Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
raṃsi f. light; a ray.  
raṃsimantu m. the sun. (adj.), radiant.  
rakkhaka m. one who guards; observes or keeps; a guard.  
rakkhati rakkh + a protects; guards; observes; preserves.  
rakkhana nt. protection; observance.  
rakkhanaka adj. observing; guarding.  
rakkhanta pr.p. of rakkhati protecting; guarding; observing; preserving.  
rakkhasa m. a goblin; a demon.  
rakkhā f. protection; safety; shelter.  
rakkhi aor. of rakkhati protected; guarded; observed; preserved.  
rakkhita pp. of rakkhati protected; guarded; observed; preserved.  
rakkhitabba pt.p. of rakkhati should be protected; guarded.  
rakkhitvā abs. of rakkhati having protected; having guarded; having observed; having preserved.  
rakkhiya adj. to be protected.  
raṅga m. 1. dye; paint; 2. a stage; theatre; a play.  
raṅgakāra m. a dyer; an actor.  
raṅgajāta nt. various kinds of dye.  
raṅgaratta adj. dyed with.  
raṅgājīva (raṅga + ājīva), m. a painter or dyer.  
racanā f. arrangement; a treatise.  
racayati rac + aya arranges; composes; prepares.  
racayi aor. of racayati arranged; composed; prepared.  
racita pp. of racayati arranged; composed; prepared.  
racitvā abs. of racayati having arranged; having composed; having prepared.  
racchā f. street.  
raja m.; nt. (mano-group), dust; dirt; pollen; defilement; impurity. rāja (m.), king.
rajaka m. a washer man.  
rajakkha adj. (in cpds.) having defilement.  
rajakkhandha m. a cloud of dust.  
rajata nt. silver.  
rajatapaṭṭa adj. silver plate or sheet.  
rajati raj + a dyes. rājati (rāj + a), shines.
rajana nt. colouring; dye; dyeing  
rajanakamma nt. dyeing.  
rajanī f. night.  
rajanīya adj. enticing; apt to rouse excitement.  
raji aor. of rajati dyed. rāji (f.) a row; line; range; dissension. (aor. of rājati), shined.
rajitabba pt.p. of rajati should be dyed.  
rajitvā abs. of rajati having dyed.  
rajojalla nt. muddy dirt.  
rajosūka nt. a particle of dust.  
rajoharaṇa nt. removal of dirt; a duster.  
rajja nt. kingdom; kingship.  
rajjati raj + ya finds pleasure in; to be attached to.  
rajjana nt. defilement.  
rajjanta pr.p. of rajjati finding pleasure in.  
rajjappadesa m. the country belonging to one kingdom.  
rajjasiri f. sovereignty.  
rajjasīmā f. the border of a kingdom.  
rajji aor. of rajjati found pleasure in.  
rajjitvā abs. of rajjati having found pleasure in.  
rajju f. a rope; a cord.  
rajjugāhaka m. a land-surveyor.  
rañjati raj + a finds delight in.  
rañjanta pr.p. of rañjati finding delight in.  
rañjamāna pr.p. of rañjati finding delight in.  
rañji aor. of rañjati found delight in.  
rañjita pp. of rañjati found delight in. (pp. of rañjeti), given pleasure; coloured; dyed.  
rañjitvā abs. of rañjati having found in.  
rañjeti rañj + e gives pleasure; colours; dyes.  
rañjetvā abs. of rañjeti having given pleasure; having coloured; having dyed.  
rañjenta pr.p. of rañjeti giving pleasure; colouring; dyeing.  
rañjesi aor. of rañjeti gave pleasure; coloured; dyed.  
raṭṭha nt. a country.  
raṭṭhapiṇḍa m. food obtained from the people.  
raṭṭhavāsika m. an inhabitant of a country.  
raṭṭhavāsī m. an inhabitant of a country.  
raṭṭhika adj. belonging to a country; an official.  
raṇa nt. war; battle; sin; fault.  
raṇañjaha adj. avoiding the disturbance of passions.  
rata pp. of ramati delighted in; devoted to; enjoyed oneself.  
ratana nt. 1. a gem; precious thing; 2. a cubit.  
ratanattaya nt. the three precious things. viz. the Buddha, His doctrine, and His community.  
ratanavara nt. the best of gems.  
ratanākara m. jewel-mine.  
ratanika adj. (in cpds.) having so many cubits in length or breadth.  
rati f. attachment; love; liking for.  
ratikīḷā f. sexual intercourse.  
ratta pp. of rajjati found pleasure in. ratta (adj.) red. (nt.) blood. (rañjeti) dyed; coloured; infatuated with lust.
rattakkha adj. with red eyes.  
rattacandana nt. red sandal-wood.  
rattaññū adj. of long standing.  
rattandhakāra m. nightly darkness.  
rattapaduma nt. red lotus.  
rattapā f. a leech.  
rattaphalā f. a creeper having red oval fruits.  
rattamaṇi m. a ruby.  
rattātisāra (ratta + ātisāra), m. the bloody diarrhoea.  
ratti f. night.  
rattikkhaya m. the vane of the night.  
rattikhitta adj. shot in the night.  
rattibhāga m. night-time.  
rattibhojana nt. the supper.  
rattūparata adj. abstaining from eating at night.  
ratha m. a carriage; chariot.  
rathakāra m. chariot-maker; carpenter.  
rathagutti f. fender of a carriage.  
rathaṅga nt. parts of a carriage.  
rathacakka nt. chariot-wheel.  
rathapañjara m. the body of a chariot.  
rathayuga nt. the chariot pole.  
rathareṇu m. a mote of dust.  
rathācariya (ratha + ācariya), m. a charioteer; driver.  
rathāṇīka (ratha + aṇīka), nt. a group of war chariots.  
rathāroha (ratha + āroha), m. a warrior in a chariot.  
rathika m. one who fights in a chariot. rathikā (f.), street.
rada m. a tusk. Found in dvirada = elephant.  
randha nt. an opening; cleft; a weak spot; fault.  
randhaka m. a cook.  
randhagavesī m. one who finds fault or weal points.  
randhana nt. cooking; boiling.  
randhita pp. of randheti boiled or cooked.  
randheti randh + e boils or cooks.  
randhetvā abs. of randheti having boiled or cooked.  
randhesi aor. of randheti boiled or cooked.  
ramaṇī f. a woman.  
ramaṇīya adj. delightful; charming.  
ramati ram + a delights in; enjoys oneself.  
ramana nt. enjoyment. ramāna (pr.p. of ramati) delighting in; enjoying oneself.
ramanī (f.) a woman.  
ramanta pr.p. of ramati delighting in; enjoying oneself.  
ramamāna pr.p. of ramati delighting in; enjoying oneself.  
rami aor. of ramati delighted in; enjoyed oneself.  
ramituṃ inf. of ramati to delight in; to enjoy oneself.  
ramitvā abs. of ramati having delighted in; having enjoyed oneself.  
rameti v. gives joy; makes delightful.  
rambhā f. plantain tree.  
ramma adj. charming; enjoyable.  
rammaka m. name of a month; (April)  
rava m. sound; roar; cry. rāva (m.), a cry; howling; noise.
ravati ru + a makes a noise; cries.  
ravana nt. roaring; howling.  
ravanta pr.p. of ravati making a noise; crying.  
ravamāna pr.p. of ravati making a noise; crying.  
ravi aor. of ravati made a noise; cried. ravi (m.) the sun.
ravita pp. of ravati made a noise; cried.  
ravitvā abs. of ravati having a noise; having cried.  
ravihaṃsa m. a kind of bird.  
rasa m. taste; juice; flavour; quick-silver.  
rasaka m. a cook.  
rasagga nt. the finest quality of taste.  
rasañjana nt. a sort of collyrium.  
rasataṇhā f. the thirst for taste.  
rasanā f. a girdle for women. see mekhalā.
rasapaṭhavī f. essense of the earth.  
rasavatī f. kitchen.  
rasaharaṇī f. the taste conductor.  
rasmi f. a cord; a rein; ray of light.  
rassa adj. short; dwarfish; stunted.  
rassatta nt. shortness.  
rahada m. a lake.  
rahassa nt. a secret.  
rahābhāva m. the state of not being secret.  
rahita adj. deprived of; without.  
raho ind. secretly; in secret; a lonely place.  
rahogata adj. gone to lonely place.  
rāga m. colour; hue; dye; lust; attachment.  
rāgakkhaya m. destruction of lust.  
rāgaggi m. the fire of lust.  
rāgacarita adj. of lustful behaviour.  
rāgaratta adj. infatuated with lust.  
rāgī adj. lustful.  
rājakakudhabhaṇḍa nt. ensign of royalty; regalia.  
rājakaññā f. a princess.  
rājakathā f. talk about kings.  
rājakammika m. a government official.  
rājakumāra m. a prince.  
rājakumārī f. a princess.  
rājakula nt. royal family; king's palace.  
rājagahaka adj. belonging to Rājagaha.  
rājageha nt. king's palace.  
rājañña m. a man of the warrior caste.  
rājatta nt. kingship.  
rājadaṇḍa m. punishment ordered by a king.  
rājadāya m. a royal gift.  
rājadūta m. a king's messenger or envoy.  
rājadevī f. a consort of a king.  
rājadhamma m. duty of a king.  
rājadhāni f. the royal city.  
rājadhītu f. a king's daughter.  
rājanivesana nt. king's abode.  
rājaparisā f. retinue of a king; a royal assembly.  
rājaputta m. a prince.  
rājaputtī f. a king's daughter.  
rājapurisa m. one who is in the king's service.  
rājaporisa nt. the government service.  
rājabali m. a tax to be given to a king.  
rājabhaṭa m. a soldier.  
rājabhaya nt. fear coming from a king.  
rājabhavana nt. king's palace.  
rājabhogga adj. fit to be used by a king.  
rājamandira nt. king's palace.  
rājamahāmatta m. the prime minister.  
rājamahesī f. a queen.  
rājamāna pr.p. of rājati shining.  
rājamuddā f. the royal seal.  
rājaratha m. the state carriage.  
rājavara m. a noble king.  
rājavallabha adj. familiar with a king; a king's favourite.  
rājasampatti f. splendour of a king.  
rājahaṃsa m. royal swan (whose beak and feet are red.)  
rājāṅgaṇa (rāja + āṅgaṇa), nt. the courtyard of a palace.  
rājāṇā f. king's command.  
rājānubhāva m. the pomp or majesty of a king.  
rājāntepura (rāja + antepura), nt. royal harem; palace grounds.  
rājāmacca m. a royal minister.  
rājāyatana m. the tree Budhanania Latifolia.  
rājita pp. of rājati resplendent; shining.  
rājiddhi f. royal power.  
rājinī f. a queen.  
rājisi m. a royal seer.  
rājupaṭṭhāna nt. attendance on a king.  
rājuyyāna nt. a royal garden.  
rājorodha m. a king's harem; a royal concubine.  
rāmaṇeyyaka adj. pleasant; agreeable; lovely.  
rāsi m. a heap; quantity.  
rāsivaḍḍhaka m. the controller of revenues.  
rāhaseyyaka adj. secluded; secret.  
rāhu m. name of an asura king; an eclipse.  
rāhumukha nt. the mouth of Rāhu; a certain punishment.  
riñcati ric + ṃ-a neglects; abandons; empties.  
riñcamāna pr.p. of riñcati neglecting; abandoning.  
riñci aor. of riñcati neglected; abandoned; emptied.  
riñcitvā abs. of riñcati having neglected; having abandoned; having emptied.  
ritta pp. of riñcati devoid; empty; rid of.  
rittamuṭṭhi m. an empty fist.  
rittahattha adj. empty-handed.  
rukkha m. a tree.  
rukkhagahaṇa nt. a thicket of trees.  
rukkhadevatā f. a tree-spirit.  
rukkhamūla nt. the foot of a tree.  
rukkhamūlika adj. one who lives at the foot of a tree.  
rukkhasusira nt. a hollow in a tree.  
ruci f. liking; choice; inclination.  
rucika adj. (in cpds.), having the inclination of.  
rucira adj. pleasant; agreeable; beautiful.  
ruccati ruc + ya finds delight in; likes.  
ruccana nt. liking; choice.  
ruccanaka adj. pleasing; satisfying.  
rucci aor. of ruccati found delight in; liked.  
ruccita pp. of ruccati found delight in; liked.  
ruccitvā abs. of ruccati having found delight in; having liked.  
rujati ruj + a feels pain; aches.  
rujana nt. pain; affliction.  
rujanaka adj. aching.  
rujā f. pain; affliction.  
ruji aor. of rujati felt pain; ached.  
rujitvā abs. of rujati having felt pain; having ached.  
rujjhati rudh + ya is obstructed or prevented.  
rujjhi aor. of rujjhati was obstructed or prevented.  
ruṭṭha pp. of russati vexed; enraged.  
ruṇṇa pp. of rudati crying; weeping; lamentation.  
ruta pp. of ravati made a noise; cried. (nt.), cry of an animal. (pp. of rudati), cried; lamented.  
rudati rud + a cries; laments.  
rudanta pr.p. of rudati crying; lamenting.  
rudamāna pr.p. of rudati crying; lamenting.  
rudammukha adj. with tearful face.  
rudi aor. of rudati cried; lamented.  
rudita pp. of rudati cried; lamented.  
ruditvā abs. of rudati having cried; having lamented.  
ruddha pp. of rujjhati was obstructed or prevented. (pp. of rundhati), prevented; obstructed; besieged; imprisoned.  
rudhira nt. blood.  
rundhati rudh + ṃ-a prevents; obstructs; besieges; imprisons.  
rundhana nt. prevention; imprisonment.  
rundhi aor. of rundhati prevented; obstructed; besieged; imprisoned.  
rundhita pp. of rundhati prevented; obstructed; besieged; imprisoned.  
rundhitvā abs. of rundhati having prevented; having obstructed; having besieged; having imprisoned.  
rundhīyati v. is obstructed or imprisoned.  
ruppati rup + ya is vexed or changed.  
ruppana nt. constant change.  
ruppamāna pr.p. of ruppati is being vexed or changed.  
ruppi aor. of ruppati was vexed or changed.  
rumhaniya adj. refreshing.  
ruru m. a kind of deer.  
ruha adj. (in cpds.) growing; rising up; ascending.  
ruhana nt. rising up; growing up. rūhana (nt.), growing; ascending; rising.
ruhira nt. blood.  
rūpa nt. form; figure; image; object of the eye; a material composition.  
rūpaka nt. a small figure; a simile.  
rūpataṇhā f. craving after form.  
rūpadassana nt. seeing of an object.  
rūpabhava m. the Brahma world.  
rūparāga m. desire to be born in the world of form.  
rūpavantu adj. handsome.  
rūpasampatti f. beauty.  
rūpasiri f. personal splendour.  
rūpārammaṇa (rūpa + ārammaṇa), nt. a visible thing.  
rūpāvacara (rūpa + avacara), adj. belonging to the world of form.  
rūpinī f. a beautiful woman.  
rūpiya nt. silver; a silver coin.  
rūpiyamaya adj. made of silver.  
rūpī adj. having material qualities.  
rūpūpajīvinī f. harlot.  
rūḷha pp. of rūhati grew; ascended; healed (a wound).  
rūhati ruh + a grows; ascends; heals (a wound).  
rūhi aor. of rūhati grew; ascended; healed (a wound).  
recana nt. emission.  
reṇu m.; f. dust; pollen.  
roga m. disease; illness.  
roganiḍḍa adj. the seat of disease.  
roganīḷa adj. the seat of disease.  
rogahārī m. a physician.  
rogātura (roga + ātura), adj. a sick person.  
rogī m. patient.  
rocati ruc + a shines.  
rocana nt. liking; choice; shining.  
roci aor. of rocati shined.  
rocita pp. of roceti given one's consent; liked.  
roceti ruc + e gives one's consent; likes.  
rocetvā abs. of roceti having given one's consent; having liked.  
rocesi aor. of roceti gave one's consent; liked.  
rodati rud + a cries; laments.  
rodana nt. cry; the act of crying.  
rodanta pr.p. of rodati crying; lamenting.  
rodamāna pr.p. of rodati crying; lamenting.  
rodi aor. of rodati cried; lamented.  
rodita pp. of rodati cried; lamented.  
rodituṃ inf. of rodati to cry; to lament.  
roditvā abs. of rodati having cried; having lamented.  
rodha m. obstruction; prevention.  
rodhana nt. obstruction; prevention.  
ropa m. a planter; cultivator.  
ropaka m. a planter; cultivator.  
ropayamāna pr.p. of ropeti planting; cultivating.  
ropita pp. of ropeti planted; cultivated.  
ropiya abs. of ropeti having planted; having cultivated.  
ropeti rup + e plants; cultivates.  
ropetvā abs. of ropeti having planted; having cultivated.  
ropenta pr.p. of ropeti planting; cultivating.  
ropesi aor. of ropeti planted; cultivated.  
roma nt. hair on the body.  
romaka adj. Roman.  
romañca m. horripilation or bristling of hair.  
romanthati   chews the cud; munches.  
romanthana nt. ruminating; munching.  
romanthayitvā abs. of romanthati having chewed the cud; having munched.  
romanthi aor. of romanthati chewed the cud; munched.  
roruva m. name of a hell.  
rosa m. anger.  
rosaka adj. making angry.  
rosanā f. making angry; causing anger; being angry.  
rosita pp. of roseti made angry; irritated.  
roseti rus + e makes angry; irritates.  
rosetvā abs. of roseti having made angry; having irritated.  
rosesi aor. of roseti made angry; irritated.  
rohati   grows; ascends; heals (a wound).  
rohana nt. rising up; growing up.  
rohita adj. red. (m.), a king of deer; a kind fish.  
rohitamaccha m. a salmon.