Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
ṭanka m. an instrument to cut stones.  
ṭīkācariya m. a sub-commentator.  
ṭhatvā abs. of tiṭṭhati having stood; having stayed.  
ṭhapana nt. setting up; placing; keeping. ṭhapanā (f.) setting up; placing; keeping.
ṭhapāpeti caus. of ṭhapeti causes to be placed.  
ṭhapāpetvā abs. of ṭhapāpeti having caused to be placed.  
ṭhapita pp. of ṭhapāpeti caused to be placed.  
ṭhapetabba pt.p. of ṭhapeti should be kept.  
ṭhapeti ṭhā + āpe places; keeps; sets up; fixes (a date); establishes; sets aside.  
ṭhapetvā abs. of ṭhapeti having placed; set aside, or left.  
ṭhapenta pp. of ṭhapeti placed; set up; established; set aside.  
ṭhapesi aor. of ṭhapeti placed; set up; established; set aside. (aor. of ṭhapāpeti), caused to be placed.  
ṭhātuṃ inf. of tiṭṭhati to stand.  
ṭhānaso adv. with reason and cause.  
ṭhānīya nt. a metropolis. (adj.), fit to be placed.  
ṭhāpaka adj. one who places or keeps.  
ṭhāyaka adj. one who stands.  
ṭhāyī adj. standing. (in cpds.), being in a state of; lasting.  
ṭhita pp. of tiṭṭhati stood; stayed; stationary; immovable; one who stays.  
ṭhitaka adj. one who stands.  
ṭhitaṭṭhāna nt. the place where one was (standing).  
ṭhitatta nt. the fact of standing. (ṭhita + atta) (adj.) self-controlled.  
ṭhiti f. stability; duration; continuance.  
ṭhitika adj. (in cpds.), lasting; enduring; living on; dependent. ṭhitikā (f.) place in a list at which the distribution of lots was stopped.
ṭhitibhāgiya adj. lasting; connected with duration.