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front: (left to right) Ajahns Attapemo and Viradhammo, Ajahn Sumedho and
Luang Por Panyananda with Ajahn Sucitto.
back: Colin Ash (EST director), Tom Hancock (Temple architect), Christopher
Lockhart-Mummery (barrister), George Sharp (EST), Medhina Fright (EST).

It is impossible to gather together in one place all the kind and generous people who have made Amaravati possible, let alone take a picture of them. This picture shows some of the key 'players' in the Temple project. Amaravati has been, and continues to be, a unique and at times demanding situation to serve. Some of the monks and nuns, like Ajahns Sucitto, Amaro, Vipassi, Candasiri and Siripanya have gone on to teach and serve in other monasteries. Others are practising and teaching further afield, some have returned to lay life. Innumerable people have done great service to make this situation possible. This summary cannot hope to adequately acknowledge them all, either in words or pictures. A lot of the time people were too busy to be taking photographs - or enjoying the peaceful silence of meditation. It is in that field of the heart where all these good deeds will find their most valuable and authentic fruition.