuav et al. Tokyo: Hon no Tomosha, 1986. [Ref. Z 7861 J3083 1986] Provides contents of all collections of Buddhist material published in Japan, such as Tendaishuu zensho "VOEä∂@OES∂OE (Complete Works of the Tendai School), etc.

Nihon Bussho mokuroku "ú^{§∂OE^Úu^ [Catalog of Japanese Buddhist Literature]. 1983. Rpt. as part of Hsien-tai Fo-hsüeh ta-hsi (Taipei: Mi-le Ch'ü-pan-she, 1982). [BQ 118 H75 1982 vol. 60]

Ono Genmyoo ∂¬^ì`º^- , ed. Bussho kaisetsu dai jiten §∂OE≈>ΔàOEåç∫"T [Encyclopedia of Buddhist literature with explanations]. 15 vols. Tokyo: Daitoo Shuppan, 1933--1936, 1974, 1988. [Ref. 1807 B96 J] The most comprehensive listing of East Asian Buddhist texts. Provides detailed summaries by recognized experts on each text; alternate titles from catalogues; Sanskrit and Tibetan titles, where appropriate; information on translation. The supplement (Bekkan: Butten sooron Ê…ª™F§"TOEŸu_, 1936) includes biographical information on major translators and complete listings of traditional catalogues. Vols. 11--12 (1974) provide useful overviews and critiques of the works of modern Japanese Buddhist scholars and cover traditional works passed over in the original edition. Vol. 15 (Chosha betsu shomei mokuroku , 1988) consists of a comprehensive index by authors. A Chinese index for vols. 1--10 is available.

Shoowa hooboo mokuroku (Taishoo shinshuu dai zookyoo bekkan) ∂ºua^@ó^Úu^. 3 vols. Tokyo: Taishoo Issaikyoo Kankookai, 1929--1934. [1803 T11 vols. 97--100; Ref. Z 7862.3 F3] Reprints all extant catalogues for every collection of scriptures and edition of the canon known to Japanese scholars ca. 1930.

Taishoo Canon:

Demiéville, Paul, Hubert Durt and Anna Seidel, eds. Répertoire du canon bouddhique Sino-Japonais: Edition de Taishoo. Hooboogirin, appendix volume. Paris: L'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Institut de France, 1978. [Ref. 1809 H85 Supplement J.] Numerical listings of the Taishoo canon; Chapter 2 gives biographical information on all authors and translators cited in the listings. Reviewed: Lewis Lancaster, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1982): 128--131.

Lewis R. Lancaster and Sung-bae Park. The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1979. [Z 7862.3 L35] The most complete catalogue of the canon (but watch for misprints). Provides traditional catalogue references to each work listed, with complete information on Sanskrit and Tibetan editions (where available). May be used with the Taishoo canon by referring to the index of Taishoo numbers. Reviewed by Victor H. Mair, Journal of the American Oriental Society 103--2 (1983), 468--9.

Ta-cheng Hsin-hsiu ta-tsang ching tsung-mu-lu OEåΔ"ΔVãùOEååUãS [Comprehensive catalogue of the Taishoo Revised Canon]. Taipei: Hsin-wen-feng, 1975. [Ref. Z 7860 T35 1975]

Taishoo shinshuu dai zookyoo mokuroku kaitei shinpan OEåΔ"ΔVãùOEååUãS^Úu^≈ü,ùΔVo/ooÅ [Revised and Corrected Catalog of the Taishoo]. Tokyo: Taishoo Shinshuu Issaikyoo Kankookai, 1969. [In progress] Handy one-volume guide to the Taishoo. [UCLA also has the 1930 original edition: Ref. 1803 T11 Cat.]

Ta-tsang ching mu-lu OEååUãS^Úu^. Taipei: Chung-hua Fo-chiao Wen-hua Kuan-ying yin Ta-tsang ching Wei-yuan hui, 1957. [Ref. Z 7860 T35 1957]

Zokuzookyoo ão/ooåUãS:

Maeda, Eun, ed. Dai Nihon zoku zookyoo soomokuroku OEå"ú^{ão/ooåUãSOEŸ^Úu^ [Comprehensive Catalog of the Zokuzookyoo]. Tokyo: Zookyoo Shoin, 1967. [Ref. 1803 D18 Index 1967]

Hsü-tsang-ching yang-pen ão/ooåUãS~l^{. Shanghai: Shang-wu yin-shu-kuan, 1923. [1803 H86 Index C]

Wan Hsü-tsang-ching tsung-mu-lu .Âão/ooåUãSOEŸ^Úu^. Taipei: Hsin-wen-feng, 1977. [NOT at UCLA.]

Koryô Canon Ÿ≠~íOEååUãS:

Kankoku Bussho kaidai jiten …Ø°ree; §∂OE≈>OEèç∫"T [Descriptive Dictionary of Korean Buddhist Texts]. Ed. Tongguk Taehakkyo Pulgyo Munhwa Yôngu so "`°ree; OEå…wŸZ§-"¶≈»`¤-∫∂… Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1982. [Ref. Z 7860 H3616 1982]

Lancaster, Lewis R., and Sung-bae Park. The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1979. [Z 7862.3 L35] The most complete catalogue of the canon (but watch for misprints). Provides traditional catalogue references to each work listed, with complete information on Sanskrit and Tibetan editions (where available). May be used with the Taishoo canon by referring to the index of Taishoo numbers. Reviewed by Victor H. Mair, Journal of the American Oriental Society 103--2 (1983), 468--9.

Tongguk taehakkyo pulgyo munhwa yôn'guso"`°ree; OEå…wŸZ§-"¶≈»`¤-∫∂…, eds. Han'guk pulgyo ch'ansul munhôn ch'ongnok …Ø°ree; uÅ-"/[∂qOEŸu^ [A Comprehensive Catalogue of Korean Buddhist Works and Materials]. Seoul: Tongguk Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu, 1976. [NOT at UCLA.] Complete references to classical Korean Buddhist literature, both extant and nonextant, culling from all catalogue references to works by Korean authors. Lists all extant editions.

Yi Usông et al ~"~CΔ¬ ., eds. Koryô taejanggyông, vol. 48: chongmongnok, haeje, saegin Ÿ≠~íOEååUãSOEŸ^Úu^≈>OEèŸõ√ø [Catalogue to the Koryô canon with Descriptions and Indexes]. Seoul: Tongguk University, 1976. [1803 T77]

________. Kooryoo dai zookyoo soomokuroku, sakuin, kaidai (Nihongo-yaku) Ÿ≠~íOEååUãSOEŸ^Úu^≈>OEèŸõ√ø. Kyoto: Doohoosha, 1978. [1803 T77 1978 J] (Japanese translation of the above)

Nihon Daizookyoo "ú^{OEååUãS:

Omura Seigai, ed. Nihon Daizookyoo bussho kaidai "ú^{OEååUãS§∂OE≈>OEè [Abstract of Buddhist texts in Nihon Daizookyoo]. 2 vols. Tokyo: Zookyoo Shoin, 1922. [Ref. 1807 O57]

Pali Canon:

Nanden dai zookyoo soosakuin "ì.BOEååUãSOEŸŸõ√ø [Comprehensive Index to the Pali Canon]. Ed. Mizuno Koogen. ΔΣ^ìŸO`" 3 vols. Tokyo: Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkookai, 1959--1960. [Ref. 1803 N15 Index]

Tibetan Canon:

Chibetto bunken mokuroku sakuin ∞`∞x∞b∞g¶`£^Úu^Ÿõ√ø [English title: Index to the Catalog of Tibetan works kept in the Ootani University Library]. Kyoto: Ootani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, 1985. [Ref. Z 7861 C6O83 1985]

Chibetto dai zookyoo soo mokuroku (and sakuin) ∞`∞x∞b∞gOEååUãSOEŸ^Úu^™iŸõ√ø™j [Comprehensive Catalog (and Index) of the Tibetan Canon]. 2 vols. Sendai: Toohoku Daigaku Honbu Gakubu, 1934. [Ref. 1897 T57; and Ref. 1897 T57 Index]

Chibetto senjutsu butten mokuroku ∞`∞x∞b∞gΔï∂q§"T^Úu^ [English title: A catalogue of the Toohoku University collection of Tibetan works on Buddhism]. Ed. Kanakura Yenshoo -àOEq°ree;¢∂Æ et al. Sendai: Toohoku Daigaku Bungakubu, 1953. [Ref. 1807 T57t]

Hsi-tsang ta tsang-ching tsung mu-lu. ão/ooåUOEååUãSOEŸ^Úu^ Ed. Yu-ching Po-shou et al. Tai-pei: Mi-le ch'u-pan she, 1982. [SRLF] Rpt. of 1934 Toohoku catalog.

Mibu Taishun, ed. (Taishoo Daigaku shozoo) Chibetto Daizokyoo Narutan-ban Ronshobu mokuroku ™iOEåΔ"OEå"{∂…åU™j∞`∞x∞b∞gOEååUãS∞i∞-∞^∞"o/ooÅu_OE`o/oo^Úu^ [English title: A comparative list of the Tibetan Tripitaka of Narthang edition (Bstan-hgyur division) with the Sde-dge edition]. Tokyo, 1967. [BQ 1279 M5 1967]

Sanskrit and Middle Indic Texts:

Akanuma, Chizen ΔÔ∂À,qOEP Kan-Pa shibu shi-Agon goshoo-roku…¿o/oob/lo/oo/l√¢…Ü∂Æu^ (The Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas and Pali Nikaayas). Nagoya: Hajinkaku Shoboo, 1929. [Ref. 1816 A31 J]

Yamada Ryuujoo /R"c~´∂é. Bongo butten no shobunken: Daijoo Bukkyoo seiritsuron josetsu, shiryoohen 1Δ`ê§"T≠Ì∂OE¶`£™FOEå∂æuÅ-"Δ¬~§u_∂uΔà/OE~¿Ò [Sanskrit Buddhist literature: materials for a primer on the development of Mahaayaana Buddhism]. 1959; reprint ed., Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten, 1981. [1812 Y14 J] References Sanskrit editions; Chinese counterparts; major secondary studies in Western languages and Japanese.



Kokuyaku daizookyoo ŸOE^óOEååUãS [Japanese translation of the canon]. 31 vols. Tokyo: Kokumin Bunko Kankookai, 1927--1928. [1803 K83 J] Japanese yomi-kudashi"Ç≠†≈º≠µ of 59 key texts, all Chinese translations of Indic originals, with introductions and vocabulary notes. Quality is generally good.

Kokuyaku issaikyoo: Indo senjutsubu ŸOE^ó√êΔØãS™F∞C∞"∞hΔï∂qo/oo [Japanese translations of the Scriptures: Works composed in India]. 156 vols. Tokyo: Daitoo Shuppan, 1926--1936. [1803 K85 Ser. 1] Japanese yomi-kudashi of 355 texts (3,300 fascicles) of Chinese translations of Indic Buddhist scriptures, with introductions and vocabulary notes.

Kokuyaku issaikyoo: Wa-Kan senjutsubu ŸOE^ó√êΔØãS™Fua…¿Δï∂qo/oo [Japanese translations of the Scriptures: Works composed in China & Japan]. 66 vols. Tokyo: Daitoo Shuppan, 1936--1945. [1803 K85 Ser. 2]

Nanden dai zookyoo "ì.BOEååUãS [Japanese translations of Paali Buddhist scriptures, including several non-canonical works]. 70 vols. Tokyo, 1935--1945. [1803 N15]

Shoowa shinsan kokuyaku daizookyoo ∂ºuaΔV/[ŸOE^óOEååUãS [Japanese translation of the canon, newly compiled during the Shoowa era]. 48 vols. Tokyo: Toohoo Shoin, 1928--1932. [1803 S55 J] Japanese yomi-kudashi"Ç≠†≈º≠µ of key texts of Indic, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese origin.

Butten kooza§"TŸuŸÀ [Lecture Class on Buddhist Texts]. 42 vols. Tokyo: Daizoo Shuppan, 1971--1992-- [BQ 1217 B87] Japanese yomi-kudashi and translation into modern Japanese, with vocabulary notes, of key texts of Indic and Chinese origin. Although a few volumes stand out, the general quality does not approach that of the best pre-war ``koogi''Ÿu-`-(lecture)-type studies.


Kugyôk ilch'e-kyông°ree; æ¡√êΔØãS [Korean translation of the canon]. Seoul: Tongguk Taehakkyo Yôkkyôngwôn, in progress. [NOT at UCLA.]


De Jong, J.W. [Jan Willem]. ``A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America.'' The Eastern Buddhist, n.s. 7/1 (May 1974): 55--106, and 7/2 (Oct. 1974): 49--82. Rpt. as A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica, no. 33. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1987. Translated into Japanese by Hirakawa Akira as Bukkyoo kenkyuu no rekishi uÅ-"`¤-∫≠Ì~>/j(Tokyo: Shunjuusha, 1983). Valuable survey of the evolution of Buddhist Studies as a humanistic discipline. Major contributions of important Western and Asian scholars discussed.

________. ``Recent Buddhist Studies in Europe and America.'' The Eastern Buddhist, n.s. 17/1 (Spring 1984): 79--107.

Hirakawa Akria ΠΔì∂" , ed. Bukkyoo kenkyuu nyuumon§-"`¤-∫"ü^å [An Introduction to Buddhist Studies]. Tokyo: Daizoo Shuppan, 1984. [BQ 4016 B83 1984] Not as useful as Yamaguchi (below), but provides an overview of principle contributions of recent scholars.

Lancaster, Lewis. ``Buddhist Studies.'' In The Encyclopedia of Religion. 2:554-560.

Yamaguchi, Susumu /R`û≈v et al., eds. Bukkyoogaku josetsu§-"…w∂uΔà [Primer of Buddhist studies]. Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten, 1961. [BQ 4016 B84 J] Survey of Buddhist doctrine, sectarian history, and scriptures, with a concluding chapter on Buddhism and contemporary thought.

Winternitz, Maurice. A History of Indian Literature. Vol. 2: Buddhist Literature and Jaina Literature. Trans. V. Srinivasa Sarma. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983. Survey of Indian Buddhist canonical literature, pp. 1--407. [UCR Rivera;PK2903 W513 1981; NOT at UCLA]

Hayashiya Tomojiroo. ~Ñ≈®~F/ƒuY Kyooroku kenkyuuãSu^`¤-∫ [Studies in scriptural catalogues]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1941. Comprehensive study of this important reference tool for East Asian Buddhist textual criticism. [1803.3 H32 J]


Bukkyoo bunka jiten§-"¶≈»ç∫"T [Encyclopedia of Buddhist Cultures]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F , Yanagawa Keiichi ^öΔì`[√ê , Suganuma Akira Δ"∂ÀŸW , Tamaru Noriyoshi "c…Û"¿OEP Tokyo: Koosei Shuppansha, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4016 B82 1989] Comprehensive treatment of Buddhism's impact on Asian cultures down to modern times. Good for brief overviews of the broad sociological, artistic, political (etc.) developments ignored by traditional Buddhist reference works.

Bukkyoo dai jii§-"OEå/«¸b [Encyclopedic Buddhist Glossary]. 6 vols. Ed. Ryuukoku University Buddhist Studies Department. 1935. Rpt. 7 vols. Tokyo: Fuzanboo, 1972. [Ref. 1810 R99] Especially useful for Pure Land doctrines, but also unusually detailed coverage of plants, icons, proper names, and rituals.

Bukkyoo tetsugaku dai jiten§-""N…wOEå/«"T [(The Sookagakkai) Encyclopedia of Buddhist Philosophy]. Ed. Ikeda Daisaku ,r"cOEåŸì and Sooka Gakkai Kyoogakubu. 6 vols. Tokyo: Sooka Gakkai, 1964-1970. [Ref. BQ 130 B832] Sookagakkai interpretations of Buddhist terms. Useful for studying works of Nichiren; suspect for other strata of materials.

Doré, Henri. Researches sur les superstitions chinoises. 18 vols. 1911-1918. [DS 703.4 V42 no. 32, etc.] Partial trans. M. Kennelly, D.J. Finn, and L.F. McGreat, Researches Into Chinese Superstitions. 11 vols. Shanghai, 1914--1938. Rpt. Taipei, 1966-1967. [UCLA has only vols. 1--8; GR 335 D73r]

Eliade, Mircea, ed. The Encyclopedia of Religion. 15 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1987. [URL Ref. Room: Ref. BL 31 E46] Contains state-of-the-art articles (many with extensive bibliographies) by the best contemporary scholars; coverage includes Buddhist history, ideology, and terminology.

Encyclopedia of Asian History. 4 vols. Ed. Ainslie T. Embree. New York: Scribner, 1988. [College Ref. Room: DS31 .E53 1988]

Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Ed. G.P. Malalasekera. Colombo: Government of Ceylon, 1961--1992--. [URL Ref. Room: BL 1403 E56]. Complete only through vol. 5, fasc. 3: from ``A'' to ``Hung-i (1822--1942).''

Fo-kuang ta tz'u-tienuÅ`õOEåç∫"T [Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Buddha Light]. 8 vols. Ed. Hsing-yun. T'ai-wan: Fo-kuang Ch'u-pan she, 1989; Rpt. Peking: Commercial Press, 1993. [Ref. BQ 130 F65 1993] The best Chinese-to-Chinese dictionary of Buddhism, occasionally lists information not found even in Japanese dictionaries.

Groot, Jan Jakob Maria de. The Religious System of China. 6 vols. Leiden, 1892-1910. [BL 1801 G89r]

Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Ed. James Hastings. 13 vols. New York, 1908--1926. [URL Ref. Room: BL 31 E4] The sections on Buddhism still stand as testaments to the high levels of scholarship attained by early scholars of the ``French School.''

Hooboogirin: Dictionnaire encyclopédique du bouddhisme d'après les sources chinoise et japonaises. Paul Demiéville, editor-in-chief. Tokyo: 1929--1983--1995--. [1809 H65 J] More a collection of research articles than encyclopedic surveys; by top international Buddhologists. Entries listed by Japanese romanization, but in Roman order. Complete only through ``Daishi'' (vol. 7).

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 18 vols. Ed. David L. Stills (New York: Macmillan, 1968) [URL Ref. Room: H 40 A2I5]

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Ed. Itasaka Gen. 9 vols. Tokyo: Koodansha, 1983. [URL Ref. Room: DS 805 .K633]

Mochizuki Shinkoo ^]`/ΔM-¸. Bukkyoo dai jiten§-"OEåç∫"T [Encyclopedia of Buddhism]. 7 vols., 1933--1936. Rev. ed. 10 vols. Kyoto: Seikai Seiten Kankoo Kyookai, 1954--1963. [Ref. 1810 M71 1954 J] Popularly known as the Mochizuki jiten. The definitive source for all areas of East Asian Buddhist studies. Useful for its numerous citations of original sources. Principally for research use, not quick reference. A Chinese index for vols. 1--6 is available. Note that vols. 1--7, 8, and 9--10 are indexed separately.

New Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 32 vols. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1992. [URL Ref. Room: AE5 .E562 1992] Entries in the ``Macropoedia'' (vols. 13--29) are quite detailed.

Renou, Louis and Jean Filliozat. L'Inde Classique. 2 vols. Paris, 1947. [DS 425 R29]



Fo-kuang ta tz'u-tienuÅ`õOEåç∫"T [Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Buddha Light]. 8 vols. Ed. Hsing-yun. T'ai-wan: Fo-kuang Ch'u-pan she uÅ`õ∂oo/ooÅ/<, 1989; Rpt. Peking: Commercial Press, 1993. [Ref. BQ 130 F65 1993] The best Chinese-to-Chinese dictionary of Buddhism, occasionally lists information not found even in Japanese dictionaries.

Sun, Tsu-lieh. Fo-hsüeh hsiao tz'u-tienuÅ"{∂¬ç∫"T [Concise dictionary of Buddhist studies]. Shanghai: Shang-hai I-hsüeh Shu-chü, 1928. [Ref. 1810 S95 C]

Ting Fu-pao, ed. Fo-hsüeh ta-tz'u-tien uÅ"{OEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Buddhist doctrinal terminology]. 1925; reprint ed., Peking: Wen-wu Ch'u-p'an-she, 1984. [BQ 130 T56 1984; Ref. 1810 T49 C] Widely used for Buddhist studies until the publication of the Fo-kuang dictionary, the Ting dictionary mainly consists of a translation of Oda Tokunoo's Japanese Bukkyoo dai jiten. Some textual references.


Rosenberg, Otto. Introduction to the Study of Buddhism according to the Material Preserved in Japan and China. Part 1 Vocabulary. A survey of Buddhist terms and names arranged according to radicals with Japanese reading and Sanscrit equivalents. Tokyo, 1916. [NOT at UCLA.] Chrestomathy of Chinese Buddhist doctrinal terms, citing references in sixteen earlier Japanese dictionaries where discussion of the term is found. Especially useful for Chinese transliterations of Sanskrit.

Soothill, William Edward and Lewis Hodous. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. 1937; reprint ed., Taipei, 1962. [URL Ref. Room: BL 1403 S71d; E.A. Lib. Ref. BQ 130 S65 1982; Ref. 1810 S71 1962 C] Definitions are generally accurate for T'ien-t'ai texts, but very superficial. Not always reliable for other strata of material.

Muller, A. Charles, ed. A CJK-English Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist Terms …¿…Ø"ú™\≈puÅ-"`êç∫"T. Internet (Web) -based dictionary in progress, focusing on all Buddhist terminology from Chinese, Korean and Japanese Buddhism in CJK logographic language. Compiler seeking contributions from scholars of Buddhism; (http://www2.gol.com/users/acmuller/re-bdict.htm)


Byodo, Tsusho, ed. Kokugo ni haitta Bongo jitenŸOE`ê≠É"ü≠Á≠Π1Δ`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Sanskrit words that have entered the Japanese Language]. Tokyo: Nakayama Shobo, 1978. [Ref. PL 664 S3B92]

Bukkyoo dai jiten: Buddhica §-"OEå/«"T™F≠a≠≠≥≠≥≠√≠≈≠∞≠™ [Comprehensive Dictionary of Buddhica]. Ed. Furuta Shookin `Ã"c∂<-Ô et al. Tokyo: Shoogakkan, 1988. [Ref. BQ 130 B83 1988]

Bukkyoo Indo shisoo jiten §-"∞C∞"∞h/vOEz/«"T [Dictionary of Indian and Buddhist Thought]. Ed. Hayashima Kyooshoo OE™"Omega-≤Δ" and Takasaki Jikidoo Ÿ≠Ÿè,π"' Tokyo: Shunjuusha, 1987. [Ref. BQ 130 B85 1987]

Iwamoto Yutaka …â^{~T Nihon Bukkyoogo jiten "ú^{§-"`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist terms]. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1988. [Ref. BQ 130 I94 1988] Based on how Buddhist terms are used in pre-modern literature. Extremely useful for Japanese popular understandings of Buddhist vocabulary.

Iwanami Bukkyoo jiten …âo/oog§-"/«"T [The Iwanami Dictionary of Buddhism]. Ed. Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`" Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1989. [Ref. BQ 130 I95 1989] Probably the best of the recently published Japanese one-volume dictionaries of Buddhism.

Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`" Bukkyoogo dai jiten uÅ-"`êOEå/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist technical terms]. 3 vols. Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1975. [Ref. BQ 130 N34 J] Doctrinal terms only; no proper nouns. Best dictionary for correct Japanese pronunciation of Buddhist terms; good for Sanskrit equivalencies, but explanations tend to be too simplistic.

________. Zusetsu Bukkyoogo dai jiten Δ}ΔàuÅ-"`êOEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Buddhist iconographic terms]. Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1988. [Ref. BQ 130 N35 1988]

________. Shin Bukkyoo jiten ΔVuÅ-"/«"T [New (concise) Buddhist Dictionary]. 1962. Rev. ed. Tokyo: Sieshin Shoboo, 1980. [Ref. 1810 N14] Simple explanations, but useful for thematic entries on modern concepts such as ``love,'' or ``Indian Buddhism.''

Oda Tokunoo ΔD"c"≤o/oo\ Bukkyoo dai jiten uÅ-"OEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Buddhism]. Tokyo: Ookura Shoten, 1920. [Ref. 1810 O22 1920 J; Ref. BL 1403 O3 1931] Popularly known as the Oda jitenΔD"c/«"T. One of the best small dictionaries for quick reference to traditional explanations of doctrinal terms.

Taya Raishun OEΠ≈®~…∂r et al., ed. Bukkyoogaku jiten §-"…w/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist doctrines]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1957. [Ref. 1810 T21 J] Popularly known as the Taya jitenOEΠ≈®/«"T >. Concise but detailed treatment of standard doctrinal terms. Extremely useful.

Ui Hakuju ≈F√äo/oo`/õ , ed. (Konsaisu) Bukkyoo jiten ∞R∞"∞T∞C∞XuÅ-"/«"T [Concise Buddhist Dictionary]. Tokyo: Daitoo Shuppan, 1938. [Ref. 1810 B86] Popularly known as the Ui jiten≈F√ä/«"T. In spite of its small size this pioneering effort still contains more entries than any other dictionary. Some of its entires (such as ryakuji, ``abbreviated characters'') are uniquely useful.


Cho Myônggi æâ^≤…î and Min Yônggyu è{≈j`] , eds. Han'guk pulgyo taesajôn …Ø°ree; uÅ-"OEåç∫"T [Encyclopedia of Korean Buddhism]. 7 vols. Seoul: Poryôn'gak, 1982. [Ref. BQ 128 H36 1982]

Yi Unhô ed. Pulgyo sajôn uÅ-"/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhism]. 1961; Rpt. Seoul: Hongbôbwôn, 1971. [Ref. BQ 130 Y5 1987] For quick reference only.


A Dictionary of Buddhism: Chinese-Sanskrit-English-Thai. Bangkok: Chinese Buddhist Order of Sangha in Thailand [sic], 1976. [Available through Northern Regional Library Facility, 415/642--6233; NOT at UCLA] Occasionally useful for numerical lists and for deciphering the Chinese transliterations of Sanskrit proper names.


Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Nichi-Ei Bukkyoo jiten). Kyoto: Daitoo Shuppansha, 1965. [Ref. 1810 J27 J] Arranged by romanized Japanese pronunciation of Buddhist terms; kanji index. Inadequate even for proper nouns; doctrinal definitions are too simple. Avoid using.

Inagaki, Hisao √î…_-v~Y A Glossary of Zen Terms. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshoodoo, 1991. [Ref. BQ 9259 I54 1991] Not very useful.

Inagaki, Hisao √î…_-v~Y , with P.G. O'Neill. A Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Terms: Based on References in Japanese Literature. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshoodoo, 1984. [URL Ref. room: BQ 678 I63 1985] 3d ed. 1988. [Ref. BQ 130 I53 1988] Terms referenced derive primarily from Japanese Heian- and Kamakura-period literature. Many important Buddhist terms not common in literature were omitted.

Terminology---Numerical Lists:

Ta-chi fa-men ching OEå∂W^@^å-" [Great collection of dharma doctrines]. T no. 12, 1:226c--233b. Most Nikaaya (i.e., Himnayaana) numerical lists included systematically.

Ting Fu-pao and Huang Chung-li, eds. San-tsang fa-shu /OOE ^@vÉ [Dharma lists from the canon]. Taipei: Hsin-wen-feng, 1980. [In process]

Yi-ju (d. 1435) et al., eds. Ta-Ming san-tsang fa-shu OEå^≤/OOE ^@vÉ [Dharma lists from the canon of the great Ming (dynasty)]. In 50 chüan. Rpt. ed.: Taipei: Hsin-wen-feng, 1978. Arranged in numerical order, from 1 through 84,000; index at beginning.


Akanuma Chizen ΔÔ∂À,qOEP Indo Bukkyoo koyuu meishi jiten √ó"xuÅ-"`Å~L^π/`/«"T [Dictionary of Indian Buddhist proper nouns]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1967. [Ref. 1810 A31 J] Pali words arranged according to Roman alphabet, and Chinese transliterations, with references to Taishoo and Pali Text Society editions.

Kumoi Shoozen ≈_√ä∂ºOEP. Pa-Wa shoo jiten o/oobua∂¬/«"T [Concise dictionary of Pali and Japanese]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1961. [K 96 1961 J] Arranged in Pali order; provides Sanskrit, various Chinese equivalents, and Japanese definition.

Mizuno Koogen ΔΣ^ìŸO`" Paarigo jiten ∞p™[∞…`ê/«"T [Paali-Japanese Dictionary]. Tokyo: Shunjusha, 1968. [Ref. 5975.05 M69]


Buddhadatta, Ambalangoda. English-Pali Dictionary. Columbo: Buddhist Publication Society, 1955. [PK 1091 B85e]

Nyanatiloka. Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines. Third revised and enlarged ed. Colombo, Frewin and Co., 1972. [BQ 130 N9 1983]

Rhys Davids, T.W. and William Stede, eds. Pali-English Dictionary. 1921-1925. Rpt. ed., London: Pali Text Society, 1972. [PK 1091 P15p 1975]


Monier-Williams, Sir Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 1899; reprint ed., Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. [UCB PK933 M62; UCLA Indo-European Library, top floor of Royce]

Edgerton, Franklin. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. [UCLA Indo-European Library, top floor of Royce] Includes only those terms used exclusively or peculiarly in Buddhist texts (does not list nirvaanDa, for example).

Conze, Edward. Materials for a Dictionary of the Prajñaapaaramitaa Literature. Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1967. [UCR Rivera; PK965 C65; NOT at UCLA] Valuable for English equivalences of Sanskrit Mahaayaana Buddhist terms. Arranged in Sanskrit alphabetical order.

Terminology---Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese (& Japanese or English):

Bukkyoo Indo shisoo jiten uÅ-"∞C∞"∞h/vOEz/«"T [Dictionary of Indian and Buddhist Thought]. Ed. Hayashima Kyooshoo OE™"Omega-≤Δ" , Takasaki Jikidoo Ÿ≠Ÿè,π"' Tokyo: Shunjuusha, 1987. [Ref. BQ 130 B85 1987]

De Koros, Alexander Csoma. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahaavyutpatti. Buddhica, no. 8. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982. [PL 3636 K67 1980] Important for numerical lists and Sanskrit-Chinese equivalencies. NOTE: The Ogiwara version of the Mahaavyutpatti is more useful (see additional comments under that entry).

Ekoo (1656--1737). Kikitsu yakudoshuu 1k-k√Õ"y∂W [Collection of (Flowering) Trees (that Bloom Differently when) Transplanted to Different Lands]. 26 fasc. Rpt. as Bongo jiten 1Δ`ê/«"T [Sanskrit-Japanese Dictionary]. Tokyo: Tetsugakkan, 1898. [Ref. BQ 133 E36]

Fa-yün (1088--1158). Fan-i ming-i chi ^|^ó^π-`∂W(Jpn. Hon'yaku myoogishuu) [Collection of Translated Terms], 1143. 7 vols. in 1 case. 1628 Japanese wood-block print. [Ref. 1810 F19] This work is a Sanskrit-Chinese dictionary and a study of the various Chinese translations in use for Sanskrit Buddhist terms. This 1628 edition is the oldest extant version of this text---truly a rare treasure! [NOTE: When considering traditional Chinese glossaries of transliteratied terms, do not forget the various yin-i (Jpn. ongi≈'-`, ``transcription dictionaries'') included in scripture collections.]

Maruyama Tatsuon, ed. Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary of dharanis. [Japanese title: Darani jiten].OEÉ~Σ"ò/«"T Reproduced by Lokesh Chandra. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1981. [BL 1000 S253 v.275]

Ogiwara Unrai [A.k.a., Wogihara Unrai], ed. Bon-Wa dai jiten 1ΔuaOEåç∫"T [originally subtitled: The Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary of Buddhist Technical Terms based on the Mahaavyutpatti]. Tokyo, 1915. 20 fascicles. Rpt. Tokyo: Sankiboo, 1959. [Ref. 1810 W82 1959] Revised ed. Tokyo: Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan, 1934--1974. [PK 951 K33 1979 (E.A. Lib.)] The Mahaavyutpatti was compiled as a Sanskrit-Tibetan translation guide in 8th--9th century Tibet. During the Mongol rule Chinese equivalencies were added, and during the Ming dynasty Mongolian was added. Ogiwara's version marks errors with ``!'' and places corrections in brackets, as well as adding many new entries. Arranged in Sanskrit alphabetical order. Includes Chinese equivalencies and/or Japanese definitions, and Sanskrit textual references.

Sasaki Ryoozaburoo, ed. (Bon-Zoo Kan-Wa shiyaku taikoo) Honyaku myoogishuu 1ΔåU…¿ua/l^ó"o/ooŸZ^|^ó^π-`∂W [(Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese Four Language Edition of) The Mahaavyutpatti]. 2 vols. Kyoto, 1916. [NOT at UCLA.] The Chinese translations in this version are even better than Ogiwara's 1915 edition, but the index is not as complete.

Wogihara Unrai. See Ogiwara Unrai


Das, Sarat Chandra, 1849-1917. Tibetan-English Buddhist historical glossary. Corrected by S.K. Gupta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1990. [BQ 266 D37 1990]

Rigzin, Tsepak. Nan don rig pa'i min tshig Bod-Dbyin san sbyar [English title: Tibetan-English dictionary of Buddhist terminology]. Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1986. [BQ 130 R54 1986]

Biographical Dictionaries and Personal Names (Includes Non-Buddhist):

Akanuma Chizen ΔÔ∂À,qOEP Indo Bukkyoo koyuu meishi jiten ∞C∞"∞huÅ-"`Å~L^π/`/«"T [Dictionary of Indian Buddhist proper nouns]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1967. [Ref. 1810 A31 J] Pali words arranged according to Roman alphabet, and Chinese transliterations, with references to Taishoo and Pali Text Society editions.

Ch'en Yüan. Shih-shih i-nien lu ç◊/™-^o/ooNu^ [Birth- and death-dates of Buddhist monks]. Peking: Chung-hua Shu-chü, 1964. [Ref. 1898 C42 C] Rpt. (with index) as part of Hsien-tai Fo-hsüeh ta-hsi (Taipei: Mi-le Ch'ü-pan-she, 1982). [BQ 118 H75 1982 v. 3] Invaluable source for dating of Chinese monks, from 200-1698, arranged chronologically. An index to the book, arranged by the final character of the monks' names, is available in the next item:

Chao Wei-pang and Yeh Te-lu, compilers. ``Shih-shih i-nien-lu t'ung-chien.'' Fu-jen hsüeh-chih 9--2 (Dec., 1940). 16 pp. (See reference in Teng and Biggerstaff, p. 175.) [NOT at UCLA.]

Chuugoku bungaku senmonka jiten ,∫ŸOE¶…wΔê^å≈Æ/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Specialists in Chinese Literature]. Tokyo: Nichigai Association, 1980. [PL 3044 C5]

Chuugoku jinmei jiten: kodai kara gendai made ,∫ŸOEΔl^π/«"T™F`ÃOEã≠©≠ç`»OEã≠Ü≠Å [Biographical Dictionary of China from Ancient to Modern Times]. Tokyo: Nichigai Association, 1993. [Ref. DS 734 C484 1993]

Doomei ijin jiten "=^π√ÙΔl/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Famous Japanese with the Same Names]. Tokyo: Nichigai Association, 1988. [Ref. CS 3000 D66 1988]

Doosei iyomi jinmei jiten "=Δ©√Ù"Ç≠†Δl^π/«"T [Dictionary of Names Written the Same, but Read Differently]. Tokyo: Nichigai Association, 1988. [Ref. CS 3000 D67 1988]

Go, betsumei jiten Ÿ∫™AÊ^π/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Pseudonyms and Literary Names]. Ed. Nichigai Association. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1990. [Ref. Z 1087 J3G6 1990]

Haga Noboru et al. Nihon josei jinmei jiten "ú^{∂~Δ«Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Women]. Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Senta, 1993. [Ref. CT 3730 N54 1993]

Jinmei yomikata jiten Δl^π"Ç≠†û/«"T [Dictionary of Readings of Japanese Names]. 2 vols. Ed. Nichigai Association. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1983. [Ref. CS 3000 J55 1983] Revised edition: Jinmei yomikata jiten [English title: Guide to reading of each Japanese family names]. Edited by Nichigai Asoshietsu. 2 vols. Tokyo: Nichigai Asoshietsu and Kinokuniya Shoten, 1994. [Ref. CS 3000 J55 1994] Vol. 1 covers family names and vol. 2 covers personal names.

Kaimyoo hoomyoo shingoo senreimei dai jiten ≈ú^π™A^@^π™AΔ_Ÿ∫™AΔô~ç^πOEå/^"T [Dictionary of Buddhist posthumous and honorary names]. Tokyo: Kamakura Shinsho, 1981. [Ref. BQ 5020 K34 1981 J]

Kokusho jinmei jiten ŸOE∂OEΔl^π/^"T [Biographical Dictionary of National Authors]. 2 vols. Edited by Ichikoo Teiji et al. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1993--1995. Provides biographical information about every single known Japanese author. Includes entries for many individuals not discussed in any other reference work.

Malalasekera, George Peiris. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. 2 vols. 1st Indian ed., New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Co., 1983. [PK*1095 M3 1985]

Nakano Takashi. Nihon meisoo jiten "ú^{^πOEm/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Monks and Nuns]. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1976. [Ref. BQ 843 J3N32]

Nihon Bukkyoo jinmei jiten "ú^{uÅ-"Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Buddhism]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1992. [Ref. BQ 683 N54 1992]

Nihon josei jinmei jiten "ú^{∂~Δ«Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Women]. Ed. Haga Noboru et al. Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Senta, 1993. [Ref. CT 3730 N54 1993]

Saigusa Mitsuyoshi, ed. Indo Bukkyoo jinmei jiten ∞C∞"∞huÅ-"Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Indian Buddhism]. Kyoto: Hoozokan, 1987. [Ref. BQ 342 S25 1987]

Shih, Ming-fu, ed. Chung-kuo Fo-chiao jen-ming tz'u-tien ,∫ŸOEuÅ-"Δl^π/«"T [Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist personal names]. Taipei: Fang-chou Ch'u-p'an-she, 1974. [Ref. BQ 634 M56 C]

Saitoo, Akitoshi ŸÖ"¡∂º∂r Nihon Bukkyoo jinmei jiten "ú^{uÅ-"Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Buddhism]. Tokyo: Shinjinbutsu Ooraisha, 1986. [Ref. BQ 683 S25 1986]

________, ed. Tooyoo Bukkyoo jinmei jiten "`~muÅ-"Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Oriental Buddhism]. Tokyo: Shinjinbutsu Ooraisha, 1988. [Ref. BQ 840 T69 1989]

Shintoo jinmei jiten Δ_"'Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Shintoo]. Tokyo: Jinja Shinpoosha, 1986. [Ref. BL 2219.7 S45 1986]

Shiruku roodo oorai jinbutsu jiten ∞V∞-∞N™E∞Ÿ™[∞h≈v~√Δl¨/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Traverlers of the Silk Route]. Ed. Toodaiji Kyoogakubu. Kyoto: Doohoosha, 1988. [DS 532 S54 1989]

Tooyoo jinbutsu refarensu jiten "`~mΔl¨∞`∞t∞@∞`∞"∞X/«"T [Biographical Reference Dictionary of Orientals]. 2 vols. Tokyo: Nichigai Association, 1984. [Ref. CT 1498 T68 1984]

Buddhist Icons:

Akiyama, Shookai ∂H/RΔ"o/ooü Butsuzoo insoo dai jiten §OE¸√óOE…OEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Mudra in Buddhist Images]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1985. [Ref. BQ 5125 M8A383 1985]

Akiyama, Shookai ∂H/RΔ"o/ooü Butsuzoo sooshoku mochimono dai jiten §OE¸OE∂ü/v≠¿¨OEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Decorations and Regalia of Buddhist Images]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1985. [Ref. BQ 5100 A56 1985]

Bunce, Fredrick W. An encyclopaedia of Buddhist deities, demigods, godlings, saints, and demons with special focus on iconographic attributes. 2 vols. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 1994. [URL Ref. BQ 130 B88 1994]

Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`" Zusetsu Bukkyoogo dai jiten Δ}ΔàuÅ-"`êOEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Buddhist iconographic terms]. Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1988. [Ref. BQ 130 N35 1988]

Butsuzoo jiten §OE¸/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Images]. Ed. Kuno Takeshi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo shuppan, 1975. [Ref. NB 1053 K82]

Butsuzoo miwakekata jiten §OE¸`©ª≠=≠©≠Π/«"T [Dictionary for Distinguishing Buddhist Images]. Ed. Ashida Shoojiroo √°"cΔ"/ƒuY Tokyo: Hokushindoo, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4630 A85 1989]

Nihon Butsuzoo meihoo jiten "ú^{§OE¸^πó/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Icons and Treasures]. Ed. Kuno Takeshi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1984. [Ref. N 8193 J3K86 1984]

Nihon sekibutsu jiten "ú^{ΔΧ/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Sepulchral Monuments]. Ed. Kooshin Konwakai. 2d ed. Tokyo: Yuusankaku, 1980. [Ref. NB 1053 N53 1980]

Nihon sekibutsu zuuten "ú^{ΔΧΔ}"T [Iconographic Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Sepulchral Monuments]. Ed. Nihon Sekibutsu Kyookai. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1986. [Ref. NB 1053 N54]

Sekibutsu geju jiten ΔΧuóèñ/«"T [Dictionary of Inscriptions and Verses found on Japanese Buddhist Sepulchral Monuments]. Ed. Katoo Masahisa ≈Á"¡Δ--v Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1990. [Ref. BQ 249 J3K38 1990]

(Shinpen) Nihon Jizoo jiten ™iΔVÒ™j"ú^{,nOE /«"T [Dictionary of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in Japan (new edition)]. Ed. Motoyama Keisen. Rev. ed. Okumura Hirozumi. Tokyo: Murata Shoten, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4710 K74J366 1989]

Tooyoo Butsuzoo meihoo jiten "`~m§OE¸^πó/«"T [Dictionary of Oriental Buddhist Icons and Treasures]. Ed. Kuno Takeshi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1986. [Ref. N 8193 T69]

Buddhist History:

Yamazaki Hiroshi and Kosahara Kazuo, eds. Bukkyooshi nenpyoo uÅ-"/jo/ooN\ [Chronology of Buddhist history]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1979. [Ref. BQ 274 B84 J] East Asia only.

Kamata Shigeo …."c^Î~Y , ed. Chuugoku Bukkyooshi jiten ,∫ŸOEuÅ-"/j/«"T [Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist history]. Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1981. [Ref. BQ 610 C48] Handy summaries of major texts and brief biographies of principal figures in the Chinese tradition.

Oono Tatsunosuke OEå^ì,Bo/ooV∂ , ed. Nihon Bukkyooshi jiten "ú^{uÅ-"/j/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist history. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1979. [Ref. BQ 670 N537]

Prebish, Charles S. Historical Dictionary of Buddhism. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1993. [College Reference BQ 130 P74 1993]

Bukkyoo nenpyoo uÅ-"o/ooN\ [Chronological Tables of Buddhism]. Ed. Saitoo Akitoshi ŸÖ"¡∂º∂r Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ooraisha, 1994. [Ref. BQ 274 B94 1994]

Buddhist Proverbs and Famous Sayings:

Bukkyoo gogen sansaku jiten uÅ-"`ê`'/UŸô/«"T [Dictionary of Random Walks Through Buddhist Language]. Ed. Fujii Sootetsu "¡√ä∂@"N Tokyo: Sotakusha, 1993. [In progress]

Bukkyoo hiyu reiwa jiten uÅ-"o/ooä°ree;g~áub/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Metaphors]. Ed. Mori Shooji ΔX∂Í/i Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1987. [Ref. BQ 133 M67 1987]

Bukkyoo iwaku innen koji raireki jiten uÅ-"1H≠-√ö≈∂`Ì/^~√~>/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Stories and Sayings]. Ed. Okubo Jisen Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1992. [Ref. BQ 130 O38 1992]

Bukkyoo koji meigen jiten §-" `Ì/^^π`≤/«"T [Dictionary of Famous Buddhist Sayings]. Ed. Sudoo Ryuusen Δ{"¡~"Δå Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ooraisha, 1982. [Ref. BQ 133 S93 1982]

Bukkyoo kotowaza jiten §-"≠±≠Æ≠í≠´/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Proverbs]. Ed. Katsuzaki Yugen ∂ƒŸè~TF Tokyo: Keisuisha, 1992. [Ref. PN 6519 J3K38 1992]

Bukkyoo meigen jiten §-"^π`≤/«"T [Dictionary of Well-known Buddhist Expressions]. Ed. Nara Yasuaki "fi~ÇŸN^≤ Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1989. [Ref. BQ 135 B85 1989]

Sekibutsu geju jiten ΔΧuóèñ/«"T [Dictionary of Inscriptions and Verses found on Japanese Buddhist Sepulchral Monuments]. Ed. Katoo Masahisa ≈Á"¡Δ--v Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1990. [Ref. BQ 249 J3K38 1990]

Shin Bukkyoo gogen sansaku ΔV§-"`ê`'/UŸô [New Dictionary of Random Walks Through Buddhist Language]. Ed. Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`" Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1986. [BQ 133 S55 1986]

Zengo jii OET`ê/°ree;¸b [Glosses of Zen Sayings]. Nakagawa Juuan. Tokyo: Morie Shoten, 1935. [Ref. BQ 9259.5 N3Z48] Rpt. 1961. [Ref. 1880.1 N14 1961]

Buddhist Rituals and Folklore (Mainly in Japan):

Bukkyoo girei jiten §-"-V~ç/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Ceremonies]. Ed. Fujii Masao "¡√äΔ"~Y et al. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1977. [Ref. BQ 4990 J3F84]

Bukkyoo gyooji girei shoshiki dai jiten §-"Ÿs/^-V~ç∂OE/®OEå/«"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of Buddhist Rituals and Ceremonies]. Ed. Fujii Masao "¡√äΔ"~Y Tokyo: Yusankaku, 1983. [Ref. BQ 4990 J3B83 1983]

Bukkyoo minzoku jiten §-"^=OE°/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Folklore]. Ed. Bukkyoo Minzoku Gakkai uÅ-"^=OE°…w≈ï Tokyo: Shinjinbutsu Ooraisha, 1993. [Ref. BQ 676 B82 1986]

Bukkyoo soosai dai jiten §-"OE,ŸÕOEåç∫"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of Buddhist Funerary Rites]. Ed. Fujii Masao "¡√äΔ"~Y , Hanayama Shooyuu ≈Ô/R∂ƒ~F , Nakano Toozen. Tokyo: Yusankaku, 1980. [Ref. BQ 5020 F84]

(Shinpen) Nihon Jizoo jiten (ΔVÒ))"ú^{,nOE /«"T [Dictionary of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in Japan (new edition)]. Ed. Motoyama Keisen. Rev. ed. Okumura Hirozumi. Tokyo: Murata Shoten, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4710 K74J366 1989]

Sectarian Dictionaries:

Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F , ed. Bukkyoo shuuha jiten §-"∂@o/ooh/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Sects]. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppansha, 1974. [Ref. BQ 7030 K36 J]

Saitoo Akitoshi ŸÖ"¡∂º∂r Nihon Bukkyoo shuuha jiten "ú^{§-"∂@o/ooh/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Denominations]. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ooraisha, 1988. [Ref. BQ 676 S25 1988]

Fa-hsiang tzu-tien ^@OE…/«"T [Yogaacaara Dictionary]. Ed. Chu Fei-huang. 2 vols. 1939; reprint ed.; Taipei: T'ai-wan Shang-wu Yin-shu-kuan, 1972. [Ref. BQ 8106 C45 C] Useful for Hsüan-tsang's argot.

Kuukai jiten -ó…C/«"T [Dictionary of Early Japanese Esoteric Buddhism]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1979. [Ref. BQ 8959 K32]

Mikkyoo dai jiten ^§-"OEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Esoteric Buddhism]. 6 vols. 1931--38; rev. ed., 1969--1970. [BQ 8909 M54 1979]. Emphasizes traditional Japanese Shingon views and interpretations.

Matsunaga Shoodoo, ed. Mikkyoo dai jiten ^§-"OEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Esoteric Buddhism]. 3 vols. Kyoto: Mikkyoo Jiten Hensankai, 1931--1933. [Ref. 1876.1 M58]

Sawa Ryuuken Ÿ"ua~"`¤ , ed. Mikkyoo jiten ^§-"/«"T [Dictionary of Esoteric Buddhism]. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1975. [Ref. BQ 8909 M5 J] Emphasis on Japanese Shingon.

Shingonshuu hoogo dai jiten Δ^`≤∂@^@`êOEå/«"T [Dictionary of Shingon Sermons]. Ed. Inaya Yuusen. √î,J~SΔé Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1992.®LBIn progress=

Saichoo jiten ŸÅΔƒ/«"T [Dictionary of Early Japanese Tendai]. Ed. Tamura Kooyuu "cOEºŸW~S Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1979. [Ref. BQ 9149 S356T35]

Tendaigaku jiten "VOEä…w/«"T [Dictionary of Tendai Doctrines]. Ed. Kawamura Kooshoo ≈ÍOEºŸF∂Æ Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1990. [NOT at UCLA.]

Shuugendoo jiten∂C`±"'/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Mountain Buddhism]. Ed. Miyake Hitoshi -{≈Æ∂• Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1986. [Ref. BQ 8820 M59 1986]

Ippen jiten √êÕ/«"T [Dictionary of the Jishuu (Time Pure Land Buddhism)]. Ed. Imai Masaharu Ÿ¡√ä≈ëΔ° Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1989. [Ref. BQ 8559 I666I67 1989]

Joodoshuu dai jiten ∂ò"y∂@OEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Pure Land Buddhism]. 4 vols. Tokyo: Sankiboo, 1974--1982. [Ref. BQ 8606 J6]

Shin Joodoshuu jiten ΔV∂ò"y∂@/«"T [New Dictionary of Pure Land Buddhism]. Ed. Etani Ryuukai `b,J~"≈ú et al. Tokyo: Ryuubunkan, 1978. [Ref. BQ 8609 J6 1978]

Shinran jiten Δeêa/«"T [Dictionary of Shin (Pure Land) Buddhism]. Ed. Kikumura Norihiko -eOEº-IF Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1980? [Ref. BQ 8749 S556 K54 1990]

Shinshuu dai jiten Δ^∂@OEå/«"T [Encylopedia of Shin (Pure Land) Buddhism]. Ed. Okamura Shusatsu. 4 vols. 1936. Rpt. Tokyo: Shikanoen, 1963. [Ref. 1879 O41]

Shinshuu jiten Δ^∂@/«"T [Dictionary of Shin (Pure Land) Buddhism]. Ed. Kono Hooun et al. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1935. [Ref. 1879 K83]

Shinshuu shin jiten Δ^∂@ΔV/«"T [New Dictionary of Shin (Pure Land) Buddhism]. Ed. Kaneko Daiei -à/qOEå1Ä et al. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1984. [Ref. BQ 9709 S49 1983]

Bukkyoo tetsugaku dai jiten §-""N…wOEå/«"T [(The Sookagakkai) Encyclopedia of Buddhist Philosophy]. Ed. Ikeda Daisaku ,r"cOEåŸì and Sooka Gakkai Kyoogakubu. 6 vols. Tokyo: Sooka Gakkai, 1964-1970. [Ref. BQ 130 B832] Sookagakkai interpretations of Buddhist terms. Useful for studying works of Nichiren; suspect for other strata of materials.

Nichiren jiten "úu@/«"T [Dictionary of Lotus Buddhism]. Ed. Miyasaki Eishuu -{Ÿè≈p∂C Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1978. [Ref. BQ 8309 N5]

Nichirenshuu jiten "úu@∂W/«"T [Dictionary of the Lotus Sect]. Tokyo: Nichirenshuu Shuumuin, 1981. [BQ 8309 N53 1981]

Doogen jiten "'`"/«"T [Dictionary of Sootoo Zen]. Ed. Suganuma Akira Δ"∂ÀŸW Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1977. [Ref. BQ 9449 D656S83 1977]

Doogen shoo jiten "'`"∂¬/^"T [Brief Biographical Dictionary of Doogen]. Ed. Azuma Ryuushin "`~"Δ^ Tokyo: Shunjuusha, 1982. [Ref. BQ 9449 D657A98 1982]

Kamiyasu Ryoten and Andoo Bun'ei, eds. Zengaku jiten. OET…w/«"T 1915; reprint ed., Tokyo Shooboogenzoo Chuukai Zensho Kankookai, 1958. [Ref. 1880.1 Z43 1958 J] Principally for Japanese Sootoo scholarship.

Komazawa Daigaku Zengaku dai jiten hensanjo, eds. Zengaku dai jiten OET…wOEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Zen Studies]. 3 vols. 1978; rev. ed., Tokyo: Daishuukan Shoten, 1985. [revised ed.: Ref. BQ 9259 Z46 (E.A. Lib.); first ed.: Ref. BQ 9259 K63 J] Comprehensive coverage of the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese traditions. Especially useful for persons and dates, monasteries, and texts. Definitions of Ch'an terms sometimes superficial, though sources are cited for further consultation. Includes color maps of major Ch'an sites in East Asia; comprehensive lineage charts; classified bibliography of Zen sources; list of Western translations of Ch'an works; kanji indexes.

Mujaku Doochuu (1653--1745). Zenrin shookisen.OET~Ñ∂Û…íâ" Rpt. (with index) Tokyo: Seishin Shoboo, 1963. [1880.1 D65] Rpt. as part of Hsien-tai Fo-hsüeh ta-hsi `»OEãuÅ"{OEå`n(Taipei: Mi-le Ch'ü-pan-she ¸\èÓ∂oo/ooÅ/<, 1982). [BQ 118 H75 1982 vols. 6--7] In classical Chinese. The essential reference work for all aspects of Zen monastic rituals and artifacts.

Yamada Koodoo /R"cŸF"' Zenshuu jiten OET∂@/«"T [Dictionary of the Zen sect]. 1915; reprint ed., Tokyo: Nihon Bussho Kankookai, 1976. [NOT at UCLA.] Convenient, one-volume reference for Zen Buddhist terms; emphasis on the Sootoo OE≠"´ tradition. Weak on persons.

Zengo jisho ruijuu OET`ê/«∂OE~fiãÚ [Compilation of Traditional Glossaries of Zen Terms]. Kyoto: Zen Bunka Kenkyuujo, 1991.®LBIn progress=

Zengo jiten OET`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Ch'an Terms]. Ed. Koga Hidehiko `Ã≈ê≈pF , with Iriya Yoshitaka "ü^î-`Ÿ≠ Kyoto: Shibunkaku, 1991. [Ref. BQ 9259 K64 1991] An essential reference for the grammer and vernacular vocabulary found in Ch'an literature.

Zengo jii OET`ê/°ree;¸b [Glosses of Zen Sayings]. Nakagawa Juuan. Tokyo: Morie Shoten, 1935. [Ref. BQ 9259.5 N3Z48] Rpt. 1961. [Ref. 1880.1 N14 1961]


Waku, Hakuryuu ua-vo/oo/~" Bukkyoo shokubutsu jiten §-"ΔA¨/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist flora]. Tokyo: Kokosho Kankookai, 1979. [Ref. BQ 1136 P56 W34 (E.A. Lib.)] Includes many Sanskrit transliterations of plants appearing in Buddhist texts. Identified with scientific name and Sanskrit.

Bukkyoo bunka jiten §-"¶≈»/^"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Culture]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F≠¤ et al. Tokyo: Koosei Shuppan, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4016 B83 1989] Comprehensive treatment of Buddhism's impact on Asian cultures down to modern times. Good for brief overviews of the broad sociological, artistic, political (etc.) developments ignored by traditional Buddhist reference works.

Butsugu jiten §-ï/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist Implements]. Ed. Shimizu Tadashi Δ´ΔΣ`î Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1978. [Ref. BQ 5070 S54]

Butsugu dai jiten §-ïOEå/«"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of Buddhist Implements]. Ed. Okazaki Jooji ≈ªŸè∂÷/¡ Tokyo: Kamakura Shinsho, 1982. [Ref. BQ 5070 B87 1982]

Gendai Bukkyoo wo shiru dai jiten `»OEã§-"≠>,m≠éOEå/^"T [Dictionary for Learning About Buddhism in the Modern World]. Ed. Tsukamoto Zenryuu ,Ë^{OEP~" Tokyo: Kinkasha, 1980. [Ref. BQ 676 G46] Detailed information on Buddhist organizations and politics in all countries of Asia.

Koji meisatsu dai jiten `Ã/"^π.-OEå/«"T [Dictionary of Ancient Temples and Famous Monasteries]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1981. [Ref. BQ 6352 A2K3 J]

Koji junrei jiten `Ã/"∂≥~ç/«"T [Dictionary of Pilgrimage Temples]. Ed. Nakao Takashi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1973. [Ref. BQ 6450 J3N34]

Krishna Murthy, K. A dictionary of Buddhist literature and literary personalities. Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan, 1994. [BQ 130 K75 1994]

(Shinpen) Nihon Jizoo jiten ™iΔVÒ™j"ú^{,nOE /«"T [Dictionary of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in Japan (new edition)]. Ed. Motoyama Keisen. Rev. ed. Okumura Hirozumi. Tokyo: Murata Shoten, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4710 K74J366 1989]

Toodaiji jiten "`OEå/"/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhism at the Toodaiji monastery complex]. Ed. Hiraoka Jookai Π≈ª,è…C Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1991. [On order.]


Chinese Language Dictionaries:

Chang Hsiang ,£OE…, ed. Shih tz'u ch'ü yü-tz'u hui-shih /Ÿ/`-È`êç∫.'ç◊ [Explanations of Poetic and Metaphorical Phrases]. Shang-hai: Chung-hua Shu-chü, 1954. [Ref. PL 2257 C5 1962] The basis for all subsequent dictionaries of premodern vernacular language, such as that found in Ch'an texts.

Ch'en Yüan ,Â…_. Shih-hui chü-li /jæ™v¨~ñ [Historical List of Taboo Names]. 1928. Rpt. Peking: Chung-hua Shu-chu, 1962. [2460 C41] The best introduction to taboo names.

Chung-wen ta tz'u-tien ,∫¶OEåç∫"T [Encylopedic Dictionary of Literary Chinese]. 40 vols. Taipei: Chung-kuo Wen-hua Yen-chiu-so, 1962--1968. [Ref. 5179 C44] Based on Morohashi, but occasionaly provides better information.

Han-yü ta tz'u-tien …¿`êOEåç∫"T [Great Dictionary of Chinese (Words)]. Ed. Lo Chu-feng. 10 vols. Shang-hai: Commercial Press, 1987. [Ref. PL 1420 H3492 1987] [UCLA missing vol. 3]

Han-yü ta tz'u-tien …¿`êOEåç∫"T [Great Dictionary of Chinese (Language)]. Ed. Han-yü Ta Tzu-tien Pien-chi Wei-yuan hui. 8 vols. Wu-han: Hu-pei Tz'u-shu Ch'u-pan she, 1986. [Ref. PL 1420 H354 1986]

Ku Han-yü ch'ang-yung tzu tz'u-tien `Ã…¿`ê∂í~p/°ree;/°ree;"T [Dictionary of Words Common in Ancient Chinese]. Peking: Commercial Press, 1979. [Ref. PL 2244 K8] Gives citations from early classical literature.

P'ei-wen yün-fu [uc5051]¶≈C{ [Rhyming Concordance to the Imperial Library]. 212 Fascs., 1720. Rpt. 7 vols. Shang-hai: Commercial Press, 1937. Rpt. (with index) Taipei: Shang-wu Yin-shu-kuan, 1967. [Ref. 9306 P35 1967] Useful for tracing the use of Chinese words in literature.

Sung-Yüan yu-yen tz'u-tien OEv`"`ê`≤ç∫"T [Dictionary of the Language of the Sung and Yüan Periods]. Ed. Lung Ch'ien-an. Shang-hai: Commerical Press, 1985. [Ref. PL 1497 L786 1985]

Tz'u hai /°ree;…C [Ocean of Words]. Ed. Shu Hsin-ch'eng et al. 3 vols. Shang-hai: Chung-hua Shu-chü, 1938. Rpt. Taipei: Chung-hua Shu-chü, 1972. [Ref. PL 1420 T86 1979] One of the best traditional Chinese dictionaries.

Chinese-Japanese Language Dictionaries:

Chuu-Nichi dai jiten ,∫"úOEåç∫"T [Chinese-Japanese Dictionary]. Ed. Aichi Daigakuin. Rpt. Tokyo: Taishuukan, 1984. [Ref. 5187 A28] This dictionary of modern Chinese contains many words and grammatical points taken from Ch'an texts (labeled ku pai-hua, ``old vernacular'').

Gakken Kan-Wa dai jiten …w`¤™E…¿uaOEå/«"T [The Gakken Comprehensive Dictionary of Literary Chinese]. Ed. Kondoo Akiyasu. Tokyo: Gakushuu Kenkyuusha, 1978. [Ref. PL 677.5 G35 1978] The best one-volume Japanese dictionary of literary Chinese. It is notable for providing historical Chinese pronuciations based on modern linguistic investigations, premodern Japanese character glosses, special Japanese reading used only in personal names, and modern Japanese translations of the classical Chinese passages cited in the definitions.

Kadokawa Shinjigen …pΔì™EΔV/°ree;`' [The Kadokawa New Fountain of Words]. Ed. Ogawa Tamaki et al. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1968. [Ref. PL 675 K37] Revised and reprinted almost every year, the Shinjigen remains the best small size Chinese-Japanese dictionary for reading classical Chinese texts.

Morohashi Tetsuji ∂o/oo-´"Q/ƒ , ed. Dai Kan-wa jiten OEå…¿uaç∫"T [Encylopedic Chinese-Japanese Dictionary]. 13 vols. Tokyo: Taishuukan Shoten, 1958--1960. [Ref. 5718.7 D14] Revised edition 1984. [Ref. PL 677.5 M67] The standard reference for literary Chinese. Emphasis on literature rather than history or religion. Should be used with the following:

Dai Kan-Wa jiten: goi sakuin OEå…¿uaç∫"T`ê¸bŸõ√ø [Index to Vocabulary in Morohashi's Great Chinese-Japanese Dictionary]. Edited by Tooyoo Gakujutsu Kenkyujo. Tokyo: Taishukan Shoten, 1990. [Ref. PL 677.5 M67 Index] This handy index allows individual words in the 12-volume Morohashi to be searched by pronunciation---in modern kana spelling, of course.

Shinjikan .ΔV/°ree;…Ó Ed. Shionoya On ≈^,J≈⋅. 1939. 3d Rpt. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1980. [PL 681 C5S5] The best prewar Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Today it is useful for providing non-standard Japanese readings of Chinese characters---readings that no longer appear in more orthodox dictionaries.

Japanese Language Dictionaries:

Daigenkai OEå`≤…C [Great Ocean of Language]. Ed. Otsuki Fumihiko (1847--1928). Rpt. Tokyo: Fuzanbo, 1982. [Ref. PL 675 O79 1982] The best of the pre-war Japanese language dictionaries. This reprint uses modern kana spellings.

Gyakubiki Koojien -t√ø≠«ŸL/«≈OE [Reverse-search Guide to Koojien]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1992. [Ref. PL 675 S493G93 1992] Index to entries in Iwanami's Koojien ŸL/«≈OE(a standard reference that every student should own) by reverse-order pronunciation in which words with the same last syllable appear together. Very handy for reading documents where the first part of a word is illegible.

Iwanami kogo jiten …âo/oog™E`Ã`ê/«"T [The Iwanami Dictionary of Classical Japanese]. Ed. Oono Susumu et al. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1974. [Ref. PL 675 O6] One of the best small-format dictionaries of the classical language.

Jidaibetsu kokugo dai jiten /1OEãÊŸOE`êOEå/«"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of Japanese by Historical Periods]. 2 vols. to date. Ed. Omodaka Hisataka. Tokyo: Sanseidoo, 1967--. [Ref. 5830 J56]

Komonjo kaisetsu yoogo jiten `ö∂OE≈>Δà~p`ê/«"T [Descriptive Glossary of Documental Terms]. Ed. Ikeda Shooichiroo. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ooraisha, 1981. [Ref. PL 682 I4] Dictionary of the special terms found only in historical documents, which for some reason are not listed in standard dictionaries.

Koten tokkai jiten `Ã"T"Ç≈>/«"T [Dictionary for Reading Classical Japanese Literature]. Ed. Shiraishi Daiji et al. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1953. [Ref. 5866 K84]

Kadokawa kogo jiten …pΔì`Ã`ê/«"T [The Kadokawa Dictionary of Classical Japanese]. Ed. Nakamura Yoshihiko et al. 3 vols. (up to ``so'') to date. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1982--. [Ref. PL 682 K32 1982] Promises to become the most detailed dictionary of classical language---if it is ever finished.

Nihon kokugo dai jiten "ú^{ŸOE`êOEå/«"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of the Japanese Language]. Ed. Nihon Dai Jiten Kankookai. 20 vols. Tokyo: Shoogakkan, 1972--1976. [Ref. PL 675 N46] The most complete reference of its type.

Nihon sengokushi Kan-Wa jiten "ú^{ΔíŸOE/j…¿ua/«"T [Dictionary of Medieval, Waring-States Period Japanese Kanji-terminology]. Ed. Muraishi Toshio. Tokyo: Murata Shoten, 1987. [Ref. PL 677.5 M8 1987] Brief glosses of historical usages rarely found in standard dictionaries.

Nihon sengokushi kokugo jiten "ú^{ΔíŸOE/jŸOE`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Medieval, Waring-States Period Japanese]. Ed. Muraishi Toshio. Tokyo: Murata Shoten, 1991. [Ref. PL 682 M87 1991] Brief glosses of historical usages rarely found in standard dictionaries.

(Hooyaku) Nippo jisho ^M^ó"ú,/«∂OE [(Japanese translation of) Vocabvlario da Lingua de Iapam com a declarachato em Portugues, 1603--1604]. Ed. Doi Tadao et al. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1980. [Ref. PL 681 P6 V58] Extremely valuable reference to actual word usage in Muromachi Japan.

Reikai kogo jiten ~á≈>`Ã`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Classical Japanese with Explanations of the Examples]. Ed. Saeki Umetomo et al. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1983. [Ref. PL 682 O44]. One of the easiest to understand dictionaries of classical Japanese, extremely popular with high school students preparing for college entrance exams.

Japanese Pronunciation Guides and Proper Names:

Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`" Bukkyoogo dai jiten uÅ-"`êOEåç∫"T [Dictionary of Buddhist technical terms]. 3 vols. Tokyo: Tookyoo Shoseki, 1975. [Ref. BQ 130 N34 J] Doctrinal terms only; no proper nouns. Best dictionary for correct Japanese pronunciation of Buddhist terms; good for Sanskrit equivalencies, but explanations tend to be too simplistic.

Bukkyoogo yomikata jiten uÅ-"`ê"Çû/«"T [Dictionary of Readings of Japanese Buddhist Terms]. Ed. Ariga Yooen ~L≈ê~v≈≥ Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1989. [Ref. BQ 133 A753 1989]

Chimei yoogo gogen jiten ,n^π~p`ê`ê`'/«"T [Etymological Dictionary of Terms Used in Japanese Place Names]. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1983. [Ref. DS 805 K875 1983]

Chimei yomikata jiten ,n^π"Ç≠†û/«"T [English title: Guide to reading of each Japanese place-name]. Ed. Nichigai Associates. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1989. [Ref. DS 805 C467 1989] Lists all the variant readings of the kanji used for writing Japanese place names and identifies which readings are used at which locations. The best dictionary of its kind.

Gendai Nihon chimei yomikata dai jiten `»OEã"ú^{,n^π"Ç≠†ûOEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Readings to Japanese Place Names. Ed. Nichigai Associates. 7 vols. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1985. [Ref. DS 805 G373 1985]

Jinja, jiinmei yomikata jiten Δ_/</"≈@^π"Ç≠†û/«"T [English title: Guide to reading of each Japanese shrine and temple]. Ed. Nichigai Associates. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1989. [Ref. BL 2203 J56 1989] Lists all the variant readings of the kanji used for writing the names of Japanese shrines and temples and identifies which readings are used at which institutions.

Nihon rekishi chiri yoogo jiten "ú^{~>/j,n~v~p`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Historiographical and Geographical Terms]. Ed. Fujioka Kenjiroo, Yamazaki Kin'ya, Ashikaga Kenryoo. Tokyo: Kashiwa Shoboo, 1981. [Ref. DS 806.4 N54]

Rekishi jinmei yomikata jiten ~>/jΔl^π"Ç≠†û/«"T [English title: Guide to reading of each historical figure's name from ancient times down to the Edo era]. Ed. Nichigai Associates. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1989. [Ref. DS 834 R44 1989] Lists all the variant readings of the kanji used for writing Japanese personal names and identifies which readings are used for which persons.

Religious Practices, Folklore, and Mythology:

Bukkyoo minzoku jiten §-"^=OE°/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Folklore]. Ed. Bukkyoo Minzoku Gakkai. Tokyo: Shinjinbutsu Ooraisha, 1993. [Ref. BQ 676 B82 1986]

Chuugoku shisoo jiten ,∫ŸOE/vOEz/«"T [Dictionary of Chinese Intellectual Thought]. Ed. Hihara Toshikuni. Tokyo: Kenbun Shuppan, 1984. [Ref. DS 721 C57222 1984]

Dookyoo jiten "'-"/«"T [Dictionary of Taoism]. Ed. Noguchi Tetsuroo et al. Tokyo: Hirakawa Shuppan, 1994. [In progress] An excellent ``state-of-the-field'' one-volume guide to Taoism with detailed entries, bibliographical references, color photographs, and diagrams.

Gendai koyomi yomitoki jiten `»OEã~ï"Ç≠†≈>≠«/«"T [Modern Dictionary of Calendar Lore]. Ed. Okada Yoshiroo and Akune Suetada. Tokyo: Kashiwa Shoboo, 1993. [Ref. DS 821 O398 1993]

Kooshitsu jiten Ÿc/º/«"T [Dictionary of the Japanese Imperial Family]. Ed. Togashi Junji. Tokyo: Mainichi Shinbunsha, 1965. [Ref. DS 836 T63 1965]

Kooshitsu jiten Ÿc/º/«"T [Dictionary of the Japanese Imperial Family]. Ed. Murakami Shigeyoshi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo, 1980. [Ref. DS 834.1 K642 1993] The best quick reference on all matters pertaining to the imperial institution.

Koyomi jiten ~ï/«"T [Dictionary of Calendar Lore]. Ed. Kawaguchi Kenji et al. Tokyo: Tookyoo Bijutsu, 1977. [Ref. CE 61 J3K39 1977]

Koyomi no hyakka jiten ~ï≠ÌS≈È/^"T [Encyclopedia of Calendar Lore]. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ooraisha, 1986. [Ref. CE 61 J3K69 1986]

Minkan shinkoo jiten ^=…ÔΔM-Â/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Folk Beliefs]. Ed. Sakurai Tokutaroo. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo, 1980. [Ref. BL 2203 M56]

Nihon denki densetsu dai jiten "ú^{"`-L"`ΔàOEå/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Romance Literature and Legends]. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1986. [Ref. PL 748 N4 1986]

Nihon matsuri to nenchuu gyooji jiten "ú^{ŸÕ≠è≠Æo/ooN,∫Ÿs/^/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Religious Festivals and Annual Holidays]. Ed. Kurahayashi Shooji. Tokyo: Oofusha, 1983. [Ref. BL 2211 R5N48 1983]

Nihon minzoku jiten "ú^{^=OE°/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Ethnology]. Ed. Otsuka Minzoku Gakkai. Tokyo.: Koobundoo, 1972. [Ref. GN 307 N5]

Nihon minzoku shiryoo jiten "ú^{^=OE°/OE~¿/«"T [Bibliographical Dictionary of Sources on Japanese Folklore]. Comp. Hori Miyasizu, Seki Keigo, Miyamoto Keitaroo. Tokyo: Daiichi Hoki Shuppan, 1969. [DS 821 N54 1969; 4150.64 N57]

Nihon mukashibanashi jiten "ú^{ΔÌub/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Folk Tales]. Ed. Inada Kooji et al. Tokyo: Koobundoo, 1977. [Ref. GR 340 N518]

Nihon no matsuri jiten "ú^{≠ÌŸÕ≠è/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Religious Festivals]. Ed. Tanaka Yoshihiroo. Kyoto: Tankoosha, 1991. [Ref. DS 821 N6819 1991]

Nihon o shiru jiten "ú^{≠>,m≠é/«"T [Dictionary of Things Japanese]. Ed. Ooshima Takehiko et al. Tokyo: Shakai Shisoosha, 1971. [Ref. 3314 N56]

Nihon shakai minzoku jiten "ú^{/<≈ï^=OE°/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Society and Ethnology]. Ed. Nihon Minzokugaku Kyokai. 4 vols. Tokyo Seibundoo Shinkoosha, 1952-1960. [Ref. 4150.4 N58]

Nihon shuukyoo jiten "ú^{∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Religions]. Ed. Hiyane Antei. Tokyo: Soogensha, 1956. [Ref. 1760 H64]

Nihon shuukyoo jiten "ú^{∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Religions]. Ed. Murakami Shigeyoshi. Tokyo: Koodansha, 1978. [BL 2202 M83 1988]

Nihon shuukyoo jiten "ú^{∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Religions]. Ed. Ono Yasuhiro. Tokyo: Koobundoo, 1985. [Ref. BL 2202 N54]

Origuchi Shinobu jiten ΔÜ`ûΔM/«"T [Dictionary of Origuchi Shinobu's Findings on Japanese Folklore]. Ed. Nishimura Toru. Tokyo: Taishukan Shoten, 1988. [Ref. PL 835 R5Z459 1988]

Setsuwa bungaku jiten Δàub¶…w/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese (Buddhist) Folk Tales]. Ed. Nagano Jooichi. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1969. [Ref. 5921.6 N13]

Shin shuukyoo jiten ΔV∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese New Religions]. Ed. Inoue Nobutaka et al. Tokyo: Kobundoo, 1990. [Ref. BL 2202 S515 1990]

Shin shuukyoo jiten ΔV∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese New Religions]. Ed. Matsuno Junkoo et al. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1984. [Ref. BL 2207 S55 1984]

Shintoo jiten Δ_"'/«"T [Dictionary of Shintoo]. Ed. Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo. Tokyo: Koobundoo, 1994. [Ref. BL 2216.1 S45 1994]

Shintoo dai jiten Δ_"'OEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Shintoo]. Ed. Shimonaka Yasaburoo. 3 vols. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1937--1940. [1940.6 S55]

Shintoo jiten Δ_"'/«"T [Dictionary of Shintoo]. Ed. Anzu Motohiko. Osaka: Hori Shoten, 1968. [Ref. 1940.6 A63] Although not as complete as the pre-war Heibonsha dictionary (above), this is the preferred reference for Shintoo.

Shintoo jinmei jiten Δ_"'Δl^π/^"T [Biographical Dictionary of Shintoo]. Tokyo: Jinja Shinpoosha, 1986. [Ref. BL 2219.7 S45 1986]

Shinwa densetsu jiten Δ_ub"`Δà/^"T [Dictionary of Japanese Myths, Legends, and Folklore]. Ed. Asakura Haruhiko. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1963. [Ref. 1733 S55]

Shuukyoogaku jiten ∂@-"…w/«"T [Dictionary of Religious Studies]. Ed. Oguchi Iichi, Hori Ichiroo. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1973. [Ref. BL 31 S52]

Tsung-chiao tz'u-tien ∂@-"/«"T [Dictionary of Religions]. Shang-hai: Commerical Press, 1981. [Ref. BL 31 T76 1981]

Yugyo taesajon /ò-"OEå/«"T [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Confucianism]. Ed. Yugyo Sajon P'onch'an Wiwonhoe. 2 vols., 4 fasc. Seoul: Pagyongsa, 1990. [Ref. BL 1852 Y84 1990] Covers terminology as well as biographical and historical entries on Korea.

Other Topical Dictionaries and Encylopedias:

Ajia rekishi jiten ∞A∞W∞A~>/j/«"T [Encylopedia of Asian History]. 10 vols. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1959--1962. [Ref. 2408 A31]

Burakushi yoogo jiten o/oo~//j~p`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Historical Terms Concerning Japanese Social Outcasts]. Ed. Kobayashi Shigeru et al. Tokyo: Kashiwa Shoboo, 1990. [Ref. HT 725 J3B94 1990]

Chuugoku shisoo jiten ,∫ŸOE/vOEz/«"T [Dictionary of Chinese Intellectual Thought]. Ed. Hihara Toshikuni. Tokyo: Kenbun Shuppan, 1984. [Ref. DS 721 C57222 1984]

Chuugoku gakugei dai jiten ,∫ŸOE…w`|™HOEå/«"T [Dictionary of Sinology]. Ed. Kondoo Moku. Rev. ed. Kondoo Haruo. 1959. Rpt. Tokyo: Taishuukan, 1984. [Ref. 5209 S55 1959]

Heian jidaishi jiten Π√À/1OEã/j/«"T [Historical Encyclopedia of the Heian Period]. Edited by Tsunoda Bun'ei. 3 vols. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1994. [Ref. DS 856 H32 1994] Very detailed. Goes beyond standard historical dictionaries, such as the Kokushi dai jiten (next entry).

Kokushi dai jiten ŸOE/jOEå/«"T [Encyclopedia of Japanese National History]. 14 vols. to date. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Koobunkan, 1979--1989--. [Ref. DS 833 K64] The most up-to-date and best multivolume dictionary of Japanese historical events, people, and places.

Nihon joosei jinmei jiten "ú^{∂~Δ«Δl^π/«"T [Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Women]. Ed. Haga Noboru et al. Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Senta, 1993. [Ref. CT 3730 N54 1993]

Nihon o shiru jiten "ú^{≠>,m≠é/«"T [Dictionary of Things Japanese]. Ed. Ooshima Takehiko et al. Tokyo: Shakai Shisoosha, 1971. [Ref. 3314 N56]

Nihon shi dai jiten "ú^{/jOEå/«"T [English title: Cyclopedia of Japanese history]. Ed. Aoki Kazuo et al. 7 vols. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1992- [Ref. DS 833 N532 1992]

Nihon shi kenkyuu jiten "ú^{/j`¤-∫/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Historiography]. Comp. Kyooto Daigaku Bungakubu Kokushi Kenkyuu Shitsu. Osaka: Soogensha, 1955. [Ref. 3310 K99]

Nihon shi yoogo jiten "ú^{/j~p`ê/«"T [Dictionary of Japanese Historical Terminology]. Tokyo: Kashiwa Shoboo, 1992. [Ref. DS 833 N542 1992] Provides brief glosses of historical legal and adminstrative terminology usually found only in specialized komojo (diplomatics) dictionaries.

Tooyoo rekishi jiten "`~m~>/j/«"T [Encylopedia of Oriental History]. 9 vols. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1939. [NOT at UCLA.] Out of date (naturally), but provides more citations from original sources than found in its successor, the Ajia rekishi jiten.


Bibliographical Guides for Primary Sources:

Ch'en Yüan. ,Â…_ Chung-kuo fo-chiao shih-chi kai-lun mu-lu ,∫ŸOEuÅ-"/jΔ<…Tu_ [Primer of Chinese Buddhist historiographical works]. 1962; reprint ed., Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1977. [1807 C42 C] See discussion in Teng and Biggerstaff, p. 41.

Conze, Edward. Buddhist Scriptures: A Bibliography. Edited and revised by Lewis Lancaster. New York: Garland Publishing, 1982. [Z 7862 C66 1982 BQ1105)] Index of primary texts, with information on Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese editions.

________. The Prajñaapaaramitaa Literature. Indo-Iranian Monographs, vol. 6. The Hague: Mouton, 1960. [UCR Rivera Z7862.7 P7 C6; NOT at UCLA] Contains chronological survey, and annotated bibliography of suutra and commentatorial literature.

Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F. et al., eds. Bukkyoo kyooten no sekai: soo kaisetsu. §-"`o"T≠ÌΔ¢…E™FOEŸ≈>Δà Soo Kaisetsu Series. Tokyo: Jiyuu Kokuminsha, 1984. [In progress] Written for a popular audience, this inexpensive paperback provides a wealth of knowledge.

Kojin zenshuu naiyoo sooran `ÂΔlOES∂W"à~eOEŸ~~ [Index to the Contents of Published Collected Works of Individual Authors]. Ed. Nichigai Associates. 5 vols. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1982--1985. [Ref. Z 3308 L5G46 1982]

Kosô mongnok `Ã∂OE^Úu^(Collection of Oriental Classics). Ed. Tongguk taehakkyo chungang tosôgwan "`°ree; OEå…wŸZ,∫≈"Δ}∂OE…Ù , 1981. [Z 955 I38 1981] Includes Bibliography (pp. 55--312) of the largest collection of Buddhist materials in any Korean library. Table of Contents of Korean Canon at pp. 71--96.

Mizuno Koogen ΔΣ^ìŸO`" et al., eds. Butten kaidai jiten §"T≈>OEèç∫"T [Abstracts of Buddhist texts]. Tokyo: Shunjuusha, 1966. [Ref. 1807 S55] Rev. ed. with supplement, 1977. [Ref. 1807 S55 1977] Covers Indian and East Asian texts; includes index of Sanskrit titles. Be sure to use the revised version.

Ono Genmyoo ∂¬^ì`º^- , ed. Bussho kaisetsu dai jiten §∂OE≈>ΔàOEå/«"T [Encylopedia of Buddhist literature with explanations]. 15 vols. Tokyo: Daitoo Shuppansha, 1933--1936, 1974, 1988. [Ref. 1807 B96 J] The most comprehensive listing of East Asian Buddhist texts. Provides detailed summaries by recognized experts on each text; alternate titles from catalogues; Sanskrit and Tibetan titles, where appropriate; information on translation. The supplement (Bekkan: Butten sooron, 1936) includes biographical information on major translators and complete listings of traditional catalogues. Vols. 11--12 (1974) provide useful overviews and critiques of the works of modern Japanese Buddhist scholars and cover traditional works passed over in the original edition. Vol. 15 (Chooshabetsu shomei mokuroku, 1988) consists of a comprehensive index by authors. A Chinese index for vols. 1--10 is available.

Takeishi Akio ΔΔÎ∂"v and Suganuma Akira Δ"∂ÀŸW , eds. Bukkyoo bungaku jiten §-"¶…w/«"T [Dictionary of Buddhist literature]. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo Shuppan, 1980. [Ref. BQ 1010 T34 J] Summaries of texts and important terms.

Tongguk taehakkyo pulgyo munhwa yônguso "`°ree; OEå…wŸZ§-"¶≈»`¤-∫≈@ , eds. Kankoku Bussho kaidai jiten …ØŸOE§∂OE≈>OEè/«"T [Descriptive Dictionary of Korean Buddhist Texts]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1982. [Ref. Z 7860 H3616 1982]

Gunsho kaidai `Q∂OE≈>OEè [Abstracts of Japanese Collections of Premodern Texts]. 22 sections in 30 vols. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijuu Kanseikai, 1962--1967. [Ref. 9165 G95a] An essential guide to the contents of the Gunsho ruijuu and the Zoku gunsho ruijuu.

Nihon Bukkyoo tenseki dai jiten "ú^{uÅ-""TΔ<OEå/«"T [Comprehensive Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Texts]. Ed. Kanaoka Shuuyuu -à≈ª∂G~F et al. Tokyo: Yuusankaku, 1986. [Ref. Z 7861 J3N545 1986]

Nihon Bukkyoo zenshuu soosho shiryoo sooran "ú^{§-"OES∂WOEp∂OE/OE~¿OEŸ~~ [Guide to Collections of Sources and Texts of Japanese Buddhism]. Ed. Oyamada Kazuo ∂¬/R"cuav et al. Tokyo: Hon no Tomosha, 1986. [Ref. Z 7861 J3083 1986] Provides contents of all collections of Buddhist material published in Japan, such as Tendaishuu zensho "VOEä∂@OES∂OE(Complete Works of the Tendai School), etc.

Shinsan Zenseki mokuroku ΔV.ÒOETΔ<^Úu^ [Revised Catalog of Zen Texts found in Japan]. Ed. Komazawa Daigaku Toshokan -îOEòOEå…wΔ}∂OE…Ù Tokyo: Komazawa Daigaku Toshokan, 1962. [Ref. 1880.1 K83] Now out of date and in need of revision, this mokuroku ^Úu^ contains the most detailed information on extant Zen manuscripts (and published works) found in Japan.

Shoowa genson: Tendai shoseki soogoo mokuroku ∂ºua`»OE¶™F"VOEä∂OEΔ<OE/ŸOmega^Úu^ [Comprehensive Catalogue of Tendai Texts Extant Today]. Ed. Shibuya Ryootai ∂a,J~ºOE◊ 3 vols. Kyoto: Hoozookan, 1978. [Ref. Z 78 T4S42]

Takeuchi Rizoo, Takizawa Takeo, eds. Shiseki kaidai jiten /jΔ<≈>OEèç∫"T [Abstracts of Japanese Historical Sources in Dictionary Form]. 2 vols. Tokyo: Tookyoodoo, 1985-1986. [Ref. Z 3306 T34]

Buddhist Bibliographies:

Bibliographie Bouddhique. Ed. Jean Przyluski and Marcelle Lalou. 32 Vols. Paris: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient, 1928--1958. [Z 7835 B9 B47 Ref.] (Vols. 1--3 issued as Buddhica: documents et travaux pour l'étude du bouddhisme.) Comprehensive bibliography of secondary scholarship in Western languages, Japanese, and Chinese, with partial annotation. Indexes to subject, titles, and authors.

Beautrix, Pièrre. Bibliographie du Bouddhisme, vol. 1: Editions de textes. Publications de l'Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, serie bibliographies, no. 2. Brussels: Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, 1969. [NOT at UCLA]

________. Bibliographie du Bouddhisme, vol. 2 Traductions de Textes. Publications de l'Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, serie bibliographies, no. 3. Brussels: Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, 1970.

________. Bibliographie du bouddhisme zen. Brussels, 1969. [Z 7864 Z4 B38]

________. Bibliographie de la littérature prajñaapaaramitaa. Brussels, 1971. [NOT at UCLA]

Hanayama, Shinshoo ≈Ô/RΔM∂ƒ Bibliography on Buddhism. Rpt. ed., Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1961. [Ref. 1807 H19 J; Ref. Z 7835 B9H19] Western-language materials from 19th century through 1932. Useful for scholarship by pioneers in Western Buddhology.

Inada, Kenneth K. Guide to Buddhist Philosophy. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1985. [Ref. Z 7128 B93 I53 1985] [Reviewed JAOS 107--3 (1987): 513--514]

Pfandt, Peter. Mahaayaana Texts translated into Western Languages: A Bibliographical Guide (Kouln, 1983; rev. 1986 with supplement) [Ref. Z 7862.P45 1983].

Reynolds, Frank et al., ed. Guide to Buddhist Religion. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981. [Ref. Z 7860 R48] The best and most accessible arrangement of secondary studies on Buddhism in Western languages; arranged topically.

Regamey, C. Buddhistische philosophie. Bern: A. Francke, 1950. [Ref. Z 7127 B478 no.20--21]

Saitoo, Akitoshi ŸÖ"¡∂º∂r , ed. Bukkyoogaku ronshuu sooran §-"…wu_∂WOEŸ~~ [Bibliography of monographs on Buddhist studies]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1983. Contents of important multiauthor volumes in Buddhist studies. [Z 7863 B84 1983].

Yoo, Yushin. Buddhism: A Subject Index to Periodical Articles in English, 1728--1971. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1973. [Ref. Z 7860 Y8b]

________. Books on Buddhism: An Annotated Subject Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976. [Ref. Z 7860 Y8bo]

Sinological Bibliographies:

Teng, Ssu-yü and Knight Biggerstaff, eds. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works. Harvard-Yenching Institute Studies, no. 2. 3rd Ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. [Ref. 9616 Y39 C (E.A. Lib.)] The place to start for Sinological research. See pp. 40--41 for some important Buddhist bibliographies.

Wilkinson, Endymion. The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide. Harvard East Asia Monographs, no. 49. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973. See section on ``Buddhist Writings,'' pp. 179--181.

Tooyoogaku bunken ruimoku "`~m…w¶`£~fi^Ú [Annual bibliography of literature concerning East Asian studies]. [Old title: Tooyooshi kenkyuu bunken ruimoku.] Ed. Kyooto daigaku jinbunkagaku kenkyuusho [Kyoto University Institute of Humanistic Studies], 1934--. [Ref. 2406 T66 J] One of the best sources for secondary studies on Buddhism; listings draw from Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Western scholarship. Entries divided between books and journal articles, and are arranged topically and by historical periods.

Revue bibliographique de sinologie. Paris, 1957--1977. 11 vols. covering 1955--1965. Includes synopses and lengthy summaries in European languages of important Japanese and Chinese secondary studies.

Bibliographical Guides for Secondary Sources:

Adams, Charles J., ed. A Reader's Guide to the Great Religions. Second Edition. New York: The Free Press, 1977. [Ref. Z 7833 A211r 1977]

An, Ch'un-gun, ed. Han'guk pulgyo sojigo …Ø°ree; uÅ-"∂OE™Q™Q™Q [Bibliography of Korean Buddhism]. Seoul: Songjin Munhwasa, 1972. [Ref. Z 7861 K6A5 1972]

Bando Shojun, ed. A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism. Tokyo: CHB Press, 1958. [Ref. Z 7835 B9B475]

Beautrix, Pièrre. Bibliographie du Bouddhisme Zen. Publications de l'Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, serie bibliographies, no. 1. Brussels: Institut Belge des hautes études bouddhiques, 1969. [Ref. Z 7864 Z4B38]

Books and Articles on Oriental Subjects Published in Japan. The Toohoo Gakkai, 1969-1986 to date. [Ref. Z3001.B58]

Bukkyoogaku kankei zasshi ronbun bunrui mokuroku §-"…w…Ö`W/G/∂u_¶ª~fi^Úu^ [Bibliography of articles and monographs on Buddhist studies]. Ed. Ryuukoku daigaku bukkyoogaku kenkyuushitsu. 1961; reprint ed., Kyoto: Hyakkaen, 1972. [Ref. 1807 R98 1972 J] Comprehensive bibliography of Japanese studies on all areas of Buddhist studies.

Etienne Balazs, initiator, and Yves Hervouet, ed. A Sung Bibliography (Bibliographie des Sung). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1978. [Ref. Z 3102 S77 W] Buddhist section (pp. 349--358) includes references to Buddhist and Ch'an historiographical collections.

Ch'en Yüan. ,Â…_ Chung-kuo fo-chiao shih-chi kai-lun ,∫ŸOEuÅ-"/jΔ<…Tu_ [Primer of Chinese Buddhist historiographical works]. 1962; reprint ed., Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1977. [1807 C42 C] See discussion in Teng and Biggerstaff, p. 41.

Conze, Edward. The Prajñaapaaramitaa Literature. Indo-Iranian Monographs, vol. 6. The Hague: Mouton, 1960. [UCR Rivera Z7862.7 P7 C6; NOT at UCLA] Contains chronological survey, and annotated bibliography of suutra and commentatorial literature.

Enoki Kazuo. ``A History of Central Asian Studies in Japan.'' Acta Asiatica 41 (Dec. 1981): 95-117.

Hanayama Shooyuu ≈Ô/R∂ƒ~F ``A Summary of Various Research on the Prajñaapaaramitaa Literature by Japanese Scholars.'' Acta Asiatica 10 (1966): 16-93.

Hazard, Benjamin H. et al., eds. Korean Studies Guide. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1954. Annotated survey of principal reference works in Korean, Japanese, and Western languages. See Chapter 12, ``Religion and Philosophy,'' pp. 129--141 (esp. ``Buddhism,'' pp. 133--135).

Hirai Naofusa. ``Studies on Shintoo in Pre- and Post-War Japan.'' Acta Asiatica 51 (1987): 96-118.

Hirakawa Akira ΠΔì∂" , trans. Hasshuu kooyoo o/ooª∂@Ÿj~v [Outline of the Eight Schools], vols. 39A--B of Butten Kooza. Tokyo: Daizoo Shuppan, 1980. [BQ 1217 B87] Note: Hirakawa's comments on each section of his translation conclude with a brief history of premodern and modern scholarship on the particular Buddhist school under discussion.

Hirakawa Akira and E. B. Ceadel. ``Japanese Research on Buddhism Since the Meiji Period.'' Monumenta Nipponica 11/3 (Oct. 1955): 221-46; and 11/4 (Jan. 1956): 397-424.

International Bibliography of the History of Religions. Leiden, 1956- [Ref. Z 7833.I53]

Kim, Han-Kyo, ed., with Hong Kyoo Park. Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980. [Z 3316 S78 (URL)] Buddhism section (pp. 127--128) is extremely patchy in coverage. Check also references in History section.

Matsunaga Yuukei. ``Indian Esoteric Buddhism as Studied in Japan.'' In Kooyasan kaisoo senhyaku gojuunen kinen: Mikkyoogaku mikkyooshi ronbunshuu.Ÿ≠^ì/R…JOEnΔçS`Ü∂\o/ooN-Lo/ooO^§-"…w^§-"/ju_¶∂W Koya: Koyasan Daigaku, 1965. 229-42.

Nakamura Hajime ,∫OEº`". Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes. Intercultural Research Institute Monograph Series, no. 9. Hirakata, Japan: KUFS Publication, 1980. [BQ 336 N35] References to principal scholarship in Asian and Western languages.

Nihon jooseishi kenkyuu bunken mokuroku "ú^{∂~Δ«/j`¤-∫¶`£^Úu^ [Bibliography of Studies on Women in Japanese Women]. Ed. Jooseishi Soogo Kenkyuukai. 3 vols. Tokyo: Tookyoo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1983-. [Ref. Z 7964 J3N54 1983]

Nunn, G. Raymond. Asia: Reference Works, A Select Annotated Guide. London, 1980. [Ref. Z 3001.N79]

Ooshima Akira. ``Japanese Studies on Neo-Confucianism.'' Acta Asiatica 52 (1987): 86-109.

Pfandt, Peter. Mahaayaana Texts translated into Western Languages: A Bibliographical Guide (Kouln, 1983; rev. 1986 with supplement) [Ref. Z 7862.P45 1983].

Potter, Karl H. Bibliography of Indian Philosophies. Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. [UCB, UCI Main B131 E5 v.1; NOT at UCLA]

________. ``Bibliography of Indian Philosophies: First Supplement.'' Journal of Indian Philosophy 2 (1972): 65--112, 175--209.

________. ``Bibliography of Indian Philosophies: Second Supplement.'' Journal of Indian Philosophy 4 (1977), 295--399.

Pulgyo kwan'gae tosô nonmun mongnok uÅ-"…Ö`W°ree;¤∂OEu_¶^Úu^ [Bibliography of books and articles concerning Buddhism]. Ed. Minjok pulgyo yôn'guso. Seoul: Taewôn Chôngsa, 1986. [Ref. Z 7860 P85 1986] Korean secondary studies dating between 1912 and 1985.

Satyaprakash. Buddhism: A Select Bibliography. 2nd ed. Gurgaon, Haryana: Indian Documentation Service, 1986. [Z 7860 S28] For references to Indian scholarship.

Sakurabe Hajime. ``A Brief Survey of Buddhist Studies in Post-War Japan.'' The Eastern Buddhist n.s., 1/2 (Sept. 1966): 131-39

Seidel, Anna. ``Chronicle of Taoist Studies in the West 1950-1990,'' Cahiers d'Extrecme-Asie 5 (1989-1990): 223-347 [DS 501.C12].

Shukyoo ni kansuru 10-nenkan no zasshi bunken mokuroku: Showa 30-nen - Showa 39-nen ∂@-"≠É…Ö≠⋅≠é∂\o/ooN…Ô≠Ì/G/∂¶`£^Úu^ [10-year Index to Articles on Religion Published in Japanese Periodicals, 1955--1964]. Ed. Nichigai Associates. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1979. [Ref. Z 7753 N66 1979]

Sootooshuu kankei bunken mokuroku OE≠"´∂@…Ö`W¶`£^Úu^ [Bibliography of Books and Articles Concerning Japanese Sootoo Zen]. Ed. Sootooshuu Shuugaku Kenkyuujo. Tokyo: Sootooshuu Shuumuchoo, 1990. ®LBIn Progress=

Soymié, Michel and Yoshioka Yoshitoyo. ``Bibliographie du taoiusme.''In Dookyoo kenkyuu, vol. 3 (Kyoto: Henkyoosha, 1968), pp. 318--247; and vol. 4 (1971), pp. 290--224.

Strickmann, Michel. ``A Survey of Tibetan Buddhist Studies.'' The Eastern Buddhist n.s., 10/1 (May 1977): 128-49.

Tsuda Shin'ichi. ``A Critical Survey of Tantrism.'' Memoirs of the Research Department of the Tooyoo Bunko 36 (1978): 167-231.

Thompson, Laurence G. Chinese Religion in Western Languages: A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French, and German through 1980. The Association for Asian Studies Monograph, no. 41. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1985. [Z 7757 C6 T55 1985] Part Three (pp. 180--267) is devoted to Chinese Buddhism.

_______. Chinese Religion Publications in Western Languages 1981 through 1992. The Association for Asian Studies Monograph, no. 47. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993.

Vessie, Patricia Armstrong. Zen Buddhism: A Bibliography of Books and Articles in English, 1892--1975. Ann Arbor: University Microfilm International, 1976. [Z 7864 Z4V63]

Zeuschner, Robert B. ``A Selected Bibliography on Ch'an Buddhism in China.'' Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (1976), 299--311. Western-language studies and translations: pp. 299--307; select list of Japanese studies: pp. 308--311.


Dengyoo daishi zenshuu sakuin .B-"OEå/tOES∂WŸõ√ø [Index to Collected Works Attributed to Saichoo]. Tokyo: Sekai Seiten Kankoo Kyookai, 1988. [Ref. BQ 9149 S356D46 1988]

Gunsho kaidai [Abstracts of Texts in the Gunsho ruijuu `Q∂OE≈>OEè(Anthology of Japanese Monographs)]. 22 vols. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijuu Kanseikai, 1962--1967. [Ref. 9165 G95a]

Gunsho kaidai soomokuji `Q∂OE≈>OEèOEŸ^Ú/ƒ [Index to Gunsho ruijuu]. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijuu Kanseikai, 1967. [9165 G95a Index]

Gyonyo (1640--1695). Sooden haiin OEm.Bo/oor≈C [Rhyming Index to Biographies of Monks]. Rpt. (with index) in Dai Nihon Bukkyoo zensho, vols. 99--100. Index to 48 Chinese histories and biographical collections.

Hirakawa Akira ΠΔì∂" et al., ed. Kusharon sakuin -ä/Éu_Ÿõ√ø(Index to the AbhidharmakosaabhaasDya). 3 vols. Tokyo: Daizoo Shuppan Kabushikikaisha, 1973--. [Ref. BQ 2689 H37 J] Extremely valuable index to Sanskrit and Tibetan equivalences for Hsüan-tsang's Chinese translations. Part Two provides the Sanskrit equivalents of Chinese terms. Also contains a detailed English-language study of Vasubandhu and Abhidharma studies.

Inagaki, Hisao √î…_-v~Y Index to the Larger Sukhaavatimvyuuha Suutra: A Tibetan Glossary with Sanskrit and Chinese Equivalents. Kyoto: Nagata bunshoodoo, 1978. [UCSC Central BQ 2039 I52; NOT at UCLA]

Inagaki, Hisao √î…_-v~Y A Tri-lingual Glossary of the Sukhaavatimvyuuha Suutras. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshoodoo, 1984. [UCB East Asia BQ 2039.I521 1984; NOT at UCLA]

Hatta, Yukio. Bon-Zoo-Kan taishoo Rishukyoo sakuin 1ΔåU…¿"o/oo∂Æ~v/ïãSŸõ√ø(Index to the Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese versions of the Adhyardhasatika]. Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten, 1971. [Ref. BQ 1899 H37]

Hirabayashi, Harunori, ed. Nihon setsuwa bungaku sakuin "ú^{Δàub¶…wŸõ√ø [Index to Japanese (Buddhist) Folktales]. Osaka: Nihon Shuppansha, 1943. [Ref. 5921.6 H61]

Hirose, Bin, ed. Zootei Nihon soosho sakuin [Revised Concordance to Japanese monograph anthologies]. Tokyo: Kazama Shobo, 1957. [Ref. DS 805 J24 1885a]

Hokekyoo ichiji sakuin ^@≈ØãS√ê/°ree;Ÿõ√ø [English title: A complete index to the Myoohoorengekyoo and accompanying suutras (by single graphs)]. Ed. Tooyoo Tetsugaku Kenkyujo. Tokyo: Tooyoo Tetsugaku Kenkyujo, 1977. [Ref. BQ 2059 T69]

Kabutogi, Shookoo, ed. Hokke sanbukyoo shooku sakuin: shindoku ^@≈Ø/Oo/ooãS∂Í-åŸõ√ø: Δ^"Ç [Index to the Threefold Lotus Scripture---Phrases In Chinese Word Order]. Tokyo: Koosei Shuppansha, 1977. [Ref. BQ 2059 K3]

Katoo, Shukoo. Shoobooo genzooo yooogo sakuin Δ"^@…áåU~p`êŸõ√ø [Index to technical terms in Doogen's SBGZ]. 2 vols. Tokyo: Risoosha, 1962-1963. [1881.23 D67s]

Kimoto Yoshinobu. Narachoo tenseki shosai bussho kaisetsu sakuin "fi~Ç,©"TΔ<___§∂OE≈>ΔàŸõ√ø [Index and Explanation of the Titles of Buddhist Texts Mentioned in Nara-period Historical Documents]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankookai, 1989. [Ref. BQ 4016 N372 1989]

Makita Tairyoo ^q"c,ú~º et al., eds. Koosooden sakuin Ÿ≠OEm.BŸõ√ø [Concordances to the Kao-seng-chuan]: Ryoo Koosooden sakuin (1972), Too Koosooden sakuin, 3 vols. (1975), Soo Koosooden sakuin/Daimin Koosooden sakuin, 3 vols. (1977). [Ref BQ 634 T63M 34] Invaluable for tracing personal names, monasteries, and texts.

Mozume, Takami, ed. Gunsho sakuin `Q∂OEŸõ√ø [Concordance to Japanese monograph anthologies]. 3 vols. Tokyo: Kobunko Kankookai, 1928. [9648 G95]

Ooshima, Nakataroo, ed. Myoohoo rengekyoo sakuin ^-^@u@≈ØãSŸõ√ø [Index to the Lotus Scripture]. Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten, 1941. [Ref. 1819 M99 Index]

Satoo, Ryooyuu , ed. Sooden shiryoo OEm.B/OE~¿ [Guide to Sources for Biographies of Monks]. 3 vols. Tokyo: Shintensha, 1989-1990. [Ref. BQ 683 S37 1989]

Suzuki, D.T. An Index to the La&ndotover;kaavataara Suutra (Nanjio Edition). Kyoto, 1934. [UCD Main BQ 1729 S8 1965; NOT at UCLA] Includes Sanskrit-Chinese-Tibetan, Chinese-Sanskrit, and Tibetan-Sanskrit glossaries.

Suzuki Tetsuo. Chuugoku Zenshuu jinmei sakuin ,∫ŸOEOET∂@Δl^πŸõ√ø [Index to Biographies of Chinese Ch'an monks]. Nagoya: Kikoodoo Shoten, 1975. [BQ 9298 S94].

Ui, Hakuju ≈F√äo/oo`/õ Bon-Kan taishoo Bosatsuji sakuin 1Δ…¿OEåΔ"ì/FŸõ√ø [Concordances to Yogacarabhumi Bodhisattvabhumi]. Tokyo: Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan, 1961. [1837 B63]

Watanabe, Shigeru. Soogo shiryoo sakuin OE/ŸOmega/OE~¿Ÿõ√ø [Comprehensive Concordance to Japanese Historical Sources]. Rev. ed. Tokyo: Komiyama Shoten, 1959. [Ref. 3308 W29 1959]

Willemen, Charles. Dharmapada: A Concordance to Udaanavarga, Dhammapada, and the Chinese Dharmapada. Brussels, 1974. [NOT at UCLA.]

Willemen, Charles. Udaanavarga: Chinese-Sanskrit Glossary. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1975. [NOT at UCLA.]

Yamada Kazuo /R"cuav , ed. Maka shikan ichiji sakuin ^•æd/~æV√ê/ƒŸõ√ø [Index to Chih-i's Mo-he chih kuan by single graphs]. Tokyo: Daisan Bunmeisha, 1985. [Ref. BQ 9149 C454M643 1985]

Yamada Takao. Issaikyoo ongi sakuin √êΔØãS≈'-`Ÿõ√ø [Index to the I-ch'ieh ching yin-i]. 1963; revised ed., Tokyo: Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan, 1974. [NOT at UCLA.]

Yamaji, Yoshinori, ed. Giso rokujoo in'yoo shomei akuin-`OE^uZ,ƒ√ø~p∂OE^πŸõ√ø [Index to Citations in I-ch'u liu-tieh (i.e., a ca.955 Chinese Encyclopedia of Buddhist Terminology in 24 fasc.)]. Kyoto: Hooyuu Shoten, 1991. [BQ 133 I23Y36 1991]

Yanagida Seizan ^ö"cΔ'/R , ed. Sodooshuu sakuin OEc"°∂WŸõ√ø [Concordance to the Tsu-t'ang chi]. 3 vols. Kyoto: Kyooto Daigaku Jinbunkagaku Kenkyuusho, 1980--1984. Concordance to the first of the Ch'an ``transmission of the lamp'' doxographies, upon which the Ching-teh ch'uan-teng lu is based.

(Teihon) Zenrin kushuu sakuin OET~Ñ-å∂WŸõ√ø [Index to the (Standard) Forest of Zen Verse]. Kyoto: Zen Bunka Kenkyuujo, 1990. [Ref. BQ 9267 Z483T45 1990]


Buddha-l (Moderated discussion list): buddha-l@ulkyvm.louisville.edu

ANU - Buddhist Studies WWW VL: http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-Buddhism.html

Buddhist Resource File: http://www.io.com/~cin/buddnest.html

Muller, A. Charles, ed. CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist Terms. uÅ-"`ê…¿…Ø"ú™\≈pç∫"T http://www2.gol.com/users/acmuller/index.html

Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative: http://www.iijnet.or.jp/iriz/irizhtml/ebti/ebtie.htm

Journal of Buddhist Ethics: http://jbe.la.psu.edu

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