Newsletter> Introducing The Department of Buddhist Studies

The University of Kelaniya derives its origin from Vidyalankara Pirivena, established by the Most Ven. Rathmalane Dharmaloka Thera in 1875 and which continued to be one of the foremost establishment for studies in Thravada Buddhism and oriental languages. Considering its excellence and contribution, in 1957, the government conferred University status on it and subsequently in 1972 it became the Vidyalankara
Campus of the University of Ceylon. It was in 1978 that the University of Kelaniya was established as an independent University.

At the early stages Pali and Buddhist Studies were conducted under a single faculty and at some time or other there were two independent departments for these disciplines; one for Pali and the other for Buddhist Studies. At present, Pali and Buddhist Studies are conducted under one department. The department of Pali and Buddhist Studies is one of the oldest departments in the faculty of Humanities and has an outstanding international reputation. It is a vigorous and expanding centre of teaching and research and remains deeply committed to the study of Pali and Buddhist Studies. The department handles three main disciplines; namely, Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture.

In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate courses, a Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies for foreign students is also offered. The medium of instruction of the Diploma is English. Graduate and Postgraduate Studies can be followed either in Sinhala or English. Although the disciplines of Pali and Buddhist Studies are steeped in tradition, the Department follows modern methodologies too, and provides an opportunity to use literary, historical, philosophical and social scientific approaches to the study of Pali and Buddhist Studies. Each year, approximately 300 students take at least one course in Pali and Buddhist Studies and many of them continue as major, medial or minor concentrators. The students of this Department play an active role as reflected in the Departmental student societies, publication of journals and research programmes. All students with or without religious affiliation are invited to join in the study of Pali and Buddhist Studies.


Undergraduate Diploma Course

Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies is a undergraduate Diploma Course for foreign students. The duration of the course is two years. Disciplines taught are Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. Candidates should possess a certificate equivalent to G. C. E. (A.L) examination for admission to the course.

Degree courses

B. A. General Degree (in Sinhala and English media) is for foreign and local students. The duration of the course is three years. Disciplines taught are Pali, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture. The requirement for entrance is a credit pass for the Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (for foreign students) or higher marks for the G. C. E. (A/L) for local students.

B.A. Special Degree (Sinhala and English) courses are for local students and foreign students as well. The duration of the course is four years. Disciplines taught are Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. Entering requirement is higher marks for the Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (for foreign students) or higher marks for G. A. Q. for local students.

External Degree Courses

B. A. General Degree only for local students (Sinhala and English) duration of the course in three years. The subjects are Pali Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. The requirements for this course is a credit pass for the Diploma in Pai and Buddhist studies (for foreign students) or required marks for the G. C. E. (A.L) for local students.

B. A. Special Degree (Sinhala and English) course is for local students. The duration of the course is four years. The subjects are Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. The requirements for this course is the required marks for the G. A. Q.

Postgraduate Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies course in only for foreign students. The duration of the course in one year. Disciplines taught are Pali,
Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. The requirement for the course is a degree from a recognized University or equivalent certificate.

Research Degrees

M. Phil and PhD. Degree will be offered for suitable candidates who followed M. Phil of PhD. Courses in Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. The duration of the MPhil research is two years. The Requirements for the course in a class for B. A. Special Degree or Pass for M. A. The duration of the PhD. Degree is three years. The subjects are Pali, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. The requirement of this course in the pass for MPhil Degree.


Ven. Prof. Dewalegama Medhananda
PhD. Professor and Head of the Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya) M. A. (B & PU) PhD. (Delhi) Teaches and researches on Buddhist Philosophy, Early Buddhism and Madyamika Philosophy.

Prof. Tilak Kariyawasam
PhD. Professor and Director, Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies University of Kelaniya. B. A. (Vidyod.) PhD. (Lancaster) Teaches and researches on Mahayana Philosophy and Buddhist Ethics.

Prof. G. D. Sumanapala
PhD. Professor & Acting Director, Institute of Aurveda, Yakkala, University of Kelaniya. B. A. (Sri Lanka) M. A. PhD. (Kelaniya) Pracina Pandita. Teaches and Researches on Pali, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Psychology and Meditation.

Dr. Ananda Wijeratna
PhD. B. A. (Vidyo) MA. University of North Western, Postgraduate Diploma in Archeology (Kelaniya) Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations. (B. C. I. S.), Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Pali & Buddhist Studies, (Kelaniya). Teaches and Researches in Western and Eastern Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy.

Ven. Dr. Kollupitiye Mahinda
PhD. Senior Lecturer Dept. of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya. B. A. (Kelaniya) M. A., PhD. (Delhi), Dip. in Psychology, Teaches and researches on Buddhist Psychology, Buddhist Ethics, Comparative Studies in Buddhist and Western Religions and Philosophy.

Ven. Dr. Nabirittankadawara Gnanaratana
PhD. Senior Lecturer Dept. of Pali & Buddhist Studies, B. A. (Kelaniya) Pracina Pandita M. A. (B & PU), PhD. (Delhi), Teaches and researches on Pali, Prakrit, Sanskrit Literature and Abhidhamma Studies.

Ven. Rotumbe Upali
Senior Lecturer B. A. (Perad.) M. Phil (Kelaniya) Teaches and researches on Buddhist Culture Buddhist Philosophy.

Mr. Uditha Garusinghe
B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya), Teaches and Researches on Buddhist Culture, Buddhist Philosophy and Japanese Buddhist Culture.

Ven. Dr. Terele Dammaratana
PhD. Senior Lecturer, B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya), MPhil. University of Baranasi PhD. (Delhi), Teaches and researches on Buddhist Culture.

Ven. Makuruppe Dammananda
B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya), Teaches and researches on Pali Language, Literature and Buddhist Aesthetics.

Ven. Dodamkubure Dhammadassi
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Pali & Buddhist Studies,University of Kelaniya. B. A., M. A., M. Sc(Kelaniya) Diploma in Archeology, Teaches and researches on Buddhist Culture and Social issues and Buddhist Monasticism.

Ven. Karawita Nanda
B. A., M. A., M. Phil (Kelaniya), Teaches and researches on Buddhist Philosophy, World Religions, Buddhist Psychology, Comparative Studies in Buddhist and Western Philosophy and religion.

Ven. Alubomulle Dammalankara
B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya) Pracina Panditha, Teachesand researches on Pali vaüsa literature and Pali language.

Ven. Deniyaye Pannaloka
B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya) Lecturer, Teaches and researches on Pali Language, History of Pali literature and Buddhist Social Philosophy.

Ven. Naotunne Wimalagnana
B. A., M. A. (Kelaniya), Diploma in Education (Colombo). Teaches and researches on Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture, Mahayana Buddhism
and Buddhist Ethics.


Ven. Prof. Dewalegama Medhananda (Head)
Ven. Dr. Nabirittankadawara Gnaratana (Co-ordinator)
Prof. G. D. Sumanapala (Co-ordinator of Post graduate Diploma - External)

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