Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
eka adj. same; certain; unknown. (used for the indefinite article). One, (only in the sing.). in plural it gives the meaning "some".  
ekaṃsa adj. definite; sure; pertaining to one shoulder.  
ekaṃsika adj. definite; sure; pertaining to one shoulder.  
ekaṃsena adv. in all probability.  
ekaka adj. single; solitary.  
ekakkhattuṃ adv. once.  
ekakkhika adj. one-eyed.  
ekakkhī adj. possessing only one eye.  
ekagga adj. calm; tranquil.  
ekaggatā f. tranquillity of mind; onepointedness.  
ekaghana adj. solid.  
ekacara adj. one who lives alone.  
ekacāri adj. one who lives alone.  
ekacca adj. some; certain; a few.  
ekacciya adj. some; certain; a few.  
ekajjhaṃ adv. together; in the same place.  
ekatiya adj. some.  
ekato ind. together on one side.  
ekatta nt. 1. unity; 2. loneliness; 3. agreement.  
ekadā adv. once; at one time.  
ekadesa m. a portion; a part.  
ekadhā adv. in one way.  
ekanta adj. sure; unfailing; extreme.  
ekantaṃ adv. surely; certainly.  
ekantarika adj. alternate; having one in between.  
ekantena adv. surely; certainly.  
ekapaṭalika adj. having a single skin for lining.  
ekapaṭṭa adj. having a single lining.  
ekapaṇṇa adj. having only a single leaf.  
ekapadikamagga m. a foot-path.  
ekapiṇḍita adj. compounded in a single stroke.  
ekappahārena adv. all at once; by a single stroke.  
ekabhattika adj. having one meal a day.  
ekamantaṃ adv. on one side; aside.  
ekameka adj. one by one; each.  
ekarajja nt. sovereign power.  
ekarattivāsa m. spending of a night.  
ekavāraṃ adv. once.  
ekavidha adj. of one kind; similar.  
ekasāṭaka adv. definitely.  
ekaso adv. singly; one by one.  
ekākinī f. a lonely person.  
ekākī 3 a lonely person.  
ekāyana m. the only way or means.  
ekāsanika adj. one who eats only once a day.  
ekāha nt. one day.  
ekāhika adj. existing for a day.  
ekikā f. a solitary woman.  
ekidaṃ ind. some.  
ekībhāva m. unity; solitude; loneliness.  
ekībhūta adj. united; connected; gathered together.  
ekūna adj. minus one.  
ekūnacattāḷīsati f. thirty-nine.  
ekūnatiṃsati f. twenty-nine.  
ekūnapaññāsā f. forty-nine.  
ekūnavīsati f. nineteen.  
ekūnavuti f. eighty-nine.  
ekūnasaṭṭhi f. fifty-nine.  
ekūnasata nt. ninety-nine.  
ekūnasattati f. sixty-nine.  
ekūnāsīti f. seventy-nine.  
ekeka adj. one by one; each.  
ekodibhāva m. onepointedness; concentration.  
ejā f. craving; motion.  
eṭṭhi f. search; seeking.  
eṇimiga m. a kind of antelope.  
eṇeyya m. a kind of antelope.  
eṇeyyaka nt. a kind of torture.  
eta demons. pron. that; this. (mas. sing.); takes this form in some cases.  
etarahi adv. now; at present.  
etādisa adj. such like; of this kind.  
eti i + a comes.  
ettaka adj. this much; so much.  
ettāvatā adv. so far; to that extent; by this much.  
etto ind. from this; here; out of here.  
ettha adv. here.  
edisa adj. such; such like.  
edisaka adj. such; such like.  
edha m. fuel; firewood.  
edhati edh + a gains; succeeds in.  
edhi aor. of edhati gained; succeeded in.  
ena   takes this form in some cases.  
enta pr.p. of eti coming.  
eraka m. a kind of grass used for making coverlets.  
erakadussa nt. a garment made of eraka grass of fibre.  
eraṇda m. the plant Palma Christi form the seeds of which castor oil is extracted.  
erāvaṇa m. name of Indra's elephant.  
erāvata m. mandarin orange.  
erita pp. of ereti shaken; set into motion.  
ereti īr + e shakes; sets into motion.  
eresi aor. of ereti shaked; set into motion.  
elā f. 1. saliva; 2. the seed or plant of cardamom. eḷā (f.), saliva.
eḷaka m. a wild goat.  
eḷagala adj. with oozing saliva. eḷagalā (f.), the plant Cassia Tora.
eḷamūga m. idiot.  
eḷāluka nt. cucumber.  
eva ind. (emphatic particle), only.  
evaṃ adv. thus; in this way; (in reply:) yes.  
evaṃrūpa adj. this-like or having such a form.  
evaṃvidha adj. such like.  
evam eva ind. just so.  
evam evaṃ ind. exactly; just in the same way.  
evarūpa adj. such; of such form.  
esa   (euphonic form of eso), that person.  
esati es + a seeks; searches.  
esanā f. seeking; longing.  
esanta pr.p. of esati seeking; searching.  
esamāna pr.p. of esati seeking; searching.  
esi aor. of esati sought; searched. esī (m.), seeker.
esikā f. a strong post before a city gate.  
esikātthambha m. a strong post before a city gate.  
esita pp. of esati sought; searched.  
esitabba pt.p. of esati should be sought after.  
esitvā abs. of esati having sought; having searched.  
esinī f. seeker.  
eso f.; sing. esā.  
ehinti v. they will come.  
ehipassika adj. that which invites every man to come and see; open to all.  
ehibhikkhu   (the oldest formula of admission to the Order), come O monk.