Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
ka from interrogative pron. kiṃ who; what; which. kā (f.), which woman?
kaṃ nt. what thing?  
kaṃsa m. a plate to eat from.  
kakaca m. a saw.  
kakaṇṭaka m. chameleon.  
kaku m. a knot; summit; projecting corner; hump.  
kakutabhabda nt. spice.  
kakudha m. hump (of a bull); cock's comb; the tree Terminalia Arjuna.  
kakudhabhaṇḍa nt. ensign of royalty; the five regalia,(viz. diadem, sword, canopy, slippers and yak's tail chowry).  
kakka nt. a paste; sediment deposited by oily substances.  
kakkaṭa m. a crab.  
kakkataka m.; nt. a crab.  
kakkatayanta nt. a ladder with hooks at one end for fastening it to a wall.  
kakkasa adj. rough; harsh.  
kakkārī f. cucumber.  
kakkhaḷa adj. rough; harsh; hard.  
kakkhaḷata f. harshness; rigidity.  
kakcana nt. gold.  
kaṅka m. a heron.  
kaṅkaṇa nt. bracelet.  
kaṅkhati kakh + m-a doubts; is uncertain.  
kaṅkhanā f. doubt; uncertainty.  
kaṅkhanīya pt.p. of kaṅkhati should be doubted.  
kaṅkhamana adj. being unsettled; one who is doubting or wavering.  
kaṅkhā f. doubt; uncertainty.  
kaṅkhāyanā f. doubt; uncertainty.  
kaṅkhi aor. of kaṅkhati doubted; was uncertain. (adj.), being unsettled; one who is doubting or wavering. kaṅkhī (adj.) being unsettled; one who is doubting or wavering.
kaṅkhita pp. of khaṅkhati. doubted; was uncertain.  
kaṅkhitabba pt.p. of kaṅkhati should be doubted.  
kaṅkhitvā abs. of kaṅkhati being doubtful.  
kaṅkhiya abs. of kaṅkhati being doubtful.  
kaṅgu f. millet (seed).  
kacavara m. sweepings; rubbish.  
kacci ind. an indefinite interrogative particle expressing doubt. (Often it is followed by some other particle such as nu, nukho).  
kaccha m.; nt. 1. marshy land; 2. armpit. kacchā (f.), loin-clothe; a belt for an elephant.
kacchaka m. a kind of fig-tree.  
kacchantara nt. below the armpit; interior of a royal palace.  
kacchapa m. a turtle; tortoise.  
kacchapuṭa m. a hawker. (adj.), one who has a bundle hanging from one's shoulder.  
kacchabandhana nt. binding with a belt or loin-clothe.  
kacchu f. itch; scab; a plant the fruits of which cause itch when applied to the skin. (m.), the plant Mucana pruritus.  
kajjala nt. soot  
kañcana nt. gold.  
kañcanavaṇṇa adj. of the golden colour.  
kañcuka m. a jacket; an over-coat; an armour; mantle; the slough of a snake.  
kañjika nt. rice-gruel.  
kañjiya nt. rice-gruel.  
kaññā m. a girl; maiden.  
kaṭaka nt. 1. a bracelet; 2. a rocky cave.  
kaṭaggaha m. a win; a lucky cast.  
kaṭacchu m. a spoon.  
kaṭacchumatta adj. a spoonful of.  
kaṭasī f. cemetery.  
kaṭāha m. receptacle; cauldron; a nut-shell.  
kaṭāha m. receptacle; cauldron; a nut-shell.  
kaṭuka adj. sharp; severe, painful; pungent.  
kaṭukatta nt. pungency.  
kaṭukapphala adj. having severe results. (nt.), seeds of some aromatic plants.  
kaṭukabhaṇḍa nt. spices.  
kaṭukavipāka adj. having bitter result.  
kaṭuviyakata adj. made impure.  
kaṭṭhaka m. bamboo tree.  
kaṭṭhatthara adj. a bed of planks; a mat made of twigs.  
kaṭṭhamaya adj. made of wood.  
kaṭṭhissa nt. a silken coverlet embroidered with gems.  
kaṭhala nt. postsherd.  
kaṭhina adj. rough; hard; stiff. (nt.), the clothe annually supplied to the monks for making robes.  
kaṭhinatthāra m. dedication of the Kaṭhina robe.  
kaṭhinuddhāra m. withdrawal of the Kaṭhina robe.  
kaḍḍhana nt. pulling; dragging; sucking.  
kaṇa m. fine powder between the husk and the grain of rice; broken rice. kāṇa (adj.), blind (of one eye). (m.), one-eyed person.
kaṇaya m. a sort of spear; a short of lance.  
kaṇavīra m. the oleander.  
kaṇājaka nt. porridge of broken rice.  
kaṇikāra m. the tree Petrospermum Acerifolium, whose flowers are of golden colour.  
kaṇiṭṭha adj. the youngest; younger born. kaṇiṭṭhā (f.), the younger sister.
kaṇiṭṭhaka m. the younger brother.  
kaṇiṭṭhaṭṭhikā f. the younger sister.  
kaṇiṭṭhikā f. the younger sister.  
kaṇiṭṭhī f. the younger sister.  
kaṇiya adj. the youngest; younger born.  
kaṇeru m. an elephant. (f.) a she-elephant. see kareṇu.  
kaṇṭha m. the neck; throat; guttural.  
kaṇṭhanāḷa m. the throat.  
kaṇḍa m. 1. a portion or chapter; 2. an arrow or shaft.  
kaṇḍarā f. tendon.  
kaṇḍita pp. of khaṇḍeti broken into pieces; transgressed.  
kaṇḍu f. itch.  
kaṇḍuti f. itch.  
kaṇḍūyana nt. itching; scratching.  
kaṇḍūvati deno. from kaṇḍu itches; is irritated, suffers from itch.  
kaṇḍūvana nt. itching; scratching.  
kaṇḍūvi aor. of kaṇḍūvati itched; irriteted.  
kaṇṇakaṭuka adj. disagreeable to hear.  
kaṇṇagūtha nt. ear-wax; cerumen of the ear.  
kaṇṇacchidda nt. orifice of the ear.  
kaṇṇacchinna adj. one whose ears are cut off.  
kaṇṇajappaka adj. one who whispers.  
kaṇṇajappana nt. whispering.  
kaṇṇajalūkā f. a small kind of cnetipede.  
kaṇṇajlūkā f. a small kind of centipede.  
kaṇṇadhāra m. halmsman (of a vessel).  
kaṇṇabaddha adj. bound into sheaf.  
kaṇṇabila nt. orifice of the ear.  
kaṇṇabhūsā f. ear-ring; ornament for the ear.  
kaṇṇamala nt. ear-wax; cerumen of the ear.  
kaṇṇamūla nt. root of the ear.  
kaṇṇavalli f. the robe of the ear.  
kaṇṇavijjhana nt. perforation of the ear.  
kaṇṇaveṭhana nt. a kind of the ornament for the ear.  
kaṇṇasakkhalikā f. outer part of the ear.  
kaṇṇasukha adj. pleasant to the ear.  
kaṇṇasūla nt. pain in the ear.  
kaṇṇaskkhalikā f. outer part of the ear.  
kaṇṇikā f. the pericap; a sheaf; house-top; an ornament for the ear.  
kaṇṇikābaddha adj. bound into sheafs.  
kaṇṇikāmaṇḍala nt. the top of a roof where the rafters meet.  
kaṇtaka nt. a thorn; a bone; any instrument with a sharp point.  
kaṇtakādhāna nt. a thorny hedge.  
kaṇtakāpassaya (kaṇtaka + apssaya) m. a bed made of an out-stretched skin, under which are iron spikes or thorns.  
kaṇha adj. black; dark; evil. (m.), the black colour; god vishṇu.  
kaṇhapakkha m. the dark half of the moon.  
kaṇhavattanī m. fire.  
kaṇhavipāka adj. having evil results.  
kaṇhasappa m. a venomous black snake.  
kata pp. of karoti done; made; finished; fulfilled. (m.), a mat; the cheek. kāṭa (m.), the male organ.
katakamma adj. practised; skilled, having done their own work.  
katakalyāṇa adj. one who has done good deeds.  
katakicca adj. having performed one's obligations.  
katañjalī adj. having raised one's hands in salutation.  
kataññutā f. gratitude.  
kataññū adj. grateful; obliging.  
katatta nt. the doing of; the fact of having done.  
katapaṭisanthāra adj. having (been) received kindly.  
kataparicaya adj. having practised or made acquaintance with.  
katapātarāsa adj. having finished one's breakfast.  
katapuñña adj. one who has performed meritorious actions.  
katapuññatā f. the fact of being meritorious.  
katapubba adj. done before.  
katabhattakicca adj. one who has finished his meal.  
katabhāva m. the fact of having done.  
katama adj. which; what; which of the many.  
katamatte loc. as soon as something has done.  
katara adj. which (of the two). kātara (adj.), mean; poor; miserable.
kataveditā f. gratiude.  
katavedī adj. grateful.  
katasakkāra adj. one who has received hospitality.  
katasaṅketa nt. an appointment or sign made beforehand.  
katasaṅgaha adj. one who has received hospitality.  
katasāra m. a mat made of some kind of stalks.  
katasikkha adj. one who has practised.  
katādhikāra (kata + adhikāra) adj. one who has formed a resolution or an aspiration.  
katānuggaha (kata + anuggaha) adj. assisted by.  
katāparādha (kata + aparādha) adj. guilty; a transgressor.  
katābhinivesa adj. one who has formed a resolution or an aspiration.  
katābhinīhāra (kata + abhinīhāra) adj. one who has formed a resolution or an aspiration.  
katābhiseka adj. anointed; consecrated.  
kati interr. particle how many. kaṭi (f.), the hip; waist.
katikā f. talk; conversation; an agreement.  
katikāvatta nt. a pact; an agreement.  
katipaya adj. some; several.  
katipāha nt. a few days.  
katipāhaṃ adv. for a few days.  
kativassa adj. having how many years; how-old?  
katividha adj. of how many kinds?  
katuakatta nt. pungency; severity.  
katupāsana adj. skilled in archery; dextrous.  
katūpakāra adj. helped or assisted by. (m.) the help given to someone else.  
katokāsa adj. being permitted; given leave to.  
kattabba pt.p. of karoti fit to be done. (nt.), duty; obligation.  
kattabbatā f. fitness to be done.  
kattabbayuttaka adj. fit to be done.  
kattara adj. very small.  
kattaradaṇḍa m. a walking stick; a staff.  
kattarayaṭṭhi f. a walking stick; a staff.  
kattarasuppa m. small winnowing basket.  
kattari f. scissors; shears.  
kattarikā f. scissors; shears.  
kattikamāsa m. name of a month; October-November.  
kattikā f. the constellation of Pleiades.  
kattu m. maker; doer; an author; the subject of a sentence.  
kattuṃ inf. of karoti to do.  
kattukamyatā f. desire to do.  
kattukāma adj. willing to do.  
kattukāmatā f. desire to do.  
kattha adv. where? kaṭṭha (pp. of kasati), plouhged; tilled. (nt.) timber; a piece of wood.
katthaci ind. somewhere.  
katthati kath + a boasts.  
katthanā f. boasting.  
katthi aor. of katthati. boasted. katthī (adj.), boaster; boastful.
katthita. pp. of katthati boasted.  
katvā abs. of karoti having done or made.  
kathaṃ adv. how?  
kathaṃkathā f. doubt; uncertainty.  
kathaṃkathī adj. one who is doubtful.  
kathaṃkara adj. how acting.  
kathaṃpakāra adj. of what kind?  
kathaṃbhūta adj. of what sort?  
kathaṃvidha adj. what sort of.  
kathaṃsīla adj. of what character?  
kathaṅkathā f. doubt; uncertainly.  
kathaṅkathī adj. one who is doubtful.  
kathaṅkara adj. how acting.  
kathaṅpakāra adj. of what kind?  
kathaṅbhūta adj. of what sort? what like?  
kathaṅvidha adj. of what kind?  
kathaṅsīla adj. of what character?  
kathana nt. talk; conversation. kathāna (nt.), a high numeral with 127 cyphers.
kathā f. speech; story; talk.  
kathāpābhata nt. subject of conversation.  
kathāpeti caus. of katheti makes say; sends a massage.  
kathāpesi aor. of kathāpeti made say; sent a massage.  
kathāmagga m. a narrative; an account.  
kathāvatthu nt. subject of a discussion; the 5th book of the Abhidhamma.  
kathāsallāpa m. friendly conversation.  
kathita pp. of katheti said; spoke; related.  
katheti kath + e says; speaks; relates.  
kathetvā abs. of katheti having said or spoken.  
kathenta pr.p of katheti saying; speaking; relating.  
kathesi aor. of katheti said; spoke; related.  
kadanna nt. spoiled rice; bad food.  
kadamattaca adj. of golden complexion.  
kadamappabhā f. the colour of gold.  
kadamba m. the tree Nauclea Cordiforlia. kādamba (m.), a kind of goose with grey wings.
kadariya adj. miserly; stingy. (nt.) avarice; stinginess.  
kadariyatā f. niggardliness.  
kadali f. the plantain tree; a banner.  
kadaliphala nt. banana.  
kadalimiga m. a kind of deer whose hide is much valued.  
kadā adv. when?  
kadāci ind. sometimes.  
kadācikarahaci ind. seldom; at times.  
kaddama m. mud; mire.  
kaddamabahula adj. full of mud.  
kaddamamodaka nt. muddy water.  
kaddhati kaddh + a drags; pulls. kaddhati = kaḍḍhati.
kaddhi aor. of khaddhati. dragged; pulled.  
kaddhita pp. of khaddhati dragged; pulled.  
kanaka nt. gold.  
kanakacchavī adj. of golden complexion.  
kanakattaca adj. a golden complexion.  
kanakappabhā f. the colour of gold.  
kanakavimāna nt. a golden palace.  
kanīnikā f. the pupil of the eye.  
kanta adj. pleasant; lovely; agreeable. (m.), the beloved one; husband. (pp. of kamati), gone; entered into. kantā (f.), a woman; the wife.
kantati kant + a spins; cuts; shears; incises.  
kantana nt. spinning; incision.  
kantanta pr.p. of kantati spining; cutting; shearing; incising.  
kantāra m. wilderness; desert.  
kantāranittharaṇa nt. passing through a desert.  
kanti aor. of kantati spined; cut; sheared; incised.  
kantita pp. of kantati spined; cut; sheared; incised.  
kanda m. a tuber; yam.  
kandati kand + a cries; wails; laments.  
kandana nt. crying; lamentation.  
kandanta pr.p. of crying alound.  
kandara m. a grotto on the slope of a mountain. kandarā (f.), a grotto on the slope of a mountain.
kandi aor. of kandati cried; wailed; lamented.  
kandita pp. of kandati cried; lamented. (nt.) crying; lamentation.  
kanduka m. a ball (used in games).  
kapaṇa adj. poor; miserable; insignificant. (m.), a beggar.  
kapalla nt. a frying pan; pot-sherd.  
kapallaka nt. a frying pan; pot-sherd.  
kapallapūva m. nt. pan cake.  
kapāla m. 1. a shell (like that of a tortoise); 2. a frying pan; pan. 3. beggar's bowl.  
kapālaka m. 1. a shell (like that of a tortoise); 2. a frying pan; pan. 3. beggar's bowl.  
kapālasīsa   the skull.  
kapi m. monkey.  
kapikacchu m. the plant Mucana prutitus.  
kapiñjala m. a kind of a partridge.  
kapittha m. wood-apple. kapiṭṭha (m.),elephant-apple tree.
kapila adj. tawny. (m.), 1. tawny colour; 2. name of a sage.  
kapilavatthu nt. the city where Prince Siddhartha was born.  
kapisīsa m. the lintel of a door.  
kapota m. a dove; pigeon.  
kapola m. the cheek.  
kappa m. 1. a world cycle; an aeon; 2. thought. (adj.), suitable; proper; resembling. (in cpds.).  
kappaka m. 1. a barber; 2. a chamberlain.  
kappaṭa m. old rag; torn garment.  
kappaṭṭhāyī adj. lasting a world cycle.  
kappaṭṭhītika adj. lasting a world cycle.  
kappati kapp + a is fit, seeming, or proper.  
kappana nt. 1. fixing; 2. harnessing; saddling; 3. putting into order; 4. thinking; (Preceded by jīvita:) lively-hood. kappanā (f.), 1. fixing; 2. harnessing; saddling; 3. putting into order; 4. thinking; (Preceded by jīvita:) lively-hood.
kappabindu nt. a small black dot made on a monk's robe.  
kappara m. the elbow.  
kapparappahāra m. a blow from elbow.  
kapparukkha m. a celestial tree fulfilling all wishes.  
kappavināsa m. destruction of the world.  
kappavināsaka adj. consuming the world.  
kappāvasesa m. remainder of an aeon.  
kappāsa nt. cotton.  
kappāsapaṭala nt. a layer of cotton.  
kappāsamaya adj. made of cotton.  
kappāsika adj. made of cotton.  
kappāsika-sukhuma nt. a fine musline.  
kappāsī m. the cotton plant.  
kappika adj. (in cpds.), belonging to a world cycle.  
kappita pp. of kappeti prepared; harnessed; trimmed; considered; made; led (one's life).  
kappiya adj. appropriate; lawful; proper.  
kappiyakāraka m. an attendant of a monk; one who provides appropriate things.  
kappiyabhaṇḍa nt. things allowable to the monks.  
kappūra m.; nt. camphor.  
kappeti kapp + e prepares; harnesses; trims; considers; makes; leads (one's life).  
kappetvā abs. of kappeti having harnessed, or prepared.  
kappenta pr.p. of kappeti preparing; harnessing; trimming; considering; making; leading (one's life).  
kappesi aor. of kappeti prepared; harnessed; trimmed; considered; made; led (one's life).  
kabandha m. headless (trunk of the) body.  
kabara adj. spotted; variegated.  
kabala m.; nt. a lump; a morsel; a mouthful.  
kabaliṅkāra m. lumping.  
kabaliṅkārāhāra m. material food.  
kabkaba nt. bracelet.  
kabba nt. a poem; poetical composition. kaṇṇa (nt.), the ear; an angle; corner; edge of a garment.
kama m. order; manner; proceeding; way. kāma (m.), pleasure; lust; enjoyment; an object of sexual enjoyment.
kamaṇḍalu m.; nt. a water-pitcher.  
kamatā f. (in cpds.), wish; longing. kāmatā (f.), longing; willingness.
kamati kam + a goes; enters into.  
kamanīya adj. desirable; lovely; beautiful.  
kamala nt. a lotus.  
kamaladala nt. petal of a lotus.  
kamalāsana m. the Brahmā; the creator.  
kamalinī f. a lotus pond or lake.  
kamavega m. impulse of lust.  
kami aor. of kamati went; entered into. kāmī (adj.), one who possesses the objects of sensual pleasures; (in cpds.) desirous of.
kamuka m. arecanut tree. kāmuka (adj.), lustful; lewed.
kampaka adj. one who shakes.  
kampati kamp + a trembles; wavers.  
kampana nt. trembling; movement.  
kampanta pr.p. of kappeti trembling; wavering.  
kampamāna pr.p. of kampati trembling; wavering. (nt.), trembling; movement.  
kampā f. trembling; movement.  
kampi aor. of kampati trembled; wavered; shaken; agitated.  
kampita pp. of kampati trembled; wavered. (pp. of kampeti and kampati)
kampiya abs. of kampeti having shaken. (adj.), movable; shakeable.  
kampeti caus. of kampati caauses to shakes; causes to tremble.  
kampetvā abs. of kampeti having shaken; having caused to trembled.  
kampenta pr.p. of kampeti shaking; causing to trembled.  
kampesi aor. of kampeti shook; caused to trembled.  
kambala nt. woollen stuff; a blanket.  
kambalī adj. one who has a woollen garment for his dress.  
kambalīya nt. woollen garment.  
kambu m.; nt. gold; a conch-shell.  
kambugīva adj. having a neck marked with three lines or folds.  
kamboja m. name of a country.  
kamma nt. deed; action; job; work.  
kammakara m. work-man; labourer. kammakāra (m.), work-man; labourer.
kammakaraṇa nt. labour; service; working. kammakāraṇā (f.), bodily punishment.
kammakāraka nt. the Objective case.  
kammakkhaya m. consummation of the previous actions and the results thereof.  
kammaja-vāta m. pangs of child-birth; travail pains. (adj.), product by karma.  
kammajāta nt. various actions or jobs.  
kammañña adj. fit for work; ready; wieldy.  
kammaññatā f. readiness; workableness; fitness.  
kammaṭṭhāna nt. a subject for meditation; a branch of industry.  
kammaṭṭhānika m. a person practising meditation.  
kammaṭhānika m. a person practising meditation.  
kammadāyāda adj. inheriting the consequences of one's own deeds.  
kammadhāraya m. the adjectival compound.  
kammadhiṭṭhāyaka m. superintendent of a work.  
kammanānatta nt. manifoldness of karma.  
kammanibbatta adj. produced through karma.  
kammanīya adj. fit for work; ready; wieldy.  
kammanta nt. work; business.  
kammantaṭṭhāna nt. where the work is done; place of business.  
kammantika adj. a labourer; an artisan.  
kammapatha m. the ways of actions.  
kammappaccaya adj. having karma as the basis.  
kammappatta adj. those who have assembled to take part in an ecclesiastic act.  
kammaphala nt. the fruit or result of karma.  
kammabandhu adj. having karma as one's relative.  
kammabala nt. the power of karma.  
kammabhāva m. readiness; workableness; fitness.  
kammayoni adj. having karma as origin.  
kammavācā f. the text of official act.  
kammavāta m. pangs of child-birth; travail pains.  
kammavāda m. the view of the efficacy of karma.  
kammavādī adj. believing in karma.  
kammavipāka m. the result of one's actions.  
kammavega m. the impetus of karma.  
kammasaka adj. one who property is karma.  
kammasamuṭṭhāna adj. arising from karma.  
kammasambhava adj. produced by karma.  
kammasarikkhaka adj. similar in consequence to the deed done.  
kammassāmī m. the owner of a business.  
kammānurūpa adj. suitable to one's action.  
kammāyūhana nt. heaping of karmas.  
kammāra m. a smith; worker in metals.  
kammārambha m. commencement of an undertaking.  
kammārasālā f. smithy.  
kammāraha adj. entitled to take part in.  
kammārāma adj. delighting in activity.  
kammārāmatā f. taking pleasure in worldly activities.  
kammāsa adj. 1. spotted; speckled; 2. inconsistent.  
kammika m. (in cpds.),doing; one who performs or looks after.  
kammī m. (in cpds.),doing; one who performs or looks after.  
kammupacaya m. accumulation of kamma.  
kamyatā f. (in cpds.) wish; longing.  
kaya m. purchase. kāya (m.), a heap; a collection; the body.
kayavikkaya m. trade; buying and selling.  
kayavikkayī m. a trader or broker.  
kayiramāna pr.p. of kariyati being done.  
kayirā 3rd sing. (poten. of kar) (to do).  
kara m. 1. the hand; 2. a ray; 3. a tax; 4. the trunk of an elephant. (adj.), (in cpds.), doing; performing. kāra (m.), deed; service; act of homage. (adj.), in cpds. such as rathakāra: maker. ### kārā (f.), a prison; jail.
karaka nt. a drinking vessel. (m.), pomegranate tree. karakā (nt.), hail. ### kāraka (m.), the doer. (nt.), syntax (in gram).
karakāvassa nt. hail-storm.  
karagga   tip of the hand.  
karaja m. nail (of the hand).  
karajakāya m. the body (which is born of impurity.).  
karañja m. the tree Pongamiya glabra.  
karaṇa nt. 1. doing; making; 2. production. kāraṇa (nt.), reason; cause. ### kāraṇā (abl.) by means of; through; by. (f.), torture; bodily punishment.
karaṇattha m. the sense of the instrumentality.  
karaṇavibhatti f. the instrumental case.  
karaṇīya adj. ought to be done. (nt.), duty; obligation.  
karaṇīyatā f. the fact that something has to be done.  
karaṇḍaka m. casket; a small box or receptacle.  
karaṇda m. casket; a small box or receptacle.  
karatala nt. the palm of the hand.  
karapuṭa m. the folded hand.  
karabha m. 1. a camel; 2. the wrist.  
karabhūsā f. any kind of ornament for the hand; a bracelet.  
karamadda m. the tree Carissa Carandas.  
karamarānīta adj. one who is captured in a war.  
karavassa nt. hail-storm.  
karavīka m. the Indian cuckoo.  
karavīkabhāṇī adj. speaking with a clear and melodious voice.  
karavīra m. the oleander tree.  
karahaci ind. seldom; at times.  
kari aor. of karoti did; acted; made; built. karī (m.), an elephant. ### kārī (m.), doer. (Mostly in cpds. such as sātāccakārī).
karitvā abs. of karoti having done.  
karīyati pass. of karoti is done.  
karīyamāna pr.p. of kariyati being done.  
karīyi aor. of karīyati was done.  
karīsa nt. dung; excrement; a square measure of land (which may be nearly an acre).  
karīsamagga m. the anus.  
karuṇaṃ adv. pitiably.  
karuṇā f. compassion; pity.  
karuṇāyaṇā f. compassionateness.  
karuṇāyati deno. from karuṇā feels pity for.  
karuṇāyi aor. of karubāyati felt pity for.  
karuṇukā f. a she-elephant.  
kareṇu f. a she-elephant.  
kareṇukā f. a she-elephant.  
kareri m. the musk-rose tree.  
karoti kar + o does; acts; makes; builds.  
karonta pr.p of karoti doing; acting; making; building.  
kala m. a sweet low sound. kalā (f.), a fraction of a whole; an art. ### kāla (m.), time. ### kāḷa (adj.), black; dark. (m.), black colour.
kalakala m. indistinct and confused noise.  
kalaṅka m. a spot; mark; fault.  
kalatta nt. the wife.  
kalandaka m. a squirrel.  
kalandakanivāpa m. a locality where the squirrels are fed.  
kalabha m. a young elephant.  
kalala nt. mud; mire.  
kalalamakkhita adj. smeared or soiled with mud.  
kalalarūpa nt. the first stage in the formation of the foetus.  
kalasa nt. a small water-pot.  
kalaha m. quarrel; dispute.  
kalahakāraka adj. one who quarrels.  
kalahakāraṇa nt. the cause of a dispute.  
kalahasadda m. a brawl; squabble.  
kalāpa m. 1. a bundle; sheaf; 2. a quiver; 3. a group of elementary particles.  
kalāpī m. 1. peacock; 2. one who has a quiver or a bundle.  
kali m. 1. defeat; 2. bad luck; 3. sin; 4. distress.  
kaliggaha m. a losing throw; defeat; evil consequence.  
kaliṅgara m.; nt. a log; rotten piece of wood; chaff.  
kaliyuga m. the age of vice and misery, i.e. the last of the four period of an aeon.  
kalīra nt. the soft part above the steam of a palm tree.  
kalusa nt. 1. sin; 2. impurity. (adj.),1. impure; 2. dirty.  
kalebara nt. the body.  
kalyāṇa adj. charming; morally good. (nt.), goodness; merit; virtue; welfare.  
kalyāṇakāma adj. desiring what is good.  
kalyāṇakārī adj. one who ,does good things; virtuous.  
kalyāṇatā f. goodness; beauty.  
kalyāṇadassana adj. handsome; lovely.  
kalyāṇadhamma adj.; m. good conduct or doctrine.  
kalyāṇapaṭibhāṇa adj. having quick understanding.  
kalyāṇamitta m. a good companion; honest friend.  
kalyāṇājjhāsaya adj. having intention to do good.  
kalyāṇī f. 1. a beautiful woman; 2. name of a river and a town in Ceylon.  
kalyānadhamma adj. virtuous. (m.), good conduct or doctrine.  
kalla adj. 1. clever; able 2. healthy; sound; 3. ready; 4. proper.  
kallatā f. ability; readiness.  
kallasarīra adj. having a sound body.  
kallahāra nt. white water lily.  
kallola m. a billow.  
kavaca m. a count of a mail; armour.  
kavandha m. headless (trunk of the) body.  
kavāṭa m.; nt. window; the shutters of a door.  
kavi m. poet.  
kaviṭṭha m. elephant-apple tree. kaviṭṭha = kapiṭṭha
kavitā f. state of poet.  
kavitta nt. state of poet.  
kasaṭa m. the refuse; dregs; acrid. (adj.), nasty; worthless.  
kasati kas + a ploughs; tills.  
kasana nt. tilling.  
kasanta pr.p. of kasati tilling; ploughing.  
kasamāna pr.p. of kasati tilling; ploughing.  
kasambu m. fifth; rubbish.  
kasambujāta adj. impure; of bad character.  
kasā f. a whip. kāsa (m.),1. a kind of reed; 2. consumption.
kasāya nt. a decoration; a distillation.  
kasāva m.; nt. 1. the acrid taste; 2. a cloth of orange colour. (adj.),, of the orange colour. kāsāva (nt.), yellow robe. (adj), dyed with orange colour.
kasāhata nt. a being whipped or flogged.  
kasi aor. of kasati ploughed; tilled. kāsi (m.), name of a country (the capital of which was Benares).
kasikamma nt. agriculture; husbandry.  
kasiṇa adj. whole; entire. (nt.), an object for meditation.  
kasiṇaparikamma nt. the preliminary duties the should be performed before meditation.  
kasiṇamaṇḍala nt. the circular disk used as an object for meditation.  
kasita pp. of kasati plouhged; tilled.  
kasitaṭṭhāna nt. tilled ground.  
kasitvā abs. of kasati having ploughed.  
kasibhaṇḍa nt. agricultural implements.  
kasira adj. miserable; difficult. (nt.), misery; trouble; difficulty.  
kasirena adv. with difficulty.  
kasmā ind. why.  
kasmīra m. name of a country in Northern India.  
kassaka m. farmer; cultivator.  
kassati kass + a drags. (see kaḍḍhati).  
kassi aor. of kassati. dragged.  
kahaṃ adv. where?  
kahāpaṇa nt. a coin whose value is about a half-crown.  
kahāpaṇaka nt. a torture which consisted in cutting off small pieces of flesh.  
kāka m. a crow.  
kākacchati kas + cha snores.  
kākacchamāna pr.p. of kākacchati snoring.  
kākacchi aor. of kākacchati snored.  
kākaṇikā f. a coin of very low value; a farthing.  
kākapāda m. crow's foot; cross mark.  
kākapeyya adj. full to the brim (that a crow can easily drink of it.  
kākavaṇṇa adj. of the colour of a crow, i.e. black; name of a king in Ceylon.  
kākasūra adj. clever as a crow; a shameless fellow.  
kākassara adj. having the sound of a crow.  
kākī f. she-crow.  
kākola m. a reven.  
kāca m. glass; crystal; cataract in the eye.  
kācatumba m. glass bottle.  
kācamaṇi m. crystal.  
kācamaya adj. made of glass.  
kāja m. a pingo; carrying pole.  
kājahāraka m. pingo-bearer.  
kātabba pt.p. of karoti what ought to be done. (nt.), duty.  
kātave inf. of karoti to do.  
kātuṃ inf. of karoti to do.  
kātukamyatā f. desire to do or perform.  
kātukāma adj. desirous of doing.  
kātukāmatā f. desire to do or perform.  
kānana nt. forest; grove.  
kānanantara nt. inside of a forest.  
kāpilavatthava adj. belonging to Kapilavatthu.  
kāpurisa m. a wretch; contemptible person.  
kāpotaka adj. of a dull white.  
kāpotikā adj. sort of liquor (which is of reddish colour).  
kāmaṃ adv. surely; certainly.  
kāmagiddha m. greedy of sexual pleasure.  
kāmaguṇa m. sensual pleasure.  
kāmagedha m. attachment to sensual pleasure.  
kāmacchanda m. attachment to sensual pleasure.  
kāmataṇhā f. thirst after sensual pleasure.  
kāmada adj. giving what is desire.  
kāmadada adj. giving what is desire.  
kāmadhātu f. the world of desire.  
kāmapaṇka m. the mire of lust.  
kāmapariḷāha m. the fever of passion.  
kāmabhava m. the sphere dominated by pleasures.  
kāmabhogī adj. enjoying the pleasure of the senses.  
kāmamucchā f. sensual stupor.  
kāmarati f. amorous enjoyment.  
kāmarāga m. sensual passion.  
kāmaloka m. the world of the pleasures.  
kāmavitakka m. thought concerning pleasures.  
kāmasaṅkappa m. aspiration after pleasure.  
kāmasaññojana nt. hindrance formed by pleasures.  
kāmasukha nt. happiness arising from sensual pleasures.  
kāmasevanā f. (indulgence in) sexual intercourse.  
kāmita pp. of kāmeti craved; desired.  
kāmetabba pt.p. of kāmeti desirable.  
kāmeti kam + e craves; desires.  
kāmesi aor. of kāmeti craved; desired.  
kāyakamma nt. bodily action.  
kāyakammaññatā f. wieldness of the body.  
kāyagata adj. relating to the body.  
kāyagatā sati f. mindfulness centred on the body.  
kāyagantha m. bodily fetter.  
kāyagutta m. bodily. (adj.), guarding one's own body; calm in the bodily action.  
kāyaḍāha m. fever; inflammation of the body.  
kāyadaratha m. bodily distress.  
kāyaduccarita nt. misconduct by the body.  
kāyadvāra nt. the outlet of bodily senses.  
kāyadhātu f. the faculty of touch.  
kāyapaṭibaddha adj. connected with the body.  
kāyapayoga m. instrumentality of the body.  
kāyaparihārika adj. tending the body.  
kāyapassaddhi f. serenity of the sense.  
kāyapāgabbhiya nt. immodesty.  
kāyappakopa m. misbehaviour.  
kāyappacālakaṃ adv. swaying the body.  
kāyappasāda m. the sense of touch.  
kāyabandhana nt. waist-band; girdle.  
kāyabala nt. strength of the body.  
kāyamudutā f. pliability of senses.  
kāyalahutā f. buoyancy of senses.  
kāyavaṅka m. crookedness of action.  
kāyavikāra m. gesture.  
kāyaviññatti f. intimation through the body; a gesture.  
kāyaviññāṇa nt. consciousness by means of touch.  
kāyaviññeyya adj. to be perceived by the sense of touch.  
kāyaviveka m. seclusion of the body.  
kāyaveyyāvacca nt. menial duties.  
kāyasaṃsagga m. bodily contact.  
kāyasakkhī adj. he who has realised the final truth (through the body).  
kāyasaṅkhāra m. substratum of the body.  
kāyasamācāra m. good conduct.  
kāyasamphassa m. the sense of touch.  
kāyasucarita nt. good conduct in action.  
kāyasoceyya nt. purity of the body.  
kāyika adj. relating to the resulting from the body.  
kāyikadukkha nt. bodily pain.  
kāyujjukatā f. straightness of the body.  
kāyūpaga adj. attached to the body; going to a new birth.  
kāyūra nt. a bracelet worn on the upper arm.  
kāraṇīka m. turturer.  
kārāghara nt. a prison; jail.  
kārāpaka m. a schemer; one who orders to do something.  
kārāpana nt. causing to do; ordering.  
kārāpikā f. a schemer; one who orders to do something.  
kārāpita pp. of kārāpeti caused to do.  
kārāpiyati v. causes to be done.  
kārāpeti caus. of karoti causes to do.  
kārāpesi aor. of kārāpeti caused to do.  
kārābhedaka adj. one who has broken out of a jail.  
kārikā f. a commentary.  
kārita pp. of kāreti caused to do, build or construct.  
kāriya nt. duty; action; business.  
kāruñña nt. compassion.  
kāruṇika adj. compassionate.  
kāreti caus. of karoti causes to do, build or construct.  
kāretvā abs. of kāreti having caused to do, build or construct.  
kārenta pr.p. of kāreti should be caused to do, build or construct.  
kāresi aor. of kāreti caused to do, build or construct.  
kālaṃ kata pp. dead.  
kālaṃ karoti   dies.  
kālakaṇṇī m. an unfortunate person; a wretch.  
kālakiriyā f. death.  
kālaṅkata pp. dead.  
kālaṅkaroti   dies.  
kālaññū adj. one who knows the proper time.  
kālantara nt. interval; period.  
kālapavedana nt. speaking at the proper time.  
kālavādī adj. speaking at the proper time.  
kālasseva   very early.  
kālika adj. temporal.  
kāliṅga m. name of a country in East India.  
kālīya nt. gallochum. kāḷīya (nt.), gallochum.
kālusiya nt. dirt; obscurity.  
kālena   in proper time; at the right moment.  
kālenakālaṃ   from time to time.  
kāḷaka adj. black. (nt.), a black spot; a stain; black grain in the rice.  
kāḷakūṭa m. name of a mountain in the Himalayas.  
kāḷakesa adj. black-haired, i.e. young.  
kāḷatipu nt. black lead.  
kāḷapakkha m. the moonless fort-night.  
kāḷaloṇa nt. black salt.  
kāḷasīha m. a kind of lion.  
kāḷasutta nt. carpenter's measuring line.  
kāḷahaṃsa m. black swan.  
kāḷāyasa nt. (black) iron.  
kāḷāvaka m. a kind of elephant.  
kāveyya nt. poetry.  
kāsika adj. belonging to or made of kāsi.  
kāsu f. pit.  
kāhāmi v. (I) will do.  
kāhinti v. (they) will do.  
kiṃ rel. or inter. pron. what? (m.) ko = who? (f.) kā = which woman? (nt.) kaṃ = what thing?  
kiṃ kāraṇā   why?  
kiṃ su ind. an interrogative particle.  
kiṃkara m. a servant; an attendant.  
kiṃkāraṇā adv. by reason of what?  
kiṃkiṇikajāla nt. a net of tinkling bells.  
kiṃkiṇī f. a jingling bell.  
kiṃvādī adj. holding what view?  
kiṃsuka m. the tree Butea Frondosa.  
kikī m. the blue jay. (f.), female of the jay.  
kiṅkara m. a servant; an attendant.  
kiṅkiṇikajāla nt. a net of tinkling bells.  
kiṅkiṇī f. a jingling bell.  
kicca nt. duty; work; service; that which should be done.  
kiccakārī adj. doing one's won duty.  
kiccākicca nt. what should be done and not be done.  
kiccha adj. difficult; painful. (nt.), distress; difficulty.  
kicchati kit + cha is troubled or wearied.  
kicchi aor. of kicchati was troubled or wearied.  
kicchena adv. with difficulty.  
kiñ ca ind. why not; rather.  
kiñcana nt. something; a trifle; worldly attachment; trouble.  
kiñcāpi ind. whatever; however much; but.  
kiñci ind. something.  
kiñcikkha nt. trifle.  
kiñjakkha nt. filament; pollen.  
kiṭṭha nt. growing corn.  
kiṭṭhasambādha-samaya m. harvest-time; when corn is fully grown.  
kiṭṭhāda adj. corn-eating.  
kiṭṭhārakkha m. a watcher of corn.  
kiṇanta pr.p. of kiṇāti buying.  
kiṇāti ki + ṇā buys.  
kiṇi aor. of kiṇāti bought.  
kiṇituṃ inf. of kiṇāti to buy.  
kiṇitvā abs. of kiṇāti having bought.  
kiṇīyati v. is bought.  
kiṇṇa pp. of kirati scattered. (nt.), yeast.  
kitava m. a cheat.  
kittaka inter. pron. how much? to what extent? how many?  
kittana nt. praising; expounding.  
kittayati v. explains; praises.  
kittāvatā adv. how far? in what respect?  
kitti f. fame; renown.  
kittighosa m. reputation.  
kittita pp. of kitteti praised; extolled; related; announced.  
kittima adj. artificial.  
kittimantu adj. famous.  
kittisadda m. reputation.  
kitteti kitt + e praises; extols; relates; announces.  
kittenta pr.p. of kitteti praising; extolling; relating; announcing.  
kittesi aor. of kitteti praised; extolled; related; announced.  
kinti ind. whether.  
kinnara m. a bird with a human head; name of a forest dwelling nation.  
kinnarī f. a kinnara woman.  
kipillikā f. an ant.  
kibbisa nt. wrong-doing; crime.  
kibbisakārī m. a criminal.  
kimakkhātī adj. preaching what?  
kimakkhāyī adj. preaching.  
kimaṅga ind. far less.  
kimatthaṃ adv. for what purpose?  
kimatthāya ind. for what purpose?  
kimatthiya adj. to what purpose; purporting what?  
kimi m. a worm; vermin.  
kimikula nt. a crowd or a kind of worms.  
kimpakka nt. a poisonous fruit in the shape of a mango.  
kimpakkaphala nt. a poisonous fruit in the shape of a mango.  
kimpurisa m. a bird with a human head; name of a forest dwelling nation.  
kira ind. really; truly; (refers to a report by hear-say). kīra (m.), a parrot.
kiraṇa m.; nt. ray; effulgence.  
kirati kir + a scatters.  
kirāta m. a kind of junglemen.  
kiri aor. of kirati scattered.  
kiriya nt. action; deed; performance. kiriyā (f.),action; deed; performance.
kiriyavāda m. belief in the consequence of action.  
kiriyavādī m. one who promulgates the view of kiriyavādā.  
kirīṭa nt. a crown; diadem.  
kilañja m. mat or rushes.  
kilanta pp. of kilamati was tired; was weary; was exhausted. kīḷanta (pr.p. of kīḷati), playing; sporting; amusing oneself.
kilamati kilam + a is wearied or fatigued.  
kilamatha m. fatigue; weariness.  
kilamanta pr.p. of kilamati becoming weary.  
kilami aor. of kilamati was wearied or fatigued.  
kilamita pp. of kilamati was wearied or fatigued.  
kilamitvā abs. of kilamati being wearied or fatigued.  
kilamiyamāna pr.p. of kilamīyati being made weary.  
kilamīyati pass. of kilameti has been made weary.  
kilamīyi aor. of kilamīyati had been made weary.  
kilameti caus. of kilamati makes weary.  
kilametvā abs. of kilameti having made weared.  
kilamenta pr.p. of kilameti making weared.  
kilamesi aor. of kilameti made weared.  
kilāsa m. a cutaneous disease.  
kiliṭṭha pp. of kilissati become soiled or stained; was impured.  
kilinna pp. of kilijjati wet; soiled; moist.  
kilissati kilis + ya becomes soiled or stained; is impure.  
kilissana nt. getting dirty or stained.  
kilissanta pr.p. of kilissati becoming soiled or stained; being impured.  
kilissi aor. of kilissati became soiled or stained; was impured.  
kilesa m. passion; lust; depravity; impurity.  
kilesakāma m. lust.  
kilesakkhaya m. destruction of passions.  
kilesappahāṇa nt. giving up of worldly passions.  
kilesavatthu nt. object of worldly attachment.  
kilesita pp. of kileseti caused to be soiled or defiled.  
kileseti kilis + e causes to be soiled or defiled.  
kilesesi aor. of kileseti caused to be soiled or defiled.  
kilomaka nt. the pleura.  
kisa adj. lean; haggard; emaciated.  
kīṭaka m. an insect; a moth.  
kīta pp. of kiṇāti bought. kīṭa (m.), an insect; a moth.
kītvā abs. of kiṇāti having bought.  
kīdisa adj. of what kind? what like?  
kīla m. a stake. kīḷā (f.), playing; sport.
kīḷati kīḷ + a plays; sports; amuses oneself.  
kīḷanaka nt. a toy. (adj.), playing.  
kīḷanā f. sport; enjoyment.  
kīḷamāna pr.p. of kīḷati playing; sporting; amusing oneself.  
kīḷāgoḷaka nt. a ball to play with.  
kīḷāpanaka adj. one who makes play.  
kīḷāpasuta adj. bent on play.  
kīḷāpeti caus. of kīḷati causes to play.  
kīḷāpetvā abs. of kīḷāpeti having caused to play.  
kīḷāpenta pr.p. of kīḷāpeti causing to play.  
kīḷāpesi aor. of kīḷāpeti caused to play.  
kīḷābhaṇḍaka nt. a plaything; toy.  
kīḷāmaṇḍala nt. play-ground.  
kīḷi aor. of kiḷati played; sported; amused oneself.  
kīḷita pp. of kīḷati caused to play. (nt.), sport; play.  
kīḷitvā abs. of kiḷati having played; having sported; having amused oneself.  
kīva ind. how much? how long?  
kīva ciraṃ ind. how long?  
kīvataka adj. how many? how much?  
kukutthaka m. a kind of bird.  
kukku m. a cubit.  
kukkucca nt. remorse; scruple; worry.  
kukkuccaka adj. scrupulous.  
kukkuccāyati deno. from kukkucca feels remorse.  
kukkuṭa m. a cock.  
kukkuṭī f. a hen.  
kukkura m. a dog.  
kukkuravatika adj. imitating a dog (in austerity).  
kukkuḷa m. hot ashes; name of a hell.  
kukmudavaṇṇa adj. water-pot.  
kuṅkuma nt. saffron.  
kucchi m. the belly or womb; interior.  
kucchiṭṭha adj. deposited in the womb.  
kucchita pp. contemptible; vile.  
kucchidāha m. inflammation in the stomach.  
kuja m. 1. a tree; 2. the planet of Mars.  
kujjhati kudh + ya is angry.  
kujjhana nt. anger; irritation. kujjhanā (f.), anger; irritation.
kujjhanta pr.p. of kujjhati being angry.  
kujjhamāna pr.p. of kujjhati being angry.  
kujjhi aor. of kujjhati was angry.  
kujjhitvā abs. of kujjhati being angry.  
kujjhiya abs. of kujjhati being angry.  
kuñcanāda m. trumpeting (of an elephant).  
kuñcikā f. a key.  
kuñcikāvivara nt. key-hole.  
kuñcita pp. of kuñcati bent; crooked; curled.  
kuñja nt. a glen; dell.  
kuñjara m. elephant.  
kuṭa m.; nt. a water pot. kūṭa (adj.), false fraudulent; deceitful; untamed. (m.; nt.), the top; prominence; peak; ridge; pinnacle; a hammer. (nt.), falsehood; deceit.
kuṭaja m. a kind of medicinal herb.  
kuṭi f. a hut.  
kuṭikā f. a hut.  
kuṭidvāra nt. gate of a hut.  
kuṭimbika m. the head of a family; a house-holder.  
kuṭila adj. bent; crooked.  
kuṭilatā f. crookedness; dishonesty.  
kuṭumba nt. family.  
kuṭūmbika m. the head of a family; a house-holder.  
kuṭṭhī m. a leper.  
kuṭhārī f. an axe; hatchet.  
kuḍumala m. an opening bud.  
kuḍḍa nt. a wall.  
kuḍḍamūla nt. foot of a wall.  
kuṇapa m. corpse; carcass; a loathsome thing.  
kuṇapagandha m. smell of a rotting corpse.  
kuṇāla m. the Indian cuckoo.  
kuṇī m. a cripple. (adj.), crooked-handed.  
kuṇṭha adj. blunt.  
kuṇṭhita pp. of kuṇṭheti made blunt, bent or lame.  
kuṇṭheti kuṇṭh + e makes blunt, bent or lame.  
kuṇṭhesi aor. of kuṇṭheti made blunt, bent or lame.  
kuṇḍaka nt. the powder obtained from the inner rind of rice.  
kuṇḍakapūva m.; nt. cake made of that powder.  
kuṇḍala nt. an earring; a curl.  
kuṇḍalakesa adj. having curled hair.  
kuṇḍalāvatta adj. twisting round (like a watch-spring).  
kuṇḍalī adj. having earrings or curls.  
kuṇḍikā f. a pitcher; water-jug.  
kuṇḍī f. a pitcher; water-jug.  
kutūhala nt. excitement; curiosity.  
kuto adv. where from? whence?  
kutta nt. behaviour; coquetry.  
kuttaka nt. a carpet big enough for 12 women to dance on.  
kuttha adv. where? kuṭṭha (nt.), 1. leprosy; 2. a kind of fragrant plant.
kutra adv. where?  
kuthita pp. of kuthati boiling; much heated.  
kudassu m. when?  
kudācana ind. sometimes; at any time.  
kudācanaṃ ind. sometimes; at any time.  
kuddāla m. a spade or hoe.  
kuddha pp. of kujjhati was angry.  
kudrūsaka m. a kind of grain.  
kunatanī f. a curlew.  
kunta m. 1. sceptre lance; 2. a kind of bird.  
kuntanī f. a curlew.  
kuntala m. hair.  
kuntha m. a sort of ant.  
kunda nt. a kind of jasmine.  
kunnadī f. rivulet.  
kupatha m. wrong path.  
kupita pp. of kuppati was angry; annoyed; offended.  
kupurisa m. bad person.  
kuppa adj. unsteady; movable.  
kuppati kup + ya is angry or agitated; is changed.  
kuppana nt. agitation; anger; disturbance.  
kuppamāna pr.p. of kuppati being angry or being agitated; being changed.  
kuppi aor. of kuppati was angry or agitated; was changed.  
kubbati   does, performs. kubbati = karoti.
kubbanaka nt. a small forest; brushwood.  
kubbanta pr.p. of kubbati doing; performing.  
kubbamāna pr.p. of kubbati doing; performing.  
kubbara m. pole of a carriage.  
kumati f. wrong view. (adj.), holder of a wrong view.  
kumāra m. a boy; a youngster.  
kumāraka m. a boy; a youngster.  
kumārakīlā f. amusement of a boy.  
kumārikā f. a girl; virgin.  
kumārī f. a girl; virgin.  
kumina nt. a fish-trap.  
kumuda nt. white water lily.  
kumudaṇāla nt. the stalk of white water-lily.  
kumudanāḷa m. the stalk of white water-lily.  
kumudavaṇṇa adj. of the colour of white lily.  
kumbha m. water-pot.  
kumbhaka nt. the mast (of a ship).  
kumbhakāra m. potter.  
kumbhakārasālā f. pottery.  
kumbhaṇḍa m. pumpkin; a kind of celestial beings.  
kumbhadāsī f. a slave girl who brings water.  
kumbhī f. a pot.  
kumbhīla m. crocodile.  
kumma m. tortoise.  
kummagga m. wrong path.  
kummāsa m. junket.  
kura nt. boiled rice.  
kuraṇḍaka m. a flower plant; a species of Amaranth.  
kurara m. an osprey.  
kuruṅga m. a kind of antelope.  
kurumāna pr.p. of karoti doing.  
kururaṭṭha nt. the country of the kurus (in North India).  
kurūra adj. cruel; fierce.  
kula nt. a family; clan; caste. kūla (nt.), river-bank; embankment.
kulageha nt. the house belonging to the family; parents' house.  
kulaṅgāra m. one who brings a family to ruin.  
kulatanti f. the line and tradition of a family.  
kulattha m. a kind of vetch.  
kuladūsaka m. one who brings a family into a bad repute.  
kuladhītu f. daughter of a respectable family.  
kulaparivaṭṭa n. generation.  
kulaputta m. young man of a good family.  
kulala m. a hawk. kulāla (m.), potter.
kulavaṃsa nt. lineage; progeny.  
kulālacakka nt. potter's wheel.  
kulāvaka nt. nest.  
kulisa nt. thunder-bolt; a mace.  
kulīna adj. having a recognised clan.  
kulīra m. a crab.  
kulīrapāda adj. (a bed), having the legs in the shapes of a crab.  
kulūpaga adj. one who frequents a family.  
kulla m. a raft.  
kuvaṃ ind. where?  
kuvalaya nt. water-lily.  
kuvera m. name of the deity who governs the North; the king of Yakkhas.  
kusa m. a kind of fragrant grass; citronella; a lot.  
kusagga nt. the point of a blade of kusa.  
kusacīra nt. garment made of kusa-grass.  
kusapāta m. casting of lots.  
kusala nt. good action; merit; virtue. (adj.), clever.  
kusalakamma nt. meritorious action; right conduct.  
kusalacetanā f. right volition.  
kusalatā f. cleverness; dexterity; accomplishment.  
kusaladhamma m. points of righteousness.  
kusalavipāka m. fruit of result of good action.  
kusalī adj. possessor of merit.  
kusinārā f. the chief city of the Mallas.  
kusīta adj. indolent; lazy. kusītā (f.) indolence; laziness.
kusītatā f. indolence; laziness.  
kusītatta nt. indolence; laziness.  
kusubbha m. a small pit.  
kusuma nt. a flower.  
kusumita adj. in flower; blooming.  
kusumbha m. the safflower. (used for dying red).  
kusūla m. a granary.  
kuha adj. deceitful. (m.) a cheat.  
kuhaka adj. deceitful. (m.) a cheat.  
kuhanā f. deceit; hypocrisy; fraud.  
kuhara nt. a hole; cavity.  
kuhiṃ adv. where?  
kuheti kuh + e deceives.  
kuhesi aor. of kuheti deceived.  
kūjati kūj + a chirps.  
kūjana nt. chirping of birds.  
kūjanta pr.p. of kujati chirping.  
kūjamāna pr.p. of kujati chirping.  
kūji aor. of kūjati chirped.  
kūjita pp. of kūjati chirped. (nt.), birds' singing. (pp. of kujati), resounded with the singing of birds.  
kūṭagoṇa m. an untamed bull.  
kūṭajaṭila m. a fraudulent ascetic.  
kūṭaṭṭa nt. false suit.  
kūṭaṭṭakāraka m. false suitor.  
kūṭavāṇija m. a dishonest trader.  
kūṭasimbalī m. thorny red cotton tree.  
kūṭāgāra nt. a pinnacle building, or such a temporary construction; a catafalque.  
kūpa m. a well; a cavity.  
kūpaka m. the mast.  
kekara m. a squint-eyed person.  
kekā f. the cry of the peacock.  
kecana   some persons.  
keṇipāta m. rudder of a boat.  
ketakī f. screw-pine.  
ketu m. flag; banner.  
ketuṃ inf. of kiṇāti to buy.  
ketukamyatā f. vainglory; desire for prominence.  
ketumantu adj. adorned with flags.  
kedāra m.; nt. arable land; a field.  
kedārapāḷi f. a dam; narrow embankments in paddy fields.  
keyūra nt. a bracelet for the upper arm.  
keyya adj. fit to be bought; a thing to be bought.  
kerāṭika adj. deceitful; hypocritic. (m.), a dishonest person.  
kerāṭiya nt. deceit; fraud.  
kelāsa m. name of a mountain in the Himalayas.  
kelāsakūṭa nt. the peak of the Kelāsa mountain.  
keḷī f. sport; enjoyment.  
kevaṭṭa m. a fisherman.  
kevala adj. lonely; unmixed; whole; entire.  
kevalaṃ adv. only.  
kevalakappa adj. almost the whole.  
kevalaparipuṇṇa adj. complete in its entirety.  
kesa m. hair of the head.  
kesakambala nt. a blanket made of hair.  
kesakambalī adj. having a blanket made of hair.  
kesakalāpa m. a tress of hair.  
kesakalyāṇa nt. beauty of hair.  
kesadhātu f. hair-relic.  
kesara nt. hairy structures of flowers; name (of animal.).  
kesarasīha m. a maned lion.  
kesarī m. a lion.  
kesava adj. of rich of hair. (m.), the God Vishnu.  
kesoropana nt. shaving of hair.  
kesohāraka m. remover of hair, i.e. a barber.  
ko m. (sing. of kiṃ) who? which man?  
ko ci indefinite pronoun someone.  
koka m. a wolf.  
kokanada nt. a red lotus.  
kokila m. a cuckoo.  
koci ind. some one; whoever.  
koccha nt. 1. a brush; 2. a rattan chair.  
kojava m. a carpet.  
koñca m. a heron.  
koñcanāda m. trumpeting (of an elephant).  
koṭacikā f. the female organ.  
koṭi f. top; summit; point; the end; ten million.  
koṭippakoṭi f. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  
koṭippatta adj. having reached the end; fully grasped.  
koṭilla nt. crookedness.  
koṭisimbalī m. thorny red cotton tree.  
koṭṭana nt. pounding.  
koṭṭita pp. of koṭṭeti pounded; smashed; beaten.  
koṭṭeti kuṭṭ + e pounds; smashes; beats.  
koṭṭetvā abs. of koṭṭeti having pounded; having smashed; having beaten.  
koṭṭenta pr.p. of koṭṭeti pounding; smashing; beating.  
koṭṭesi aor. of koṭṭeti pounds; smashes; beats.  
koṭṭha m. the abdomen; a cell; a store-room.  
koṭṭhaka m. 1. stronghold; 2. a gateway; 3. place for concealment; 4. closet.  
koṭṭhāgāra (koṭṭha + āgāra) nt. granary; treasury; storehouse.  
koṭṭhāgārika (koṭṭha + āgārika) m. storekeeper.  
koṭṭhāsa m. share; ration; portion.  
koṭṭhāsaya (koṭṭha + āsaya) adj. existing in abdomen.  
koṇa m. corner; end; a bow.  
kotūhala nt. excitement; curiosity.  
kotthu m. a jackal.  
kotthuka m. a jackal.  
kodaṇḍa nt. a bow.  
kodha m. anger.  
kodhana adj. peevish; uncontrolled (of mind).  
konta m. 1. sceptre lance; 2. a kind of bird.  
kopa m. anger; ill-temper.  
kopaneyya adj. apt to arouse anger.  
kopita pp. of kopeti. caused to make angry; caused to disturb; caused to shake; caused to trespass a law.  
kopī adj. ill-tempered.  
kopīna nt. the generative organ of either sex.  
kopeti caus. of kuppati causes to make angry; caused to disturb; causes to shake; causes to trespass a law.  
kopetvā abs. of kopeti having caused to make angry; having caused to disturb; having caused to shake; having caused to trespass a law.  
kopesi aor. of kopeti made angry; disturbed; shook; trespassed a law.  
komala adj. soft; producing affection.  
komāra adj. juvenile.  
komārabrahmacariyā f. the vow of chastity beginning from the infancy.  
komārabhacca nt. the medical treatment of infants; brought up by a prince.  
komudī f. moonlight; the full-moon day in the month kattika.  
koraka m. a bud.  
korabya adj. a descendant of kuru; belonging to the country of Kurus.  
koravya adj. a descendant of kuru; belonging to the country of Kurus.  
kola m.; nt. jujube fruit.  
kolaka nt. pepper.  
kolaṭṭhi nt. the seed of jujube.  
kolamba m. a big jar.  
kolāpa m. a dead or hollow tree.  
koliya m. name of a clan akin to Sākyas.  
koleyyaka adj. of good breed; (said of dogs).  
kovida adj. clever; well-versed; expert.  
kosa m. store-room; treasury; a sheath; a cocoon; a measure of length, (which is about 1.000 yards.).  
kosaka m.; nt. a cup; drinking vessel; a small case or sheath.  
kosajja nt. idleness; indolence.  
kosaphala nt. nutmeg.  
kosambī f. name of the capital of Vatsas.  
kosala m. name of a country which was prominent at the time of the Buddha.  
kosalla nt. proficiency; cleverness.  
kosātakī f. a creeper the fruit of which is eaten; Luffa acutangula.  
kosārakkha m. keeper of a treasury.  
kosika m. an owl.  
kosināraka adj. belonging to Kusinārā.  
kosī f. a sheath.  
koseyya nt. silk; silk cloth. (adj.), silken.  
koseyyasukhuma nt. fine silk.  
kosohita adj. unsheathed.  
kohañña nt. hypocrisy; deceit.  
kttha nt. timber; a piece of wood.  
kriyā f. action; deed; performance.  
kva ind. where ?  
kvaci ind. somewhere; in some places.  
kha nt. space; sky.  
khaga m. a bird.  
khagga m. a sword.  
khaggakosa m. sheath for a sword.  
khaggatala nt. blade of a sword.  
khaggadhara adj. bearing a sword.  
khaggavisāṇa m. rhinoceros; one who has a sword-like horn.  
khaggāhaka m. a sword-bearer.  
khacati khac + a inlays; adorns with.  
khaci aor. of khacati inlaid; adorned with.  
khacita pp. of khacati inlaid; adorned with.  
khajja nt. solid food; sweet meat. (adj.), to be eaten or chewed.  
khajjaka nt. sweet-meat.  
khajjakantara nt. various kinds of sweets.  
khajjati khaj + ya (pass. of khādati.) 1. is eaten; 2. is itchy; 3. is consumed.  
khajju f. itch.  
khajjūrī f. date-palm.  
khajjopanaka m. the fire-fly.  
khañja adj. lame.  
khañjati khaj + ṃ-a hobbles.  
khañjana nt. hobbling. (m.), a wagtail.  
khañji aor. of khañjati hobbled.  
khaññakhantika   of another belief.  
khaṇa m. a moment; a minute; an opportunity.  
khaṇati khan + a digs; uproots.  
khaṇana nt. digging.  
khaṇanta pr.p. of khaṇati digging; uprooting.  
khaṇātīta adj. having missed the opportunity.  
khaṇāpetvā abs. having caused to dig.  
khaṇi aor. of khaṇati dug; uprooted.  
khaṇika nt. momentary; temporary; changeable.  
khaṇittī f. a crow-bar; pick-axe.  
khaṇitvā abs. of khaṇati having dug; having uprooted.  
khaṇuka m. a stump; stake; a small post.  
khaṇena adv. in a moment.  
khaṇḍa m. a bit; broken piece; candy. (adj.), broken.  
khaṇḍadanta adj. having broken teeth.  
khaṇḍana nt. breakage.  
khaṇḍaphulla nt. broken and shattered portions (of a building).  
khaṇḍākhaṇḍaṃ adv. (breaking) into fragments.  
khaṇḍākhaṇḍikaṃ adv. (breaking) into fragments.  
khaṇḍikā f. a piece; a broken bit.  
khaṇḍicca nt. the state of being broken, (said of teeth).  
khaṇḍeti khaṇḍ + e breaks into pieces; transgresses.  
khaṇḍetvā abs. of khaṇḍeti having broken into pieces; having transgressed.  
khaṇḍesi aor. of khaṇḍeti broke into pieces; transgressed.  
khata pp. of khaṇati dug; uprooted. khāta (pp. of khaṇati), dug.
khatta nt. political science; that which is belonging to Khattiyas.  
khattiya m. a man of the warrior caste. (adj.),to belonging Khattiyas. khattiyā (f.), a woman of the Khattiya clan.
khattiyakaññā f. a maiden of the Khattiya race.  
khattiyakula nt. the warrior caste.  
khattiyamahāsāla m. a millionaire of Khattiya tribe.  
khattiyamāyā f. the special knowledge of the Khattiyas.  
khattiyasukhumāla adj. tender and delicate like a royal prince.  
khattiyānī f. a woman of the Khattiya clan.  
khattu m. charioteer; a king's attendant adviser.  
khadira m. acacia tree.  
khadiraṅgāra m. embers of acacia wood.  
khanta pp. of khamati was patient; endured; forbore; pardoned.  
khanti f. patience; wish; forbearance.  
khantika adj. (in cpds.) of such and such a belief. aññakhantika = of another belief.  
khantibala nt. power of patience.  
khantimantu adj. forbearing; patient.  
khantu m. one who forbears; gentle.  
khandha m. 1. bulk; 2. the trunk of the body or of a tree; 3. mass; heap; 4. a section or chapter; 5. sensorial aggregates which condition the appearance of life in any form.  
khandhaka m. a division or chapter.  
khandhapañcaka nt. the five aggregates, viz. material qualities, feeling, perception, coefficients of consciousness, and consciousness.  
khandhāvāra m. a camp.  
khama adj. forgiving; enduring; bearing. khamā (f.) tolerance; patience; endurance.
khamati kham + a is patient; endures; forbears; pardons.  
khamana nt. tolerance; patience; endurance.  
khamanīya adj. bearable.  
khamanta pr.p of khamati being patient; enduring; forbearing; pardoning.  
khamamāna pr.p. of khamat being patient; enduring; forbearing; pardoning.  
khamāpana nt. asking for pardon.  
khamāpita pp. of khamāpeti asked one's pardon; apologised.  
khamāpeti kham + āpe asks one's pardon; apologises.  
khamāpetvā abs. of khamāpeti having asked one's pardon; having apologised.  
khamāpenta pp. of khamāpeti asked one's pardon; apologised.  
khamāpesi aor. of khamāpeti asked one's pardon; apologised.  
khami aor. of khamati was patient; endured; forbore; pardoned.  
khamitabba pt.p. of khamāpeti should be apologised.  
khamitvā abs. of khamāpeti having forgiven or endured.  
khambhakata adj. with one's arms akimbo.  
khaya m. waste; destruction; decay; consummation of.  
khayānupassanā f. knowledge of the fact of decay.  
khara adj. rough; hard; sharp; painful. khāra (m.),alkaline substance; potash.
kharatā f. roughness.  
kharatta nt. roughness.  
khala nt. threshing floor (for corn). khaḷa (adj.), rough; harsh. (m.), a rascal; a vile person.
khalagga nt. the beginning of threshing.  
khalati khal + a stumbles.  
khalamaṇḍala nt. threshing floor.  
khali aor. of khalati stumbled.  
khalita pp. of khalati stumbled. (nt.) fault; stumbling. khāḷita (pp. of khāleti), washed; rinsed.
khalitvā abs. of khalati having stumbled.  
khalīna m. the bit (of a horse).  
khalu ind. indeed; surely.  
khaluṅka m. an inferior horse which is hard to manage.  
khalopī f. a kind of pot.  
khallāṭa adj. bald.  
khallāṭasīsa adj. having a bald head.  
khallāṭiya nt. baldness.  
khāṇu m.; nt. a stump; stake; a small post.  
khādaka adj. one who eats; living on.  
khādati khād + a eats; chews; bites; gnash.  
khādana nt. foot; eating; the act of eating.  
khādanīya adj. fit for eating. (nt.), hard food; sweetmeat.  
khādanta pr.p. of khādati eating; chewing; bitting; gnashing.  
khādapana nt. the act of feeding; causing to be eaten.  
khādamāna pr.p. of khādati eating; chewing; biting; gnashing.  
khādāpita pp. of khādāpeti caused to make to eat or bite.  
khādāpeti caus. of khādati causes to make to eat or bite.  
khādāpetvā abs. of khādāpeti having caused to make to eat or bited.  
khādāpenta pr.p of khādāpeti causing to make to eat or bite.  
khādi aor. of khādati ate; chewed; bit; gnashed.  
khādita pp. of khādati eaten; bitten; consumed.  
khāditatta nt. the fact of being eaten.  
khāditabba pt.p. of khādati fit to be eaten.  
khādituṃ inf. of khādati to eat.  
khādesi aor. of khādāpeti made to eat or bite.  
khāyati khā + ya seems to be; appears like.  
khāyi aor. of khāyati seemed to be; appeared like.  
khāyita adj. eaten up. (nt.), something eaten.  
khāraka adj. alkaline. (m.),a fresh bud.  
khāri f. 16 measures of grain; a basket suspended from a pingo.  
khārika adj. alkaline.  
khārikāja m.; nt. pingo basket and the pingo.  
khārijāja m. pingo basket and the pingo.  
khārividha nt. pingo basket and the pingo.  
khāḷeti khaḷ + e washes; rinses.  
khāḷetvā abs. of khaleti having washed; having rinsed.  
khāḷesi aor. of khāleti washed; rinsed.  
khiḍḍā f. play; amusement.  
khiḍḍādasaka nt. the decad of play.  
khiḍḍārati f. enjoyment.  
khiṇamaccha adj. without fish.  
khitta pp. of khipati thrown; overthrown; casted away; upset.  
khittacitta adj. one whose mind is deranged.  
khinna pp. disappointed.  
khipa m. anything thrown over; a fish trap; a cloak.  
khipati khip + a casts; throws out; sneezes.  
khipana nt. throwing; casting away.  
khipanta pr.p. of khipati casting; throwing out; sneezing.  
khipamāna pr.p. of khipati casting; throwing out; sneezing.  
khipi aor. of khipati casted; threw out; sneezed.  
khipita pp. of khipati thrown out. (nt.), sneezing.  
khipitasadda m. the sound of sneezing.  
khipituṃ inf. of khipati to throw; to sneeze.  
khipitvā abs. of khipati having casted; having thrown out; having sneezed.  
khippa adj. quick.  
khippaṃ adv. quickly.  
khippataraṃ adv. very soon; very quickly.  
khila nt. callosity; hardness. khīla (m.), peg; a stake; a post.
khīṇa pp. of khīyati exhausted; wasted.  
khīṇatā f. the fact of being wasted or exhausted.  
khīṇatta nt. the fact of being wasted or exhausted.  
khīṇaniraya adj. one who is beyond the hell.  
khīṇabīja adj. one who is without the seed of who is without the seed of existence.  
khīṇāsava (khiṇa + āsava) adj. whose mind is free from mental obsessions.  
khīyati khī + ya is exhausted; wastes away; becomes dejected.  
khīyana nt. 1. exhaustion; 2. blaming.  
khīyamāna pr.p. of khīyati being exhausted; wasting away; becoming dejected.  
khīyi aor. of khīyati was exhausted; wasted away; became dejected.  
khīyitvā abs. of khīyati having exhausted; having wasted away; having become dejected.  
khīra nt. milk.  
khīraṇṇava m. the white see.  
khīrapaka adj. sucking the milk.  
khīrapāyāsa m. milk-rice.  
khīrika f. the tree Buchanania Latifolia.  
khīrodana (khīra + odana) nt. milk-rice (boiled).  
khujja adj. humpbacked (person).  
khudā f. hunger.  
khudda adj. small; inferior; insignificant. khuddā (f.), a kind of small bees.
khuddaka nt. honey made by a kind of small bees.  
khuddakanikāya m. name of a collection of canonical books.  
khuddakapāṭha m. name of the first book of the khuddaka-group.  
khuddānukhuddaka adj. the lesser and minor (duties or precepts.)  
khuppipāsā f. hunger and thirst.  
khubhati khubh + a is agitated or disturbed.  
khubhi aor. of khubhati was agitated or disturbed.  
khubhita pp. of khubhati was agitated or disturbed.  
khura nt. 1. a razor; 2. hoof (of an animal).  
khurakosa m. sheath for a razor.  
khuragga nt. the hall of tonsure.  
khuracakka nt. a wheel sharp as razor.  
khuradhārā f. the blade of a razor.  
khurappa m. a kind of arrow.  
khurabhaṇḍa nt. the outfit of a barber.  
khuramuṇḍa nt. a close-shaven.  
kheṭa nt. a shield.  
kheṭaka nt. a shield.  
khetta nt. field; plot of land; suitable place; a place where something is produced or found.  
khettakamma nt. work in the field.  
khettagopaka m. field watcher.  
khettatūpama adj. to be likened to a field.  
khettasāmika m. owner of a field.  
khettājiva m. cultivator; farmer.  
khettūpama adj. to be likened to a field.  
kheda m. regret; distress; affliction; despair.  
khepa m. a throw; casting; loss (of mind).  
khepana nt. passing of (time); wasting; annihilation.  
khepita pp. of khepeti spent; wasted.  
khepeti khip + e spends (time or wealth); causes to be wasted.  
khepetvā abs. of kkepeti having spent; having wasted.  
khepenta pr.p. of khepeti spending; wasting.  
khepesi aor. of khepeti spent (time or wealth); caused be wasted.  
khema adj. safe; calm; full of peace.  
khemaṭṭhāna nt. secure place; place of shelter.  
khemappatta adj. having attained tranquillity.  
khemabhūmi f. a peaceful place.  
khemī m. one who enjoys security.  
khelāsika adj. phlegm-eater; an abusive term.  
kheḷa m. saliva.  
kheḷamallaka m. a spittoon.  
kho ind. indeed; really; surely; (an enclictic particle of affirmative and emphasis).  
khobha m. shock; agitation.  
khoma nt. linen cloth. (adj.), flaxen.  
khomadussa nt. line cloth; name of a village in the Sākyan territory.  
khomasukhuma nt. fine cloth of flax.