COST OF RETREAT (continued)

However, it is understood that some people may not be able to afford this amount, whilst others may be able to give more. Donations are voluntary and anonymous, and it is hoped that the spirit of generosity, with each person giving what they are able to offer, will enable the Retreat Centre to continue to provide facilities for teaching and practice in the future


As a charity, the Retreat Centre can benefit considerably from the Gift Aid scheme: 28p for every £1 donated by UK taxpayers. For the donor it takes very little effort and costs absolutely nothing. Please ask for further details.


Bookings can only be accepted on receipt by post of a completed booking form and the initial contribution which acts as a booking fee.

If you would like confirmation of your booking, please supply either an email address or a stamped addressed envelope.

In case of cancellation: please let us know as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to someone else on the waiting list. A refund can be given, on request, if the cancellation is at least one month before the start of the retreat.

If you wish to come early or stay on after the retreat, if may be possible to stay as a 'guest' at the main monastery (please write to the 'guest monk' or 'guest nun').

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