
The white stupa in the field.

Ajahn Sumedho blessing
a tree with the assistance of
Venerables Vajiro and Mahesi.

The white stupa was designed by Ajahn
Vipassi and Sister Jotaka. It started out as no more than a cardboard cut-out, like a
stage prop, and was never intended to last much beyond the opening ceremony in 1985.
However, it was gradually extended as time went on; with cake tins being used to form the
layered umbrella-spire as one of the more creative additions. Over the years it has become
an object of much love and devotion, to the extent that a family of Sri Lankan supporters,
as an act of their faith in Amaravati, have built a replica of the stupa in Sri Lanka -
right down to reproducing the cake tins!

A candle-lit circumambulation of the white

Another devotional ritual is tree planting;
most commonly in memory of a deceased friend or relative of the community. If there are
cremated remains these are placed in and around the site, and all those present can place
a small amount of soil to secure the tree. It is then blessed by the Sangha's chanting and
the sprinkling of holy water. |