
Please also look on the off-line version of Amaravati web-site under teachings

An Outline of Buddhism

Discipline and Convention (This guide refers to the code of discipline of both monks (bhikkhus) and nuns (siladharas) of the Theravada school of Buddhism 

Door to the Deathless (about the Amaravati Temple opening)

Introduction to Insight Meditation

Path to Peace by Ajahn Chah

A Taste of Freedom by Ajahn Chah

Bodhinyana by Ajahn Chah

Meditation by Ajahn Chah

Food for the Heart by Ajahn Chah

Our Real Home by Ajahn Chah

Living Dhamma by Ajahn Chah

The Key to Liberation and the Path to Peace by Ajahn Chah

Intuitive Awareness - Ajahn Sumedho

Mindfulness: the Path to deathless (meditation teaching) by Ajahn Sumedho

The Way It Is by Ajahn Sumedho

Now is the Knowing by Ajahn Sumedho

Kalyana by Ajahn Sucitto (PDF file)

The Gift of Well-Being Ajahn Munindo

Question and Answers (for students) by Ajahn Kusalo

Peace and Kindness

Freeing the Heart - Dhamma Teachings from the Nuns' community of Amaravati and Cittaviveka (PDF file)

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