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Dhammas to be Reflected upon Daily

Five things have been well taught by the Blessed One who knows and sees, the Purified One, Perfectly Enlightened by himself, that is, the subjects for daily recollection by women and men, monks and householders. What are the five?

I am of the nature to decay, I have not gone beyond decay.
I am of the nature to be diseased, I have not gone beyond disease.
I am of the nature to die, I have not gone beyond death.
All that is mine, dear and delightful, will change and vanish.
I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I shall do, whether good or evil, of that I shall be the heir.

The Nature of Dhamma

Thus have I heard: At one time the Exalted One was staying at Savatthi in Prince Jeta's Grove, in the Park of Anathapindika. Then the Exalted One spoke thus to the Bhikkhus: 'O Bhikkhus!' Those bhikkhus replied to the Exalted One, 'Lord'. The Exalted One then said: Bhikkhus, whether Tathagatas appear or do not appear, there is this established condition of Dhamma, this fixed Law of Dhamma. All that is conditioned is impermanent. To this a Tathagata fully awakens and fully understands. So awakened and understanding, He announces, points out, declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies it: all that is conditioned is impermanent.

Bhikkhus, whether Tathagatas appear or do not appear, there is this established condition of Dhamma, this fixed Law of Dhamma. All that is conditioned is unsatisfactory. To this a Tathagata fully awakens and fully understands. So awakened and understanding, He announces, points out, declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies it: all that is conditioned is unsatisfactory.

Bhikkhus, whether Tathagatas appear or do not appear, there is this established condition of Dhamma, this fixed Law of Dhamma. All Dhammas are without self. To this a Tathagata fully awakens and fully understands. So awakened and understanding, He announces, points out, declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies it: all Dhammas are without self.

Thus spoke the Exalted One. Delighted, those bhikkhus rejoiced in what the Exalted One had said.

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