Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
oka nt. 1. water; 2. abode; habitation.  
okappaniya adj. trustworthy.  
okampetvā abs. of okampeti having shaken.  
okāra m. lowliness; degradation.  
okāsa m. room; open space; chance; permission.  
okāsakamma nt. permission.  
okiṇṇa pp. of okirati strewn over.  
okiraṇa nt. scattering; casting out.  
okirati ava + kir + a scatters; pours down.  
okiranta pr.p. of okirati scattering; pouring down.  
okirāpeti v. causes to scatter.  
okiri aor. of okirati scattered; poured down.  
okkanta pp. of okkamati entered; fallen into; come on.  
okkanti f. entry; coming to be; appearance.  
okkantika adj. recurring.  
okkamati ava + kam + a enters; falls into; comes on  
okkamana nt. entry or falling into.  
okkamanta pr.p. of okkamati entering or falling into.  
okkamamāna pr.p. of okkamati entering or falling into.  
okkami aor. of okkamati entered; fell into; came on  
okkamitvā abs. of okkamati having entered; having fallen into; having come on  
okkamma abs. of okkamati having gone aside from.  
okkhitta pp. of okkhipati thrown or casted down; dropped.  
okkhipati ava + khip + a throws or casts down; drops.  
okkhipi aor. of okkhipati threw or casted down; dropped.  
ogacchati ava + gam + a goes down; sinks down.  
ogacchi aor. of ogacchati went down; sank down.  
ogata pp. of ogacchati gone down; sunk down.  
ogadha adj. included; immersed.  
ogayha abs. of ogāhati having lunged or absorbed.  
ogāḷha pp. of ogāhati plunged or entered into; absorbed in.  
ogāha m. diving or plunging into.  
ogāhati ava + gāh + a plunges or enters into; absorbs in.  
ogāhana nt. diving or plunging into.  
ogāhamāna pr.p. of ogāhati diving or plunging into.  
ogāhi aor. of ogāhati plunged or entered into; absorbed in.  
ogāhiya abs. of ogāhati having lunged or absorbed.  
ogilati ava + gil + a swallows down.  
ogili aor. of ogilati swallowed down.  
oguṇṭhita pp. of oguṇṭheti covered; veiled over.  
oguṇṭheti ava + guṇṭh + e covers; veils over.  
oguṇṭhesi aor. of oguṇṭheti covered; veiled over.  
ogha m. a flood; that which sweeps a man away from emancipation; torrent.  
oghatiṇṇa adj. one who has overcome the flood.  
ocaraka adj. an investigator; informant; of low behaviour.  
ociṇṇa pp. of ocināti gathered, collected, or plucked.  
ocita pp. of ocināti gathered, collected, or plucked.  
ocinana nt. gathering; picking.  
ocinanta pr.p. of ocināti gathering, collecting, or plucking.  
ocināti ava + ci + nā gathers, collects, or plucks.  
ocini aor. of ocināti gathered, collected, or plucked.  
ocinitvā abs. of ocināti having gathered, collected, or plucked.  
oja m.; nt. nutritive essence; juice. ojā (f.), nutritive essence; juice.
ojavanī f. sailing down-stream.  
ojavantu adj. rich in sap; nourishing; delicious.  
oṭṭha m. 1. a camel; 2. the lip.  
oḍḍita pp. of oḍḍeti laid snares; hung down.  
oḍḍeti uḍ + e lays snares; hangs down.  
oḍḍesi aor. of oḍḍeti laid snares; hung down.  
otaraṇa nt. descent; coming down. otāraṇa (nt.), lowering down.
otarati ava + tar + a descends; goes down to.  
otaranta pr.p. of otarati descending; going down to.  
otari aor. of otarati descended; went down to.  
otaritvā abs. of otarati having descended; having gone down to.  
otāpita pp. of otāpeti exposed to the sun.  
otāpeti ava + tap + e exposes to the sun.  
otāpesi aor. of otāpeti exposed to the sun.  
otāra m. descent; access; chance; fault.  
otāragavesī adj. seeking an opportunity.  
otārāpekka adj. watching for a chance.  
otārita pp. of otāreti brought or lowered down.  
otāreti ava + tar + e brings or lowers down.  
otārenta pr.p. of lowering.  
otāresi aor. of otāreti brought or lowered down.  
otiṇṇa pp. of otarati gone down; beset by; affected with.  
ottappa nt. shrinking back form doing wrong.  
ottappati ava + tap + ya feels a sense of guilt; is afraid of evil.  
ottappi aor. of ottappati felt a sense of guilt; was afraid of evil. ottappī (adj.), afraid of wrong; scrupulous.
ottāpī adj. afraid of wrong; scrupulous.  
otthaṭa pp. of ottharati spread over; submerged.  
ottharaṇa nt. spreading over; submergence.  
ottharati ava + thar + a spreads over; submerges.  
ottharamāna pr.p. of ottharati spreading over; submerging.  
otthari aor. of ottharati spread over; submerged.  
ottharitvā abs. of ottharati having spread over; having submerged.  
odakantika nt. neighbourhood of water. (adj.), having water as the final ablution.  
odana nt.; m. boiled rice.  
odanika m. a cook.  
odahati ava + dah + a puts down; inserts; is attentive.  
odahana nt. putting down; insertion; listening.  
odahi aor. of odahati put down; inserted; was attentive.  
odahitvā abs. of odahati having put down; having inserted.  
odāta adj. white; clean. (m.), white colour.  
odātakasiṇa nt. object of meditation which is white.  
odātavasana adj. clad in white.  
odissa abs. having defined or separated.  
odissaka adj. definite; special.  
odhi m. limit; boundary.  
odhini aor. of odhunāti shook off.  
odhiso adv. limitedly; piece-meal.  
odhunāti ava + dhu + nā shake off.  
odhūta pp. of odhunāti shaken off.  
onata pp. of onamati bent down; stooped  
onaddha pp. of onandhati bound; covered up; wrapped over.  
onandhati ava + nadh + ṃ-a binds; covers up; wraps over.  
onandhi aor. of onandhati bound; covered up; wrapped over.  
onamati ava + nam + a bends down; stoops.  
onamana nt. bending down; stooping.  
onamanta pr.p. of onamati bending down; stooping.  
onami aor. of onamati bent down; stooped.  
onamitvā abs. of onamati having bent down; having stooped.  
onayhati ava + nah + ya envelops; covers over; ties down.  
onayhi aor. of onayhati enveloped; covered over; tied down.  
onahana nt. covering; shrouding.  
onīta pp. of apaneti taken away; removed.  
onojana nt. distribution; presentation.  
onojita pp. of onojeti dedicated; distributed.  
onojeti ava + nuj + e dedicates; distributes.  
onojesi aor. of onojeti having dedicated; having distributed.  
opakkamika adj. caused by some contrivance.  
opanayika adj. leading to; bringing near.  
opapātika adj. arisen without visible cause; born spontaneously.  
opapātī adj. arisen without visible cause; born spontaneously.  
opamma nt. simile; comparison.  
oparajja nt. viceroyalty.  
opavayha adj. fit for riding.  
opāta m. a pitfall.  
opātita pp. of opāteti made fall; interrupted.  
opāteti ava + pat + e makes fall; interrupts.  
opātesi aor. of opāteti made fall; interrupted.  
opāna nt. a well; place where water is supplied free.  
opāyika adj. suitable.  
opiya abs. having put in.  
opilāpita pp. of opilāpeti immersed; made float.  
opilāpeti ava + plav + e immerses; makes float.  
opilāpesi aor. of opilāpeti immersed; made float.  
opilāveti ava + plav + e immerses; makes float.  
opilāvesi pp. of opilāveti immerged; made float.  
opīḷetvā abs. of opīḷeti having crammed in.  
opuṇāti ava + pu + ṇā winnows; sifts.  
opuṇi aor. of opuṇāti winnowed; sifted.  
opuṇitvā abs. of opuṇāti having winnowed; having sifted.  
obhagga pp. of obhañjati broken; dragged down.  
obhāsa m. light; lustre.  
obhāsati ava + bhās + a shines.  
obhāsana nt. shining.  
obhāsayamāna pr.p. of obhāseti radiating; illuminating.  
obhāsi aor. of obhāsati shone.  
obhāsita pp. of obhāseti made radiant; illumined.  
obhāseti caus. of obhāsati causes to make radiant; causes to illumine.  
obhāsetvā abs. of obhāseti having caused to make radiant; having caused to illumine.  
obhāsenta pr.p. of obhāseti radiating; illuminating.  
obhāsesi aor. of obhāseti caused to make radiant; caused to illumine.  
oma adj. lower; inferior.  
omaka adj. lower; inferior.  
omaṭṭha pp. of omasati touched; made unclean.  
omaddati ava + madd + a crushes; rubs; oppresses.  
omaddi aor. of omaddati crushed; rubbed; oppressed.  
omasati ava + mas + a touches; handles.  
omasanā f. insult; reproach.  
omasavāda m. insult; reproach.  
omasi aor. of omasati touched; handled.  
omukka pp. of omuñcati cast off; undressed.  
omuñcati ava + muc + ṃ-a takes off; unfastens; undresses.  
omuñci aor. of omuñcati took off; unfastened; undressed.  
omuñcitvā abs. of omuñcati having taken off some kind of dress.  
omutteti ava + mutt + e discharges urine.  
omuttesi aor. of omutteti discharged urine.  
ora nt. the near shore; this world. (adj.), inferior.  
oraṃ adv. under; within; below; on this side.  
oraka adj. inferior; low.  
orapāra nt. the below and the above; the near and the father shore.  
orabbhika m. a dealer or butcher of sheep.  
oramattaka adj. trifling; in significant.  
orambhāgiya adj. belonging to the lower world.  
orasa adj. legitimate; self-begotten.  
orima adj. the lowest; one on this side.  
orimatīra nt. the near shore.  
oruddha pp. of orundhati obstructed; imprisoned.  
orundhati ava + rudhi + ṃ-a obstructs; imprisons.  
orundhi aor. of orundhati obstructed; imprisoned.  
oruyha abs. of oruhati having descended; having come down.  
oruhati ava + run + a descends; comes down. orohati = oruhati
oruhana nt. descent.  
oruhanta pr.p. of oruhati descending; coming down.  
oruhi aor. of oruhati descended; came down.  
orūḷha pp. of oruhati descended; climbed down.  
orena adv. under; within; below; on this side.  
orodha m. 1. harem; seraglio; 2. a harem-lady.  
oropana nt. taking down; lowering; laying down.  
oropayamana pr.p. of oropeti taking or lower down; laying aside.  
oropita pp. of oropeti taken or lower down; laid aside.  
oropiya abs. of oropeti having taken or lower down; having laid aside.  
oropeti ava + rup + e takes or lower down; lays aside.  
oropetvā abs. of oropeti having taken or lower down; having laid aside.  
oropenta pr.p. of oropeti taking or lower down; laying aside.  
oropesi aor. of oropeti took or lower down; laid aside.  
orohati   see oruhati.  
orohana nt. descent.  
olaggita pp. of olaggeti hung down; made stick to.  
olaggeti ava + lag + e hangs down; makes stick to.  
olaggesi aor. of olaggeti hung down; made stick to.  
olamba adj. hanging down. (nt.) a support; a plummet.  
olambaka adj. hanging down. (nt.), a support; a plummet.  
olambati ava + lab + ṃ-a hangs down; rests on; suspends.  
olambana nt. suspension.  
olambamāna pr.p. of olambati hanging down; resting on; suspending.  
olambi aor. of olambati hung down; rested on; suspended.  
olambita pp. of olambati hung down; rested on; suspended.  
olambitvā abs. of olambati having hung down; having rested on; having suspended.  
olambiya abs. of olambati having hung down; having rested on; having suspended.  
olambīyati v. is hung.  
olikhati ava + likh + a scrapes off; combs.  
olikhi aor. of olikhati scraped off; combed.  
olikhitvā abs. of olikhati having scraped off; having combed.  
olikhiya abs. of olikhati having scraped off; having combed.  
oligalla m. a cesspool.  
olīna pp. of olīyati sluggish; inactive.  
olīyati ava + lī + ya is inactive or sluggish; sticks to; lags behind.  
olīyanā f. sluggishness; infatuation.  
olīyamāna pr.p. of olīyati lagging behind.  
olīyi aor. of olīyati was inactive or sluggish; stuck to; lagged behind.  
olugga pp. of olujjati fallen into pieces; rotting away.  
olubbha abs. of olambati leaning on; holding on to.  
olokana nt. looking at.  
olokanaka nt. a window.  
olokayamāna pr.p. of oloketi looking at.  
olokita pp. of oloketi looked at; inspected.  
olokiya abs. of oloketi having looked at; having inspected.  
oloketi ava + lok + e looks at; inspects.  
oloketuṃ inf. of oloketi to look at.  
oloketvā abs. of oloketi having looked at; having inspected.  
olokenta pr.p. of oloketi looking at.  
olokesi aor. of oloketi looked at; inspected.  
oḷārika adj. gross; coarse; ample.  
ovajjamāna pr.p. of ovadati being admonished.  
ovaṭṭikā f. waist-band; a pouch (formed with the waist clothe).  
ovaṭtha pp. of ovassati rained down on.  
ovadati ava + vad + a gives advice; admonishes.  
ovadana nt. admonishing.  
ovadanta pr.p. of ovadati exhorting; admonishing.  
ovadamāna pr.p. of ovadati exhorting; admonishing.  
ovadi aor. of ovadati gave advice; admonished.  
ovadita pp. of ovadati given advice; admonished.  
ovaditabba pt.p. of ovadati fit to be admonished.  
ovaditvā abs. of ovadati having exhorted or advised.  
ovadiya abs. of ovadati having exhorted or advised.  
ovaraka m. an inner chamber.  
ovariya abs. of ovarati holding back; preventing.  
ovariyāna abs. of ovarati holding back; preventing.  
ovassati ava + vas + a rains down on.  
ovassāpeti caus. of ovassati causes to make wet through rain.  
ovassāpesi aor. of ovassāpeti caused to make wet through rain.  
ovassi aor. of ovassati rained down on.  
ovāda m. advice; exhortation; instruction.  
ovādaka adj. one who admonishes or exhorts.  
ovādakkhama adj. easy to be admonished.  
ovādāyaka adj. one who admonishes or exhorts.  
osakkati ava + sakk + a draws back; lags behind; retreats.  
osakkanā f. drawing back; lagging behind.  
osakki aor. of osakkati drew back; lagged behind; retreated.  
osakkita pp. of osakkati drawn back; lagged behind; retreated.  
osakkitvā abs. of osakkati having retreated or moved aside.  
osakkiya abs. of osakkati having retreated or moved aside.  
osaṭa pp. of osarati come into; re-entered; assembled.  
osadha nt. medicine.  
osadhī f. medicinal plant; name of a brilliant star.  
osaraṇa nt. entry; meeting. osāraṇā (f.), 1. reinstatement; 2. crowding.
osarati ava + sar + a comes into; re-enters; assembles.  
osari aor. of osarati came into; re-entered; assembled.  
osādeti v. reduces; is sunk.  
osāna nt. the end; conclusion; ceasing.  
osārita pp. of osāreti reinstated; expounded.  
osāreti ava + sar + e reinstates; expounds.  
osāretvā abs. of osāreti having reinstated; having expounded.  
osāresi aor. of osāreti reinstated; expounded.  
osiñcati ava + sic + ṃ-a pours down; besprinkles.  
osiñcanta pr.p. of osiñcati pouring down; besprinkling.  
osiñci aor. of osiñcati poured down; besprinkled.  
osiñcitvā abs. of osiñcati having poured down or sprinkled.  
osiñciya abs. of osiñcati having poured down or sprinkled.  
ositta pp. of osiñcati poured down; besprinkled.  
osīdati ava + dis + a sinks.  
osīdana nt. sinking.  
osīdamāna pr.p. of osīdati sinking.  
osīdāpana nt. causing to sink; immersion.  
osīdāpita pp. of osīdāpeti caused to immersed; caused to sink.  
osīdāpeti caus. of osīdati causes to immerse; causes to sink.  
osīdāpetvā abs. of osīdāpeti having caused to immerged; having caused to sink.  
osīdāpesi aor. of osīdāpeti caused to immersed; caused to sink.  
osīdi aor. of osīdati sank.  
osīdīpetvā abs. of osīdāpeti having immersed; having caused to sink.  
ossajati ava + saj + a lets loose; gives up; releases.  
ossajana nt. release; sending off.  
ossaji aor. of ossajati let loose; gave up; released.  
ossajja abs. of ossajati having given up or released.  
ossajjitvā abs. of ossajati having given up or released.  
ossaṭṭha pp. of ossajati let loose; given up; released.  
ohaṭa pp. of oharati taken off or down.  
oharati ava + har + a takes off or down.  
ohari aor. of oharati took off or down.  
ohāya abs. of ojahāti having left or given up.  
ohāraṇa nt. 1. removal; 2. shaving (of hair).  
ohita pp. of oharati hidden; laid down.  
ohīna pp. of ohīyati left behind.  
ohīyaka adj. one who remains or is left behind.  
ohīyati ava + hi + ya stays behind; remains.  
ohīyana nt. staying behind.  
ohīyamāna pr.p. of lagging behind.  
ohīyi aor. of ohīyati stayed behind; remained.  
ohīyitvā abs. of ohīyati having stayed behind; having remained.