Buddhist Studies festivals and ceremonies


I pay reverence to every shrine
that may stand in any place,
the bodily relics, the Bodhi Tree,
and all images of the Buddha.

I have gained a vast mass of merit
honoring the most honorable Triple Gem;
by the spiritual power of that merit
may my obstacles be destroyed.

With candle lights dispelling dark
I venerate the perfect Buddha,
the light of the triple world,
who dispels the darkness of delusion.

With this incense sweetly scented,
made from fragrant substances,
I venerate the One worthy of reverence,
the supreme recipient of offerings.

This cluster of flowers,
beautiful, fragrant, and excellent,
I offer at the holy lotus feet
of the noble lord of sages.

With these flowers I venerate the Buddha,
by this merit may I gain liberation.
As these flowers fade and wither
so will my body be destroyed.

By this practice of Dhamma, in accord with the Dhamma, I venerate the Buddha.
By this practice of Dhamma, in accord with the Dhamma, I venerate the Dhamma.
By this practice of Dhamma, in accord with the Dhamma, I venerate the Sangha.

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