Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
sa adj. 1. (=sva in Sanskrit.), one's own. (sehi kammehi = through one's own actions). 2. a shortened form of saha, in compounds such as sadevaka. (= so), nom. sin. of ta in mas. is often seen in this form, e.g. sa ve kāsāvam arahati. sa (= so), (nom. sing.) of ta in (mas.) is often seen in this form, e.g. sa ve kāsāvam arahati. ### sā (m.) a dog. (f.) (nom. from ta) she.
saupādāna adj. showing attachment.  
saupādisesa adj. having the substratum of life remaining.  
saṃkaḍḍhati saṃ + kaḍḍh + a collects; drags.  
saṃkaḍḍhi aor. of saṃkaḍḍhati collected; dragged.  
saṃkaḍḍhitvā abs. of saṃkaḍḍhati having collected; having dragged.  
saṃkiliṭṭha pp. of saṃkilissati become soiled or impure.  
saṃkilissati saṃ + kilis + ya becomes soiled or impure.  
saṃkilissana nt. impurity; defilement.  
saṃkilissi aor. of saṃkilissati becomed soiled or impure.  
saṃkilissitvā abs. of saṃkilissati having become soiled or impure.  
saṃkilesa m. impurity; defilement.  
saṃkilesika adj. baneful; corrupting.  
saṃyata adj. restrained; self-controlled.  
saṃyatacārī adj. living in self-control.  
saṃyatta adj. having one's mind restrained.  
saṃyama m. restraint; self-control; abstinence.  
saṃyamana nt. restraint; self-control; abstinence.  
saṃyamita pp. of saṃyameti restrained; practised self-control.  
saṃyamī m. a recluse; one who restrains his senses.  
saṃyameti saṃ + yam + e restrains; practises self-control.  
saṃyametvā abs. of saṃyameti having restrained; having practised self-control.  
saṃyamenta pr.p. of saṃyameti restraining; practising self-control.  
saṃyamesi aor. of saṃyameti restrained; practised self-control.  
saṃyujjati saṃ + yij + ya to be combined or connected.  
saṃyujji aor. of saṃyujjati combined or connected.  
saṃyuta pp. of saṃyujjati connected; combined; bound together.  
saṃyutta pp. of saṃyujjati connected; combined; bound together.  
saṃyūḷha pp. of saṃyūhati formed into a mass.  
saṃyūhati saṃ + ūh + a forms into a mass.  
saṃyūhi aor. of saṃyūhati formed into a mass.  
saṃyoga m. a bond; union; association; fetter; an euphonic combination.  
saṃyojana nt. connection; fettering.  
saṃyojaniya adj. favourable to the saṅyojanas.  
saṃyojita pp. of saṃyojeti joined; combined; bound.  
saṃyojeti saṃ + yuj + e joins; combines; binds.  
saṃyojetvā abs. of saṃyojeti having joined; having combined; having bound.  
saṃyojenta pr.p. of saṃyojeti joining; combining; binding.  
saṃyojesi aor. of saṃyojeti joined; combined; bound.  
saṃrakkhati saṃ + rakkh + a guards; wards off.  
saṃrakkhanā f. guarding; protection.  
saṃrakkhi aor. of saṃrakkhati guarded; warded off.  
saṃrakkhita pp. of saṃrakkhati guarded; warded off.  
saṃrakkhitvā abs. of saṃrakkhati having guarded; having warded off.  
saṃvacchara nt. a year.  
saṃvaṭṭakappa m. dissolving world.  
saṃvaṭṭana nt. rolling; dissolution.  
saṃvaḍḍha pp. of saṃvaḍḍhati grown up; brought up. saṃvaḍḍha = saṃvaddha
saṃvaḍḍhati saṃ + vaḍḍh + a grows; increases.  
saṃvaḍḍhamāna pr.p. of saṃvaḍḍhati growing; increasing.  
saṃvaḍḍhi aor. of saṃvaḍḍhati grew; increased.  
saṃvaḍḍhita pp. of saṃvaḍḍhati increased; grown up. (pp. of saṃvaḍḍheti), reared; nourished; brought up.  
saṃvaḍḍhitvā abs. of saṃvaḍḍhati having grown; having increased.  
saṃvaḍḍheti caus. of saṃvaḍḍhati rears; nourishes; brings up.  
saṃvaḍḍhetvā abs. of saṃvaḍḍheti having reared; having nourished; having brought up.  
saṃvaḍḍhesi aor. of saṃvaḍḍheti reared; nourished; brought up.  
saṃvaṇṇanā f. exposition; explanation; praise.  
saṃvaṇṇita pp. of saṃvaṇṇeti explained; commented; praised.  
saṃvaṇṇetabba pt.p. of saṃvaṇṇeti should be explained.  
saṃvaṇṇeti saṃ + vaṇṇ + e explains; comments; praises.  
saṃvaṇṇetvā abs. saṃvaṇṇeti having explained; having commented; having praised.  
saṃvaṇṇesi aor. of saṃvaṇṇeti explained; commented; praised.  
saṃvattati saṃ + vat + a exists; leads to. saṃvaṭṭati (saṃ + vat + a), is dissolved.
saṃvattanika adj. conducive to; involving.  
saṃvatti aor. of saṃvattati existed; led to. saṃvaṭṭi (aor. of saṃvaṭṭati), dissolved.
saṃvattita pp. of saṃvattati having existed; having led to. (pp. of saṃvatteti), made go on or continued.  
saṃvatteti caus. of saṃvattati makes go on or continues.  
saṃvattetvā abs. of saṃvatteti having made go on or continued.  
saṃvattesi aor. of saṃvatteti made go on or continued.  
saṃvaddhana nt. growth; bringing up; growing.  
saṃvara m. restraint.  
saṃvaraṇa nt. restriction; obstruction; shutting.  
saṃvarati saṃ + var + a restrains; shuts; covers.  
saṃvari aor. of saṃvarati restrained; shut; covered. saṃvarī (f.), the night.
saṃvaritvā abs. of saṃvarati having restrained; having shut; having covered.  
saṃvasati saṃ + vas + a associates; lives together; cohabits.  
saṃvasi aor. of saṃvasati associated; lived together; cohabited.  
saṃvasita pp. of saṃvasati associated; lived together; cohabited.  
saṃvasitvā abs. of saṃvasati having associated; having lived together.  
saṃvāsa m. 1. co-residence; 2. intimacy; 3. sexual intercourse.  
saṃvāsaka adj. living together; co-resident.  
saṃvigga pp. of saṃvijjati agitated; moved by fear.  
saṃvijjati saṃ + vid + ya to be found; exists; to be agitated or moved.  
saṃvijjamāna pr.p. of saṃvijjati existing.  
saṃvijji aor. of saṃvijjati existed.  
saṃvidamāna pr.p. of saṃvidahati arranging; giving orders.  
saṃvidahati saṃ + vi + dhā + a arranges; gives orders; prepares.  
saṃvidahana nt. arrangement; giving orders.  
saṃvidahi aor. of saṃvidahati arranged; gave orders; prepared.  
saṃvidahitabba pt.p. of saṃvidahati should be arranged; should be given orders.  
saṃvidahitvā abs. of saṃvidahati having arranged; having given orders; having prepared.  
saṃvidhātuṃ inf. of saṃvidahati to arrange; to issue commands.  
saṃvidhāna nt. arrangement; giving orders.  
saṃvidhāya abs. of saṃvidahati having arranged.  
saṃvidhāyaka adj. one who arranges or manages.  
saṃvibhaga m. dividing; sharing.  
saṃvibhajati saṃ + vi + bhaj + a divides; shares.  
saṃvibhajana nt. dividing; sharing.  
saṃvibhaji aor. of saṃvibhajati divided; shared.  
saṃvibhajita pp. of saṃvibhajati divided; shared.  
saṃvibhajitvā abs. of saṃvibhajati having divided; having shared.  
saṃvibhajja abs. of saṃvibhajati having divided; having shared.  
saṃvibhatta pp. of saṃvibhajati divided; shared; well arranged.  
saṃvibhāgī m. generous; open-handed.  
saṃvihita pp. of saṃvidahati arranged; given orders; prepared.  
saṃvuta pp. of saṃvarati restrained; shut; covered.  
saṃvutindriya adj. having the senses under control.  
saṃvega m. anxiety; agitation; religious emotion.  
saṃvejana nt. causing of emotion or agitation.  
saṃvejaniya adj. apt to cause emotion or anxiety. saṃvejanīya (adj.), to be remembered with grief or reverence.
saṃvejita pp. of saṃvejeti caused emotion or agitation.  
saṃvejeti saṃ + vij + e causes emotion or agitation.  
saṃvejetvā abs. of saṃvejeti having caused emotion or agitation.  
saṃvejesi aor. of saṃvejeti caused emotion or agitation.  
saṃsagga m. contact; association.  
saṃsaṭṭha pp. mixed with; joined; associating with.  
saṃsatta pp. adhering; clinging.  
saṃsandati saṃ + sand + a fits; agrees; runs together.  
saṃsandi aor. of saṃsandati fit; agreed; ran together.  
saṃsandita pp. of saṃsandati fit; agreed; run together.  
saṃsanditvā abs. of saṃsandati having fit; having agreed; having run together.  
saṃsandeti caus. of saṃsandati makes fit; compares.  
saṃsandetvā abs. of saṃsandeti having made fit; having compared.  
saṃsandesi aor. of saṃsandeti made fit; compared.  
saṃsappati saṃ + sap + a creeps along; crawls; moves slowly.  
saṃsappana nt. writhing; struggling.  
saṃsappi aor. of saṃsappati crept along; crawled; moved slowly.  
saṃsappitvā abs. of saṃsappati having crept along; having crawled; having moved slowly.  
saṃsaya m. doubt.  
saṃsaraṇa nt. moving about; wandering.  
saṃsarati saṃ + sar + a moves about continuously; transmigrates.  
saṃsari aor. of saṃsarati moved about continuously; transmigrated.  
saṃsarita pp. of saṃsarati moved about continuously; transmigrated.  
saṃsaritvā abs. of saṃsarati having moved about continuously; having transmigrated.  
saṃsāgara m. the ocean of rebirth.  
saṃsādeti saṃ + sad + e keeps aside; postpones.  
saṃsāmetvā abs. having set in order.  
saṃsāra m. faring on; transmigration.  
saṃsāracakka nt. the wheel of rebirth.  
saṃsāradukkha nt. the ill of transmigration.  
saṃsijjhati saṃ + siddh + ya to be fulfilled; succeeds.  
saṃsijjhi aor. of saṃsijjhati succeeded.  
saṃsita pp. of saṃsibbati expected; hoped.  
saṃsiddha pp. of saṃsijjhati succeeded.  
saṃsiddhi f. success.  
saṃsibbita pp. of saṃsibbati sewn; entwined.  
saṃsīdati saṃ + sad + a sinks down; loses heart; fails in.  
saṃsīdana nt. sinking off.  
saṃsīdamāna pr.p. of saṃsīditvā sinking down; losing heart.  
saṃsīdi aor. of saṃsīditvā sank down; lost heart; failed in.  
saṃsīditvā abs. of saṃsīditvā having sunk down; having lost heart.  
saṃsīna pp. fallen off.  
saṃsuddha adj. pure.  
saṃsuddhagahaṇika adj. of pure descent.  
saṃsūcaka adj. indicating.  
saṃsedaja adj. born from moisture.  
saṃseva m. associating.  
saṃsevati saṃ + sev + a associates; attends.  
saṃsevanā f. associating.  
saṃsevamāna pr.p. of saṃsevati associating; attending.  
saṃsevi aor. of saṃsevati associated; attended. saṃsevī (adj.), one who associates.
saṃsevita pp. of saṃsevati associated; attended.  
saṃsevitvā abs. of saṃsevati having associated; having attended.  
saṃhata adj. firm; compact. saṃhaṭa (pp. of saṃharati), collected; drawn together; folded up.
saṃharaṇa nt. gathering, folding.  
saṃharati saṃ + har + a collects; draws together; folds up.  
saṃharanta pr.p. of saṃharati collecting; drawing together.  
saṃhari aor. of saṃharati collected; drew together; folded up.  
saṃharita pp. of saṃharati collected; drawn together; folded up.  
saṃharitvā abs. of saṃharati having collected; having drawn together; having folded up.  
saṃhāra m. abridgement; compilation.  
saṃhāraka adj. drawing together.  
saṃhārima adj. movable.  
saṃhita adj. equipped with; possessed of. saṃhitā (f.) connection; euphonic agreement.
saka adj. one's own. (m.) a relation. (nt.) one's own property. sāka (m.; nt.), vegetable; pot herb.
sakageha nt. own home.  
sakaṅkha adj. doubtful.  
sakaṭa m.; nt. a cart; wagon.  
sakaṭa-parivatta nt. a camp made of carts.  
sakaṭabhāra m. a cartload.  
sakaṭavāha m. a cartload.  
sakaṭavyūha m. an array of wagons.  
sakaṇṭaka adj. thorny.  
sakata-mukha adj. narrow in front like the yoke of a boggie.  
sakadāgāmī m. one who has attained the second stage of the Path and to be reborn on the earth only once.  
sakabala (saka + bala:), adj. one's own strength; (sa + kabala:) with food in the mouth.  
sakamana adj. joyful.  
sakamma nt. one's own duty.  
sakammaka adj. transitive (verb).  
sakaraṇīya adj. one who still has something to do.  
sakala adj. whole; entire.  
sakalikā f. a splinter.  
sakāsa m. neighbourhood; presence.  
sakiṃ adv. once.  
sakicca nt. one's own business.  
sakiñcana adj. having worldly attachment.  
sakid eva ind. only more.  
sakīya adj. one's own. sākiya (adj.), belonging to the Sākya race.
sakuṇa m. a bird.  
sakuṇagghī m. a hawk.  
sakuṇī f. a she-bird.  
sakunta m. a bird.  
sakka adj. able; possible. (m.), 1. a man of the Sākya race; 2. the king of devas. sakkā (ind.) it is possible.
sakkacca abs. having well prepared, honoured, or respected.  
sakkaccaṃ adv. carefully; thoroughly.  
sakkaccakārī m. one who acts carefully.  
sakkata pp. of sakkaroti honoured; duly attended.  
sakkatta nt. the position as the ruler of devas.  
sakkatvā abs. of sakkaroti having honoured; having treated with respect; having received hospitably.  
sakkari aor. of sakkaroti honoured; treated with respect; received hospitably.  
sakkaritabba pt.p. of sakkaroti should be honoured.  
sakkarituṃ inf. of sakkaroti to honour; to treate wiht respect.  
sakkaritvā abs. of sakkaroti having honoured; having treated with respect; having received hospitably.  
sakkarīyati pass. of sakkaroti is honoured or respected.  
sakkarīyatimāna pr.p. of sakkarīyati respecting.  
sakkaroti saṃ + kar + o honours; treats with respect; receives hospitably.  
sakkaronta pr.p. of sakkaroti honouring; treating with respect.  
sakkātabba pt.p. of sakkaroti should be honoured.  
sakkātuṃ inf. of sakkaroti to honour; to treate wiht respect.  
sakkāya m. the existing body.  
sakkāyadiṭṭhi f. heresy of individuality.  
sakkāra m. honour; hospitality.  
sakkuṇanta pr.p. of sakkuṇāti was being able.  
sakkuṇāti sak + uṇā is able.  
sakkuṇi aor. of sakkuṇāti was able.  
sakkuṇitvā abs. of sakkuṇāti having been able.  
sakkuṇimāna aor. of sakkuṇāti was able.  
sakkuṇeyyatta nt. possibility; ability.  
sakkoti sak + o is able.  
sakkonta pr.p. of sakkoti was being able.  
sakkharā f. a crystal; gravel; juggery.  
sakkhali f. the orifice (of the ear); a slice; the scale of fish.  
sakkhalikā f. the orifice (of the ear); a slice; the scale of fish.  
sakkhi ind. face to face; before one's eyes. sakkhī (adj.) an eyewitness; a witness.
sakkhika adj. an eyewitness; a witness.  
sakkhidiṭṭha adj. seen face to face.  
sakkhipuṭṭha adj. being asked as a witness.  
sakya adj. belonging to the Sākya race.  
sakyamuni m. the noble sage of the Sakyans.  
sakha m. a friend. sākhā (f.), a branch.
sakhi m. a friend. sākhī (m.), a tree.
sakhitā f. friendship.  
sakhila adj. kindly in speech.  
sakhya nt. friendship.  
sagabbha adj. pregnant.  
sagāmeyya adj. hailing from the same village.  
sagārava adj. respectful.  
sagāravaṃ adv. respectfully.  
sagāravatā f. respect.  
sagāha adj. full of ferocious animals.  
sagotta adj. of the same lineage; a kinsman.  
sagga m. a place of happiness; heaven. saññā (f.), sense; perception; mark; name; recognition; gesture.
saggakāya m. the heavenly assembly.  
saggaparāyaṇa   destined to be born in heaven.  
saggamagga m. the way to heaven.  
saggaloka m. the heavenly region.  
saggasaṃvattanika adj. leading to heaven.  
sagguṇa m. good quality.  
saṅkaṭīra nt. rubbish heap.  
saṅkaḍḍhati saṃ + kaḍḍh + a collects; drags.  
saṅkaḍḍhi aor. of saṅkaḍḍhati collected; dragged.  
saṅkaḍḍhitvā abs. of saṅkhaḍḍhati having collected; having dragged.  
saṅkati sak + ṃ-a doubts; hesitates; to be uncertain.  
saṅkatitvā abs. of saṅkantati having cut all round.  
saṅkanta pp. of saṅkamati passed over to; shifted; transmigrated.  
saṅkantati saṃ + kant + a cuts all round.  
saṅkanti aor. of saṅkantati cut all round.  
saṅkantika adj. moving from one place to another.  
saṅkantikaroga m. an epidemic.  
saṅkantita pp. of saṅkantati cut all round.  
saṅkappa m. intention; purpose.  
saṅkappita pp. osaṅkappeti thought about; imagined.  
saṅkappeti saṃ + kapp + e thinks about; imagines.  
saṅkappetvā abs. of saṅkappeti having thought about; having imagined.  
saṅkappesi aor. of saṅkappeti thought about; imagined.  
saṅkama m. a passage; bridge.  
saṅkamati saṃ + kam + a passes over to; shifts; transmigrates.  
saṅkamana pr.p. of saṅkati doubting; hesitating. (nt.), a passage; a bridge; going over; to move from place to place.  
saṅkami aor. of saṅkamati passed over to; shifted; transmigrated.  
saṅkamitvā abs. of saṅkamati having passed over to; having shifted; having transmigrated.  
saṅkampi aor. of saṅkampeti trampled; shaked.  
saṅkampita pp. of saṅkampeti trampled; shaked.  
saṅkampitvā abs. of saṅkampeti having trampled; having shaked.  
saṅkampeti saṃ + kamp + a tramples; shakes.  
saṅkamma abs. of saṅkamati having passed over to; having shifted; having transmigrated.  
saṅkayita pp. of saṅkāyati was doubtful or uncertain about.  
saṅkara adj. blissful. (m.) blending; mixing. saṅkāra (m.) rubbish.
saṅkalana nt. addition; collection.  
saṅkasāyati v. keeps still.  
saṅkāyati Deno. from saṅkā is doubtful or uncertain about.  
saṅkāyi aor. of saṅkāyati was doubtful or uncertain about.  
saṅkārakūṭa m. rubbish heap.  
saṅkāracoḷa nt. a rag picked up from a rubbish heap.  
saṅkāraṭṭhāna nt. a dustbin; rubbish heap.  
saṅkāsa adj. similar.  
saṅkāsanā f. explanation.  
saṅki aor. of saṅkati doubted; hesitated. saṅkī (adj.), doubtful.
saṅkiṇṇa pp. of saṅkirati full of; mixed; impure.  
saṅkita pp. of saṅkati doubted; hesitated.  
saṅkittana nt. making known; proclamation.  
saṅkitvā abs. of saṅkati having doubted; having hesitated.  
saṅkipa m. disturbance; agitation.  
saṅkīyati pass. of saṅkati to be suspected.  
saṅku m. a stake; a spike.  
saṅkucati saṃ + kuc + a becomes contracted; shrinks; clenches.  
saṅkucana nt. shrinkage.  
saṅkuci aor. of saṅkucati became contracted; shrank; clenched.  
saṅkucita pp. of saṅkucati become contracted; shrunk; clenched.  
saṅkucitvā abs. of saṅkucati having become contracted; having shrunk; having clenched.  
saṅkuṭita adj. shrunken; shrivelled.  
saṅkupatha m. a path to be gone with the help of stakes.  
saṅkupita pp. of saṅkuppati enraged.  
saṅkula adj. full of; crowded.  
saṅketa m.; nt. a mark; appointed place; rendezvous.  
saṅketakamma nt. engagement.  
saṅkoca m. contraction; grimace; distortion.  
saṅkocita pp. of saṅkoceti contracted or distorted.  
saṅkoceti saṃ + kuc + e contracts or distorts.  
saṅkocesi aor. of saṅkoceti contracted or distorted.  
saṅkha m. a chank; a conch shell. saṅkhā (f.) enumeration; calculation; a number; definition.
saṅkhakuṭṭhī m. one who is suffering with white crab.  
saṅkhata pp. of saṅkharoti conditioned; prepared; produced by a cause. saṅkhāta (pp. of ?), agreed on; reckoned. (in cpds.) so-called; named.
saṅkhathāla m. a vessel made of conch shell.  
saṅkhadhama m. one who blows a conch shell.  
saṅkhamuṇḍika nt. a kind of torture; the shell-tonsure.  
saṅkhaya m. consumption; loss; destruction. saṅkhāya (abs. of saṅkhāti), having considered or discriminated.
saṅkharaṇa nt. restoration; preparation.  
saṅkhari aor. of saṅkharoti restored; prepared; put together.  
saṅkharitvā abs. of saṅkharoti having restores; having prepared; having put together.  
saṅkharoti saṃ + kar + o restores; prepares; puts together.  
saṅkharonta pr.p. of saṅkharoti restoring; preparing; putting together.  
saṅkhalikā f. a fetter.  
saṅkhādati saṃ + khād + a masticates.  
saṅkhādi aor. of saṅkhādati masticated.  
saṅkhādita pp. of saṅkhādati masticated.  
saṅkhāditvā abs. of saṅkhādati having masticated.  
saṅkhāna nt. calculation; counting.  
saṅkhāra m. essential condition; a thing conditioned, mental coefficients.  
saṅkhārakkhandha m. the aggregate of mental coefficients.  
saṅkhāradukkha nt. the evil of material life.  
saṅkhāraloka m. the whole creation.  
saṅkhitta pp. of saṅkhipati contracted; abridged; shortened; folded.  
saṅkhipati saṃ + khip + a contracts; abridges; shortens; folds.  
saṅkhipanta pr.p. of saṅkhipati contracting; shortening.  
saṅkhipamāna pr.p. of saṅkhipati contracting; shortening.  
saṅkhipi aor. of saṅkhipati contracted; abridged; shortened; folded.  
saṅkhipitabba pt.p. of saṅkhipati should be contracted.  
saṅkhipituṃ inf. of saṅkhipati to contract; to abridge; to shorten; to fold.  
saṅkhipitvā abs. of saṅkhipati having contracted; having abridged; having shortened; having folded.  
saṅkhubhati saṃ + khubh + a to be agitated; stirs.  
saṅkhubhi aor. of saṅkhubhati stirred.  
saṅkhubhita pp. of saṅkhubhati stirred.  
saṅkhubhitvā abs. of saṅkhubhati having stirred.  
saṅkhepa m. abridgement; abstract; condensed account; amassing.  
saṅkheyya adj. calculable.  
saṅkhobha m. commotion; disturbance.  
saṅkhobhita pp. of saṅkhobheti disturbed; stirred; upset.  
saṅkhobheti saṃ + khubh + e disturbs; stirs; upsets.  
saṅkhobhetvā abs. of saṅkhobheti having disturbed; having stirred; having upset.  
saṅkhobhenta pr.p. of saṅkhobheti disturbing; stirring.  
saṅkhobhesi aor. of saṅkhobheti disturbed; stirred; upset.  
saṅkhyā f. enumeration; calculation; a number; definition.  
saṅga m. attachment; clinging.  
saṅgacchati saṃ + gam + a meets with; comes together.  
saṅgacchi aor. of saṅgacchati met with; came together.  
saṅgaṇikā f. society.  
saṅgaṇikārata adj. fond of or delighting in society.  
saṅgaṇikārāma adj. fond of or delighting in society.  
saṅgaṇikārāmatā f. delight in company.  
saṅgaṇhanta pr.p. of saṅgaṇhāti treating kindly.  
saṅgaṇhāti saṃ + gah + ṇhā treats kindly; compiles; collects.  
saṅgaṇhi aor. of saṅgaṇhāti treated kindly; compiled; collected.  
saṅgaṇhitvā abs. of saṅgaṇhāti having treated kindly; having compiled; having collected.  
saṅgata pp. of saṅgacchati met with; come together.  
saṅgati f. association with.  
saṅgantvā abs. of saṅgacchati having met with; having come together.  
saṅgayha abs. of saṅgaṇhāti having treated kindly; having compiled; having collected.  
saṅgaha m. 1. treatment; 2. compilation; collection. saṅgāha (m.), a collection.
saṅgahita pp. of saṅgaṇhāti treated kindly; compiled; collected.  
saṅgahetvā abs. of saṅgaṇhāti having treated kindly; having compiled; having collected.  
saṅgāma m. fight; battle.  
saṅgāmāvacara adj. frequenting in the battle-field.  
saṅgāmita pp. of saṅgāmeti fought; come into conflict.  
saṅgāmeti deno. of saṅgāma fights; comes into conflict; fights a battle.  
saṅgāmetvā abs. of saṅgāmeti having fought; having come into conflict.  
saṅgāmesi aor. of saṅgāmeti fought; came into conflict.  
saṅgāyati saṃ + gā + ya chants; rehearses.  
saṅgāyi aor. of saṅgāyati chanted; rehearsed.  
saṅgāyitvā abs. of saṅgāyati having chanted; having rehearsed.  
saṅgāhaka adj. one who collects, compiles, treats kindly, or holds together. (m.), charioteer.  
saṅgīta pp. of saṅgāyati chanted; uttered; sung.  
saṅgīti f. rehearsal; a convocation of the Buddhist clergy in order to settle questions of doctrine.  
saṅgītikāraka m. the Elders who held the convocations.  
saṅgopita pp. of saṅgopeti protected well.  
saṅgopeti saṃ + gup + e protects well.  
saṅgha m. a multitude; an assemblage; the Buddhist clergy.  
saṅghakamma nt. an act performed by a chapter of Buddhist monks.  
saṅghagata adj. gone into or given to the community.  
saṅghaṭita pp. of saṅghaṭeti joined together.  
saṅghaṭeti saṃ + ghaṭ +e joins together.  
saṅghaṭetvā abs. of saṅghaṭeti having joined together.  
saṅghaṭesi aor. ofsaṅghaṭeti joined together.  
saṅghaṭṭana nt. close contact; knocking against.  
saṅghatthera m. the senior monk of a congregation.  
saṅghabhatta nt. food given to the community.  
saṅghabheda m. dissension among the Order.  
saṅghabhedaka m. one who causes dissension in the community of monks.  
saṅghamānaka adj. devoted to the community.  
saṅghāṭi f. the upper robe of a Buddhist monk.  
saṅghāta m. knocking together; snapping (of fingers); accumulation. saṅghāta (m.) junction; union; a raft.
saṅghika adj. . belonging to the Order.  
saṅghī adj. having a crowd of followers.  
saṅghuṭṭha pp. of saṅghoseti resounding with; proclaimed.  
sacitta nt. one's own mind.  
sacittaka adj. endowed with mind.  
sace ind. if.  
sacetana adj. animate; conscious.  
sacca nt. truth. adj. true; real.  
saccakāra m. a pledge; rectification; payment in advance.  
saccakāla m. time for speaking the truth.  
saccakiriya f. a declaration on oath.  
saccapaṭivedha m. comprehension of the reality.  
saccavācā m. one who speaks the truth.  
saccasandha adj. reliable.  
saccāpita pp. of saccāpeti bound with an oath; conjured.  
saccāpeti deno. from sacca binds with an oath; conjures.  
saccāpesi aor. of saccāpeti bound with an oath; conjured.  
saccābhisamaya m. comprehension of the reality.  
sacchikata pp. of sacchikaroti realised; experienced for oneself.  
sacchikatvā abs. of sacchikaroti having realised; having experienced for oneself.  
sacchikaraṇa nt. realisation; experiencing.  
sacchikaraṇīya adj. fit to be realised.  
sacchikari aor. of sacchikaroti realised; experienced for oneself.  
sacchikarituṃ inf. of sacchikaroti to realise; to experience for oneself.  
sacchikaritvā abs. of sacchikaroti having realised; having experienced for oneself.  
sacchikaroti sacchi + kar + o realises; experiences for oneself.  
sacchikaronta pr.p. of sacchikaroti realising.  
sacchikātabba pt.p. of sacchikaroti realising.  
sacchikātuṃ inf. of sacchikaroti to realise; to experience for oneself.  
sacchikiriyā f. realisation; experiencing.  
sacchikiriyāhetu adv. sake of attaining.  
sajati saj + a embraces.  
sajana nt. embracing.  
sa-jana m. a kinsman; one's own men.  
sajamāna pr.p. of sajati embracing.  
sajātika adj. of the same race or nation.  
saji aor. of sajati embraced.  
sajitvā abs. of sajati having embraced.  
sajīva adj. endowed with life.  
sajotibhūta adj. ablaze; aglow.  
sajjati saj + ya clings to; to be attached.  
sajjamāna pr.p. of sajjati clingging to.  
sajji aor. of sajjati clung to.  
sajjita pp. of sajjati clung to.  
sajjitvā abs. of sajjati having clung to.  
sajjiya abs. of sajjeti having prepared; having fit up; having decorated.  
sajju ind. instantly; speedily; at the same moment.  
sajjukaṃ adv. quickly.  
sajjulasa m. resin.  
sajjeti saj + e prepares; fits up; decorates.  
sajjetvā abs. of sajjeti having prepared; having fit up; having decorated.  
sajjenta pr.p. of sajjeti preparing.  
sajjesi aor. of sajjeti prepared; fit up; decorated.  
sajjhāya m. study; rehearsal.  
sajjhāyati saṃ + jhā + ya rehearses; recites; studies.  
sajjhāyanā f. recitation; study.  
sajjhāyamāna pr.p. osajjhāyati rehearsing; reciting.  
sajjhāyi aor. of sajjhāyati rehearsed; recited; studied.  
sajjhāyita pp. of sajjhāyati rehearsed; recited; studied.  
sajjhāyitvā abs. of sajjhāyati having recited; having studied.  
sajjhu nt. silver.  
sajjhumaya adj. made of silver.  
sañcaya m. accumulation; quantity.  
sañcaraṇa nt. wandering about. sañcāraṇa (nt.), causing to move or act.
sañcarati saṃ + car + a goes about; wanders; moves; frequents.  
sañcaranta pr.p. of sañcarati going about; wandering.  
sañcari aor. of sañcarati went about; wandered; moved.  
sañcarita pp. of sañcarati gone about; wandered; moved. sañcārita (pp. of sañcāreti), causes to move about.
sañcaritta nt. carrying of messages.  
sañcaritvā abs. of sañcarati having gone about; having wandered; having moved.  
sañcalati saṃ + cal + a to be unsteady or agitated.  
sañcalana nt. agitation.  
sañcali aor. of sañcalati agitated.  
sañcalita pp. of sañcalati agitated.  
sañcāra m. passage; movement; wandering.  
sañcāreti caus. of sañcarati causes to move about.  
sañcāretvā abs. of sañcāreti having caused to move about.  
sañcāresi aor. of sañcāreti caused to move about.  
sañcicca ind. with intention; purposely; discriminating.  
sañciṇṇa pp. of sañcināti accumulated; practised.  
sañcita pp. of sañcināti accumulated.  
sañcinana nt. accumulation.  
sañcinanta pr.p. of sañcināti accumulating.  
sañcināti saṃ + ci + nā accumulates.  
sañcini aor. of sañcināti accumulated.  
sañcinitvā abs. of sañcināti having accumulated.  
sañcuṇṇita pp. of sañcuṇṇeti crushed; powdered.  
sañcuṇṇeti saṃ + cuṇṇ + e crushes; powders.  
sañcuṇṇetvā abs. of sañcuṇṇeti having crushed; having powdered.  
sañcuṇṇesi aor. of sañcuṇṇeti crushed; powdered.  
sañcetanā f. cognition; intention.  
sañcetanika adj. intentional.  
sañceteti saṃ + cit + e thinks; devises means.  
sañcetetvā abs. of sañceteti having thought; having devised means.  
sañcetesi aor. of sañceteti thought; devised means.  
sañcodita pp. of sañcodeti instigated; excited.  
sañcopana nt. removal; changing of the place.  
sañchanna pp. of sañchādeti covered with; full of.  
sañchādita pp. of sañchādeti covered; thatched.  
sañchādeti saṃ + chad + e covers; thatches.  
sañchādetvā abs. of sañchādeti having covered; having thatched.  
sañchādesi aor. of sañchādeti covered; thatched.  
sañchindati saṃ + chid + ṃ-a cuts; destroys.  
sañchindi aor. of sañchindati cut; destroyed.  
sañchinditvā abs. of sañchindati having cut; having destroyed.  
sañchinna pp. of sañchindati cut; destroyed.  
sañjagghati saṃ + jaggh + a laughs; jokes.  
sañjagghana ger. of sañjagghati (nt.) laughing.  
sañjagghi aor. ofsañjagghati laughed; joked.  
sañjagghitvā abs. of sañjagghati having laughed; having joked.  
sañjanana nt. production. (adj.), producing; generating. sañjānana (nt.), recognition; perception.
sañjanita pp. of sañjaneti produced; generated; brought forth. sañjānita (pp. of sañjānāti), recognised; known.
sañjaneti saṃ + jan + e produces; generates; brings forth.  
sañjanetvā abs. of sañjaneti having produced; having generated; having brought forth.  
sañjanesi aor. of sañjaneti produced; generated; brought forth.  
sañjāta pp. of sañjāyati was born or produced; is arisen.  
sañjāti f. birth; outcome; origin.  
sañjānanta pr.p. of sañjānāti recognising; knowing.  
sañjānāti saṃ + ñā + nā recognises; to be aware of; knows.  
sañjāni aor. of sañjānāti recognised; knew.  
sañjānitvā abs. of sañjānāti having recognised; having known.  
sañjāyati saṃ + jan + ya to be born or produced.  
sañjāyamāna pr.p. of sañjāyati was being born.  
sañjāyi aor. of sañjāyati was born or produced.  
sañjāyitvā abs. of sañjāyati having been born.  
sañjīvana adj. reviving.  
sañjhā f. the evening.  
sañjhāghaṇa m. evening cloud.  
sañjhātapa m. evening sun.  
saññatta pp. induced; talked over; convinced.  
saññatti f. information; pacification.  
saññākkhandha m. the aggregate of perception.  
saññāṇa nt. a mark or sign.  
saññāpaka m. one who makes understand.  
saññāpana nt. convincing; making know.  
saññāpita pp. of saññāpeti made known; convinced.  
saññāpeti saṃ + ñā + āpe makes known; convinces.  
saññāpetvā abs. ofsaññāpeti having made known; having convinced.  
saññāpesi aor. of saññāpeti made known; convinced.  
saññita adj. so-called; named.  
saññī m. conscious; having perception; being aware.  
saṭṭhihāyana adj. sixty years old.  
saṭṭhuṃ inf. of sajati to give up; to dismiss.  
saṭha adj. crafty; fraudulent. (m.), a cheat.  
saṭhatā f. craft.  
saṇati saṇ + e makes a noise.  
saṇṭhapana nt. adjustment; establishing.  
saṇṭhapeti saṃ + ṭhā + āpe settles; adjusts; establishes.  
saṇṭhapetvā abs. of saṇṭhapeti having settled; having adjusted; having established.  
saṇṭhapesi aor. of saṇṭhapeti settled; adjusted; established.  
saṇṭhahana nt. re-creation; coming into existence.  
saṇṭhahanta pr.p. of saṇṭhāti remaining; standing still.  
saṇṭhahitvā abs. of saṇṭhāti having remained; having stood still  
saṇṭhāti saṃ + ṭhā + a remains; stands still; to be establish.  
saṇṭhāsi aor. of saṇṭhāti remained; stood still  
saṇṭhita pp. of saṇṭhāti settled; established in.  
saṇṭhiti f. stability; firmness; settling.  
saṇḍa m. a grove; cluster; multitude.  
saṇḍāsa m. pincers; tweezers.  
saṇha adj. smooth; soft; delicate; exquisite. sabhā (f.), an assembly; a hall for meeting.
saṇhakaraṇī f. grinding stone; an instrument for smoothing.  
saṇhita pp. of saṇheti ground; powdered; smoothed; brushed down.  
saṇheti saṇh + e grinds; powders; smooths; brushes down.  
saṇhetvā abs. of saṇheti having ground; having powdered.  
saṇhesi aor. of saṇheti ground; powdered; smoothed; brushed down.  
sata adj. mindful; conscious. (nt.), a hundred. sāta (nt.), pleasure; comfort. (adj.) pleasant; agreeable.
sataka nt. group of a hundred. sāṭaka (m.), a clothe; a cloak.
satakkaku adj. having a hundred projections.  
satakkhattuṃ adv. a hundred times.  
satata adj. constant; continual.  
satataṃ adv. constantly; continually; always.  
satadhā adv. in a hundred ways.  
satapatta nt. a lotus. (m.), a woodpecker.  
satapadī m. a centipede.  
satapāka nt. (an oil) medicated for a hundred times.  
satapuññalakkhaṇa adj. having the signs of innumerable merits.  
sataporisa adj. of the height of a hundred men.  
satamūlī f. the plant Asparagus.  
sataraṃsī m. the sun.  
satasahassa nt. a hundred thousand.  
sati f. memory; mindfulness. satī (f.) a chaste woman.
satindriya nt. the faculty of mindfulness.  
satipaṭṭhāna nt. application of mindfulness.  
satimantu adj. thoughtful; careful.  
satisamoha m. loss of memory; forgetfulness.  
satisampajañña nt. memory and wisdom.  
satisambojjhaṅga m. self-possession as a constituent of enlightenment.  
satisammosa m. loss of memory; forgetfulness.  
satekiccha adj. curable; pardonable.  
satta pp. of sajjati attached or clinging to. (m.), a creature; living being. (adj.), (the number), seven.  
sattaka nt. a group of seven.  
sattakkhattuṃ adv. seven times.  
sattaguṇa adj. sevenfold.  
sattatantimatta adj. about the height of seven palm trees.  
sattati f. seventy.  
sattatiṃsā f. thirty-seven.  
sattadasa adj. seventeen.  
sattapaṇṇī m. the tree Alstonia Scholaris.  
sattabhūmaka adj. consisting of seven stories.  
sattama adj. seventh.  
sattamī f. the seventh day; the locative case; the Conditional Mood.  
sattaratana nt. seven kinds of precious things, viz., gold, silver, pearls, rubies, lapis-lazuli, coral and diamond.  
sattaratta nt. a week.  
sattarasa adj. seventeen.  
sattavīsati f. twenty-seven.  
sattasaṭṭhi f. sixty-seven.  
sattasattati f. seventy-seven.  
sattāha nt. a week.  
satti f. 1. ability; power; strength; 2. a spear; a dagger.  
sattisūla nt. the stake of a spear.  
sattu m. an enemy; parched flour.  
sattubhastā f. a leather bag full of parched flour.  
sattha nt. 1. a science; an art; a lore. 2. a knife; a lance. (m.), 3. a caravan. saṭṭha (pp. of sajjati) clung to. ### sāttha (adj.), useful; advantageous; with the meaning.
satthaka nt. a pen-knife. sātthaka (adj.), useful; advantageous; with the meaning.
satthakamma nt. surgical operation.  
satthakavāta m. a cutting pain.  
satthagamanīya adj. (a path) to be passed with a caravan.  
satthavāha m. a caravan leader.  
satthi f. the thigh saṭṭhi (f.) sixty.
satthu m. teacher; master, the Buddha.  
sathuta pp. of santhaveti acquainted; familiar.  
sadattha m. one's own welfare.  
sadana nt. a house.  
sadara adj. troublesome. sadāra (m.), one's own wife. ### sādara (adj.), affectionate; showing regard.
sadasa adj. with a fringe.  
sadassa m. a good horse.  
sadā adv. ever; always.  
sadātana adj. eternal.  
sadisa adj. equal; similar; like. sādisa (adj.), like; similar.
sadisatta nt. equality; similarity.  
sadevaka adj. including the devas.  
sadda m. sound; noise; a word.  
saddattha m. meaning of a word.  
saddala m. a place covered with new grass.  
saddavidū   one who knows the meaning of various sounds.  
saddavedhī m. one who shoots by sound.  
saddasattha nt. grammar; science of words.  
saddahati saṃ + dhā + a believes, to have faith.  
saddahana nt. believing; trusting. saddahanā (f.) believing; trusting.
saddahanta pr.p. of saddahati believing.  
saddahi aor. of saddahati believed.  
saddahita pp. of saddahati believed.  
saddahitabba pt.p. of saddahati should be believed.  
saddahitvā abs. of saddahati having believed.  
saddāyati deno. of sadda makes a noise; shouts.  
saddāyamāna pr.p. of saddāyati making a noise; shouting.  
saddāyi aor. of saddāyati made a noise; shouted.  
saddāyitvā abs. of saddāyati having made a noise; having shouted.  
saddūla m. a leopard.  
saddha adj. believing; faithful; devoted. saddhā (f.) faith; devotion.
saddhamma m. the true doctrine.  
saddhātabba pt.p. of fit to be believed.  
saddhādeyya adj. a gift in faith.  
saddhādhana nt. the wealth of devotion.  
saddhāyika adj. trustworthy.  
saddhālū adj. much devoted.  
saddhiṃ ind. with; together.  
saddhiṃcara adj. a companion; a follower.  
saddhivihārika adj. a co-resident; an attending monk.  
saddhivihārī m. a co-resident; an attending monk.  
sadhana adj. rich; wealthy. sādhana (nt.), 1. proving; 2. settling; 3. effecting; 4. clearing of a debt.
sadhūpāyitvā abs. of sandhūpāyati having emitted smoke.  
sanati saṃ + a makes a loud sound.  
sanantana adj. primeval; old; eternal.  
sanābhika adj. having a nave.  
santa pp. of sammati 1. calmed; peaceful; 2. tired; wearied. (adj.), existing. (m.), a virtuous man.  
santaka adj. one's own. (nt.), property. (sa + antaka:) limited.  
santakāya adj. having a calmed body.  
santajjayamāna pr.p. of santajjeti frightening.  
santajjita pp. of santajjeti frightened; menaced.  
santajjeti saṃ + tajj + e frightens; menaces.  
santajjetvā abs. of santajjeti having frightened; having menaced.  
santajjenta pr.p. of santajjeti frightening.  
santajjesi aor. of santajjeti frightened; menaced.  
santataṃ adv. constantly; continually; always. (see satataṃ).  
santatara adj. more calmed.  
santati f. continuity; duration; lineage.  
santatta pp. of santappati grieved; sorrowed.  
santappati saṃ + tap + ya to be heated; grieves; sorrowes.  
santappamāna pr.p. of pp. of santappati grieving; sorrowing.  
santappi aor. of santappati grieved; sorrowed.  
santappita pp. of santappati grieved; sorrowed.  
santappiya abs. of santappeti having satisfied; having pleased.  
santappeti saṃ + tapp + e satisfies; pleases.  
santappetvā abs. of santappeti having satisfied; having pleased.  
santappenta pr.p. of santappeti satisfying; pleasing.  
santappesi aor. of santappeti satisfied; pleased.  
santabhāva m. calmness.  
santamānasa adj. of tranquil mind.  
santarati saṃ + tar + a to be in haste; goes quickly.  
santarabāhira adj. with the inner and the outer.  
santarabāhiraṃ adv. within and without.  
santaramāna pr.p. of santarati going quickly.  
santari aor. of santarati went quickly.  
santasati saṃ + tas + a fears; to be terrified or disturbed.  
santasana nt. terror; fright.  
santasanta pr.p. of santasati fearing.  
santasi aor. of santasati feared. santāsī (adj.), trembling; fearing.
santasita pp. of santasati feared.  
santasitvā abs. of santasati having feared.  
santāna nt. continuity; succession; 2. offspring; 3. a cobweb.  
santāneti saṃ + tan + e continues in succession.  
santāpa m. heat; torment; grief.  
santāpita pp. of santāpeti heated; burned; tormented.  
santāpeti saṃ + tap + e heats; burns; torments.  
santāpetvā abs. of santāpeti having heated; having burned; having tormented.  
santāpesi aor. of santāpeti heat; burned; tormented.  
santāsa m. fear; trembling; shock.  
santi f. peace; calmness; tranquillity.  
santika adj. near. (nt.), vicinity; presence. santikā (prep.) from.
santikamma nt. pacification; an act of appeasing.  
santikāvacara adj. keeping near; intimate.  
santiṭṭhati saṃ + ṭhā + a stands still; remains; to be fixed or settled.  
santipada nt. the tranquil state.  
santīraṇa nt. investigation.  
santuṭṭha pp. of santussati pleased; happy.  
santuṭṭhatā f. state of contentment.  
santuṭṭhi f. satisfaction; contentment; joy.  
santusita   pleased; happy. (see santuṭṭha).  
santussaka adj. content; glad.  
santussati saṃ + tus + ya to be contented, pleased, or happy.  
santussana nt. contentment; joy.  
santussamāna pr.p. of santussati being pleased or happy.  
santussi aor. of santussati was contented, pleased or happy.  
santosa m. joy; pleasure.  
santhata pp. of santharati covered with; spread. (nt.), a rug or mat.  
santhambhita pp. of santhambheti made stiff or rigid; numbed.  
santhambheti saṃ + thambh + e makes stiff or rigid; numbs.  
santhambhetvā abs. of santhambheti having made stiff or rigid.  
santhambhesi aor. of santhambheti made stiff or rigid; numbed.  
santhara m. a mat; a covering; a bed-sheet. santhāra (m.), covering; flooring.
santharaṇa nt. spreading; covering with.  
santharati saṃ + thar + a spreads; strews; covers with.  
santharāpeti caus. of santharati causes to spread.  
santhari aor. of santharati spread; strewed; covered with.  
santharitvā abs. of santharati having spread; having strewed; having covered with.  
santhava m. intimacy; acquaintance; sexual intercourse.  
santhāgāra m.; nt. a council hall; a mote hall.  
sanda adj. thick; dense. (m.), a flow.  
sandacchāya adj. giving dense shade.  
sandati sand + a flows.  
sandana nt. flowing down. (m.), a chariot. sandāna (nt.), a chain; a tether.
sandamāna pr.p. of sandati flowing.  
sandassaka m. one who shows or instructs.  
sandassana nt. instruction; show; pointing out.  
sandassita pp. of sandasseti pointed out; explained.  
sandassiyamāna adj. being instructed or pointed out.  
sandasseti saṃ + dis + e points out; explains.  
sandassetvā abs. of sandasseti having pointed out; having explained.  
sandassesi aor. of sandasseti pointed out; explained.  
sandahati saṃ + dhā + a connects; unites; fits.  
sandahana nt. fitting; putting together.  
sandahi aor. of sandahati connected; united; fit.  
sandahita pp. of sandahati connected; united; fit.  
sandahitvā abs. of sandahati having connected; having united; having fit.  
sandālita pp. of sandāleti broken; shattered.  
sandāleti saṃ + dāl + e breaks; shatters.  
sandāletvā abs. of sandāleti having broken; having shattered.  
sandālesi aor. of sandāleti broke; shattered.  
sandi aor. of sandati flowed.  
sandiṭṭha pp. of sandissati seen together. (m.), a friend.  
sandiṭṭhika adj. visible; belonging to this life.  
sandita pp. of sandati 1. flowed; 2. chained.  
sanditvā abs. of sandati having flowed.  
sandiddha pp. smeared with poison.  
sandissati saṃ + dis + ya is seen; appears; agrees with.  
sandissamāna pr.p. of sandissati appearing; agreeing with.  
sandīpana nt. kindling; making clear. sandīpanā (f.) kindling; making clear.
sandīpita pp. of sandīpeti kindled; made clear.  
sandīpeti saṃ + dip + e kindles; makes clear.  
sandīpetvā abs. of sandīpeti having kindled; having made clear.  
sandīpesi aor. of sandīpeti kindled; made clear.  
sandesa m. a message; a letter; a written document.  
sandesāgāra nt. a post office.  
sandeha m. doubt; one's own body.  
sandehara m. a messenger.  
sandoha m. a heap; a multitude.  
sandhana nt. one's own property. sandhāna (nt.) uniting; conciliation.
sandhamati saṃ + dham + a blows; fans.  
sandhami aor. of sandhamati blew; fanned.  
sandhamitvā abs. of sandhamati having blown; having fanned.  
sandhātu m. one who conciliates.  
sandhāya abs. of sandahati having united. (ind.) with reference to; concerning.  
sandhāraka adj. bearing; restraining.  
sandhāraṇa nt. checking; bearing.  
sandhārita pp. of sandhāreti beared; checked; held up; curbed; supported.  
sandhāreti saṃ + dhar + a bears; checks; holds up; curbs; supports.  
sandhāretvā abs. of sandhāreti having beared; having checked; having held up; having curbed; having supported.  
sandhārenta pr.p. of sandhāreti bearing; checking; holding up.  
sandhāresi aor. of sandhāreti beared; checked; held up; curbed; supported.  
sandhāvati saṃ + dhāv + a runs through; transmigrates.  
sandhāvanta pr.p. of sandhāvati running through.  
sandhāvamāna pr.p. of sandhāvati running through.  
sandhāvi aor. of sandhāvati ran through; transmigrated.  
sandhāvita pp. of sandhāvati run through; transmigrated.  
sandhāvitvā abs. of sandhāvati having runt through; having transmigrated.  
sandhi f. union; junction; joint; connection; agreement; euphonic combination.  
sandhicchedaka adj. one who can cut a brake into a house.  
sandhimukha nt. opening of a break into a house.  
sandhīyati pass. of sandhāti is connected, joined, or put together.  
sandhīyi aor. of sandhīyati was connected, joined.  
sandhūpāyati saṃ + dhūp + āya emits smoke.  
sandhūpāyi aor. of sandhūpāyati emitted smoke.  
sandhūpita pp. of sandhūpeti fumigated.  
sandhūpeti saṃ + dhūp + e fumigates.  
sandhūpetvā abs. of sandhūpeti having fumigated.  
sandhūpesi aor. of sandhūpeti fumigated.  
sandhovati   see dhovati.  
sannaddha pp. of sannayhati fastened; armed oneself; arrayed.  
sannayha abs. of sannayhati having fastened; having armed oneself; having arrayed.  
sannayhati saṃ + nah + ya fastens; arms oneself; arrays.  
sannayhi aor. of sannayhati fastened; armed oneself; arrayed.  
sannayhitvā abs. of sannayhati having fastened; having armed oneself; having arrayed.  
sannāha m. armour; fastening together.  
sannikaṭṭha nt. neighbourhood; vicinity.  
sannikāsa adj. resembling; looking like.  
sannicaya m. accumulation; hoarding.  
sannicita pp. accumulated; hoarded.  
sanniṭṭhāna nt. conclusion; ascertainment.  
sannita pp. of sanneti mixed; kneaded.  
sannidhāna nt. proximity; vicinity; storing.  
sannidhi m. storing up; hoarding.  
sannidhikata adj. hoarded.  
sannidhikāraka m. one who lays up in stocks.  
sannipatati saṃ + ni + pat + a assembles; comes together.  
sannipatana nt. meeting of; assemblage. sannipātana (nt.) calling together; convoking.
sannipatanta pr.p. of sannipatati assembling; coming together.  
sannipati aor. of sannipatati assembled; came together.  
sannipatita pp. of sannipatati assembled; come together. sannipātita (pp. of sannipāteti), convoked; called a meeting.
sannipatitvā abs. of sannipatati having assembled; having come together.  
sannipāta m. assemblage; congregation; union of the humours of the body.  
sannipātika adj. resulting from the union of the humours.  
sannipāteti saṃ + ni + pat + e convokes; calls a meeting.  
sannipātetvā abs. of sannipāteti having convoked; having called a meeting.  
sannipātesi aor. of sannipāteti convoked; called a meeting.  
sannibha adj. resembling.  
sanniyyātana nt. handing over (for protection, etc.).  
sannirumbhana nt. restraining; checking; suppression.  
sannirumbhita pp. of sannirumbheti restrained; blocked; impeded.  
sannirumbheti saṃ + ni + rumbh + e restrains; blocks; impedes.  
sannirumbhetvā abs. of sannirumbheti having restrained; having blocked; having impeded.  
sannirumbhesi aor. ofsannirumbheti restrained; blocked; impeded.  
sannivasati saṃ + ni + vas + a lives together.  
sannivasi aor. of sannivasati lived together.  
sannivāreti saṃ + ni + var + e checks; prevents.  
sannivāretvā abs. of sannivāreti having checked; having prevented.  
sannivāresi aor. of sannivāreti checked; prevented.  
sannivāsa m. association; living together.  
sannivesa m. encampment; settlement.  
sannisinna pp. of sannisīdati settled; subsided; become quiet.  
sannisīdati saṃ + ni + sad + a settles; subsides; becomes quiet.  
sannisīdi aor. of sannisīdati settled; subsided; became quiet.  
sannisīditvā abs. of sannisīdati having settled; having subsided; having become quiet.  
sannissita adj. connected with; based on.  
sannihita pp. put down; placed; arranged well.  
sanneti saṃ + ni + e mixes; kneads.  
sannetvā abs. of sanneti having mixed; having kneaded.  
sannesi aor. of sanneti mixed; kneaded.  
sapajāpatika adj. with one's wife.  
sapati sap + a swears; curses.  
sapatta m. a rival; a foe. adj. hostile.  
sapattabhāra adj. having one's wings as one's whole burden.  
sapattī f. a co-wife.  
sapatha m. an oath.  
sapadāna adj. successive.  
sapadānaṃ adv. without interruption.  
sapadānacārikā f. to go on alms-begging not leaving a single house in his course.  
sapadi ind. instantly.  
sapariggaha adj. together with one's possessions or a wife.  
sapāka m. an outcast; a dog-eater.  
sapi aor. of sapati sweared; cursed.  
sapita pp. of sapati sweared; cursed.  
sapitvā abs. of sapati having sweared; having cursed.  
sappa m. a snake.  
sappaccaya adj. having a cause; conditioned.  
sappañña adj. wise.  
sappaṭigha adj. dangerous; harmful.  
sappati sapp + a crawls; creeps.  
sappana nt. crawling.  
sappāṭihīrakata adj. well-founded.  
sappāṇaka adj. containing animate beings.  
sappāya adj. beneficial; wholesome; suitable.  
sappāyatā f. wholesomeness.  
sappi aor. of sappati crawled; crept. (nt.), ghee; clarified butter.  
sappinī f. a female serpent.  
sappītika adj. accompanied by joy.  
sappurisa m. a righteous man.  
sappotaka m. a young serpent.  
sapharī f. a sheet fish.  
saphala adj. having its reward; bearing fruit.  
sabala adj. strong; spotted; variegated.  
sabba adj. all; every; whole; entire.  
sabbakaṇiṭṭha adj. the youngest of all.  
sabbakammika adj. (a minister) doing all work.  
sabbaññutā f. omniscience.  
sabbaññū adj. all-knowing. (m.), the Omniscient One.  
sabbato ind. from every side; in every respect.  
sabbattha adv. everywhere.  
sabbatthaka adj. concerned with every thing; a do-all. sabbaṭṭhaka (adj.) consisting eight of each kind.
sabbatra adv. everywhere.  
sabbathā adv. in every way.  
sabbadā adv. always; everyday.  
sabbadhi adv. everywhere.  
sabbapacchato ind. behind all.  
sabbapaṭhama adj. foremost.  
sabbapaṭhamaṃ adv. before all; very early.  
sabbalokādhipacca nt. the universal power.  
sabbavidū adj. all-knowing. (m.), the Omniscient One.  
sabbasata adj. consisting a hundred of each.  
sabbaso adv. altogether; in every respect.  
sabbasovaṇṇa adj. entirely made of gold.  
sabbassa nt. the whole of one's property.  
sabbassaharaṇa nt. confiscation of one's whole property.  
sabbhi (= Sk. sadbhih, with wise, But in Pāli it is sometimes used as an) adj. the virtuous.  
sabrahmaka adj. including the Brahma world.  
sabrahmacārī m. a fellow monk.  
sabhaggata adj. come to an assembly.  
sabhāga adj. common; being of the same division.  
sabhāgaṭṭhāna nt. a convenient place.  
sabhāva m. nature; condition; disposition; reality.  
sabhāvadhamma m. principle of nature.  
sabhāvuttī adj. living in mutual courtesy.  
sabhojana adj. (sa + bhojana:), with food; (sa + ubho + jana:), where there is a couple, a wife and a husband. (The 2nd reading is found in the Vinaya).  
sama adj. even; equal; level; similar. (m.), calmness; tranquillity. samā (f.) a year. ### sāma (adj.) black; dark. (m.) 1. peace. ### sāmā (f.) a kind of medical plant; a woman of dark complexion.
samaṃ adv. evenly; equally. sāmaṃ (ind.), oneself; by oneself.
samaka adj. equal; like; same.  
samakkhana nt. smearing.  
samagga adj. being in unity. samaññā (f.), designation. ### sāmañña (nt.), conformity; generality; the state of a monk.
samaggakaraṇa nt. peace-making.  
samaggatta nt. agreement; state of being united.  
samaggarata adj. rejoicing in peace.  
samaggārāma adj. rejoicing in peace.  
samaṅgitā f. the fact of being endowed.  
samaṅgī adj. endowed with; possessing.  
samaṅgībhūta adj. endowed with; possessing.  
samacariyā f. living in spiritual calm.  
samacitta adj. possessed of equanimity. samacittā (f.) equality in mind.
samajātika adj. of the same caste.  
samajja nt. a festive gathering; a theatrical display.  
samajjaṭṭhāna nt. an arena.  
samajjabhicaraṇa nt. visiting fairs or festivals.  
samaññāta adj. designated. sāmaññatā (f.), congruity; respect for the religious mendicants.
samaṇa m. a recluse.  
samaṇakuttika m. a bogus monk.  
samaṇadhamma m. duties of a monk.  
samaṇasaṅgha m. the community of monks.  
samaṇasāruppa adj. lawful for a monk.  
samaṇī f. a nun.  
samaṇuddesa m. a novice.  
samatā f. equality; evenness; normal state.  
samatikkanta pp. of samatikkamati passed over; transcended; removed.  
samatikkama m. passing beyond; overcoming.  
samatikkamati san + ati + kam + a passes over; transcends; removes.  
samatikkamana m. passing beyond; overcoming.  
samatikkami aor. of samatikkamati passed over; transcended; removed.  
samatikkamitvā abs. of samatikkamati having passed over; having transcended; having removed.  
samatittika adj. brimful.  
samativatta pp. of samativattati overcome; transcended.  
samativattati saṃ + ati + vat + a overcomes; transcends.  
samativatti aor. of samativattati overcame; transcended.  
samativattita pp. of samativattati overcome; transcended.  
samativijjhati v. penetrates.  
samatta nt. equality; evenness; normal state. (adj.), complete; entire.  
samattha adj. able; skilful.  
samatthatā f. ability; proficiency.  
samatha m. calm; quietude of heart; settlement of legal questions.  
samathabhāvana f. the way of concentrating the mind.  
samadhigacchati saṃ + adhi + gam + a attains; understands clearly.  
samadhigacchi aor. of samadhigacchati attained; understood clearly.  
samadhigata pp. of samadhigacchati attained; understood clearly.  
samadhigantvā abs. of samadhigacchati having attained; having understood clearly.  
samanagatika adj. identical.  
samanatta nt. identity; equality. samānattā (f.) identity; equality.
samanantara adj. immediate; nearest. samanantarā (adv.) just after.
samanugāhati saṃ + anu + gah + a asks for reasons.  
samanugāhi aor. of samanugāhati asked for reasons.  
samanugāhitvā abs. of samanugāhati having asked for reasons.  
samanuñña adj. approving. samanuññā (f.) approval.
samanuññāta adj. approved; allowed.  
samanupassati saṃ + anu + dis + a sees; perceives.  
samanupassamāna pr.p. of samanupassati seeing; perceiving.  
samanupassi aor. of samanupassati saw; perceived.  
samanupassitvā abs. of samanupassati having seen.  
samanubhāsati saṃ + anu + bhās + a converses together.  
samanubhāsanā f. conversation; rehearsal.  
samanubhāsi aor. of samanubhāsati conversed together.  
samanuyuñjati saṃ + anu + yuj + ṃ-a crosses question.  
samanuyuñji aor. of samanuyuñjati crossed question.  
samanuyuñjitvā abs. of samanuyuñjati having crossed question.  
samanussarati saṃ + anu + sar + a recollects; calls mind.  
samanussaranta pr.p. of samanussarati recollecting; calling mind.  
samanussari aor. of samanussarati recollected; called mind.  
samanussaritvā abs. of samanussarati having recollected; having called mind.  
samanta adj. all; entire. samantā (adv.) all around; everywhere. ### sāmanta (nt.), neighbourhood; vicinity. (adj.) bordering; neighbouring.
samantacakkhu adj. all-seeing; the Omniscient One.  
samantato adv. all around; everywhere.  
samantapāsādika adj. all-pleasing.  
samantabhaddaka adj. completely auspicious.  
samantara nt. different religions.  
samannāgata adj. endowed with; possessed of.  
samannāhaṭa pp. of samannāharati collected together.  
samannāharati saṃ + anu + ā + har + a collects together.  
samannāhari aor. of samannāharati collected together.  
samannāharitvā abs. of samannāharati having collected together.  
samapekkhati saṃ + apa + ikkh + a considers well.  
samapekkhi aor. of samapekkhati considered well.  
samappita pp. of samappeti handed over; consigned; applied.  
samappiya abs. of samappeti having handed over; having consigned; having applied.  
samappeti saṃ + ap + e hands over; consigns; applies.  
samappetvā abs. of samappeti having handed over; having consigned; having applied.  
samappesi aor. of samappeti handed over; consigned; applied.  
samaya m. time; congregation; season; occasion; religion.  
samara nt. battle.  
samala adj. impure; contaminated.  
samalaṅkata pp. of samalaṅkaroti decorated; adorned.  
samalaṅkari aor. of samalaṅkaroti decorated; adorned.  
samalaṅkaritvā abs. of samalaṅkaroti having decorated; having adorned.  
samalaṅkaroti saṃ + alaṃ + kar + o decorates; adorns.  
samavāya m. combination; coming together.  
samavekkhati saṃ + ava + ikkh + a considers; examines.  
samavekkhi aor. of samavekkhati considered; examined.  
samavepākinī f. promoting good digestion.  
samassāsa m. relief; refreshment.  
samassāseti saṃ + ā + sas + e relieves; refreshes.  
samassāsetvā abs. of samassāseti having relieved; having refreshed.  
samassāsesi aor. of samassāseti relieved; refreshed.  
samākaḍḍhati saṃ + ā + kaḍḍh + a abstracts; pulls along.  
samākaḍḍhana nt. pulling; dragging; abstracting.  
samākaḍḍhi aor. of samākaḍḍhati abstracted; pulled along.  
samākaḍḍhitvā abs. of samākaḍḍhati having abstracted; having pulled along.  
samākiṇṇa adj. filled or covered with; crowded together; strewn with.  
samākula adj. filled or covered with; crowded together; strewn with.  
samāgacchati saṃ + ā + gam + a meets together; assembles.  
samāgacchi aor. of samāgacchati met together; assembled.  
samāgata pp. of samāgacchati met together; assembled.  
samāgantvā abs. of samāgacchati having met together; having assembled.  
samāgama m. meeting with; an assembly.  
samāgamma abs. of samāgacchati having met together; having assembled.  
samācaraṇa nt. conduct; behaviour.  
samācarati saṃ + ā + car + a behaves; acts; practises.  
samācaranta pr.p. of samācarati behaving; acting; practising.  
samācari aor. of samācarati behaved; acted; practised.  
samācaritvā abs. of samācarati having behaved; having acted; having practised.  
samācāra m. conduct; behaviour.  
samādana nt. taking; observance; acceptance.  
samādapaka m. instigator.  
samādapita pp. of samādapeti instigated.  
samādapeti saṃ + ā + dā + āpe instigates.  
samādapetu m. instigator.  
samādapetvā abs. of samādapeti having instigated.  
samādapesi aor. of samādapeti instigated.  
samādahati saṃ + ā + dhā + a puts together; concentrates; kindles (fire).  
samādahanta pr.p. of samādahati putting together.  
samādahi aor. of samādahati put together; concentrated; kindled (fire).  
samādahitvā abs. of samādahati having put together; having concentrated; having kindled (fire).  
samādāti saṃ + ā + dā + a takes; accepts.  
samādāya abs. having accepted.  
samādiṭṭha pp. of samādisati indicated; commanded.  
samādinna pp. of samādiyati taken upon oneself.  
samādiyati pass. of samādāti takes upon oneself.  
samādiyanta pr.p. of samādiyati taking upon oneself.  
samādiyi aor. of samādiyati took upon oneself.  
samādiyitvā abs. of samādiyati having taken upon oneself.  
samādisati saṃ + ā + dis + a indicates; commands.  
samādisi aor. of samādisati indicated; commanded.  
samādisitvā abs. of samādisati having indicated; having commanded.  
samādhāna nt. putting together; concentration.  
samādhi m. meditation; onepointedness of the mind.  
samādhija adj. produced by concentration.  
samādhibala nt. the power of concentration.  
samādhibāvanā f. cultivation of concentration.  
samādhibhāvanā f. practice of self-concentration.  
samādhiyati saṃ + ā + dhā + i + ya to be calmed or concentrated.  
samādhiyi aor. of samādhiyati concentrated.  
samādhisaṃvattanika adj. conducive to concentration.  
samādhisambojjhaṅga m. concentration as a constituent of enlightenment.  
samāna adj. equal; same; similar.  
samānattatā f. impartiality; sociability.  
samānabhāva m. identity; equality.  
samānavassika adj. equal in seniority; of the same age.  
samānasaṃvāsaka adj. belonging to the same communion.  
samānīta pp. of samāneti brought together; compared; calculated.  
samāneti saṃ + ā + nī + a brings together; compares; calculates.  
samānetvā abs. of samāneti having brought together; having compared; having calculated.  
samānesi aor. of samāneti brought together; compared; calculated.  
samāpajja abs. of samāpajjati having entered upon; having engaged in.  
samāpajjati saṃ + ā + pad + ya enters upon; engages in.  
samāpajjana nt. entering upon; passing through.  
samāpajjanta pr.p. of samāpajjati entering upon; engaged in.  
samāpajjamāna pr.p. of samāpajjati entering upon; engaged in.  
samāpajji aor. of samāpajjati entered upon; engaged in.  
samāpajjitvā abs. of samāpajjati having entered upon; having engaged in.  
samāpatti f. attainment; an enjoying stage of meditation.  
samāpana nt. instigation.  
samāpanna pp. of samāpajjati entered upon; engaged in.  
samāpita pp. of samāpeti concluded; finished; completed.  
samāpeti saṃ + ap + e concludes; finishes; completes.  
samāpetvā abs. of samāpeti having concluded; having finished; having completed.  
samāpesi aor. of samāpeti concluded; finished; completed.  
samāyāta pp. of samāyāti came together.  
samāyāti saṃ + ā + yā + a comes together; to be united.  
samāyuta adj. combined; possessed with.  
samāyoga m. combination; conjunction.  
samāraka adj. including Māra devas.  
samāraddha pp. of samārabhati begun; undertaken; killed.  
samārabhati saṃ + ā + rabh + a begins; undertakes; kills.  
samārabhi aor. of samārabhati began; undertook; killed.  
samārabhitvā abs. of samārabhati having begun; having undertaken; having killed.  
samārambha m. undertaking; activity; injury; slaughter.  
samāruyha abs. of samāruhati having climbed up; having ascended.  
samāruhati saṃ + ā + ruh + a climbs up; ascends.  
samāruhana nt. climbing; ascending.  
samāruhi aor. of samāruhati climbed up; ascended.  
samāruhitvā abs. of samāruhati having climbed up; having ascended.  
samārūḷha pp. of samāruhati climbed up; ascended.  
samāropana nt. raising up; putting on.  
samāropita pp. of samāropeti made ascend; put on; entrusted.  
samāropeti saṃ + ā + rup + e makes ascend; puts on; entrusts.  
samāropetvā abs. of samāropeti having made ascend; having put on; having entrusted.  
samāropesi aor. of samāropeti made ascend; put on; entrusted.  
samāvahati saṃ + ā + vah + a brings about.  
samāvahanta pr.p. of samāvahati bringging about.  
samāvahi aor. of samāvahati brought about.  
samāsa m. compound; an abridgement.  
samāsita pp. of samāseti associated; combined; abridged.  
samāseti saṃ + ās + e associates; combines; abridges.  
samāsetvā abs. of samāseti having associated; having combined; having abridged.  
samāsesi aor. of samāseti associated; combined; abridged.  
samāhata pp. of samāhanati struck; hit; sounded.  
samāhanati saṃ + ā + han + a hits; sound a musical instrument.  
samāhita pp. settled; composed; collected of mind.  
samijjhati saṃ + idh + ya succeeds; prospers; takes effect.  
samijjhana nt. success.  
samijjhi aor. of samijjhati succeeded; prospered; took effect.  
samijjhitvā abs. of samijjhati having succeeded; having prospered; having taken effect.  
samiñjati saṃ + iñjati of çñj or çj to stretch doubles up; moves; wavers.  
samita pp. of sameti calmed; appeased.  
samitaṃ adv. always; continuously.  
samitatta nt. state of being calmed.  
samitāvi m. one who has quieted himself.  
samiti f. an assembly; a society.  
samiddha pp. of samijjhati succeeded; prospered; taken effect; successful.  
samiddhi f. success; prosperity.  
samīṭṭhāna nt. a place near by.  
samīpa adj. near; close.  
samīpaga adj. got near.  
samīpacārī adj. being near. (3.), a constant companion.  
samīpaṭṭha adj. standing near; not far.  
samīraṇa m. the wind.  
samīrati saṃ + īr + a blows; moves.  
samīrita pp. of samīrati blown; moved. (pp. of samīreti), uttered; spoken.  
samīreti saṃ + īr + e utters; speaks.  
samīretvā abs. of samīreti having uttered; having spoken.  
samīresi aor. of samīreti uttered; spoke.  
samukkaṅsita pp. of samukkaṅseti extoled; praised.  
samukkaṅseti saṃ + u + kas + e extols; praises.  
samukkaṅsetvā abs. of samukkaṅseti having extoled; having praised.  
samukkaṅsesi aor. of samukkaṅseti extoled; praised.  
samugga m. a casket.  
samuggacchati saṃ + u + gam + a arises; comes to existence.  
samuggacchi aor. of samuggacchati arised; came to existence.  
samuggaṇhāti saṃ + u + gah + ṇhā learns well.  
samuggaṇhi aor. of samuggaṇhāti learnt well.  
samuggantvā abs. of samuggacchati having arised; having come to existence.  
samuggama m. rise; origin.  
samuggahita pp. of samuggaṇhāti learnt well.  
samuggahetvā abs. of samuggaṇhāti having learnt well.  
samuggiraṇa nt. utterance.  
samuggirati saṃ + u + gir + a utters; throws out; emits.  
samuggiri aor. of samuggirati uttered; thrown out; emitted.  
samugghāta m. jostling; knocking against; uprooting; removal.  
samugghātaka adj. abolishing; removing.  
samugghātita pp. of samugghāteti abolished; uprooted; removed.  
samugghāteti saṃ + u + ghāt + e abolishes; uproots; removes.  
samugghātetvā abs. of samugghāteti having abolished; having uprooted; having removed.  
samugghātesi aor. of samugghāteti abolished; uprooted; removed.  
samucita pp. accumulated.  
samuccaya m. collection; accumulation.  
samucchindati saṃ + u + chid + ṃ-a extirpates; abolishes; destroys.  
samucchindana nt. extirpation; destruction.  
samucchindi aor. of samucchindati extirpated; abolished; destroyed.  
samucchinditvā abs. of samucchindati having extirpated; having abolished; having destroyed.  
samucchindiya abs. of samucchindati having extirpated; having abolished; having destroyed.  
samuccheda nt. extirpation; destruction.  
samujjala adj. resplendent; shining.  
samujjhita adj. thrown away; discarded.  
samuṭṭhāna nt. origination; cause.  
samuṭṭhānika adj. originating.  
samuṭṭhāpaka adj. occasioning; producing.  
samuṭṭhāpita pp. of samuṭṭhāpeti raised; produced; originated.  
samuṭṭhāpeti saṃ + u + ṭhā + āpe raises; produces; originates.  
samuṭṭhāpetvā abs. of samuṭṭhāpeti having raised; having produced; having originated.  
samuṭṭhāpesi aor. of samuṭṭhāpeti raised; produced; originated.  
samuttaraṇa ger. of samuttarati passing over.  
samuttarati saṃ + u + tar + a passes over.  
samuttari aor. of samuttarati passed over.  
samuttaritvā abs. of samuttarati having passed over.  
samuttiṇṇa pp. of samuttarati passed over.  
samuttejaka adj. instigating; inciting.  
samuttejana nt. instigation.  
samuttejita pp. of samuttejeti sharpened; instigated.  
samuttejeti saṃ + u + tij + e sharpens; instigates.  
samuttejetvā abs. of samuttejeti having sharpened; having instigated.  
samuttejesi aor. of samuttejeti sharpened; instigated.  
samudaya m. rise; origin; produce. samudāya (m.), a multitude.
samudayasacca nt. the truth of origination.  
samudāgata pp. arisen; resulted.  
samudāgama m. rising; product.  
samudācaraṇa nt. behaviour; habit; practice; familiarity.  
samudācarati saṃ + u + ā + car + a behaves towards; occurs to; frequents.  
samudācari aor. of samudācarati behaved towards; occured to; frequented.  
samudācarita pp. of samudācarati behaved towards; occured to; frequented.  
samudācaritvā abs. of samudācarati having occured to.  
samudācāra nt. behaviour; habit; practice; familiarity.  
samudāciṇṇa pp. of samudācarati practised; indulged in.  
samudāhaṭa pp. of samudāharati spoken; uttered.  
samudāharaṇa nt. conversation; utterance.  
samudāharati saṃ + u + ā + har + a speaks; utters.  
samudāhari aor. of samudāharati spoke; uttered.  
samudāharitvā abs. of samudāharati having spoken; having uttered.  
samudāhāra nt. conversation; utterance.  
samudita pp. of samudeti arisen.  
samudīraṇa nt. utterance; movement.  
samudīrita pp. of samudīreti uttered; moved.  
samudīreti saṃ + u + īr + e utters; moves.  
samudīretvā abs. of samudīreti having uttered; having moved.  
samudīresi aor. of samudīreti uttered; moved.  
samudeti saṃ + u + i + a arises.  
samudesi aor. of samudeti arose.  
samudda m. the sea; ocean.  
samuddaṭṭhaka adj. situated in the ocean.  
samuddhaṭa pp. of samuddharati lifted up; taken out; saved from.  
samuddharaṇa nt. pulling out; salvation.  
samuddharati saṃ + u + har + a lifts up; takes out; saves from.  
samuddhari aor. of samuddharati lifted up; took out; saved from.  
samuddharitvā abs. of samuddharati having lifted up; having taken out; having saved from.  
samupagacchati saṃ + upa + gam + a approaches.  
samupagacchi aor. of samupagacchati approached.  
samupagata pp. of samupagacchati approached. samupāgata (adj.), approached to.
samupagantvā abs. of samupagacchati having approached.  
samupagamana nt. approach.  
samupagamma abs. of samupagacchati having approached.  
samupabbūḷha adj. in full swing; crowded.  
samupasobhita adj. adorned; endowed with.  
samupeta pp. endowed with.  
samupeti v. approaches.  
samuppajjati saṃ + u + pad + ya arises; to be produced.  
samuppajji aor. of samuppajjati arose.  
samuppajjitvā abs. of samuppajjati having arisen.  
samubbahati saṃ + u + vah + a bears; carries.  
samubbahana ger. of samubbahati bearing; carrying.  
samubbahanta pr.p. of samubbahati bearing; carrying.  
samubbahi aor. of samubbahati bore; carried.  
samubbahitvā abs. of samubbahati having born; having carried.  
samubbhavati saṃ + ū + bhū + a arises; to be produced.  
samubbhavi aor. of samubbhavati arose.  
samubbhavitvā abs. of samubbhavati having arisen.  
samubbhūta pp. of samubbhavati arisen.  
samullapati saṃ + u + lap + a converses friendly.  
samullapana nt. conversation.  
samullapi aor. of samullapati conversed friendly.  
samullapita pp. of samullapati conversed friendly.  
samullapitvā abs. of samullapati having conversed friendly.  
samullāpa nt. conversation.  
samussaya m. the body; accumulation.  
samussāpita pp. of samussāpeti raised; hoisted.  
samussāpeti saṃ + us + āpe raises; hoists.  
samussāpetvā abs. of samussāpeti having raised; having hoisted.  
samussāpesi aor. of samussāpeti raised; hoisted.  
samussāhita pp. of samussāheti instigated.  
samussāheti saṃ + u + sah + e instigates.  
samussāhetvā abs. of samussāheti having instigated.  
samussāhesi aor. of samussāheti instigated.  
samussita pp. elevated; lifted; raised; arrogant.  
samūlaka adj. including the root.  
samūha m. multitude; a mass; aggregation.  
samūhata pp. of samūhanati uprooted; abolished; removed.  
samūhanati saṃ + u + han + a uproots; abolishes; removes.  
samekkhati saṃ + ikkh + a looks for; considers.  
samekkhana nt. looking at.  
samekkhi aor. ofsamekkhati look for; considered.  
samekkhita pp. of samekkhati look for; considered.  
samekkhitvā abs. of samekkhati having looked for; having considered.  
samekkhiya abs. of samekkhati having look for; having considered.  
sameta pp. of sameti come together; met; agreed with.  
sameti saṃ + i + a comes together; meets; agrees with; compares; makes even; appeases.  
sametvā abs. of sameti having come together; having met; having agreed with.  
samena adv. impartially.  
samerita pp. moved; set in motion.  
samesi aor. of sameti came together; met; agreed with.  
samokiṇṇa pp. of samokirati sprinkled.  
samokiraṇa nt. sprinkling; strewing.  
samokirati saṃ + ava + kir + a sprinkles; strews.  
samokiri aor. of samokirati sprinkled.  
samokiritvā abs. of samokirati having sprinkled.  
samotata pp. strewn all over; spread.  
samotarati saṃ + ava + tar + a descends (into water).  
samotari aor. of samotarati descended (into water).  
samotaritvā abs. of samotarati having descended (into water).  
samotiṇṇa pp. of samotarati descended (into water).  
samodahati saṃ + ava + dah + a puts together; keeps in.  
samodahana nt. keeping or putting in.  
samodahi aor. of samodahati put together; kept in.  
samodahita pp. of samodahati put together; kept in.  
samodahitvā abs. of samodahati having put together; having kept in.  
samodhāna nt. collocation; combination; to be contained in.  
samodhāneti deno. from samodhāna connects; fits together.  
samodhānetvā abs. of samodhāneti having connected; having fit together.  
samodhānesi aor. of samodhāneti connected; fit together.  
samosaṭa pp. of samosarati come together; assembled.  
samosaraṇa nt. coming together; meeting.  
samosarati saṃ + ava + sar + a comes together; assembles.  
samosari aor. of samosarati came together; assembled.  
samosaritvā abs. of samosarati having come together; having assembled.  
samoha adj. infatuated.  
samohita pp. of samodahati included; covered with; put together.  
sampakampati saṃ + pa + kamp + a trembles; to be shaken.  
sampakampi aor. of sampakampati trembled.  
sampakampita pp. of sampakampati trembled.  
sampajañña nt. discrimination; comprehension.  
sampajāna adj. thoughtful.  
sampajānakārī 3 mindful.  
sampajjati saṃ + pad + ya succeeds; prospers; happens; becomes.  
sampajjana nt. success; prosperity; becoming.  
sampajjalita pp. of jalati in flames; ablaze.  
sampajji aor. of sampajjati succeeded; prospered; happened; became.  
sampajjitvā abs. of sampajjati having succeeded; having prospered; having happened; having become.  
sampajjimāna pr.p. of sampajjati succeeding; prospering; happening.  
sampaṭicchati saṃ + pati + is + a receives; accepts.  
sampaṭicchana nt. acceptance; agreement.  
sampaṭicchi aor. of sampaṭicchati received; accepted.  
sampaṭicchita pp. of sampaṭicchati received; accepted.  
sampaṭicchitvā abs. of sampaṭicchati having received; having accepted.  
sampati ind. just now.  
sampatita pp. of sampatati fallen; happened.  
sampatta pp. of sampāpuṇāti reached; arrived; come to; attained.  
sampatti f. fortune; happiness; success; attainment.  
sampadā f fortune; happiness; success; attainment.  
sampadāna nt. handing on; giving over; the dative case; supplying; making ready.  
sampadālana nt. tearing; splitting.  
sampadāḷita pp. of sampadāḷeti teared; split; burst open.  
sampadāḷeti saṃ + pa + daḷ + e tears; splits; bursts open.  
sampadāḷetvā abs. of sampadāḷeti having teared; having split; having burst open.  
sampadāḷesi aor. of sampadāḷeti teared; split; burst open.  
sampaduṭṭha pp. of sampadussati corrupted.  
sampadussati saṃ + pa + dus + ya corrupts.  
sampadussana nt. corruption.  
sampadussi aor. of sampadussati corrupted.  
sampadussitvā abs. of sampadussati having corrupted.  
sampadosa m. wickedness.  
sampadhūpāyati v. sends forth steam.  
sampanna pp. of sampajjati succeeded; prospered; happened; become.  
sampayāta pp. gone forth; proceeded.  
sampayutta adj. associated; connected.  
sampayoga m. union; association; connection.  
sampayojita pp. of sampayojeti joined; associated with; litigated.  
sampayojeti saṃ + pa + yuj + e joins; associates with; litigates.  
sampayojetvā abs. of sampayojeti having joined; having associated with; having litigated.  
sampayojesi aor. of sampayojeti joined; associated with; litigated.  
samparāya m. future state; the next world.  
samparāyika adj. belonging to the next world.  
samparikaḍḍhati saṃ + pari + kaḍḍh + a drags this way and that way.  
samparivajjita pp. of samparivajjetvā avoided; shuned.  
samparivajjeti saṃ + pari + vaj + e avoids; shuns.  
samparivajjetvā abs. of samparivajjetvā having avoided; having shuned.  
samparivajjesi aor. of samparivajjetvā avoided; shuned.  
samparivattati saṃ + pari + vat + e turns; rolls about.  
samparivatti aor. of samparivattati turned; rolled about.  
samparivattitvā abs. of samparivattati having turned; having rolled about.  
samparivatteti caus. of samparivattati causes to turn or roll about.  
samparivārita pp. of samparivāreti surrounded; waited upon; attended on.  
samparivāreti saṃ + pari + var + e surrounds; waits upon; attends on.  
samparivāretvā abs. of samparivāreti having surrounded; having waited upon; having attended on.  
samparivāresi aor. of samparivāreti surrounded; waited upon; attended on.  
sampareta pp. tormented by.  
sampavattita pp. of sampavatteti set going.  
sampavatteti saṃ + pa + vat + e sets going.  
sampavattesi aor. of sampavatteti set going.  
sampavāyati saṃ + pa + vā + a blows; emits.  
sampavedhati saṃ + pa + vidh + a is to be shaken violently; is to be highly affected.  
sampavedhi aor. of sampavedhati was to be shaken violently; was to be highly affected.  
sampavedhita pp. of sampavedhati was to be shaken violently; was to be highly affected.  
sampavedheti caus. of sampavedhati is causes to be shaken violently.  
sampasāda m. pleasure; serenity.  
sampasādaniya adj. leading to serenity; inspiring faith.  
sampasādita pp. of sampasādeti gladdened; purified.  
sampasādeti saṃ + pa + sad + e gladdens; purifies.  
sampasādetvā abs. of sampasādeti having gladdened; having purified.  
sampasādesi aor. of sampasādeti gladdened; purified.  
sampasārita pp. of sampasāreti spread; stretched out.  
sampasāreti saṃ + pa + sar + e spreads; stretches out.  
sampasāretvā abs. of sampasāreti having spread; having stretched out.  
sampasāresi aor. of sampasāreti spread; stretched out.  
sampasīdati saṃ + pa + sad + a to be pleased; becomes clear; to be tranquillised.  
sampasīdana nt. joy; happiness; becoming clear.  
sampasīdi aor. of sampasīdati became clear.  
sampasīditvā abs. of sampasīdati having become clear.  
sampassati saṃ + dis + a sees; considers; to be hold.  
sampassanta pr.p. of sampassati seing ; considering.  
sampassamāna pr.p. of sampassati seing ; considering.  
sampassi aor. of sampassati saw; considered.  
sampassitvā abs. of sampassati having seen.  
sampahaṃsaka adj. gladdening.  
sampahaṃsakasana nt. being glad: pleasure.  
sampahaṃsati saṃ + pa + has + a to be glad.  
sampahaṃsana nt. gladdening.  
sampahaṃsi aor. of sampahaṃsati was glad.  
sampahaṃsita pp. of sampahaṃsati was glad.  
sampahaṃseti caus. of sampahaṃsati causes to be glad.  
sampahaṃsetvā abs. of sampahaṃsati being glad.  
sampahaṭṭha pp. of sampahaṃsati gladdened; joyful; beaten; refined; wrought.  
sampahāra m. strife; battle; striking.  
sampāta m. falling together; concurrence; collision.  
sampādaka adj. one who prepares or supplies.  
sampādita pp. of sampādeti tried to accomplish; supplied; prepared.  
sampādiyati pass. of sampādeti to be supplied.  
sampādeka adj. leading to; bringing.  
sampādeti saṃ + pad + e tries to accomplish; supplies; prepares.  
sampādetvā abs. of sampādeti having tried to accomplish; having supplied; having prepared.  
sampādesi aor. of sampādeti tried to accomplish; supplied; prepared.  
sampāpana nt. leading; getting on.  
sampāpuṇanta pr.p. of sampāpuṇāti reaching.  
sampāpuṇāti saṃ + pa + ap + uṇā reaches; attains; meets with.  
sampāpuṇi aor. of sampāpuṇāti reached; attained; met with.  
sampāpuṇitvā abs. of sampāpuṇāti having reached; having attained; having met with.  
sampiṇḍana nt. combination; connection; addition.  
sampiṇḍita pp. of sampiṇḍeti united; combined.  
sampiṇḍeti saṃ + piṇḍ + e unites; combines; balls together; abridges.  
sampiṇḍetvā abs. of sampiṇḍeti having united; having combined.  
sampiṇḍesi aor. of sampiṇḍeti united; combined.  
sampiyanta pr.p. of sampiyāyati treating kindly.  
sampiyamāna pr.p. of sampiyāyati treating kindly.  
sampiyāyati deno. from sampiya treats kindly; to be attached or devoted to; to be fond of.  
sampiyāyanā f. fondness.  
sampiyāyi aor. of sampiyāyati treated kindly.  
sampiyita pp. of sampiyāyati treated kindly.  
sampiyitvā abs. of sampiyāyati having treated kindly.  
sampīṇita pp. of sampīṇeti satisfied; gladdened; pleased.  
sampīṇeti saṃ + pī + ṇā + e satisfies; gladdens; pleases.  
sampīṇetvā abs. of sampīṇeti having satisfied; having gladdened; having pleased.  
sampīṇesi aor. of sampīṇeti satisfied; gladdened; pleased.  
sampīḷita pp. of sampīḷeti oppressed; worried; crushed.  
sampīḷeti saṃ + pīḷ + e oppresses; worries; crushes.  
sampīḷetvā abs. of sampīḷeti having oppressed; having worried; having crushed.  
sampīḷesi aor. of sampīḷeti oppressed; worried; crushed.  
sampucchati saṃ + pucch + a asks; takes permission.  
sampucchi aor. of sampucchati asked; took permission.  
sampuṭṭha pp. of sampucchati asked; taken permission.  
sampuṇṇa pp. of sampūrati full; completed; filled.  
sampupphita pp. in full bloom.  
sampūjita pp. of sampūjeti honoured; respected.  
sampūjeti saṃ + pūj + e honours; respects.  
sampūjetvā abs. of sampūjeti having honoured; having respected.  
sampūjenta pr.p. of sampūjeti honouring; respecting.  
sampūjesi aor. of sampūjeti honoured; respected.  
sampūrita pp. of sampūreti filled; accomplished.  
sampūreti saṃ + pūr + e fills; accomplishes.  
sampūretvā abs. of sampūreti having filled; having accomplished.  
sampūresi aor. of sampūreti filled; accomplished.  
sampha nt. frivolity; useless talk.  
samphappalapa m. talking nonsense.  
samphassa m. touch; contact.  
samphulla adj. full-blown.  
samphusati saṃ + phus + a touches; comes in contact with.  
samphusanā f. touch; contact.  
samphusi aor. of samphusati touched; came in contact with.  
samphusita pp. of samphusati touched; come in contact with; well fitted.  
samphusitvā abs. of samphusati having touched; having come in contact with.  
samphussanta pr.p. of touching.  
sambaddha pp. of sambandhati bound together; united.  
sambandha m. connection.  
sambandhati saṃ + bandh + a binds together; unites.  
sambandhi aor. of sambandhati bound together; united.  
sambandhitvā abs. of sambandhati having bound together; having united.  
sambala nt. provision.  
sambahula adj. many.  
sambādha m. pressure; crowding; inconvenience.  
sambādhana nt. obstruction.  
sambādheti saṃ + bādh + e to be crowded; obstructs.  
sambādhetvā abs. of sambādheti having obstructed.  
sambādhesi aor. of sambādheti obstructed.  
sambāhati saṃ + bāh + a massages; rubs; shampoos.  
sambāhana nt. rubbing; massaging.  
sambāhi aor. of sambāhati massaged; rubbed; shampooed.  
sambāhitvā abs. of sambāhati having massaged; having rubbed; having shampooed.  
sambuka m. an oyster; a shell.  
sambujjhati saṃ + budh + ya understands clearly; knows perfectly.  
sambujjhi aor. of sambujjhati understood clearly; knew perfectly.  
sambujjhitvā abs. of sambujjhati having understood clearly; having known perfectly.  
sambuddha pp. of sambujjhati understood clearly; known perfectly. (m.),, the Omniscient One.  
sambojjhaṅga m. constituent of enlightenment.  
sambodhana nt. 1. arousing; 2. the vocative case.  
sambodheti saṃ + budh + e teaches; makes understand.  
sambodhesi aor. of sambodheti taught; made understand.  
sambhagga pp. of sambhañjati broken; split.  
sambhañjati saṃ + bhañj + a breaks; splits.  
sambhañji aor. of sambhañjati broke; split.  
sambhañjitvā abs. of sambhañjati having broken; having split.  
sambhata pp. brought together; stored up.  
sambhatta adj. a friend; a devoted person.  
sambhandhana nt. binding together; connection.  
sambhama m. excitement; confusion.  
sambhamati saṃ + bham + a revolves.  
sambhami aor. of sambhamati revolved.  
sambhamitvā abs. of sambhamati having revolved.  
sambhava m. origin; birth; production; semen virile.  
sambhavati saṃ + bhū + a arises; to be produced or present; exists; to be together with.  
sambhavana nt. coming into existence. sambhāvanā (f.), honour; reverence; esteem.
sambhavi aor. of sambhavati arose.  
sambhavesī m. one who is seeking birth. sambhāvesi (aor. of sambhāveti), esteemed; honoured; mixed with.
sambhāra m. materials; requisite ingredients; accumulation; a heap.  
sambhāvanīya adj. venerable.  
sambhāvita pp. of sambhāveti esteemed; honoured; mixed with.  
sambhāveti saṃ + bhū + e esteems; honours; mixes with.  
sambhāvetvā abs. of sambhāveti having esteemed; having honoured; having mixed with.  
sambhindati saṃ + bhid + ṃ-a 1. mixes; 2. breaks.  
sambhinna pp. of sambhindati mixed; broke.  
sambhīta pp. terrified.  
sambhuñjati saṃ + bhuj + ṃ-a eats together.  
sambhuñji aor. of sambhuñjati ate together.  
sambhuñjitvā abs. of sambhuñjati having eaten together.  
sambhūta pp. of sambhavati arisen.  
sambheda m. mixing up; confusion.  
sambhoga m. eating or living together with.  
sambhoti saṃ + bhavati arises; is produced or present. (see sambhavati).  
sambhodhi f. enlightenment; the highest wisdom.  
samma a term of familiar address; seen only in voc. my dear. (nt.) a cymbal. sammā (ind.) properly; rightly; thoroughly.
sammakkhita pp. of sammakkheti smeared.  
sammakkheti saṃ + makkh + e smears.  
sammakkhetvā abs. of sammakkheti having smeared.  
sammakkhesi aor. of sammakkheti smeared.  
sammaggata adj. who has come to the right path.  
sammajjati saṃ + majj + a sweeps; polishes.  
sammajjanī f. a broom.  
sammajjanta pr.p. of sammajjati sweeping.  
sammajji aor. of sammajjati swept; polished.  
sammajjita pp. of sammajjati swept; polished.  
sammajjitabba pt.p. of sammajjati should be swept.  
sammajjitvā abs. of sammajjati having swept; having polished.  
sammaṭṭha pp. of sammajjati swept; polished.  
sammata pp. of sammannati agreed upon; authorised; honoured; appointed for; selected.  
sammatāla m. a cymbal.  
sammati v. ceases; is appeased.  
sammatta (saṃ + matta), pp. of ? intoxicated; much delighted. (Abstr. from sammā:) correctness; righteouness.  
sammada m. drowsiness after a meal.  
sammadakkhāta adj. well preached.  
sammadaññā abs. having understood perfectly.  
sammadaññāya abs. having understood perfectly.  
sammadeva ind. properly; in completeness.  
sammaddati saṃ + madd + a tramples down; crushes.  
sammaddana nt. trampling; crushing.  
sammaddasa adj. having right views; seeing rightly.  
sammaddi aor. of sammaddati trampled down; crushed.  
sammaddita pp. of sammaddati trampled down; crushed.  
sammadditvā abs. of sammaddati having trampled down; having crushed.  
sammantita pp. of sammanteti consulted together.  
sammanteti saṃ + mant + e consults together.  
sammantetvā abs. of sammanteti having consulted together.  
sammantesi aor. of sammanteti consulted together.  
sammannati saṃ + man + a authorises; agrees to; assents; selects.  
sammanni aor. of sammannati authorised; agreed to; assented; selected.  
sammannita pp. of sammannati authorised; agreed to; assented; selected.  
sammannitvā abs. of sammannati having authorised; having selected.  
sammapaññā f. right knowledge.  
sammappadhāna nt. right exertion.  
sammasati saṃ + mas + a grasps; touches; knows thoroughly; meditates on. sammāsati (f.) right memory.
sammasi aor. of sammasati grasped; touched; knew thoroughly; meditated on.  
sammasita pp. of sammasati grasped; touched; known thoroughly; meditated on.  
sammasitvā abs. of sammasati having grasped; having touched.  
sammākammanta m. right conduct.  
sammājīva (sammā + ājīva), m. right means of livelihood.  
sammādiṭṭhi f. right belief.  
sammādiṭṭhika adj. having right views.  
sammāna m. honour; respect.  
sammānanā f. honour; respect.  
sammāpaṭipatti f. right mental disposition.  
sammāpaṭipanna   rightly disposed, having the right view.  
sammāvattanā f. right conduct.  
sammāvācā f. right speech.  
sammāvimutti f. right emancipation.  
sammāsaṅkappa m. right intention.  
sammāsamādhi m. right concentration.  
sammāsambuddha m. the perfectly Enlightened One.  
sammāsambodhi f. perfect enlightenment.  
sammiñjati saṃ + inj + a bends back; doubles up.  
sammiñjana nt. bending (of a limb).  
sammiñjanta pr.p. of sammiñjati bending back.  
sammiñji aor. of sammiñjati bent back; doubled up.  
sammiñjita pp. of sammiñjati bent back; doubled up.  
sammiñjitvā abs. of sammiñjati having bent back; having doubled up.  
sammissa adj. mixed.  
sammissatā f. the state of being mixed.  
sammissita pp. of sammisseti mixed; confused.  
sammisseti saṃ + mis + e mixes; confuses.  
sammissetvā abs. of sammisseti having mixed; having confused.  
sammissesi aor. of sammisseti mixed; confused.  
sammukha adj. face to face with. (loc.) in the presence. sammukhā (ind.) in front; face to face.
sammukhībhūta adj. met with.  
sammucchati sam + mus + ya infatuates.  
sammucchi aor. of sammucchati infatuated.  
sammucchita pp. of sammucchati infatuated.  
sammucchitvā abs. of sammucchati having infatuated.  
sammuñjanī f. a broom.  
sammuṭṭha pp. of sammussati forgotten.  
sammuti f. general opinion; consent; selection; permission.  
sammudita adj. delighting in.  
sammuyha abs. of sammuyhati having forgotten.  
sammuyhati saṃ + muh + ya forgets; to be bewildered or infatuated.  
sammuyhana nt. forgetting; bewilderment.  
sammuyhi aor. of sammuyhati forgot.  
sammuyhitvā abs. of sammuyhati having forgotten.  
sammussati saṃ + mus + ya forgets.  
sammussi aor. of sammussati forgot.  
sammussitvā abs. of sammussati having forgotten.  
sammūḷha pp. of sammuyhati forgotten; infatuated.  
sammodaka adj. one who speaks friendly.  
sammodati saṃ + mud + a rejoices; delights; exchanges friendly greetings.  
sammodanā f. rejoicing; compliment; mixing.  
sammodanīya adj. to be rejoiced; pleasant.  
sammodamāna pr.p. of being joyful.  
sammodi aor. of sammodati rejoiced; delighted; exchanged friendly greetings.  
sammoditvā abs. of sammodati having rejoiced; having delighted.  
sammosa m. confusion; delusion.  
sammoha m. confusion; delusion.  
sayaṃ ind. self; by oneself.  
sayaṃkata adj. done by oneself; made by itself.  
sayaṃvara m. self-choice.  
sayañjāta adj. born from oneself; sprung up spontaneously.  
sayati si + a sleeps; lies down. sāyati (sā + ya), tastes.
sayana nt. a bed; sleeping. sayāna (adj.) sleeping; lying down. ### sāyana (nt.), tasting.
sayanighara nt. a sleeping room.  
sayanta pr.p. of sayati sleeping; laying down. sāyanta (pr.p. of sāyati), tasting.
sayamāna pr.p. of sayati sleeping; laying down.  
sayambhū m. the Creator.  
sayāpita pp. of sayāpeti lain down.  
sayāpeti caus. of sayati makes sleep or lies down.  
sayi aor. of sayati slept; lay down. (aor. of seti), slept. sāyi (aor. of sāyati), tasted.
sayitvā abs. of sayati having slept. sāyitvā (abs. of sāyati), having tasted.
sayha adj. bearable; able to endure.  
sara m. 1. an arrow; 2. a sound; 3. a vowel; 4. a lake; 5. a kind of reed. sāra (m.), essence; the pith of a tree; the choicest part. (adj.) essential; excellent; strong.
saraka m. a drinking vessel.  
saraja adj. dusty; impure.  
saraṇa nt. protection; help; refuge; a shelter.  
saraṇāgamana nt. taking refuge.  
saraṇīya adj. fit to be remembered.  
sarati sar + a remembers; moves along.  
saratīra nt. the bank of a lake.  
saratuṇḍa nt. the point of an arrow.  
sarada m. the autumn; a year. sārada (adj.), autumnal.
saradasamaya m. the season following on the rains.  
saranta pr.p. of sarati remembering; moving along.  
sarabū m. a house lizard.  
sarabha m. a kind of deer.  
sarabhaṅga m. arrow breaking.  
sarabhañña nt. intoning; a particular mode of recitation.  
sarabhāṇaka m. one who recites the sacred texts.  
sarasa adj. tasteful. sārasa (m.), a water bird.
sarasī f. a lake.  
sarāga adj. lustful.  
sarājika adj. including a king.  
sari aor. of sarati remembered; moved along. sārī (adj.), (in cpds.) wandering; following.
saritabba pt.p. of fit to be remembered.  
saritā f. a river. sārita (pp. of sāreti), reminded; led; made move along.
saritu m. one who remembers.  
saritvā abs. of sarati having remembered; having moved along.  
sarīra nt. the body.  
sarīrakicca nt. easing of the body; bodily function; obsequies.  
sarīraṭṭha adj. deposited in the body.  
sarīradhātu f. a body relic of the Buddha.  
sarīranissanda m. excretion of the body.  
sarīrappabhā f. lustre of the body.  
sarīramaṃsa nt. the flesh of the body.  
sarīravaṇṇa m. the appearance of the body.  
sarīravantu adj. having a bulky body.  
sarīravalañja m. discharge from the body.  
sarīravalañjaṭṭhāna nt. a place where the people ease their bodies.  
sarīrasaṇṭhāna nt. bodily form; features.  
saruha nt. a lotus.  
sarūpa adj. of the same form; having a form.  
sarūpatā f. similarity.  
saroja nt. a lotus.  
saroruha nt. a lotus.  
salakkhaṇa adj. together with the characteristics. (nt.), one's own characteristic.  
salabha m. a moth; a grass hopper. salābha (m.), one's own advantage or gain.
salākā f. a blade of grass; ribs of a parasol; a surgical instrument; tickets consisting of slips of wood; a lot.  
salākākagga nt. a room for distributing tickets.  
salākāgāha m. taking of tickets or votes.  
salākāgāhāpaka m. distributor of voting tickets.  
salākābhatta nt. food to be distributed by tickets.  
salākāvutta adj. subsisting by means of food tickets.  
salāṭu adj. unripe.  
salāṭuka adj. unripe.  
salila nt. water.  
saliladhārā f. a shower of water.  
salla m. a dart; spike; stake; quill of a porcupine; surgical instrument.  
sallaka m. a porcupine.  
sallakatta m. a surgeon.  
sallakattiya nt. surgery.  
sallakkhaṇa nt. discernment; consideration. sallakkhaṇā (f.) discernment; consideration.
sallakkhita pp. of sallakkheti observed; considered.  
sallakkheti saṃ + lakkh + e observes; considers.  
sallakkhetvā abs. of sallakkheti having observed; having considered.  
sallakkhenta pr.p. of sallakkheti observing; considering.  
sallakkhesi aor. of sallakkheti observed; considered.  
sallapati saṃ + lap + a converses; talks with.  
sallapana nt. talking.  
sallapanta pr.p. of sallapati conversing; talking with.  
sallapi aor. of sallapati conversed; talked with.  
sallapitvā abs. of sallapati having conversed; having talked with.  
sallaviddha adj. pierced by a dart.  
sallahuka adj. light; frugal.  
sallāpa m. friendly talk.  
sallikhati saṃ + likh + a cuts into slices.  
sallikhi aor. of sallikhati cut into slices.  
sallikhita pp. of sallikhati cut into slices.  
sallikhitvā abs. of sallikhati having cut into slices.  
sallīna pp. of sallīyati become secluded.  
sallīyati saṃ + lī + ya becomes secluded.  
sallīyanā f. stolidity; seclusion.  
sallīyi aor. of sallīyati became secluded.  
sallīyitvā abs. of sallīyati having become secluded.  
sallekha m. austere penance.  
saḷāyatana nt. the six organs of sense viz: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind.  
savaṅka adj. having bendings; a sort of fish. sāsaṅka (adj.), suspicious.
savaṇa nt. hearing; the ear. sāvaṇa (nt.), announcement; proclamation. (m.) name of a month, July-August.
savaṇīya adj. pleasant to hear.  
savati su + a flows.  
savana nt. flowing.  
savanta pr.p. of savati flowing.  
savantī f. a river.  
savi aor. of savati flowed.  
savighāta adj. bringing vexation.  
saviññāṇaka adj. animate; conscious.  
savitakka adj. accompanied by reasoning.  
savitvā abs. of savati having flowed.  
savibhattika adj. consisting of a classification.  
savera adj. connected with enmity.  
savyañjana adj. together with condiments or well sounding letters.  
sasa m. a hare.  
sasakkaṃ adv. surely; certainly.  
sasaṅka m. the moon.  
sasati sas + a breathes; lives. sāsati (sās + a), teaches; instructs; rules.
sasattha adj. bearing weapons.  
sasambhāra adj. with the ingredients or constituents.  
sasalakkhaṇa nt. the sign of hare in the moon.  
sasalañchana nt. the sign of hare in the moon.  
sasavisāṇa nt. a hare's horn, (an impossibility).  
sasī m. the moon. sāsi (aor. of sāsati), taught; instructed; ruled.
sasīsaṃ adv. together with the head; up to the head.  
sasura m. father-in-law.  
sasena n. accompanied by an army.  
sassa nt. corn; crop.  
sassakamma nt. agriculture.  
sassakāla   harvest time.  
sassata adj. eternal.  
sassatadiṭṭhi f. eternalism.  
sassatavāda m. eternalism.  
sassatavādī m. eternalist.  
sassati f. eternity.  
sassatika adj. eternalist.  
sassamaṇabrāhmaṇa adj. including religious teachers and brahmans.  
sassāmika adj. having a husband or an owner.  
sassirīka adj. glorious; resplendent.  
sassu f. mother-in-law.  
saha conjunctive particle with; together; accompanied by. (adj.), enduring.  
sahakāra m. a sort of fragrant mango.  
sahagata adj. connected or endowed with.  
sahaja adj. born at the same time or together.  
sahajāta adj. born at the same time or together.  
sahajīvī adj. living together with.  
sahati sah + a bears; endures; to be able; to overcome.  
sahattha m. one's own hand.  
sahadhammika adj. co-religionist.  
sahadhammena   with reason.  
sahana nt. endurance.  
sahanandī adj. rejoicing together.  
sahanta pr.p. of sahati bearing; enduring.  
sahabhū adj. arising together with.  
sahamāna pr.p. of sahati bearing; enduring.  
sahayoga m. connection; co-operation; application of saha.  
sahavāsa m. living together.  
sahavya nt. companionship.  
sahavyatā f. companionship.  
sahasā adv. suddenly; forcibly. sāhasa (nt.), violence; arbitrary action.
sahaseyyā f. sharing the same bedroom.  
sahasokī adj. sharing another's sorrow.  
sahassa nt. a thousand.  
sahassakkha m. the thousand-eyed Sakka.  
sahassakkhattuṃ adv. a thousand times.  
sahassagghanaka adj. worth a thousand.  
sahassatthavikā f. a bag containing a thousand pieces of gold coins.  
sahassadhā adv. in a thousand ways.  
sahassanetta m. the thousand-eyed Sakka.  
sahassabhaṇḍikā f. a bag containing a thousand pieces of gold coins.  
sahassa-maṇḍala adj. having a thousand orbs.  
sahassaraṃsī m. the sun.  
sahassāra adj. having a thousand spokes.  
sahassika adj. consisting of a thousand.  
sahassīlokadhātu f. a thousand-fold spokes.  
sahāya m. a friend; an ally.  
sahāyaka m. a friend; an ally.  
sahāyatā f. friendship.  
sahi aor. of sahati bore; endured.  
sahita adj. accompanied with; united; keeping together; consistent. (nt.), literature; scriptures; a piece of wood to generate fire by rubbing on.  
sahitabba pt.p. of sahati to be endured.  
sahitu m. one who endures.  
sahitvā abs. of sahati having bore; having overcome.  
sahetuka adj. having a cause.  
sahoḍha adj. together with the stolen goods.  
sākacchā f. conversation; discussion.  
sākaṭika m. a carter.  
sākapaṇṇa nt. vegetable leaf.  
sākalya nt. totality.  
sākiyānī f. a woman of the Sākya race.  
sākuṇika m. a fowler; a bird-catcher.  
sākuntika m. a fowler; a bird-catcher.  
sākhānagara nt. a suburb.  
sākhāpalāsa nt. branches and leaves.  
sākhābhaṅga m. a broken branch.  
sākhāmiga m. a monkey.  
sāgataṃ ind. hail; welcome.  
sāgara m. the sea; ocean. sāgāra (adj.) living in a house.
sācariyaka adj. together with one's teacher.  
sāṭakayuga nt. a suit of clothes.  
sāṭikā f. a clothe; a cloak.  
sāṭheyya nt. craft; treachery.  
sāṇa nt. hemp; a coarse hempen cloth.  
sāṇi f. a screen; a curtain.  
sāṇipasibbaka m.; nt. a sack; hempsack.  
sāṇipākāra m. a screen wall, (made with hempen cloth).  
sātakumbha nt. gold.  
sātacca nt. continuation; perseverance.  
sātaccakārī m. acting continuously.  
sātaccakiriyā f. perseverance.  
sātatika adj. acting continuously.  
sātireka adj. having something in excess.  
sāthalika adj. lethargic; of loose habits.  
sādaraṃ adv. affectionately.  
sādita pp. of sādiyati accepted; enjoyed; agreed to; permited.  
sādiyati sad + i + ya accepts; enjoys; agrees to; permits.  
sādiyana nt. acceptance; appropriation. sādiyanā (f.) acceptance; appropriation.
sādiyanta pr.p. of sādiyati accepting; enjoying.  
sādiyamāna pr.p. of sādiyati accepting; enjoying.  
sādiyi aor. of sādiyati accepted; enjoyed; agreed to; permited.  
sādiyitvā abs. of sādiyati having accepted; having enjoyed; having agreed to; having permited.  
sādu adj. sweet; pleasant.  
sādutara adj. more sweet or pleasant.  
sādurasa adj. having a pleasant taste.  
sādhaka adj. effecting; accomplishing. (nt.), a proof.  
sādhāraṇa adj. common; general.  
sādhika adj. having something in excess.  
sādhita pp. of sādheti accomplished; effected; prepared.  
sādhiya adj. that which can be accomplished.  
sādhu adj. good; virtuous; profitable. (adv.), well; thoroughly. (ind.), yes; alright.  
sādhukaṃ adv. well; thoroughly.  
sādhukamyatā f. desire for proficiency.  
sādhukāra m. cheering; applause; approval; saying "well."  
sādhukīḷana nt. a sacred festivity.  
sādhucitta adj. well-decked.  
sādhurūpa adj. of good dispositions.  
sādhusammata adj. highly honoured; accepted by the virtuous.  
sādheti sādh + e accomplishes; effects; prepares; performs; clears a debt.  
sādhetvā abs. of sādheti having accomplished; having effected; having prepared; having performed.  
sādhenta pr.p. of sādheti accomplishing; preparing.  
sādhesi aor. of sādheti accomplished; effected; prepared; performed.  
sānu f.; nt. a table land.  
sānucara adj. together with followers.  
sānuvajja adj. blameable.  
sāpa m. a curse.  
sāpateyya nt. property; wealth.  
sāpattika adj. one who has transgressed a Vinaya rule.  
sāpadesa adj. with reasons.  
sāpekkha adj. hopeful; expecting; longing for.  
sāpekha adj. hopeful; expecting; longing for.  
sāmaggi f. concord; unity.  
sāmaggiya nt. concord; unity.  
sāmacca adj. together with the ministers or friends.  
sāmaññaphala nt. fruit of the life of a recluse.  
sāmaṇaka adj. worthy or needful for a monk.  
sāmaṇera m. a novice of a monk.  
sāmaṇerī f. a female apprentice of a nun.  
sāmatthiya nt. ability.  
sāmayika adj. 1. religious; 2. temporary.  
sāmājika m. a member (of an assembly).  
sāmika m. the husband; the owner.  
sāminī f. mistress; a female owner.  
sāmivacana nt. the genitive case.  
sāmisa adj. fleshy; carnal; smeared with food.  
sāmī m. owner; load; master; husband.  
sāmīci f. proper course; friendly treatment.  
sāmīcikamma nt. proper act; homage.  
sāmīcipaṭipanna adj. entered into the proper course.  
sāmuddika adj. seafaring; marine.  
sāyaka adj. one who tastes.  
sāyaṇha m. evening.  
sāyaṇhakāla m. the latter part of the afternoon.  
sāyaṇhasamaya m. the latter part of the afternoon; everning; after-noon.  
sāyanīya adj. fit to be tasted.  
sāyamāsa m. supper.  
sāyita pp. of sāyati tasted.  
sārakkha adj. guarded.  
sāragandha m. odour of the heart of a tree.  
sāragavesī adj. one who seeks the essence.  
sārajjati saṃ + raj + ya to be attached to.  
sārajjanā f. attachment.  
sārajji aor. of sārajjati attached to.  
sārajjitvā abs. of sārajjati having attached to.  
sāratta pp. of sārajjati impassioned; enamoured.  
sārathi m. a charioteer; a coachman; a driver. sārathī (m.) a charioteer; a coachman; a driver.
sāradika adj. autumnal.  
sāraddha adj. passionate; warm.  
sāramaya adj. made of hard wood.  
sārameya m. a dog.  
sārambha m. impetuosity; anger; involving danger to living beings.  
sāravantu adj. valuable; having kernel or pith.  
sārasūci f. a needle made of hard wood.  
sārānīya adj. what should be reminded.  
sāribā f. the Sarsaparilla plant.  
sārīrika adj. connected with the body.  
sāruppa adj. fit; suitable; proper.  
sāretabba pt.p. of sāreti reminding; leading.  
sāreti sar + e reminds; leads; makes move along.  
sāretvā abs. of sāreti having reminded; having made move along.  
sāresi aor. of sāreti reminded; led; made move along.  
sāla m. brother-in-law; a Sal tree. sālā (f.) a hall; a shed.
sālaya adj. having attachment.  
sālarukkha m. the tree Shorea Robusta.  
sālalaṭṭhi f. a young Sal tree.  
sālavana nt. a Sal grove.  
sālākiya nt. ophthalmology.  
sāli m. a good kind of rice.  
sālikā f. a myna-bird.  
sālikkhetta nt. a rice-field.  
sāligabbha m. ripening young rice.  
sālittakasippa nt. the art of slinging stones.  
sālibhatta nt. boiled rice of Sāli.  
sāluka nt. the root of water-lily.  
sālohita adj. relation by blood.  
sāḷava m. a salad.  
sāvaka m. a hearer; a disciple.  
sāvakatta nt. the state of a disciple.  
sāvakasaṅgha m. the congregation of disciples.  
sāvajja adj. blameable; faulty; (nt.), what is censurable.  
sāvajjatā f. guilt; blamability.  
sāvaṭṭa adj. containing whirl-pools.  
sāvatthī f. name of the metropolis of the Kingdom of Kosala.  
sāvayamāna pr.p. of sāveti making hear; announcing.  
sāvasesa adj. incomplete; with a remainder.  
sāvikā f. a female disciple.  
sāvita pp. of sāveti made hear; announced; declared.  
sāvetabba pt.p. of sāveti should be announced.  
sāveti su + e makes hear; announces; declares.  
sāvetu m. one who announces.  
sāvetvā abs. of sāveti having made hear; having announced; having declared.  
sāventa pr.p. of sāveti making hear; announcing.  
sāvesi aor. of sāveti made hear; announced; declared.  
sāsana nt. teaching; order; message; doctrine; a letter.  
sāsanakara adj. complying with one's order or teaching.  
sāsanakāraka adj. complying with one's order or teaching.  
sāsanakārī adj. complying with one's order or teaching.  
sāsanahara m. a messenger.  
sāsanāntaradhāna nt. disappearance of the teaching of the Buddha.  
sāsanāvacara (sāsana + avacara), adj. observing the religious rules.  
sāsanika adj. connected with Buddhism.  
sāsapa m. a mustard seed.  
sāsava adj. connected with the depravities.  
sāsita pp. of sāsati taught; instructed; ruled.  
sāhatthika adj. done with one's own hand.  
sāhasasika adj. violent; savage.  
sāhāra adj. with the revenues.  
sāhu ind. good; well.  
siṃsapāvana nt. a grove of murraya exotica.  
sikatā f. sand.  
sikkā f. pingo-basket.  
sikkhati sikkh + a learns; trains oneself; practises.  
sikkhana nt. learning; training.  
sikkhanta pr.p. of sikkhati learning; training oneself.  
sikkhamāna pr.p. of sikkhati learning; training oneself. sikkhamānā (f.), a female novice undergoing a probationary course.
sikkhā f. study; discipline.  
sikkhākāma adj. anxious to observe religious rules.  
sikkhākāmatā f. anxiety for discipline.  
sikkhāpaka m. a teacher; trainer.  
sikkhāpada nt. a precept; a religious rule.  
sikkhāpana nt. teaching; instruction.  
sikkhāpanaka m. a teacher; trainer.  
sikkhāsamādāna nt. taking the precepts upon oneself.  
sikkhi aor. of sikkhati learnt; trained oneself; practised.  
sikkhita pp. of sikkhati learnt; trained oneself; practised.  
sikkhitabba pt.p. of sikkhati should be learnt; should be practised.  
sikkhitvā abs. of sikkhati having learnt; having trained oneself; having practised.  
sikhaṇḍa m. the crest of a peacock.  
sikhaṇḍī m. a peacock.  
sikhara nt. the top; summit; peak of a mountain.  
sikharī m. a mountain.  
sikhā f. crest; top-knot; a flame.  
sikhī m. fire; peacock.  
sigāla m. a jackal.  
sigālaka nt. a jackal's howl.  
siggu m. the horse radish tree.  
siṅga nt. a horn.  
siṅgāra m. erotic sentiment.  
siṅgivera nt. ginger.  
siṅgī adj. possessing horns. (nt.), gold.  
siṅgīnada nt. gold.  
siṅgīvaṇṇa nt. gold.  
siṅghati siṅgh + a sniffs; smells.  
siṅghāṭaka m.; nt. anything of the shape of a cross; a place where four roads meet.  
siṅghāṇikā f. mucus of the nose; snot.  
siṅghi aor. of siṅghati sniffed; smelled.  
siṅghitvā abs. of siṅghati having sniffed; having smelled.  
sijjhati sidh + ya happens; succeeds; avails.  
sijjhana nt. happening; success.  
sijjhi aor. of sijjhati happened; succeeded; availed.  
siñcaka adj. one who waters or sprinkles.  
siñcakacana nt. sprinkling.  
siñcati sic + ṃ + a pours; sprinkles.  
siñcamāna pr.p. of siñcati pouring; sprinkling.  
siñcāpeti caus. of siñcati causes to pour; causes to sprinkle.  
siñci aor. of siñcati poured; sprinkled.  
siñcita pp. of siñcati poured; sprinkled.  
siñcitvā abs. of siñcati having poured; having sprinkled.  
sita adj. 1. white; 2. depending on; attached. (nt.), a smile. sīta (adj.), cool; cold. (nt.) coolness; cold. ### sītā (f.) a furrow.
sitta pp. of siñcati poured; sprinkled.  
sittha nt. wax; a grain of boiled rice.  
sitthaka nt. bees-wax.  
sitthāvakārakaṃ adv. scattering boiled rice all over.  
sithila adj. loose; lax; yielding.  
sithilatta nt. looseness.  
sithilabhāva nt. looseness.  
siddha pp. of sijjhati happened; succeeded; availed.  
siddhattha adj. one who has accomplished his task. (m.), the mustard. (adj.), a semi-divine being; a magician.  
siddhatthaka nt. mustard seed.  
siddhi f. accomplishment; success.  
sināna nt. bathing; bath.  
siniddha adj. smooth; glossy; pliable; soft; loving.  
sinimmita adj. well erected.  
sineha m. affection; love; oil; fat.  
sinehana nt. oiling.  
sinehabindu nt. a drop of oil.  
sineheti deno. from sineha loves; smears with oil.  
sindī f. the date palm.  
sindūra m. red arsenic.  
sindhava adj. belonging to Sindh; (m.), rock salt; a Sindh horse.  
sindhu m. ocean; a river.  
sindhuraṭṭha nt. the country of Sindh.  
sindhusaṅgama m. the mouth or confluence of a river.  
sipāṭikā f. the pericap; a small case.  
sippa nt. art; craft.  
sippaṭṭhāna nt. a branch of knowledge; a craft.  
sippaṭṭhāyatana nt. a branch of knowledge; a craft.  
sippasālā f. a school (for arts).  
sippika m. an artist; a craftsman. sippikā (f.), an oyster.
sippī m. an artist; a craftsman.  
sibbati siv + ya stitches; sews.  
sibbana nt. sewing.  
sibbanī f. seamstress; craving.  
sibbanīmagga m. the suture.  
sibbāpeti caus. of sibbati causes to stithe.  
sibbi aor. of sibbati stitched; sewed.  
sibbita pp. of sibbati stitched; sewed. (pp. of sibbeti), sewed.  
sibbitvā abs. of sibbati having stitched; having sewed.  
sibbeti siv + e sews.  
sibbetvā abs. of sibbeti having sewed.  
sibbenta pr.p. of sibbeti sewing.  
sibbesi aor. of sibbeti sewed.  
simbalī m. the silk-cotton tree.  
sira m.; nt. (mano-group) the head. sirā (f.) a tendon; vein.
siri f. luck; glory; wealth; splendour; the goddess of luck. sirī (f.), luck; glory; wealth; splendour; the goddess of luck.
siriṃsapa m. artisan.  
sirigabbha m. the bedroom of a noble person; the royal bed chamber.  
sirindhara adj. glorious.  
sirimantu adj. glorious.  
sirivāsa adj. glorious.  
sirisayana nt. the royal bed; state couch.  
sirīsa m. the tree Acacia Sirissa.  
siro   is the form taken by sira in cpds.  
sirojāla adj. veil for the head.  
siromaṇi m. a diadem; a jewelled crest.  
siroruha m.; nt. hair.  
siroveṭhana nt. a turban.  
silā f. a stone. sīla (nt.) nature; habit; moral practice; code of morality.
silāguḷa m. a ball of stone.  
silāghati silāgh + a extols; boasts.  
silāghi aor. of silāghati extolled; boasted.  
silātthambha m. a stone pillar.  
silāpaṭṭa nt. a slab of stone.  
silāpākāra m. a stone wall.  
silāmaya adj. made of stone. sīlamaya (adj.), connected with morality.
siliṭṭha adj. smooth.  
siliṭṭhatā f. smoothness.  
siluccaya m. a rock.  
silutta m. rat-snake.  
silesa m. 1. a riddle; a rhetoric figure; 2. an adhesive substance.  
silesuma m. the phlegm.  
siloka m. 1. fame; 2. a verse.  
siva adj. sheltering; safe. (m.), the God Siva. (nt.), a safe place; the Nirvāna.  
sivikā f. a palanquin; a litter.  
sisira m. the winter; cold season. (adj.), cool.  
sissa m. a pupil; a student.  
sīgha adj. quick; rapid; swift.  
sīghaṃ adv. quickly; swiftly.  
sīghagāmī adj. going or moving quickly.  
sīghataraṃ adv. very soon; more quickly.  
sīghasīghaṃ adv. very quickly; hastily.  
sīghasota adj. having a running stream.  
sītabhīruka adj. susceptible of cold.  
sītala adj. cool; cold. (nt.), coolness; cold.  
sītibhāva m. coolness; calm.  
sītibhūta pp. calmed; tranquillised.  
sītodaka nt. cool water.  
sīdati sad + a sinks; subsides; yields.  
sīdana nt. sinking.  
sīdamāna pr.p. of sīdati sinking; subsiding.  
sīdi aor. of sīdati sank; subsided; yielded.  
sīditvā abs. of sīdati having sank; having subsided; having yielded.  
sīna pp. of sīdati sunk; subsided; yielded.  
sīpada nt. elephantiasis (of the leg).  
sīmaṭṭha adj. situated within or on the boundary.  
sīmantinī f. a woman.  
sīmā f. a boundary; a limit; a chapter house for Buddhist monks.  
sīmākata adj. limited.  
sīmātiga adj. gone over the limits.  
sīmāsamugghāta m. abolishing of a former boundary.  
sīmāsammuti f. fixing of a new boundary; convention of a chapter house.  
sīlakathā f. exposition of the duties of morality.  
sīlakkhandha m. all that belongs to moral practices.  
sīlagandha m. the fragrance (=fame) of the good works.  
sīlana nt. practising; restraining.  
sīlabbata nt. ceremonial observances.  
sīlabheda m. breach of morality.  
sīlavata nt. ceremonial observances.  
sīlavatta nt. virtue and good action.  
sīlavantu adj. virtuous; observing the moral practices.  
sīlavipatti f. moral transgression.  
sīlavipanna adj. one who has trespassed the moral precepts.  
sīlasampatti f. accomplishment of morals.  
sīlasampanna adj. observing the moral precepts.  
sīlika adj. (in cpds.), having the nature of.  
sīlī adj. (in cpds.), having the nature of.  
sīvathikā f. a place where the dead bodies are thrown to rot away.  
sīsa nt. the head; the highest point; an ear of corn; heading of an article; the lead.  
sīsakaṭāha m. the skull.  
sīsakapāla m. the skull.  
sīsacchadana nt. decapitation.  
sīsacchavi f. the skin of the head.  
sīsacchejja adj. resulting in decapitation.  
sīsaparamparā f. changing form one's head to another's in carrying a burden.  
sīsappaccālana nt. swaying of the head.  
sīsaveṭhana nt. a turban; a head-wrap.  
sīsābādha (sīsa + ābādha), m. disease of the head.  
sīha m. a lion.  
sīhacamma nt. lion's hide.  
sīhanāda m. lion's roar; a brave speech.  
sīhanādika adj. one who utters a lion's roar.  
sīhanu adj. having a jaw like that of a lion.  
sīhapañjara m. a lion's cage; a kind of window.  
sīhapotaka m. a young lion.  
sīhaḷa adj. belonging to Ceylon; (m.), a Sinhalese.  
sīhaḷadīpa m. the island of Ceylon.  
sīhaḷabhāsā f. the Sinhalese language.  
sīhavikkīḷita nt. lion's play.  
sīhaseyyā f. lying on the right side.  
sīhassara adj. having a voice like a lion.  
su prep. expressing the notion of: well, happily and thorough.  
suka m. a parrot. sūka (m.), awn of barley, etc.
sukata adj. well done. (nt.), meritorious act. sukaṭa (adj.) well done. (nt.) meritorious act.
sukatī adj. righteous.  
sukara adj. easy; easily done. sūkara (m.), a pig; a hog.
sukumāra adj. delicate.  
sukumāratā f. delicateness.  
sukusala adj. very skilful.  
sukka adj. white; pure; good; bright. (nt.), virtue.  
sukkapakkha m. the bright half of a month.  
sukkha (pp. of sussati), adj. dry.  
sukkhati sukkh + a to be dried up.  
sukkhana nt. sukkhāpana  
sukkhamāna pr.p. of sukkhati drying up.  
sukkhāpana nt. making dry.  
sukkhāpita pp. of sukkhāpeti made dry.  
sukkhāpeti caus. of sukkhati makes dry.  
sukkhāpetvā abs. of sukkhāpeti having made dry.  
sukkhāpesi aor. of sukkhāpeti made dry.  
sukkhi aor. of sukkhati dried up.  
sukkhitvā abs. of sukkhati having dried up.  
sukha nt. happiness; comfort.  
sukhaṃ adv. easily; comfortably.  
sukhakāma adj. longing for happiness.  
sukhatthika adj. longing for happiness.  
sukhatthī adj. longing for happiness.  
sukhada adj. producing happiness.  
sukhanisinna adj. comfortably seated.  
sukhapaṭisaṃvedī adj. experiencing happiness.  
sukhappatta adj. happy.  
sukhabhāgiya adj. participating in happiness.  
sukhayānaka nt. an easy-going cart.  
sukhavipāka adj. resulting in happiness.  
sukhaviharaṇa nt. comfortable living.  
sukhasaṃvāsa m. pleasant to associate with.  
sukhasamphassa adj. pleasant to touch.  
sukhasammata adj. deemed a pleasure.  
sukhāyati deno. from sukha is comfortable or happy.  
sukhāvaha adj. bringing happiness; conveying happiness.  
sukhita pp. of sukheti was happy; blest; was glad.  
sukhī m. see the above.  
sukhuma adj. subtle; minute; fine; exquisite.  
sukhumatara adj. very fine or subtle.  
sukhumatā f. fineness; delicacy.  
sukhumatta nt. fineness; delicacy.  
sukhumāla adj. tender; delicate; refined.  
sukhumālatā f. delicate constitution.  
sukheti su + khan + e makes happy.  
sukhedhita adj. delicately nurtured. sukhesī (m.), looking for pleasure.
sukhesi aor. of sukheti made happy.  
sugata adj. faring well; happy. (m.), the Buddha.  
sugatālaya m. dwelling place of the Buddha; imitation of the Buddha.  
sugati f. a happy state. sugatī (adj.) righteous.
sugandha m. fragrance; pleasant odour. (adj.), fragrant.  
sugandhika adj. fragrant.  
sugandhī adj. fragrant.  
sugahana nt. a good grip.  
sugutta pp. well guarded or protected.  
sugopita pp. well guarded or protected.  
suggahita adj. 1. grasped tightly; 2. well learnt; attentive.  
suṅka m. toll; tax.  
suṅkaṭṭhāna nt. taxing place; customs house.  
suṅkika m. a collector of taxes.  
suṅghāta m. evasion of customs duties.  
sucarita nt. right conduct.  
sucāru adj. extremely charming.  
sucārurūpa adj. very handsome.  
suci adj. pure; clean. (nt.), goodness; a pure thing. sūci (f.), a needle; a hairpin; a small door-bolt.
sucikamma adj. whose actions are pure.  
sucigandha adj. having a sweet smell.  
sucigavesī adj. seeking what is pure.  
sucijātika adj. liking cleanliness.  
sucitta adj. much variegated; well painted.  
sucittita adj. much variegated; well painted.  
sucivasana adj. having a clean dress.  
succhanna adj. well covered or thatched.  
sujana m. a virtuous man.  
sujā f. 1. the sacrificial ladle. 2. name of Sakka's wife.  
sujāta pp. well born; of good birth.  
sujjhati sudh + ya becomes clean or pure.  
sujjhamāna pr.p. of sujjhati becoming clean or pure.  
sujjhi aor. of sujjhati became clean or pure.  
sujjhitvā abs. of sujjhati having become clean or pure.  
suñña adj. empty; void.  
suññagāma m. a deserted village.  
suññagāra nt. an empty place.  
suññatā f. emptiness.  
suṭṭhu ind. well.  
suṭṭhutā f. excellence.  
suṇa m. a dog.  
suṇanta pr.p. of suṇāti hearing.  
suṇamāna pr.p. of suṇāti hearing.  
suṇāti su + ṇā hears.  
suṇi aor. of suṇāti heard.  
suṇitabba pt.p. of suṇāti should be heard.  
suṇituṃ inf. of suṇāti to hear.  
suṇitvā abs. of suṇāti having heard.  
suṇisā f. a daughter-in-law.  
suta pp. of suṇāti heard. (nt.), the sacred lore; learning; that which is hear. (m.), a son. sūta (m.) charioteer.
sutadhara   remembering what has been learnt or heard. sutādhāra = holding (i.e. keeping in mind, preserving) the sacred leaning.
sutanu adj. having a handsome body or a slender waist.  
sutappaya adj. easily satisfied.  
sutavantu adj. learned.  
suti f. hearing; tradition; rumour; the Vedas.  
sutihīna adj. deaf.  
sutta pp. of supati slept; dormant; asleep. (nt.), a thread; a string; a discourse; an aphorism.  
suttakantana nt. spinning.  
suttakāra m. a composer of grammatical aphorisms.  
suttaguḷa nt. a ball of string.  
suttata pp. much heated.  
suttanta m.; nt. a discourse.  
suttantika adj. one who has learnt a portion or the whole of the Suttapiṭaka.  
suttapiṭaka nt. the portion of the Buddhist Scriptures containing discourses.  
suttappabuddha adj. awaken from sleep.  
suttamaya adj. made of threads.  
sutti f. a pearl oyster.  
sutvā abs. of suṇāti having heard.  
sudaṃ adj. pleonestic particle.  
sudanta adj. well tamed.  
sudassa adj. easily seen.  
sudassana adj. having a good appearance.  
sudiṭṭha adj. well seen.  
sudinna adj. well given.  
sudukkara adj. very difficult to do.  
suduttara adj. very difficult to escape from.  
sududdasa adj. very difficult do see.  
sudubbala adj. very weak.  
sudullabha adj. very difficult to obtain.  
sudesita adj. well preached.  
sudda m. a person of the Sūdra caste. (adj.), clean; pure; unmixed; simple.  
suddha pp. of sujjhati become clean or pure.  
suddhatā f. purity.  
suddhatta nt. purity.  
suddhājīva adj. living a pure life; (m.), clean livelihood.  
suddhāvāsa m. the pure abode (in Brahma heaven).  
suddhāvāsika adj. living in the Pure Abode.  
suddhi f. purity; purification.  
suddhimagga m. the path of purification.  
sudhanta pp. well blown or purified.  
sudhammatā f. good nature.  
sudhā f. the embrosia; lime; chunnam.  
sudhākamma nt. white-washing; coating with cement or plaster.  
sudhākara m. the moon.  
sudhī m. a wise man.  
sudhota pp. well washed; thoroughly clean.  
sunakha m. a dog.  
sunakhī f. a bitch.  
sunahāta pp. well bathed.  
sunikantaṃ-nikanta adj. well scraped.  
sunisita pp. well whetted or sharpened.  
sundara adj. good; nice; beautiful.  
sundaratara adj. better; more beautiful.  
supakka adj. thoroughly ripe.  
supaṭipanna adj. entered upon the right path.  
supaṇṇa m. a kind of fairy bird.  
supati sup + a sleeps.  
supanta pr.p. of supati sleeping.  
suparikammakata adj. well prepared or polished.  
suparihīna adj. thoroughly bereft; much emaciated.  
supi aor. of supati slept.  
supitvā abs. of supati having slept.  
supina nt. a dream.  
supinaka nt. a dream.  
supinanta nt. a dream.  
supinapāṭhaka m. a dream-teller.  
supupphita adj. covered with flowers; fully blown.  
supothita pp. thoroughly beaten. supoṭhita (pp. of ?) thoroughly beaten.
suppa m.; nt. a winnowing basket.  
suppaṭividdha pp. thoroughly understood.  
suppatiṭṭhita pp. firmly established.  
suppatīta adj. well pleased.  
suppadhaṃsiya adj. easily assaulted or overwhelmed.  
suppabhāta nt. a good day-break; good morning.  
suppavedita adj. well preached.  
suppasanna adj. very clear; very pleased; full of faith.  
suphassita adj. well fitted.  
subahu adj. very many.  
subbaca adj. obedient; meek; compliant.  
subbata adj. of good conduct.  
subbuṭṭhi f. abundant rainfall.  
subha adj. lucky; auspicious; pleasant. (nt.), welfare; beauty. suṇhā (f.), a daughter-in-law.
subhakiṇṇa m. the lustrous devas.  
subhaga adj. lucky; fortunate.  
subhanimitta nt. an auspicious sign; a beautiful object.  
subhara adj. easily supported of food.  
subhikkha adj. having plenty of food.  
sumati m. a wise man.  
sumana adj. glad. sumanā (f.), jasmine; a glad woman.
sumanapuppha nt. jasmine flower.  
sumanamakula nt. a jasmine bud.  
sumanamālā f. a garland of jasmine.  
sumanohara adj. very charming.  
sumānasa adj. joyful.  
sumāpita pp. well built.  
sumukha adj. of good features.  
sumutta pp. well released.  
sumedha adj. wise.  
sumedhasa adj. wise.  
suyiṭṭha adj. well sacrificed.  
suyutta adj. well arranged or suited.  
suyyati v. is heard.  
sura m. a god; deity. surā (f.) intoxicating liquor. ### sūra (adj.) valiant; courageous. (m.) a hero; the sun.
surata adj. well-loving; devoted; attached. sūratā (f.), valour.
suratta adj. well dyed; very red.  
suranadī f. the celestial river.  
suranātha m. the king of devas.  
surapatha m. the sky.  
surabhi adj. fragrant.  
surabhigandha m. fragrance.  
suraripu m. the enemy of gods, i.e. an Asura.  
surāghaṭa m. a pitcher of liquor.  
surāchaṇa m. a drinking festival.  
surāḍaka adj. addicted to strong drinks. (m.), a drunkard.  
surādhutta m. a drunkard.  
surāpāna nt. drinking of strong liquor; a strong drink.  
surāpāyikā f. a drunkard woman.  
surāpīta adj. one who has drunk.  
surāmada m. tipsiness.  
surāmeraya nt. rum and spirits.  
surāsoṇḍa adj. addicted to strong drinks. (m.), a drunkard.  
suriya m. the sun. sūriya (m.), the sun.
suriya-uggamana nt. the sun-rise.  
suriyaggāha m. eclipse of the sun.  
suriyatthaṅgama m. the sun-set.  
suriyamaṇḍala nt. the orb of the sun.  
suriyaraṃsi f. rays of the sun.  
suriyarasmi f. rays of the sun.  
suriyuggama m. sunrise.  
suruṅgā f. a prison.  
surusurukārakaṃ adv. making a hissing sound while eating.  
surūpa adj. handsome.  
surūpinī f. handsome.  
surūpī adj. handsome.  
suladdha adj. well gained.  
sulabha   easy to be obtained.  
suva m. a parrot.  
suvaca adj. obedient; meek; compliant.  
suvaṇṇa nt. gold. (adj.), of good colour; beautiful.  
suvaṇṇakaṭāha m. golden cauldron.  
suvaṇṇakāra m. a goldsmith.  
suvaṇṇagabbha m. a safe room for gold.  
suvaṇṇaguhā f. a golden cave.  
suvaṇṇadaṇḍa adj. having a golden handle.  
suvaṇṇapaṭṭa nt. a golden (writing) slab.  
suvaṇṇapīṭhaka nt. a golden chair.  
suvaṇṇabhiṅkāra m. a golden pitcher.  
suvaṇṇamaya adj. made of gold.  
suvaṇṇavaṇṇa adj. gold-coloured.  
suvaṇṇahaṃsa m. golden swan.  
suvatthi su + atthi hail!  
suvammita pp. well harnessed or armoured.  
suvavatthāpita adj. well defined or ascertained.  
suvāṇa m. a dog.  
suvāṇadoṇi f. a dogs' trough.  
suvijāna adj. easily understood.  
suviññāpaya adj. easy to instruct.  
suvibhatta pp. well divided or arranged.  
suvimhita pp. much astonished.  
suvilitta pp. well perfumed.  
suvisada adj. very clear.  
suvuṭṭhika adj. having abundant rain.  
suve adv. tomorrow.  
susaṅkhata pp. well prepared.  
susaññata adj. thoroughly restrained.  
susaṇṭhāna adj. having a good design; well featured.  
susamāraddha pp. thoroughly undertaken.  
susamāhita pp. well grounded; well restrained.  
susāna nt. cemetery.  
susānagopaka m. a cemetery-keeper.  
susikkhita pp. well-trained; thoroughly learnt.  
susira nt. a hollow. (adj.), perforated; having a hole.  
susīla adj. virtuous.  
susu m. a young one; a boy. (adj.), young.  
susukā f. a kind of fish.  
susukka adj. very white.  
susuddha adj. very clean.  
sussati sus + ya withers; to be dried.  
sussamāna pr.p. of sussati withering.  
sussaratā f. the fact of having a sweet voice.  
sussi aor. of sussati withered.  
sussitvā abs. of sussati having withered.  
sussūsati su + sa; su is doubled and the second u is lengthened listens.  
sussūsā f. wish to hear; obedience.  
sussūsi aor. of sussūsati listened.  
suhajja nt. amity; friendship.  
suhada m. a friend.  
suhita adj. satisfied.  
sūkarapotaka m. the young of a pig.  
sūkaramaṃsa nt. pork.  
sūkarika m. a dealer in swine; pork-butcher.  
sūcaka adj. indicating; one who indicates or informs.  
sūcana nt. indication.  
sūcikā f. a bolt; a table of contents.  
sūcikāra m. a needle-maker.  
sūcighaṭikā f. a bolt-holder.  
sūcighara nt. a needle case.  
sūcimukha m. a mosquito.  
sūciloma adj. having hair like needles.  
sūcivijjhana nt. an awl.  
sūju adj. upright.  
sūtighara nt. lying-in-chamber.  
sūda m. a cook.  
sūdaka m. a cook.  
sūna adj. swollen. sūnā (f.), a butcher's block.
sūnāghara nt. slaughter house.  
sūnu m. a son.  
sūpa m. curry.  
sūpatittha su + upa + tittha with beautiful fords.  
sūpadhārita pp. well considered.  
sūparasa m. taste of curry.  
sūpika m. a cook.  
sūpeyya adj. suitable for curry.  
sūpeyyapaṇṇa nt. curry leaf.  
sūyati pass. of suṇāti is heard.  
sūyamāna pr.p. of sūyati hearing.  
sūrabhāva m. valour.  
sūla nt. stake; pike.  
sūlāropaṇa nt. impalement.  
seka m. sprinkling.  
sekkha m. a learner; one who is in the course of perfection.  
sekha m. a learner; one who is in the course of perfection.  
sekhara nt. a garland for the crest.  
sekhiya adj. connected with training.  
secana nt. sprinkling.  
seṭṭhatara adj. more excellent.  
seṭṭhasammata adj. considered the best.  
seṭṭhāna nt. the position of a seṭṭhi.  
seṭṭhi m. a millionaire. seṭṭhī (m.) a millionaire.
seṭṭhijāya f. a millionaire's wife.  
seṭṭhibhariyā f. a millionaire's wife.  
seṇi f. a guild.  
seṇiya m. a guild-master.  
seta adj. white; pure. (m.), the white colour.  
setakuṭṭha nt. white leprosy.  
setacchatta nt. a white parasol, which is an emblem of royalty.  
setaṭṭhikā f. the mildew.  
setapacchāda adj. with white covering.  
setavyā f. name of a town.  
seti si + a sleeps.  
setu m. a bridge.  
settha aor. I slept. seṭṭha (adj.), foremost; excellent.
seda m. sweat; perspiration.  
sedaka adj. sweating; transpiring.  
sedana nt. boiling by steam.  
sedāvakkhitta adj. sweat-covered.  
sedita pp. of sedeti caused to transpire; steamed, seethed.  
sedeti sid + e causes to transpire; steams, seethes.  
sedetvā abs. of sedeti having caused to transpire.  
sedesi aor. of sedeti caused to transpire; steamed, seethed.  
sena m. a hawk. senā (f.) an army.
senaka m. a hawk.  
senānī m. a general.  
senāpacca nt. the office of a general.  
senāpati m. a general.  
senābyūha m. an array of troops.  
senāyaka m. a general.  
senāsana nt. lodging; sleeping place.  
senāsanagāhāpaka m. one who allots lodging places.  
senāsanacārikā f. wandering from lodging to lodging.  
senāsanapaññāpaka m. regulator of lodging-places.  
senta pr.p. of seti sleeping.  
sephālikā f. a plant producing fragrant flowers.  
semāna pr.p. of seti sleeping.  
semānaka adj. lying down.  
semha nt. phlegm.  
semhika adj. a man of phlegmatic humour.  
seyya adj. better; excellent. seyyā (f.) a bed; bedding; sleep.
seyyathāpi ind. just as.  
seyyathīdaṃ ind. as follows.  
seyyo ind. it is better.  
sericārī adj. acting according to one's liking.  
seritā f. independence; freedom.  
serivihārī adj. living at one's own choice.  
sela m. a rock; stone.  
selamaya adj. made of stone.  
seleyya nt. gum benjamin.  
sevaka m. a servant; an attendant. (adj.), serving; associating.  
sevati sev + a serves; associates with; makes use of; practises.  
sevana nt. 1. āssociation with; 2. service. 3. use of. sevanā (f.) 1. āssociation with; 2. service. 3. use of.
sevanta pr.p. of sevati serving; associating with.  
sevamāna pr.p. of sevati serving; associating with.  
sevā f. service.  
sevāla m. moss; slime; the aquatic plant Vallisnaria Octandra.  
sevi aor. of sevati served; associated with; made use of; practised.  
sevita pp. of sevati served; associated with; made use of; practised.  
sevitabba pt.p. of sevati should be served.  
sevitvā abs. of sevati having served.  
sesa adj. remaining; left.  
sesita pp. of seseti leaved over.  
seseti sis + e leaves over.  
sesetvā abs. of seseti having leaved over.  
sesesi aor. of seseti leaved over.  
sessaṃ v. I will sleep.  
so (nom. sin. of ta), m. he.  
soka m. grief; sorrow.  
sokaggi m. the fire of sorrow.  
sokapareta adj. overcome with grief.  
sokavinodana nt. dispelling grief.  
sokasalla nt. the dart of sorrow.  
sokāpahata adj. tormented by grief.  
sokī adj. sorrowful.  
sokhumma nt. fineness.  
sokhya nt. health; happiness.  
sogandhika nt. the white water-lily.  
socati suc + a mourns; grieves.  
socanā f. sorrowing.  
socanta pr.p. of socati mourning; grieving.  
socamāna pr.p. of socati mourning; grieving.  
soci aor. of socati mourned; grieved.  
socita pp. of socati mourned; grieved.  
socitabba pt.p. of socati should be grieved.  
socituṃ inf. of socati to mourn; to grieve.  
socitvā abs. of socati having mourned.  
soceyya nt. purity.  
soṇa m. a dog.  
soṇita nt. blood.  
soṇī f. a bitch; the waist.  
soṇḍa adj. addicted to. soṇḍā (f.) an elephant's trunk; a woman addicted to drink, etc.
soṇḍaka adj. addicted to.  
soṇḍikā f. a natural tank in a rock.  
soṇḍī f. a natural tank in a rock.  
soṇṇa nt. gold.  
soṇṇamaya adj. made of gold.  
soṇṇamālā f. golden wreath.  
soṇṇavālukā f. golden sand.  
sota nt. the ear. (m.), a stream; torrent; flood.  
sotadvāra nt. the auditory sensation.  
sotabila nt. the orifice of the ear.  
sotabba pt.p. of suṇāti should be heard.  
sotavantu adj. one who has ears.  
sotaviññāṇa nt. auditory cognition.  
sotaviññeya adj. cognisable by hearing.  
sotāpatti f. entering upon the Noble Path.  
sotāpattiphala nt. the fruit of entering the Stream.  
sotāpanna adj. one who has entered the stream of Path.  
sotāyatana nt. the sense of hearing.  
sotindriya nt. the faculty of hearing.  
sotu m. hearer.  
sotuṃ inf. of suṇāti to hear.  
sotukāma adj. willing to hear.  
sotthi f. well-being; safety; blessing.  
sotthikamma nt. blessing.  
sotthibhāva m. safety.  
sotthisālā f. a hospital; a sanatorium.  
sodaka adj. wet; dripping.  
sodariya adj. born of the same mother.  
sodhaka adj. one who cleanses, corrects, or purifies.  
sodhana nt. cleansing; correcting.  
sodhayamāna pr.p. of sodheti making clean; purifying.  
sodhāpita pp. of sodhāpeti caused to clean or correct.  
sodhāpeti caus. of sodheti causes to clean or correct.  
sodhāpetvā abs. of sodhāpeti having caused to clean or correct.  
sodhāpesi aor. of sodhāpeti caused to clean or correct.  
sodhita pp. of sodheti made clean; purified.  
sodhetabba pt.p. of sodheti should be clean.  
sodheti sudh + e makes clean; purifies; corrects; clears a debt.  
sodhetvā abs. of sodheti having purified.  
sodhenta pr.p. of sodheti making clean; purifying.  
sodhesi aor. of sodheti made clean; purified.  
sopāka m. an outcast; a low-caste man; a dog-eater  
sopāna m.; nt. stairs; a ladder.  
sopānapanti f. a flight of steps.  
sopānapāda m. the foot of the steps.  
sopānaphalaka nt. a step of a staircase.  
sopānasīsa nt. a step of a staircase.  
soppa nt. sleep.  
sobbha nt. a pit; a pool of water.  
sobhagga nt. splendour; beauty.  
sobhaggappatta adj. endowed with beauty or splendour.  
sobhaṇa adj. shining; beautiful.  
sobhati subh + a shines; to be splendid; looks beautiful.  
sobhana adj. shining; beautiful.  
sobhanta pr.p. of sobhati shining.  
sobhamāna pr.p. of sobhati shining.  
sobhā f. splendour; beauty.  
sobhi aor. of sobhati shone; looked beautiful.  
sobhita pp. of sobhati shone; looked beautiful. (pp. of sobheti), made resplendent; adorned.  
sobhitvā abs. of sobhati having shone.  
sobheti caus. of sobhati makes resplendent; adorns.  
sobhetvā abs. of sobheti having made resplendent.  
sobhenta pr.p. of sobheti making resplendent.  
sobhesi aor. of sobheti made resplendent; adorned.  
soma m. the moon.  
somanassa nt. joy; delight; happiness.  
somanassajāta adj. joyful.  
somma adj. gentle; agreeable; pleasing.  
soracca nt. gentleness; meekness.  
soḷasī f. sixteenth.  
sovaggika adj. leading to heaven.  
sovacassatā f. suavity; obedience.  
sovaṇṇa nt. gold.  
sovaṇṇamaya adj. golden.  
sovaṇṇaya adj. golden.  
sovatthika nt. a savastika; a mark like S on the hood of a cobra.  
sovīraka m. sour gruel; vinegar.  
sosa m. drying up; consumption.  
sosana nt. causing to dry.  
sosānika adj. one who lives in a cemetery.  
sosita pp. of soseti caused to dry or wither.  
soseti sus + e causes to dry or wither.  
sosetvā abs. of soseti having caused to dry or wither.  
sosenta pr.p. of soseti causing to dry or wither.  
sosesi aor. of soseti caused to dry or wither.  
sossati fut. of suṇāti will listen.  
sohajja n. friendship.  
sṃsuddhi f. purity.  
sneha m. affection; love; oil; fat.  
svākāra adj. being of good disposition.  
svākkhāta adj. well preached.  
svāgata adj. welcome; learnt by heart.  
svāgataṃ adv. welcome to you!  
svātana adj. relating to the morrow.  
svātanāya dat. for the morrow.  
sve adv. tomorrow.