Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
ta demonstrative pron. that; (so = he; sā = she; taṃ = that thing, are some forms of this).  
takka m. thought; reasoning; logic. (nt.), butter-milk.  
takkana nt. thinking; reasoning.  
takkara adj. a doer thereof. (m.), a thief.  
takkasilā f. name of city in Gandāra, where was well known university.  
takkika 3 a sophist; a logician.  
takkita pp. of takketi thought; reasoned.  
takkī 3 a sophist; a logician.  
takketi takk + e thinks; reasons; argues; trusts.  
takketvā abs. of takketi having thought; having reasoned.  
takkesi aor. of takketi thought; reasoned.  
takkola nt. a kind of perfume.  
tagara nt. fragrant shrub.  
taggaruka adj. bent thereon.  
taggha an affirmative particle truly; surely; if it is so.  
taca m. skin; bark; hide.  
tacagandha m. the scent of bark.  
tacapañcaka nt. the five constituents ending with taca, viz. kesā, lomā, nakhā, dantā, taco.  
tacapariyosāna adj. limited by skin.  
taccha adj. true; real; (nt.) the truth.  
tacchaka m. a carpenter; chipper of wood.  
tacchati tacch + a chips; chops; make thin.  
tacchana nt. chipping off.  
tacchanī f. chip-axe.  
tacchi aor. of tacchati chipped; chopped. (pp. of taccheti), shipped.  
tacchita pp. of tacchati chipped; chopped.  
tacchitvā abs. of tacchati having chipped; havind chopped; having made thin.  
taccheti tacch + a chips.  
tacchetvā abs. of taccheti having chipped.  
tacchenta pr.p. of taccheti chipping.  
tacchesi aor. of taccheti chipped.  
tajja adj. arising from that.  
tajjanā f. threat; menace.  
tajjaniya adj. to be blamed or censured.  
tajjanī f. the forefinger.  
tajjita pp. of tajjeti frightened; threatened.  
tajjeti tajj + e frightens; threatens.  
tajjetvā abs. of tajjeti having frightened; having threatened.  
tajjenta pr.p. of tajjeti frightening; threatening.  
tajjesi aor. of tajjeti frightened; threatened.  
taṭataṭāyamāna. pr.p. of taṭa-tatāyati making the sound tat tat.  
taṭa-tatāyati onom. from taṭa makes the sound tat tat.  
taṭa-tatāyāyi aor. of taṭa-tatāyati made the sound tat tat.  
taṭṭika   a small mat; a piece of hide to sit on.  
taṇḍula nt. rice-grain.  
taṇḍulamuṭṭhi m. a handful of rice.  
taṇḍulika m. rice-merchant.  
taṇhasaṃyojana nt. the fatter of craving.  
taṇhā f. craving; thirst; lust; attachment.  
taṇhākkhaya m. the destruction of craving.  
taṇhājāla nt. the snare of craving.  
taṇhādutiya adj. having craving as one's companion.  
taṇhāpaccaya adj. caused by craving.  
taṇhāvicarita   a thought of craving.  
taṇhāsaṅkhaya m. complete destruction.  
taṇhāsalla nt. the dart of craving.  
taṇhāsota m. stream of craving.  
taṇhīyati deno. from tanhā has thirst for.  
tata pp. of tanoti extended; spread out. taṭa (nt.) side of river; a river bank; (m.) a precipice. ### tāta (m.) 1. father; 2. son.
tatiya adj. the third. tatiyā (f.) the third case, instrumental.
tatiyaṃ adv. for the third time.  
tato ind. from there; from that; thence; therefore; thereupon.  
tato nidānaṃ adv. on that account.  
tato nimittaṃ adv. on that account.  
tatonidānaṃ adv. on account of that.  
tatopaṭṭhāya ind. thenceforth; since; then  
tatoparaṃ ind. beyond that.  
tatta nt. the real nature; reality. (pp. of tapati), heat; hot; glowing.  
tattaka adj. that much; of such size. taṭṭaka (nt.), a tray; a porringer.
tatto ind. accurately.  
tattha adv. there; in that place.  
tatra adv. there; in that place.  
tatha adj. true; real. (nt.), the truth. tathā (adv.) thus; so; in that way; likewise.
tathatā f. reality; such likeness.  
tathatta nt. the state of being so; the truth.  
tathavacana adj. speaking the truth.  
tathā pi ind. even so; but.  
tathāeva adv. in the same way.  
tathākārī adj. acting so.  
tathāgata adj. one who has gone so; the Enlighten One.  
tathāgata-bala nt. the supreme intellectual power of the Tathāgata.  
tathābhāva m. suchness; such a condition.  
tathārūpa adj. such; like that.  
tatheve ind. likewise; similarly.  
tad eva   same thing.  
tadagge adv. henceforth.  
tadaṅga adj. temporal (?); (nt.) that portion.  
tadatthaṃ (taṃ + atthaṃ), ind. for that purpose.  
tadanurūpa adj. conforming with that.  
tadaha nt. the same day.  
tadahu nt. the same day.  
tadahuposathe loc. on the fast day.  
tadupaniya adj. agreeing with; befitting.  
tadupeta adj. endowed with that.  
tanaya m. a son; offspring. tanuyā (f.) a daughter.
tani aor. of tanoti extended; stretched.  
tanu adj. thin; slender.  
tanuka adj. thin.  
tanukata adj. made thin; reduced.  
tanukaraṇa nt. making thin; reduction.  
tanuja m. a son; offspring. tanujā (f.) a daughter.
tanutara adj. thinner.  
tanutā nt. thinness; diminution; reduction.  
tanutta nt. thinness; diminution; reduction.  
tanubhāva m. thinness; diminution; reduction.  
tanoti tan + o extends; stretches.  
tanta nt. thread; string; a loom.  
tantavāya m. a weaver.  
tantākulakajāta adj. entangled like a ball of string.  
tanti f. a cord of lute; a secret text.  
tantidhara adj. bearer of tradition.  
tantissara m. string of music; sound of lute.  
tantu m. string; cord; thread.  
tandita adj. weary; lazy; inactive.  
tandī f. weariness; sloth.  
tanhīyi aor. of taṇhīyati had thirst for.  
tapa m.; nt. (mano-group) penance; religious austerity; morality. (in cpds. this changes it's last vowel a to o and stands as tapo.)  
tapati tap + a shines; brights.  
tapadhana adj. one whose wealth is self-control; an ascetic.  
tapana nt. shining; brightness. tāpana (nt.) scorching; self-mortification; tormenting.
tapanīya adj. causing remorse. (nt.), gold.  
tapanta pr.p. of tapati shining.  
tapamāna pr.p. of tapati shining.  
tapavana nt. a place suitable for religious practices.  
tapassinī f. female ascetic.  
tapassī adj. devoted to religious austerities. (m.), a hermit.  
tapi aor. of tapati shined.  
tapokamma nt. ascetic practice.  
tapodhana m. monk (lit. rich in asceticism).  
tappaṇa nt. satiation; refreshment.  
tappara adj. devoted to; quite given to.  
tappita pp. of tappeti satiated; satisfied; pleased.  
tappiya abs. of tappeti having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased. (adj.) satiable.  
tappeti tapp + e satiates; satisfies; pleases.  
tappetu m. one who satiates.  
tappetvā abs. of tappeti having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased.  
tappenta pr.p. of tappeti satiating; satisfying.  
tappesi aor. of tappeti satiated; satisfied; pleased.  
tabbahula adj. having abundantly or often.  
tabbipakkha adj. antagonistic to that.  
tabbiparīta adj. different from that.  
tabbisaya adj. having that as an object.  
tabbhāva m. that state; the real nature.  
tama m.; nt. (mano-group), darkness, ignorance. (in cpds. it becomes tamo.)  
tamakhanda m. great darkness.  
tamanaddha adj. enveloped in darkness.  
tamanuda adj. dispeller of darkness.  
tamaparāyaṇa adj. having a state of darkness for his destiny.  
tamāla m. the tree Xantrochymus pictorius.  
tamba adj. copper-coloured; brown. (nt.), copper.  
tambakesa adj. having tawny hair.  
tambacūla m. a cock.  
tambanakha adj. having brown finger-nails.  
tambanetta adj. having brown eyes.  
tambabhājana nt. a copper vessel.  
tambaloka m.; nt. copper.  
tambūla nt. betel-leaf.  
tambūlapasibbaka m. a purse to keep betel.  
tambūlapeḷā f. a betel-box.  
taya nt. a triad.  
tayo nom. plu. of ti three (persons).  
tara adj. (in cpds.), crossing; passing over. tārā (f.), star.
taraṅga m. a wave.  
taraccha m. a hyaena.  
taraṇa nt. going across; passing over.  
taraṇī f. a ship; a boat.  
taraṇīya pt.p. of crossable.  
tarati tar + a crosses or pass over; to be in a hurry.  
taranta pr.p. of tarati crossing or passing over.  
taramāna pr.p. of tarati crossing or passing over.  
taramāna-rūpa adj. being in a hurry.  
tari aor. of tarati crossed or passed over.  
tarita pp. of tarati crossed or passed over. tārita (pp. of tāreti) made cross; helped over; assisted.
taritu m. one who passes or crosses over.  
taritvā abs. of tarati having crossed or passed over.  
taru m. a tree.  
taruṇa adj. young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.  
taruṇī f. a young woman; maiden.  
tarusaṇḍa m. a grove of trees.  
tala nt. a flat surface; level ground; a base; a flat roof; a stage; the blade of a weapon; the palm or sole. tāla (m.) the palmyra tree. ### tāḷa (m.) a key; a cymbal; music (in general).
talaghātaka nt. a slap with the palm of the hand.  
talasattika nt. hand raised in a threatening manner.  
taluṇa adj. young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.  
taḷāka m.; nt. a lake.  
tasa adj. movable; trembling. tāsa (m.) terror; fear; trembling.
tasati tas + a trembles, to be frightened; to be thirsty; to crave for.  
tasanta pr.p. of tasati trembling.  
tasi aor. of tasati trembled.  
tasita pp. of tasati trembled. tāsita (pp. of tāseti) made tremble; frightened; impaled.
tasitvā abs. of tasati having trembled.  
tasinā f. craving; thirst.  
tasmā ind. therefore.  
tahaṃ adv. there; on it; in that place.  
tahiṃ adv. there; on it; in that place.  
tāṇa nt. protection; refuge; shelter.  
tāṇatā f. protection.  
tādisa adj. such; of such quality.  
tādisaka adj. such; of such quality.  
tādī adj. such; of such quality.  
tāpasa m. a hermit.  
tāpasī f. a female ascetic.  
tāpita pp. of tāpeti scorched; tormented; heated.  
tāpeti caus. of tapati scorches; torments; heats.  
tāpetvā abs. of tāpeti having scorched; having tormented; having heated.  
tāpenta pr.p. of tāpeti scorching; tormenting; heating.  
tāpesi aor. of tāpeti scorched; tormented; heated.  
tāmbūlī f. the betel creeper.  
tāyati tā + ya protects; preserves; nourishes.  
tāyana nt. protection.  
tāyi aor. of tāyati protected; preserved; nourished.  
tāyita pp. of tāyati protected; preserved; nourished.  
tāyituṃ inf. of tāyati to protect; to preserve; to nourishe.  
tāyitvā abs. of tāyati having protected; having preserved; having nourished.  
tārakā f. a star.  
tārakāgaṇa m. the host of stars.  
tārakāpati m. the moon.  
tārakāpatha m. the sky.  
tārayamāna pr.p. of tāreti making cross; helping over.  
tāreti caus. of tarati makes cross; helps over; assists.  
tāretu m. one who helps to cross; a saviour.  
tāretvā abs. of tāreti having made cross; having helped over; having assisted.  
tārenta pr.p. of tāreti making cross; helping over.  
tāresi aor. of tāreti made cross; helped over; assisted.  
tālakanda m. the sprout coming out of a palm nut, (which is eaten when boiled and dried).  
tālakkhandha m. the trunk of a palm tree.  
tālaṭṭhika nt. the inner shell of a palm nut.  
tālapakka nt. palm nut.  
tālapaṇṇa nt. palm-leaf (used for writing).  
tālapatta nt. a whole palm-leaf (used for thatching, etc.)  
tālavaṇṭa nt. a fan. (lit. the stem of a palm-leaf; this is a corruption of tālavaṭṭa = a circle made of palm-leaf).  
tālāvatthukata adj. rendered groundless; uprooted.  
tālu m. the palate.  
tāluja adj. palatal.  
tāletvā abs. of tāḷeti having struck; having beaten; having flogged.  
tāḷaavacara nt. music. (m.), a musician.  
tāḷacchiggla nt. key-hole.  
tāḷacchidda nt. key-hole.  
tāḷana nt. beating; striking.  
tāḷita pp. of tāḷeti struck; beated; flogged.  
tāḷeti tal + e strikes; beats; flogs.  
tāḷenta pr.p. of tāḷeti striking; beating.  
tāḷesi aor. of tāḷeti struck; beated; flogged.  
tāva in. so much; so long; as far as.  
tāvakālika adj. temporary; for the time being.  
tāvataka adj. just so much; just so long.  
tāvatā adv. so long; on that account; by that much.  
tāvatiṃsa m. name of a heavenly abode.  
tāvatiṃsabhavana nt. the realm of the 33 gods.  
tāvad eve ind. instantly.  
tāvade ind. at that moment; instantly.  
tāvadeva ind. at that moment; instantly.  
tāva-mahanta adj. so big; so great.  
tāsana nt. frightening; impalement.  
tāsayamāna pr.p. of tāseti frightening.  
tāseti caus. of tasati makes tremble; frightens; impales.  
tāsetvā abs. of tāseti having frightened.  
tāsenta pr.p. of tāseti frightening.  
tāsesi aor. of tāseti made tremble; frightened; impaled.  
ti adj. three. (Declined in the plural of all genders).  
tiṃsati f. thirty.  
tika nt. a triad. (adj.), consisting of three. ṭīkā (f.), sub-commentary.
tikaṭuka nt. the threefold spices.  
tikiacchita pp. of tikicchati cured; treated medically.  
tikicchaka m. a physician.  
tikicchati kit + cha; ki is doubled and the former k is changed to t cures; treats medically.  
tikicchanta pr.p. of tikicchati treating medically.  
tikicchā f. the art of healing; practice of medicine.  
tikicchi aor. of tikicchati cured; treated medically.  
tikkha adj. sharp; acute; quick in deciding.  
tikkhattuṃ adv. thrice.  
tikkhapañña adj. having sharp intellect.  
tikhiṇa adj. sharp; pointed; pungent; acrid.  
tigāvuta adj. measuring 3 gāvutas.  
ticīvara   the 3 robes of a monk, viz. the inner, under, and the upper robes.  
tiṭṭhati ṭhā + a; ṭhā is changed to tiṭṭha stands; stays; abides; lasts; remains. (comparative tiṭṭhatu has the meaning; leave it alone or let it be so).  
tiṭṭhanta pr.p. of tiṭṭhati standing; staying.  
tiṭṭhamāna pr.p. of tiṭṭhati standing; staying.  
tiṇa nt. grass.  
tiṇaagāra nt. a cottage thatched with grass.  
tiṇaaṇḍūpaka nt. a pad of grass.  
tiṇaukkā f. a torch made of grass.  
tiṇagahaṇa nt. a thicket of grass.  
tiṇajāti f. a variety of grass.  
tiṇabhakkha adj. subsisting on grass.  
tiṇabhisi f. a mattress of grass.  
tiṇamuṭṭhi m. a handful.  
tiṇasanthāra m. a mat of grass.  
tiṇasūla nt. a kind of jasmine.  
tiṇahāraka m. one who carries grass for sale.  
tiṇha adj. sharp.  
titikkhati tij + kha; ti is doubled and j is changed to k endures; forebears.  
titikkhanta pr.p. of titikkhati enduring.  
titikkhamāna pr.p. of titikkhati enduring.  
titikkhā f. endurance; forgiveness.  
titikkhi aor. of titikkhati endured.  
titikkhitvā abs. of titikkhati having endured.  
titta pp. of tappati contented; satisfied. (adj.), bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.  
tittaka adj. bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.  
titti f. satisfaction; the brim.  
tittira m. a partridge.  
tittha nt. a fording or landing place; a harbour; a belief.  
titthakara m. founder of a religious order.  
titthāyatana (tittha + āyatana), nt. the sphere of a religious sect; the fundamental doctrine (of any religion).  
titthiya m. a heretical teacher; and adherent of another religion.  
titthiyaārāma m. an abode of heretics.  
titthiyasāvaka m. a follower of a heretical teacher.  
tithi f. a lunar day.  
tidaṇḍa nt. a tripod (to place something on).  
tidasa m. a deity (in general).  
tidasapura nt. the city of the devas.  
tidasasinda m. the city of the devas.  
tidiva m. the celestial abode.  
tidhā adv. in three ways.  
tinta adj. wet; moist.  
tintinī f. tamarind.  
tinduka m. the tree Diospyros embryopteris.  
tipaññāsā f. fifty-three.  
tipiṭaka nt. the 3 divisions of the Buddhist Canon.  
tipiṭakapāḷi f. the ṇuddhist Canon (having three baskets or portions).  
tipu nt. lead.  
tipusa nt. pumpkin.  
tipeṭaka adj. master of the three Piṭakas.  
tipeṭakī adj. master of the three Piṭakas.  
tippa adj. sharp; piercing; acute.  
tibba adj. sharp; piercing; acute. tiṇṇa (pp. of tarati) crossed over; gone through; one who has reached the final end.
timi m. name of an enormous fish.  
timiṅgala m. a kind of fish.  
timira nt. darkness. (adj.), dark.  
timirāyitatta nt. gloom; darkness.  
timisa nt. darkness. (adj.), dark.  
timīsikā f. a very dark night.  
timbaru m. the tree Diospyros embryopteris.  
timbarūsaka m. the tree Diospyros embryopteris.  
tiyāmā f. the night.  
tiyojana nt. a distance of 3 leagues. (adj.), measuring three leagues.  
tiracchāna m. an animal; a beast.  
tiracchānakathā f. talk about animals; a childish talk.  
tiracchānagata m. an animal.  
tiracchānayoni f. the realm of the brute creation.  
tiriyaṃ adv. across; transversely.  
tiriyaṃtaraṇa nt. ferrying across.  
tirīṭaka nt. a garment made of bark; the strips used for that purpose.  
tiro ind. across; beyond; outside.  
tirokaraṇī f. a curtain; veil.  
tirokuḍḍa nt. outside the wall.  
tirokkāra m. insult.  
tirodhāna nt. a lid; a screen.  
tiropabbata nt. further side of a mountain or rock.  
tirobhāva m. concealment; disappearance.  
tila nt. the sesamum seed.  
tilakakka nt. sesame paste.  
tilagulikā f. sesamum cake.  
tilapiññāka nt. sesamum-grinding.  
tilapiṭṭha nt. sesamum-grinding.  
tilamuṭṭhi m. a handful of sesame.  
tilavaha m. a cartload of sesame.  
tiliṅgika adj. belonging to the 3 genders.  
tiloka m. the 3 worlds.  
tivagga adj. consisting of 3 divisions.  
tivaṅgika adj. having 3 constituents.  
tivassika adj. three years old.  
tividha adj. threefold.  
tīra nt. shore; riverbank.  
tīraṇa nt. decision; judgement.  
tīradassī m. seeing the shore.  
tīrayamāna pr.p. of tīreti deciding; judging.  
tīrita pp. of tīreti decided; judged; finished; executed.  
tīreti tīr + e decides; judges; finishes; executes.  
tīretvā abs. of tīreti having decided; having judging.  
tīrenta pr.p. of tīreti deciding; judging.  
tīresi aor. of tīreti decided; judged; finished; executed.  
tīha nt. a period of three days.  
tu ind. however; but; yet; now; then.  
tuṅga adj. high; prominent.  
tuṅganāsika adj. having a prominent nose.  
tuccha adj. empty; vain; deserted.  
tucchahattha adj. empty-handed.  
tujjati pass. of tudati to be pierced or struck.  
tuṭṭha pp. of tussati satisfied.  
tuṭṭhacitta adj. with gladdened mind.  
tuṭṭhi f. pleasure; joy.  
tuṇḍa nt. the beak; snout.  
tuṇḍaka adj. with gladdened mind.  
tuṇṇakamma nt. needle-work; tailoring.  
tuṇṇavāya m. a tailor.  
tuṇhī in. silent; silently.  
tuṇhī-bhavati v. keeps silence.  
tuṇhībhāva m. silence.  
tuṇhībhūta adj. silent.  
tutta nt. a pike for guiding elephants.  
tudati tud + a pricks; pecks; pierces; instigates.  
tudana nt. pricking; piercing.  
tudanta pr.p. of tudati pricking; pecking.  
tudamāna pr.p. of tudati pricking; pecking.  
tudi aor. of tudati pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.  
tudita pp. of tudati pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.  
tuditvā abs. of tudati having pricked; having pierced.  
tunna pp. of tudati pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.  
tumula adj. great; big; grand.  
tumba m.; nt. a kind of water-vessel; a measure used for grain.  
tumbakaṭāha m. a vessel made of calabash or gourd.  
tumbī f. long gourd.  
tumha   (the second personal pro.) you.  
tumhādisa adj. of your kind.  
turaga m. a horse.  
turaṅga m. a horse.  
turaṅgama m. a horse.  
turita adj. speedy; quick.  
turitaṃ adv. quickly; in a hurry.  
turitaturitaṃ adv. very quickly; in a great haste.  
turiya nt. musical instrument. tūriya (nt.) musical instrument.
turukkha adj. belonging to Turkey. (m.) a kind of incense.  
tulana nt. weighing; rating; deliberation. tulanā (f.) weighing; rating; deliberation.
tulasī f. the basil plant.  
tulā f. a balance; scales; a rafter. tūla (nt.) cotton
tulākūṭa nt. false weighing.  
tulādaṇḍa m. the beam of a balance.  
tulita pp. of tuleti weighed; examined; compared.  
tuliya m. flying fox. (tūliya?)  
tuleti tul + e weighes; examines; compares.  
tuletvā abs. of tuleti having weighed; having examined; having compared.  
tulenta pr.p. of tuleti examining; comparing.  
tulesi aor. of tuleti weighed; examined; compared.  
tulya adj. equal; measurable.  
tulyatā f. equality.  
tuvaṃ nom. sin. of tumha thou.  
tuvaṭaṃ adv. quickly.  
tussati tus + ya to be glad or satisfied.  
tussana nt. satisfaction; joy. tussanā (f.) satisfaction; joy.
tussanta pr.p. of tussati satisfying.  
tussamāna pr.p. of tussati satisfying.  
tussi aor. of tussati satisfied.  
tussitvā abs. of tussati having satisfied.  
tuhina nt. dew.  
tūṇa m. a quiver.  
tūṇīra m. a quiver.  
tūlapicu m. cotton-wool.  
tūla-sannibha adj. cotton-like.  
tūlikā f. a painter's brush; a cotton-mattress.  
te-asīti f. eighty-three.  
tekiccha adj. curable; one who can be pardoned.  
te-cattāḷīsati f. forty-three.  
te-cīvarika adj. using three robes only.  
teja m.; nt. (mano-group), heat; radiance; glory; power. (This becomes tejo in cpds.)  
tejakasiṇa nt. fire-contemplation.  
tejadhātu f. the element of heat.  
tejana nt. 1. an arrow; 2. sharpening.  
tejavantu adj. majestic; glorious; generating heat.  
tejita pp. of tejeti heat; sharpened.  
tejeti tij + e heats; sharpens.  
tejetvā abs. of tejeti having heat; having sharpened.  
tejenta pr.p. of tejeti heating; sharpening.  
tejesi aor. of tejeti heat; sharpened.  
tejodhātu f. element of heat.  
tettiṃsati f. thirty-three.  
tettiṃsā f. thirty-three.  
tena ind. on account of it; because of it.  
tenavuti f. ninety-three.  
tenahi ind. if it is so.  
tepaññasati f. fifty-three.  
temana nt. wetting; moistening.  
temayamāna pr.p. of temeti making wet.  
temita pp. of temeti made wet; moistened.  
temiyamāna pr.p. of temīyati becoming wet.  
temīyati pass. of temeti becomes wet; to be showed on.  
temeti tim + e makes wet; moistens.  
temetvā abs. of temeti having made wet.  
tementa pr.p. of temeti making wet.  
temesi aor. of temeti made wet; moistened.  
terasa adj. thirteen.  
terovassika adj. three or four years old.  
tela nt. oil.  
telaghaṭa m. oil jar.  
telacāṭi f. a pot of oil.  
teladhūpita adj. flavoured with oil.  
telapadīpa adj. oil lamp.  
telamakkhana nt. anointing with oil.  
telika m. a dealer in oil.  
teḷasa adj. thirteen.  
tevijja adj. possessing three superhuman knowledges.  
tesaṭṭhi f. sixty-three.  
tesattati f. seventy-three.  
tomara m.; nt. a spear; a lance (for driving elephants).  
toya nt. water.  
toraṇa nt. an arched gateway; a decorative pandal.  
tosa m. joy; satisfaction.  
tosanā f. the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.  
tosayamāna pr.p. of toseti pleasing.  
tosāpana nt. the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.  
tosāpita pp. of tosāpeti made joyful; pleased.  
tosāpeti caus. of tussati makes joyful; pleases.  
tosāpesi aor. of tosāpeti made joyful; pleased.  
tosita pp. of toseti pleased.  
toseti   pleases.  
tosetvā abs. of toseti having pleased.  
tosenta pr.p. of toseti pleasing.  
tosesi aor. of toseti pleased.  
tvaṃ nom. sin. of tumha thou.  
thakana nt. closing up; a lid.  
thakita pp. of thaketi closed; shut; covered.  
thaketi thak + e closes; shuts; covers.  
thaketvā abs. of thaketi having closed; having shut; having covered.  
thakenta pr.p. of thaketi closing; covering.  
thakesi aor. of thaketi closed; shut; covered.  
thañña nt. mother's milk.  
thaṇḍalasāyikā f. lying on the bare ground.  
thaṇḍila nt. a hard stony ground; a mound.  
thaṇḍilaseyyā f. lying on the bare ground.  
thaddha adj. hard; stiff; callous.  
thaddhamaccharī m. a great miser.  
thana nt. the breast of a woman; the udder of a cow. ṭhāna (nt.), place; locality; condition; reason; office; cause; standing up; stay.
thanagga nt. the nipple.  
thanapa m.; nt. a suckling; an infant.  
thanayati than + aya roars; thunders.  
thanayanta pr.p. of thanayati roaring; thundering.  
thanayi aor. of thanayati roared; thundered.  
thanita pp. of thaneti roared; thundered. (nt.), the thunder.  
thaneti than + e roars; thunders.  
thanetva abs. of thaneti having roared.  
thanenta pr.p. of thaneti roaring; thundering.  
thanesi aor. of thaneti roared; thundered.  
thapati m. a carpenter.  
thabaka m. a bunch.  
thambha m. a pillar; post; a clump of grass; obduracy.  
thambhaka m. a clump of grass. m. a clump of grass.  
tharu m. the hilt or handle of a weapon.  
thala nt. land; dry ground. thāla (m.; nt.) a plate; a dish.
thalagocara adj. living on land.  
thalaja adj. sprung from land.  
thalaṭṭha adj. situated on land.  
thalapatha m. land-route.  
thava m. praise; eulogy.  
thavati thu + a praises; extols.  
thavamāna pr.p. of thavati praising; extoling.  
thavi aor. of thavati praised; extoled.  
thavikā f. a purse; knapsack.  
thavita pp. of thavati praised; extoled.  
thavitvā abs. of thavati having praised; having extoled.  
thāma m. strength; power; vigour.  
thāmavantu adj. strong; powerful.  
thālaka nt. a small bowl; a beaker.  
thāli f. a plate; a dish.  
thālikā f. a small bowl; a beaker.  
thālipāka m. a pot of boiled rice.  
thāvara adj. immovable; long-lasting.  
thāvariya nt. immobility; firmness; solidity.  
thira adj. firm; solid; lasting.  
thiratara adj. more firm, solid or lasting.  
thiratā f. firmness; immobility.  
thī f. a woman.  
thīna nt. unwieldliness; impalpability.  
thīraja m.; nt. menstrual flux.  
thuta pp. of thavati praised; extoled.  
thuti f. praise.  
thutipaṭhaka m. a panegyrist; a bard.  
thunanta pr.p. of thunāti moaning; groaning.  
thunamāna pr.p. of thunāti moaning; groaning.  
thunāti thu + nā moans; groans.  
thuni aor. of thunāti moaned; groaned.  
thunitvā abs. of thunāti having moaned; having groaned.  
thulla adj. massive; fat; grave; gross.  
thullakumārī f. a fat girl; an unmarried (but grown up) woman.  
thullaccaya m. a grave offence.  
thullaphusitaka adj. that which has big drops.  
thullasarīra adj. corpulent.  
thullāni nt. (plu.) rough words.  
thusa m. chaff; husk of grain.  
thusaggi m. fire of husks.  
thusapacchi f. a basket to keep chaff.  
thusasodaka nt. a kind of vinegar.  
thūṇa m. sacrificial post. thūṇā (f.) sacrificial post.
thūneyyaka adj. of the vilage of Thūṇa.  
thūpa m. a tope; pagoda; a cairn; a monument erected over the ashes of a holy person.  
thūpāraha adj. one who should be honoured by erecting a tope.  
thūpikā f. a pinnacle; spire.  
thūpīkata adj. heaped so as to have a pointed top.  
thūla adj. gross; rough; fat; massive.  
thūlatā f. coarseness.  
thūlasāṭaka m. coarse cloth.  
theta adj. reliable; trustworthy.  
thena m. a thief.  
thenaka m. a thief.  
thenita pp. of theneti stolen.  
theneti then + e steals.  
thenetvā abs. of theneti having stolen.  
thenenta pr.p. of theneti stealing.  
thenesi aor. of theneti stole.  
theyya nt. theft.  
theyyacitta nt. intention to steal. (adj.), intending to steal.  
theyyasaṃvāsaka adj. one who lives clandestinely (with bhikkhus).  
thera m. an elder; a senior; a monk who has spent 10 years from his upasampadā. adj. old; elder.  
theragāthā f. hymns of the Elders.  
theravāda m. the doctrine of the Theras; the Southern Buddhism.  
therī f. a senior nun; and old woman.  
theva m. a drop.  
thoka adj. small; little; a few.  
thokathokaṃ adv. little by little.  
thomana nt. praise. thomanā (f.) praise.
thomayamāna pr.p. of thometi praising; extoling.  
thomita pp. of thometi praised; extoled.  
thometi thom + e praises; extols.  
thometvā abs. of thometi having praised.  
thomenta pr.p. of thometi praising; extoling.  
thomesi aor. of thometi praised; extoled.