Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
ukkaṃsa m. excellence; superiority.  
ukkaṃsaka adj. exalting; praising.  
ukkaṃsanā f. extolling; eulogising.  
ukkaṃseti u + kas + e exalts; praises.  
ukkaṃsesi aor. of ukkaṃseti exalted; praised.  
ukkaṭṭha adj. 1. high; prominent; 2. excellent; 3. specialised.  
ukkaṭṭhita pp. boiled up; seething.  
ukkaṇṭhati u + kaṭh + ṃ-a dissatisfies.  
ukkaṇṭhanā f. dissatisfaction; commotion.  
ukkaṇṭhi aor. of ukkaṇṭhati dissatisfied.  
ukkaṇṭhita pp. of ukkaṇṭhati dissatisfied; fretting.  
ukkaṇṇa adj. having the ears erect.  
ukkantati u + kat + ṃ-a cuts or tears out.  
ukkanti aor. of ukkantati cut or teared out.  
ukkantita pp. of ukkantati cut or teared out.  
ukkā f. 1. a torch; 2. a meteor; 3. forge of a smith.  
ukkāra m. dung; excrement.  
ukkārabhūmi f. dung-hill; unclean place.  
ukkāsati u + kas + a coughes; clears one's throat.  
ukkāsi aor. of ukkāsati coughed; cleared one's throat.  
ukkāsita pp. of ukkāsati coughed out. (nt.), coughing; clearing of one's throat.  
ukkāsitvā abs. of ukkāsati having coughed.  
ukkujja adj. set up; upturned.  
ukkujjana nt. turning up.  
ukkujji aor. of ukkujjeti turned up; bent up.  
ukkujjita pp. of ukkujjeti turned up; bent up.  
ukkujjeti u + kujj + e turns up; bends up.  
ukkuṭika adj. squatting.  
ukkuṭikaṃ adv. in the posture of squatting.  
ukkuṭṭhi f. shouting out; acclamation.  
ukkusa m. osprey.  
ukkūla adj. steep; sloping up.  
ukkoṭana nt. perverting justice by taking bribe, etc.  
ukkoṭitita pp. of ukkoṭeti opened up again a legal question that has been settled.  
ukkoṭeti u + kuṭ + e opens up again a legal question that has been settled.  
ukkoṭesi aor. of ukkoṭeti opened up again a legal question that has been settled.  
ukkhaṭṭhatā f. eminence; superiority.  
ukkhali f. a pot.  
ukkhalikā f. a small pot.  
ukkhitta pp. of ukkhipati 1. lifted or thrown up; 2. suspended.  
ukkhittaka adj. suspended person.  
ukkhipati u + khip + a 1. raises, holds, or throws up; 2. suspends.  
ukkhipana nt. 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.  
ukkhepa m. 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.  
ukkhepaka m. one who throws up or suspends.  
ukkhepana nt. 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.  
uklāpa m. dirt; rubbish. (adj.), dirty; unclean.  
ugga adj. 1. huge; 2. fierce; 3. mighty; 4. rising.  
uggacchati u + gam + a rises; goes up.  
uggacchanta pr.p. of rising up.  
uggacchi aor. of uggacchati rose; went up.  
uggajjati u + gajj + a shouts out.  
uggajji aor. of uggajjati shouted out.  
uggaṇhana nt. learning; studying.  
uggaṇhāti u + gah + ṇhā learns; takes up.  
uggaṇhāpeti caus. of uggaṇhāti teaches; instructs.  
uggaṇhāpesi aor. of uggaṇhāpeti taught; instructed.  
uggaṇhi aor. of uggaṇhāti learnt; took up.  
uggaṇhita pp. of uggaṇhāti learnt; taken up.  
uggaṇhitukāma adj. willing to learn.  
uggaṇhitvā abs. of uggaṇhāti having learnt or taken up.  
uggaṇhiya abs. of uggaṇhāti having learnt or taken up.  
uggata pp. of uggacchati risen; high; lofty.  
uggama m. 1. rise; going up; 2. increase.  
uggamana nt. 1. rise; going up; 2. increase.  
uggayha abs. having learnt or taken up.  
uggaha m. 1 learning; study; 2. taking up.  
uggahaṇa nt. 1 learning; study; 2. taking up.  
uggahita pp. of uggaṇhāti 1. learnt; 2. raised; 3. taken wrongly.  
uggahetu m. one who learns or takes up.  
uggahetvā abs. having learnt or taken up.  
uggāra m. a belch; ejection of wind from the stomach.  
uggāhaka adj. one who is learning.  
uggiraṇa nt. 1. utterance; 2. brandishing of.  
uggirati u + gir + a 1. lifts up; 2. brandishes; 3. utters; 4. belches.  
uggiri aor. of uggirati 1. lifted up; 2. brandished; 3. uttered; 4. belched.  
uggilati u + gil + a vomits.  
uggili aor. of uggilati vomited.  
ugghaṃseti u + ghaṃs + e rubs.  
ugghaṃsesi oar. of ugghaṃseti rubbed.  
ugghaṭita adj. keen; striving. ugghāṭita (pp. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished.
uggharati u + ghar + a oozes.  
ugghari aor. of uggharati oozed.  
ugghāṭana nt. 1. unfastening; opening; 2. that which can be removed; 3. a machine for raising water.  
ugghāta m. a jolt or jerk.  
ugghāteti u + ghāt +e makes a sudden jerk. ugghāṭeti (u + ghāt + e), opens; unfastens; removes; abolishes.
ugghātesi aor. of ugghāteti made a sudden jerk. ugghāṭesi (aor. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished.
ugghosa m. a shout; proclamation.  
ugghosanā f. a shout; proclamation.  
ugghosita pp. of ugghoseti shouted out; proclaimed.  
ugghoseti u + ghus + e shouts out; proclaims.  
ugghosesi aor. of ugghoseti shouted out; proclaimed.  
ucca adj. 1. high; 2. noble.  
uccaya m. accumulation.  
uccaraṇā f. 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation. uccāraṇa (nt.), 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation.
uccākulīna adj. of a noble birth.  
uccāra m. dung; faeces; excrement.  
uccārita pp. of uccāreti 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up.  
uccāreti ū + car + e 1. utters; pronounces; 2. lifes up.  
uccāresi aor. of uccāreti 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up.  
uccāliṅga m. a maw-worm; caterpillar.  
uccāvaca adj. high and low; various.  
uccāsadda m. loud noise. (adj.), making a loud noise.  
uccāsayana nt. a high bed.  
ucciṭṭha adj. left over (food or drink); impure; used.  
uccināti u + ci + nā selects; chooses; picks out.  
uccini aor. of uccināti selected; chose; picked out.  
uccinitvā abs. of uccināti having selected; having chosen; having picked out.  
ucchaṅga m. the lap; the hip.  
ucchādana nt. rubbing of the body.  
ucchādeti u + chad + e rubs the body (in bathing or with perfumes).  
ucchādesi aor. of ucchādeti rubbed the body (in bathing or with perfumes).  
ucchijjati u + chid + ya (pass. of ucchindati) ceases; becomes annihilated.  
ucchijji aor. of ucchijjati ceased; became annihilated.  
ucchindati u + chid + ṃ-a breaks; destroys; cuts off.  
ucchindi aor. of ucchindati broke; destroyed.  
ucchinna pp. of ucchindati broken; destroyed.  
ucchu m. sugar-cane.  
ucchuyanta nt. sugar-mill.  
ucchurasa m. treacle; juice of sugar-cane.  
uccheda m. cutting off; perishing; annihilation.  
ucchedavādī m. one who professes the doctrine of annihilation.  
ucchediṭṭhi f. belief in the annihilation of the soul.  
uju adj. straight; up-right.  
ujuṃ adv. straightly.  
ujuka adj. straight; up-right.  
ujugata adj. straight; upright of life.  
ujutā f. rectitude; straightness.  
ujubhūta adj. straight; upright of life.  
ujjagghati u + jaggh + a laughes aloud.  
ujjagghi aor. of ujjagghati laughed aloud.  
ujjagghikā f. loud laughter.  
ujjaṅgala adj. barren; sandy.  
ujjala adj. bright; blazing.  
ujjalati u + jal + a shines; blazes up.  
ujjali aor. of ujjalati shone; blazed up.  
ujjalita pp. of ujjalati shone; blazed up.  
ujjavati u + jal + a goes up-stream.  
ujjavanikā f. a vessel going up-stream.  
ujjavi aor. of ujjavati went up-stream.  
ujjahati u + hā + a gives up.  
ujjahi aor. of ujjahati gave up.  
ujjota m. light; lustre.  
ujjotita pp. of ujjoteti illuminated.  
ujjoteti u + jut + e illuminates.  
ujjotesi aor. of ujjoteti illuminated.  
ujjhati ujjh + a leaves; forsakes.  
ujjhanasaññī adj. willing to blame.  
ujjhayati u + jhe + a grumbles.  
ujjhāna nt. taking offence; complaining.  
ujjhāpana nt. provoking.  
ujjhāpeti u + jhe + āpe irritates; makes one complain.  
ujjhāpesi aor. of ujjhāpeti irritated; made one complain.  
ujjhāyi aor. of ujjhayati grumbled.  
ujjhi aor. of ujjhati left; forsake.  
ujjhita pp. of ujjhati forsaken; cast away; thrown out.  
ujjhitvā abs. of ujjhati having left; forsaken.  
ujjhiya abs. of ujjhati having left; forsaken.  
uñchati uch + ṃ-a seeks alms; gleans.  
uñchā f. anything gathered for sustenance.  
uñchācariyā f. wandering for leaning.  
uñchi aor. of uñchati sought alms; gleaned.  
uñchitati pp. of uñchati sought alms; gleaned.  
uññātabba pt.p. of contemptible; despicable.  
uṭṭhahati u + ṭhā + a stands up; arises; to be active.  
uṭṭhahanta pr.p. of exerting; rising up.  
uṭṭhahi aor. of uṭṭhahati stood up; arose.  
uṭṭhahitvā abs. of uṭṭhahati; utthāti having got up or arisen.  
uṭṭhāna nt. getting up; rising; origin; energy; industry; product.  
uṭṭhānaka adj. producing; yielding.  
uṭṭhānavantu adj. strenuous.  
uṭṭhāpeti caus. of uṭṭhāti makes rise; raises; turns a person out.  
uṭṭhāpesi aor. of uṭṭhāpeti made rise; raised; turned a person out.  
uṭṭhāya abs. of uṭṭhahati having risen.  
uṭṭhāyaka adj. active; industrious.  
uṭṭhāyikā f. active; industrious.  
uṭṭhāsu m. one who gets up or rouses himself.  
uṭṭhita pp. of uṭṭhahati stood up; arosen. (pp. of uṭṭhāti), got up; arisen; produced.  
uḍḍayhati pass. of uḍḍahati is burnt  
uḍḍahati u + dah + a burns up.  
uḍḍahi aor. of uḍḍahati burned up.  
uḍḍita pp. of uḍḍahati burned up.  
uḍḍeti u + ḍī + e flies; suspends.  
uḍḍesi aor. of uḍḍeti flied; suspended.  
uṇṇa nt. wool; fibre. (With reference to the Buddha:) a hair between the eyebrows. uṇṇā (f.), wool; fibre.
uṇṇakajāta adj. reduced to powder.  
uṇṇābhi m. a spider.  
uṇha adj. hot. (nt.), heat. ubha (pron.), both.
uṇhatta nt. a turban.  
utu f.; nt. season; climate; the menses.  
utukāla m. the time of the menses.  
utuguṇa m. climate.  
utunī f. a menstruating woman.  
utuparissaya m. risk of the seasons.  
utusappāya m. agreeable season or climate.  
utta pp. of vadati (= vutta); spoken; uttered. (nt.), utterance.  
uttaṇḍula adj. badly cooked (rice), having some unboiled grains.  
uttatta pp. of uttapati 1. heated; molten; 2. shining.  
uttama adj. highest; best; noble; excellent.  
uttamaṅga nt. the most important part, i.e. the head.  
uttamaṅgaruha nt. hair.  
uttamattha m. the highest gain.  
uttamaporisa m. the greatest man.  
uttara adj. higher; further; northern; over. (nt.), an answer; reply. uttarā (f.), the northern direction.
uttaracchada m. awning; canopy.  
uttaraṇa nt. crossing over; overcoming; delivery; passing (of an exam).  
uttarati u + tar + a comes out of water; goes over; overcomes.  
uttarattharaṇa nt. upper cover.  
uttarasīsaka adj. with the head towards the north.  
uttarasve adv. day after tomorrow.  
uttarāsaṅga m. upper robe.  
uttari adv. over; beyond; further; moreover; additional. (aor. of uttarati), came out of water; went over; overcame.  
uttariṃ adv. over; beyond; further; moreover; additional.  
uttarikariṇīya nt. additional duty.  
uttaritara adj. more superior; higher; nobler.  
uttaribhaṅga m. additional bits; dainty bits.  
uttarimanussadhamma m. extraordinary condition; transcendental norm.  
uttarisāṭaka m. upper garment.  
uttarīya nt. a cloak.  
uttasati u + tas + a alarms or terrifies.  
uttasana nt. alarm; terror. uttāsana (nt.), impalement.
uttasi aor. of uttasati alarmed or terrified.  
uttasta pp. of uttasati frightened; terrified.  
uttāna adj. lying on one's back; supine; manifest; shallow.  
uttānaka adj. lying on one's back; supine; manifest; shallow.  
uttānaseyyaka adj. an infant.  
uttānīkamma nt. exposition; manifestation.  
uttānīkaraṇa nt. exposition; manifestation.  
uttānīkari aor. of uttānīkaroti made clear.  
uttānīkaroti uttāna + i + kar + o makes clear.  
uttāpeti u + tap + e heats; torments.  
uttāpesi aor. of uttāpeti heated; tormented.  
uttāreti u + tar + e lets cross; saves; assists.  
uttāresi aor. of uttāreti let cross; saved; assisted.  
uttāsa m. terror; fear.  
uttāsita pp. of uttāseti impaled.  
uttāseti u + tas + e impales. (caus. of uttasati), frightens or terrifies.  
uttāsesi aor. of uttāseti impaled.  
uttiṭṭhati u + ṭhā + a rises; stands up; strives.  
uttiṇa 3 grassless.  
uttiṇṇa pp. of uttarati crossed over; gone to the other shore; come out of; passed.  
uttrasta pp. of uttasati frightened; terrified.  
uttrāsī adj. fearful; timid.  
utrāsa m. terror.  
uda ind. or.  
udaka nt. water.  
udakadhārā f. a torrent of water.  
udakaphusita nt. a drop of water.  
udakabindu nt. a drop of water.  
udakamaṇika m. a big jar to keep water.  
udakasāṭikā f. bathing mantle.  
udakāka m. a small kind of cormorant.  
udakāyatikā f. water-pipe.  
udakumbha m. a flood of water.  
udagga adj. elated; exultant; joyful.  
udañcana nt. a small vessel with a handle used to take out water from a jar; a bucket.  
udadhi m. ocean.  
udapajjā aor. was born; arose.  
udapādi aor. of udapajjati arose; originated.  
udapāna m. a well.  
udaya m. rise; growth; increase; income; interest (from money).  
udayati   rises; comes out; increases.  
udayatthagama m. rise and fall.  
udayana nt. rise; going up.  
udayanta pr.p. of udayati rising; growing.  
udayabbaya m. rise and fall; increase and decrease; birth and death.  
udara nt. bell; stomach; interior. udāra (adj.), noble; excellent; great; lofty.
udaraggi m. the digestive faculty.  
udarapaṭala nt. the mucous membrane of the stomach.  
udaravadehakaṃ adv. filling the stomach to the utmost.  
udariya nt. undigested food in the stomach.  
udahāraka m. carrier of water.  
udahārikā f. carrier of water.  
udahāriya nt. the act of carrying water.  
udāna nt. an emotional utterance.  
udāneti u + ā + nī + e utters something with intense emotion.  
udāsīna adj. indifferent; passive.  
udāhaṭa pp. of udāharati uttered; recited.  
udāharaṇa nt. example; instance.  
udāharati u + ā + har + a utters; recites.  
udāhari aor. of udāharati uttered; recited.  
udāhāra m. utterance; speech.  
udāhu ind. or.  
udikkhati u + ikkh + a looks at; surveys.  
udikkhi aor. of udikkhati looked at; surveyed.  
udikkhita pp. of udikkhati looked at; surveyed.  
udikkhitu m. one who looks at.  
udikkhiya abs. of udikkhati having seen or looked at.  
udicca adj. noble; of the northern origin.  
udita pp. of udeti risen; high; elevated.  
udīraṇa nt. utterance; saying.  
udīrita pp. of udīreti uttered; spoken.  
udīreti u + īr + e utters; speaks.  
udīresi aor. of udīreti uttered; spoke.  
udukkhala m.; nt. a mortar.  
udumbara m. the glamorous fig tree.  
udeti u + i + a rises; comes out; increases.  
udesi aor. of udeti rose; came out; increased.  
udda m. an otter.  
uddaya adj. yielding; causing. (Only in cpds).  
uddasseti u + dis + e shows; reveals.  
uddassesi aor. of uddasseti showed; revealed.  
uddāna nt. 1. a list; a table of contents; 2. a cluster.  
uddāpa m. a bastion.  
uddāma adj. out of bounds; restless.  
uddālaka m. the tree Cassia Fistula.  
uddālana nt. tearing out.  
uddāleti u + dāl + e tears off.  
uddālesi aor. of uddāleti teared off.  
uddiṭṭha pp. of uddisati pointed out; appointed; alloted; recited.  
uddisati u + dis + a points out; appoints; allots; recites.  
uddisapeti caus. of uddisati makes recite or allot.  
uddisi aor. of uddisati points out; appoints; allots; recites.  
uddissa abs. of uddisati (= uddisiya), with reference to; on account of; for.  
uddissakata adj. allotted to; meant for.  
uddīpanā f. 1. explanation; 2. sharpening.  
uddīyati u + dar + ī + ya burst; falls into pieces.  
uddeka m. 1. a belch; 2. spouting out.  
uddesa m. 1. indication; 2. propounding; 3. recitation.  
uddesaka adj. one who points out or recites.  
uddesika adj. indicating; referring to; memorial. (In cpds. with vassa), of the age of.  
uddehakaṃ adv. bubbling or seething up.  
uddrīyati u + dar + ī + ya burst; falls into pieces.  
uddrīyi aor. of uddrīyati bursted; fell into pieces.  
uddha adj. upper; upward.  
uddhaṃ adv. high up; above; ahead; hence; zenith.  
uddhaṃgama adj. going upwards.  
uddhaṃbhāgiya adj. belonging to the upper part.  
uddhaṃvirecana nt. vomiting; action of an emetic.  
uddhaṃseti u + dhaṃs + e destroys; brings ruin on.  
uddhaṃsesi aor. of uddhaṃseti destroyed; brought ruin on.  
uddhaṃsota adj. going upwards in the stream of life.  
uddhagga adj. with the tips turned upwards; prominent; beneficial.  
uddhaggika adj. promoting spiritual welfare.  
uddhacca nt. distraction; flurry; haughtiness.  
uddhata pp. agitated; haughty. uddhaṭa (pp. of uddharati), raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted.
uddhana nt. fire-place; an oven.  
uddhapāda adj. having heels upwards.  
uddhamma m. false doctrine.  
uddharaṇa nt. lifting; pulling out; uprooting.  
uddharati u + har + a raises; lifts; pulls out; removes; uproots.  
uddhari aor. of uddharati raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted.  
uddhāra m. withdrawal; pulling out.  
uddhumāta adj. swollen; bloated.  
uddhumātaka adj. swollen; bloated.  
uddhumāyati u + dhum + ya swells up; puffs.  
uddhumāyi aor. of uddhumāyati swelled up; puffed.  
uddhumāyita pp. of uddhumāyati swelled up; puffed.  
udraya adj. yielding; causing. (Only in cpds).  
udrīyati v. falls into pieces.  
udrīyana nt. bursting; falling down.  
udreka m. 1. a belch; 2. spouting out.  
undura m. a rat. undūra (m.), a rat.
unnata pp. of unnamati raised; high; lofty.  
unnati f. rising; elevation; increase.  
unnadati u + nad + a shouts; roars; resounds.  
unnadi aor. of unnadati shouted; roared; resounded. unnādī (adj.), noisy; tumultuous.
unnadita pp. of unnadati shouted; roared; resounded.  
unnama m. elevation.  
unnamati u + nam + a rises up; prospers; bends upwards.  
unnami aor. of unnamati rose up; prospered; bent upwards.  
unnala adj. insolent; arrogant; proud. unnaḷa (adj.), insolent; arrogant; proud.
unnāda m. a shout; big noise.  
unnādinī f. noisy; tumultuous.  
unnādeti caus. of unnadati makes resound.  
unhīsa nt. a turban.  
upaka adj. approaching; frequenting. (= upage)  
upakaccha nt. armpit.  
upakacchaka nt. armpit.  
upakaṭṭha adj. near; approaching.  
upakaḍḍhati upa + kaḍḍh + a drags or pull near.  
upakaḍḍhi aor. of upakaḍḍhati dragged or pulled near.  
upakaḍḍhita pp. of upakaḍḍhati dragged or pulled near.  
upakaṇṇaka nt. a place where one is able to hear other's whisper.  
upakaṇṇake adj. secretly.  
upakappati upa + kapp + a approaches; to be beneficial or suitable.  
upakappana nt. approach; benefit. upakappanā (f.), approach; benefit.
upakaraṇa nt. instrument; outfit; utensils; requisites; help; support; provisions.  
upakari aor. of upakaroti helped; supported; served. upakārī (m.), helper; benefactor.
upakaroti upa + kar + o helps; supports; serves.  
upakāra m. help; support; favour.  
upakāraka adj. helping; effective; one who helps.  
upakārikā f. 1. benefactress; 2. a buttress.  
upakūjati upa + kūj + a sings or chirps.  
upakūji aor. of upakūjati sang or chirped.  
upakūjita pp. of upakūjati resounding or filled with song of birds.  
upakūlita pp. shrivelled; singed; roasted.  
upakkama m. ways; means; expedient; approach; attack.  
upakkamati upa + kam + a strives; undertakes; begins; attacks.  
upakkamana nt. attacking; approach.  
upakkami aor. of upakkamati strove; undertook; began; attacked.  
upakkiliṭṭha adj. soiled; impure; stained.  
upakkilesa m. impurity; defilement; anything that spoils or obstructs.  
upakkītaka m. a bought slave.  
upakkuṭṭha pp. of upakkosati reproached; blamed; scolded.  
upakkosa m. reproach; censure.  
upakkosati upa + kus + a reproaches; blames; scolds.  
upakkosi aor. of upakkosati reproached; blamed; scolded.  
upakkhaṭa adj. prepared; administered; brought near.  
upakkhalana nt. stumbling; tripping.  
upaga adj. (in cpds.) going to; reaching; coming into; being at; producing.  
upagacchati upa + gam + a approaches; undergoes; undertakes.  
upagacchi aor. of upagacchati approached; underwent; undertook.  
upagamana nt. approaching; undergoing; undertaking.  
upagamma abs. of upagacchati having approached.  
upagūhati upa + gūh + a embraces.  
upagūhana nt. embracing.  
upagūhi aor. of upagūhati embraced.  
upagūhita pp. of upagūhati embraced.  
upagghāta m. jolting; sudden jerk.  
upaghāta m. jolting; sudden jerk.  
upaghātaka adj. injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.  
upaghātana nt. jolting; sudden jerk.  
upaghātī adj. injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.  
upacaya m. accumulation.  
upacarati upa + car + a deals with; to be ready.  
upacari aor. of upacarati dealt with; to be ready.  
upacarita pp. of upacarati practised; served; dealt with.  
upacāra m. neighbourhood; preparative or preliminary action.  
upacikā f. termite; white ant.  
upaciṇṇa pp. of upacināti practised; frequented; accumulated.  
upacita pp. of upacināti collected; accumulated; built.  
upacināti upa + ci + nā collects; accumulates; builds.  
upacini aor. of upacināti collected; accumulated; built.  
upaccagā upa + ati + gam + a; 3rd sin. pret. he escaped, passed or overcame.  
upacchindati upa + chid + ṃ-a breaks off; interrupts; destroys.  
upacchindi aor. of upacchindati broke off; interrupted; destroyed.  
upacchinna pp. of upacchindati broken off; interrupted; destroyed.  
upacchubhati v. throws at.  
upaccheda m. stoppage; destruction; breaking off.  
upacchedaka adj. destroying; stopping.  
upajīvati upa + jīv + a lives on; depends on.  
upajīvi aor. of upajīvati lived on; depended on. upajīvī (adj.), living on; subsisting by; one who is dependant.
upajjha m. spiritual teacher or preceptor.  
upajjhāya m. spiritual teacher or preceptor.  
upaññāta pp. of upajānāti found out; learnt; known.  
upaṭṭhapeti upa + ṭhā + e provides; procures; puts forth; causes to be present or waits one.  
upaṭṭhapesi aor. of upaṭṭhapeti provided; procured; put forth.  
upaṭṭhahati upa + ṭhā + a waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands.  
upaṭṭhahi aor. of upaṭṭhahati waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed.  
upaṭṭhahitvā abs. of upaṭṭhahati having attended on.  
upaṭṭhāka m. a servitor; a nurse; a follower.  
upaṭṭhāti upa + ṭhā + a waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands.  
upaṭṭhāna nt. waiting on; looking after; service; understanding.  
upaṭṭhānapuppha nt. the flowers assigned for.  
upaṭṭhānasālā f. a hall for attendance; assembly hall.  
upaṭṭhāsi aor. of upatiṭṭhati stood by; looked after. (aor. of upaṭṭhāti), waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed.  
upaṭṭhita pp. of upaṭṭhāti got ready; arrived; presented; served by.  
upaṭṭhitvā abs. of upaṭṭhahati having attended on.  
upaṭṭhiyamāna pr.p.p. of being attended.  
upaḍayhati upa + dah + ya burns up.  
upaḍayhi aor. of upaḍayhati burnt up.  
upaḍḍha adj. half. (nt.), a half.  
upatappati upa + tap + a vexes or torments.  
upatappi aor. of upatappati vexed or tormented.  
upatāpa m. vexation; trouble; remorse.  
upatāpaka adj. causing pain or remorse.  
upatāpana nt. vexation; trouble; remorse.  
upatāpita pp. of upatāpeti caused pain; tormented; harassed.  
upatāpeti upa t+ tap + e causes pain; torments; harasses.  
upatāpesi aor. of upatāpeti caused pain; tormented; harassed.  
upatiṭṭhati upa + ṭhā + a stands by; looks after.  
upatthaddha adj. stiff; supported by.  
upatthambha m. support; encouragement; a prop.  
upatthambhaka adj. supporting; sustaining.  
upatthambhana nt. support; encouragement; a prop.  
upatthambhita pp. of upatthambheti made firm; supported; propped up; sustained.  
upatthambheti upa + thamb + e makes firm; supports; props up; sustains.  
upatthambhesi aor. of upatthambheti made firm; supported; propped up; sustained.  
upatthara m. a carpet; rug; covering.  
upadassita pp. of upadasseti made manifest; showed.  
upadasseti upa + dis + e makes manifest; shows.  
upadassesi aor. of upadasseti made manifest; showed.  
upadahati upa + dah + a furnishes; gives; causes.  
upadahi aor. of upadahati furnished; gave; caused.  
upadiṭṭha pp. of upadisati pointed out; put forth; specified.  
upadisati upa + dis + a points out; advises; shows.  
upadisana nt. pointing out; advice.  
upadisi aor. of upadisati pointed out; advised; showed.  
upadissati pass. of upadisati is appeared; is shown up.  
upadesa m. advice; indication; instruction.  
upaddava m. misfortune; distress; danger.  
upaddaveti upa + dav + e annoys; troubles.  
upaddavesi aor. of upaddaveti annoyed; troubled.  
upadduta pp. of upaddaveti annoyed; troubled.  
upadhāna nt. a pillow. (adj.), causing; imposing.  
upadhāraṇa nt. a receptacle; milk-pail. upadhāraṇā (f.), calculation; consideration.
upadhārita pp. of upadhāreti surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded.  
upadhāreti upa + dhar + e surmises; looks out for; considers or concludes.  
upadhāretvā abs. having reflected upon.  
upadhāresi aor. of upadhāreti surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded.  
upadhāvati upa + dhar + e run up to or after.  
upadhāvana nt. running after.  
upadhāvi aor. of upadhāvati ran up to or after.  
upadhi m. substratum of re-birth; attachment. upādhi (m.), a little.
upadhika adj. showing attachment to rebirth.  
upanagara n. suburb.  
upanata pp. of upanamati bent on; come near.  
upanaddha pp. of upanandhati beared enmity towards; grumbled at.  
upanandhati upa + nah + ya bears enmity towards; grumbles at.  
upanandhi aor. of upanandhati beared enmity towards; grumbled at.  
upanamati upa + nam + a bends on; comes near; to be present.  
upanamana nt. bending on; bringing near.  
upanami aor. of upanamati bent on; came near.  
upanayana nt. 1. bringing near; 2. the ceremony of subsumption.  
upanayhati upa + nah + ya bears enmity towards; wraps with.  
upanayhanā f. 1. ill-will; enmity; 2. wrapping over.  
upanayhi aor. of upanayhati bore enmity towards; wraped with.  
upanāmita pp. of upanāmeti brought near; offered.  
upanāmeti upa + nam + e brings near; offers.  
upanāmesi aor. of upanāmeti brought near; offered.  
upanāyika adj. approaching; conveying.  
upanāha m. ill-will; enmity.  
upanāhi adj. one who bears ill-will; finding fault.  
upanikkhitta pp. of upanikkhipati placed by; laid down.  
upanikkhipati upa + ni + khip + a deposits near; lays up.  
upanikkhipana nt. putting down; depositing near.  
upanikkhipi aor. of upanikkhipati deposited near; layed up.  
upanikkhepa m. putting down; depositing near.  
upanigghāna nt. consideration; reflection.  
upanighaṃsati upa + ni + ghaṃs + a rubs up against; crushes.  
upanighaṃsi aor. of upanighaṃsati rubded up against; crushed.  
upanijjhayi aor. of upanijjhāyati meditated upon; reflected on.  
upanijjhāyati upa + ni + jhā + ya meditates upon; reflects on.  
upanidhā f. comparison; pledge.  
upanidhāya ind. compared with.  
upanidhi m. comparison; pledge.  
upanipajjati upa + ni + pad + ya lies down close to.  
upanipajji aor. of upanipajjati lied down close to.  
upanipanna pp. of upanipajjati lied down close to.  
upanibaddha pp. tied into.  
upanibandha pp. of upanibandhati tied close to; entreated.  
upanibandhati upa + ni + badh + ṃ-a ties close to; entreats.  
upanibandhana nt. 1. close connection; 2. importunity.  
upanibandhi aor. of upanibandhati tied close to; entreated.  
upanibhandha m. close connection. (adj.), dependent on; connected with.  
upanisā f. cause; means; likeness.  
upanisinna pp. of upanisīdati sat close to.  
upanisīdati upa + ni + sad + a sits close to.  
upanisīdi aor. of upanisīdati sat close to.  
upanisevati upa + ni + si + a associates closely.  
upanissaya m. basis; support; sufficing condition. upanissāya (abs.), depending on; by means of. (adv.), near; close by.
upanissayati upa + ni + si + a associates closely; depends on.  
upanissayi aor. of upanissayati associated closely; depended on.  
upanissita pp. of upanissayati dependent; connected with.  
upanīta pp. of upaneti having brought for trial; brought up to or into; offered.  
upanīya abs. of upaneti having brought near; accusing.  
upanīyati pass. of upaneti is brought up to; is carried away.  
upaneti upa + nī + e brings up; conduces; presents; gives.  
upanesi aor. of upaneti brought up; conduced; presented; gave.  
upantika adj. near. (nt.), neighbourhood.  
upapajjati upa + pad + ya to be reborn in; rises.  
upapajji aor. of upapajjati rose.  
upapatti f. birth; rebirth; approach.  
upapanna pp. of upapajjati possessed of; come to existence in; reborn.  
upaparikkhati upa + pari + ikkh + a investigates; examines.  
upaparikkhana nt. investigation; examination.  
upaparikkhanta pr.p. of upaparikkhati enquiring; inspecting; investigating.  
upaparikkhā f. investigation; examination.  
upaparikkhi aor. of upaparikkhati investigated; examined.  
upapāramī f. minor perfection.  
upapīḷaka adj. oppressing; obstructing.  
upapīḷā f. oppressing; obstructing.  
upabbūḷha adj. crowded; in full swing.  
upabrūhana nt. increase; augmentation.  
upabrūheti upa + brūh + e increases; expands.  
upabrūhesi aor. of upabrūheti increased; expanded.  
upabhuñjaka adj. one who eats, enjoys or undergoes.  
upabhoga m. enjoyment; profit; use. (adj.), enjoyable.  
upabhogī adj. one who eats, enjoys or undergoes.  
upama   (in cpds.) like; similar; having the qualities of. upamā (f.), simile; parable; comparison.
upamāna nt. simile; parable; comparison.  
upamita pp. of upameti compared.  
upamīyati v. is compared.  
upameti upa + mā + e compares.  
upameyya adj. that which is to be compared or likened.  
upamesi aor. of upameti compared.  
upaya m. attachment. upāya (m.), way; means; resource.
upayācati upa + yāc + a begs; entreats.  
upayāci aor. of upayācati begged; entreated.  
upayāti upa + yā + a approaches.  
upayuñjati upa + yuj + ṃ-a connects with; practises.  
upayuñji aor. of upayuñjati connected with; practised.  
upayoga m. connection; employment; application.  
uparajja nt. viceroyalty.  
uparata pp. of uparamati desisting or abstaining from; ceased.  
uparati f. ceasing; restraint.  
uparamati upa + ram + a desists; ceases; restrains from.  
uparamana nt. ceasing; restraint.  
uparami aor. of uparamati desisted; ceased; restrained from.  
uparāja m. viceroy.  
upari ind. above; on; upon; upper; overhead.  
upariṭṭha adj. topmost; situated above.  
uparipāsāda m. the upper storey of a palace.  
uparibhāga m. upper portion.  
uparima adj. upper-most.  
uparimukha adj. face upwards.  
uparujjhati upa + rudh + ya stops or ceases.  
uparujjhi aor. of uparujjhati stopped or ceased.  
uparuddha pp. of uparujjhati stopped or ceased. (pp. of uparundhati), kept in check; stopped or hinder.  
uparundhati upa + rudh + ṃ-a keeps in check; stops or hinder.  
uparundhi aor. of uparundhati kept in check; stopped or hinder.  
upala m. stone.  
upalakketi upa + lakkh + e distinguishes; discriminates.  
upalakkesi aor. of upalakketi distinguished; discriminated.  
upalakkhaṇā f. discrimination.  
upalakkhita pp. of upalakketi distinguished; discriminated.  
upaladdha pp. of upalabhati acquired; found.  
upaladdhi f. acquisition; view.  
upalabbha abs. of upalabhati having got.  
upalabbhati pass. of upalabhati is found; is existed.  
upalabhati upa + labh + a acquires; gets; to find.  
upalabhi aor. of upalabhati acquired; got; to find.  
upalāpana nt. persuasion; humbug.  
upalāpita pp. of upalāpeti persuaded; coaxed.  
upalāpeti upa + lap + e persuades; coaxes.  
upalāpesi aor. of upalāpeti persuaded; coaxed.  
upalālita pp. of upalāleti caressed; fondled.  
upalāleti upa + lal + e caresses; fondles.  
upalālesi aor. of upalāleti caressed; fondled.  
upalimpati upa + lip + ṃ-a smears; defiles; taints.  
upalimpana nt. coating; defilement; smearing.  
upalimpi apr. of upalimpati smeared; defiled; tainted.  
upalimpeti v. bedaubs; smears.  
upalepa m. coating; defilement; smearing.  
upavajja adj. blameworthy.  
upavattana adj. existing near.  
upavadati upa + vad + a blames; insults.  
upavadi aor. of upavadati blamed; insulted. upavādī (adj.), one who blames or finds fault.
upavana nt. a forest which is near by.  
upavasati upa + vas + a dwells in or at; observes.  
upavasi aor. of upavasati dwelt in or at; observed.  
upavāda m. blame; insult.  
upavādaka adj. finding fault; blaming.  
upavāyati upa + vā + a blows towards.  
upavāyi aor. of upavāyati blew towards.  
upavāsa m. fasting; abstaining from enjoyments.  
upavāsana nt. perfuming.  
upavāseti upa + vas + e perfumes.  
upavāsesi aor. of upavāseti perfumed.  
upaviṭṭha pp. of upavisati come near; sat down.  
upavisati upa + vis + a comes near; sits down.  
upavisi aor. of upavisati came near; sat down. upāvisi (aor. of upavisati), (he) took a seat.
upavīṇa m. the neck of a lute.  
upavīta pp. of upavīyati woven.  
upavīyati upa + vā + ī + ya weaves.  
upavīyi aor. of upavīyati wove.  
upavutta pp. of upavadati being blamed.  
upavuttha pp. of upavasati dwelt in or at; observed.  
upasaṃhaṭa pp. of upasaṃharati collected; focussed; concentrated; compared.  
upasaṃharaṇa nt. gathering; folding; 2. comparison.  
upasaṃharati upa + saṃ + har + a collects; focuses; concentrates; compares.  
upasaṃhari aor. of upasaṃharati collected; focussed; concentrated; compared.  
upasaṃhāra m. gathering; folding; 2. comparison.  
upasagga m. 1. danger; 2. a prefix.  
upasaṅkanta pp. of upasaṅkamati approached.  
upasaṅkamati upa + saṃ + kam + a approaches.  
upasaṅkamana nt. approach; going near.  
upasaṅkamanta pr.p. of upasaṅkamati approaching.  
upasaṅkami aor. of upasaṅkamati approached.  
upasaṅkamitvā abs. of upasaṅkamati having approached; drawing near.  
upasaṅkamma abs. of upasaṅkamati having approached.  
upasanta pp. of upasammati being calmed; composed or at peace.  
upasama m. calmness; appeasement.  
upasamana nt. calmness; appeasement.  
upasamapadā f. acquisition; higher ordination of a Buddhist monk.  
upasamita pp. of upasameti appeased; calmed.  
upasameti upa + sam + e appeases; calms.  
upasamesi aor. of upasameti appeased; calmed.  
upasampajja abs. of upasameti having appeased; having calmed.  
upasampajjati upa + saṃ + pad + ya attains; enters on; becomes fully ordained.  
upasampajji aor. of upasampajjati attained; entered on; became fully ordained.  
upasampadā f. higher ordination of a monk.  
upasampanna pp. possessed with; attained; ordained.  
upasampādita pp. of upasampādeti produced; ordained as a bhikkhu.  
upasampādeti caus. of upasampajjati produces; ordains as a bhikkhu.  
upasampādesi aor. of upasampādeti produced; ordained as a bhikkhu.  
upasammati upa + sam + ya calms; ceases; appeases.  
upasiṅghati upa + siṅgh + a sniffs at.  
upasiṅghana nt. sniffing at.  
upasiṅghi aor. of upasiṅghati sniffed at.  
upasussati upa + sus + ya becomes dry.  
upasussana nt. becoming dry.  
upasussi aor. of upasussati became dry.  
upasecana nt. something sprinkled to relish food.  
upasevati upa + sev + a practises; frequents; associates.  
upasevanā f. practice; frequency; association.  
upasevi aor. of upasevati practised; frequented; associated. upasevī (adj.), one who associates; uses or practised.
upasopesi aor. of upasoseti made dry or withered.  
upasobhati upa + subh + a appeares beautiful.  
upasobhi aor. of upasobhati appeared beautiful.  
upasobhita pp. of upasobhati appeared beautiful.  
upasobheti caus. of upasobhati makes beautiful.  
upasobhesi aor. of upasobheti made beautiful.  
upasosita pp. of upasoseti made dry or withered.  
upasoseti upa + sus + e makes dry or wither.  
upassaṭṭha pp. oppressed or afflicted with.  
upassaya m. abode; home.  
upassuti f. listening to private conversation of others.  
upassutika m. an eaves-dropper.  
upahacca abs. of upahanati having touched, injured, or spoiled.  
upahaññati pass. of upahanati spoils or injured.  
upahaññi aor. of upahaññati spoilt or injured.  
upahata pp. of upahanati injured; destroyed.  
upahattu m. one who brings or conveys.  
upahanati upa + han + a injures; destroys.  
upahani aor. of upahanati injured; destroyed.  
upahāra m. a gift; bringing forward.  
upāgata pp. of upāgacchati reached or attained.  
upāgāmi aor. approached; came.  
upādāna nt. grasping; attachment; fuel.  
upādānakkhandha m. the factors of clinging to existence.  
upādānakkhaya m. extinction of attachment.  
upādāniya adj. connected with grasping.  
upādāya abs. of upādāti having grasped; compared with; with reference to.  
upādi m. fuel of life.  
upādinna pp. of upādiyati grasped.  
upādiyati upa + ā + dā + ya grasps.  
upādiyi aor. of upādiyati grasped.  
upādisesa adj. having some fuel of life left; still dependent on existence.  
upāyakusala adj. clever in resources.  
upāyakosalla nt. cleverness in expedient.  
upāyana nt. a tribute; gift.  
upāyāsa m. tribulation; grief.  
upārambha m. reproof; censure.  
upāsaka m. a lay devotee; one who comes near.  
upāsakatta nt. state of a devotee.  
upāsati upa + ās + a attends or serve.  
upāsana nt. service; attendance; archery; training (of some art).  
upāsikā f. a female devotee.  
upāsita pp. of upāsati attended or serve.  
upāhana nt. sandal; shoe.  
upekkhaka adj. indifferent; disinterested.  
upekkhati upa + ikkh + a is indifferent.  
upekkhanā f. neutrality; equanimity; indifference.  
upekkhā f. neutrality; equanimity; indifference.  
upekkhi aor. of upekkhati was indifferent.  
upekkhiya abs. being neutral or indifferent.  
upekhā f. neutrality; equanimity; indifference.  
upekhitvā abs. being neutral or indifferent.  
upecca abs. of upeti having approached; having obtained.  
upeta pp. of upeti endowed with.  
upeti upa + ī + a approaches; obtains.  
upetvā abs. of upeti having approached; having obtained.  
upesi aor. of upeti approached; obtained.  
upehiti v. he will approach.  
uposatha m. Sabbath day; observance of 8 precepts; biweekly recitation of the Vinaya rules by a chapter of Buddhist monks.  
uposathakamma nt. observance of the uposatha.  
uposathagāra nt. a chapter house.  
uposathadivasa m. fast-day.  
uposathika adj. one who observes 8 precepts.  
uppakka adj. swollen; scorched.  
uppajja abs. having been born.  
uppajjati u + pad + ya to be born; arises.  
uppajjana nt. arising; birth.  
uppajjanaka adj. being born; coming into existence.  
uppajjamāna pp. of uppajjati was born; arisen. (adj.), being born; coming into existence.  
uppajji aor. of uppajjati was born; arose.  
uppajjitabba pt.p. of uppajjati fit to be born or arisen.  
uppajjissa v. (he) would have been born.  
uppaṭipāṭi f. want of order; irregularity.  
uppaṭiyā adv. against the order.  
uppaṇḍanā f. ridicule; mockery.  
uppaṇḍita pp. of uppaṇḍeti mocked; derided.  
uppaṇḍukajāta adj. having become pale.  
uppaṇḍeti u + paṇḍ + e mocks; derides.  
uppaṇḍesi aor. of uppaṇḍeti mocked; derided.  
uppatati u + pat + a flies; jumps up. uppāṭeti (u + paṭ + e), tears asunder; roots out; skins.
uppatana nt. flying; rising up; jumping. uppāṭana (nt.), pulling or tearing out; skinning; uprooting.
uppatamāna pr.p. of uppatati flying; jumping.  
uppati aor. of uppatati flied; jumped up.  
uppatita pp. of uppatati flied; jumped up. uppāṭita (pp. of uppāṭeti), torn asunder; rooted out; skined.
uppatitvā abs. of uppatati having flown or jumped.  
uppatti f. rebirth; coming forth; origin.  
uppatha m. wrong path or course.  
uppanna pp. of uppajjati reborn; arisen.  
uppabbajati u + pa + vaj + a leaves the Order.  
uppabbaji aor. of uppabbajati left the Order.  
uppabbajita pp. of uppabbajati one who has left the community; left the Order. uppabbājita (pp. of uppabbājeti), turned out of the Order.
uppabbājeti caus. of uppabbajati turns out of the Order.  
uppabbājetvā abs. of uppabbājeti having turned out of the Order.  
uppabbājesi aor. of uppabbājeti turned out of the Order.  
uppala nt. waterlily.  
uppalahattha nt. a bundle of water-lilies.  
uppalinī f. a pond or lake full of water lilies.  
uppāṭanaka adj. doing the work of uprooting or skinning.  
uppāta m. flying up; a meteor; an unusual event.  
uppāda m. rising; coming into existence; birth.  
uppādaka adj. producing; generating; producer.  
uppādana nt. production; raising; generation.  
uppādita pp. of uppādeti produced; made; given rise to.  
uppādeti u + pad + e produces; makes; gives rise to.  
uppādetu m. producer; generator.  
uppādetuṃ inf. of uppādeti to produce or generate.  
uppādesi aor. of uppādeti produced; made; gave rise to.  
uppīḷana nt. pressing; oppression.  
uppīḷita pp. of uppīḷeti pressed down; crushed; oppressed.  
uppīḷeti u + pīḷ + e presses down; crushes; oppresses.  
uppīḷesi aor. of uppīḷeti pressed down; crushed; oppressed.  
uppoṭhana nt. dusting; beating.  
uppoṭhita pp. of uppoṭheti beaten; dusted.  
uppoṭheti u + poṭh + e beats; dusts.  
uppoṭhesi aor. of uppoṭheti beat; dusted.  
uplavati u + plav + a floats; rises into the surface.  
uplavana nt. floating; rising into the surface.  
uplavi aor. of uplavati floated; rose into the surface.  
uplāvita pp. floated.  
ubbaṭṭana nt. rubbing of one's body (while bathing); shampooing.  
ubbattita pp. of ubbandhi tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. ubbaṭṭita (pp. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed.
ubbatteti u + vat + e tears out; causes to rise or swell; turns from a right course. ubbaṭṭeti (u + vaṭṭ + e), rubs; shampoos.
ubbattesi aor. of ubbandhi tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. ubbaṭṭesi (aor. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed.
ubbandhati u + bandh + a hangs up; strangles.  
ubbandhana nt. strangling; hanging oneself up.  
ubbandhi aor. of ubbandhati hung up; strangled.  
ubbahati u + vah + a pulls out; takes away; lifts.  
ubbahana nt. lifting; bearing; pulling out.  
ubbahi aor. of ubbahati pulled out; took away; lifted.  
ubbāḷha pp. troubled; annoyed; harassed.  
ubbigga pp. of ubbijjati agitated; frightened.  
ubbijjati u + vij + a agitats; frightens.  
ubbijjanā f. agitation; uneasiness.  
ubbijji aor. of ubbijjati agitated; frightened.  
ubbillavitatta nt. extreme joy.  
ubbega m. excitement; fright.  
ubbejita pp. of ubbejeti set into agitation; terrified.  
ubbejeti caus. of ubbijjati sets into agitation; terrifies.  
ubbejesi aor. of ubbejeti set into agitation; terrified.  
ubbedha m. height.  
ubbhaṭṭhaka adj. standing upright.  
ubbhata pp. withdrawn; pulled out.  
ubbhava m. origination; production.  
ubbhāra m. withdrawal; removal.  
ubbhijja abs. of ubbhijjati having sprung or burst upwards.  
ubbhijjati u + bhid + ya springs up; sprouts.  
ubbhijji aor. of ubbhijjati sprang up; sprouted.  
ubbhida nt. kitchen salt. (m.), a spring. (adj.), bursting forth; sprouting.  
ubbhinditvā abs. having broken.  
ubbhinna pp. of ubbhijjati sprung up; sprouted.  
ubbhujati u + bhuj + a lifts up; raises one's under garment up.  
ubbhuji aor. of ubbhujati lifted up; raised one's under garment up.  
ubhato ind. in both ways or sides; twofold.  
ubhatomukha adj. double mouthed.  
ubhaya pron. both.  
ubhayathā adv. in both ways.  
ubho   both. (This is an old remnant of the dual form in Pali).  
ummagga m. a tunnel; devious or wrong way.  
ummatta adj. mad; out of one's mind.  
ummattaka adj. one who is mad.  
ummā f. linseed; flax.  
ummāda m. madness.  
ummādana adj. that which is maddening.  
ummāra m. threshold.  
ummi f. wave.  
ummisati u + mis + a open one's eyes.  
ummisi aor. of ummisati opened one's eyes.  
ummihati u + mih + a urinates.  
ummihi aor. of ummihati urinated.  
ummīlana nt. opening of one's eyes.  
ummīleti u + mil + e open one's eyes.  
ummīlesi aor. of ummīleti opened one's eyes.  
ummuka nt. firebrand.  
ummukha adj. having one's face upwards; heedless. (pp. of ), fallen down.  
ummujjati u + mujj + a emerges; rises out of water.  
ummujjana nt. emergence.  
ummujjanimujjā f. emerging and diving.  
ummujjamāna pr.p. of emerging from.  
ummujji aor. of ummujjati emerged; rised out of water.  
ummūla pp. of ummūleti uprooted; destroyed.  
ummūlana nt. uprooting.  
ummūlita pp. of ummūleti uprooted; destroyed.  
ummūleti u + mūla + e uproots; destroys.  
ummūlesi aor. of ummūleti uprooted; destroyed.  
uyyama m. exertion; effort.  
uyyāna nt. a park; pleasure grove.  
uyyānakīḷā f. amusement in a park.  
uyyānapāla m. keeper of a park; gardener.  
uyyānabhūmi f. pleasure ground.  
uyyuñjati u + yuj + ṃ-a strives; is busy.  
uyyuñjana nt. activity.  
uyyuñjanta pr.p. of active; busy.  
uyyuñji aor. of uyyuñjati strives; was busy.  
uyyutta pp. of uyyuñjati 1. energetic; 2. parading.  
uyyoga m. exertion; effort.  
uyyojana nt. instigation; sending away.  
uyyojita pp. of uyyojeti instigated; dismissed; sent off.  
uyyojeti u + yuj + e instigates; dismisses; sends off.  
uyyojesi aor. of uyyojeti instigated; dismissed; sent off.  
uyyodhika nt. sham fight (of an army).  
ura m.; nt. the breast; chest.  
uraga m. a snake; a creeping animal.  
uracakka nt. an iron wheel (put on the chest, as an instrument) of torture.  
uracchada m. breast-plate.  
urattāḷiṃ adv. beating one's own breast.  
urabbha m. a ram.  
uru adj. large; wide; eminent. ūru (m.), the thigh.
urunda adj. spacious.  
ullaṅghana nt. jumping over; transgression. ullaṅghanā (f.), jumping over; transgression.
ullaṅghita pp. of ullaṅgheti jumped over; transgressed.  
ullaṅghiya abs. of ullaṅgheti having jumped over; having transgressed.  
ullaṅgheti u + lagh + e jumps over; transgresses.  
ullaṅghetvā abs. of ullaṅgheti having jumped over; having transgressed.  
ullaṅghesi aor. of ullaṅgheti jumped over; transgressed.  
ullapati u + lap + a extols; speaks in laudatory terms.  
ullapanā f. enticement; extolling.  
ullapi aor. of ullapati extolled; spoke in laudatory terms.  
ullikhati u + likh + a combs; scratches.  
ullikhana nt. combing; scratching.  
ullikhi aor. of ullikhati combed; scratched.  
ullikhita pp. of ullikhati combed; scratched.  
ullitta pp. of ullimpeti plastered; covered with some kind of mortar.  
ullumpati u + lup + ṃ-a raises up; helps.  
ullumpana nt. raising up; saving.  
ullumpi aor. of ullumpati raised up; helped.  
ullokaka adj. looking at; a spectator.  
ullokana nt. 1. looking up; 2. a window.  
ulloketi u + lok + e looks up or for.  
ullokenta pr.p. of looking up.  
ullokesi aor. ofulloketi looked up or for.  
ullola m. 1. commotion; 2. a big wave.  
ullolita pp. of ulloleti agitated; made a commotion.  
ulloleti u + lul + e agitates; makes a commotion.  
ullolesi aor. of ulloleti agitated; made a commotion.  
uḷāra adj. lofty; noble; eminent.  
uḷāratā f. greatness; eminence.  
uḷāratta nt. greatness; eminence.  
uḷu m. star; constellation.  
uḷukapakkhika adj. having a dress made of owl's feathers.  
uḷuṅka m. a ladle.  
uḷumpa m. an owl.  
uḷurāja m. the moon.  
usabha m. a leading bull; a noble person; the length of 140 cubits.  
usīra nt. fragrant root of Andhropogon Muricantum.  
usu m.; f. an arrow.  
usukāra m. arrow-maker; fletcher.  
usūyaka adj. one who envies; jealous.  
usūyati usūy + a is jealous; envies.  
usūyanā f. envy; jealousy.  
usūyā f. envy; jealousy.  
usūyi aor. of usūyati was jealous; envied.  
usmā m. heat.  
ussaṅkī adj. distrustful; full of fear.  
ussada adj. abundant; excessive; full of.  
ussanna adj. abundant; excessive; full of.  
ussannatā f. abundance; fullness.  
ussava m. feast; festival; ceremony. ussāva (m.), dew.
ussahati u + sah + a tries; strives; endeavours.  
ussahana nt. striving; effort.  
ussahanta pr.p. of trying.  
ussahi aor. of ussahati tried; strived; endeavoured.  
ussāpana nt. lifting up; raising.  
ussāpita pp. of ussāpeti lifted up; hoisted; raised.  
ussāpeti u + si + āpe lifts up; hoists; raises.  
ussāpetvā abs. of ussāpeti having lifted up; having hoisted; having raised.  
ussāpesi aor. of ussāpeti lifted up; hoisted; raised.  
ussāraṇā f. tumult; rushing of a crowd; causing to move back.  
ussārita pp. of ussāreti pushed aside.  
ussāreti u + sar + e pushes aside.  
ussāresi aor. of ussāreti pushed aside.  
ussāvabindu nt. a dew-drop.  
ussāha m. endeavour; effort.  
ussāhavantu adj. energetic; active.  
ussāhita pp. of ussāheti encouraged; incited.  
ussāheti caus. of ussahati encourages; incites.  
ussāhetvā abs. of ussāheti having encouraged; having incited.  
ussāhesi aor. of ussāheti encouraged; incited.  
ussiñcati u + sic + ṃ-a laves; bales; raises water.  
ussiñcana nt. baling; raising of water.  
ussiñci aor. of ussiñcati laved; baled; raised water.  
ussita pp. hoisted; raised.  
ussīsaka nt. the side where the head is laid; a pillow.  
ussuka adj. zealous; energetic.  
ussukka nt. zeal; energy.  
ussukkati u + suk + a endeavours; tries.  
ussukkāpeti caus. of ussukkati entices; arouses.  
ussukkāpesi aor. of ussukkāpeti enticed; aroused.  
ussukki aor. of ussukkati endeavoured; tried.  
ussussati u + sus + ya dries up; evaporates.  
ussussi aor. of ussussati dried up; evaporated.  
ussūra nt. sunrise. (ussūre, when the sun is up).  
ussūraseyyā f. sleep after sunrise.  
ussoḷhi f. exertion.  
ūkā f. a louse.  
ūna adj. less; minus; wanting; deficient.  
ūnaka adj. less; minus; wanting; deficient.  
ūnatā f. deficiency.  
ūnatta nt. deficiency.  
ūpabrūhita pp. of upabrūheti increased; expanded.  
ūpayutta pp. of upayuñjati connected with; practised.  
ūppabbajitvā abs. of uppabbajati having left the Order.  
ūppāṭetvā abs. of uppāṭeti having torn asunder; rooted out; skined.  
ūppādetvā abs. of uppādeti having produced; having made; having given rise to.  
ūppīḷetvā abs. of uppīḷeti having pressed down; having crushed; having oppressed.  
ūmi f. a wave.  
ūraṭṭhi nt. the thigh-bone.  
ūrupabba nt. joint of the knee.  
ūsa m. saline substance.  
ūsara adj. saline.  
ūhacca abs. of ūhanati having pulled out or removed.  
ūhadati u + had + a derides; defecates.  
ūhadi aor. of ūhadati derided; defecated.  
ūhana nt. consideration; accumulation.  
ūhanati u + han + a pulls out; removes.  
ūhani aor. of ūhanati pulled out; removed.  
ūhasati u + had + a derides; laughs at; mocks.  
ūhā f. pondering; consideration.