Formal entry

"Learn to let go without a struggle, simply let go, to be just as you are - no holding on, no attachment, free."

Ajahn Chah

The importance of Amaravati as a place for training nuns has been well established since their move from Chithurst in 1984. Several ordination ceremonies (pabbajja - literally the 'Going Forth') have taken place using a variety of venues. The first Siladhara pabbajja at Amaravati was the Going Forth of Sisters Phasuka, Kalyana and Siripanya in the old school assembly hall (above) in 1986. The Temple is now used for all ordinations. For both men and women who ordain the early years are spent training as novices (anagarika - literally 'one who has left home') undertaking simple moral and renunciative vows.

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Nuns ordination
Anagarika Sylvia requesting admission to the nuns'
Sangha as a Siladhara in 1998.

In return for this opportunity they support the community, particularly with such duties as the preparation of food, driving of vehicles or handling of money, which bhikkhus and siladharas are not allowed to do.

Hall ordination
Siladhara pabbajja of Sisters Phasuka, Kalyana and Siripanya.