Concise Pali-English Dictionary




Same Case

a prefix prefix ā shortened before a double consonant e.g. ā + kosati = akkosati; a negative prefixed to nouns, adjectives; and participles; e.g. na + kusala = akusala; the augment prefixed to some roots in the Past and Conditional Tenses; e.g. akāsi. ā (ind.), up to. (prep.) from; towards.
aṃsa m.; nt. 1. a part; a side; 2. shoulder.  
aṃsakūṭa nt. shoulder.  
aṃsabandhana nt. shoulder strap.  
aṃsu m. ray of light; a fibre.  
aṃsuka nt. cloth.  
aṃsumālī m. the sun.  
akaṅkhamāna pr.p. of ākaṅkhati wishing; desiring.  
akaḍḍhati ā + kaḍḍh + a pulls; drags.  
akaḍḍhi aor. of akaḍḍhati pulled; dragged.  
akata adj. 1. not done; not made; 2. not artificial. akaṭa (adj.) 1. not done; not made; 2. not artificial.
akataññu adj. ungrateful.  
akatattā ind. because one has not done.  
akanta adj. unpleasant.  
akampiya adj. immovable; stable; firm.  
akaraṇa nt. non-action.  
akaraṇīya pt.p. of that should not be done; (nt.), improper action.  
akari aor. did.  
akaronta pr.p. not doing or performing.  
akā aor. did.  
akāca adj. flowless.  
akāmaka adj. unwilling.  
akāla m. inappropriate. (adj.), out of reason.  
akāsi aor. of karoti. did, made, or performed.  
akiñcana adj. having nothing.  
akiṭila adj. straight; honest; not crooked.  
akiranta pr.p. of pouring.  
akiriya nt. non-action.  
akiriyavāda m. the theory that therre is no after-death of action.  
akilāsu adj. untiring; active.  
akuṭila adj. straight; honest; not crooked.  
akutobhaya adj. safe from every quarter.  
akuppa adj. steadfast; unshakable.  
akusala nt. demerit; sin; bad action. (adj.), unskilful.  
akovida adj. not clever.  
akka m. 1. the sun; 2. swallow-word plant.  
akkanta pp. of akkamati 1. stepped upon; trodden; 2. subdued.  
akkandati ā + kand + a wails, cries.  
akkandana nt. wailing.  
akkandi aor. of akkandati wailed, cried.  
akkamati ā + kam + a steps or treads upon; subjugates.  
akkamana nt. 1. stepping or treading upon; 2. subjugation.  
akkami aor. of akkamati stepped; subjugated.  
akkamma abs. having trodden upon.  
akkuṭṭha pp. of akkosati abused; reviled; scolded.  
akkocchi aor. of akkosati abused; reviled; scolded.  
akkosa m. insult; abuse; reproach.  
akkosaka m. one who insults.  
akkosati ā + kus + a abuses; reviles; scolds.  
akkosana nt. abuse.  
akkosi aor. of akkosati abused; reviled; scolded.  
akkositvā abs. of akkosati having abused; having reviled; having scolded.  
akkha nt. sense organ. (m.), axle; dice; beleric myrobalan; a measurement equal to 20 grains. (akkha in the cpds. such as visālakkha, sahasakkha is from the stem akkhi = eye).  
akkhaka nt. collar-bone.  
akkhaṇa m. inappropriate time. akkhaṇā (f.), a lightning.
akkhaṇavedhī m. an archer who shoots as quickly as lightning or shoots only to graze the object.  
akkhata adj. unhurt; not wounded; faultless. akkhāta (pp. of akkhāti), announced; told; declared.
akkhadassa m. a judge; an umpire.  
akkhadhutta adj. addicted to gambling. (m.), gambler.  
akkhaya adj. changeless; eternal; decayless. (nt.), the eternal peace.  
akkhara nt. a letter; a syllable.  
akkharaphalaka m. a board or slate to write on.  
akkharasamaya m. the science of writing and reading.  
akkhāti ā + khā + a announces; tells; declares.  
akkhātu m. one who relates or preaches.  
akkhāyī m. one who relates or preaches.  
akkhāsi aor. of akkhāti announced; told; declared.  
akkhi nt. eye.  
akkhikūpa m. socket of the eye.  
akkhitārā f. pupil of the eye.  
akkhitta adj. not despised or thrown away.  
akkhidala nt. eyelid.  
akkhobha adj. imperturbable.  
akkhobhinī f. 1. a number consisting of 42 ciphers; 2. an army of 109,350 soldiers, 65,610 horses, 21870 elephants and 21,870 war chariots.  
akkhohinī f. a high numeral with 43 cyphers.  
akhetta nt. unsuitable place.  
agati f. 1. wrong course; 2. prejudice.  
agada nt. medicine, drug.  
agaru adj. not heavy; not troublesome. (m.), aloe wood.  
agalu m. aloe wood.  
agādha adj. 1. very deep; 2. supportless.  
agāra nt. house; a dwelling place.  
agārika adj.; m. lay man; householder. āgārika (adj.), belonging to a house.
agāriya adj.; m. lay man; householder.  
agga adj. the highest; the top-most. (m.), the end; the top. añña (adj.) other; another; else. ### aññā (f.) perfect knowledge; arahantship.
aggañña adj. known as the highest or foremost.  
aggatā f. pre-eminence. aññāta (adj.), 1. (ā + ñāta:), known; understood; 2. (na + ñāta:) unknown; not recognised.
aggatta nt. pre-eminence.  
aggaphala nt. 1. the first harvest of a cultivation; 2. supreme fruit of arahantship.  
aggamagga m. the highest path of salvation. aññamañña (adj.), mutual.
aggamahesī f. the queen-consort.  
aggala nt. bolt; latch.  
aggavādī m. the greastest teacher.  
aggi m. fire.  
aggikkhandha m. a great mass of fire.  
aggiparicaraṇa nt. fire-worship.  
aggisālā f. a heated room.  
aggisikhā f. flame.  
aggihutta nt. fire-sacrifice.  
aggha m. price; value. (nt.), obligation made to a guest.  
agghaka adj. (in cpds:), having the value of.  
agghakāraka m. valuator; appraiser.  
agghati aggh + a is worth; deserves.  
agghanaka adj. (in cpds:), having the value of.  
agghāpana nt. setting a price; valuation.  
agghāpanaka m. valuator.  
agghāpaniya nt. that which is to be valued.  
agghi aor. of agghati deserved.  
agghika nt. a post decorated with festoons.  
agghiya nt. a post decorated with festoons; an abligation made to a guest.  
agghīyati v. is esteemed.  
agha nt. 1. the sky; 2. grief; pain; 3. sin; misfortune.  
aṅka m. 1. the lap; 2. a mark; sign; 3. a numerical figure.  
aṅkita pp. of aṅketi marked out; branded.  
aṅkura m. a shoot; sprout; bud.  
aṅkusa m. a pole with a hook used for plucking fruits or to guide an elephant.  
aṅketi aki + e marks out; brands; puts a number on.  
aṅketvā abs. of aṅketi having marked out; having branded.  
aṅkesi aor. of aṅketi marked out; branded.  
aṅkhubhana nt. stirring; agitation.  
aṅga nt. 1. a constituent part; 2. a limb; 3. quality.  
aṅgajāta nt. the male or female organ.  
aṅgaṇa nt. 1. an open space; a court yard; 2. impurity of mind.  
aṅgada nt.; adj. bracelet for arm.  
aṅganā f. woman.  
aṅgapaccaṅga nt. major and minor limbs.  
aṅgarakapalla m. pan for holding cinders.  
aṅgarakāsu f. a pit full of cinders.  
aṅgarakkhaka m. bodyguard.  
aṅgarāga m. a cosmetic to anoint the body with.  
aṅgavijjā f. palmistry and other prognostications from the marks on the body.  
aṅgāra m.; nt. charcoal; embers.  
aṅgārakaṭāha m. pan for holding cinders.  
aṅgāramaṃsa nt. meat roasted on cinders.  
aṅgika adj. (in cpds:), consisting of so many parts; e.g. duvaṅgika = consisting of two parts.  
aṅgīrasa m. the resplendent one; the Buddha.  
aṅguṭṭha m. thumb; the great toe.  
aṅgula nt. an inch; a finger-breadth. (adj.), (in cpds:) measuring so many inches.  
aṅguli f. finger; toe.  
aṅgulipabba nt. finger-joint.  
aṅgulimuddā f. signet ring; finger-ring.  
aṅgulīyaka nt. finger-ring.  
aṅguleyyaka nt. finger-ring.  
acapala adj. steadfast.  
acala adj. not moving; unshakeable.  
acalasaddhā f. unshakable faith.  
acava adj. low. (Only in the combination uccāvaca). ācaya (m.), accumulation.
acira adj. recent; new.  
aciraṃ adv. recently; not long ago; before long.  
acirapakkanta adj. recently departed.  
acirappabhā f. lightning.  
acetana adj. senseless; inorganic.  
acela adj. void of cloth; naked.  
acelaka m. naked ascetic.  
accagamā aor. overcame.  
accagā pret. of ati + gam he surpassed, overcame.  
accanā f. 1. oblation; 2. respect; honour.  
accanta adj. perpetual; absolute.  
accantaṃ adv. perpetually; extremely; exceedingly.  
accaya m. 1. fault; 2. lapse; 3. passing away. (accayena = after the lapse of).  
accayena adv. by the elapse of.  
accasarā aor. gave offence.  
accādhāya abs. having placed one (leg) upon the other in a slightly changed position.  
accāyika adj. urgent.  
accāsanna adj. very near.  
acci f. flame.  
accita pp. of acceti honoured, esteemed.  
accimantu adj. having flames; brilliant. (m.), fire.  
accuggata adj. very high.  
accuṇha adj. very hot. (m.), great heat.  
accuta adj. everlasting; not passing away. (nt.), eternal peace.  
accussanna adj. much abundant.  
acceti (1. ati + i + a); ( 2. acc + e) 1. passes time; gets over. 2. honours; trespects.  
accesi aor. of acceti passes time; gets over; respected.  
accogāḷha adj. plunged into a great depth.  
accodaka nt. too much water.  
accha adj. clear; pure. (m.), a bear.  
acchati ās + a > sa > ccha (ās + a; ā is shortened and sa changed to ccha), sits; remains; waits.  
acchambhī adj. fearless; not frightened.  
accharā f. 1. a nymph; 2. snapping of fingers; a short moment.  
accharāsaṇghāta m. snapping of fingers.  
accharāsadda m. sound of clapping hands.  
acchariya nt. a marvel; wonder. (adj.), wonderful; marvellous.  
acchādana nt. clothing. acchādanā (f.), concealment.
acchādita pp. of acchādeti clothed; covered with.  
acchādeti ā + chad + e clothes; covers with.  
acchādesi aor. of acchādeti clothed; covered with.  
acchi aor. of acchati sat; remained.  
acchijja abs. of acchindati robbed; plundered; took by force; broke off.  
acchindati ā + chid + ṃ-a 1. robs; plunders; takes by force; 2. breaks off.  
acchindi aor. of acchindati robbed; plundered; took by force; broke off.  
acchindīyati v. is plundered.  
acchinna aor. of acchindati robbed; plundered; took by force; broke off.  
acchecchi aor. of chindati broke away; cut out; destroyed.  
acchejja adj. unbreakable; indestructible.  
acchera nt. a marvel; wonder. (adj.), wonderful; marvellous.  
aja m. goat. ajā (f.) she-goat.
ajagara m. boa constrictor.  
ajañña adj. impure; unclean. ājañña (adj.), of good breed.
ajaddhuka   abstinebce.  
ajaddhumārikā f. starvation.  
ajapāla m. goatherd.  
ajalaṇḍikā f. goats' dung.  
ajātasattu m. a born enemy; name of a king.  
ajānana nt. ignorance. ājānana (nt.), knowledge.
ajānanta pr.p. not knowing; ignorant of.  
ajānamāna pr.p. not knowing; ignorant of.  
ajānitvā abs. not knowing; being unaware of.  
ajāniya abs. not knowing; being unaware of. ājānīya (adj.), of good breed. (see ājañña.)
ajina m. a cheetah, i.e. a long limbed beast of cat family with tawny fur and black spots. (ptsd) gives the meaning "black antilope" but the Sinhalese term "andum diviyā" shows that it is a kind of leopard. nt. its hide.  
ajinakkhipa m. a cloak made of cheetah's hide.  
ajinapattā f. a bat.  
ajinappaveṇī f. a bed-sheet made of cheetah's hide.  
ajinayoni f. a kind of antelope.  
ajinasāṭi f. a garment made of skin.  
ajini aor. of jināti conquered.  
ajimha adj. straight; not crooked.  
ajira nt. court-yard.  
ajī f. she-goat.  
ajīraka nt. indigestion.  
ajeyya adj. invincible.  
ajja ind. today.  
ajjatagge adv. henceforth; from this day forth.  
ajjatana adj. modern; referring to today.  
ajjava m.; nt. uprightness; straightness.  
ajjācāra m. 1. transgression; wrong behaviour; 2. sexual intercourse.  
ajjita adj. earned; hoarded; collected.  
ajjuṇho ind. this day; this night.  
ajjuna m. 1. the tree Pentapatera Arjuna; 2. name of a prince.  
ajjupekkhi aor. of ajjhupekkhati neglected.  
ajjhagamā aor. attained; understood.  
ajjhagā pret. of adhigacchati came to; obtained; experienced.  
ajjhatta adj. personal; connected with the self.  
ajjhattaṃ adv. inwardly.  
ajjhattika adj. personal; inward.  
ajjhappatta adj. having fallen upon or approached unexpectedly.  
ajjhabhāsati adhi + ā + bhās + a addresses; speaks.  
ajjhabhāsi aor. of ajjhabhāsati addressed; spoke  
ajjhayana nt. study; learning.  
ajjhācarati adhi + ā + car + a transgresses; conducts against the rules.  
ajjhācari aor. of ajjhācarati transgressed; conducted against the rules.  
ajjhāciṇṇa pp. of ajjhācarati 1. much practised; 2. habitually done.  
ajjhāpana nt. teaching; instruction.  
ajjhāpanna pp. of ajjhāpajjati become guilty of an offence.  
ajjhāya m. chapter.  
ajjhāyaka m. an instructor; teacher.  
ajjhāruhati adhi + ā + ruh + a rises up; climbs over.  
ajjhāruhi aor. of ajjhāruhati rose up; climbed over.  
ajjhārūḷha pp. of ajjhāruhati risen up; climbed over.  
ajjhāvara m. a candidate.  
ajjhāvasati adhi + ā + vas + a inhabits; dwells; settles down.  
ajjhāvasi aor. of ajjhāvasati inhabited; dwelt; settled down.  
ajjhāvasitvā abs. of ajjhāvasati having inhabited; having dwelt; having settled down.  
ajjhāvuttha pp. of ajjhāvasati inhabited; occupied.  
ajjhāsaya m. intention; disposition.  
ajjhāsayatā f. (in cpds:) the fact of having the intention of.  
ajjhiṭṭha pp. of ajjhesati requested; invited.  
ajjhupagacchati adhi + upa + gam + a arrives; reaches; consents.  
ajjhupagata pp. of ajjhupagacchati arrived; reached; consented.  
ajjhupagamana nt. 1. arrival; 2. agreement; consent.  
ajjhupāhari aor. ate or swallowed.  
ajjhupekkhati adhi + upa + ikkh + a is indifferent; neglects.  
ajjhupekkhana nt. indifference; negligence. ajjhupekkhanā (f.), indifference; negligence.
ajjhupekkhi aor. of ajjhupekkhati was indifferent; neglected.  
ajjhupeta pp. of ajjhupeti come near; approached.  
ajjhupeti adhi + upa + i + a comes near; approaches.  
ajjhupesi aor. of ajjhupeti came near; approached.  
ajjhesati adhi + isu + a requests; invites.  
ajjhesanā f. request; invitation.  
ajjhesayi aor. of ajjhesati requested; inivited.  
ajjhesita pp. of ajjhesati requested; inivited.  
ajjhokāsa m. the open air.  
ajjhokirati adhi + ava + kir + a scatters over.  
ajjhogāḷha pp. of ajjhogāhati plunged into; entered; immersed.  
ajjhogāhati adhi + ava + gāh + a plunges into; enters; immerses.  
ajjhogāhi aor. of ajjhogāhati plunged into; entered; immersed.  
ajjhotthaṭa pp. of ajjhottharati spread over; submerged with.  
ajjhottharati adhi + ava + thar + a submerges; overpowers.  
ajjhotthari aor. of ajjhottharati submerged; overpowered.  
ajjhothari aor. of ajjhottharati submerged; overpowered.  
ajjhosāna nt. attachment.  
ajjhohaṭa pp. of ajjhoharati swallowed.  
ajjhoharaṇa nt. swallowing; eating.  
ajjhoharaṇīya adj. fit to be swallowed or eaten.  
ajjhoharati adhi + ava + har + a swallows.  
ajjhohari aor. of ajjhoharati swallowed.  
ajjhohāra m. swallowing.  
ajjhohāreti v. instills.  
ajjhohita pp. crammed in (the mouth).  
añjati añju + a anoints; applies collyrium.  
añjana nt. collyrium (for the eyes).  
añjanavaṇṇa adj. of the colour of collyrium, i.e. black.  
añjanāḷi f. a tube for collyrium; toilet box.  
añjanī f. a collyrium box or a brush to apply collyrium with.  
añjali f. lifting of the folded hands as a token of reverence.  
añjalikamma nt. the act of salutation.  
añjalikaraṇīya adj. worthy of being honoured.  
añjalipuṭa m. folded fingers, in order to retain something in.  
añjasa nt. path; road.  
añji aor. of añjati anointed.  
añjita pp. of añjeti or añjati anointed with.  
añjeti añju + e anoints with; applies collyrium.  
añjesi aor. of añjeti anointed with; applied collyrium.  
aññatama adj. one out of many; unknown.  
aññatara adj. certain; not well-known.  
aññatitthiya m. an adherent of another faith.  
aññattha adv. elsewhere; somewhere else.  
aññatra adv. elsewhere; somewhere else.  
aññathatta nt. alteration; change of mind.  
aññathā adv. otherwise; in a different way.  
aññadatthu ind. 1. surely; 2. at any rate; 3. on the other hand.  
aññadā adv. on another day; at another time.  
aññamaññaṃ adv. one another; each other; mutually.  
aññavihita adj. being occupied with something else; distracted.  
aññāṇa nt. ignorance.  
aññātaka adj. 1. not related by blood; 2. unknown; 3. not recognisable.  
aññātakavesa m. disguise.  
aññātāvī m. one who knows or has insight.  
aññātu m. one who knows or has insight.  
aññātukāma adj. desirous to know.  
aññāya abs. having understood.  
aññoñña adj. mutual.  
aṭaṭa m. 1. name of a minor hell; 2. a high numeral. ātata (nt.), a drum with one face.
aṭana nt. roaming about.  
aṭani f. frame of a bed.  
aṭavi f. forest.  
aṭavimukha nt. outskirts of a forest.  
aṭavisaṅkhobha m. an agitation among wild tribes.  
aṭisevanta pr.p. of paṭisevati following; pursueing; practising; indulging in; using a medicine, etc.  
aṭṭaka m. a high platform or scaffold for watchers workers.  
aṭṭakāra m. a litigant.  
aṭṭassara m. cry of distress.  
aṭṭāna nt. a post incised with squares and used as a rubber by bathing people.  
aṭṭita pp. of ardayati distressed; grieved; afflicted with.  
aṭṭīyati aṭṭ + ī + ya is in trouble; is worried.  
aṭṭīyana nt. dislike; disgust: loathing. aṭṭīyanā (f.), dislike; disgust: loathing.
aṭṭīyi aor. of aṭṭīyati was in trouble; was worried.  
aṭṭhaṃsa adj. octagonal.  
aṭṭhaka nt. a group of eight.  
aṭṭhaṅgika adj. having eight constituents.  
aṭṭhapada nt. a chessboard.  
aṭṭhama adj. the eighth.  
aṭṭhamaka adj. the eighth.  
aṭṭhamī f. the eighth day of the lunar month.  
aṭṭhāna nt. 1. a wrong place or position; 2. an impossibility.  
aṭṭhārasa adj. eighteen.  
aṭṭhāsi aor. of tiṭṭhati stood; stayed.  
aṭṭhikaṅkala m. the skeleton.  
aṭṭhikalyāṇa nt. beauty of teeth.  
aṭṭhimaya adj. made of bone.  
aṭṭhimiñjā f. marrow of the bone.  
aṭṭhisaṅkalikā f. the skeleton.  
aṭṭhisaṅghāṭa m. the skeleton.  
aṭṭhīkatvā abs. having much attention; being interested.  
aḍḍhatā f. opulence.  
aḍḍhatiya adj. consisting of two and a half.  
aḍḍhateyya adj. consisting of two and a half.  
aḍḍhadaṇḍaka n. one half of a stick which is split into two; a short stick.  
aḍḍhayoga m. a kind of house which has a roof in the shape of an eagle's wing.  
aḍḍharatta nt. midnight.  
aḍḍhuḍḍha m. three and a half.  
aḍḍhullikhita adj. half-combed.  
aṇāpaka m. one who commands or issues orders.  
aṇu m. a very small particle; an atom. (adj.), minute; subtle; atomic.  
aṇumatta adj. of very small size; tiny.  
aṇusahagata adj. having a residium.  
aṇḍa nt. 1. an egg; 2. the testicles.  
aṇḍaka nt. 1. an egg; 2. the testicles.  
aṇḍaja adj. oviparous; born of an egg. (m.), a bird; a serpent.  
aṇḍūpaka nt. 1. a coil; 2. a pad for keeping something on.  
aṇṇa m. water.  
aṇṇava m. ocean.  
ataccha adj. false. (nt.), falsehood.  
atandita adj. not lazy; active.  
atandī adj. not lazy; active.  
atappiya adj. not satiable.  
ataramāna pr.p. of being unhurried.  
ati prefix a prefix giving the meanings: up to, over, gone beyond, excess, etc.  
atikaṭuka adj. very severe.  
atikaḍḍhati ati + kaḍḍh + a pulls too hard; troubles.  
atikaḍḍhi aor. of atikaḍḍhati pulled too hard; troubled.  
atikara adj. over-acting.  
atikkanta pp. of atikkamati went beyond; passed over; overcame; surpassed.  
atikkama m. going over; passing beyond; transgression.  
atikkamati ati + kam + a goes beyond; passes over; overcomes; surpasses.  
atikkami aor. of atikkamati went beyond; passed over; overcame; surpassed.  
atikhiṇa adj. blunt. atikhīṇa (adj.), 1. much exhausted; much wasted; 2. shot from (a bow).
atikhippaṃ adv. too soon.  
atiga adj. (=atigata, pp. of atigacchati), gone over; surmounted.  
atigacchati ati + gam + a overcomes; surpasses; surmounts.  
atigacchi aor. of atigacchati overcame; surpassed; surmounted.  
atigāḷha adj. intensive; very tight.  
atighora adj. terrible; very fierce.  
aticarati ati + car + a transgresses; commits adultery.  
aticari aor. of aticarati transgressed; commited adultery. aticārī (m.), 1. transgressor; 2. adulterer.
aticariyā f. 1. transgression; 2. adultery.  
aticārini f. an adulteress.  
aticca abs. having passed beyond; having overcome.  
atichatta nt. an extraordinary sunshade.  
atitta adj. unsatisfied.  
atittarūpa adj. not being satisfied.  
atittha nt. an unsuitable place, way or manner.  
atithi m. a guest; stranger.  
atidāruṇa adj. horrible; very cruel.  
atidivā ind. late in the day.  
atidisati ati + dis +a points out; explains.  
atidūra nt. a great distance. (adj.), too far; very distant.  
atideva m. a super god.  
atidhamati ati + dham + a beats a drum too often or too loud.  
atidhami aor. of atidhamati beat a drum too often or too loud.  
atidhāvati ati + dhāv + a runs fast; passes over the limits.  
atidhāvi aor. of atidhāvati ran fast; passed over the limits.  
atidhonacārī adj. one who indulges too much in food, clothes, etc.  
atināmeti ati + nam + e passes time.  
atināmesi aor. of atināmeti passed time.  
atipaṇḍita adj. too clever.  
atipapañca m. much delay.  
atipassati ati + dis + a sees clearly.  
atipassi aor. of atipassati saw clearly.  
atipāta m. slaying; killing.  
atipātī m. slayer; destroyer.  
atipāteti ati + pat +e destroys; kills.  
atipātesi aor. of atipāteti destroyed; killed.  
atippageva ind. very early.  
atippago ind. very early.  
atibahala adj. very thick.  
atibāḷhaṃ adv. too much.  
atibāheti ati + vah + e drives away; pulls out.  
atibāhesi aor. of atibāheti drove away; pulled out.  
atibrahma m. a superior brahma.  
atibhaginī f. much beloved sister.  
atibhavi aor. of atibhoti exceled; overcame.  
atibhāra m. too heavy a load.  
atibhāriya adj. too heavy; very serious.  
atibhoti ati + bhū + a excels; overcomes.  
atimaññati ati + man + ya despises.  
atimaññanā f. arrogance; contempt.  
atimaññi aor. of atimaññati despised.  
atimatta adj. too much.  
atimanāpa adj. very lovely; much beloved.  
atimahanta adj. immense; enormous.  
atimāna m. pride; arrogance.  
atimānī m. one who is proud.  
atimukhara adj. very talkative.  
atimuttaka m. name of a monk; the plant Guertnera Racemosa.  
atiyācanā f. begging too much.  
atiyāti ati + yā + a overcomes; excels.  
atiyāyi aor. of atiyāti overcame; exceled.  
atiriccati ati + ric + ya to be left over; remains.  
atiricci aor. of atiriccati remained.  
atiritta pp. of atiriccati left over; remaining.  
atiriva ind. excessively; very much.  
atireka adj. surplus; extra; exceeding.  
atirekaṃ adv. excessively; very much.  
atirekataraṃ adv. excessively; very much.  
atirekatā f. excessiveness  
atirocati ati + ruc + a outshines; surpasses in splendour.  
atiroci aor. of atirocati outshined; urpassed in splendour.  
atiluddha adj. very miserly; stringent.  
ativatesi aor. of ativatteti overcame.  
ativatta adj. surpassed; overcome.  
ativattati ati + vat + a passes over; goes beyond.  
ativattana nt. over-coming.  
ativatteti ati + vat + e overcomes.  
ativassati ati + vass + a rains down on or into.  
ativassi aor. of ativassati rained down on or into.  
ativākya nt. abuse; reproach.  
ativāhaka adj. one who carries a burden; a guide.  
ativijjhati ati + vidh + ya sees through.  
ativijjhi aor. of ativijjhati saw through.  
ativiya ind. very much.  
ativuṭṭha pp. of ativassati rained down on or into.  
ativuṭṭhi f. excess of rain.  
ativelaṃ adv. a protracted time.  
atisaya m. abundance.  
atisayena adv. exceedingly.  
atisarati ati + sar + a goes beyond the limits; transgresses.  
atisari aor. of atisarati went beyond the limits; transgressed.  
atisāyaṃ adv. late in the evening.  
atisāra m. 1. overstepping; 2. dysentery.  
atisuṇa m. rabid dog.  
atisundara adj. excellent.  
atiharati ati + har + a 1. carries over; 2. brings.  
atihari aor. of atiharati carried; brought.  
atīta adj. past; gone by. (m.), the past.  
atīva ind. very much.  
ato ind. hence; therefore.  
atta m. soul; oneself. aṭṭa (nt.) 1. lawsuit; 2. watch tower; 3. a scaffold for workers. (adj.) (from aṭṭita:) grieved; afflicted.
attakāma m. love of self.  
attakilamatha m. self-mortification.  
attagutta adj. self-guarded.  
attagutti f. self-care.  
attaghañña nt. self-destruction.  
attaja adj. proceeding from oneself. (m.), a son.  
attadattha m. one's own welfare.  
attadanta adj. self-restrained.  
attadiṭṭhi f. speculation about the soul.  
attadīpa adj. relying on oneself.  
attaniya adj. belonging to the self.  
attantapa adj. self-mortifying.  
attapaccakkha adj. self-witnessed.  
attapaṭilābha m. acquisition of a personality.  
attabhāva m. personality; individuality.  
attamana adj. delighted; glad.  
attamanatā f. joy; pleasure.  
attavadha m. self-destruction; suicide.  
attavāda m. the theory of soul.  
attasambhava adj. originating from one's self.  
attahita nt. personal welfare.  
attahetu ind. for one's own sake.  
attāṇa adj. without protection.  
attmanatā f. joy; pleasure.  
attha m. welfare; gain; wealth; need; want; use; meaning; destruction. (attha pres. 2nd plu. of atthi.) aṭṭha (adj.) eight.
atthaṃ carati   works for welfare.  
atthakathā f. explanation; exposition; a commentary. aṭṭhakathā (f.), a commentary; explanation of meaning.
atthakara adj. beneficial.  
atthakāma adj. well-wishing.  
atthakusala adj. clever in finding what is beneficial; clever in exposition.  
atthakkhāyī adj. showing what is profitable.  
atthagama m. setting down; extinction.  
atthaṅgama m. setting down.  
atthacara adj. doing good; busy in the interest of others.  
atthacariyā f. doing good.  
atthaññū adj. one who knows the meaning or what is good.  
atthata pp. of attharati spread over with.  
atthadassī adj. intent upon the good.  
atthabhañjaka adj. destroying the welfare.  
atthara m. a rug; a carpet. atthāra (m.), spreading out.
attharaka m. one who spreads over. atthāraka (m.), one who spreads out.
attharaṇa nt. a covering; a bed-sheet.  
attharati ā + thar + a spreads; lays out.  
attharāpeti caus. of attharati causes to be spread.  
atthari aor. of attharati spread; laid out.  
atthavasa m. reason; use.  
atthavādī m. one who speaks good.  
atthāya dat. of attha for the sake of, Kilamatthāya = what for?  
atthi as + a + ti to be; to exist. aṭṭhi (nt.) 1. bone; 2. a hard seed. ### atthī (adj.) desirous of; seeking for.
atthika adj. desirous of; seeking for.  
atthitā f. existence; the fact of being present. aṭṭhita (adj.), not steadfast.
atthibhāva m. existence; the fact of being present.  
atthiya adj. desirous of; seeking for.  
atthu imper. of atthi be it so.  
atra adv. here.  
atraja adj. born from oneself. (m.), a son. atrajā (f.) a daughter.
atriccha adj. very greedy. atricchā (f.) excessive greed.
atricchatā f. excessive greed.  
atha ind. then; and also.  
atha ca pana ind. and yet.  
atha vā ind. or.  
atho ind. then; and also.  
adaka adj. eater.  
adati ad + a eats. ādāti (ā + dā + a), takes; grasps.
adadi aor. of dadāti gave; offered; allowed; granted; handed over.  
adana nt.; m. boiled rice. (nt.), eating. ādāna (nt.), taking up; grasping.
adassana nt. absence; disappearance.  
adā pret. of dadāti he gave. ādā (abs. of ādāti), having taken.
adāsi aor. of deti gave. See dadāti  
adi aor. of adati ate. ādi (m.), starting point; beginning. (adj.), first; beginning with. (nt.), and so on; so forth.
adiṭṭha adj. not seen.  
adinna adj. not seen. ādinna (pp. of ādāti), taken; grasped.
adinnādāna nt. theft.  
adissamāna adj. not visible.  
adu nt. (of amu), such and such a thing. ādu (ind.), or; but.
aduṭṭhacitta adj. pure in heart.  
adutiya adj. without a companion.  
adurāgata nt. nto unwelcome or not a bad coming.  
adūbhaka adj. not treacherous.  
adda adj. moist; green.  
addaka nt. fresh ginger.  
addakkhi aor of dakkhati saw.  
addasa pret. of dakkhati he saw addasā (pret. of dakkhati), he saw.
addi m. mountain.  
addita pp. afflicted; oppressed with.  
addha m. a half. aḍḍha (adj.) 1. opulent; wealthy. (m.) a half. ### addhā (ind.) indeed; certainly. (m.) 1. path; 2. time.
addhagata adj. one who has traversed the span of life.  
addhagū m. traveller.  
addhagghanaka adj. having the worth of a half kahāpaṇa.  
addhaniya adj. fit for travelling; lasting a long period.  
addhamāsa m. fortnight. aḍḍhamāsa (m.), a fortnight.
addhāna nt. a long path, time, or journey; highroad.  
addhānamagga m. a long path; high road.  
addhika m. traveller; wayfarer.  
addhuva adj. unstable; impermanent.  
advejjha adj. doubtless; uncontradictory.  
adhana adj. poor. ādhāna (nt.), 1. laying; 2. receptacle; 3. a hedge.
adhama adj. mean; low; ignoble.  
adhamma m. 1. misconduct; 2. false doctrine.  
adhammacārī adj. unrighteous.  
adhara m. the lip. (adj.), lower. ādhāra (m.), a container; receptacle; holder; basis; support; stand.
adhi prep. up to; over; on; above.  
adhika adj. exceeding; superior.  
adhikata adj. commissioned with; caused by.  
adhikatara adj. much exceeding.  
adhikatarussāha m. utmost care.  
adhikaraṇa nt. law-suit.  
adhikaraṇaṃ adv. in consequence of; because of; for the sake of.  
adhikaraṇasamatha m. settling of a dispute or a lawsuit.  
adhikaraṇika m. a judge.  
adhikaraṇī f. a smith's anvil.  
adhikāra m. 1. management; 2. office; 3. aspiration.  
adhikoṭṭana nt. executioner's or butcher's block.  
adhigacchati adhi + gam + a attains; obtains; understands.  
adhigacchi aor. of adhigacchati attained; obtained; understood.  
adhigacchissa v. (he) would have attained.  
adhigaccheyya v. (he) would attain or get.  
adhigaṇhāti adhi + gah + ṇhā surpasses; possesses; overpowers.  
adhigaṇhi aor. of adhigaṇhāti surpassed; possessed; overpowered.  
adhigata pp. of adhigacchati attained; obtained; understood.  
adhigama m. attainment; knowledge.  
adhigameti adhi + gam + e attains; obtains; understands.  
adhigahita pp. of adhigaṇhāti surpassed; possessed; overpowered.  
adhicitta nt. 1. higher thought; 2. concentration of mind.  
adhicca abs. of adhīyati having learnt or recited.  
adhiccasamuppanna adj. arisen without a cause; spontaneous.  
adhiṭṭhahati adhi + ṭhā + a stands firmly; determines; fixes one's attention on.  
adhiṭṭhahi aor. of adhiṭṭhahati stood firmly; determined; fixed one's attention.  
adhiṭṭhātabba pt.p. fit to be determined.  
adhiṭṭhāti adhi + ṭhā + a stands firmly; determines; fixes one's attention on.  
adhiṭṭhāna ger.; nt. decision; resolution; determination.  
adhiṭṭhāya abs. of adhiṭṭhāti having stood firmly; having determined; having fixed one's attention.  
adhiṭṭhāyaka adj. superintending; looking after. (m.), a superintendent.  
adhiṭṭhāsi aor. of adhiṭṭhāti stood firmly; determined; fixed one's attention.  
adhiṭṭhita pp. of adhiṭṭhāti determined; undertaken.  
adhipa m. lord; master; ruler.  
adhipaññā f. higher wisdom.  
adhipatana nt. 1. attack; 2. falling upon; 3. hopping.  
adhipati m. lord; master; ruler.  
adhipanna adj. afflicted with; gone into.  
adhipāta m. destruction.  
adhipātaka m. a moth; grasshopper.  
adhipātikā f. a flea.  
adhipāteti adhi + pat +e destroys; demolishes.  
adhippāya m. intention.  
adhippeta pp. meant; intended; desired.  
adhibhavati adhi + bhū + a overpowers.  
adhibhavi aor. of adhibhavati overpowered.  
adhibhūta pp. of adhibhavati overpowered.  
adhimatta adj. exceeding; too much. adhimattā (f.) excess; super-abundance.
adhimāna m. undue estimate of oneself.  
adhimānika adj. one who thinks that he has attained some supernatural knowledge not actually being so.  
adhimuccati adhi + muc + ya attaches or inclines towards; possesses by a spirit.  
adhimuccana nt. 1. making up one's mind; 2. possession by a spirit.  
adhimucci aor. of adhimuccati attached or inclined towards; possessed by a spirit.  
adhimucchita pp. of adhimucchati infatuated.  
adhimutta pp. of adhimuccati was intent upon; inclined to.  
adhimutti f. resolve; disposition.  
adhimuttika adj. bent on; attached to.  
adhimokkha m. firm resolve; determination.  
adhirāja m. emperor.  
adhirohanī f. a ladder.  
adhivacana nt. a term; designation.  
adhivattati adhi + vat + a overpowers.  
adhivatti aor. of adhivattati overpowered.  
adhivattha adj. inhabiting; living in.  
adhivasati adhi + vas + a inhabits; lives in.  
adhivasi aor. of adhivasati inhabited; lived in.  
adhivāsaka adj. enduring; patient.  
adhivāsanā f. endurance; forbearance.  
adhivāseti adhi + vas + e endures; waits for.  
adhivāsesi aor. of adhivāseti endured; waited for.  
adhivuttha pp. of adhivasati inhabited; lived in.  
adhisayita pp. of adhiseti lied on.  
adhisīla nt. higher morality.  
adhiseti adhi + si + e lies on.  
adhisesi aor. of adhiseti lied on.  
adhīta pp. of adhīyati studied; learnt by heart.  
adhīna adj. dependent; belonging to.  
adhīyati adhi + ī + ya studies; learns by heart.  
adhīyi aor. of adhīyi studied; learnt by heart.  
adhunā adv. now; recently; newly.  
adhuva adj. inconstant.  
adho ind. under; below.  
adhokata adj. lowered; turned down.  
adhogama adj. going downward.  
adhobhāga m. the lower part.  
adhomukha adj. bent over; with face cast down; turned upside down.  
anagāriya nt. homelessness.  
anaṅgaṇa adj. passionless; blameless.  
anacchariya adj. not wonderful; simple.  
anajjhiṭṭha adj. unasked for; being not invited.  
anaṇa adj. free of debt.  
anatta adj. soul-less. (m.), non-ego.  
anattamana adj. displeased; irritated.  
anattha m. 1. harm; 2. misfortune.  
anadhivara m. the Blessed One.  
ananucchavika adj. improper; not befitting; inappropriate.  
ananubhodha m. not understanding.  
ananta adj. endless; limitless; infinite.  
anantara adj. next; adjoining; immediately following.  
anantaraṃ adv. after that.  
anapāyinī f. which does not leave; not deserting.  
anapekkha adj. without expectance.  
anappaka adj. much; many; not trifling.  
anabhāva (anu + abhāva), m. utter cessation. *ana + bhāva (given in ptsd.) is not correct.  
anabhirata adj. not taking delight in.  
anabhirati f. discontent; dissatisfaction; melancholy.  
anamatagga adj. one whose beginning is unknown.  
anaya m. misfortune.  
anariya adj. ignoble; vulgar.  
anala m. fire.  
analaṅkata adj. 1. dissatisfied; 2. not decorated.  
anavaṭṭhita adj. unsettled; unsteady.  
anavaya adj. not lacking; complete.  
anavarata adj. constant.  
anavarataṃ adv. constantly; continually.  
anavasesa adj. without any remainder; complete.  
anavasesaṃ adv. fully; completely.  
anasana adj. having no consolation.  
anassava adj. disobedient.  
anākula adj. not confused or entangled.  
anāgata adj. not come yet. (m.), the future.  
anāgamana nt. not coming.  
anāgāmī m. one who does not return, i.e. the person who has attained the 3rd Path.  
anācāra m. misconduct; immorality.  
anātha adj. miserable; helpless; destitute.  
anādara m. disrespect. (adj.), disrespectful.  
anādariya nt. disregard.  
anādā abs. of na + ādāti without taking.  
anādāya abs. of na + ādāti without taking.  
anādiyitvā abs. not heeding; not taking up.  
anāpucchā abs. without asking or permission.  
anāmaṭṭha adj. not touched.  
anāmaya adj. free from illness.  
anāmasita adj. not touched.  
anāyatana nt. improper place.  
anāyāsa adj. free from trouble.  
anāyāsasena adv. easily.  
anāyūhana nt. non-exertion.  
anāyūhanta pt.p. not exerting.  
anārambha adj. free from turmoil.  
anālaya adj. free from attachment. (m.), aversion.  
anāḷhika adj. poor; one who does not possess even a measure of rice.  
anāvattī m. one who does not return.  
anāvaraṇa adj. open; without any obstacle.  
anāvāṭa adj. open; not shut.  
anāvila adj. undisturbed; clean.  
anāvuttha adj. not dwelt in.  
anāsakatta nt. fasting.  
anāsava adj. free from intoxicants; passionless.  
aniketa adj. without an abode.  
anikkasāva adj. not free from impurity of mind.  
anigha adj. free from trouble. anīgha (adj.) free from trouble.
anicca adj. not stable; impermanent.  
aniccato ind. as impermanent.  
anicchanta pr.p. unwilling.  
anicchamāna pr.p. unwilling.  
anicchā f. disliking; dispassion.  
aniñjana nt. immobility.  
aniñjita adj. unshaken; undisturbed.  
aniṭṭha adj. unpleasant; not agreeable.  
aniṭṭhita adj. unfinished; not completed.  
anindita adj. blameless; not reviled.  
anindiya adj. deserving no contempt.  
anibbisanta pr.p. not finding out.  
animisa adj. unwinking.  
aniyata adj. uncertain; not settled.  
anila m. wind.  
anilapatha m. the sky.  
anilaloddhuta adj. shaken by the wind.  
anivattana nt. non-stoppage.  
anisammakārī adj. not acting considerately; hasty.  
anissara adj. having no power or influence.  
anīka nt. an army.  
anīkagga nt. array of an army.  
anīkaṭṭha m. a royal body-guard.  
anītika adj. free from injury or harm.  
anītiha adj. not based on hearsay; known by oneself.  
anukaṅkhī adj. longing for.  
anukata pp. of anukaroti imitated; repeated some action.  
anukantati anu + kant + a cuts into; shears.  
anukanti aor. of anukantati cut into; sheared.  
anukampaṃ upādāya   out of pity.  
anukampaka adj. compassionate; one who has pity.  
anukampati anu + kamp + a has pity on.  
anukampana nt. compassion; pity.  
anukampā f. compassion; pity.  
anukampi aor. of anukampati had pity on. anukampī (adj.), compassionate; one who has pity.
anukampita pp. of anukampati pitied by.  
anukaraṇa ger. imitation.  
anukari aor. of anukaroti imitated; repeated some action. anukārī (3.), imitator.
anukaroti anu + kar + o imitates; repeats some action. anukaroti = anukubbati.
anukāra m. imitation.  
anukiṇṇa pp. of anukirati strewn with.  
anukubanta pr.p. of anukaroti imitating.  
anukubbati   imitates; repeats some action.  
anukūla adj. favourable; agreeable.  
anukūlabhāva m. complaisance.  
anukūlavāta m. favourable wind.  
anukkama m. order; succession.  
anukkamati v. follows.  
anukkamena adv. gradually; by degrees; in order; in due course.  
anukhuddaka adj. minor; less important.  
anuga adj. following; followed by.  
anugacchati anu + gam + a follows; goes after.  
anugacchi aor. of anugacchati followed; went after.  
anugata pp. of anugacchati accompanied by; gone into.  
anugati f. following after; adherence to.  
anugantabba pt.p. of anugacchati would follow; would go after.  
anugantuṃ inf. of anugacchati to follow; to go after.  
anugama m. following after.  
anugamana m. following after.  
anugāmika adj. going along with; a follower.  
anugāmī nt. along with; a follower.  
anugāhati anu + gāh + a plunges into; enters.  
anugāhi aor. of anugāhati plunged into; entered.  
anugijjhati anu + gidh + a covets.  
anugijjhi aor. of anugijjhati coveted.  
anugiddha pp. of anugijjhati covetous; greedy.  
anuggaṇhana m. favour; help; assistance.  
anuggaṇhāti anu + gah + ṇhā helps; has pity on.  
anuggaṇhi aor. of anuggaṇhāti helped; had pity on.  
anuggaha nt. favour; help; assistance.  
anuggahita pp. of anuggaṇhāti commiserated; helped.  
anuggāhaka 3 helper; a patron.  
anuggiranta pr.p. not uttering; not speaking.  
anugghāṭeti anu + u + ghaṭ + e opens; unfastens. *ptsd. gives an opposite meaning after showing its construction as: "an + ugghāṭeti."  
anucaṅkamati anu + kam + a follows one who is walking up and down.  
anucaṅkami aor. of anucaṅkamati follwed one who is walking up and down.  
anucara m. a follower; attendant.  
anucaraṇa nt. practising of; performance.  
anucarati anu + car + a follows; practises.  
anucari aor. of anucarati followed; practised.  
anucarita pp. of anucarati accompanied by; pervaded with; practised.  
anuciṇṇa pp. of anucarati practised; attained; acquainted with.  
anucita (na + ucita), adj. improper; not befitting.  
anucināti anu + ci + nā collects or practises.  
anucini aor. of anucināti collocted or practised.  
anucinteti anu + cit + e thinks upon; considers.  
anucintesi aor. of anucinteti thought upon; considered.  
anuccārita adj. not uttered or raised up.  
anucciṭṭha adj. untouched; (food) that is not left over.  
anucchavika adj. suitable; proper; befitting.  
anuja m. brother. anujā (f.) sister.
anujāta adj. born after or resembling (one's father).  
anujānāti anu + ñā + nā allows; gives permission.  
anujāni aor. of anujānāti allowed; gave permission.  
anujīvati anu + jīv + a subsists by.  
anujīvi aor. of anujīvati subsisted by. anujīvī (3.) a dependent person.
anuju adj. not straight; crooked.  
anuññā f. sanction; permission.  
anuññāta pp. of anujānāti allowed; permitted; sanctioned.  
anuṭṭhahanta adj. One who does not rouse himself; inactive (person).  
anuṭṭhahāna adj. One who does not rouse himself; inactive (person).  
anuṭṭhātu adj. One who does not rouse himself; inactive (person).  
anuṭṭhāna nt. inactivity. (adj.), not getting up.  
anuṭṭhita adj. 1. not risen up. 2. done.  
anuḍahana nt. burning.  
anutappati anu + tap + ya repents; regrets.  
anutappi aor. of anutappati repented; regreted.  
anutā m. remorse; anguish.  
anutāpa m. remouse; anguish.  
anutiṭṭhati anu + ṭhā + a 1. stands near by; 2. agrees.  
anutīra nt. neighbourhood of a bank or shore.  
anutīraṃ adv. along the bank or shore.  
anuttara adj. incomparable; unsurpassed.  
anuttariya nt. superiority; excellency.  
anuttāna adj. 1. not shallow; deep; 2. obscure.  
anutthunana nt. murmur; wailing; lamentation.  
anutthunanta pr.p. of anutthunāti would moan; would lament.  
anutthunāti anu + thu + nā moans; laments; bewails.  
anutrāsī 3 one who does not fear.  
anudadāti anu + dā + a grants; concedes.  
anudahati anu + dah + a burns over; consumes. anuḍahati (anu + dah + a) burns over; consumes.
anudahi aor. of anudahati burnt over; consumed. anuḍahi (aor. of anuḍahati) burnt over; consumed.
anudisā f. an intermediate direction.  
anuddayā f. compassion; pity.  
anuddiṭṭha adj. not pointed out; not uttered.  
anuddhata adj. uninflated. anuddhaṭa (adj.), not pulled out; not destroyed.
anudhamma m. conformity with the Law.  
anudhāvati anu + dhāv + a runs after.  
anudhāvi aor. ran after.  
anunaya m. friendliness.  
anunāsika adj. nasal.  
anuneti anu + nī = e conciliates; appeases.  
anunetu m. one who reconciled.  
anupa m. watery land.  
anupakkuṭṭha adj. blameless; irreproachable.  
anupakhajja abs. having encroached or intruded.  
anupaghāta m. non-injury; humanity; non-violence.  
anupacita adj. not accumulated.  
anupacchinna adj. continued; proceeding without cessation.  
anupaññatti f. a supplementary regulation.  
anupaṭipāṭi f. succession.  
anupaṭṭhita adj. no present; not arrived.  
anupatati anu + pat + a falls upon; befalls.  
anupatita pp. of anupatati affected with; oppressed by.  
anupatti f. attainment.  
anupadaṃ adv. 1. word-by-word; 2. close behind.  
anupaddava adj. free from danger.  
anupadhāretvā abs. having disregarded; without consideration.  
anupabbajati anu + pa + vaj + a gives up worldly life in imitation of another.  
anupameya adj. incomparable.  
anuparigacchati anu + pari + gam + a goes round about.  
anuparigacchi aor. went round about.  
anuparidhāvati anu + pari + dhāv + a runs up and down or around.  
anuparidhāvi aor. ran up and down or around.  
anupariyāti anu + pari + yā + a goes round about.  
anupariyāyi aor. went round about.  
anuparivattati anu + pari + vat + a move round and round; keep on rolling.  
anuparivattana nt. rolling after evolving.  
anuparivatti aor. moved round and round; kept on rolling.  
anupalitta adj. free from taint; not smeared with.  
anupavajja adj. blameless.  
anupavatteti anu + pa + vat + e continues rolling; wield power in succession.  
anupavattesi aor. continued rolling; wielded power in succession.  
anupaviṭṭha pp. continued rolling; wielded power in succession.  
anupavisati anu + pa + vis + a goes into; enters.  
anupavisi aor. went into; entered.  
anupasampanna adj. one who has not yet received the full ordination or upasampadā.  
anupassaka adj. observer; one who contemplates.  
anupassati anu + dis + a observes; contemplates.  
anupassanā f. 1. consideration; 2. realisation.  
anupassi aor. of anupassati observed; contemplated. anupassī (adj.), observer; one who contemplates.
anupahacca na + upa + han + ya without wounding or troubling.  
anupahata m. attack in speech.  
anupāṭiyā adj. not present; not arrived.  
anupāta m. attack in speech.  
anupātī 3 one who attacks or follows.  
anupādā abs. without grasping.  
anupādāna adj. 1. unattached; 2. fuelless.  
anupādāya abs. without grasping.  
anupādisesa adj. without any substratum.  
anupāpuṇāti anu + pa + ap + unā reaches; attains.  
anupāpuṇi aor. of anupāpuṇāti reached; attained.  
anupāpeti nu + pa + ap + e causes ( or makes one) to conduct or lead.  
anupāpesi aor. of anupāpeti conducted or leaded.  
anupāya m. wrong means.  
anupāyāsa adj. sorrowless; serene.  
anupālaka adj. guarding; protecting. (m.), a protector.  
anupālana nt. maintenance; protection.  
anupāleti anu + pāl + e maintains; safeguards.  
anupālesi aor. of anupāleti maintained; safeguarded.  
anupucchati anu + pucch + a inquires after.  
anupucchi aor. inquired after.  
anupuṭṭha pp. of anupucchati being asked or questioned.  
anupubba adj. successive; gradual.  
anupubbaṃ adv. gradually; by and by.  
anupubbatā f. graduation; succession.  
anupubbena adv. gradually; by and by.  
anupekkhati anu + upa + ikkh + a considers carefully.  
anupekkhanā f. consideration.  
anupekkhi aor. of anupekkhati considered carefully.  
anupesi aor. of anupeseti sent forth after.  
anupeseti anu + pes + e sends forth after. (f.), consideration.  
anuposiya adj. be nourished or fostered.  
anuppatta pp.of anupāpuṇāti reached; attained.  
anuppatti na + uppatti f. arrival; attainment; cessation of rebirth.  
anuppadāti anu + pa + dā + a gives out; hands over.  
anuppadātu m. a giver; one who bestows.  
anuppadāna nt. giving; handing over.  
anuppadinna pp. of anuppadāti given; handed over.  
anuppadiyamāna pr.p. of being given.  
anuppadeti anu + pa + dā + e gives out; hands over.  
anuppanna adj. not born; not arisen.  
anuppabandha m. continuance.  
anuppabandhanā f. contnuance.  
anuppharaṇa nt. pervasion; flashing through.  
anubaddha pp. of anubadhati connected with; followed by.  
anubandha m. bond.  
anubandhati anu +badh + ṃ-a pursues to follow; connects.  
anubandhana nt. 1. connection; 2. chasing; 3. following.  
anubandhamāna pr.p. following; chasing.  
anubandhi aor. of anubandhati pursued to follow; connected.  
anubala nt. 1. help; stimulation; 2. a rear-guard.  
anubujjhati anu + budh + ya conceives; understands.  
anubujjhana nt. understanding; awakening.  
anubujjhi aor. of anubujjhati conceived; understood.  
anubuddha pp. of anubujjhati conceived; know; understood.  
anubodha m. knowledge; understanding.  
anubyañjana nt. a secondary attribute.  
anubrūhita pp. of anubrūheti. improved; strengthened with.  
anubrūheti anu + brūh + e improves; practises.  
anubrūhesi aor. of anubrūheti improved; practised.  
anubhavati anu + bhū + a 1. undergoes; 2. partakes in, 3. eats; 4. experiences.  
anubhavana nt. experiencing of; undergoing; eating.  
anubhavanta pr.p. of anubhavati 1. undergoing; 2. partaking; 3. eating; 4. experiencing.  
anubhavi aor. of anubhavati 1. underwent; 2. partook in; 3. ate; 4. experienced.  
anubhutta pp. of anubhavati enjoyed; undergone.  
anubhūta pp. of anubhavati enjoyed; undergone.  
anubhūyamāna pr.p.p. of anubhavati being experienced.  
anubhoti anu + bhū + a 1. undergoes; 2. partakes in, 3. eats; 4. experiences.  
anubhonta pr.p. of anubhoti experiencing of; undergoing; eating.  
anumajjati anu + majj + a strokes.  
anumajjana nt. stroking.  
anumajji aor. of anumajjati stroked.  
anumaññati anu + man + ya assents; approves.  
anumaññi aor. of anumaññati assented; approved.  
anumata pp. of anumaññati approved by; given leave.  
anumati f. consent; permission.  
anumāna m. inference.  
anumīyati anu + mā + ī + ya infers; concludes.  
anumīyi aor. of anumīyati infered; concluded.  
anumodaka 3 one who appreciates; thanks giver.  
anumodati anu + mud + a rejoices in; appreciates.  
anumodanā f. 1. thanksgiving; appreciation; 2. transference of merit.  
anumodi aor. of anumodati rejoiced in; appreciated.  
anumodita pp. of anumodati rejoiced in; appreciated.  
anumodeti caus. of anumodati causes (or makes one) to rejoice or appreciate.  
anuyanta pr.p. following; depending on.  
anuyāta pp. of anuyāti followed by.  
anuyāti anu + yā + a follows.  
anuyāyi aor. of anuyāti followed. anuyāyī (3.), a follower.
anuyuñjati anu + yuj + ṃ-a engages in; questions; gives oneself up.  
anuyuñji aor. of anuyuñjati engaged in; questioned; gave oneself up.  
anuyutta pp. of anuyuñjati 1. engaged in; 2. an attendant; 3. a vassal.  
anuyoga m. practice of; devotion to; an inquiry or inquest.  
anuyogī 3 one who is practising or engaged in.  
anurakkhaka adj. protecting; protector.  
anurakkhati anu + rakkh + a guards; protects.  
anurakkhana nt. preservation; protection.  
anurakkhā f. guarding; protection.  
anurakkhi aor. of anurakkhati guarded, protected. anurakkhī (adj.), protecting; protector.
anurakkhiya adj. to be guarded.  
anurañjati anu + rañj + a attaches to; rejoices.  
anurañji aor. of anurañjati attached to; rejoiced.  
anurañjita pp. of anurañjeti brightened; beautified.  
anurañjeti anu + rañj + e brightens; beautifies.  
anurañjesi aor. of anurañjeti brightened; beaytied.  
anuratta pp. of anurañjati attached to; fond of.  
anurava m. resounding; echo.  
anurūpa adj. suitable; conform with.  
anurūpaṃ adv. suitably; accordingly.  
anurodati anu + rud +a cries for.  
anurodi aor. of anorodati cried for.  
anurodha m. compliance.  
anulitta pp. of anulimapati, anulimpeti anointed; besmeared.  
anulimpati anu + lip + ṃ-a anoints; besmears.  
anulimpana nt. anointing; besmearing.  
anulimpi aor. of anulimpati anointed; besmeared.  
anulimpeti anu + lip + ṃ-e anoints; besmears.  
anulimpesi aor. of anulimpeti anointed; besmeared.  
anuloma adj. regular; not antagonistic. m. conformity.  
anulomika adj. suitable; in proper order.  
anulometi deno. from anuloma be in accordance with.  
anulomesi aor. of anulometi was in accordance with.  
anuvattaka 3 siding in with; one who follows or acts according to.  
anuvattati anu + vat + a agrees; follows one's example.  
anuvattana nt. compliance; obedience.  
anuvattitabba pt.p. of should be obeyed.  
anuvattī 3 siding in with; one who follows or acts according to.  
anuvatteti anu + vat +e continues rolling; wields power in succession.  
anuvattesi aor. of anuvatteti continued rolling; wielded power in succession.  
anuvadati anu + vad + a blames.  
anuvadi aor. of anuvadati. blamed.  
anuvassaṃ adv. annually; in every rainy season.  
anuvassika adj. annual.  
anuvāta m. a forward or favourable wind.  
anuvātaṃ adv. in the direction of the wind.  
anuvāda m. 1. blaming; censure; 2. a translation.  
anuvādeti v. translates.  
anuvāsana nt. perfuming.  
anuvāsita pp. of anuvāseti perfumed.  
anuvāseti anu + vas + e scents; impregnates with a good smell.  
anuvāsesi aor. of anuvāseti scented; impregnated with a good smell.  
anuvicarati anu + vi + +car + a wanders about; roams.  
anuvicarana nt. roaming about; strolling.  
anuvicari aor. of anuvicarati wandered about; roamed.  
anuvicarita pp. of anuvicarati pondered over; reflected.  
anuvicināti anu + vi + ci + nā ponders over; examines.  
anuvicini aor. of anuvicināti pondered over; examined.  
anuvicca abs. of anuvicināti having known or found out.  
anuviccakāra m. through investigation.  
anuvijjaka m. examiner; investigator.  
anuvijjati anu + vid + ya investigates; knows thoroughly.  
anuvijjana nt. trial.  
anuvijji aor. of anuvijjati investigated; knew thoroughly.  
anuvijjhati anu + vidh + ya pierces; understands thoroughly.  
anuvijjhi aor. of anuvijjhati pierced; understood thoroughly.  
anuvitakketi anu + vi + takk + e reflects; ponders over.  
anuvitakkesi aor. of anutakketi reflected; pondered over.  
anuvidita pp. of anuvijjati recognised.  
anuviddha pp. of anuvijjhati pierced; understood thoroughly.  
anuvidhīyati anu + vi + dhā + ī + ya acts in conformity with.  
anuvidhīyi aor. of anuvidhīyati acted in conformity with  
anuviloketi anu + vi + lok + e looks over; surveys.  
anuvilokesi aor. of anuviloketi looked over; survey.  
anuvuttha pp. of anuvasati dwelt; lived.  
anuvyañjana nt. a secondary attribute.  
anusaṃvaccharaṃ adv. annually.  
anusakkati anu + sakk + a moves back or asides.  
anusakki aor. of anusakkati moved back or asided.  
anusañcaraṇa nt. walking about; going around.  
anusañcarati anu + saṃ + car + a walks along; goes round about.  
anusañcari aor. of anusañcarati walked along; went round about.  
anusañcarita pp. of anusañcarati frequented.  
anusaṭa pp. of anusarati gone after; followed.  
anusanā f. advice; instruction; admonition.  
anusanī f. advice; instruction; admonition.  
anusandati anu + sand + a streams along; be connected with.  
anusandi aor. of anusandati streamed along; been connected with.  
anusandhi f. connection; conclusion.  
anusampanna adj. one who has not yet received the full ordination or upasampadā.  
anusaya m. proclivity; a dormant disposition.  
anusayati anu + si + a lies dormant.  
anusayi aor. of anusayati lay dormant.  
anusayita pp. lain dormant.  
anusarati anu + sar + a goes after; follows.  
anusari aor. of anusarati went after; followed. anusārī (adj.), striving after; acting in accordance with.
anusavati anu + su + a flows or oozes continually.  
anusavi aor. of anusavati flew or oozed.  
anusahagata adj. having a residium.  
anusāyika adj. inherent; chronic.  
anusāra m. following.  
anusārena adv. in accordance with.  
anusāvaka m. one who announces or proclaims.  
anusāvana nt. proclamation. anusāvanā (f.), proclamation.
anusāveti anu + su + e announces; proclaims.  
anusāvesi aor. of anusāveti announced; proclaimed.  
anusāsaka m. adviser.  
anusāsati anu + sās + a advises; admonishes.  
anusāsana nt. advice; instruction; admonition.  
anusāsanī f. advice; instruction.  
anusāsi aor. of anusāsati advised, admonished.  
anusikkhati anu + sikkh + a learns; follows one's example.  
anusikkhana nt. practising or following after.  
anusiṭṭha pp. of anusāsati advised, admonished.  
anusiṭṭhi f. admonition; advice.  
anusūyaka adj. not envious.  
anuseti anu + si + e lies dormant.  
anusocati anu + suc + a bewails.  
anusocana nt. bewailing; mourning. anusocanā (f.) bewailing; mourning.
anusoci aor. of anusocati bewailed.  
anusota m. down-stream.  
anusotaṃ adv. along the current.  
anusotagāmī adj. one who follows the stream.  
anussati f. recollection; memory; mindfulness.  
anussaraṇa nt. remembrance; memory.  
anussarati anu + sar + a remembers.  
anussaranta pr.p. of anussarti remembering.  
anussari aor. of anusarati remembered.  
anussarita pp. of anusarati remembered.  
anussaritu m. one who remembers.  
anussava m. hear-say; tradition.  
anussāvita pp. of anussāveti announced; proclaimed.  
anussuka adj. courageless.  
anussuta pp. of anussarati heard of  
anuhīramāna pr.p.p. being help up.  
anūna adj. not lacking or deficient; complete.  
anūnaka adj. not lacking or deficient; complete.  
anūnatā f. completeness.  
anūpama adj. that which has no comparison.  
anūhata adj. not rooted out.  
aneka adj. many; various.  
anekajāti adj. having many rebirths.  
anekapariyāya m. various ways.  
anekappakāra adj. multifarious; manifold; divers.  
anekavidha adj. multifarious; manifold; divers.  
anekavihita adj. of different kinds; various.  
anekasākha adj. with many branches.  
aneja adj. free from lust.  
anedha adj. fuel-less.  
aneḷa adj. faultless; pure.  
aneḷaka adj. faultless; pure.  
aneḷagala adj. free from dripping saliva.  
anesanā f. wrong way of earning.  
anoka adj. 1. houseless; 2. free from attachment.  
anokāsa adj. having no opportunity, space or time.  
anojā f. a plant with orange-coloured flowers.  
anotatta m. name of a lake in the Himalayas (from which several Indian rivers flow).  
anotaraṇabhāva m. the fact of not getting down.  
anottappa nt. recklessness.  
anottāpī adj. not afraid of sin; reckless.  
anodaka adj. waterless.  
anodissa adv. indefinitely.  
anodissaka adj. 1. unrestricted; 2. general; 3. without a personal hint.  
anonamanta adj. not bending down.  
anoma adj. superior.  
anomadassī m. one who has supreme knowledge.  
anovasska adj. sheltered from the rain.  
anosakkanā f. strenuousness.  
anta m. the end; goal; top. nt. intestine.  
antaka m. the Death.  
antakara adj. putting an end to.  
antakiriyā f. ending; relief.  
antaganṭhi m. twisting of the intestine.  
antagamana nt. going to an end; eradication.  
antaguṇa nt. mesentery.  
antamoso ind. at least.  
antara nt. difference. adj. inner; inter. antarā (adv.), in between; meanwhile.
antaraṃsa m. space between two shoulders.  
antarakappa m. intermediatory kappa.  
antaraghara nt. inner village or house.  
antaraṭṭhaka nt. the coldest eight days of the winter, when snow falls (in India).  
antaradhāna nt. disappearance.  
antaradhāpeti cause. of antaradhāyati causes to disappear.  
antaradhāyati antara + dhe + a disappears.  
antaradhāyana nt. disappearance.  
antaradhāyi aor. of antaradhāyati disappeared.  
antarantarā adv. now and then; occasionally.  
antaravassa m. rainy season.  
antaravāsaka m. inner garment.  
antarasāṭaka nt. inner garment.  
antarahita pp. of antardhāyati disappeared.  
antarākathā f. in between talk.  
antarāpaṇa m. market place.  
antarāmagge   on the way; on the road.  
antarāmaraṇa nt. premature death.  
antarāya m. obstacle; danger.  
antarāyika adj. forming an impediment.  
antarāla nt. interval.  
antarika adj. intermediate; next. antarikā (f.), interval; interstice.
antare loc. in between; among.  
antarena nt. in between.  
antaḷikkha nt. the sky.  
antavaṭṭi f. coils of the intestines.  
antavantu adj. having an end.  
antika adj. (in cpds.), being at the end of; near. nt. neighbourhood.  
antima adj. last; final.  
antepura nt. 1. inner town; 2. a harem.  
antepurika adj. belonging to a harem.  
antevāsika m. one who lives with his master; an attendant; a pupil.  
antevāsī m. one who lives with his master; an attendant; a pupil.  
anto ind. inside; within; inner.  
antokucchi m.; f. womb.  
antogata adj. included; contained.  
antogadha adj. included; contained.  
antogabbha m. inner-room.  
antogāma m. inner village.  
antoghara nt. inner house.  
antojana m. people belonging to the family.  
antojāta adj. born in the house; a slave.  
antovassa m.; nt. rainy season.  
antovuttha adj. kept inside.  
andu m. a fetter; a chain.  
anduka m. a fetter; a chain.  
andughara nt. prison.  
andha adj. 1. blind; 2. foolish.  
andhaka adj. belonging to the Andhra country. (m.), gad-fly.  
andhakaraṇa adj. blinding; confusing.  
andhakāra m. darkness; bewilderment.  
andhantama m.; nt. deep darkness.  
andhabāla adj. silly; very foolish.  
andhabhūta adj. mentally blind; ignorant.  
anna nt. food; boiled rice.  
annada adj. one who gives food.  
annapāna nt. food and drink.  
anvagā 3rd. sing. pret. (he) followed.  
anvagū 3rd. plu. pret. (they) followed.  
anvattha adj. according to the sense.  
anvatthanāma adv. true to the name.  
anvadeva anu + eva, ind. following behind.  
anvaddhamāsaṃ adv. twice a month; fortnightly.  
anvaya m. course; conformity; tradition. anvāya (abs. of ?), having undergone, experienced, or attained.
anvahaṃ adv. daily.  
anvāgata adj. 1. endowed with; 2. following.  
anvāyika adj. following.  
anvāviṭṭha pp. of anvāvisati taken possession of.  
anvāvisati anu + ā + vis + a takes possession of.  
anvāvisi aor. of anvāvisati took possession of.  
anvāhata adj. beaten; struck.  
anvāhiṇḍati anu + ā + hid + ṃ-a wanders.  
anvāhiṇḍi aor. of navāhiṇḍati wandered.  
anveti anu + i + a follows; approaches.  
anvesaka adj. seeker.  
anvesati anu + es + a seeks; searches.  
anvesanā f. seeking; search; investigation.  
anvesī adj.; m. striving or seeking after, a seeker.  
anvesesi aor. of anvesati sought.  
apakaḍḍhati pa + kaḍḍh + a draws away; takes off.  
apakaḍḍhana nt. drawing away; taking off.  
apakaḍḍhi aor. of apakaḍḍhati draged away, took off.  
apakata pp. of apakaroti put off; done away. (nt.), mischief. apākaṭa (adj.), unknown
apakari aor. of apakaroti offended; put off.  
apakaroti pa + kar + o hurts; offends; puts off. aor. apakari.  
apakassa abs. of apakassati having drawn aside or removed.  
apakassati pa + kass + a draws aside; removes. aor. apakassi.  
apakassanā f. removal.  
apakassi aor. of apakassati drew aside; removed.  
apakāra m. injury; mischief.  
apakkanta pr.p. of apakkamati departing, going away.  
apakkama m. removal; departure.  
apakkamati pa + kam + a departs; goes away.  
apakkami aor. of apakkamati departed; went away.  
apakkamma abs. of apakkamati having departed, having gone away.  
apagacchati apa + gam + a goes away; turns aside.  
apagacchi aor. of pagacchati went away; turned aside.  
apagata pp. of apagacchati removed; departed; gone away.  
apagata-kāḷaka adj. stainless.  
apagabbha adj. (apa + gabbha) not destined to another rebirth; (a + pagabbha) not haughty.  
apagama m. moving aside; disappearance.  
apagamma abs. having moved aside.  
apacakkha adj. unseen; not realised; not tested.  
apacaya m. falling off; diminution; unmaking.  
apacayagāmī m. making for the undoing of rebirth.  
apacāyaka adj. paying homage.  
apacāyati pa + cāy + a honours; respects.  
apacāyana nt. worship; reverence. apacāyanā (f.), worship; reverence.
apacāyi aor. of apacāyati honoured; respected. apacāyī (adj.), paying homage.
apacāyita pp. of apacāyati honoured; respected.  
apaciti f. respect; expiation; reverence.  
apacinana nt. destruction; expiation.  
apacināti pa + ci + nā does away with; diminishes.  
apacini aor. of apacināti did away with; diminished.  
apacca nt. offspring.  
apaccakkha adj. unseen; not realised; not tested.  
apaccakkhakārī adj. acting without right understanding.  
apajaha adj. proud.  
apajita pp. defeated. (nt.), defeat.  
apaññāta pp. unknown.  
apaṇṇaka adj. true; faultless.  
apatanatthaṃ adv. for not falling down.  
apatthaṭa adj. not spread out.  
apatthaddha adj. not haughty.  
apatthiya adj. what ought not to be wished.  
apatha m. a wrong path or way. āpātha (m.), sphere or range (of a sense organ).
apada adj. footless. apāda (adj.), footless; creeping. ### āpadā (f.), misfortune; distress.
apadatā f. footlessness.  
apadāna nt. life history; legend. apādāna (nt.), separation; the ablative.
apadisa m. witness; testimony.  
apadisati pa + dis + a calls to witness; quotes.  
apadisana nt. pointing out.  
apadisi aor. of apadisati called to witness; quoted.  
apadesa m. reason; statement.  
apadhāraṇa nt. removal; driving away.  
apanāmeti pa + nam + e banishes; removes.  
apanāmesi aor. of apanāmeti banished; removed.  
apanidahati pa + ni + dah + a hides; conceals.  
apanidahi aor. of apanidahati hid; concealed.  
apanihita pp. of apanidahati hidden; concealed.  
apanīta pp. of apaneti taken away, removed.  
apanudati pa + anud + a drives away; dispels.  
apanudana nt. removal; dispelling.  
apanudi aor. of apanudati drove away; dispelled.  
apanuditu m. dispeller of.  
apaneti pa + ni + a takes away; removes.  
apanesi aor. of apaneti took away, removed.  
apamāra m. epilepsy.  
apara adj. 1. another; other; 2. western. apāra (adj.), limitless; without a further shore. (nt.), the near bank.
aparajju adv. on the following day.  
aparajjhati pa + radh + ya offends against; does some crime.  
aparajjhi aor. of aparajjhati offended against; did some crime.  
aparaddha pp. of aparajjhati 1. guilty; 2. failed.  
aparadhika adj. guilty; criminal.  
aparanta   1. the last end; 2. the future; 3. name of a country in Western India.  
aparanna nt. leguminous seeds (such as peas) other than cereals.  
aparappaccaya adj. not relying on others.  
aparabhāge loc. afterwards.  
aparājita adj. unconquered.  
aparādha m. offence; guilt; crime.  
aparādhī adj. guilty; criminal.  
aparāpariya adj. ever-following; successive.  
apariggahita adj. unoccupied; not possessed.  
aparicchinna adj. unlimited; not separated.  
aparimāṇa adj. limitless; immeasurable.  
aparimita adj. unlimited; measureless.  
aparuta adj. opens.  
apalāyī adj. not running away; fearless.  
apalāleti pa + lāl + e caresses; fondles.  
apalālesi aor. of apalāleti caressed; fondled.  
apalikhati pa + likh + a scrapes; licks off.  
apalikhana nt. licking off; scraping.  
apalikhi aor. of apalikhati scraped; licked off.  
apalibuddha adj. unhindered; free.  
apalokana nt. leave; consent.  
apalokita pp. of avaloketi looked up to; obtained permission from; gave notice.  
apaloketi pa + lok + e looks up to; obtains permission from; gives notice.  
apalokesi aor. of avaloketi looked up to; obtained permission from; gave notice.  
apavagga m. final delivery; the end.  
apavadati pa + vad + a reproaches; blames.  
apavadi aor. of apavadati reproached; blamed.  
apavāda m. reproach; blaming; finding fault.  
apaviddha pp. of apavijjhati thrown away; rejected.  
apasakkati pa + sakk + a goes aside; moves.  
apasakkana nt. moving aside.  
apasakki aor. of apasakkati went aside; moved.  
apasakkita pp. of apasakkati gone aside; moved.  
apasavya nt. right side.  
apasādana nt. disparagement  
apasādita pp. of apasādeti deprecated; declined; disparaged.  
apasādeti pa + sad + e deprecates; declines; disparages.  
apasādesi aor. of apasādeti deprecated; declined; disparaged.  
apasmāra m. epilepsy.  
apassaya m. 1. support; 2. a bolster; 3. a head-rest.  
apassayati pa + si + e or aya leans against; depends on.  
apassayi aor. of apassayati leaned against; depended on.  
apassayika adj. reclining on.  
apasseti pa + si + e or aya leans against; depends on.  
apassena-phalaka nt. a bolster slab.  
apahaṭa pp. of apaharati removed; taken away; robbed.  
apahattu m. one who removes.  
apaharaṇa nt. removal; stealing.  
apaharati pa + har + a removes; takes away; robs.  
apahari aor. of apaharati removed; took away; robbed.  
apahāra m. taking away; robbing.  
apāṅga m. corner of the eye.  
apācī f. southern direction.  
apācīna adj. westerly.  
apāṇa nt. breathing out. āpaṇa (m.), bazaar; market. ### āpāṇa (nt.), breathing; exhalation.
apādaka adj. footless; creeping. āpādaka (m.), one who takes care of a child; a guardian.
apāpuraṇa nt. a key.  
apāpurati pa + ā + pur + a opens.  
apāya m. the hell; state of loss and woe; lapse; loss.  
apāyagāmī adj. going or conveying to the state of misery.  
apāyamukha nt. cause of ruin.  
apāyasahāya m. a spendthrift companion.  
apāraneyya   not leading to the other shore; unattainable.  
apālamba m. leaning board (of a carriage).  
api ind. and; even; and then.  
api ca ind. but; further.  
api ca kho ind. and yet; still.  
api nu ind. used in an interrogative sense.  
apidhāna nt. a cover; lid.  
apināma ind. if (we) may.  
apilāpana nt. non-floating.  
apissu ind. so much so.  
apiha adj. not greedy.  
apihālu adj. not greedy.  
apucchati ā + pucch + a enquires after; asks permission.  
apucchita pp. of apucchati enquired after; asked permission.  
apubbaṃ acarimaṃ adv. simultineously.  
apekkha adj. waiting for; looking for; a candidate; expectant. apekkhā (f.), hope; desire; expectance.
apekkhaka adj. waiting for; looking for; a candidate; expectant.  
apekkhati pa + ikkh + a longs for; expects.  
apekkhana nt. hope; desire; expectance.  
apekkhi aor. of apekkhati longed for; expected apekkhī (adj.), waiting for; looking for; a candidate; expectant.
apekkhita pp. of apekkhati pp. of apekkhati  
apeta pp. of apeti gone away; rid of; without.  
apetatta nt. absence.  
apeti pa + i + a goes away; disappears.  
apetta nt. absence.  
apetteyyatā f. irreverence against father.  
apeyya adj. not drinkable; that should not be drunk.  
apesi aor. of apeti went away; disappeared.  
appa adj. small; little; insignificant. (nt.), a little.  
appaka adj. small; little; insignificant. (nt.), a little.  
appakasirena adv. with little difficulty.  
appakicca adj. having few duties.  
appakiṇṇa adj. not crowded; quiet.  
appagabbha adj. not proud or impudent.  
appaggha adj. of a little value.  
appaccaya m. sulkiness. (adj.), without a cause.  
appaṭigha adj. unobstructive; without anger.  
appaṭinissagga m. not giving up.  
appaṭipuggala m. matchless person.  
appaṭibaddha adj. not connected with.  
appaṭibhāṇa adj. bewildered.  
appaṭima adj. incomparable.  
appaṭivattiya adj. not to be rolled back.  
appaṭivāna adj. not shrinking back.  
appaṭivānī m. a zealous person.  
appaṭividdha adj. not attained or understood.  
appaṭivedha m. non-grasping.  
appaṭisandhika adj. 1. incapable of rebirth; 2. unmendable.  
appaṇā f. fixing of thought on an object; attainment of a trance.  
appaṇihita adj. free from desire.  
appatikuṭṭha adj. not despised.  
appatiṭṭha adj. without a footing or help.  
appatissa adj. not docile; rebellious.  
appatissava adj. not docile; rebellious.  
appatihata adj. not smitten; unobstructed. appaṭihata (adj.),not smitten; unobstructed.
appatīta adj. displeased.  
appaduṭṭha adj. not angry; not corrupt.  
appadhaṃsiya adj. not to be violated.  
appamaññā f. infinitude; a technical term including four qualities of mind, viz. love, pity, sympathy, and disinterestedness.  
appamatta adj. (a + pamatta:) vigilant; careful; alert. (appa + matta:) slight; insignificant.  
appamattaka nt. a trifle.  
appamāṇa adj. boundless; unlimited.  
appamāda m. vigilance; earnestness.  
appameyya adj. immeasurable.  
appavatti f. non-continuance; non-existence.  
appasattha adj. having few companions. (a + pasattha:), not being praised. ppa + sattha = caravan:  
appasanna adj. 1. displeased; 2. not believing.  
appasamārambha adj. of little trouble.  
appasāda m. displeasure; dislike.  
appassaka adj. possessing little; poor.  
appassāda adj. having little enjoyment.  
appassuta adj. ignorant.  
appahīna adj. not removed or destroyed.  
appāṭihīrakata adj. worthless.  
appāṇaka adj. 1. breathless; 2. not containing insects.  
appātaṅka adj. free from illness.  
appāyukatta nt. short life.  
appiccha adj. easily satisfied; desiring little.  
appicchatā f. contentment.  
appita pp. of appeti applied.  
appiya adj. unpleasant; disagreeable.  
appekadā adv. (api + ekadā), sometimes.  
appeti p + e applies; fixes on.  
appeva ind. it is well, if.  
appeva nāma ind. it is well, if.  
appesakka adj. of little influence.  
appesi aor. of appeti applied; fixed on.  
appoṭhenta pr.p. of appoṭheti clapping hands.  
apposukka adj. inactive; not bothering; less anxious.  
appossukka adj. inactive.  
apphuṭa adj. unpervaded  
apphoṭita pp. of apphoṭeti clapped. (nt.), clapping of hands.  
apphoṭeti ā + phuṭ + e snaps the fingers; claps the hands.  
apssita pp. of passeti leaned against; depended on.  
aphala adj. fruitless; vain; useless.  
aphassita adj. not touched.  
aphāsu adj. uneasy; difficult; troublesome.  
aphāsuka nt. illness.  
abaddha adj. unfettered; free; not bound. ābaddha (pp. of ābandhati), bound to; fastened on to.
abandhana adj. unfettered; free; not bound.  
ababa nt. name of a purgatory; a numeral with 76 ciphers.  
ababhāsa m. light; appearance.  
abala adj. weak; feeble. abalā (f.), a woman.
abādha adj. without any hindrance. ābādha (m.) disease; affliction.
abādhesi aor. of ābādheti oppressed; harassed.  
abbaṇa adj. woundless.  
abbata adj. without moral obligations.  
abbuda nt. 1. a tumour; 2. the foetus in the 2nd week after conception; 3. cause of disunion; 4. name of a purgatory.  
abbūḷha pp. of abbūhati drawn off; pulled out  
abbūhati ā + vi + ūh + a draws off; pulls out.  
abbūhi aor. of abbūhati drew off; pulled out  
abbokiṇṇa adj. uninterrupted; constant; not crowded.  
abbocchinna adj. uninterrupted  
abbohārika adj. negligible  
abbha nt. sky; cloud.  
abbhaka nt. graphite; plumbago.  
abbhakalekhanī f. pencil.  
abbhakūṭa nt. the summit of a storm-cloud.  
abbhakkhāti abhi + ā + khā + a slanders; speaks against.  
abbhakkhāna   false accusation; slander.  
abbhakkhāsi aor. of abbhakkhāti slandered; spoke against.  
abbhañjati abhi + añj + a anoints; lubricates.  
abbhañjana nt. 1. anointing; oiling; 2. unguent.  
abbhañji aor. of abbhañjati anointed; lubricated.  
abbhañjita pp. annointed.  
abbhatīta adj. gone by; past.  
abbhanumodanā f. great appreciation; rejoicing after merit.  
abbhantara nt. the inside; interior. (adj.), inner; internal.  
abbhantarika adj. intimate; confident.  
abbhapaṭala nt. a mass of clouds.  
abbhāgata 3 a guest; a stranger. (pp.), arrived.  
abbhāgamana nt. arrival; coming forward.  
abbhācikkhati abhi + ā + cikkh + a accuses; culminates.  
abbhācikkhana nt. accusation; slander.  
abbhācikkhi aor. of abbhācikkhati accused; culminated.  
abbhāmatta adj. of the size of a cloud.  
abbhāhata pp. of abbhāhanati attacked; afflicted.  
abbhisambuddha pp. of abhisambujjhati gained the highest wisdom.  
abbhukkiraṇa nt. drawing out; sprinkling.  
abbhukkirati abhi + u + kir + a sprinkles over.  
abbhukkiri aor. of abbhukkirati sprinkled over.  
abbhuggacchati abhi + u + gam + a rises up; is diffused.  
abbhuggacchi aor. of abbhuggacchati rose up; was diffused.  
abbhuggata pp. of abbhuggacchati risen up; was diffused.  
abbhuggantvā abs. of abbhuggacchati having risen up; having jumped up.  
abbhuggamana nt. rising over.  
abbhuggiraṇa nt. brandishing.  
abbhuggirati bhi + u + gir + a raises up or brandishes something in a threatening manner.  
abbhuggiri aor. of abbhuggirati raised up or brandished something in a threatening manner.  
abbhuṭṭhāna nt. rising; getting up; progress.  
abbhuta adj. wonderful; marvelous. (nt.), a wonder; a marvel; a bet.  
abbhutasālā f. museum  
abbhudeti abhi + udi + e rises; comes into existence.  
abbhudesi aor. of abbhudeti rose; came into existence.  
abbhunnata adj. risen high; high.  
abbhumme intj. alas !  
abbhuyyāta pp. of abbhuyyāti march against.  
abbhuyyāti abhi + u + yā + a marches against.  
abbhokāsa m. unsheltered place; open air.  
abbhokāsika m. one who lives in the open air.  
abbhokiṇṇa adj. crowded.  
abbhokiraṇa nt. 1. sprinkling; 2. movements of a dancer.  
abbhokirati abhi + ava + kir + a sprinkles over.  
abbhokiri aor. of abbhokirati sprinkled over.  
abravi aor. of brūti sayed; spoke.  
abhabba adj. unable; not proficient.  
abhabbatā adj. inability; impossibility.  
abhaya adj. safe; fearless. (nt.), safety. abhayā (f.), yellow myrobalan.
abhavi aor. of bhavati became; existed.  
abhavissā v. (he) would have been.  
abhāva m. disappearance; absence; non-becoming.  
abhāvita adj. not developed; not practised.  
abhikaṅkhati abhi + kakh + ṃ-a longs or wishes for.  
abhikaṅkhana nt. hope; longing; wish.  
abhikaṅkhi aor. of abhikaṅkhati longed or wished for. abhikaṅkhī (adj.), wishing for; desirous.
abhikaṅkhita pp. of abhikaṅkhati longed or wished for. (nt.), hope; longing; wish.  
abhikiṇṇa pp. of abhikirati strewn over with.  
abhikiraṇa nt. scattering over.  
abhikirati abhi + kir + a scatter over; to sprinkle.  
abhikūjati abhi + kuj + a warbles; sings (of birds).  
abhikūjana nt. singing of birds.  
abhikūji aor. of abhikūjati warbled; sang (of birds).  
abhikūjita pp. of abhikūjati resounding with (the song of birds).  
abhikkanta pp. of abhikkamati 1. gone forward; past; 2. most pleasant. (nt.), going forward.  
abhikkantatara adj. more brilliant.  
abhikkama m. going forward.  
abhikkamati abhi + kam + a proceeds.  
abhikkami aor. of abhukkamati proceeded.  
abhikkhaṇa adj. constant.  
abhikkhaṇaṃ adv. constantly; often.  
abhikkhaṇati abhi + kha + a digs up.  
abhikkhaṇana nt. digging.  
abhikkhaṇi aor. of abhikhaṇati dug.  
abhigajjati abhi + gad + ya roars; thunders.  
abhigajjana nt. roaring, thundering.  
abhigajji aor. of abhigajjati roared; thundered.  
abhigijjhati abhi + gidh + ya craves for.  
abhigijjhana nt. craving; greed.  
abhigijjhi aor. of abhigijjhati craved for.  
abhigīta pp. of abhigāyati sung for.  
abhighāta m. 1. impact; contact; 2. killing.  
abhighātana nt. slaying; destroying.  
abhighātī m. enemy; destroyer.  
abhijappati abhi + jap + a prays for; mumbles.  
abhijappana nt. 1. mumbling; 2. wish; 3. talk.  
abhijappi aor. of abhijappati prayed for; mumbled.  
abhijappita nt. 1. mumbling; 2. wish; 3. talk.  
abhijāta adj. well-born; of noble birth.  
abhijāti f. 1. rebirth; descent; 2. species.  
abhijānana nt. recognition; recollection.  
abhijānāti abhi + ñā + nā knows fully or by experience; is aware.  
abhijāni aor. of abhijānāti knew fully or by experience; was aware  
abhijāyati abhi + jan + ya is born or arose well.  
abhijigiṃsati abhi + har + sa* wishes to overcome. *har is changed to gin; gi is doubled and the former gi is changed to ji.
abhijigiṃsi aor. of abhijigiṃsati wished to overcome.  
abhijjanaka adj. not breaking or separating.  
abhijjamāna adj. not breaking or separating.  
abhijjhā f. covetousness  
abhijjhāyati abhi + jhe + a wishes for; covets.  
abhijjhāyi aor. of abhijjhāyati wished for; coveted.  
abhijjhālu adj. covetous.  
abhijjhita pp. of abhijjhāyati wished for; coveted.  
abhiñña adj. knowing; possessed of knowledge. abhiññā (abs. of abhijānāti), having understood well. (f.), special knowledge; supernormal power.
abhiññāṇa nt. a special mark.  
abhiññāta pp. of abhijānāti well-known; recognised.  
abhiññāya abs. of abhijānāti having understood well.  
abhiññeyya adj. that which should be well understood.  
abhiṇha adj. continuous; habitual.  
abhiṇhaṃ adv. often; repeatedly.  
abhiṇhasannipāta m. meeting often together.  
abhiṇhaso adv. always; repeatedly.  
abhitatta pp. of abhitapati scorched by heat; heated.  
abhitapati abhi + tap + a shines.  
abhitapi aor. of abhitapati shone.  
abhitāpa m. extreme heat.  
abhitāḷita pp. of abhitāḷeti beated; hammered; hit a drum, etc.  
abhitāḷeti abhi + tāḷ + e beats; hammers; hits a drum, etc.  
abhitāḷesi aor. of abhitāḷeti beated; hammered; hit a drum, etc.  
abhituṇṇa pp. of abhitudati overwhelmed.  
abhitudati abhi + tud + a pierces; pricks; incites.  
abhitudi aor. of abhitudati pierced; pricked; incited.  
abhito ind. round about.  
abhitoseti abhi + than + a pleases thoroughly.  
abhitosesi aor. of abhitoseti pleased thoroughly.  
abhitthanati abhi + than + a thunders.  
abhitthani aor. of abhitthanati thundered.  
abhitthanita pp. of abhitthanati thundered.  
abhittharati abhi + thar + a makes haste.  
abhitthari aor. of abhittharati made haste.  
abhitthavati abhi + thar + a praises; applauds.  
abhitthavana nt. praise.  
abhitthavi aor. of abhitthavati praised.  
abhitthuta pp. of abhitthavati praised.  
abhitthunati abhi + thu + nā praises.  
abhitthuni aor. of abhitthunati praised.  
abhidosa m. last evening.  
abhidosika adj. belonging to the last evening. ābhidosika (adj.), belonging to the last evening.
abhidhamati abhi + dham + a blows on.  
abhidhami aor. of abhidhamati blew on.  
abhidhamma m. the analytic doctrine of the Buddhist Canon.  
abhidhammika adj. one who teaches abhidhamma. ābhidhammika (adj.), versed in or studying Abhidhamma.
abhidhā f. name; appellation.  
abhidhāna nt. name; appellation.  
abhidhāvati abhi + dhāv + a runs towards; runs against; hastens.  
abhidhāvi aor. of abhidhāvati ran towards; hastened.  
abhidheyya adj. having the name of. (nt.), meaning.  
abhinata pp. of abhinamati bent; bowed down to.  
abhinadati abhi + nad + a resounds.  
abhinadi aor. of abhinadati resounded. abhinadī = one who rejoices; enjoying.
abhinadita pp. of abhinadati resounded. (nt.), the noise abhinādita (pp. of abhinadati), resounded with.
abhinandati abhi + nand + a rejoices at; finds pleasure in; approves of.  
abhinandana nt. rejoicing; delight.  
abhinandi aor. of abhinandati rejoiced at. abhinandī (adj.), one who rejoices; enjoying.
abhinandita (pp. of abhinandati), nt. an object of pleasure.  
abhinamati abhi + nam + a bends; bows down.  
abhinami aor. of abhinamati bent; bowed down.  
abhinayana nt. 1. bringing to; 2. inquiry.  
abhinava adj. new; fresh.  
abhinikūjita adj. resounded with (the song of birds).  
abhinikkhanta pp. of abhinikkhamati gone forth from; retired from the world.  
abhinikkhamati abhi + ni + kam + a goes forth from; retires from the world.  
abhinikkhamana nt. renunciation; retirement from the household life.  
abhinikkhami aor. of abhinikkhamati went forth from; retired from the world.  
abhinikkhamma abs. of abhinikkhamati having gone forth from; having retired form the world.  
abhinikkhitta pp. of abhinikkhipati laid down.  
abhinikkhipati abhi + ni + khip + a lays down.  
abhinikkhipana nt. putting down.  
abhinikkhipi aor. of abhinikkhipati laid down.  
abhinitana nt. falling against; rushing on; attacking.  
abhinipajjati abhi + ni + pad + ya lies down on.  
abhinipajji aor. of abhinipajjati lay down on.  
abhinipatati abhi + ni + pat + a falls down; to rush on.  
abhinipati aor. of abhinipatati fell down; rushed on. abhinipātī (adj.), falling on.
abhinipanna pp. of abhinipajjati lain down on.  
abhinipāta m. falling against; rushing on; attacking.  
abhinippīḷeti abhi + ni + pīḷ + e oppresses or crushes thoroughly.  
abhinipphajjati abhi + ni + pad + ya becomes accomplished.  
abhinipphajji aor. of abhinipphajjati became accomplished.  
abhinipphatti f. production; accomplishment.  
abhinipphanna pp. of abhinipphajjati become accomplished.  
abhinipphādita pp. of abhinipphādeti produced; accomplished.  
abhinipphādeti abhi + ni + pad + e produces; brings into existence.  
abhinipphādesi aor. of abhinipphādeti produced; brought into existence.  
abhinibbatta pp. of abhinibbatteti reproduced; reborn.  
abhinibbattana nt. birth; becoming.  
abhinibbatti f. birth; becoming.  
abhinibbatteti abhi + ni + vat + e reproduces; brings into existence.  
abhinibbattesi aor. of abhinibbatteti reproduced; brought into existence.  
abhinibbidā f. disgust with the world.  
abhinibbuta adj. perfectly calmed.  
abhinimmiṇāti abhi + ni + mā + ṇā creates; produces; makes.  
abhinimmiṇi aor. of abhinimmiṇāti created; produced; made.  
abhinimmita pp. of abhinimmiṇāti created; produced; made.  
abhiniropana n. fixing upon; application.  
abhiniropita pp. of abhiniropeti implanted.  
abhiniropeti abhi + ni + rup + e implants.  
abhiniropesi aor. of abhiniropeti implanted.  
abhiniviṭṭha pp. of abhinivisati attached to; clinging to.  
abhinivisati abhi + ni + vis + a clings to; adheres.  
abhinivisi aor. of abhinivisati clinged to; adhered.  
abhinivesa m. inclination; tendency.  
abhinisinna pp. of abhinisīdati sat near.  
abhinisīdati abhi + ni + sad + a sits near.  
abhinisīdi aor. of abhinisīdati sat near.  
abhinissaṭa pp. of abhinissarati escaped or removed from.  
abhinīta pp. of abhineti brought to.  
abhinīhaṭa pp. of abhiniharati taken out.  
abhinīharati abhi + ni + har + a takes out; directs to; aspires.  
abhinīhari aor. of abhinīharati took out; directed to; aspired.  
abhinīhāra m. taking out; aspiration; resolution.  
abhipatthita pp. of abhipattheti longed or hoped for.  
abhipattheti abhi + path + e longs or hopes for.  
abhipatthesi aor. of abhipattheti longed or hoped for.  
abhipālita pp. of abhipāleti protected; preserved.  
abhipāleti abhi + pāl + e protects; preserves.  
abhipālesi aor. of abhipāleti protected; preserved.  
abhipīḷita pp. of abhipīḷeti oppressed; squeezed.  
abhipīḷeti abhi + pīḷ + e oppresses; squeezes.  
abhipīḷesi aor. of abhipīḷeti oppressed; squeezed.  
abhipūrati abhi + pūr + a becomes full.  
abhipūri aor. of abhipūrati became full.  
abhipūrita pp. of abhipūrati become full.  
abhippakiṇṇa pp. of abhippakirati completely strewn with.  
abhippamodati abhi + p + mud + a rejoices; satisfies.  
abhippamodi aor. of abhippamodati rejoiced; satisfied.  
abhippamodita pp. of abhippamodati rejoiced; satisfied.  
abhippasanna pp. of abhippasīdati having faith in; devoted to.  
abhippasāda m. faith; devotion.  
abhippasāreti abhi + pa + sar + e stretches out.  
abhippasāresi aor. of abhippasāreti stretched out.  
abhippasīdati abhi + pa + sad + a has faith in; devotes.  
abhippasīdi aor. of abhippasīdati had faith in; devoted.  
abhibhavati abhi + bhū + a overcomes; conquers.  
abhibhavana nt. overcoming; vanquishing.  
abhibhavanīya adj. what should be overcome.  
abhibhavi aor. of abhibhavati overcame; conquered.  
abhibhū m. conqueror; overlord.  
abhibhūta pp. of abhibhavati overpowered; vanquished.  
abhimaṅgala adj. lucky; auspicious.  
abhimata pp. of abhimaññati intended; wished for.  
abhimaddati abhi + madd + a crushes; subdues.  
abhimaddana nt. crushing; subjugation.  
abhimaddi aor. of abhimaddati crushed; subdued.  
abhimaddita pp. of abhimaddati crushed; subdued.  
abhimanthati abhi + manth + a crushes; churns; agitates.  
abhimanthi aor. of abhimanthati crushed; churned; agitated.  
abhimanthita pp. of abhimanthati crushed; churned; agitated.  
abhimantheti abhi + manth + e crushes; churns; agitates.  
abhimanthesi aor. of abhimantheti curshed; shurned; agitated.  
abhimāna m. self-respect.  
abhimukha adj. facing; present; face to face with. (m.), the front.  
abhimukhaṃ adv. towards.  
abhiyācati abhi + yāc + a begs; entreats.  
abhiyācana nt. request; entreaty. abhiyācanā (f.), request; entreaty.
abhiyāci aor. of abhiyācati begged; entreated.  
abhiyācita pp. of abhiyācati being requested.  
abhiyāta pp. of abhiyāyi gone against.  
abhiyāti abhi + yā + a goes against.  
abhiyāyi aor. of abhiyāyi went against.  
abhiyuñjati abhi + yuj + ṃ-a practises; charges (in a law-suit); questions.  
abhiyuñjana nt. trial; practice; observance.  
abhiyuñji aor. of abhiyuñjati practised; charged (in a law-suit); questioned.  
abhiyutta pp. of abhiyuñjati practised; charged (in a law-suit); questioned.  
abhiyoga m. observance.  
abhiyogī m. one who observes or practises.  
abhirakkhati abhi + rakkh + a protects.  
abhirakkhana nt. protection.  
abhirakkhā f. protection.  
abhirakkhi aor. of abhirakkhati protected.  
abhirata pp. of abhiramati fond of; indulging in.  
abhirati f. delight; contentment.  
abhiraddha pp. of abhi + rādh of satisfied; propitiated.  
abhiraddhi f. satisfaction  
abhiramati abhi + ram + a enjoys; finds pleasure in.  
abhiramana nt. enjoyment; sport.  
abhiramanta pr.p. of abhiramati enjoying.  
abhiramāpeti abhi + ram + āpe causes one to take pleasure.  
abhiramāpesi aor. of abhiramāpeti caused one to take pleasure.  
abhirami aor. of abhiramati enjoyed; found pleasure in.  
abhirāma adj. pleasant; agreeable.  
abhiruci f. wish; longing.  
abhirucita pp. of abhirucati wished for; liked; agreeable.  
abhirucira adj. much pleasing; very beautiful.  
abhiruyha abs. of bhiruhati having ascended.  
abhiruhati abhi + ruh + a ascends; goes up.  
abhiruhi aor. of abhiruhati ascended; went up.  
abhirūpa adj. lovely; handsome.  
abhirūḷha pp. of abhiruhati ascended; risen up.  
abhirūhana nt. ascension; climbing; embarking.  
abhiroceti abhi + ruch + e likes; finds delight in.  
abhilakkhita pp. of abhilakkheti marked by.  
abhilakkheti abhi + lakkh + e marks; designs.  
abhilakkhesi aor. of abhilakkheti marked; designed.  
abhilāpa m. talk; speech.  
abhilāsā f. wish; desire.  
abhivaṭṭa pp. of abhivassati rained upon.  
abhivaṭṭha pp. of abhivassati rained upon.  
abhivaḍḍhati abhi + vaḍḍh + a grows; increases; outgrows.  
abhivaḍḍhana nt. growth; increase.  
abhivaḍḍhi aor. of abhivaḍḍhati grew; increased; outgrew. (f.), growth; increase.  
abhivaḍḍhita pp. of abhivaḍḍhati grown; increased; outgrown.  
abhivaṇṇita pp. ofabhivaṇṇeti praised; expounded or explained.  
abhivaṇṇeti abhi + vaṇṇ + e praises; expounds or explains.  
abhivaṇṇesi aor. of abhivaṇṇeti praised; expounded or explained.  
abhivadati abhi + vad + a declares.  
abhivandati abhi + vand + a bows down; honours.  
abhivandi aor. of abhivandati bowed down; honoured.  
abhivandita pp. of abhivandati bowed down; honoured.  
abhivandiya abs. of abhivandati having bowed down to.  
abhivayi aor. of abhivāyati blew through.  
abhivassati abhi + vass + a rains over.  
abhivassi aor. of abhivassati rained over.  
abhivādana nt. salutation; bowing down. abhivādanā (f.), salutation; bowing down.
abhivādita pp. of abhivādeti bowed down; saluted.  
abhivādetabba pt.p. fit to be worshipped or honoured.  
abhivādeti abhi + vad + e bows down; salutes.  
abhivādesi aor. of abhivādeti bowed down; saluted.  
abhivāyati abhi + vā + a blows through.  
abhivijita pp. of abhivijināti conquered.  
abhivijināti abhi + vi + ji + nā conquers.  
abhivijini aor. of abhivijināti conquered.  
abhivijiya abs. of abhivijināti having conquered.  
abhivitaraṇa nt. donation.  
abhivisiṭṭha adj. most excellent.  
abhivuṭṭha pp. of abhivassati rained upon.  
abhivuddhi f. growth; increase.  
abhisaṅkhata pp. of abhisaṅkharoti prepared; arranged; restored.  
abhisaṅkharaṇa nt. restoration; arrangement.  
abhisaṅkhari aor. of abhisaṅkharoti restored; arranged; prepared.  
abhisaṅkharoti abhi + saṃ + kar + o restores; arranges; prepares.  
abhisaṅkhāra m. accumulation; preparation.  
abhisaṅga m. sticking; cleaving.  
abhisajjati abhi + sad + ya is angry; is attached.  
abhisajjana nt. cleaving; anger.  
abhisajji aor. of abhisajjati was angry; was attached.  
abhisañcetayita nt. thought out; intended.  
abhisañceteti abhi + saṃ + cit + e thinks out.  
abhisañcetesi aor. of abhisañceteti thought out.  
abhisaṭa pp. of abhisarati visited; approached by.  
abhisatta pp. of abhisapati accursed.  
abhisaddahati abhi + saṃ + dah + a believes in.  
abhisaddahi aor. of abhisaddahati believed in.  
abhisanda m. outflow; result.  
abhisandati abhi + sand + a flows out; oozes.  
abhisandana nt. flowing; outcome; result.  
abhisandahi aor. of abhisandahati jointed; put together.  
abhisandi aor. of abhisandati flowed out; oozed.  
abhisapati abhi + sap + a curses; accurses; takes an oath.  
abhisapana nt. an oath; cursing.  
abhisamaya m. realisation; penetration.  
abhisamācārika adj. belonging to the good conduct.  
abhisamita pp. of abhisameti completely realised.  
abhisamecca abs. of abhisameti having understood thoroughly.  
abhisameta pp. of abhisameti completely realised.  
abhisametāvī adj. one who possesses complete insight.  
abhisameti abhi + saṃ + i + a attains; realizes.  
abhisamesi aor. of abhisameti attained; realized.  
abhisamparāya m. future rebirth; next world.  
abhisambujjhati abhi + saṃ + budh + ya gains the highest wisdom.  
abhisambujjhi aor. of abhisambujjhati gained the highest wisdom.  
abhisambuddha pp. of abhisambujjhati gained the highest wisdom.  
abhisambodhi f. the highest enlightenment.  
abhisambhunāti abhi + sambh + uṇā is able; attains.  
abhisambhuni aor. of abhisambhunāti was able; attained.  
abhisammati abhi + sam + ya ceases; pacifies.  
abhisammi aor. of abhisammati ceased; pacified.  
abhisāpa m. a curse.  
abhisārikā f. a courtesan.  
abhisiñcati abhi + sic + ṃ-a sprinkles over; consecrates.  
abhisiñcana nt. consecration; ablution; sprinkling.  
abhisiñci aor. of abhisiñcati sprinkled over; consecrated.  
abhisitta pp. of abhisiñcati sprinkled over; consecrated.  
abhiseka m. consecration; ablution; sprinkling.  
abhisecana nt. consecration; ablution; sprinkling.  
abhiseceti caus. of abhisiñcati causes to bring to; causes to offer.  
abhihaṭṭhuṃ inf. of abhiharati to bring over.  
abhihata pp. of abhihanati struck; hit. abhihaṭa (pp. of abhiharati), brought to; offered.
abhihanati abhi + han + a strikes; hits.  
abhihani aor. of abhihanati struck; hit.  
abhiharati abhi + har + a brings to; to offers.  
abhihari aor. of abhiharati brought to; offered.  
abhiharituṃ inf. of abhiharati to bring over.  
abhihāra m. bringing near; offering.  
abhihita pp. of abhidhāti spoken. (nt.), a word; saying.  
abhīta adj. fearless; brave.  
abhīru adj. fearless; brave.  
abhīruka adj. fearless; brave.  
abhūta adj. not real; false. (nt.), falsehood.  
abhūtakkhāna nt. a lie.  
abhūtavādī nt. a liar.  
abhejja adj. not to be split or divided.  
abhojja adj. unfit to be eaten.  
amaggakusala adj. one who does not know the road well.  
amacca m. 1. a privy councillor; 2. a fellow-worker; colleague.  
amajja nt. that which is not intoxicating.  
amajjapa adj. one who does not take strong drinks; abstaining form intoxicants.  
amata nt. ambrosia; the deathless state. amatā (f.), embolic myrobalan.
amatandada adj. bringing the deathless state.  
amatapada nt. conveying to deathlessness.  
amatamagga m. path to deathlessness.  
amateyyatā f. disrespect towards one's mother.  
amatta adj. not intoxicated. (nt.), small earthen vessel.  
amattaññutā f. immoderation  
amattaññū adj. immoderate.  
amattika nt. earthenware; crockery.  
amatteyya adj. not respecting one's mother.  
amatteyyatā f. disrespect towards one's mother.  
amanāpa adj. detesful.  
amanussa m. 1. a demon; a ghost; 2. a deity.  
amama adj. unselfish; free from longing.  
amara adj. immortal; deathless. (m.), a deity. amarā (f.), an eel.
amarāvikkhepa m. struggle of an eel.  
amala adj. pure; stainless; faultless.  
amātāpitika adj. parentless; an orphan.  
amānusa adj. non-human.  
amānusika adj. non-human.  
amāmaka adj. unselfish; free from longing.  
amāvasī f. new-moon day.  
amita adj. boundless; immeasurable.  
amitābha adj. of boundless lustre.  
amitta m. enemy.  
amilāta adj. not withered. amilātā (f.), a medicinal plant, aloe vulgaris.
amissa adj. unmixed.  
amu pron. such and such.  
amucchita adj. not infatuated; not greedy.  
amutra adj. in such and such a place.  
amogha adj. not empty; not futile.  
amoha m. wisdom.  
amba m. mango tree. (nt.), mango fruit. ambā (f.), mother.
ambaṅkura m. sprout of a mango.  
ambapakka nt. ripe mango.  
ambapāna nt. a syrup made from mangoes.  
ambapiṇḍī f. a bunch of mangoes.  
ambara nt. 1. a cloth; 2. the sky.  
ambalaṭṭhikā f. a mango plant.  
ambavana nt. a mango grove.  
ambasaṇḍa m. a mango grove.  
ambila adj. sour. (m.), sour taste; acid.  
ambu nt. water.  
ambucārī m. a fish.  
ambuja adj. aquatic. (nt.), a lotus. (m.), a fish.  
ambujjinī f. lotus pond.  
ambuda m. a cloud.  
ambudhara m. a cloud.  
ambho nt. hollo! hey! (a particle employed to draw attention).  
ammaṇa nt. a standard measure of grain, which is about five bushels.  
ammā f. mother. (Vocative amma is often used to address a girl or a daughter).  
amha plu. of amhi we are. (personal pron.), I, we. = amhi (1st. sing. of as, to be) I am. amhā (plu. of amhi), we are.
amhi 1st. sing. of as, to be I am.  
aya m. income. (m.; nt.), iron. āya (m.), income; profit.
ayaṃ (nom. sing. of ima), m.; f. this person.  
ayakapāla m. a lid or pan made of iron.  
ayathā ind. false. (Found in cpds. such as ayathābhāva = unreality).  
ayana nt. path.  
ayasa m.; nt. ill repute; disgrace. āyasa (adj.), made of iron. ### āyāsa (m.), trouble; sorrow.
ayira m. gentleman; lord; master. (adj.), noble.  
ayiraka m. gentleman; lord; master. (adj.), noble.  
ayutta adj. inappropriate. (nt.), injustice. āyutta (pp. of āyuñjati), yoked; connected with; devoted to.
ayo   (aya becomes ayo in cpds.)  
ayokūṭa m. iron hammer.  
ayokhīla nt. iron stake.  
ayoguḷa m. iron ball.  
ayogga adj. unfit; not suitable.  
ayoghana nt. iron club.  
ayojjha adj. unconquerable.  
ayodāma m. iron chain.  
ayoniso adv. improperly; injudiciously.  
ayomaya adj. made of iron.  
ayosaṅku m. iron spike.  
ayya m. gentleman; lord; master. (adj.), noble. ayyā (f.), mistress; lady.
ayyaka m. grandfather. ayyakā (f.), grandmother.
ayyaputta m. master's son.  
ayyikā f. grandmother.  
ara nt. spoke of a wheel. āra (m.), a needle. ### ārā (f.), an awl. (ind.), away or far from; remote.
arakkhiya adj. not to be guarded.  
araja adj. free from dust or impurity.  
arañjara m. a big jar; gallipot.  
arañña nt. forest. āragga (nt.), the point of a needle or an awl.
araññaka adj. belonging to or living in a forest. āraññaka (adj.), belonging to or living in a forest.
araññagata adj. gone to a forest.  
araññavāsa m. dwelling in a forest.  
araññavihāra m. forest hermitage.  
araññānī f. a big forest.  
araññāyatana nt. forest haunt.  
araṇa adj. peaceful; passionless.  
araṇi f. a piece of wood for kindling fire by friction.  
araṇimathana nt. rubbing of two sticks in order to kindle fire.  
araṇisahita nt. the upper stick for friction.  
arati f. non-attachment; aversion. ārati (f.), abstinence; leaving off.
aravinda nt. a lotus.  
araha adj. worthy of; deserving.  
arahati rah + a is worthy of; deserves.  
arahatta nt. state of an arahant; final emancipation; the highest stage of the Path; sainthood.  
arahattaphala nt. final emancipation.  
arahattamagga m. the path to emancipation.  
arahaddhaja m. monks' yellow robe.  
arahanta m. one who has attained the Summum Bonum.  
ari m. enemy.  
ariñcamāna adj. not giving up; pursuing earnestly.  
ariṭṭha adj. cruel; unlucky. (m.), 1. a crow; 2. nimb tree: 3. soapberry tree. (nt.), medicinal spirit.  
aritta nt. a rudder. (adj.), not empty or futile.  
arindama 3 tamer of enemies; a conqueror.  
ariya adj. noble; distinguished. (m.), a noble man; one who has attained higher knowledge.  
ariyakanta adj. agreeable to the Ariyas.  
ariyadhana nt. sublime treasure of the Ariyas.  
ariyadhamma m. noble practice.  
ariyapatha m. deportment; four postures, viz: walking; standing; sitting, and lying down.  
ariyapuggala m. one who has attained higher wisdom.  
ariyamagga m. the path to attain higher wisdom.  
ariyasacca nt. an established fact; noble truth.  
ariyasāvaka m. disciple of the noble ones.  
ariyūpavāda m. insulting a saint.  
arivatti aor. of parivattati turned round; rolled; changed about.  
arisa nt. haemorrhoids; piles.  
aru nt. an old wound; a sore.  
arukā f. an old wound; a sore.  
arukāya m. heap of sores.  
aruṇa m. 1. the dawn; 2. ruddy colour. (adj.), reddish.  
aruṇavaṇṇa adj. of the reddish colour.  
aruṇuggamana nt. appearance of the reddish colour before sunrise.  
arupakka adj. decaying with sores.  
aruvaṇṇa m. of the reddish colour.  
arūpa adj. formless; incorporeal; non-substantial.  
arūpakāyika adj. belonging to the formless beings.  
arūpabhava m. formless existence.  
arūpaloka m. the world of the formless.  
arūpāvacara adj. belonging to the realm of arūpins.  
arūpī m. the formless being.  
are ind. he! hollo! I say!  
aroga adj. healthy; void of sickness.  
arogabhāva m. health; sicklessness.  
ala m.; nt. claw of a crab, etc.  
alaṃ ind. enough! have done with! stop! (adj.), able; suitable.  
alaṃkammaniya adj. fit for the purpose.  
alaṃpateyyā f. a woman of marriageable age. (adj.), grown enough to be married.  
alaṃvacanīyā f. 1. a woman who is able to understand what other say; 2. inexhortable.  
alakka m. a rabid dog.  
alakkhika adj. unlucky; unfortunate.  
alakkhī f. misfortune; bad luck.  
alagadda m. snake.  
alagga adj. not stuck or attached.  
alaggana nt. non-attached.  
alaṅkata pp. of alaṅkaroti decorated. (adj.), done up.  
alaṅkaraṇa nt. 1. decoration; 2. doing up.  
alaṅkaroti alaṃ + kar + o adorns; decorates.  
alaṅkāra m. 1. decoration; 2. an ornament.  
alajjī adj. shameless; not afraid of sin.  
alattaka nt. lac.  
alattakata adj. lacquered; varnished with lac.  
alambara m. a kind of drum.  
alasa adj. idle; lazy.  
alasaka nt. indigestion.  
alasatā f. sloth; laziness.  
alāta nt. firebrand.  
alāpu nt. long white gourd.  
alābu nt. long white gourd.  
alābha m. loss; missing of gain.  
ali m. 1. a bee; 2. a scorpion. āli (f.), a dike; embankment.
alika nt. lie; falsehood.  
alimpesi aor. of ālimpeti 1. smeared; anointed; 2. set fire to.  
alīna adj. not sluggish; active.  
aluddha adj. generous; liberal.  
alobha m. disinterestedness.  
alola adj. not covetous or distracted by desires. āloḷa (m.), agitation; confusion; uproar.
alolupa adj. not covetous or distracted by desires.  
alkkhika nt.; adj. misfortune; bad luck.  
alla adj. moist; wet; green; fresh.  
allakesa adj. with wet hair.  
alladāru nt. green wood.  
allavattha adj. with wet clothes.  
allasira adj. with a wet head.  
allāpa m. conversation.  
allīna pp. of allīyati stuck; slung. (adj.), clinging.  
allīyati ā + lī + ya clings; sticks to.  
allīyana nt. sticking; clinging.  
avaṃsira adj. head downward; headlong.  
avakaḍḍhati va + kaḍḍh + a draws back.  
avakaḍḍhana nt. drawing away or back.  
avakaḍḍhi aor. of avakaḍḍhati drew back.  
avakaḍḍhita pp. of avakaḍḍhati pulled down; dragged away.  
avakassati va + kas + a draws back.  
avakārakaṃ adv. scattering about.  
avakāsa m. chance; room; opportunity.  
avakirati va + kir + a pours down; throws out; scatters.  
avakiri aor. of avakirati poured down; threw out; scattered.  
avakiriya abs. of avakirati having scattered or thrown away.  
avakujja adj. face downward; bent over.  
avakkanta pp. of avakkamati beset with; overwhelmed by.  
avakkanti f. entry.  
avakkamati va + kam + a enters; overwhelms.  
avakkami aor. of avakkamati entered; overwhelmed.  
avakkamma abs. of avakkamati having entered or moved aside.  
avakkāpāti f. a slop basin.  
avakkāra m. 1. throwing away; 2. refuse.  
avakkārapāti f. a slop basin.  
avakkhitta pp. of avakkhipati thrown down; dropped; casted down.  
avakkhipati va + khip + a throws down; drops; casts down.  
avakkhipana nt. putting or throwing down.  
avakkhipi aor. of avakkhipati threw down; dropped; casted down.  
avagacchati va + gam + a attains; obtains; understands.  
avagacchi aor. of avagacchati attained; obtained; understood.  
avagaṇḍakāra m. stuffing of the cheeks with food.  
avagata pp. of avagacchati attained; obtained; understood.  
avagāḷha pp. of avagāhati plunged into; entered.  
avagāha m. plunging into; entering.  
avagāhati va + gāh + a plunges into; enters.  
avagāhana nt. plunging into; entering.  
avagāhi aor. of avagāhati plunged into; entered.  
avaca 1st. sing. (aor. of vac.) he said. (adj.) low. (only in combination uccāvacā = high and low.).  
avacanīya adj. not to be admonished.  
avacara adj. moving in; frequenting.  
avacaraka 3 a spy; of bad character.  
avacaraṇa nt. behaviour; occupation; dealing.  
avajāta adj. illegitimate; lowborn.  
avajānana nt. contempt; despising.  
avajānāti va + ñā + nā despises.  
avajāni aor. of avajānāti despised.  
avajita pp. of avajināti defeated; reconquered.  
avajināti va + ji + nā defeats; reconquers.  
avajini aor. of avajināti defeated; reconquered.  
avajīyati va + ji + ya is diminished or undone.  
avajja adj. unblameable; faultless.  
avajjha adj. not to be killed or punished.  
avaññā f. contempt; disrespect.  
avaññāta pp. of avajānāti despised.  
avaṭṭhāna nt. position; posture.  
avaṭṭhiti f. position; posture.  
avaḍdhi f. decay; loss.  
avaṇṇa m. blame; disrepute.  
avataṃsa m. a garland for the crest.  
avataraṇa nt. descending; entering; plunging into.  
avatarati va + tar + a descends; enters; plunges into.  
avatari aor. of avatarati descended; entered; plunged into.  
avatāra m. descending; entering; plunging into.  
avatiṇṇa pp. of avatarati fallen into; affected with.  
avatthaṭa pp. of avattharati. covered over; overpowered.  
avattharaṇa nt. 1. an array; 2. covering over; 3. overpower.  
avattharati ava + thar + a covers over; overpowers.  
avatthari aor. of avattharati covered over; overpowered.  
avadāta adj. white; clean.  
avadhāraṇa nt. emphasis; selection.  
avadhārita pp. of avadhāreti selected; affirmed.  
avadhāreti va + dhar + e selects; affirms.  
avadhāresi aor. of avadhāreti selected; affirmed.  
avadhi m. boundary; limit.  
avanati f. stooping; bending.  
avani f. the earth.  
avabujjhati va + budh + ya understands.  
avabujjhana nt. knowledge; understanding.  
avabujjhi aor. of avabujjhati understood.  
avabodha m. knowledge; understanding.  
avabodheti va + budh + e makes perceive.  
avabhāsa m. light; appearance.  
avabhāsati va + bhās + a shines.  
avabhāsi aor. of avabhāsati shone.  
avabhāsita pp. of avabhāsati resplendent; lit with, shone.  
avamaṅgala nt. bad luck; ill omen. (adj.) unlucky.  
avamaññati va + man + ya slights; despises.  
avamaññanā f. contempt; disregard; disrespect.  
avamaññi aor. of avamaññati slight; despised.  
avamata pp. of avamāneti despised; disrespected.  
avamāna m. contempt; disregard; disrespect.  
avamānana nt. contempt; disregard; disrespect.  
avamānita pp. of avamāneti despised; disrespected.  
avamāneti va + man + e despises; disrespects.  
avamānesi aor. of avamāneti despised; disrespected.  
avayava m. limb; a part; a constituent.  
avaruddha pp. of avarundhati put under restraint; besieged; imprisoned.  
avarundhati va + rudh + ṃ-a puts under restraint; besieges; imprisons.  
avarundhi aor. of avarundhati put under restraint; besieged; imprisoned.  
avarodhaka m. obstructor.  
avarodhana m. obstructor.  
avalakkhaṇa adj. ugly; having unlucky signs.  
avalambati ava + lab + ṃ-a hangs down.  
avalambana nt. 1. hanging down; 2. help.  
avalambi aor. of avalambati hung down.  
avalambita pp. of avalambati hung down.  
avalikhati ava + likh + a scrapes off; cuts into slices.  
avalikhi aor. of avalikhati scraped off; cut into slices.  
avalitta pp. of avalimpati smeared with; plastered.  
avalimpati ava + lip + ṃ-a smears with; plasters.  
avalimpi aor. of avalimpati smeared with; plastered.  
avalekhana nt. scraping off.  
avalekhanakaṭṭha nt. bamboo stripes used for scraping.  
avalepana nt. smearing; plastering.  
avalehana nt. licking.  
avasaṭa pp. of avasarati went down; to arrived.  
avasara m. chance  
avasarati ava + sar + a goes down; arrives.  
avasari aor. of avasarati went down; to arrived.  
avasāna nt. the end; conclusion; cessation.  
avasiñcati va + sic + ṃ-a pours over; sprinkles.  
avasiñci aor. of avasiñcati poured over; sprinkled.  
avasiṭṭha pp. of avasissati remaining; left over.  
avasitta pp. of avasiñcati poured over; sprinkled.  
avasissati va + sis + ya is left over; remains over.  
avasissi aor. of avasissati was left over; remained over.  
avasussati va + sus + ya dries up; withers.  
avasussana nt. drying up; withering.  
avasussi aor. of avasussati dried up; withered.  
avasesa nt. remainder. (adj.) remaining.  
avasesaka nt. what is left over.  
avassaṃ adv. inevitably.  
avassaya m. support; help.  
avassayati   see avasseti.  
avassayi aor. of avasseti leaned against; depended on.  
avassika adj. newly ordained; having no years to count after one's ordination.  
avassita pp. of avasseti leaned against; depended on.  
avassuta adj. filled with desire; lustful.  
avasseti va + si + e leans against; depends on.  
avassesa nt.; adj. nt. remainder. adj. remaining.  
avahaṭa pp. of avaharati stole; taken away.  
avaharaṇa m. theft; removal.  
avaharati va + har + a steals; takes away.  
avahari aor. of avaharati stole; took away.  
avahasati va + has + a derides; laughs at.  
avahasi aor. of avahasati derided; laughed at.  
avahāra nt. theft; removal.  
avahīyati   see ohīyati.  
avāpuraṇa nt. a key.  
avāpurati va + ā + pur + a opens.  
avāpuri aor. of avāpurati opened.  
avāpurīyati v. is opened.  
avikampī m. one who is calm or unmoved.  
avikkhepa m. calmness; balance of the mind.  
aviggaha m. the body-less, i.e. the god of love.  
avijjamāna adj. not existing.  
avijjā f. ignorance.  
avijjogha m. the stream of ignorance.  
aviññāṇaka adj. senseless.  
aviññāta adj. not known.  
avidita adj. unknown.  
avidūra adj. near; not far. (nt.) neighbourhood.  
aviddasu m. a fool.  
avinibbhoga adj. indistinct; that cannot be separated.  
avinīta adj. untrained; uneducated.  
avippavāsa m. presence; attention; non-separation.  
avibhūta adj. not clear or distinct.  
aviruddha adj. not contrary; friendly.  
avirūḷha adj. not grown or spread.  
avirūḷhi f. 1. non-growth; 2. cessation of rebirth.  
avirodha m. absence of opposition.  
avilambitaṃ adv. quickly; without delay.  
avivayha adj. 1. difficult to bear; 2. unfit to be married.  
avisaṃvāda m. truth.  
avisaṃvādaka adj. one who speaks truth.  
avisaṃvādī adj. one who speaks truth.  
avisesaṃ adj. alike.  
avihiṃsā f. humanity; absence of cruelty.  
avihita adj. not done; not performed.  
aviheṭhaka adj. not hurting or harassing.  
aviheṭhana nt. non-hurting.  
avīci adj. waveless. (f.) one of the great hells.  
avīta adj. not free from.  
avītikkama m. non-transgression.  
avuṭṭhika adj. rainless  
avekkhati va + ikkh + a looks at; considers.  
avekkhana nt. looking at; consideration.  
avekkhi aor. of avekkhati looked at; considered.  
avekkhita pp. of avekkhati looked at; considered.  
aveca abs. having known.  
avecca adv. certainly; definitely; absolutely; perfectly; having known.  
aveccapasāda m. perfect faith.  
avebhaṅgiya adj. not to be distributed.  
avera adj. friendly. (nt.) kindness.  
averī adj. free from enmity.  
avelā f. improper time. āvelā (f.), a garland for the head; chaplet.
avoca 1st. sing. (aor. of vac.) he said.  
avyatta adj. 1. not manifest; 2. not learned.  
avyaya nt. indeclinable particle; absence of loss.  
avyayena adv. without any expenditure.  
avyākata adj. not designated.  
avyāpajjha adj. free from oppression or suffering.  
avyāpāda m. freedom from malice.  
avyāvaṭa adj. not occupied; not worrying.  
avyībhāva m. the compound which has an indeclinable as its member.  
avhaya m. name; calling. (adj.) (in cpds.) having the name of.  
avhayati ā + vhe + a calls upon; invokes; appeals to.  
avhayi aor. of. avhāti called; addressed; summoned.  
avhāta pp. of avhāti called; addressed; summoned; named.  
avhāti ā + vhā + a calls; addresses; summons.  
avhāna nt. name; calling.  
avheti   see avhāti.  
asaṃvāsa adj. unfit to associate.  
asaṃvuta aor. of asaṃvuṇāti not closed; unrestricted.  
asaṃsaṭṭha adj. unmixed.  
asaṃhārima adj. immovable.  
asaṃhīra adj. unshakable; unconquerable.  
asakiṃ adv. more than once.  
asakka adj. unable; impossible.  
asakki aor. of osakkati drew back; lagged behind; retreated.  
asakkuṇeyya adj. unable; impossible.  
asakkonta adj. unable; impossible.  
asakkhi aor. was able.  
asakkhimāna aor. of sakkoti was able.  
asaṅkiṇṇa adj. unmixed; not crowded.  
asaṅkiliṭṭha adj. not stained.  
asaṅkhata adj. unconditioned; unprepared.  
asaṅkhatadhātu f. the unconditioned state.  
asaṅkheyya adj. incalculable. (nt.), the highest numerical written with 141 ciphers.  
asaṅga m. non-attachment.  
asacca nt. falsehood. (adj.) false; not true.  
asajjamāna adj. not touching with; not clinging.  
asañña adj. unconscious.  
asaññata na + saṃyata unrestrained; intemperate.  
asaññabhava m. unconscious sphere.  
asaññī adj. unconscious.  
asaṭha adj. honest; not fraudulent.  
asaṇṭhita adj. not firm; not well established; unsettled.  
asati as + a eats. āsati (ās + a), sits.
asatiyā adv. unintentionally.  
asatta adj. non-attached. āsatta (pp. of āsajjati), 1. attached to; clinging; 2. accursed.
asadisa adj. incomparable; matchless. asādisa (adj.), incomparable; matchless.
asaddhamma m. 1. misconduct; sin; 2. sexual intercourse.  
asana nt. 1. eating; 2. food; 3. an arrow. (m.) the tree Pentaptera Tomentosa. āsana (nt.), a seat; sitting down.
asani f. thunderbolt.  
asanipāta m. falling of a thunderbolt.  
asanta adj. non-existing; the wicked.  
asantasanta adj. not trembling; fearless.  
asantāsī adj. not trembling; fearless.  
asantuṭṭha adj. unhappy; not pleased with.  
asantuṭṭhi f. displeasure; dissatisfaction.  
asanthava adj. without a companion.  
asapatta nt. without enmity; peaceful.  
asappāya adj. not beneficial or agreeable.  
asappurisa m. a wicked person.  
asabala adj. spotless.  
asabbha adj. impolite; vile. (nt.) vulgar language.  
asabha adj. bull-like, i.e. of strong and eminent qualities.  
asama adj. unequal; matchless.  
asamasama adj. equal to the matchless.  
asamāna adj. unequal.  
asamāhita adj. not composed.  
asamekkhakārī m. a hasty person.  
asampakampiya adj. not to be shaken.  
asampatta adj. not confused (in mind).  
asammosa m. absence of confusion.  
asammoha m. absence of confusion.  
asayaṃvasī adj. not under one's own control.  
asayha adj. unbearable.  
asaraṇa adj. helpless.  
asahana nt. non-endurance.  
asahamāna pr.p. not enduring.  
asahaya adj. lonely; friendless.  
asāta adj. disagreeable. (nt.) pain; suffering.  
asādu adj. of bad taste; disagreeable. (nt.) wrong action.  
asādhāraṇa adj. uncommon.  
asāra adj. worthless; sapless; vain.  
asāraddha adj. not excited; cool.  
asāhasa adj. not violent; meek.  
asi m. sword. āsi (3rd sing. aor. of as), he was. (aor. of āsati), sat. ### āsī (f.), blessing; fang of a snake.
asiggāhaka m. sword-bearer (of a king).  
asicamma nt. sword and shield.  
asita (na + sita) adj. black. (nt.) 1. food; 2. a sickle. (pp. of asati or asnāti:) eaten.  
asithila adj. stiff; not loose.  
asidhārā f. the edge of a sword.  
asipatta nt. blade of a sword.  
asissaṃ v. I shall eat.  
asissāmi v. (I) shall eat.  
asīti adj. eighty.  
asītima adj. eightieth.  
asu adj. such and such. āsu (ind.), quickly.
asuka adj. such and such.  
asuci m. dirt; excrement; dung; semen. (adj.) impure; unclean.  
asuddha adj. unclean.  
asundara adj. ugly; improper.  
asubha adj. unpleasant; ugly. (nt.) a corpse.  
asura m. a Titan; an Assirian. asūra (adj.), cowardly or sluggish (person).
asurakāya m. the nation or an assembly of Asuras.  
asurinda m. the king of Asuras.  
asekkha adj. one who does not require any further training. (m.) an Arahant.  
asekha adj. one who does not require any further training. (m.) an Arahant.  
asecanaka adj. full and delicious in itself.  
asevanā f. non-association. āsevanā (f.), practice; pursuit; association.
asesa adj. entire; all.  
asesaṃ adv. fully; entirely.  
asesi aor. of asati ate.  
asoka adj. free from sorrow. (m.) the tree Jonesia Asoka.  
asobhana adj. ugly; improper.  
asnāti as + nā eats.  
asmā m. a stone.  
asmi 1st sing. of as I am.  
asmimāna m. the pride of self; egotism.  
assa 3rd sing. potential may be. (Dat. and Gen. sing. of ima:) to this; of this. (m.), 1. a horse; 2. a corner. assā (f.), a mare. (Dat. and Gen. sing. of ima:) to her; of her.
assaka m. penniless. (adj.), having nothing as one's own.  
assakaṇṇa m. 1. Sal tree; 2. name of a mountain.  
assakhaluṅka m. inferior horse.  
assagopaka m. a groom.  
assatara m. a mule.  
assattha pp. of assādeti comforted; consoled. (m.), the holy fig tree Ficus Religiosa.  
assatthara m. covering for a horse.  
assadamaka m. horse-trainer.  
assadamma m. a horse to be trained.  
assaddha adj. faithless; unbelieving.  
assaddhiya nt. disbelief.  
assapotaka m. a colt or foal.  
assabandha m. a groom.  
assabhaṇḍaka nt. horse-trappings.  
assama m. hermitage.  
assamaṇa m. a bogus monk; one who has fallen from the monkshood.  
assamaṇḍala nt. racing ground for horses.  
assamapala m. site of a hermitage.  
assamedha m. horse-sacrifice.  
assayuja m. name of a month, October-November.  
assaratha m. horse-carriage.  
assava adj. loyal; attentive. (m.) flow; pus.  
assavaṇatā f. inattention.  
assavanīya adj. not pleasant to hear.  
assavāṇija m. horse-dealer.  
assasati ā + sas + a breathes; inhales.  
assasālā f. stable.  
assasenā m. cavalry.  
assājānīya m. a horse of good breed.  
assāda m. taste; enjoyment; satisfaction.  
assādanā f. taste; enjoyment; satisfaction.  
assādeti ā + sad + e tastes; enjoys.  
assādesi aor. of assādeti tasted; enjoyed.  
assāroha m. jockey; a rider.  
assāsa m. 1. inhalation; 2. comfort; consolation.  
assāsaka adj. that which brings comfort or consolation.  
assāseti ā + sas + e consoles; comforts.  
assāsesi aor. of assāsesi consoled; comforted.  
assu nt. tears. (ind.), a particle used in emphatic sense. (3rd. plu. Potential:) may be.  
assuta adj. unheard.  
assutavantu adj. ignorant; one who has no learning.  
assudhārā f. shower of tears.  
assumukha adj. with a tearful face.  
assumocana nt. shedding of tears.  
assosi aor. heard.  
aha nt. day. Followed by an other word in cpds. it takes the form aho, as in ahoratta. āha (3rd sind. of pret.), he has said.
ahaṃ nom. sing. of amha I.  
ahaṃkāra m. egotism; arrogance.  
ahacca adj. removable. (abs. of ahanati) having knocked or touched.  
ahata adj. new; not spoiled. āhata (pp. of āhanati), struck; affected with; afflicted. ### āhaṭa (pp. of āharati) brought.
ahaha intj. exclamation of woe. (nt.), an immense number. (m.), name of a purgatory.  
ahāriya adj. immovable.  
ahāsi aor. carried; took by force.  
ahi m. snake; serpent.  
ahiṃsā f. non-hurting.  
ahiguṇṭhika m. snake-catcher.  
ahicchattaka m. a mushroom.  
ahita nt. harm; unkindliness. (adj.) harmful. āhita (pp.), 1. put in; put up; 2. kindled.
ahituṇḍika m. snake-catcher.  
ahipheṇa nt. opium.  
ahirika adj. shameless. (nt.) shamelessness.  
ahivātakaroga m. buboenic plague.  
ahīnindriya adj. not defective of any sense-organ.  
ahugaliya nt. loud laughter.  
ahetuka adj. groundless; causeless.  
aho ind. exclamation of surprise or consternation.  
ahoratta nt. day and night.  
ahosi aor. of hoti existed; was.  
ahosikamma nt. an act of thought which has no longer any potential force.