Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
ca copulative or disjunctive particle and; then; now.  
cakita adj. disturbed; afraid.  
cakora m. the francolin partridge.  
cakka nt. a wheel; circle; disc; cycle; command.  
cakkaṅkita adj. having a wheelmark.  
cakkapāṇī m. the God Vishnu (in whose hand is a disc).  
cakkayuga nt. a pair of wheels.  
cakkaratana nt. jewel wheel of a universal monarch.  
cakkavattī m. a universal monarch.  
cakkavāka m. the ruddy goose.  
cakkavālapabbata m. the (circular) rock supposed to encircle the earth.  
cakkavāḷa m.; nt. a world-circle; a solar system.  
cakkavāḷagabbha m. the interior of a world-circle.  
cakkasamārūḷha adj. having mounted their vehicles (in an emergency).  
cakkhu nt. the eye.  
cakkhuka adj. having eyes.  
cakkhuda adj. one who gives the eye (of understanding).  
cakkhudada adj. one who gives the eye (of understanding).  
cakkhudhātu f. the element of vision.  
cakkhupatha m. the range of vision.  
cakkhubhūta adj. possessor of right understanding.  
cakkhumantu adj. endowed with eyes.  
cakkhulola adj. greedy to see many things.  
cakkhuviññāṇa nt. visual cognition.  
cakkhuviññeyya adj. to be apperceived by the sense of sight.  
cakkhusamphassa m. contact with the vision.  
cakkhussa adj. good for the eyes.  
caṅkama m. a terraced walk; walking up and down.  
caṅkamati kam + ṃ - a; kam is doubled and the former k is changed to c walks up and down.  
caṅkamana nt. a terraced walk; walking up and down.  
caṅkamanta pr.p. of caṅkamati walking up and down.  
caṅkami aor. of caṅkamati walked up and down.  
caṅkamitvā abs. of caṅkamati having walked up and down.  
caṅgavāra m. milk-strainer.  
caṅgoṭaka m. a casket.  
caccara nt. a courtyard; a cross road.  
cajati caj + a lets loose; abandons; gives up.  
cajana nt. leaving aside; abandonment.  
cajanta pr.p. of cajati letting loose; abandoning.  
cajamāna pr.p. of cajati letting loose; abandoning.  
caji aor. of cajati let loose; abandoned; gave up.  
cañcala adj. unsteady; moving.  
caṭaka m. a sparrow. cātaka (m.) a hornbill.
caṇaka m. gram  
caṇḍa adj. fierce; violent; passionate.  
caṇḍasota m. violent stream.  
caṇḍahatthī m. a fierce elephant.  
caṇḍāla m. an outcaste or untouchable.  
caṇḍālakula nt. the lowest caste.  
caṇḍālī f. a caṇḍāla woman.  
caṇḍikka nt. ferocity.  
catu adj. four.  
catukka nt. a set of four; a cross road.  
catukkaṇṇa   rectangular; having four corners.  
catukkhattuṃ adv. four times.  
catugguṇa adj. four-fold; quadruple.  
catucattāḷīsati f. forty-four.  
catujjātigandha m. four kinds of perfumes, viz. saffron, jasmine,Turkish plant named Turukkha, and a kind of Greek flower.  
catuttiṃsati f. thirty-four.  
catuttha adj. fourth.  
catudoṇika adj. holding 4 doṇas.  
catuddasa adj. fourteen.  
catuddisā f. the four quarters of the globe. cātuddisa (adj.), belonging to the four directions.
catudvāra adj. having four gates.  
catudhā adv. in four ways.  
catunavuti f. ninety-four.  
catupaccaya m. the four requisites. viz. food, clothing, medicine and lodgings.  
catupaññāsā f. fifty-four.  
catupaṇṇāsā f. fifty-four.  
catuparisā f. the fourfold assembly, viz. monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen  
catuppada m. a quadruped.  
catubbaṇṇā m. (plu.) people of the four castes.  
catubbidha adj. fourfold.  
catubbhidha adj. fourfold.  
catubhūmaka adj. having four storeys or stages.  
catumadhura nt. the four sweets; ghee, honey, sugar and sesemum oil.  
catura adj. clever; skilled; shrewd.  
caturaṃsa adj. having four edges.  
caturaṅgika adj. consisting of four divisions.  
caturaṅgula adj. measuring four inches.  
caturanginī f. (an army) consisting of elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry.  
caturassa adj. quadrangular.  
caturāsīti f. eighty-four.  
catuvīsati f. twenty-four.  
catusaṭṭhi f. sixty-four.  
catusattati f. seventy-four.  
catta pp. of cajati given up; sacrificed.  
cattutthī f. the fourth day of a fortnight; the fourth case, i.e. Dative.  
cana   a particle used to express a portion of a whole: kudācana, sometimes  
canaṃ   a particle used to express a portion of a whole: kudācana, sometimes  
canda m. the moon.  
candaggāha m. eclipse of the moon.  
candana m. sandal-wood tree. (nt.), sandal-wood.  
candanasāra m. the essence of sandal-wood.  
candanikā f. a cesspool.  
candamaṇḍala nt. the disc of the moon.  
candikā f. moonlight.  
candimantu m. the moon.  
candimā m. the moon.  
capala adj. fickle; wavering; unsteady.  
capalatā f. fickleness.  
capu-capu-kārakaṃ adv. making such a sound while eating or drinking.  
camara m. the yak ox (in the Himalayan regions). cāmara (nt.) a chowrie; the tail of the yak used as a whisk.
camarī m. the yak ox (in the Himalayan regions).  
camū f. an army.  
camūnātha m. a general of an army.  
camūpati m. a general of an army.  
campaka m. the tree Michelia Champaka.  
campā f. name of a town in India; present Bhagalpore.  
campeyyaka adj. belonging to Campā.  
camma nt. a hide; leather.  
cammakāra m. a tanner.  
cammakhaṇḍa m. a piece of leather used as rug.  
cammapasibbaka m. a leather bag.  
caya m. piling; heaping; a mass.  
cayaniṭṭhakā   brick.  
cara   one who walks or frequents; 2. a spy. cāra (m.), motion; action; process; going.
caraka   one who walks or frequents; 2. a spy. cāraka (adj.), one who causes to move or act. (m.) a prison.
caraṇa nt. walking about; the foot; conduct; behaviour. caraṇā (f.), wandering. ### cāraṇa (nt.) to causing move or act; management.
carati car + a walks or roams about; behaves; practises; performs.  
caranta pr.p. of carati walking or roaming about.  
caramāna pr.p. of carati walking or roaming about.  
carahi ind. now.  
carāpeti caus. of carati causes to move or practise; circulates.  
carāpesi aor. of carāpeti caused to move or practise; circulated.  
cari aor. of carati walked or roamed about; behaved. cārī (adj.), (in cpds.) acting; practising; living; behaving.
carita pp. of carati walked or roamed about; behaved. (nt.) 1. character; behaviour; 2. life. cārita (pp. of cāretvā), set going; pastured.
caritu m. performer; observer.  
caritvā abs. of carati having walked or roamed about.  
carima adj. the last; subsequent.  
carimaka adj. the last; subsequent.  
cariyā f. conduct; behaviour.  
cala adj. moving; quivering; unsteady. cāla (m.) a shock; a sudden agitation.
calacitta   having a fickle mind.  
calati cal + a moves; stirs; trembles; to be agitated.  
calana nt. movement; trembling; agitation  
calanta pr.p. of calati moving; stiring; trembling.  
calamāna pr.p. of calati moving; stiring; trembling.  
cali aor. of calati moved; stired; trembled.  
calita pp. of calati moved; stired; trembled. cālita (pp. of caleti), shaken.
calitvā abs. of calati having moved; having stired; having trembled  
cavati cu + a passes away; dies; falls away; shifts; passes from one state of existence into another.  
cavana nt. 1. shifting; 2. falling away; 3. death. cāvanā (f.) making to shift.
cavanta pr.p. of cavati falling away; shifting.  
cavamāna pr.p. of cavati falling away; shifting.  
cavi aor. of cavati fell away; shifted.  
cavitvā abs. of cavati having fallen away; having shifted.  
cassita pp. of vassati in the case of rain.  
cāga m. gift; abandoning; giving up; generosity.  
cāgānussati f. remembrance of one's generosity.  
cāgī m. one who abandons or donates.  
cājitvā abs. of cajati having let loose; having abandoned; having given up.  
cāṭi f. a jar; a pot.  
cāṭukamyatā f. flattery.  
cātuddasī f. the 14th day of a fortnight.  
cātuddīpaka adj. covering the four continents or sweeping over the whole earth.  
cātummahāpatha m. the place where four roads meet.  
cātummahābhūtika adj. consisting of the four great elements.  
cātummahārājika adj. belonging to the retinue of four Deva kings, inhabiting the lowest Deva heaven.  
cāturiya nt. skill; shrewdness.  
cāpa m. a bow.  
cāpalla nt. fickleness  
cāmīkara nt. gold.  
cāraṇika nt. pantomime.  
cārikā f. a journey; wandering.  
cāritta nt. custom; conduct; practice; calling on.  
cāru adj. charming; beautiful; pleasant.  
cārudassana adj. lovely to behold.  
cāreti caus. of carati causes to set going; causes to pasture; causes to feast one's senses.  
cāretvā abs. of cāreti having caused to set going.  
cārenta pr.p. of cāreti setting going; pasturing.  
cāresi aor. of cāreti caused to set going; caused to pasture.  
cālayamāna pr.p. of cāleti causing to shake. (pr.p. of calati), shaking.  
cāleti caus. of calati causes to shake; causes to agitate.  
cāletvā abs. of calati having caused to shake. (abs. of cāleti), having shaken; having agitated.  
cālenta pr.p. of calati causing to shake. (pr.p. of cāleti), shaking.  
cālesi aor. of cāleti caused to shake; caused to agitate. (aor. of calati), shoke.  
cāvita pp. of cāveti brought to fall; driven away.  
cāveti caus. of cavati causes to bring to fall; causes to drive away; causes to distract.  
cāvetvā abs. of cāveti having caused to bring to fall; having caused to drive away.  
cāventa pr.p. of cāveti causing to bring to fall.  
cāvesi aor. of cāveti caused to bring to fall; caused to drive away.  
ci   an indefinite interrogative particle: koci = some one.  
cikkhalla nt. mire; mud; swamp.  
ciṅgulaka nt. a flying wheel made of a palm leaves, etc.  
ciṅgulāyati deno. of ciṅgula revolves round.  
cicciṭāyati onom. hisses; fizzes; makes the sound chit chit.  
ciñcā f. tamarind.  
ciṭiciṭāyati v. makes the sound citi-citi.  
ciṇṇa pp. of cināti practised; made a habit of; accomplished.  
cita pp. of cināti heaped; lined or faced with.  
citaka m. funeral pile; pyre.  
citi f. a heap; a cairn.  
citta nt. mind; thought; (m.), name of a month: March-April. (adj.), variegated; manifold; beautiful. (nt.), a painting; picture.  
cittaka nt. a sectarian mark on the forehead.  
cittakata adj. adorned; made by the mind.  
cittakathika adj. a brilliant speaker; an orator.  
cittakathī adj. a brilliant speaker; an orator.  
cittakamma nt painting; the art of painting; ornamentation.  
cittakāra m. a painter; decorator.  
cittakūṭa m. name of a mountain.  
cittakkhepa m. derangement of the mind.  
cittatara adj. more varied or diversified.  
cittatā f. variegation; (in cpds.) being of such a mind.  
cittapassaddhi f. serenity of mind.  
cittamudutā f. plasticity of mind.  
cittavikkhepa m. madness.  
cittavisuddhi f. purity of the mind.  
cittasantāpa m. sorrow.  
cittasamatha m. collectedness of thought.  
cittāgāra (citta + āgāra), nt. a picture.  
cittānupassanā (citta + anupassanā), f. a critique of heart.  
cittābhoga (citta + ābhoga), m. consideration.  
cittīkāra m. respect; consideration.  
cittujjukatā (citta + ujjukatā), f. rectitude of mind.  
cittuttarāsa (citta + uttarāsa), m. terror; fear.  
cittuppāda (citta + uppāda), m. rise of a thought.  
citra nt. mind; thought; (m.), name of a month: March-April. (adj.), variegated; manifold; beautiful. (nt.), a painting; picture.  
cinanta pr.p. of cināti collecting; accumulating.  
cinamāna pr.p. of cināti collecting; accumulating.  
cināti ci + nā heaps up; collects; accumulates.  
cini aor. of cināti heaped up; collected; accumulated.  
cinitvā abs. of cināti having heaped up; having collected.  
cintaka adj. considerate; thoughtful; (m.) a thinker.  
cintana f. thinking; thought; consideration.  
cintanaka adj. considerate; thoughtful; (m.) a thinker.  
cintayamāna pr.p. of cinteti thinking; reflecting.  
cintā f. thinking; thought; consideration.  
cintāmaṇi m. a wish-fulfilling gem.  
cintāmaya adj. consisting of thought.  
cintita pp. of cinteti thought out; invented; devised.  
cintiya abs. of cinteti having thought.  
cintī adj. (in cpds.), thinking of.  
cintetabba pt.p of cinteti should be considered.  
cinteti cint + e thinks; reflects; considers.  
cintetvā abs. of cinteti having thought.  
cintenta pr.p. of cinteti thinking; reflecting.  
cinteyya adj. what should be considered.  
cintesi aor. of cinteti thought; reflected; considered.  
cimilikā f. a case for pillow, etc.  
cira adj. lasting long. cīra (nt.), fibre; a strip; a bark dress.
ciraṃ adv (for) a long time.  
cirakāla m. a long time.  
cirakālaṃ adv. a long time.  
ciraṭṭhitika adj. lasting long; perpetual.  
cirataraṃ adv. a further long time.  
cirattaṃ adv. a long time.  
cirattāya adv. for a long time.  
ciradikkhita adj. having long since become a monk.  
ciranivāsī adj. dweller for a long time.  
cirapaṭikā ind. long since.  
cirapabbajita adj. having long since become a monk.  
cirappavāsī adj. a person long absent from his home.  
cirarattaṃ adv. for a long time.  
cirasanthuta adj. acquainted for a long time.  
cirassaṃ adv. a very long time; at last.  
cirāya adv. for a long time.  
cirāyati deno. from cira tarries; delays.  
cirāyanta pr.p. of cirāyati tarrying; delaying.  
cirāyi aor. of cirāyati tarried; delayed.  
cirāyita pp. of cirāyati tarried; delayed.  
cirāyitvā abs. of cirāyati having tarried.  
cirecetvā abs. of vireceti having purged.  
cirena adv. after a long time.  
cīnapiṭṭha nt. red lead.  
cīnaraṭṭha nt. China.  
cīraka nt fibre; a strip; a bark dress.  
cīrī f. a cricket.  
cīvara nt. the yellow robe (of a Buddhist monk).  
cīvarakaṇṇa nt. the lappet of a robe.  
cīvarakamma nt. robe-making.  
cīvarakāra m. deviser of a robe; robe-maker.  
cīvaradāna nt. donation of robes.  
cīvaradussa nt. cloth for robes.  
cīvararajju f. a rope for hanging the robes.  
cīvaravaṃsa m. a bamboo for hanging up robes.  
cuṇṇa nt. powder; chunam; soap-powder.  
cuṇṇaka nt. scented powder.  
cuṇṇakacālanī f. a sieve.  
cuṇṇakajāta adj. reduced to powder.  
cuṇṇavicuṇṇa adj. crushed to bits; smashed.  
cuṇṇita pp. of cuṇṇeti ground; powdered; crushed.  
cuṇṇīyati pass. of cuṇṇeti is ground.  
cuṇṇeti cuṇṇ + e grinds; powders; crushes.  
cuṇṇetvā abs. of cuṇṇeti having ground; having powdered; having crushed.  
cuṇṇenta pr.p. of cuṇṇeti grinding; powdering.  
cuṇṇesi aor. of cuṇṇeti ground; powdered; crushed.  
cuta pp. of codeti incited; reproved; accused. (pp. of cavati), fallen away; shifted.  
cuti f. shifting; passing away; vanishing.  
cuditaka m. an accused; (adj.), being reproved.  
cuddasa adj. fourteen.  
cundakāra m. a turner.  
cubuka nt. the chin.  
cumbaṭa nt. a pad; a coil.  
cumbaṭaka nt. a pad; a coil.  
cumbati cumb + a kisses.  
cumbanta pr.p. of cumbati kissing.  
cumbamāna pr.p. of cumbati kissing.  
cumbi aor. of cumbati kissed.  
cumbita pp. of cumbati kissed.  
cumbitvā abs. of cumbati having kissed.  
culla adj. small; minor.  
cullantevāsika m. a page.  
cullapitu m uncle.  
cullupaṭṭhāka (culla + upaṭṭhāka), m. a personal attendant; page boy.  
cūcuka nt. the nipple; teat.  
cūla adj. small; minor. cūḷā (f.) crest; a lock of hair left on the crown of the head; cockscomb.
cūḷāmaṇi m. diadem; a jewel worn in the crest.  
cūḷikā f. a knot of hair.  
ce conditional particle if.  
ceṭaka m. a servant boy.  
ceṭikā f. a maid servant.  
ceṭī f. a maid servant.  
ceta m.; nt. (mano-group), thought; intention; purpose. ceṭa (m.), a servant boy.
cetanā f. intention.  
cetayati cit + aya perceives; thinks.  
cetayi aor. of cetayitvā perceived; thought.  
cetayita pp. of cetayitvā perceived; thought.  
cetayitvā abs. of cetayitvā having perceived; having thought.  
cetasa adj. (in cpds.), having the purpose of. pāpacetasa = evil-minded.  
cetasika adj. mental; (nt.), a mental property.  
cetāpeti cit + āpe gets in exchange; barters.  
cetiya nt. a sepulchral monument; a pagoda.  
cetiyagabbha m. the dome of a pagoda.  
cetiyaṅgaṇa nt. the open space around a pagoda.  
cetiyapabbata m. name of a mountain in Ceylon, present Mihintale.  
ceteti   see cetayati.  
cetetvā abs. of cetayitvā having perceived; having thought.  
ceto   is the form that ceta takes in cpds.  
cetokhila nt. fallowness; waste of mind.  
cetopaṇidhi f. resolution; aspiration.  
cetopariyañāṇa nt. understanding the ways of others' thought.  
cetopasāda m. gladdening of heart.  
cetovimutti f. emancipation of heart.  
cetosamatha m. calmness of mind.  
cela nt. cloth; garment.  
celavitāna nt. an awning.  
celukkhepa (cela + ukkhepa) m. waving of garments (as a sign of applause.)  
coca m banana.  
cocapāna nt. a sweet drink made of banana.  
codaka m. a plaintiff; one who censures of complains.  
codanā f. reproof; accusation; plaint.  
codayamāna pr.p. of codeti inciting; reproving.  
codita pp. of codeti incited; reproved; accused.  
codiya abs. of codeti having incited; having reproved; having accused.  
codeti cud + e incites; reproves; accuses.  
codetu m. a plaintiff; one who censures of complains.  
codetvā abs. of codeti having incited; having reproved; having accused.  
codenta pr.p. of codeti inciting; reproving.  
codesi aor. of codeti incited; reproved; accused.  
copana nt. stirring.  
cora m. a thief; robber.  
coraghātaka m. executioner of robbers.  
corikā f. theft.  
corī f. a female thief.  
corupaddava (cora + upaddava) m. an attack from robbers.  
coḷa m. cloth.  
coḷaka nt. a piece of cloth; a rag.  
coḷaraṭṭha nt. the country Coḷa in South India.  
coḷiya adj. belonging to the Coḷa country.  
cha adj. six.  
chakana nt. the dung of animals.  
chakalaka m. a he-goat.  
chakka nt. a set of six.  
chakkhattuṃ adv. six times.  
chagalaka m. a he-goat.  
chacattāḷīsati f. forty-six.  
chaṭṭha adj. sixth.  
chaṭṭhī f. the sixth case, i.e., Genetive.  
chaḍḍaka adj. thrower; remover.  
chaḍḍana nt. throwing away; rejection.  
chaḍḍanīya adj. fit to be thrown away.  
chaḍḍāpita pp. of chaḍḍāpeti caused to throw away.  
chaḍḍāpeti caus. of chaḍḍeti causes to throw away; causes to abandon; causes to reject; causes to leave.  
chaḍḍāpetvā abs. of chaḍḍāpeti having caused to throw away.  
chaḍḍāpesi aor. of chaḍḍāpeti caused to throw away.  
chaḍḍita pp. of chaḍḍeti abandoned; rejected; leaved.  
chaḍḍitabhāva m. the fact of throwing away or leaving aside.  
chaḍḍiya adj. to be rejected or thrown away.  
chaḍḍīyati pass. of chaḍḍeti is abandoned.  
chaḍḍetabba pt.p. of chaḍḍeti should be abandoned.  
chaḍḍeti chaḍḍ + e throws away; abandons; rejects; leaves.  
chaḍḍetvā abs. of chaḍḍeti having abandoned; having rejected; having left.  
chaḍḍenta pr.p. of chaḍḍeti abandoning; rejecting.  
chaḍḍesi aor. of chaḍḍeti abandoned; rejected; leaved.  
chaṇa m. a festival.  
chaṇadivasa m. festival day.  
chatta nt. umbrella; sunshade; the royal canopy.  
chattakāra m. maker of sunshades.  
chattagāhaka m. one who carries his master's sunshade.  
chattadaṇḍa f. the handle of a sunshade.  
chattanāḷi f. the handle of a sunshade.  
chattapāṇī m. one who carries an umbrella.  
chattamaṅgala nt. coronation festival; pinnacle raising of a pagoda.  
chattiṃsati f. thirty-six.  
chattiṃsā f. thirty-six.  
chattussāpana nt. raising of the royal canopy, i.e.; to occupy the throne.  
chada m. (in cpds.) anything that covers; a veil.  
chadana nt. a thatch; a roof; a cover. chādana (nt.), covering; clothing; concealment. ### chādanā (f.) covering; clothing; concealment.
chadaniṭṭhakā   tile.  
chaddanta adj. having six tusks. (m.) name of a great lake and a race of elephants.  
chaddikā f. vomiting.  
chaddhā adv. in six ways.  
chadvārika adj. belonging to the six outlets of the senses.  
chadhā adv. in six ways.  
chanaka nt. the dung of animals.  
chanavuti f. ninety-six.  
chanda m.; nt. (mano-group), metrics; prosody. (m.), impulse; will; wish.  
chandaka nt. vote; a voluntary collection.  
chandatā f. (in cpds.), impulse; desire for.  
chandarāga m. exciting desire.  
chandāgati f. wrong way of behaviour under an impulse.  
channa adj. proper; suitable. (pp. of chādeti) covered; concealed; thatched; given pleasure; relished.  
chapaññāsā f. fifty-six.  
chappada m. a bee.  
chabbaggiya adj. belonging to the group of six.  
chabbaṇṇa adj. consisting of six colours.  
chabbassika adj. existing throughout six years; six years old.  
chabbidha adj. six-fold.  
chabbīsati f. twenty-six.  
chabbhaggiya adj. belonging to the group of six.  
chamā f. the earth; ground.  
chambhitatta nt. stupefaction; consternation.  
chambhī adj. terrified; paralysed with fear.  
chammāsika adj. existing or enough for six.  
chaḷaṃsa adj. having six sides or coners, hexagonal.  
chaḷaṅga adj. consisting of six parts.  
chaḷaṅsa adj. having six sides or corners.  
chaḷabhiñña adj. possessing the six branches of higher knowledge. chaḷabhiññā (f.), the six branches of super-human knowledge.
chava m. a corpse. (adj.), low; miserable.  
chavakuṭikā f. charnel-house.  
chavaṭṭhika nt. a bone separated from a skeleton.  
chavaḍāhaka m. one who officially burns the dead.  
chavālāta (chava + alāta), nt. fire brand from a pyre.  
chavi f. the outer skin; tegument.  
chavikalyāṇa nt. beauty of complexion.  
chavivaṇṇa m. colour of the skin; complexion.  
chasaṭṭhi f. sixty-six.  
chasattati f. seventy-six.  
chāta adj. hungry. chātā (f.) the state of being hungry.
chātaka nt. hunger; famine.  
chātajjhatta adj. hungry.  
chādanīya pt.p. of chādeti fit to be covered.  
chādayamāna pr.p. of chādiya covering; concealing.  
chādita pp. of chādiya covered; concealed.  
chādiya abs. of chādiya having covered; having concealed.  
chādetabba pt.p. of chādeti fit to be covered.  
chādeti chad + e covers; conceals; thatches; gives pleasure; relishes.  
chādetvā abs. of chādiya having covered; having concealed.  
chādenta pr.p. of chādiya covering; concealing.  
chādesi aor. of chādiya covered; concealed.  
chāpa m. the young one of animal.  
chāpaka m. the young one of animal.  
chāyamāna nt. the measuring of shadow.  
chāyarūpa nt. a photograph; portrait.  
chāyā f. shade; shadow.  
chārikā f. ashes.  
chāha nt. six days.  
chiggala nt. a hole.  
chijjati pass. of chindati is cut, broken or severed.  
chijjanta pr.p. of chijjati breaking.  
chijjamāna pr.p. of chijjati breaking.  
chijji aor. of chijjati was broken.  
chijjitvā abs. of chijjati having been broken.  
chijjiya abs. of chijjati having broken.  
chida   (in cpds.), breaking; cutting; destroying: bandhanacchida = one who breaks or cuts the bond.  
chidda nt. a hole; a fissure; fault; defect. (adj.), having fissures; perforated; faulty.  
chiddaka adj. having holes or poses.  
chiddagavesī adj. looking for others' faults or weak points.  
chiddāvacchiddaka adj. full of breaches and holes.  
chiddita adj. perforated; bored through.  
chindati chid + ṃ + a cuts; severs; destroys.  
chindanta pr.p. of chindati cutting; destroying.  
chindamāna pr.p. of chindati cutting; destroying.  
chindāpīyati v. causes to be cut.  
chindi aor. of chindati cut; destroyed.  
chinditvā abs. of chindati having cut; having destroyed.  
chindiya adj. breakable.  
chindīyati v. is cut.  
chinna pp. of chindati cut; destroyed.  
chinnanāsa adj. one hose nose is cut off.  
chinnabhatta adj. famished; starved.  
chinnavattha adj. one whose garments are taken by force.  
chinnahattha adj. one whose hands are cut off.  
chinnāsa adj. without hope.  
chinniriyāpatha adj. unable to walk; a cripple.  
chuddha pp. thrown away; rejected; contemptible.  
chupati chup + a touches.  
chupana nt. touching.  
chupi aor. of chupati touched.  
chupitvā abs. of chupati having touched.  
chūrika f. a dagger.  
cheka adj. clever; skilful.  
chekatā f. cleverness; skill.  
chejja adj. fit to cut off; liable to break. (nt.), punishment by cutting off one's limbs.  
chettabba pt.p. of ought to be cut off.  
chettu m. one who cuts; cutter.  
chettuṃ inf. of to cut.  
chetvā abs. having cut off or severed.  
chetvāna abs. having cut off or severed.  
cheda m. cutting off; severance.  
chedaka m. cutter; breaker.  
chedana nt. cutting; severing.  
chedāpana nt. causing to cut or break.  
chedāpita pp. of chedāpeti caused to cut or break.  
chedāpeti caus. of chindati causes to cut or break.  
chedāpetvā abs. of chedāpeti having caused to cut or break.  
chedāpesi aor. of chedāpeti caused to cut or break.