Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
na ind. (negative particle), no; not.  
na upeti   it is not befitting.  
na eva ind. indeed not.  
na kadāci ind. never.  
na kvaci ind. nowhere.  
na cirassaṃ adv. shortly; before long.  
nakula m. a mongoose.  
nakka m. a turtle.  
nakkhatta nt. a constellation; star; celebration.  
nakkhattakīḷana nt. a festival celebrated at.  
nakkhattakīḷā f. a festival celebrated at.  
nakkhattapāṭhaka m. an astrologer.  
nakkhattayoga m. conjunction of the planets; horoscope.  
nakkhattarāja m. the moon.  
nakha m.; nt. nail (of finger or toe); a claw.  
nakhapañjara m. claw.  
nakhī adj. having claws.  
naga m. mountain. nāga (m.), a cobra, an elephant; the iron-wood tree; a noble person.
nagantara nt. space between mountains.  
nagara nt. town; a citadel. nāgara (adj. & n.), belonging to a city; urbane; polite; a citizen.
nagaraguttika m. mayor.  
nagaravara nt. a noble city.  
nagaravāsī m. a citizen.  
nagarasodhaka m. a town-cleaner.  
nagarasobhinī f. the city-belle; town courtesan.  
nagga adj. naked; nude.  
naggacariyā f. nudity.  
naggasamaṇa m. a naked ascetic.  
naggiya nt. nudity.  
naṅgala nt. a plough.  
naṅgalaphāla m. ploughshare.  
naṅgalīsā f. the beam of a plough.  
naṅguṭṭha nt. tail.  
nacca nt. dancing; a play.  
naccaka m. dancer, actor.  
naccaṭṭhāna nt. a theatre; dancing place.  
naccati naṭ + ya dances; performs as a dramatist.  
naccana ger. of naccati dancing; performing as a dramatist.  
naccanta pr.p. of naccati dancing; perfoming as a dramatist  
nacci aor. of naccati danced; performed as a dramatist.  
naccitvā abs. of naccati having danced; having performed as a dramatist.  
naṭaka m. dancer; actor.  
naṭṭha pp. of nassati lost; perished; disappeared.  
nata pp. of namati bent; stooped; inclined. natā (pp. of namati), bent; bowed down. ### naṭa (m.), dancer; actor.
nati f. bending; inclination; bowing down.  
natta nt. a dance; a play. naṭṭa (nt.), a dance; a play.
nattaka m. dancer; actor. naṭṭaka (m.), dancer; actor.
nattana nt. a dance; a play.  
nattamāla m. the tree Pongamia Glabrā.  
nattu m. grand-son.  
natthi na + atthi no; not; not present.  
natthikadiṭṭhi   hililistic view.  
natthikavādī m. one who professes a nihilistic view.  
natthitā f. absence.  
natthibhāva m. absence.  
natthu f. the nose.  
natthukamma nt. nose-treatment,consisting application of oil, etc.  
nadati nad + a roars; makes a noise.  
nadana nt. roaring.  
nadantā pr.p. of nadati roaring; making a noise.  
nadi aor. of nadati roared; made a noise. nadī (f.), river.
nadita pp. of nadati roared; made a noise.  
naditvā abs. of nadati having roared; having a noise.  
nadīkūla nt. river-bank.  
nadīdugga nt. a place in accessible because of a rivers.  
nadīmukha nt. mouth of a river.  
naddha pp. of nandhati tied; wrapped; twisted with. naddhā (pp. of nayhati), tied; bound; wrapped; twisted.
naddhi f. a thong.  
nanandā f. husband's sister.  
nanu ind. (particle of affirmation) is it not? Certain; surely  
nanda adj. rejoicing.  
nandaka adj. rejoicing.  
nandati nand + a is glad; rejoices; finds delight in.  
nandana nt. rejoicing; name of a garden in Indra's city. nandanā (f.), rejoicing.
nandamāna pr.p. of nandati is glad; is rejoice; finding delight in  
nandi aor. of nandati was glad; rejoices; found delight in. (f.), pleasure; joy; delight; craving.  
nandikkhaya m. consummation of craving.  
nandita pp. of nandati was glad; was rejoice; found delight in.  
nanditabba pt.p. of nandati should be glad; should be rejoice; should be found delight in  
nanditvā abs. of nandati having been glad; having been rejoice; having found delight in  
nandirāga m. passionate delight.  
nandisaṃyojana nt. the fetter of craving.  
nandhati nadh + ṃ + a wraps; twists with; ties.  
nandhi aor. of nandhati wrapped; twisted with; tied. (f.), a thong.  
nandhitvā abs. of nandhati see vinandhati.  
napuṃsaka m. 1. eunuch; 2. the neuter gender.  
nabba m. the sky. This takes the form nabho in cpds. e.g., nabhogata = existing in the sky.  
nabbāpana nt. cooling; quenching; extinction.  
nabhaso abl. from the sky.  
namakkāra m. homage; veneration; bowing down.  
namati nam + a bends; bows down.  
namatthu namo + atthu be homage.  
namana ger. of namati (nt.) bending; bowing down.  
namanta pr.p. of namati bending; bowing down.  
namassati namas + a pays honour; venerates.  
namassana nt. veneration; worship. namassanā (f.), veneration; worship.
namassanta pr.p. of namassati paying honour; venerating.  
namassi aor. of namassati paid honour; venerated.  
namassita pp. of namassati paid honour; venerated.  
namassituṃ inf. of namassati to pay honour; to venerate.  
namassitvā abs. of namassati having paid honour; having venerated.  
namassiya abs. of namassati having paid honour; having venerated.  
nami aor. of namati bent; bowed down.  
namitabba pt.p. of namati should be bent; should be bowed down  
namitvā abs. of namati having bent; having bowed down. nāmitvā (pp. of nameti), bent; wielded.
namuci m. the destroyer; the death.  
namo ind. be my adoration to.  
nammadā f. name of an Indian river.  
naya m. method; plan; manner; inference; right conclusion.  
nayati ni + a leads; guides; conducts.  
nayana nt. the eye. (ger.), carrying.  
nayanāvudha nayana + āvudha), m. one whose weapon is the eye, i.e. King Yamā.  
nayi aor. of nayati led; guided; conducted. (see neti.)  
nayhati nah + ya ties; binds; wraps; twists.  
nayhana ger. of nayhati tying; binding; wrapping; twisting.  
nayhi aor. of nayhati tied; bound; wrapped; twisted.  
nayhitvā abs. of nayhati having tied; having bound; having wrapped; having twisted.  
nara m. man; a human being.  
naraka   purgatory; the hell.  
naraggi m. hell-fire.  
naradeva m. a king.  
naravīra m. a hero; the buddha.  
narasārathī m. trainer of men.  
narasīha m. a lion of man; the Buddha.  
narādhama m. a wicked or vile man.  
narāsabha m. the lord of men.  
naruttama m. the lord of men.  
nalāṭa m. the forehead.  
nalinī f. a lotus pond.  
naḷa m. a reed; a tube. nāḷa (m.), a stalk; tube.
naḷakalāpa m. a bundle of reeds.  
naḷakāra m. basket-maker; a worker in reeds.  
naḷamīṇa m. a shrimp.  
naḷavana nt. forest of reeds.  
naḷāgāra (naḷa + agāra) nt. a hut made of reeds.  
nava adj. 1. new; 2. nine. nāvā (f.), ship; boat.
navaka m. a new comer; a young person. (nt.), a group of nine.  
navakatara adj. younger.  
navakamma nt. new work.  
navakammika adj. an expert in building.  
navaṅga adj. having nine portions.  
navanīta nt. fresh butter.  
navama adj. ninth.  
navamī f. the ninth day of a lunar month.  
navavuti f. ninety-nine.  
navuti f. ninety.  
nassati nas + a perishes; disappears.  
nassana nt. disappearance; loss; destruction.  
nassanta pr.p. of nassati perishing; disappearing.  
nassi aor. of nassati perished; disappeared.  
nassitvā abs. of nassati having perished; having disappeared.  
naha ind. surely not.  
nahāta pp. of nahāyati, one who has bathed.  
nahātaka m. trainer of men.  
nahāna nt. bathing; bath.  
nahāniya nt. bath-powder or anything useful for a bath.  
nahāpaka m. a bath attendant.  
nahāpana nt. bathing or washing (someone else).  
nahāpita m. barber; hair-dresser. (pp. of nahāpeti), given a bath.  
nahāpeti nah + āpe gives a bath.  
nahāpetvā abs. of nahāpeti having given a bath.  
nahāpenta pr.p. of nahāpeti giving a bath.  
nahāpesi aor. of nahāpeti gave a bath.  
nahāyati nhā + ya takes a bath.  
nahāyana ger. of nahāyati (nt.) taking a bath.  
nahāyanta pr.p. of nahāyati taking a bath.  
nahāyi aor. of nahāyati took a bath.  
nahāyituṃ inf. of nahāyati to take a bath.  
nahāyitvā abs. of nahāyati having taken a bath.  
nahāru m. a sinew; a tendon.  
nahuta nt. ten thousand, (10.000); a myriad.  
nāka m. the heaven.  
nāgataka nt. an ivory peg; a peg on a wall.  
nāgadanta nt. an ivory peg; a peg on a wall.  
nāgabala adj. having the strength of an elephant. nāgabalā (f.), a kind of creeping plant.
nāgabhavana nt. the region of the nāgas.  
nāgamāṇavaka m. a young man of the Nāga race.  
nāgamāṇavikā f. a Nāga maiden.  
nāgarāja m. king of the Nāgas.  
nāgarika adj. & n. belonging to a city; urbane; polite; a citizen.  
nāgarukkha m. the iron-wood tree.  
nāgalatā f. the betel creeper.  
nāgaloka m. the Nāga-world.  
nāgavana nt. an iron-wood grove or a forest where there are elephants.  
nāṭika nt. a drama. nāṭikā (f.), a dancing girl.
nātakiṭṭhī f. a dancing girl.  
nātha m. protection; protector.  
nāda m. roar; sound.  
nānatā f. diversity; variety; manifoldness.  
nānatta nt. diversity; variety; manifoldness.  
nānattakāya adj. having a variety of bodily states.  
nānappakāra adj. of many kinds.  
nānappakārehi   in various ways.  
nānā ind. different; differently.  
nānākaraṇa nt. diversity; difference.  
nānāgotta adj. of many kinds of descent.  
nānājacca adj. of many nations.  
nānājana m. many kinds of folk.  
nānātitthiya adj. of various religions.  
nānāpakāra adj. various; manifold.  
nānābhāva m. separation.  
nānāratta adj. of various colours.  
nānāvāda adj. & n. having different views; the different views.  
nānāvidha adj. various; divers.  
nānāvihita adj. various.  
nānāsaṃvāsaka adj. living in different parties.  
nābhi f. the naval; the nave of a wheel.  
nāma nt. name; the immaterial factors such as consciousness, perception. (adj.), (in cpds.) having the name of.  
nāmaka adj. (in cpds.), by name.  
nāmakaraṇa nt. naming.  
nāmagahaṇa nt. receiving a name.  
nāmagotta nt. name and clan.  
nāmato ind. by name.  
nāmadheya nt. name. (adj.), having the name  
nāmadheyya nt. name. (adj.), having the name  
nāmapada nt. a noun.  
nāmita pp. of nāmeti bent; wielded.  
nāmeti caus. of namati, bends; wields.  
nāmetvā abs. of nameti having bent; having wielded.  
nāmesi aor. of nameti bent; wielded.  
nāyaka m. leader; master.  
nāyikā f. a female leader; mistress.  
nāraṅga m. the mandarin orange tree.  
nārāca m. an iron bar.  
nārī f. a woman.  
nālaṃ (na + alaṃ), ind. not enough; unsuitable.  
nāḷi f. a measure of capacity; a tube.  
nāḷikā f. a tube; a bottle.  
nāḷikāyanta nt. a clock; an instrument to measure time.  
nāḷikera m. the coconut tree. (nt.), coconut.  
nāḷipeṭṭa m. a cap; hat.  
nāḷimatta adj. about a measure.  
nāvātittha nt. a harbour; ferry.  
nāvāsañcāra m. the traffic of boats.  
nāvika m. a sailor.  
nāvikī f. a woman sailor.  
nāvutika adj. ninety years old.  
nāsa m. ruin; destruction; death. nāsā (f.), the nose.
nāsana nt. killing; destruction; expulsion.  
nāsārajju f. a nose-rope (to curb an ox, etc.).  
nāsikā f. the nose.  
nāsita pp. of nāseti killed; ruined; destroyed; expeled.  
nāsetabba pt.p. of nāseti should be killed; should be ruined; should be destroyed; should be expeled.  
nāseti nas + e kills; ruins; destroys; expels.  
nāsetva abs. of nāseti having killed; having ruined; having destroyed; having expeled.  
nāsenta pr.p. of nāmeti killing; ruining; destroying.  
nāsesi aor. of nāseti killed; ruined; destroyed; expeled.  
nikaṭa nt. neighbourhood; (adj.), near.  
nikaṭṭha nt. neighbourhood; (adj.), near.  
nikati f. fraud; cheating.  
nikanta pp. of nikantati cut down; cut off.  
nikantati ni + kant + a cuts down; cuts off.  
nikanti aor. of nikantati cut down; cut off.  
nikantita pp. of nikantati cut down; cut off.  
nikantitvā abs. of nikantati having cut down; having cut off.  
nikara m. multitude.  
nikasa m. whetstone. nikāsa (m.), neighbourhood.
nikāmanā f. desire.  
nikāmalābhī adj. one who has obtained something without difficulty.  
nikāmitvā pp. of nakāmeti craved; desired.  
nikāmeti ni + kam + e craves; desires.  
nikāmenta pr.p. of nakāmeti craving; desiring.  
nikāmesi aor. of nakāmeti craved; desired.  
nikāya m. a group; sect; a collection.  
nikiṭṭha adj. low; vile.  
nikuñja m.; nt. a glen; a thicket.  
nikūjati ni + kūj + a chirps; warbles.  
nikūjamāna pr.p. of nikūjati chirping; warbling.  
nikūji aor. of nikūjati chirped; warbled.  
nikūjita pp. of nikūjati chirped; warbled.  
niketa nt. abode; home.  
niketana nt. abode; home.  
nikkaṅkha adj. confident; doubtless.  
nikkaḍḍhati ni + kaḍḍh + a throws or drags out; expels.  
nikkaḍḍhana nt. dragging out; expulsion.  
nikkaḍḍhi aor. of nikkaḍḍhati threw or dragged out; expeled.  
nikkaḍḍhita pp. of nikkaḍḍhati thrown or dragged out; expeled.  
nikkaḍḍhitabba pt.p. of nikkaḍḍhati should be thrown or dragged out; should be expeled.  
nikkaḍḍhitvā abs. of nikkaḍḍhati having thrown or dragged out; having expeled.  
nikkaḍḍhiya abs. of nikkaḍḍhati having thrown or dragged out; having expeled.  
nikkaṇṭaka adj. free from thorns or enemies.  
nikkaddama adj. free from mud.  
nikkaruṇa adj. merciless, heartless.  
nikkasāva adj. free from impurity.  
nikkāma adj. without craving or lust. nikkāma
nikkāraṇa adj. groundless; causeless. nikkāraṇā (adv.), without reason, cause or purpose.
nikkilesa adj. free from depravity; unstained.  
nikkujja adj. upset; thrown over.  
nikkujjita pp. of nikkujjeti turned upside down.  
nikkujjiya abs. of nikkujjeti having turned upside down.  
nikkujjeti ni + kuj + e turns upside down.  
nikkujjetvā abs. of nikkujjeti having turned upside down.  
nikkujjesi aor. of nikkujjeti turned upside down.  
nikkuha adj. not deceitful.  
nikkodha adj. free from anger.  
nikkha m. a big gold coin; a weight equal to 25 dharaṇas.  
nikkhanta pp. of nikkhamati, gone out; departed from.  
nikkhama m. going out; departure.  
nikkhamati ni + kam + a goes out; goes forth from; leaves the household life.  
nikkhamana nt. going out; departure.  
nikkhamanīya m. name of a month; July-August.  
nikkhamanokāsa m. room for getting out.  
nikkhamanta pr.p. of nikkhamati going out; going forth from; leavine the household life.  
nikkhamanvelā f. time of going out.  
nikkhami aor. of nikkhamati went out; went forth from; left the household life.  
nikkhamitabbha pt.p. of nikkhamati should be gone out; should be gone forth from; should be left the household life.  
nikkhamituṃ inf. of nikkhamati to go out; to go forth from; to leave the household life.  
nikkhamitvā abs. of nikkhamati having gone out; having gone forth from; having left the household life.  
nikkhamma abs. of nikkhamati having gone out; having gone forth from; having left the household life.  
nikkhāmeti caus. of nikkhamati, causes to make to go out; causes to bring forth or out.  
nikkhāmetvā abs. of nikkhamati, having caused to make to go out; having caused to bring forth or out.  
nikkhāmenta pr.p. of nikkhāmeti causing to make to go out; causing to bring forth or out.  
nikkhāmesi aor. of nikkhamati, caused to make to go out; caused to bring forth or out.  
nikkhitta pp. of nikkhipati laid down or aside; put down; given up.  
nikkhipati ni + khip + a lays down or aside; puts down; gives up.  
nikkhipanta pr.p. of nikkhipati laying down or aside; puting down; giving up.  
nikkhipi aor. of nikkhipati laid down or aside; put down; gave up.  
nikkhipitabba pt.p. of nikkhipati should be laid down or aside; should be put down; should be given up.  
nikkhipitvā abs. of nikkhipati having laid down or aside; having put down; having given up.  
nikkhepa m. putting down; casting off; discarding; summary treatment.  
nikkhepana nt. putting down; casting off; discarding; summary treatment.  
niknatitvā abs. of nikantati having cut down; having cut off.  
nikhaṇati ni + khan + a digs into; buries.  
nikhaṇanta pr.p. of nikhaṇati digging into; burying.  
nikhaṇi aor. of nikhaṇati dug into; buried.  
nikhaṇitvā abs. of nikhaṇati having dug into; having buried.  
nikhāta pp. of nikhaṇati dug into; buried.  
nikhādana nt. a chisel.  
nikhila adj. all; entire; whole.  
nikhilavijjālaya m. university.  
nigacchati ni + gam + a undergoes; comes to.  
nigacchi aor. of nigacchati underwent; came to.  
nigaṇṭha m. a member of the Jain Order. Naked ascetic.  
nigama m. a market town.  
nigamana nt. conclusion; explanation.  
nigaḷa m. a chain for the feet of an elephant.  
nigūḷha pp. of nigūhati covered up; concealed; hidden.  
nigūhati ni + gūh + a covers up; conceals; hides.  
nigūhana nt. concealment.  
nigūhi aor. of nigūhati covered up; concealed; hid.  
nigūhita pp. of nigūhati covered up; concealed; hidden.  
nigūhitvā abs. of nigūhati having covered up; having concealed; having hidden.  
niggacchati ni + gam + a goes out; proceeds from.  
niggacchi aor. of niggacchati went out; proceeded from.  
niggaṇhaṇa nt. reproach; punishment.  
niggaṇhanta pr.p. of niggaṇhāti rebuking; censuring; restraining.  
niggaṇhāti ni + gah + ṇhā rebukes; censures; restrains.  
niggaṇhi aor. of niggaṇhāti rebuked; censured; restrained.  
niggaṇhitvā abs. of niggaṇhāti having rebuked; having censured; having restrained.  
niggata pp. of niggacchati gone out; proceeded from.  
niggantvā abs. of niggacchati having gone out; having proceeded from.  
niggama m. going out; departure; outcome.  
niggamana nt. going out; departure; outcome.  
niggayha abs. of niggaṇhāti having rebuked; having censured; having restrained.  
niggayhavādī m. one who speaks reprovingly.  
niggaha m. censure; blame; reproach.  
niggahita pp. of niggaṇhāti rebuked; censured; restrained. niggahīta (nt.) the nasal consonant 'ṃ'.
niggahetabba pt.p. fit to be reproved or checked.  
niggāhaka m. one who rebukes or restrains.  
nigguṇḍī f. a medicinal shrub.  
niggumba adj. free from bushes; clear.  
nigghātana nt. killing; destruction.  
nigghosa m. shouting.  
nigrodha m. the banyan tree.  
nigrodhapakka nt. the ripe fruit of the banyan.  
nigrodhaparimaṇḍala adj. having proportionate limbs like the circumference of a banyan tree.  
nighaṃsa m. rubbing against; chafing.  
nighaṃsati ni + ghaṃs +a rubs; chafes; erases.  
nighaṃsana nt. rubbing against; chafing.  
nighaṃsi aor. of nighaṃsati rubbed; chafed; erased.  
nighaṃsita pp. of nighaṃsati rubbed; chafed; erased.  
nighaṃsitvā abs. of nighaṃsati having rubbed; having chafed; having erased.  
nighaṇḍu n. a dictionary of synonyms.  
nighāta m. striking down; destroying.  
nicaya m. accumulation; heaping up.  
nicita pp. of nicināti accumulated.  
nicca adj. constant; continuous; permanent.  
niccaṃ adv. constantly; always; perpetually.  
niccakālaṃ adv. always; constantly.  
niccatā f. continuity; permanence.  
niccadāna nt. perpetual gift.  
niccabhatta nt. a continuous food-supply.  
niccamma adj. skinless; flogged off.  
niccala adj. motionless.  
niccasīla nt. uninterrupted observance of virtue.  
niccola adj. clotheless; naked.  
nicchaya m. resolution; determination; discrimination.  
niccharaṇa nt. emanation; sending out.  
niccharati ni + car + a goes out or forth from; emanates.  
niccharanta pr.p. flashing out.  
nicchari aor. of niccharati went out or forth from; emanated.  
niccharita pp. of niccharati gone out or forth from; emanated. nicchārita (pp. of nicchāreti), emited; sent out; spoken.
niccharitvā abs. of niccharati having gone out or forth from; having emanated.  
nicchāta adj. having no hunger; satisfied.  
nicchāreti caus. of niccharati causes to emit; causes to send out; causes to speak.  
nicchāretvā abs. of nicchāreti having caused to emit; having caused to send out; having caused to speak.  
nicchāresi aor. of nicchāreti caused to emit; caused to send out; caused to speak.  
nicchita pp. of nicchināti discriminated; considered; investigated.  
nicchināti ni + chi + nā discriminates; considers; investigates.  
nicchini aor. of nicchināti discriminated; considered; investigated.  
nija adj. one's own.  
nijadesa m. one's own country.  
nijjaṭa adj. disentangled.  
nijjara adj. free from old age or decay. (m.), a deity.  
nijjareti ni + jar + e destroys; annihilates.  
nijjaresi aor. of nijjareti destroyed; annihilated.  
nijjiṇṇa pp. exhausted.  
nijjivha adj. tongueless; (m.), a jungle cock.  
nijjīva adj. lifeless.  
nijjhāna nt. insight.  
nijjhāyati ni + jhā + ya meditates; frets; reflects.  
nijjhāyi aor. of nijjhāyati meditated; freted; reflected.  
nijjhāyita pp. of nijjhāyati meditated; freted; reflected.  
niṭṭhā f. the end; conclusion; perfection.  
niṭṭhāti ni + ṭhā + a is at an end; is finished.  
niṭṭhāna nt. completion; ending.  
niṭṭhāpita pp. of niṭṭhāpeti caused to accomplish; caused to finish; caused to carry out.  
niṭṭhāpeti caus. of niṭṭhāti, causes to accomplish; causes to finish; causes to carry out.  
niṭṭhāpetvā abs. of niṭṭhāpeti having caused to accomplish; having caused to finish; having caused to carry out.  
niṭṭhāpenta pr.p. of niṭṭhāpeti causing to accomplish; causing to finish; causing to carry out.  
niṭṭhāpesi aor. of niṭṭhāpeti cuused to accomplish; caused to finish; caused to carry out.  
niṭṭhāsi aor. of niṭṭhāti was at an end; was finished.  
niṭṭhita pp. of niṭṭhāti was finished; was completed.  
niṭṭhubhati ni + ṭhubh + a spits out; expectorates.  
niṭṭhubhana nt. spitting; spittle.  
niṭṭhubhi aor. of niṭṭhubhati spat out; expectorated.  
niṭṭhubhita pp. of niṭṭhubhati spat out; expectorated.  
niṭṭhubhitvā abs. of niṭṭhubhati having spat out; having expectorated.  
niṭṭhura adj. rough; hard; cruel.  
niṭṭhuriya nt. harshness; roughness.  
niḍḍeti ni + ḍi + e weeds.  
niḍḍesi aor. of niḍḍeti weeded.  
niṇṇaya m. decision; discrimination.  
nitamba m. 1. the hip; 2. the ridge of a mountain.  
nittaṇṇa pp. got out of; having crossed over.  
nittaṇha adj. free from desire.  
nittiṇṇa pp. of nittharati got out of; having crossed over.  
nittudana nt. pricking; piercing.  
nitteja adj. powerless; abashed.  
nittharaṇa nt. getting across; traversing; overcoming; finishing.  
nittharati ni + thar + a crosses over; gets over.  
nitthari aor. of nittharati crossed over; got over.  
nittharita pp. of nittharati crossed over; got over. nitthārita (pp. of nitthāreti), finished; completed.
nittharitvā abs. of nittharati having crossed over; having got over.  
nitthāreti caus. of nittharati causes to finish; causes to complete.  
nitthāretvā abs. of nitthāreti having caused to finish; having caused to complete.  
nitthāresi aor. of nitthāreti caused to finish; caused to complete.  
nitthunana nt. a moan; a groan.  
nitthunanta pr.p. of nitthunāti moaning; groaning.  
nitthunāti ni + thu + nā moans; groans.  
nitthuni aor. of nitthunāti moaned; groaned.  
nitthunitvā abs. of nitthunāti having moaned; having groaned.  
nidassana nt. an example; evidence; comparison.  
nidassita pp. of nidasseti pointed out; explained; defined.  
nidassitabba pt.p. of nidasseti should be pointed out; should be explained; should be defined.  
nidassiya abs. of nidasseti having pointed out; having explained; having defined.  
nidasseti ni + dis + e points out; explains; defines.  
nidassetvā abs. of nidasseti having pointed out; having explained; having defined.  
nidassesi aor. of nidasseti pointed out; explained; defined.  
nidahati ni + dah + a deposits; buries some treasure.  
nidahi aor. of nidahati deposited; buried some treasure.  
nidahita pp. of nidahati deposited; buried some treasure.  
nidahitvā abs. of nidahati havig deposited; having buried some treasure.  
nidāgha m. drought; heat; summer.  
nidāna nt. source; cause; origin.  
nidānaṃ adv. (in cpds.), by means of; in consequence of.  
nidānakathā f. introduction (to a book).  
niddaya adj. merciless; cruel.  
niddara adj. free from anguish, pain or fear.  
niddā f. sleep. niḍḍa (nt.), nest; resting place.
niddāyati deno. from niddā, sleeps.  
niddāyana nt. sleeping.  
niddāyanta pr.p. of niddāyati sleeping.  
niddāyi aor. of niddāyati sleft.  
niddāyitvā abs. of niddāyati having sleft.  
niddārāmatā f. fondness of sleep.  
niddālu adj. fond of sleep; of drowsy habits  
niddāsīlī adj. fond of sleep; of drowsy habits  
niddisati ni + dis + a points out; explains; defines.  
niddisi aor. of niddisati pointed out; explained; defined.  
niddisitabba pt.p. of niddisati should be pointed out; should be explained; should be defined.  
niddisitvā abs. of niddisati having pointed out; having explained; having defined.  
niddukkha adj. free from pain or misery.  
niddesa m. description; analytic explanation.  
niddosa adj. faultless; undefiled.  
niddhana adj. poor; without property.  
niddhanta pp. of niddhamati blown off; ejected.  
niddhamati ni + dham + a blows off; ejects.  
niddhamana nt. a drain; canal; ejection.  
niddhamanadvāra nt. sluice of a tank.  
niddhami aor. of niddhamati blew off; ejected.  
niddhamitvā abs. of niddhamati having blown off; having ejected.  
niddhāraṇa nt. specification.  
niddhārita pp. of niddhāreti specified.  
niddhāreti ni + dhar + e specifies.  
niddhāretvā abs. of niddhāreti having specified.  
niddhāresi aor. of niddhāreti specified.  
niddhiṭṭha pp. of niddisati poited out; explained; defined.  
niddhunana nt. shaking off.  
niddhunāti ni + dhu + nā shakes off.  
niddhuni aor. of niddhunāti shook off.  
niddhunitvā abs. of niddhunāti having shaken off.  
niddhūta pp. of niddhunāti shaken off.  
niddhota pp. of niddhovati 1. washed; cleansed; 2. sharpened.  
nidhāna nt. a deposit; a hidden treasure.  
nidhāpita pp. of nidahati caused to deposit.  
nidhāpeti caus. of nidahati causes to deposit.  
nidhāpesi aor. of nidahati caused to deposit.  
nidhāya abs. of nidahati having deposited or kept aside.  
nidhi m. hidden treasure.  
nidhikumbhi f. a treasure-pot.  
nidhīyati pass. of nidheti is deposited; is buried some treasure.  
nidheti ni + dah + e deposits; hides or puts aside.  
nidhesi aor. of nidheti deposited; hid or put aside.  
nindati nind + a blames; disparages; insults.  
nindana nt. insult; disparagement. nindanā (f.), insult; disparagement.
nindanta pr.p. of nindati blaming; disparaging; insulting.  
nindi aor. of nindati blamed; disparaged; insulted.  
nindita pp. of nindati blamed; disparaged; insulted.  
ninditabba pt.p. of nindati should be blamed; should be disparaged; should be insulted.  
ninditvā abs. of nindati having blamed; having disparaged; having insulted.  
nindiya adj. blameworthy; faulty.  
ninna adj. low-lying; bent down. (nt.), low ground.  
ninnatā f. lowliness; inclination.  
ninnahuta nt. a number with 36 cyphers.  
ninnāda m. melody; tune; sound.  
ninnādī adj. sounding loud; having a melodious voice.  
ninnāmita pp. of ninnāmeti bent down; put out.  
ninnāmeti ni + nam + e bends down; puts out.  
ninnāmetvā abs. of ninnāmeti having bent down; having put out.  
ninnāmesi aor. of ninnāmeti bent down; put out.  
ninnetu m. one who leads down to; one who decides.  
nipaka adj. clever; prudent; wise.  
nipacca abs. of nipatati having fallen down or bowed down.  
nipaccakāra m. humbleness; obedience; respect.  
nipajja abs. of nipajjati having laid down; having sleft.  
nipajjati ni + pad + ya lies down; sleeps.  
nipajjana nt. lying down.  
nipajjanta pr.p. of nipajjati lying down; sleeping.  
nipajjāpeti caus. of nipajjati causes to lay down; causes to sleep.  
nipajji aor. of nipajjati laid down; sleft.  
nipajjitvā abs. of nipajjati having laid down; having sleft.  
nipajjiya abs. of nipajjati having laid down; having sleft.  
nipatati ni + pat + a falls down.  
nipati aor. of nipatati fell down. nipātī (adj.), one who falls upon; going to bed.
nipatita pp. of nipatati fallen down. nipātita (pp. of nipāteti), let fall; thrown down into.
nipatitvā abs. of nipatati having fallen down.  
nipanna pp. of nipajjati laid down; sleft.  
nipāta m. falling (down); descent; an indeclinable particle.  
nipātana nt. falling upon; throwing down.  
nipāteti ni + pat + e lets fall; throws down into.  
nipātetvā abs. of nipāteti having let fall; having thrown down into.  
nipātenta pr.p. of nipāteti letting fall; throwing down into.  
nipātesi aor. of nipāteti let fall; threw down into.  
nipāna nt. a watering place or a trough for cattle, etc.  
nipuṇa adj. clever; skilful; accomplished.  
nippakka adj. boiled; infused.  
nippadesa adj. all-embracing; not leaving a portion aside.  
nippapañca adj. free from defilement or diffuseness.  
nippabha adj. without splendour or lustre.  
nippariyāya adj. without distinction or difference.  
nippalāpa adj. free from chaff or prattle.  
nippāpa adj. sinless.  
nippitika adj. fatherless.  
nippīḷana nt. squeezing; pressing.  
nippīḷita pp. of nippīḷeti squeezed; pressed.  
nippīḷeti ni + pīl +e squeezes; presses.  
nippīḷetvā abs. of nippīḷeti having squeezed; having pressed.  
nippīḷesi aor. of nippīḷeti squeezed; pressed.  
nippurisa adj. composed entirely of women.  
nippoṭhana nt. beating; shaking off.  
nipphajjati ni + pad + ya is produced; springs forth; results; happens.  
nipphajjana nt. result; effect; achievement; accomplishment.  
nipphajjamāna pr.p. of nipphajjati being produced; springing forth; resulting; happening.  
nipphajji aor. of nipphajjati was produced; sprung forth; resulted; happened.  
nipphajjitvā abs. of nipphajjati having been produced; having sprung forth; having resulted; having happened.  
nipphatti f. result; effect; achievement; accomplishment.  
nipphanna pp. of nipphajjati was produced; sprung forth; resulted; happened.  
nipphala adj. fruitless; useless; vain.  
nipphādaka adj. producing; one who produces. (m.), producer.  
nipphādana nt. production; accomplishment.  
nipphādita pp. of nipphādeti produced; brought forth; accomplished.  
nipphādeti ni + pad + e produces; brings forth; accomplishes.  
nipphādetu m. producer.  
nipphādetvā abs. of nipphādeti having produced; having brought forth; having accomplished.  
nipphādenta pr.p. of nipphādeti producing; bringing forth; accomplishing.  
nipphādesi aor. of nipphādeti produced; brought forth; accomplished.  
nipphoṭita pp. of nipphoṭeti beat down; smothered; crushed.  
nipphoṭeti ni + phuṭ + e beats down; smothers; crushes.  
nipphoṭetvā abs. of nipphoṭeti having beated down;having smothered; having crushed.  
nipphoṭenta pr.p. of nipphoṭeti beating down; smothering; crushing.  
nipphoṭesi aor. of nipphoṭeti beat down; smothered; crushed.  
niphoṭana nt. beating.  
nibaddha adj. regular; continuous; constant. (pp. of nibandhati) bound; urged; importuned.  
nibaddhaṃ adv. always.  
nibadhana m. binding; fastening; importunity.  
nibandha m. binding; fastening; importunity.  
nibandhati ni + bandh + a binds; urges; importunes.  
nibandhana nt. binding; fastening; importunity.  
nibandhi aor. of nibandhati bound; urged; importuned.  
nibandhitvā abs. of nibandhati having bound; having urged; having importuned.  
nibbatta pp. of nibbattati was born; reborn; arisen. nibbaṭṭa (adj.) freed from (seed).
nibbattaka adj. producing; bringing forth.  
nibbattati ni + vat + a is born; results; arises.  
nibbattana nt. birth; rebirth; product; coming forth.  
nibbattanaka adj. producing; bringing forth.  
nibbattanta pr.p. of nibbattati being born; resulting; arising.  
nibbattabhāva m. the fact of being born.  
nibbattāpana nt. reproduction.  
nibbatti aor. of nibbattati was born; resulted; arose. (f.), birth; rebirth; product; coming forth.  
nibbattita pp. of nibbatteti produced; brought forth.  
nibbattitvā abs. of nibbattati having been born; having resulted; having arisen.  
nibbattetabba pt.p. of nibbatteti should be produced; should be brought forth.  
nibbatteti ni + vat + e produces; brings forth.  
nibbattetvā abs. of nibbatteti having produced; having brought forth  
nibbattenta pr.p. of nibbatteti producing; bringing forth.  
nibbattesi aor. of nibbatteti produced; brought forth.  
nibbaddhaṃ adv. always.  
nibbana adj. free from craving. nibbāna (nt.), cooling; extinction (of a fire); emancipation; the final bliss.
nibbanatha adj. free from craving.  
nibbasana nt. cast-off cloth.  
nibbāti ni + vā + a gets cold; becomes passionless; is extinguished.  
nibbātuṃ inf. to cease to exist.  
nibbānagamana adj. leading to nibbāna.  
nibbānadhātu f. the sphere of nibbāna.  
nibbānapatti f. attainment of nibbāna  
nibbānasacchikiriyā f. realisation of nibbāna.  
nibbānasampatti f. the bliss of nibbāna.  
nibbānābhirata adj. finding delight in nibbāna; fond of nibbāna.  
nibbāpana nt. cooling; quenching; extinction.  
nibbāpita pp. of nibbāpeti put out; cooled; extinguished.  
nibbāpeti ni + vā + e puts out; cools; extinguishes.  
nibbāpetvā abs. of nibbāpeti having put out; having cooled; having extinguished.  
nibbāpenta pr.p. of nibbāpeti putting out; cooling; extinguishing.  
nibbāpesi aor. of nibbāpeti put out; cooled; extinguished.  
nibbāyati ni + vā + ya ceases to exist; becomes cool.  
nibbāyanta pr.p. of nibbāti getting cold; becoming passionless; being extinguished.  
nibbāyi aor. of nibbāti got cold; became passionless; was extinguished. (aor. of nibbāyati) ceased to exist; became cool. (see nibbāti.)  
nibbāyituṃ inf. to cease to exist.  
nibbāyitvā abs. of nibbāti haing got cold; having become passionless; having been extinguished.  
nibbāhati v. carries out; unsheathes.  
nibbāhana nt. removal; clearance. (adj.), leading out.  
nibbāhāpetvā abs. having caused to carry.  
nibbikāra adj. unchanging; steadfast.  
nibbicikiccha adj. doubtless; sure; trusting.  
nibbijja abs. of nibbijjati having been disheartened or disgusted.  
nibbijjati ni + vij + ya is disheartened or disgusted.  
nibbijji aor. of nibbijjati was disheartened or disgusted.  
nibbijjitvā abs. of nibbijjati having been disheartened or disgusted.  
nibbijjhati ni + vidh + ya pierces; breaks through.  
nibbijjhi aor. of nibbijjhati pierced; broke through.  
nibbidā f. aversion; disgust; weariness.  
nibbiddha pp. of nibbijjhati pierced; broken through.  
nibbindati ni + vid + ṃ-a gets wearied of; is disgusted with.  
nibbindi aor. of nibbindati got wearied of; was disgusted with.  
nibbinditvā abs. of nibbindati having got wearied of; having been disgusted with.  
nibbinna pp. of nibbijjati was disheartened or disgusted. (pp. of nibbindati), got wearied of; was disgusted with.  
nibbisa nt. wages, earnings. (adj.) poisonless.  
nibbisati ni + vis + a seeks after.  
nibbisanta pr.p. of nibbisati seeking after.  
nibbisi aor. of nibbisati sook after.  
nibbisesa adj. similar; showing no difference.  
nibbuta pp. of nibbāti got cold; become passionless; was extinguished.  
nibbuti f. peace; happiness; allayment; the final bliss.  
nibbuyhati ni + vah + ya floats; is buoyed up.  
nibbeṭhana nt. unwinding; explanation.  
nibbeṭhita pp. of nibbeṭheti unraveled; untwisted; explained.  
nibbeṭheti ni + veṭh + e unravels; untwists; explains.  
nibbeṭhetvā abs.of nibbeṭheti having unraveled; having untwisted; having explained.  
nibbeṭhesi aor. of nibbeṭheti unraveled; untwisted; explained.  
nibbedha m. penetration; piercing.  
nibbematika adj. of one accord; unanimous.  
nibbhaya adj. fearless; brave.  
nibbhoga adj. useless; deserted.  
nibha adj. equal to; resembling. nibhā (f.), lustre; light.
nibhāti ni + bhā + a shines.  
nibhāsi aor. of nibhāti shone.  
nimantaka adj. one who invites.  
nimantana nt. invitation.  
nimantita pp. of nimanteti invited.  
nimantiya abs. of nimanteti having invited.  
nimanteti ni + mant + e invites.  
nimantetvā abs. of nimanteti having invited.  
nimantenta pr.p. of nimanteti inviting.  
nimantesi aor. of nimanteti invited.  
nimitta nt. sign; omen; portent; cause.  
nimittaggāhī adj. sensuously attracted; led away by outward signs.  
nimittapāṭhaka m. one who prognosticates.  
nimināti ni + mā + nā exchanges for; barters.  
nimini aor. of nimināti exchanged for; bartered.  
niminita pp. of nimināti exchanged for; bartered.  
nimisa m. winking.  
nimisati ni + mis + a winks.  
nimisanta pr.p. of nimisati winking.  
nimisi aor. of nimisati winked.  
nimīlana nt. winking.  
nimīlita pp. of nimīleti winked; shut; closed.  
nimīleti ni + mīl + e winks; shuts; closes.  
nimīletvā abs. of nimīleti having winked; having shut; having closed.  
nimīlesi aor. of nimīleti winked; shut; closed.  
nimugga pp. of nimujjati sunk down; dived in; splunged into.  
nimujjati ni + mujj + a sinks down; dives in; splunges into.  
nimujjana nt. diving; sinking; ducking.  
nimujjā f. diving; sinking; ducking.  
nimujji aor. of nimujjati sunk down; dived in; splunged into.  
nimujjituṃ inf. of nimujjati to sink down; to dive in; to splunge into.  
nimujjitvā abs. of nimujjati having sunk down; having dived in; having splunged into.  
nimesa m. winking; a wink.  
nimba m. the margosa tree, Azadirachta Iindica.  
nimmaṃsa adj. free from flesh.  
nimmakkhika adj. free from flies or larvae.  
nimmajjana nt. squeezing.  
nimmathati ni + math + a suppresses; destroys; aqueezes.  
nimmathana nt. crushing.  
nimmathi aor. of nimmathati suppressed; destroyed; aqueezed.  
nimmathita pp. of nimmathati suppressed; destroyed; aqueezed.  
nimmathitvā abs. of nimmathati having suppressed; having destroyed; having aqueezed.  
nimmaddana nt. crushing; subduing.  
nimmanthati ni + manth + a suppresses; destroys; squeezes. (see nimmathati).  
nimmala adj. clean; pure; free from impurity.  
nimmāṇa nt. creation; production.  
nimmātāpitika adj. orphan.  
nimmātika adj. motherless.  
nimmātu m. the creator; maker; builder.  
nimmāna adj. free from pride.  
nimmāya abs. of nimmiṇāti having created; having fashioned; having built; having produced.  
nimmiṇanta pr.p. of nimmiṇāti creating; fashioning; building; producing.  
nimmiṇāti ni + mi + nā creates; fashions; builds; produces.  
nimmiṇi aor. of nimmiṇāti created; fashioned; built; produced.  
nimmiṇitvā abs. of nimmiṇāti having created; having fashioned; having built; having produced.  
nimmita pp. of nimmiṇāti created; fashioned; built; produced.  
nimmoka m. the slough of a serpent.  
niya adj. one's own.  
niyaka adj. one's own.  
niyata adj. sure; certain; constant.  
niyati f. fate; destiny. nīyati (pass. of neti), is led or carried. ### nīyāti (ni + yā + a), is led, guided or conducted; is carried.
niyama m. limitation; certainty; definition. niyāma (m.), certainty; fixed method; regular order.
niyamana nt. fixing; settling; definition.  
niyamita pp. of niyameti fixed; commanded; controled; defined.  
niyameti ni + yam + e fixes; commands; controls; defines.  
niyametvā abs. of niyameti having fixed; having commanded; having controled; having defined.  
niyamesi aor. of niyameti fixed; commanded; controled; defined.  
niyāmaka m. 1. a ship's captain; 2. commander; 3. regulator.  
niyāmatā f. certainty; fixed method; regular order.  
niyuñjati ni + yuj + a engages in.  
niyuñji aor. of niyñjati engaged in.  
niyutta pp. of niyuñjati appointed to; engaged in; commissioned.  
niyoga m. command; order.  
niyojana nt. urging; ordering; committing.  
niyojita pp. of niyojeti a representative.  
niyojeti ni + yuj + e urges; incites; commits.  
niyojetvā abs. of niyojeti having urged; having incited; having commited.  
niyojenta pr.p. of niyojeti urging; inciting; commiting.  
niyojesi aor. of niyojeti urged; incited; commited.  
niyyati ni + yā + a is led, guided or conducted; is carried. (pass. of niyyāti), is gone out; is got out of. niyyāti (ni + yā + a), goes out; gets out of.
niyyāta pp. of niyyāti gone out; got out of.  
niyyātana nt. giving in charge; dedication; returning (of something).  
niyyātita pp. of niyyāteti given into charge; given over; assigned; dedicated.  
niyyātu m. a leader; guide; one who goes out.  
niyyāteti ni + yat + e gives into charge; gives over; assigns; dedicates.  
niyyātetvā abs. of niyyāteti having given into charge; having given over; having assigned; having dedicated.  
niyyātesi aor. of niyyāteti gave into charge; gave over; assigned; dedicated.  
niyyādita pp. of niyyādeti given into charge; given over; assigned; dedicated.  
niyyādeti ni + yat + e gives into charge; gives over; hands over; assigns; dedicates. niyyādeti = nīyādeti.
niyyādetvā abs. of niyyādeti having given into charge; having given over; having assigned; having dedicated.  
niyyādesi aor. of niyyādeti gave into charge; gave over; assigned; dedicated.  
niyyāna nt. going out; departure; release; deliverance.  
niyyānika adj. leading out to salvation; profitable.  
niyyāsa m. gum; exudation of trees.  
niyyāsi aor. of niyyāti went out; got out of.  
niyyūha m. a turret; pinnacle.  
niraggala adj. unobstructed; free.  
niraṅkata pp. of niraṅkaroti repudiated; disregarded.  
niraṅkatvā abs. of niraṅkaroti having repudiated; having disregarded.  
niraṅkari aor. of niraṅkaroti repudiated; disregarded.  
niraṅkaroti ni + ā + kar + o repudiates; disregards.  
nirata adj. fond of; attached to.  
nirattha adj. useless; unproficient; vain.  
niratthaka adj. useless; unproficient; vain.  
niratthakaṃ adv. in vain.  
nirantara adj. continuous; uninterrupted.  
nirantaraṃ adv. always; continuously; incessantrly.  
niraparādha adj. guiltless; innocent.  
nirapekkha adj. indifferent; heedless; disregarding.  
nirapekha adj. indifferent; heedless; disregarding.  
nirabbuda adj. free from trouble or tumours. (nt.), a vast number. (m.), name of a hell.  
niraya m. the purgatory; hell.  
nirayagāmī adj. leading to hell.  
nirayadukkha nt. the pain of hell.  
nirayapāla m. a guardian in hell.  
nirayabhaya nt. the fear of hell.  
nirayasaṃvattanika adj. conducive to hell.  
niravasesa adj. inclusive; without remainder.  
nirassāda adj. insipid; tasteless; dull.  
nirākata pp. of nirākaroti repudiated; disregarded.  
nirākatvā abs. of nirākaroti having repudiated; having disregarded.  
nirākari aor. of nirākaroti repudiated; disregarded.  
nirākaroti ni + ā + kar + o repudiates; disregards.  
nirākula adj. unconfused; undisturbed.  
nirātaṅka adj. free from disease; healthy.  
nirāmaya adj. free from disease; healthy.  
nirāmisa adj. having no meat; free from sensual desires; non-material.  
nirārambha adj. without killing of animals.  
nirālamba adj. unsupported; groundless.  
nirālaya adj. free from desire; regardless; houseless.  
nirāsa adj. desireless.  
nirāsaṃsa adj. without wishes or expectations.  
nirāsaṅka adj. unsuspicious; not doubting.  
nirāhāra adj. foodless; fasting.  
nirindhana adj. fuel-less.  
nirujjhati ni + rudh + ya ceases; dissolves; vanishes.  
nirujjhana nt. ceasing; dissolving.  
nirujjhi aor. of nirujjhati ceased; dissolved; vanished.  
nirujjhitvā abs. of nirujjhati having ceased; having dissolved; having vanished.  
niruttara adj. not answerable; making no reply; one who has no superior; the most noble.  
nirutti f. language; philology.  
niruttipaṭisambhidā f. knowledge of dialects or philological analysis.  
nirudaka adj. waterless.  
niruddha pp. of nirujjhati ceased; dissolved; vanished.  
nirupaddava adj. harmless; secure; without mishap.  
nirupadhi adj. free from passions or attachment. (in verse always nirūpadhi).  
nirupama adj. incomparable.  
niroga adj. healthy.  
niroja adj. insipid; sapless.  
nirodha m. cessation; the final truth.  
nirodhadhamma adj. subject to destruction.  
nirodhasamāpatti f. attainment of cessation of consciousness.  
nirodhita pp. of nirodheti destroyed; dissolved; annihilated.  
nirodheti ni + rudh + e destroys; dissolves; annihilates.  
nirodhetvā abs. of nirodheti having destroyed; having dissolved; having annihilated.  
nirodhesi aor. of nirodheti destroyed; dissolved; annihilated.  
nilaya m. home; lair; habitation; dwelling place.  
nilīna pp. of nilīyati hiden; lurked; kept on self hidden.  
nilīyati ni + lī + ya hides; lurks; keeps on self hidden.  
nilīyi aor. of nilīyati hid; lurked; kept on self hidden.  
nilīyitvā abs. of nilīyati having hidden; having lurked; having kept on self hidden.  
nillajja adj. shameless.  
nillehaka adj. licking or one who licks.  
nilloketi v. observes; looks at carefully.  
nillopa m. plundering.  
nillolupa adj. free from greed.  
nivatta pp. of nivattati stopped, remaining behind.  
nivattati ni + vat + a turns back; turns away from; stays; remains behind.  
nivattana nt. stoppage; return; turning back; remaining behind.  
nivattanta pr.p. of nivattati turning back; turning away from; staying; remaining behind.  
nivatti aor. of nivattati turned back; turned away from; stayed; remained behind. (f.) stoppage; return; turning back; remaining behind.  
nivattita pp. of nivatteti stopped; made go back; barred; made remain behind.  
nivattituṃ inf. of nivattati to turn back; to turn away from; to stay; to remain behind.  
nivattitvā abs. of nivattati having turned back; having turned away from; having stayed; having remained behind.  
nivattiya abs. of nivattati having turned back; having turned away from; having stayed; having remained behind.  
nivatteti ni + vat + e stops; makes go back; bars; makes remain behind.  
nivattetvā abs. of nivatteti having stopped; having made go back; having barred; having made remain behind.  
nivattenta pr.p. of nivatteti stopping; making go back; barring; making remain behind.  
nivattesi aor. of nivatteti stopped; made go back; barred; made remain behind.  
nivattha pp. of nivāseti clothed in or with; dressed; dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.  
nivasati ni + vas + a lives; dwells; inhabits; stays.  
nivasanta pr.p. of nivasati living; dwelling; inhabiting; staying.  
nivasi aor. of nivasati lived; dwelled; inhabited; stayed. nivāsī (m.), one who dwells, lives or stays.
nivasitvā abs. of nivasati having lived; having dwelled; having inhabited; having stayed.  
nivaha m. a heap; multitude.  
nivātaka nt. a sheltered place; opportunity for hiding.  
nivātavuttī adj. humble; obedient.  
nivāpa m. fodder; bait; food thrown for feeding.  
nivāraṇa nt. prevention; warding off; refusal. nīvaraṇa (nt.), obstacle or hindrance (to the progress of mind).
nivārita pp. of nivāreti prevented; kept back; forbiden; obstructed.  
nivāriya adj. what should be prevented or checked.  
nivāreti ni + var + e prevents; keeps back; forbids; obstructs.  
nivāretu m. one who prevents, forbids or obstructs.  
nivāretvā abs. of nivāreti having prevented; having kept back; having forbiden; having obstructed.  
nivāresi aor. of nivāreti prevented; kept back; forbad; obstructed.  
nivāsa m. abode; resting place; living.  
nivāsana nt. undergarment; clothing; dress.  
nivāsabhūmi f. dwelling place.  
nivāsika m. one who dwells, lives or stays.  
nivāsita pp. of nivāseti dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.  
nivāseti ni + vas + e dresses oneself; gets clothed or dressed.  
nivāsetuṃ inf. of nivāseti to dress oneself; to get clothed or dressed.  
nivāsetvā abs. of nivāseti having dressed oneself; having got clothed or dressed.  
nivāsenta pr.p. of nivāseti dressing oneself; getting clothed or dressed.  
nivāsesi aor. of nivāseti dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.  
niviṭṭha pp. of nivisati settled; established in; devoted to.  
nivisati ni + vis + a settles down; enters; establishes oneself.  
nivisi aor. of nivisati settled down; entered; established oneself.  
nivuta pp. enveloped; hammed in; surrounded.  
nivuttha pp. of nivasati lived; dwelled; inhabited; stayed.  
nivedaka adj. one who announces or informs.  
nivedana nt. announcement; information; report.  
nivedita pp. of nivedeti made known; communicated; reported; announced.  
nivediya abs. of nivedeti having made known; having communicated; having reported; having announced.  
nivedeti ni + vid + e makes known; communicates; reportes; announces.  
nivedetvā abs. of nivedeti having made known; having communicated; having reported; having announced.  
nivedesi aor. of nivedeti made known; communicated; reported; announced.  
nivesa m. settlement; abode; house.  
nivesana nt. settlement; abode; house.  
nivesita pp. of nivedeti established in; settled; arranged.  
niveseti ni + vis + e establishes in; settles; arranges.  
nivesetvā abs. of nivedeti having established in; having settled; having arranged.  
nivesesi aor. of nivedeti established in; settled; arranged.  
nisajja abs. of nisīdati having sat down. nisajjā (f.), sitting down.
nisada m. a grindstone.  
nisadapota m. the upper stone for grinding.  
nisabha m. a leading ox; the best of men.  
nisamma abs. of nisāmeti having considered. (adv.) considerately.  
nisammakārī adj. acting considerately.  
nisā f. night.  
nisākara m. the moon.  
nisāṇa m. whetstone.  
nisādī adj. lying down.  
nisānātha m. the moon.  
nisāmaka adj. observant; listening to.  
nisāmita pp. of nisāmeti listened to; observed; attended to.  
nisāmeti ni + sām + e listens to; observes; attends to.  
nisāmetvā abs. of nisāmeti having listened to; having observed; having attended to.  
nisāmenta pr.p. of nisāmeti listening to; observing; attending to.  
nisāmesi aor. of nisāmeti listened to; observed; attended to.  
nisita adj. sharp; whetted; sharpened.  
nisinna pp. of nisīdati sat down.  
nisinnaka adj. sitting down.  
nisinnaṭṭhāna nt. place for sitting.  
nisītha m. midnight.  
nisīdati ni + sad + a sits down.  
nisīdana nt. 1. sitting down; 2. a seat; a mat to sit on.  
nisīdanta pr.p. of nisīdati siting down.  
nisīdāpana nt. causing to sit down.  
nisīdāpita pp. of nisīdāpeti caused to sit down.  
nisīdāpeti caus. of nisīdati causes to sit down.  
nisīdāpetvā abs. of nisīdāpeti having caused to sit down.  
nisīdāpesi aor. of nisīdāpeti caused to sit down.  
nisīdi aor. of nisīdati sat down.  
nisīditabba pt.p. of nisīdati should be sat down.  
nisīditvā abs. of nisīdati having sat down.  
nisīdiya abs. of nisīdati having sat down.  
nisedha m. prevention; prohibition; holding back.  
nisedhaka adj. prohibiting; one who prevents or obstructs.  
nisedhana nt. prevention; prohibition; holding back.  
nisedhita pp. of nisedheti prevented; prohibited; kept off.  
nisedhiya abs. of nisedheti having prevented; having prohibited; having kept off.  
nisedhetabba pt.p. of nisedheti should be prevented; should be prohibited; should be kept off.  
nisedheti ni + sidh + e prevents; prohibits; keeps off.  
nisedhetvā abs. of nisedheti having prevented; having prohibited; having kept off.  
nisedhenta pr.p. of nisedheti preventing; prohibiting; keeping off.  
nisedhesi aor. ofnisedheti prevented; prohibited; kept off.  
nisevati ni + sev + a associates; pursues; indulges in.  
nisevana nt. 1. associating; 2. using; 3. practising.  
nisevi aor. of nisevati associated; pursued; indulged in.  
nisevita pp. of nisevati associated; pursued; indulged in.  
nisevitvā abs. of nisevati having associated; having pursued; having indulged in.  
nissagga m. giving up.  
nissaggiya adj. what ought to be rejected or abandoned.  
nissaṅga adj. unattached; unselfish.  
nissajati ni + saj + a gives up; lets loose.  
nissaji aor. of nissajati gave up; let loose.  
nissajja abs. of nissajati having given up; having let loose.  
nissajjitvā abs. of nissajati having given up; having let loose.  
nissaṭa pp. of nissarati departed; escaped from; come out from; rejected; let loose.  
nissaṭṭha pp. of nissajati given up; dismissed; handed over.  
nissatta adj. soulless.  
nissadda adj. silent; noiseless.  
nissanda m. 1. result; outcome; 2. discharge; trickling down.  
nissaya m. 1. support; 2. protection; 3. that on which anything depends. nissāya (ind.), by means of; by one's support; near by.
nissayati ni + si + ya leans on; relies on; associates.  
nissayi aor. of nissayati leaned on; relied on; associated.  
nissaraṇa nt. 1. going out; departure; 2. escape. nissāraṇa (nt.), driving out.
nissarati ni + sar + a departs; escapes from.  
nissari aor. of nissarati departed; escaped from.  
nissaritvā abs. of nissarati having departed; having escaped from.  
nissāra adj. worthless; sapless; unsubstantial.  
nissārajja adj. without diffidence; confident on one's own power.  
nissita pp. of nissayati dependent on; hanging on; living by means of.  
nissitaka adj. & n. an adherent; one who is supported by.  
nissirīka adj. unfortunate; miserable.  
nisseṇī f. ladder; a flight of steps.  
nissesa adj. entire; whole.  
nissesaṃ adv. entirely.  
nissoka adj. free from sorrow.  
nihata pp. of nihanati slew; put down; humiliated; destroyed. nīhaṭa (pp. of nīharati), taken out; driven away.
nihatamāna adj. prideless; polite.  
nihanati ni + han + a slays; puts down; humiliates; destroys.  
nihani aor. of nihanati slew; put down; humiliated; destroyed.  
nihantvā abs. of nihanati having slain; having put down; having humiliated; having destroyed.  
nihita pp. of nidahati deposited; buried some treasure.  
nihīna adj. low; vile; base. (pp. of nihīyati), come to ruin; been destroyed.  
nihīnakamma nt. sinful action. (adj.) sinful; of low action.  
nihīnapañña adj. of inferior wisdom.  
nihīnasevī adj. having bad association; of vile pursuit.  
nihīyati ni + hā + ī + ya comes to ruin; is destroyed.  
nihīyamāna pr.p. of nihīyati coming to ruin; being destroyed.  
nihīyi aor. of nihīyati came to ruin; was destroyed.  
nīgha m. misery; confusion.  
nīca adj. low; humble; inferior.  
nīcakula nt. low caste.  
nīcakulīnatā f. state of having a low birth.  
nīcāsana nt. a low seat.  
nīta pp. of neti carried; guided; inferred; led by.  
nītattha (nīta + attha) m. inferred meaning.  
nīti f. law; guidance.  
nītigantha m. law-book.  
nītisattha nt. the science of statecraft; law-book.  
nīpa m. the tree Nauclea Cadamba.  
nīyānika adj. leading out to salvation; profitable.  
nīra nt. water.  
nīla adj. blue; m. the blue colour. nīḷa (nt.), a nest.
nīlakasiṇa nt. a blue disk used for meditation.  
nīlagīva m. a peacock.  
nīlamaṇi m. a sapphire.  
nīlavaṇṇa adj. having the blue colour.  
nīlavallī f. a kind of medicinal creeper.  
nīlasappa m. the whip snake.  
nīlinī f. the indigo plant.  
nīlī f. the indigo plant.  
nīluppala nt. blue water-lily.  
nīḷaja m. a bird.  
nīvaraṇiya adj. forming a hindrance.  
nīvāra m. a kind of grain.  
nīharaṇa nt. taking out; carrying away.  
nīharati ni + har + a takes out; drives away; stretches out.  
nīharanta pr.p. of nīharati taking out; driving away; stretching out.  
nīhari aor. of nīharati took out; drove away; stretched out.  
nīharitvā abs. of nīharati having taken out; having driven away; having stretched out.  
nīhāra m. 1. ejection; 2. carrying out; 3. the way; manner.  
nu   an affirmative indefinite particle, frequently combined with interrogative pronouns.  
nuṇṇa pp. of nudati driven away; removed.  
nuda adj. expelling; dispelling.  
nudaka adj. expelling; dispelling.  
nudati nud + a drives away; expels; rejects.  
nudi aor. of nudati drove away; expeled; rejected.  
nuditvā abs. of nudati having driven away; having expeled; having rejected.  
nunesi aor. concilated; appeased.  
nūtana adj. new; fresh.  
nūna ind. indeed; surely; certainly.  
nūpura nt. anklet.  
neka adj. several; many.  
nekatika m. a cheat. (adj.) deceitful; fraudulent.  
nekadhā adv. in many ways.  
nekākāra adj. various; divers.  
nekāyika adj. versed in the five collections of the scriptures; belonging to a sect.  
nekkha nt. a big gold coin.  
nekkhamma nt. giving up the world; renunciation.  
nekkhammabhirata adj. fond of renunciation.  
nekkhammavitakka m. thought of self-abnegation.  
nekkhammasaṅkappa m. thought of self-abnegation.  
nekkhammasukha nt. the happiness of leading a holy life.  
negama adj. belonging to a market-town. m. a town-council.  
netabba pt.p. of neti should be led; should be guided; should be carried away.  
neti ni + a leads; guides; carries away.  
netu m. leader.  
netta nt. the eye.  
nettārā f. pupil of the eye.  
netti f. 1. craving; 2. conduit.  
nettiṃsa m. a sword.  
nettika m. one who makes conduits for irrigation.  
netvā abs. of neti having led; having guided; having carried away.  
nenta pr.p. of neti leading; guiding; carrying away.  
nepakka nt. prudence.  
nepuñña nt. skill.  
nemi f. the rim of a wheel.  
nemittika m. a fortune-teller; soothsayer.  
nemindhara m. name of a mountain.  
neyya adj. to be led or carried; to be inferred or understood.  
nerañjarā f. name of a river.  
nerayika adj. born in the hell; one doomed to suffer in the hell.  
neru m. name of the highest mountain.  
nevāsika m. an inmate; a resident.  
nesajjika adj. remaining in a sitting position.  
nesāda m. a hunter.  
nesi aor. of neti led; guided; carried away.  
no   negative and adversative particle.  
nonīta nt. fresh butter.  
nyāsa m. a mortgage; pawn.  
nhāta pp. of nahāyati one who has bathed.  
nhāna nt. bathing; bath.  
nhāru m. a sinew; a tendon.