About The Soul's Journey
About Lawrence Edwards
About the goddess Kali
What is Kundalini?
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Welcome to the on-line home of The Soul’s Journey. For each of us, our soul’s journey takes us along many paths, through innumerable forests, deserts and oceans of experience as we cross countless lifetimes in our quest for love, knowledge and our true connection to the Divine. Your search has brought you here for a brief stay. At this site you will discover the works of Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., a meditation teacher and transpersonal psychotherapist, as well as a medical school faculty member and neurofeedback clinician. Lawrence is a recognized expert in the field of Kundalini and regarded by many as a modern mystic known for his love of the Divine.
May Her blessings be with you always!

While you’re here you might explore the resources and links that can serve to connect you with other realms of wisdom, guidance and support available to you.

Every spiritual tradition has its name for the power of the Divine that compels us to seek the highest, to look beyond the mundane to know the Knower. Kundalini is the yogic term for the power of the Divine that propels us along our journey, like the winds of fate that blew Odysseus across the seas on his quest. This awesome, transpersonal power, Kundalini, is often misunderstood, especially in the West. Her effects (Kundalini is referred to as a Goddess in the East) while transformative and supremely uplifting in the end, may be disruptive of our habitual ways of living and may feel quite challenging at times. Kundalini awakening leads one into the profound depths of meditation, states of rapture and union with the Divine, other types of spiritually transformative experiences, visions, out-of-body experiences, and many other paranormal experiences that are often pathologized by traditional Western psychiatric and psychological perspectives. People undergoing Kundalini or spiritually transformative processes need to have an accurate understanding of what is happening to them and receive the kind of support that respects the workings of the Divine that are occurring to them. This site and Lawrence's work, as well as that of many others, are offered to help meet that need.

While studying clinical psychology in graduate school at Temple University, Lawrence did his doctoral thesis on the extraordinary effects of Kundalini. His own mystical experiences had begun years earlier and he was able to integrate these with his professional training and his extensive training in yoga and meditation. This comprehensive perspective, grounded in personal mystical experience, is made available through his book, The Soul’s Journey: Guidance From The Divine Within, and through the workshops, courses and individual consultations offered by Lawrence.

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