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World Buddhism - Request for Paper

Here we reproduce a communication sent to Prof: Asanga Tilakaratne, a member of Council of the World Buddhist University, by its Deputy Rector: Dr. Nantasarn Seesalals’

I have the hosnour to inform you that the purposes of World Buddhist University is to provide and facilitate Buddhist academic services to the World fellowship of Buddhists, its members and organizations working for the same ends. In this connection we have published the Journal of the World Buddhist University (WBU) to meet the above objective under the title “Buddhist University”

The Journal is a biannual publication the World Buddhist University, deals with current, on-going research in Buddhist and comparative studies conducted by Buddhist oriented scholars. The next journal is expected to come out by the end of December, B.E. 2547 (2004). It will deal with educational reform and crises in eduction worldwide. You can read the current issue at Asst. Prof. Dr. Suthira Duagsamosorn is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.

We therefore will appreciate it very much if you will kindly recommend the Author together with his/her contact address for the proposed title or other related ones you may select accordingly. The proposed titles are as follows:

1. WBU Vision, Mission and Strategies Towards the Reform of the World Education

2. Reform of Education as See by the Theravada Buddhists

3. Reform of Education as See by the Mahayana Buddhists

4. Reform of Education as See by the Vajrayana Buddhists

5. Educational Management to cope with the Global Crises in Education Today and     Tomorrow.

6. Educational Development based on Buddhism

7. Other (if any) Which you wish to present through the Journal We look forward to      hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Please accept my sincere thank for      your kind cooperation and attention.     

Yours in the Dharnma
Dr. Nantasarn Seesalab (Deputy Rector)
The world Buddhist University

NB: If anyone is interested in contributing this journal by writing an academic paper pls. contact Prof. Tilakarathne ( or the deputy Rector of WBU directly.