Dhamma talks from Ajahn Sucitto


Kalyana: ‘beautiful’, ‘uplifting’, ‘lovely’ is the epithet that the Buddha applied both to his Teaching and to those ideal companions who acts as guides to its practice. It is a striking reminder that far from being a cold or nihilistic doctrine, Buddhism is a Path that begins with the finest aspirations and integrity, is travelled with courage and sensitivity, and arrives at a place where all conflicts fall away. To illustrate this point, this book brings together a selection of talks which stem from the contemporary practice of the ancient Theravada Buddhist teachings.

AJAHN SUCITTO became a Theravada Buddhist monk (bhikkhu) in Thailand in 1976. After returning to England in 1978, he trained as a disciple of Ajahn Sumedho for 14 years before being asked to supervise the teaching and training of the community at Cittaviveka Monastery in West Sussex. Although he also travels to give teachings, Cittaviveka is where he currently resides and where the talks that form the substance of this book were given.

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