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Dependent Origination

Arising of the Wheel of Existence

Dependent on Ignorance arise Volitional Formations. Dependent on Volitional Formations arise Rebirth Consciousness. Dependent on Rebirth Consciousness arise Mind and Matter. Dependent on Mind and Matter arise the Sixfold Base. Dependent on the Sixfold Base arise Contact. Dependent on Contact arise Feeling. Dependent on Feeling arise Craving. Dependent on Craving arise Clinging. Dependent on Clinging arise Becoming. Dependent on Becoming arise Birth. Dependent on Birth arise Ageing and Death and sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair. Thus there is the arising of this whole mass of suffering.

The Cessation of the Wheel of Existence

Through the entire cessation of this Ignorance, Volitional Formations cease. Through the cessation of Volitional Formations, Rebirth Consciousness ceases. Through the cessation of Rebirth Consciousness, Mind and Matter cease. Through the cessation of Mind and Matter, the Sixfold Base ceases. Through the cessation of the Sixfold Base, Contact ceases. Through the cessation of Contact, Feeling ceases. Through the cessation of Feeling, Craving ceases. Through the cessation of Craving, Clinging ceases. Through the cessation of Clinging, Becoming ceases. Through the cessation of Becoming, Birth ceases. Through the cessation of Birth, Ageing and Death cease, and sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair. Thus there is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering.

Craving is the Builder of this House*
(Spoken by the Buddha on His Enlightenment)

Through many a birth
I wandered in samsara,
seeking, but not finding
the builder of this house*.
Sorrowful is it to be born again and again.

O house-builder! Thou art seen.
Thou shalt build no house again.
All thy rafters are broken.
Thy ridge-pole is shattered.
My mind has attained the unconditioned.
Achieved is the end of craving.

* Builder of this house: (craving = tanha)
House: body; Rafters: passion; Ridge pole: ignorance

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