Concise Pali-English Dictionary

Pali Case Meaning Same Case
va   a short form of iva or eva. vā (particle of disjunction), or; either- or.
vaṃsa m. 1. a race; lineage; family; 2. a bamboo tree; 3. a bamboo flute.  
vaṃsakāḷīra m. the sprout of a bamboo.  
vaṃsaja adj. born in a certain clan or race.  
vaṃsavaṇṇa m. the lapislazuli.  
vaṃsāgata (vaṃsa + āgata), adj. come down from father to son.  
vaṃsānupālaka (vaṃsa + ānupālaka), adj. preserving the lineage.  
vaṃsika adj. belonging to a clan or race.  
vaka m. a wolf. vāka (nt.), strips of bark (used for making garments).
vakula m. the tree Mimusops Elengi.  
vakka nt. the kidney.  
vakkala nt. a garment made of bark; the strips taken for that purpose.  
vakkalī adj. wearing a bark garment.  
vakkhati fut. of vadati he will say.  
vagga m. a group; a party; chapter of a book. (adj.), dissociated; dissentious.  
vaggabandhana nt. forming of a group; a gang; a guild.  
vaggiya adj. (in cpds.) belonging to a group.  
vaggu adj. lovely; pleasant.  
vagguli f. a bat.  
vagguvada adj. of lovely speech.  
vaṅka adj. bent; crooked; dishonest. (nt.) a hook; a fish-hook.  
vaṅkaghasta adj. having swallowed the hook.  
vaṅkatā f. crookedness.  
vaṅga m. the country of Bengal.  
vaca m.; nt. (mano-group), word; saying. vacā (f.) the sweet fig plant; orris root. ### vācā (f.) word; speech; saying.
vacana nt. utterance; word; saying; a term; an expression. vācana (nt.), recitation; reading.
vacanakara adj. obedient.  
vacanakkhama adj. willing to do what others bid.  
vacanattha m. meaning of a word.  
vacananīya adj. fit to be spoken to or admonished.  
vacanapatha m. the way of saying.  
vacanāmagga m. the way of recitation or tradition.  
vacī f. speech; word.  
vacīkamma nt. verbal action.  
vacīgutta adj. controlled in speech.  
vacīduccarita nt. misbehaviour in words.  
vacīparama adj. one who excels in words but not in actions.  
vacībheda m. an utterance.  
vacīviññatti f. intimation by language.  
vacīsaṅkhāra m. antecedent for speech.  
vacīsamācāra m. good conduct in speech.  
vacīsucarita nt. good action in speech.  
vacca nt. excrement; faeces; dung.  
vaccakuṭi f. a privy; lavatory.  
vaccakūpa m. a privy pit.  
vaccamagga m. the anus.  
vaccasodhaka m. a privy-cleaner.  
vaccha m. a calf; the young of an animal.  
vacchaka m. a small calf.  
vacchagiddhinī f. a cow longing for her calf.  
vacchatara m. a big calf.  
vacchati 3rd. sing. (fut. of vas.) (to live).  
vacchara nt. an year.  
vacchala adj. affectionate.  
vaja m. a cow-pen; cattle-fold. vāja (m.), the father of an arrow; a kind of drink.
vajati vaj + a goes; proceeds.  
vajadvāra nt. gate of a cow-shed.  
vajamāna pr.p. of vajati going; proceeding.  
vaji aor. of vajati went; proceeded. vājī (m.), a horse.
vajira nt. diamond; a thunder-bolt.  
vajirapāṇi m. having a diamond mace in his hand, i.e. Sakka.  
vajirahattha m. having a diamond mace in his hand, i.e. Sakka.  
vajja nt. nt. fault; a musical instrument. (adj.), which should be avoided; what should be told. vajjā (v.), he would say.
vajjaṃ 1st sing. of vad. (to say).  
vajjana nt. avoidance; shunning.  
vajjanīya adj. fit to be avoided or shunned.  
vajjita pp. of vajjeti avoided; abstained from; renounced.  
vajjiya abs. having avoided or shunned.  
vajjī m. a man of the Vajji clan.  
vajjetabba pt.p. of vajjeti should be avoided; should be abstained from; should be renounced.  
vajjeti vaj + e avoids; abstains from; renounces.  
vajjetuṃ inf. of vajjeti to avoid; to abstain from; to renounce.  
vajjetvā abs. of vajjeti having avoided; having abstained from; having renounced.  
vajjesi aor. of vajjeti avoided; abstained from; renounced.  
vajjha adj. fit to be killed or punished.  
vajjhappatta adj. condemned.  
vajjhabheri f. the execution drum.  
vañcaka m. a cheat; fraudulent.  
vañcana nt. cheating; fraud. vañcanā (f.) cheating; fraud.
vañcanika adj. deceiving.  
vañcita pp. of vañceti cheated; deceived.  
vañceti vañc + e cheats; deceives.  
vañcetvā abs. of vañceti having cheated; having deceived.  
vañcenta pr.p. of vañceti cheating; deceiving.  
vañcesi aor. of vañceti cheated; deceived.  
vañjha adj. barren. vañjhā (f.) a barren woman.
vaṭaṃsaka m. a wreath for the head.  
vaṭarukkha m. a banyan tree.  
vaṭuma nt. a road; path.  
vaṭṭula adj. circular.  
vaṭhara adj. bulky; fat.  
vaḍḍhaka adj. augmenting; increasing.  
vaḍḍhakī m. carpenter.  
vaḍḍhati vaḍḍh + a grows; prospers.  
vaḍḍhanaka adj. increasing; serving in.  
vaḍḍhanta pr.p. of vaḍḍhati growing; prospering.  
vaḍḍhamāna pr.p. of vaḍḍhati growing; prospering.  
vaḍḍhi aor. of vaḍḍhati grew; prospered. (f.), increase; growth; profit; welfare; interest on money.  
vaḍḍhita pp. of vaḍḍhati grown; prospered. (pp. of vaḍḍheti), increased; cultivated; reared or brought up; got ready (of food); served in; set into motion.  
vaḍḍhitvā abs. of vaḍḍhati having grown; having prospered.  
vaḍḍheti vaḍḍh + e increases; cultivates; rears or brings up; gets ready (of food); serves in; sets into motion.  
vaḍḍhetvā abs. of vaḍḍheti having increased; having cultivated; having served in; set into motion.  
vaḍḍhenta pr.p. of vaḍḍhenta increasing; cultivating.  
vaḍḍhesi aor. of vaḍḍheti increased; cultivated; reared or brought up; got ready (of food); served in; set into motion.  
vaṇa nt. a wound; a sore.  
vaṇacolaka nt. a rag for dressing a wound.  
vaṇapaṭikamma nt. curing of a wound.  
vaṇabandhana nt. bandage for a wound.  
vaṇamukha nt. surface of a wound.  
vaṇita pp. wounded.  
vaṇippatha m. a country where trade is going on.  
vaṇibbaka m. a pauper.  
vaṇṭa nt. a stalk.  
vaṇṭaka nt. a stalk.  
vaṇṭika adj. having a stalk.  
vaṇṇa m. colour; appearance; colour of the skin; sort; caste; a letter; quality.  
vaṇṇaka nt. a dye.  
vaṇṇakasiṇa nt. a colour circle for the practice of meditation.  
vaṇṇada adj. giving colour or beauty.  
vaṇṇadada adj. giving colour or beauty.  
vaṇṇadāsī f. a courtesan.  
vaṇṇadhātu f. condition of appearance; colour.  
vaṇṇanā f. explanation; a commentary; praising.  
vaṇṇanīya adj. fit to be commented or praised.  
vaṇṇapokkharatā f. beauty of complexion.  
vaṇṇavanta adj. of good complexion.  
vaṇṇavantu adj. colourful.  
vaṇṇavādī m. saying about one's virtues.  
vaṇṇasampanna adj. endowed with beauty or colour.  
vaṇṇita pp. of vaṇṇeti described; explained; commented on; praised; extoled.  
vaṇṇī adj. (in cpds.) having the appearance of.  
vaṇṇu f. sand.  
vaṇṇupatha m. a sandy waste.  
vaṇṇetabba pt.p. of vaṇṇeti should be described; should be explained.  
vaṇṇeti vaṇṇ + e describes; explains; comments on; praises; extols.  
vaṇṇetvā abs. of vaṇṇeti having described; having explained; having commented on; having praised; having extoled.  
vaṇṇenta pr.p. of vaṇṇeti describing; explaining; commenting on.  
vaṇṇesi aor. of vaṇṇeti described; explained; commented on; praised; extoled.  
vata ind. surely; certainly; indeed; alas. (nt.), a religious duty or observance. vaṭa (m.), a banyan tree. ### vāṭa (m.) an enclosure. ### vāta (m.) the wind; air.
vatapada nt. an item of good practice.  
vatavantu adj. observant of religious duties.  
vatasamādāna nt. taking up of a religious vow.  
vati f. a fence. vāti (vā + a) blows; emits some smell.
vatika adj. (in cpds.) having the habit of; acting like. vātika (adj.), caused by the wind humour. ### vatikā (f.) a fence.
vatta nt. duty; service; function. vaṭṭa (adj.), circular; round. (nt.), a circle; the cycle of rebirth; an expenditure or provision for alms.
vattaka m. exercising; keeping on. vaṭṭakā (f.), a quail.
vattati vat + a exists; happens; takes place; goes on. vaṭṭati (vaṭṭ + a), behoves; to be right, fit, or proper; turns round.
vattana nt. conduct. vattanā (f.) conduct. ### vaṭṭana (nt.), turning round.
vattanī f. a road; a path.  
vattanta pr.p. of vattati existing; happening; taking place; going on.  
vattapaṭivatta nt. all kinds of duties.  
vattabba pt.p. of vadati should be spoken; should be told.  
vattamāna pr.p. of vattati existing; happening; taking place; going on. (adj.), existing. (m.), the present period. vattamānā (f.), the Present tense.
vattamānaka adj. existing; going on.  
vattasampanna adj. dutiful.  
vatti aor. of vattati existed; happened; took place; went on. vattī (adj.), (in cpds.) one who keeps up, practises, or causes to go on. ### vaṭṭi (f.), a wick; a roll; a gush of water, etc., the edge; rim or brim.
vattikā f. a thong; a wick. vaṭṭikā (f.), a wick; a roll; a gush of water, etc., the edge; rim or brim.
vattita pp. of vatteti kept on; made go on. vaṭṭita (pp. of vaṭṭeti), turned; caused to move; made a wick or roll; made circular.
vattitabba pt.p. of vattati should be existed; should be taken place. (pt.p. of ? ), should be continued, practised, or observed.  
vattituṃ inf. of vattati to exist; to happen; to take place; to go on.  
vattitvā abs. of vattati having existed; having happened; taken place; having gone on.  
vattu m. one who speaks or says; sayer.  
vattuṃ inf. of vadati to say.  
vattetabba pt.p. of vatteti should be kept on.  
vatteti caus. of vattati is kept on; is made go on. vaṭṭeti (vaṭṭ + e), turns; causes to move; makes a wick or roll; makes circular.
vattetu m. exercising; keeping on.  
vattetuṃ inf. of vatteti to keep on.  
vattetvā abs. of vatteti having turned; having caused to move; having made a wick or roll; having made circular. vaṭṭetvā (abs. of vaṭṭeti), having turned; having caused to move; having made a wick or roll; having made circular.
vattenta pr.p. of vatteti keeping on; making go on.  
vattesi aor. of vattteti kept on; made go on. vaṭṭesi (aor. of vaṭṭeti), turned; caused to move; made a wick or roll; made circular.
vattha nt. a cloth; garment; raiment. vaṭṭha (pp. of ?) wet with rain.
vatthaguyha nt. that which is concealed by a clothe, i.e. pudendum.  
vatthantara nt. species of cloth.  
vatthayuga nt. a pair of suit or clothes.  
vatthi f. the bladder; a clyster; the sheath (enveloping the male organ).  
vatthikamma nt. using of clyster.  
vatthu nt. a site; ground; field; plot; object; a thing; a substance; a story.  
vatthuka adj. (in cpds.) having its ground in; founded on.  
vatthukata adj. made a basis of; practised thoroughly.  
vatthugāthā f. the introductory stanzas.  
vatthudevatā f. a deity haunting a certain place.  
vatthuvijjā f. the science of building-sites.  
vatvā abs. of vadati having told or said.  
vadaññutā f. liberality.  
vadaññū adj. liberal; bountiful; giving ear to supplications.  
vadati vad + a speaks; says; tells.  
vadana nt. the face; speech; utterance. vādana (nt.), sounding of a musical instrument.
vadanta pr.p. of vadati speaking; saying; telling.  
vadamāna pr.p. of vadati speaking; saying; telling.  
vadāpana nt. causing to speak.  
vadāpita pp. of vadāpeti made somebody spoken or said.  
vadāpeti caus. of vadati makes somebody speaks or says.  
vadāpetvā abs. of vadāpeti having made somebody spoken or said.  
vadāpesi aor. of vadāpeti made somebody spoke or said.  
vadi aor. of vadati spoke; said; told. vādī (m.) one who disputes or preaches some doctrine; speaking of.
vaditvā abs. of vadati having spoken; having said; having told.  
vadeti vad + e says; speaks. vādeti (vad + e), sounds a musical instrument.
vaddalikā f. heaping of rain clouds.  
vaddha adj. old; venerable. vaḍḍha (adj.) augmenting; increasing.
vaddhana nt. growth; increase; enlargement. vaḍḍhana (nt.) growth; increase; enlargement.
vaddhāpacāyana nt. respect towards elders.  
vadha m. punishment, killing; execution.  
vadhaka m. an executioner; one who inflicts punishment.  
vadhita pp. of vadheti killed; teased or hurt.  
vadhitvā abs. of vadheti having killed; having teased or hurt.  
vadhukā f. a young wife; a daughter-in-law.  
vadhū f. a woman.  
vadheti vadh + e kills; teases or hurts.  
vadhenta pr.p. of vadheti killing; teasing or hurting.  
vadhesi aor. of vadheti killed; teased or hurt.  
vana nt. a wood; forest. vāna (nt.) craving; netting of a bed.
vanakammika m. one who works in the woods.  
vanagahana nt. a jungle thicket.  
vanagumba m. a cluster of trees.  
vanacara adj. a forester.  
vanacaraka adj. a forester.  
vanacārī adj. a forester.  
vanacetya nt. a sacred forest.  
vanatha m. craving; desire.  
vanadevatā f. a forest deity.  
vanapattha nt. a place far away in the forest.  
vanappati m. a big tree which bears fruit without flowers.  
vanavāsī adj. dwelling in the forest.  
vanasaṇḍa m. jungle thicket.  
vanaspati m. a big tree which bears fruit without flowers.  
vanika adj. (in cpds.) belonging to a forest.  
vanta pp. of vamati vomited; renounced.  
vantakasāva adj. one who has left behind all fault.  
vantamala adj. stainless.  
vandaka adj. one who bows down or venerates.  
vandati vand + a salutes; pays homage; honours; adores.  
vandana nt. salutation; homage. vandanā (f.) salutation; homage.
vandanta pr.p. of vandati saluting; paying homage; honoring.  
vandamāna pr.p. of vandati saluting; paying homage; honoring.  
vandāpana nt. causing one to pay homage.  
vandāpita pp. of vandāpeti saluted; paid homage.  
vandāpeti caus. of vandati salutes; pays homage.  
vandāpetvā abs. of vandāpeti having saluted; having paid homage.  
vandāpesi aor. of vandāpeti saluted; paid homage.  
vandi aor. of vandati saluted; paid homage; honoured; adored.  
vandita pp. of vandati saluted; paid homage; honoured; adored.  
vanditabba pt.p. of vandati should be saluted; should be homaged.  
vanditvā abs. of vandati having saluted; paid homage; having honoured; having adored.  
vandiya abs. of vandati having saluted; paid homage; having honoured; having adored.  
vapati vap + a sows; shaves.  
vapana nt. sowing.  
vapanta pr.p. of vapati sowing; shaving.  
vapi aor. of vapati sowed; shaved. vāpi (f.) tank; a reservoir for water.
vapita pp. of vapati sown; shaved. vāpita (pp. of vapati), sown.
vapitvā abs. of vapati having sown; having shaved.  
vapu nt. the body.  
vappa m. sowing; name of a month, October-November.  
vappakāla m. sowing time.  
vappamaṅgala nt. ploughing festival.  
vamati vam + a vomits; ejects; discharges.  
vamathu m. vomiting; discharged food.  
vamana nt. vomiting; discharged food. vāmana (m.), a dwarf. (adj.) dwarfish.
vami aor. of vamati vomited; ejected; discharged.  
vamita pp. of vamati vomited; ejected; discharged.  
vamitvā abs. of vamati having vomited; having ejected; having discharged.  
vambhana nt. contempt; despite. vambhanā (f.), contempt; despite.
vambhita pp. of vambheti despised; treated with contempt.  
vambhī m. one who treats with contempt.  
vambheti vambh + e despises; treats with contempt.  
vambhetvā abs. of vambheti having despised; having treated with contempt.  
vambhenta pr.p. of vambheti despising; treating with contempt.  
vambhesi aor. of vambheti despised; treated with contempt.  
vamma nt. an armour.  
vammika m. an ant-hill.  
vammita pp. of vammeti put on armour.  
vammī m. wearing armour.  
vammeti vam + e put on armour.  
vammetvā abs. of vammeti having put on armour.  
vammesi aor. of vammeti put on armour.  
vaya m.; nt. (mano-group) age; loss; decay; expenditure. vāya (m. nt.) (mano-group), the wind; air. See vāyo.
vayakaraṇa nt. expenditure.  
vayakalyāṇa nt. charm of youth.  
vayaṭṭha adj. come to maturity.  
vayappatta adj. come of age; fit to marry.  
vayassa m. a friend.  
vayovuddha adj. advanced in age.  
vayohara adj. snatching one's life.  
vayha nt. a vehicle; a litter.  
vara adj. excellent; noble. (m.), a boon; favour. vāra (m.), a turn; occasion; opportunity.
varaṃ adv. better.  
varaka m. kind of grain. varāka (adj.) wretched; a miserable person. ### vāraka (m.), a jar.
varaṅganā f. a noble lady.  
varaṇa m. the tree Cartaeva Roxburghii. vāraṇa (m.), an animal; a kind of eagle. (nt.) warding off; obstruction; resistance.
varatara adj. more excellent; better.  
varattā f. a thong; a strap.  
varada adj. giver of the best things.  
varadāna nt. granting of a boon or privilege.  
varapañña adj. having an excellent knowledge.  
vara-puññalakkhaṇa adj. possessing the signs of uttermost merits.  
varalakkhaṇa nt. an excellent sign (on the body).  
varārohā f. handsome woman.  
varāha m. a hog; a boar.  
varāhī f. a sow.  
vareyyaṃ v. I will ask for.  
valañja nt. (in cpds.), a track; trace; use; that which is secreted.  
valañjana nt. resorting; using; acting as; easing the body.  
valañjanaka adj. fit to be used or spent.  
valañjita pp. of valañjeti tracked; traced; used; spent; resorted to.  
valañjiyamāna adj. being used.  
valañjetabba pt.p. of valañjeti should be tracked; should be traced.  
valañjeti valaj + e tracks; traces; uses; spends; resorts to.  
valañjetvā abs. of valañjeti having tracked; having traced; having used; having spent; having resorted to.  
valañjenta pr.p. of valañjeti tracking; tracing; using; spending.  
valañjesi aor. of valañjeti tracked; traced; used; spent; resorted to.  
valaya nt. a bangle; a bracelet a loop.  
valayākāra valaya + ākāra a circular.  
valāhaka m. a rain cloud.  
vali f. a fold; a wrinkle.  
valika adj. having folds. vālikā (f.), sand.
valita pp. wrinkled.  
valittaca adj. with wrinkled skin.  
valira adj. squint eyed.  
valīmukha m. a monkey; the wrinkled faced.  
vallakī f. an Indian lute.  
vallabhatta nt. state of being a favourite.  
vallarī f. a bunch; a cluster.  
valli f. a creeper.  
vallibha m. the pumpkin.  
vallihāraka m. a collector of creepers.  
vallūra nt. dried flesh.  
vaḷabāmukha nt. a submarine fire.  
vaḷavā f. a mare.  
vavatthapeti vi + ava + ṭhā + āpe settles; defines; fixes; designates.  
vavatthapetvā abs. of vavatthapeti having settled; having defined; having fixed; having designated.  
vavatthapesi aor. of vavatthapeti settled; defined; fixed; designated.  
vavatthāpana nt. definition; determination.  
vavatthāpita pp. of vavatthapeti settled; defined; fixed; designated.  
vavatthita pp. of vavattheti analysed; defined.  
vavattheti vi + ave + ṭhā + e analyses; defines.  
vavatthetvā abs. of vattheti having analysed; having defined.  
vavatthesi aor. of vavattheti analysed; defined.  
vasa m. control; influence; authority. vasā (f.) the fat; grease. ### vāsa (m.) 1. living; sojourn; habitation; 2. a clothe; 3. perfume.
vasaga adj. being in someone's power.  
vasaṅgata adj. being in someone's power.  
vasati vas + a lives; abides; dwells; stays.  
vasana nt. dwelling; living; a clothe. vāsana (nt.), perfuming; making to inhabit. ### vāsanā (f.) former impression; recollection of the past.
vasanaka adj. living in.  
vasanaṭṭhāna nt. residence; dwelling place.  
vasanabhāva m. the fact of living in.  
vasanta pr.p. of vasati living; abiding; dwelling; staying. (m.), the spring.  
vasantakāla m. the spring.  
vasamāna pr.p. of vasati living; abiding; dwelling; staying.  
vasala m. an outcast; a person of low birth.  
vasavattaka adj. wielding power; dominating.  
vasavattana nt. control; authority.  
vasavattī adj. wielding power; dominating.  
vasānuga (vasa + ānuga), adj. obedient; dependent; subjected.  
vasānuvattī (vasa + ānuga), adj. obedient.  
vasāpita pp. of vasāpeti made live; caused to dwell; detained.  
vasāpeti caus. of vasati makes live; causes to dwell; detains.  
vasāpetvā abs. of vasāpeti having made live; having caused to dwell; having detained.  
vasāpesi aor. of vasāpeti made live; caused to dwell; detained.  
vasi aor. of vasati lived; abided; dwelt; stayed. vasī (adj.), mastering; having power. ### vāsi (f.) an adze; a hatchet; a sharp knife. ### vāsī (m.) (in cpds.) living in; dwelling in.
vasitabba pt.p. of vasati should be lived; should be abided.  
vasitā f. mastery; cleverness. vāsita (pp. of vāseti), establised; made dwell; perfumed.
vasituṃ inf. to live.  
vasitvā abs. of vasati having lived; having abided; having dwelt; having stayed.  
vasippatta adj. one who has mastered well.  
vasīkata adj. subjected; brought under one's power.  
vasībhāva m. mastery.  
vasībhūta adj. having become a master over.  
vasu nt. wealth.  
vasudhā f. the earth.  
vasundharā f. the earth.  
vasumatī f. the earth.  
vassa m. 1. the year; 2. rain.  
vassakāla m. rainy season.  
vassagga nt. seniority of monks.  
vassati vas + a rains; utters a cry (by some animal).  
vassana nt. raining; cry of an animal. vassāna (m.) the rainy season.
vassanta pr.p. of vassati raining.  
vassamāna pr.p. of howling; kooing.  
vassami aor. of vissamati rested; reposed; recovered from fatigue.  
vassāpanaka adj. causing to rain.  
vassāpita pp. of vassāpeti caused to rain.  
vassāpeti caus. of vassati causes to rain.  
vassāpetvā abs. of vassāpeti having rained.  
vassāpesi aor. of vassāpeti caused to rain.  
vassi aor. of vassati rained; uttered a cry (by some animal).  
vassika adj. belonging to the rainy season. (in cpds.) so many years old. vassikā (f.), great-flowered jasmine.
vassikasāṭikā f. a kind of rain coat used by Buddhist monks during the rainy season.  
vassita pp. of vassati rained; uttered a cry (by some animal). (nt.), cry of an animal.  
vassitvā abs. of vassati having rained.  
vassūpagata adj. spending the rainy season.  
vahati vah + a bears; carries; does one's work; flows.  
vahana nt. carrying; bearing; flowing. vāhana (nt.), a vehicle.
vahanaka adj. bearing; bringing forth.  
vahanta pr.p. of vahati bearing; carrying.  
vahi aor. of vahati bore; carried; did one's work; flowed. vāhī (adj.) carrying; conveying; bearing.
vahita pp. of vahati born; carried; did one's work; flowed.  
vahitabba pt.p. of vahati should be born; should be carried.  
vahitu m. bearer.  
vahitvā abs. of vahati having born; having carried; having done one's work; flowed.  
vā pana ind. or else.  
vākacīra nt. a bark garment.  
vākamaya adj. made of bark-strips.  
vākarā f. a net for catching deer.  
vākkaraṇa nt. conversation.  
vākya nt. a sentence; saying.  
vāgurā f. a net for catching deer.  
vāgurika m. one who uses nets in catching animals.  
vācaka m. one who teaches or recites.  
vācanaka nt. a ceremony or place of recitation.  
vācasika adj. connected with speech.  
vācānurakkhī adj. guarding one's speech.  
vācāla adj. garrulous; talkative.  
vācita pp. of vāceti read; taught; recited.  
vācuggata adj. learned by heart.  
vācetabba pt.p. of vāceti should be read; should be taught.  
vāceti vac + e reads; teaches; recites.  
vācetu m. one who reads or teaches.  
vācetvā abs. of vāceti having read; having taught; having recited.  
vācenta pr.p. of vāceti reading; teaching; reciting.  
vācesi aor. of vāceti read; taught; recited.  
vājapeyya nt. a kind of sacrifice.  
vāṭaka m. an enclosure.  
vāṇija m. a merchant; trader.  
vāṇijaka m. a merchant; trader.  
vāṇijja nt. trade. vaṇijjā (f.), trade; trading.
vāṇī f. word; speech.  
vātaghātaka m. the tree Cassia Fistula.  
vātajava adj. as swift as the wind.  
vātapāna nt. a window.  
vātamaṇḍalikā f. a whirlwind.  
vātaroga m. an illness caused by the wind humour.  
vātavuṭṭhi f. wind and rain.  
vātavega m. force of the wind.  
vātātapa m. wind and heat.  
vātābādha (vāta + ābādha), m. an illness caused by the wind humour.  
vātābhihata adj. shaken by the wind.  
vātāyana nt. a window.  
vātāhaṭa adj. brought by the wind.  
vātiṅgaṇa m. brinjal, the egg plant.  
vāterita adj. moved by the wind.  
vāda m. theory; saying; creed controversy.  
vādaṃ āropeti   refutes.  
vādaka m. player on a musical instrument.  
vādakāma adj. desirous of disputation.  
vādakkhitta adj. upset in a disputation.  
vādapatha m. ground for a disputation.  
vādita nt. music. (pp.) sounded.  
vādīvara m. the noblest of the view-holders.  
vānara m. a monkey.  
vānarinda m. monkey-king.  
vānarī f. female monkey.  
vāma adj. left; agreeable.  
vāmanaka m. a dwarf. (adj.), dwarfish.  
vāmapassa nt. the left side.  
vāmūrū adj. having beautiful thighs.  
vāyati vā + ya 1. blows; emits an odour; 2. weaves.  
vāyana nt. blowing; spreading of a smell.  
vāyanta pr.p. of vāyati blowing; emitting an odour.  
vāyamati vi + ā + yam + a strives; endeavoures.  
vāyamanta pr.p. of vāyamati striving; endeavouring.  
vāyamāna pr.p. of vāyati blowing; emitting an odour.  
vāyami aor. of vāyamati strove; endeavoured.  
vāyamitvā abs. of vāyamati having striven; having endeavoured  
vāyasa m. a crow.  
vāyasāri m. an owl.  
vāyāma m. exertion; striving.  
vāyi aor. of vāyati blew; emitted an odour; weaved.  
vāyita pp. of vāyati woven; plaited; blown.  
vāyitvā abs. of vāyati having blown; emitted an odour; weaved.  
vāyima adj. woven.  
vāyu nt. wind; the mobile principle.  
vāyeti vā + e causes to weave.  
vāyo   the form taken by vāya (in cpds.)  
vāyokasiṇa nt. wind taken as an object of meditation.  
vāyodhātu f. the mobile principle.  
vārayamāna pr.p. of vāreti preventing; obstructing; hindering.  
vāri nt. water.  
vārigocara adj. living in water.  
vārija adj. water-born. (m.) a fish. (nt.) a lotus.  
vārita aor. of vāreti prevented; obstructed; hindered.  
vāritta nt. avoidance; an act that should not be done.  
vārida m. a rain cloud.  
vāridhara m. a rain cloud.  
vārimagga nt. a drain; a conduit.  
vāriyamāna adj. being hindered, obstructed, or prevented.  
vārivāha m. a rain cloud.  
vāruṇī f. spirituous liquor.  
vāretabba pt.p. of vāreti should be prevented; should be obstructed.  
vāreti var + e prevents; obstructs; hinders.  
vāretvā abs. of vāretvā having prevented; having obstructed; having hindered.  
vārenta pr.p. of vāreti preventing; obstructing; hindering.  
vāreyya nt. betrothal.  
vāla m. hair of the tail. (adj.), fierce; malicious.  
vālakambala nt. a blanket made of horse-hair.  
vālagga nt. the tip of a hair.  
vālaggamatta adj. of the size of the tip of a hair.  
vālaṇḍupaka m. nt. a brush made of horse tail.  
vāladhi m. tail.  
vālamiga m. a beast of prey.  
vālavījanī f. a fan made of yak's tail.  
vālavedhī m. an archer who can hit a hair.  
vālikantāra m. a sandy waste.  
vālipuñja m. a heap of sand.  
vālipulina nt. a sand bed.  
vālukantāra m. a sandy waste.  
vālukā f. sand.  
vālupuñja m. a heap of sand.  
vālupulina nt. a sand bed.  
vāsaṃ upagacchati   takes abode.  
vāsacuṇṇa nt. perfumed powder.  
vāsaṭṭhāna nt. dwelling place.  
vāsara m. a day.  
vāsava m. the king of the gods.  
vāsika m. (in cpds.) living in; dwelling in.  
vāsijaṭa nt. the handle of an axe.  
vāsitaka nt. perfumed powder.  
vāsinī f. living in; dwelling in.  
vāsiphala nt. the blade of a knife or axe.  
vāsudeva m. the God Vishnu.  
vāseti vas + e establish; makes dwell; perfumes.  
vāsetvā abs. of vāseti having establised; having made dwell; having perfumed.  
vāsesi aor. of vāseti establised; made dwell; perfumed.  
vāha adj. carrying; leading. (m.) a leader; a cart; a cartload, i.e. 380 dronas; a beast of burden; a torrent.  
vāhaka m. one who bears or carries away; leading to; a current.  
vāhasā ind. owing to; by dint of; on account of.  
vāhinī f. 1. an army; 2. a river.  
vāheti vah + e conveys; leads to.  
vikaca adj. blown; blossoming.  
vikata pp. of vikaroti undone; altered. vikaṭa (adj.), changed; altered. (nt.) filth; dirt.
vikati f. a sort or kind; made of a shape.  
vikatika adj. (in cpds.) of many sorts or shapes.  
vikatthaka m. one who boasts.  
vikatthati vi + kath + a boasts; shows off.  
vikatthana nt. boasting.  
vikatthi aor. of vikatthati boasted; showed off. vikatthī (m.), one who boasts.
vikatthita pp. of vikatthati boasted; showed off.  
vikatthitvā abs. of vikatthati having boasted; having showed off.  
vikantati vi + kant + a cuts open.  
vikantana nt. cutting off; a knife to cut with.  
vikanti aor. of vikantati cut open.  
vikantita pp. of vikantati cut open.  
vikantitvā abs. of vikantati having cut open.  
vikappa m. thought; consideration; indecision; alternative.  
vikappana nt. indefiniteness; assignment; apportioning.  
vikappita pp. of vikappeti designed; intended; assigned; arranged; altered; shaped.  
vikappeti vi + kapp + e designs; intends; assigns; arranges; alters; shapes.  
vikappetvā abs. of vikappeti having designed; having intended.  
vikappenta pr.p. of vikappeti designing; intending; assigning.  
vikappesi aor. of vikappeti designed; intended; assigned; arranged; altered; shaped.  
vikampati vi + kamp + a trembles; to be unsettled.  
vikampana nt. trembling.  
vikampamāna pr.p. of vikampati trembling.  
vikampi aor. of vikampati trembled.  
vikampita pp. of vikampati trembled.  
vikampitvā abs. of vikampati having trembled.  
vikari aor. of vikaroti undid; altered.  
vikaroti vi + kar + o undoes; alters.  
vikala adj. defective; in want of; being without. vikāla (m.), the wrong time; afternoon and the night.
vikalaka adj. being short of.  
vikasati vi + kas + a opens out; expands; to be blown.  
vikasi aor. of vikasati opened out; expanded.  
vikasita pp. of vikasati opened out; expanded. vikāsita (pp. of vikāseti), illuminated; made expand or opened wide.
vikasitvā abs. of vikasati having opened out; having expanded.  
vikāra m. change; alteration; reversion; disturbance; deformity; quality.  
vikālabhojana nt. taking food in the afternoon and night.  
vikāsa nt. expansion; opening.  
vikāseti vi + kas + e illuminates; makes expand or opens wide.  
vikāsetvā abs. of vikāseti having illuminated; having made expand or opened wide.  
vikāsesi aor. of vikāseti illuminated; made expand or opened wide.  
vikiṇṇa pp. of vikirati scattered about; strewn all over.  
vikiṇṇakesa adj. with dishevelled hair.  
vikipenta pr.p. of vikopeti upsetting; injuring; destroying.  
vikiraṇa nt. scattering; dispersion.  
vikirati vi + kir + a scatters; spreads; sprinkles.  
vikiranta pr.p. of vikirati scattering; spreading; sprinkling.  
vikiramāna pr.p. of vikirati scattering; spreading; sprinkling.  
vikiri aor. of vikirati scattered; spread; sprinkled.  
vikiritvā abs. of vikirati having scattered; having spread; having sprinkled.  
vikirīyati pass. of vikirati has been fell into pieces.  
vikuṇita pp. distorted; deformed.  
vikubbati vi + kar + o; karo is changed to kubba transforms; performs miracles.  
vikubbana nt. miraculous transformation.  
vikubbi aor. of vikubbati transformed; performed miracles.  
vikubbita pp. of vikubbati transformed; performed miracles.  
vikulāva adj. nestless.  
vikūjati vi + kūj + a chirps; warbles; coos; sings.  
vikūjana nt. cooing of a bird.  
vikūji aor. of vikūjati chirped; warbled; cooed; sang.  
vikūjita pp. of vikūjati chirped; warbled; cooed; sung.  
vikūla adj. sloping down.  
vikopana nt. upsetting; injuring.  
vikopita pp. of vikopeti upset; injured; destroyed.  
vikopeti vi + kup + e upsets; injures; destroys.  
vikopetvā abs. of vikopeti having upset; having injured; having destroyed.  
vikopesi aor. of vikopeti upset; injured; destroyed.  
vikkanta nt. heroism.  
vikkandati vi + kand + a cries loudly; makes a great noise.  
vikkama m. strength; heroism; stepping.  
vikkamati vi + kam + a exerts oneself; steps forward.  
vikkamana nt. exertion; stepping.  
vikkami aor. of vikkamati exerted oneself; stepped forward.  
vikkambha m. diameter.  
vikkaya m. sale.  
vikkayika m. a seller; salesman. vikkāyika (adj.) to be sold.
vikkāyikabhaṇḍa nt. merchandise.  
vikkiṇanta pr.p. of vikkiṇāti selling.  
vikkiṇāti vi + ki + ṇā sells.  
vikkiṇi aor. of vikkiṇāti sold.  
vikkiṇituṃ inf. of vikkiṇāti to sell.  
vikkiṇitvā abs. of vikkiṇāti having sold.  
vikketu m. a seller; salesman.  
vikkhambhana nt. arrest; elimination; discarding; suppression.  
vikkhambhita pp. of vikkhambheti suppressed; discarded; extripated.  
vikkhambheti vi + khambh + e suppresses; discards; extripates.  
vikkhambhetvā abs. of vikkhambheti having suppressed; having discarded; having extripated.  
vikkhambhenta pr.p. of vikkhambheti suppressing; discarding; extripating.  
vikkhambhesi aor. of vikkhambheti suppressed; discarded; extripated.  
vikkhālita pp. of vikkhāleti washed off; rinsed one's mouth.  
vikkhāleti vi + khāl + e washes off; rinses one's mouth.  
vikkhāletvā abs. of vikkhāleti having washed off; having rinsed one's mouth.  
vikkhālesi aor. of vikkhāleti washed off; rinsed one's mouth.  
vikkhitta pp. of vikkhipati upset; perplexed.  
vikkhittaka adj. scattered all over. (nt.), such a corpse.  
vikkhittacitta adj. of confused or upset mind.  
vikkhipati vi + khip + a disturbs; confuses.  
vikkhipana nt. disturbance; confusion; derangement.  
vikkhipanta pr.p. of vikkhipati disturbing; confusing.  
vikkhipi aor. of vikkhipati disturbed; confused.  
vikkhipitvā abs. of vikkhipati having disturbed; having confused.  
vikkhepa m. disturbance; confusion; derangement.  
vikkhepaka adj. one who disturbs.  
vikkhobhana nt. a great disturbance.  
vikkhobhita pp. of vikkhobheti shaken or disturbed thoroughly.  
vikkhobheti vi + khubh + e shakes or disturbs thoroughly.  
vikkhobhetvā abs. of vikkhobheti having shaken or disturbed thoroughly.  
vikkhobhesi aor. of vikkhobheti shook or disturbed thoroughly.  
vigacchati vi + gam + a departs; disappears; goes away.  
vigacchanta pr.p. of vigacchati departing; disappearing; going away.  
vigacchamāna pr.p. of vigacchati departing; disappearing; going away.  
vigacchi aor. of vigacchati departed; disappeared; went away.  
vigata pp. of vigacchati gone away; ceased; deprived of; being without.  
vigatakhila adj. free from callosity.  
vigatacchandatā f. the fact of having no liking.  
vigataraja adj. free from defilement.  
vigatāsa (vigata + āsa), adj. free from desire.  
vigatāsava (vigata + āsava), adj. free from depravity; a saint.  
vigama m. departure; disappearance; going away.  
vigamana nt. departure; disappearance; going away.  
vigayha abs. of vigāhati having entered or plunged into.  
vigarahati vi + garah + a scolds intensely; abuses.  
vigarahi aor. of vigarahati scolded intensely; abused.  
vigarahitvā abs. of vigarahati having scolded intensely; having abused.  
vigalita pp. of vigalati displaced; dropped down.  
vigāḷha pp. of vigāhati entered; plunged into.  
vigāhati vi + gāh + a enters; plunges into.  
vigāhana nt. plunging; getting into; diving.  
vigāhamāna pr.p. of vigāhati entering; plunging into.  
vigāhi aor. of vigāhati entered; plunged into.  
vigāhituṃ inf. of vigāhati to enter; to plunge into.  
vigāhitvā abs. of vigāhati having entered; having plunged into.  
vigāhetvā abs. of vigāhati having entered; having plunged into.  
viggayha abs. of viggaṇhāti having quarrelled or analysed.  
viggaha m. dispute; quarrel; the body; resolution of words into their elements.  
viggāhikakathā f. quarrelsome speech.  
vighaṭṭana nt. knocking against.  
vighāṭana nt. opening; unfastening.  
vighāta m. destruction; distress; vexation; annoyance.  
vighātita pp. of vighāteti killed; destroyed.  
vighāteti vi + han + e kills; destroys vighāṭeti (vi + ghaṭ + e) unfastens; breaks up; opens. (aor.) vighāṭesi. (pp.) vighāṭita. (pr.p.) vighātenta. (abs.) vighāṭetvā.
vighātetvā abs. of vighāteti having killed; having destroyed.  
vighātesi aor. of vighāteti killed; destroyed.  
vighāsa m. remains of food; scraps.  
vighāsāda m. one who eats the remains of food.  
vicakkhaṇa adj. skilful; wise. (m.), wise man.  
vicaya m. investigation.  
vicaraṇa nt. walking; going about. vicāraṇa (nt.), investigation; management; planning. ### vicāraṇā (nt.) investigation; management; planning.
vicarati vi + car + a goes about; wanders.  
vicaranta pr.p. of vicarati going about; wandering.  
vicaramāna pr.p. of vicarati going about; wandering.  
vicari aor. of vicarati went about; wandered.  
vicarita pp. of vicarati gone about; wandered. vicārita (pp. of vicāreti), thought over; managed; planned.
vicarituṃ inf. of vicarati to go about; to wander.  
vicaritvā abs. of vicarati having gone about; having wandered.  
vicāra m. investigation; management; planning.  
vicāraka m. one who investigates or manages; a manager.  
vicāreti vi + car + e thinks over; manages; plans; administers.  
vicāretvā abs. of vicāreti having thought over; having managed; having planned.  
vicārenta pr.p. of vicāreti thinking over; managing; planning.  
vicāresi aor. of vicāreti thought over; managed; planned.  
vicikicchati vi + kit + cha ; ki is doubled and the first ki is changed to ci doubts; hesitates; to be distracted.  
vicikicchā f. doubt; uncertainty.  
vicikicchi aor. of vikicchati doubted; hesitated.  
vicikicchita pp. of vikicchati doubted; hesitated.  
viciṇṇa pp. of vicināti considered; discriminated; selected; collected.  
vicita pp. of vicināti considered; discriminated; selected; collected.  
vicitta adj. variegated; ornamented; decorated.  
vicinana nt. discrimination; selection.  
vicinanta pr.p. of vicināti considering; discriminating; selecting.  
vicināti vi + ci + nā considers; discriminates; selects; collects.  
vicini aor. of vicināti considered; discriminated; selected; collected.  
vicinitvā abs. of vicināti having considered; having discriminated.  
vicintita pp. of vicinteti thought over; considered.  
vicintiya abs. of vicinteti having thought of.  
vicinteti vi + cit + e thinks over; considers.  
vicintetvā abs. of vicinteti having thought over; having considered.  
vicintenta pr.p. of vicinteti thinking over; considering.  
vicintesi aor. of vicinteti thought over; considered.  
vicuṇṇa adj. crushed up; powdered; broken into pieces.  
vicuṇṇita pp. of vicuṇṇeti crushed; powdered; broken into pieces.  
vicuṇṇeti vi + cuṇṇ + e crushes; powders; breaks into pieces.  
vicuṇṇetvā abs. of vicuṇṇeti having crushed; having powdered; having broken into pieces.  
vicuṇṇesi aor. of vicuṇṇeti crushed; powdered; broke into pieces.  
vicchika m. scorpion.  
vicchiddaka adj. full of holes; perforated all over.  
vicchindati vi + chid + ṃ-a cuts off; interrupts; prevents.  
vicchindanta pr.p. of vicchindati cutting off; interupting; preventing.  
vicchindamāna pr.p. of vicchindati cutting off; interupting; preventing.  
vicchindi aor. of vicchindati cut off; interrupted; pevented.  
vicchinditvā abs. of vicchindati having cut off; having interrupted; having pevented.  
vicchinna pp. of vicchindati cut off; interrupted; pevented.  
viccheda m. interruption; cutting off.  
vijaṭana nt. disentangling.  
vijaṭita pp. of vijaṭeti unraveled; combed out; disentangled.  
vijaṭeti vi + jaṭ + e unravels; combs out; disentangles.  
vijaṭetvā abs. of vijaṭeti having unraveled; having combed out; having disentangled.  
vijaṭesi aor. of vijaṭeti unraveled; combed out; disentangled.  
vijana adj. deserted of people. vījana (nt.), fanning.
vijanavāta adj. having an atmosphere of loneliness.  
vijambhati vi + jambh + a rouses oneself; displays activity; yawns.  
vijambhanā f. arousing; activity.  
vijambhi aor. of vijambhati roused oneself; desplayed activity.  
vijambhikā f. yawning; drowsiness.  
vijambhitvā abs. of vijambhati having roused oneself; having desplayed activity.  
vijaya m. victory; triumph.  
vijayati vi + ji + a conquers; triumphs over. vijāyati (vi + jan + ya), brings forth; gives birth.
vijayi aor. of vijayati conquered; triumphed over. vijāyi (aor. of vijāyati), brought forth; gave birth.
vijahati vi + hā + a; hā is doubled and the first hā is changed to ja abandons; forsakes; leaves; gives up.  
vijahana nt. giving up; leaving aside.  
vijahanta pr.p. of vijahati abandoning; forsaking; leaving.  
vijahi aor. of vijahati abandoned; forsaked; left; gave up.  
vijahita pp. of vijahati abandoned; forsaken; left; given up.  
vijahitabba pt.p. of vijahati should be abandoned; should be given up.  
vijahitvā abs. of vijahati having abandoned; having forsaken; having left; having given up.  
vijāta pp. of vijāyati brought forth; given birth. vijātā (f.), a woman who has given birth to a child.
vijātika adj. of a different nation; an outsider; foreigner.  
vijānana nt. knowledge; recognition.  
vijānanta pr.p. of vijānāti knowing; understanding; perceiving; recognizing.  
vijānāti vi + ñā + nā; ñā is changed to jā knows; understands; perceives; recognizes.  
vijāni aor. of vijānāti knew; understood; perceived; recognized. vījanī (f.), a fan.
vijānitabba pt.p. of vijānāti should be understood; should be perceived.  
vijānituṃ inf. of vijānāti to know; to understand; to perceive; to recognise.  
vijānitvā abs. of vijānāti having known; having understood; having perceived; having recongized.  
vijāniya abs. of vijānāti having known; having understood; having perceived; having recongized.  
vijāyana nt. bringing forth; giving birth.  
vijāyantī f. a woman bringing forth a child.  
vijāyamānā f. a woman bringing forth a child. vījayamāna (pr.p. of vījati), fanning.
vijāyitvā abs. of vijāyati having brought forth; having given birth.  
vijāyinī f. able to bear a child.  
vijita pp. of vijināti conquered; subdued. (nt.), a kingdom. vījita (pp. of vījati), fanned.
vijitasaṅgāma adj. victorious; by whom the battle has been won.  
vijitāvī m. victorious.  
vijjati vid + ya exists; to be found.  
vijjanta pr.p. of vijjati existing.  
vijjantarikā f. an interval of lightning.  
vijjamāna pr.p. of vijjati existing.  
vijjā f. higher knowledge; science.  
vijjācaraṇa nt. special wisdom and virtue.  
vijjāṭṭhāna nt. a subject of study; arts and sciences.  
vijjādhara adj. a knower of charms; a sorcerer.  
vijjāvimutti f. emancipation through wisdom.  
vijju f. a lightning.  
vijjutā f. a lightning.  
vijjullatā f. a lightning.  
vijjotati vi + jut + a shines.  
vijjotamāna pr.p. of vijjotati shining.  
vijjoti aor. of vijjotati shone.  
vijjotita pp. of vijjotati shone.  
vijjhati vidh + ya shoots; pierces; perforates.  
vijjhana nt. shooting; piercing.  
vijjhanta pr.p. of vijjhati shooting.  
vijjhamāna pr.p. of vijjhati shooting.  
vijjhāpita pp. of vijjhāpeti put off a fire.  
vijjhāpeti vi + jhe + āpe puts off a fire.  
vijjhāyati vi + jhe + a to be extinguished.  
vijjhāyi aor. of vijjhāyati extinguished.  
vijjhi aor. of vijjhati shot.  
vijjhitvā abs. of vijjhati having shot.  
vijjhiya abs. of vijjhati having shot.  
viññatta   informed; instructed.  
viññatti f. intimation; information.  
viññāṇa nt. animation; consciousness.  
viññāṇaka adj. endowed with vitality.  
viññāṇakkhandha m. the aggregate of life-force.  
viññāṇaṭṭhiti f. stages of sentient beings.  
viññāṇadhātu f. mind-element.  
viññāta pp. of vijānāti known; understood; perceived; recongized.  
viññātabba pt.p. of vijānāti what should be understood.  
viññātu m. a perceiver; one who knows.  
viññāpaka m. clever in instruction.  
viññāpana nt. information; introduction.  
viññāpaya adj. accessible to instruction.  
viññāpita pp. of viññāpeti informed; instructed; taught.  
viññāpeti vi + ñā + āpe informs; teaches; intimates.  
viññāpetu m. an instructor; one who intimates.  
viññāpetvā abs. of viññāpeti having informed; having taught; having intimated.  
viññāpenta pr.p. of viññāpeti informing; teaching; intimating.  
viññāpesi aor. of viññāpeti informed; taught; intimated.  
viññāya abs. of vijānāti having known or learnt.  
viññāyati pass. of vijānāti to be known.  
viññāyi aor. of viññāyati knew.  
viññutā f. discretion; puberty.  
viññuppasattha adj. extolled by the wise.  
viññū adj. wise. (m.) a wise man.  
viññeyya adj. to be perceived.  
viṭaṅka m.; nt. a dovecote; the line of projecting ends of beams.  
viṭapa m. a branch; fork of a tree; the roots descending from branches.  
viṭapī m. a tree.  
vitakka m. reflection; thought.  
vitakkana nt. contemplation.  
vitakkita pp. of vitakketi reflected; considered.  
vitakketi vi + tak + e reflects; considers.  
vitakketvā abs. of vitakketi having reflected; having considered.  
vitakkenta pr.p. of vitakketi reflecting; considering.  
vitakkesi aor. of vitakketi reflected; considered.  
vitacchikā f. scabies.  
vitacchitā pp. of vitacchitā peeled; smoothed.  
vitaccheti vi + tacch + e peels; smooths.  
vitacchesi aor. of vitaccheti peeled; smoothed.  
vitaṇḍavāda m. sophistry.  
vitaṇḍavādī m. a sophist.  
vitata pp. of vitanoti stretched; extended; diffused.  
vitatha adj. false; untrue. (nt.) untruth.  
vitani aor. of vitanoti stretched or spread out.  
vitanoti vi + tan + o stretches or spreads out.  
vitaraṇa nt. distribution; overcoming; getting through.  
vitarati vi + tar + a goes through; distributes; removes.  
vitari aor. of vitarati went through; distributed; removed.  
vitarita pp. of vitarati gone through; distributed; removed.  
vitāna nt. a canopy.  
vitiṇṇa pp. of vitarati gone through; distributed; removed.  
vitudati vi + tud + a nudges; pricks.  
vitudana nt. pricking.  
vitudi aor. of vitudati nudged; pricked.  
vitudutvā abs. of vitudati having nudged; having pricked.  
vitunna pp. of vitudati nudged; pricked.  
vitta nt. wealth; property.  
vitti f. joy; happiness.  
vittha nt. a bowl for drinking spirits.  
vitthata pp. of vittharati extended; wide; spread out.  
vitthambhana nt. expansion; putting; suffusion.  
vitthambhita pp. of vitthambheti expanded; puffed; inflated.  
vitthambheti vi + thambh + e expands; puffs; inflates.  
vitthambhetvā abs. of vitthambheti having expanded; having puffed; having inflated.  
vitthambhesi aor. of vitthambheti expanded; puffed; inflated.  
vitthāti v. lies.  
vitthāra m. explanation; detail; the breadth.  
vitthārakathā f. commentary.  
vitthārato adv. in detail.  
vitthārika adj. wide-spread.  
vitthārita pp. of vitthāreti spread out; explained; expanded.  
vitthārīyati pass. of vitthāreti has been spread out; has been explained.  
vitthāreti vi + thar + e spreads out; explains; expands.  
vitthāretvā abs. of vitthāreti having spread out; having explained; having expanded.  
vitthārenta pr.p. of vitthāreti spreading out; explaining; expanding.  
vitthāresi aor. of vitthāreti spread out; explained; expanded.  
vitthinna pp. of vittharati extended; wide; spread out.  
vidatthi f. a span.  
vidahati vi + dhā + a arranges; manages; commands.  
vidahi aor. of vidahati arranged; managed; commanded.  
vidahita pp. of vidahati arranged; managed; commanded.  
vidahitvā abs. of vidahati having arranged; having managed; having commanded.  
vidāraṇa nt. rending; splitting.  
vidārita pp. of vidāreti split; rent.  
vidāreti vi + dar + e splits; rends.  
vidāresi aor. of vidāreti split; rent.  
vidālana nt. splitting; burstling.  
vidālita pp. of vidāleti rent; split open.  
vidita pp. known; found out.  
viditatta nt. the fact of having known.  
vidisā f. an intermediate point of compass.  
vidugga nt. a difficult passage; a fortress difficult to access.  
vidū adj. wise; skilled in. (m.) a wise man.  
vidūra adj. remote; distant.  
vidūsita pp. of vidūseti corrupted; depraved.  
vidūseti   spoils; pollutes; 2. defames; 3. ill-treats. (see, dūseti)  
videsa m. a foreign country.  
videsika adj. foreign; a foreigner.  
videsī adj. foreign; a foreigner.  
viddasu m. a wise man.  
viddesa m. enmity.  
viddha pp. of vijjhati pierced; shot; struck.  
viddhaṃsaka adj. one who destroys; bringing destruction.  
viddhaṃsana nt. demolition destruction.  
viddhaṃsita pp. of viddhaṃseti demolished; destroyed.  
viddhaṃseti vi + dhaṃs + e demolishes; destroys.  
viddhaṃsetvā abs. of viddhaṃseti having demolished; having destroyed.  
viddhaṃsenta pr.p. of viddhaṃseti demolishing; destroying.  
viddhaṃsesi aor. of viddhaṃseti demolished; destroyed.  
viddhasta pp. of viddhaṃseti demolished; destroyed.  
vidha adj. (in cpds.) of a kind; consisting of: --fold. nānāvidha = manifold vidhā (f.) conceit; pride.
vidhamaka adj. one who destroys; destroying.  
vidhamati vi + dham + e destroys; ruins; scatters.  
vidhamana nt. destruction; demolishing.  
vidhami aor. of vidhamati destroyed; ruined; scattered.  
vidhamita pp. of vidhamati destroyed; ruined; scattered.  
vidhamitvā abs. of vidhamati having destroyed; having ruined; having scattered.  
vidhameti vi + dham + e destroys; ruins; scatter. (see, vidhamati).  
vidhavā f. a widow.  
vidhātu m. the Creator.  
vidhāna nt. arrangement; command; performance; process.  
vidhāyaka adj. one who arranges, manages or performs.  
vidhāvati vi + dhāv + a runs about; roams.  
vidhāvana nt. running about.  
vidhāvi aor. of vidhāvati ran about; roamed.  
vidhāvitvā abs. of vidhāvati having run about; having roamed.  
vidhi m. method; way; luck; destiny; form.  
vidhinā adv. in due method.  
vidhunāti vi + dhu + nā shakes off; removes.  
vidhuni aor. of vidhunāti shook off; removed.  
vidhunita pp. of vidhunāti shaken off; removed.  
vidhunitvā abs. of vidhunāti having shaken off; having removed.  
vidhūta pp. of vidhunāti shaken off; removed.  
vidhūpana nt. a fan; fanning; flavouring; fumigation.  
vidhūpita pp. of vidhūpeti flavoured; fanned; fumigated; scattered.  
vidhūpeti vi + dhup + e flavours; fans; fumigates; scatters.  
vidhūpetvā abs. of vidhūpeti having flavoured; having fanned; having fumigated; having scattered.  
vidhūpenta pr.p. of vidhūpeti flavouring; fanning; fumigating; scttering.  
vidhūpesi aor. of vidhūpet flavoured; fanned; fumigated; scattered.  
vidhūma adj. smokeless; passionless.  
vidheyya adj. obedient.  
vinaṭṭha pp. of vinassati destroyed; ruined; perished.  
vinata pp. of vinamati bent. vinatā (f.) the mother of the Garuda race.
vinaddha pp. of vinandhati encircled; twisted round; intertwined.  
vinandhati vi + nandh + a encircles; twists round; intertwines.  
vinandhana nt. twisting round; wrapping over.  
vinandhi aor. of vinandhati encircled; twisted round; intertwined.  
vinandhitvā abs. of vinandhati having encircled; having twisted round; having intertwined.  
vinaya m. discipline; the code of monastic discipline; removal.  
vinayadhara adj. an expert in Vinaya-code.  
vinayana nt. removal; taming; instruction.  
vinayapiṭaka nt. the code of discipline for the Buddhist monks.  
vinayavādī m. one who speaks in accordance with the rules of conduct.  
vinaḷīkata pp. destroyed; rendered useless.  
vinassati vi + nas + ya lose; perishes; to be destroyed.  
vinassana nt. perishing.  
vinassanta pr.p. of vinassati losing; perishing.  
vinassamāna pr.p. of vinassati losing; perishing.  
vinassi aor. of vinassati lost; perished; to be destroyed.  
vinassitvā abs. of vinassati having lost; having perished.  
vinā ind. without  
vinākaroti v. separates.  
vināti vi + nā weaves.  
vinābhāva m. separation.  
vināma m. bending the body or limbs.  
vināmana nt. bending the body or limbs.  
vināmita pp. of vināmeti bent.  
vināmeti vi + nam + e bend.  
vināmetvā abs. of vināmeti having bent.  
vināmesi aor. of vināmeti bent.  
vināyaka m. a great leader; the Buddha.  
vināsa m. destruction; ruin; loss.  
vināsaka adj. destroying; causing ruin.  
vināsana nt. destroying.  
vināsanta adj. ending in destruction.  
vināsita pp. of vināseti caused ruin; destroyed; spoiled (spoilt).  
vināseti vi + nas + e causes ruin; destroys; spoils.  
vināsetvā abs. of vināseti having caused ruin; having destroyed; having spoiled (spoilt).  
vināsenta pr.p. of vināseti causing ruin; destroying.  
vināsesi aor. of vināseti caused ruin; destroyed; spoiled (spoilt).  
vini aor. of vināti wove (weaved).  
viniggata pp. of viniggacchati come out from.  
vinicchakathā f. analytical discussion.  
vinicchaṭṭhāna nt. law-courts.  
vinicchaya m. decision; judgement; trial; discrimination.  
vinicchasālā f. the hall of judgement.  
vinicchita pp. of viniccheti decided; judged; investigated; discerned. (pp. of vinicchināti), investigated; tried; decided.  
vinicchinana nt. judgement; decision.  
vinicchināti vi + ni + chi + nā investigates; tries; decides.  
vinicchini aor. of vinicchināti investigated; tried; decided.  
vinicchinitvā abs. of vinicchināti having investigated; having tried; having decided.  
viniccheti vi + ni + chi + e investigates; judges.  
vinicchetvā abs. of viniccheti having investigated; having judged.  
vinicchenta pr.p. of viniccheti investigating; judging.  
vinicchesi aor. of viniccheti investigated; judged.  
vinidhāya abs. of vinidahati having misplaced; asserting wrongly.  
vinipāta m. a place of suffering a bad falling.  
vinipātatika adj. destined to suffer in purgatory.  
vinipāteti vi + ni + pat + e brings to ruin; wastes.  
vinibaddha pp. of vinibandhati bound to; connected with.  
vinibandha m. bondage; attachment.  
vinibbhujati vi + ni + bhuj + a separates; discriminates.  
vinibbhuji aor. of vinibbhujati separated; discriminated.  
vinibbhujitvā abs. of vinibbhujati having separated; having discriminated.  
vinibbhoga m. separation; discrimination.  
vinimaya m. reciprocity  
vinimocita pp. of vinimoceti freed oneself; got rid of.  
vinimoceti vi + ni + muc + e frees oneself; gets rid of.  
vinimocetvā abs. of vinimoceti having freed oneself; having got (gotten) rid of.  
vinimocesi aor. of vinimoceti freed oneself; got rid of.  
vinimmutta pp. of vinimuccati free from; released.  
vinivaṭṭita pp. of vinivaṭṭeti turned or rolled over; glided off.  
vinivaṭṭeti vi + ni + vat + e turns or roll over; glides off.  
vinivaṭṭetvā abs. of vinivaṭṭeti having turned or rolled over.  
vinivaṭṭesi aor. of vinivaṭṭeti turned or rolled over; glided off.  
vinivijjha abs. of vinivaṭṭeti having turned or rolled over.  
vinivijjhati vi + ni + vidh + ya pierces through.  
vinivijjhana nt. piercing through.  
vinivijjhi aor. of vinivijjhati pierced through.  
vinivijjhitvā abs. of vinivijjhati having pierced through.  
vinividdha pp. of vinivijjhati pierced through.  
viniveṭhama nt. disentangling.  
viniveṭhita pp. of viniveṭheti disentagled; unwraped.  
viniveṭheti vi + ni + veṭh + e disentangles; unwraps; frees oneself from.  
viniveṭhetvā abs. of viniveṭheti having disentagled; having unwraped.  
viniveṭhesi aor. of viniveṭheti disentagled; unwraped.  
vinīta pp. of vineti trained; educated.  
vinīvaraṇa adj. free from the obstruction to the progress of mind.  
vinetabba pt.p. of vineti should be led; should be trained.  
vineti vi + ni + e leads; trains; instructs; removes.  
vinetu m. trainer; instructor; remover.  
vinetvā abs. of vineti having led; having trained; having instructed; having removed.  
vinenta pr.p. of vineti leading; training; instructing.  
vineyajana m. people who are to be trained by a Buddha.  
vineyya abs. of vineti having removed. (adj.) fit to be trained.  
vinesi aor. of vineti led; trained; instructed; removed.  
vinoda m. joy; pleasure.  
vinodana nt. removal; dispelling.  
vinodita pp. of vinodeti dispelled; removed; driven out.  
vinodeti vi + nud + e dispels; removes; drives out.  
vinodetu m. dispeller.  
vinodetvā abs. of vinodeti having dispelled; having removed; having driven out.  
vinodesi aor. of vinodeti dispelled; removed; drove out.  
vindaka m. one who enjoys or suffers.  
vindati vid + ṃ - a enjoys; undergoes; knows; gains.  
vindanta pr.p. of vindati enjoying; undergoing; knowing; gaining.  
vindamāna pr.p. of vindati enjoying; undergoing; knowing; gaining.  
vindi aor. of vindati enjoyed; underwent; knew; gained.  
vindita pp. of vindati enjoyed; undergone; known; gained.  
vinditabba pt.p. of vindati should be undergone; should be enjoyed.  
vinditvā abs. of vindati having enjoyed; having undergone; having known; having gained.  
vindiya adj. that should be undergone.  
vindiyamāna pr.p. of being endured or suffered.  
vipakka pp. of vipaccati ripened; borne fruit.  
vipakkha adj. hostile.  
vipakkhasevaka adj. siding with the enemy.  
vipakkhika adj. siding with the enemy.  
vipaccati vi + pac + ya ripens; bears fruit.  
vipaccamāna pr.p. of vipaccati ripening; bearing fruit.  
vipacci aor. of vipaccati ripened; bore fruit.  
vipajjati vi + pad + ya fails; goes wrong; perishes.  
vipajjana nt. failing; perishing.  
vipajji aor. of vipajjati failed; went wrong; perished.  
vipatti f. failure; misfortune; distress; going wrong.  
vipatha m. wrong path.  
vipanna pp. of vipajjati having failed; having gone wrong; perished.  
vipannadiṭṭhī adj. one who has wrong views.  
vipannasīla adj. gone wrong in morals.  
vipariṇata pp. of vipariṇamati perverted, lustful.  
vipariṇāma m. change.  
vipariṇāmita pp. of vipariṇāmeti having changed; having altered.  
vipariṇāmeti vi + pari + nam + e changes; alters.  
vipariṇāmesi aor. of vipariṇāmeti changed; altered.  
vipariyāya m. contrariness; wrong state; reversal.  
vipariyesa m. contrariness; wrong state; reversal.  
viparivattati vi + pari + vat + a turns round; upsets.  
viparivattana nt. change; reverse.  
viparivatti aor. of viparivattati turned round; upset.  
viparivattita pp. of viparivattati having turned round; upset.  
viparīta adj. reversed; changed; wrong. viparītā (f.) contradistinction.
vipallattha adj. deranged; perverted; upset.  
vipallāsa m. derangement; corruption; perversion.  
vipassaka adj. gifted with introspection.  
vipassati vi + dis + a sees clearly; has intuition.  
vipassanā f. insight.  
vipassanāñāṇa nt. ability of attaining insight.  
vipassanādhura nt. obligation of introspection.  
vipassi aor. of vipassati saw clearly; had intuition. vipassī (m.) gifted with insight.
vipassitvā abs. of vipassati having see clearly.  
vipāka m. result; fruition; consequence of one's actions.  
vipiṭṭhikatvā abs. having turned one's back on; having left aside.  
vipina nt. a forest.  
vipula adj. extensive; great; large.  
vipulatā f. abundance; excess; broadness.  
vipulatta nt. abundance; excess; broadness.  
vippa m. a brahman.  
vippakata adj. left unfinished.  
vippakāra m. change; alteration.  
vippakiṇṇa pp. of vippakiṇṇa strewn all over; confounded; destroyed.  
vippakirati vi + pa + kir + a strew all over; confound; destroys.  
vippakiri aor. of vippakirati strewed all over; confounded; destroyed.  
vippakiritvā abs. of vippakirati having strewn all over; having confounded; having destroyed.  
vippakula nt. the brahman caste.  
vippajahati vi + pa + hā + a gives up; abandons.  
vippajahi aor. of vippajahati gave up; abandoned.  
vippaṭipajjati vi + paṭi + pad + ya errs; fails; commits sin.  
vippaṭipajji aor. of vippaṭipajjati erred; failed; commited sin.  
vippaṭipatti f. wrong action; transgression of rules.  
vippaṭipanna pp. of vippaṭipajjati acting wrongly; gone wrong.  
vippaṭisāra m. remorse; repentance.  
vippaṭisārī adj. remorseful; repentant.  
vippamuttu pp. released; set free; saved.  
vippayutta pp. separated.  
vippayoga m. separation.  
vippayoganta   imancipation.  
vippalapati vi + pa + lap + a wails; laments.  
vippalapi aor. of vippalapati wailed; lamented.  
vippalāpa m. confused talk; wailing.  
vippalujjati vi + pa + luj + a falls into pieces; to be destroyed.  
vippavasati vi + pa + vas + a to be absent; to be away from home.  
vippavasi aor. of vippavasati was absent; was away from home.  
vippavāsa m. absence; living abroad.  
vippavuttha pp. of vippavasati absent; being away from home.  
vippasanna pp. of vippasīdati very clear; pure; bright.  
vippasīdati vi + pa + sad + a becomes clear or bright; to be joyful.  
vippasīdi aor. of vippasīdati became clear or bright.  
vippahīna adj. abandoned; removed of.  
vipphandati vi + phand + a struggles; writhes.  
vipphandana nt. writhing struggle.  
vipphandi aor. of vipphandati struggled; writhed.  
vipphandita pp. of vipphandati struggled; writhed.  
vipphanditvā abs. of vipphandati having struggled; having writhed.  
vipphāra m. diffusion; pervasion.  
vipphārika adj. spreading out.  
vipphārita pp. expanded; spread out.  
vipphālita pp. of vipphalati torn asunder.  
vipphuraṇa nt. pervasion.  
vipphurati vi + phur + a vibrates; trembles; diffuses.  
vipphuranta pr.p. of vipphurati vibrating; trembling; diffusing.  
vipphuri aor. of vipphurati vibrated; trembled; diffused.  
vipphurita pp. of vipphurati vibrated; trembled; diffused.  
vipphuliṅga nt. a spark.  
viphala adj. fruitless; profitless.  
vibandha m. a fetter.  
vibādhaka adj. preventing; doing harm.  
vibādhati vi + badh + a hinders; oppresses; obstructs.  
vibādhana nt. obstruction; prevention.  
vibbhanta (pp. of vibbhamati), adj. apostate; one who has forsaken the Order.  
vibbhantaka (pp. of vibbhamati), adj. apostate; one who has forsaken the Order.  
vibbhamati vi + bham + a goes astray; forsakes the Order.  
vibbhami aor. of vibbhamati went astray; forsaked the Order.  
vibbhamitvā abs. of vibbhamati having gone astray; having forsaken the Order.  
vibhaṅga m. distribution; division; classification.  
vibhajati vi + bhaj + a divides; dissects; classifies.  
vibhajana nt. distribution; division; classification.  
vibhajanta pr.p. of vibhajati dividing; dissesting; classifying.  
vibhaji aor. of vibhajati divided; dissected; classified.  
vibhajita pp. of vibhajati divided; dissected; classified.  
vibhajitvā abs. of vibhajati having divided; having dissected; having classified.  
vibhajja abs. of vibhajati having divided or analysed.  
vibhajjavāda m. the religion of reason.  
vibhajjavādī m. one who accepts the Theravāda doctrine.  
vibhatta pp. of vibhajati divided; dissected; classified.  
vibhatti f. division; classification; inflection of nouns and verbs; a case in grammar.  
vibhattika adj. having divisions.  
vibhava m. wealth; prosperity.  
vibhāga m. distribution; division; classification.  
vibhāta pp. of vibhāti become bright; shone forth.  
vibhāti vi + bhā + a becomes bright; shines forth.  
vibhāvana nt. explanation; making clear. vibhāvanā (f.) explanation; making clear.
vibhāvita pp. of vibhāveti made clear; explained.  
vibhāvī adj. intelligent. (m.), a wise man.  
vibhāveti vi + bhū + a makes clear; explains.  
vibhāvetvā abs. of vibhāveti having made clear; having explained.  
vibhāventa pr.p. of vibhāveti making clear; explaining.  
vibhāvesi aor. of vibhāveti made clear; explained.  
vibhinna pp. divided; at variance.  
vibhītaka m. Beleric Myrobalan.  
vibhītakī f. Beleric Myrobalan.  
vibhūta pp. clear; distinct.  
vibhūti f. splendour; glory.  
vibhūsana nt. an ornament; decoration.  
vibhūsā f. an ornament; decoration.  
vibhūsita pp. of vibhūseti decorated.  
vibhūseti vi + bhus + e adorns; embellishes; beautifies.  
vibhūsetvā abs. of vibhūseti having adorned; having embellished; having beautified.  
vibhūsesi aor. of vibhūseti adorned; embellished; beautified.  
vimaṃsitvā abs. of vīmaṃsati having investigated; having tested; having considered.  
vimati f. doubt; perplexity.  
vimaticchedaka adj. removing perplexity.  
vimana adj. displeased; distracted. vimāna (nt.) a mansion; heavenly palace.
vimala adj. clean; spotless; unstained.  
vimānana nt. disrespect.  
vimānapeta m. a kind of spiritual beings liable to semi-punishment and semi-enjoyment.  
vimānavatthu nt. a book containing stories about vimānas.  
vimānita pp. of vimāneti disrespected; treated with contempt.  
vimāneti vi + man + e disrespects; treats with contempt.  
vimānetvā abs. of vimāneti having disrespected; having treated with contempt.  
vimānesi aor. of vimāneti disrespected; treated with contempt.  
vimukha adj. turning away from; neglectful.  
vimuccati vi + muc + ya to be released; to be emancipated.  
vimuccana nt. release.  
vimucci aor. of vimuccati released; emancipated.  
vimuccitvā abs. of vimuccati having released; having emancipated.  
vimuñcati vi + muc + ṃ - a releases; to be free.  
vimuñcanta pr.p. of vimuñcati releasing; freeing.  
vimuñci aor. of vimuñcati released; freed.  
vimuñcita pp. of vimuñcati released; freed.  
vimuñcitvā abs. of vimuñcati having released.  
vimutta pp. of vimuccati released; emancipated.  
vimutti f. release; deliverance; emancipation.  
vimuttirasa m. the essence of emancipation.  
vimuttisukha nt. happiness of emancipation.  
vimokkha m. deliverance; release; emancipation.  
vimocaka m. one who release.  
vimocana nt. release from; discharging; letting loose.  
vimocita pp. of vimoceti released.  
vimoceti vi + muc + e releases; to make free.  
vimocetvā abs. of vimoceti having released.  
vimocenta pr.p. of vimoceti releasing.  
vimocesi aor. of vimoceti released.  
vimohita pp. of vimoheti deluded; bewildered; beguled.  
vimoheti vi + muh + e deludes; bewilderes; beguiles.  
vimohetvā abs. of vimoheti having deluded; having bewildered; having beguled.  
vimohesi aor. of vimoheti deluded; bewildered; beguled.  
vimlambitvā abs. of vilambati having loitered; having tarried; having hung about.  
vimhaya m. astonishment; surprise.  
vimhāpaka adj. one who amazes or surprise.  
vimhāpana nt. surprising.  
vimhāpita pp. of vimhāpeti astonished; surprised.  
vimhāpeti vi + mhi + āpe astonishes; surprises.  
vimhāpetvā abs. of vimhāpeti having astonished; having surprised.  
vimhāpesi aor. of vimhāpeti astonished; surprised.  
vimhita pp. of vimhāpeti astonished; surprised.  
viya a particle of comparison like; as.  
viyatta adj. learned; accomplished.  
viyākaṃsu v. they explained or predicted.  
viyūḷha pp. of viyūhati removed; scattered.  
viyūhati vi + ūh + a removes; scatters.  
viyūhana nt. scattering; removal.  
viyūhi aor. of viyūhati removed; scattered.  
viyūhita pp. of viyūhati removed; scattered.  
viyūhitvā abs. of viyūhati having removed; having scattered.  
viyoga m. separation.  
viracayati vi + rac + ya composes; puts together.  
viracayi aor. of viracayati composed; put together.  
viraci aor. of viracayati composed; put together.  
viracita pp. of viracayati composed; put together.  
viraja adj. stainless; free from defilement.  
virajjati vi + rad + ya detaches oneself; shows lack of interest in.  
virajjana nt. discarding; to dismiss from enjoyment.  
virajjamāna pr.p. of virajjati detaching; showing lack of interest in.  
virajji aor. of virajjati detached oneself; showed lack of interest in.  
virajjitvā abs. of virajjati having detached oneself; having showed lack of interest in.  
virajjhati vi + rādh + ya fails; misses; loses.  
virajjhi aor. of virajjhati failed; missed; lost.  
virajjhitvā abs. of virajjhati having failed; having missed; having lost.  
virata pp. of viramati abstaining from.  
virati f. abstinence.  
viratta pp. of virajjati detached oneself; showed lack of interest in; dispassioned; unattached to.  
viraddha pp. of virajjhati failed; missed; lost.  
viramati vi + ram + a abstains; refrains; desists; ceases.  
viramana nt. abstinence; abstaining from.  
viramanta pr.p. of viramati abstaining; refraining; desisting; ceasing.  
virami aor. of viramati abstained; refrained; desisted; ceased.  
viramitvā abs. of viramati having abstained; having refrained; having desisted; having ceased.  
virala adj. sparse; rare; thin.  
virava m. cry; roar; shouting. virāva (m.) cry; roar; shouting.
viravati vi + rav + a cries aloud; shouts; utters a cry.  
viravana m. cry; roar; shouting.  
viravanta pr.p. of viravati crying aloud; shouting; uttering a cry.  
viravi aor. of viravati cried aloud; shouted; uttered a cry.  
viravitvā abs. of viravati having cried aloud; having shouted; having uttered a cry.  
viraha m. separation; emptiness.  
virahita adj. empty; rid of; exempt from; without.  
virāga m. dispassionateness; absence of desire.  
virāgatā f. absence of lust.  
virāgī adj. passionless; emancipated.  
virājati vi + raj + a shines; to be bright.  
virājamāna pr.p. of virājati shining.  
virāji aor. of virājati shone.  
virājita pp. of virājati shone.  
virājeti vi + rāj + e discards; removes; destroys.  
virājetvā abs. of virājeti having discarded; having removed; having destroyed.  
virājesi aor. of virājeti discarded; removed; destroyed.  
virādhanā f. failure.  
virādhita pp. of virādheti missed; omitted; failed.  
virādheti vi + radh + e misses; omits; fails.  
virādhetvā abs. of virādheti having missed; having omitted; having failed.  
virādhesi aor. of virādheti missed; omitted; failed.  
viriccati pass. of vireceti to get purged.  
viriccamāna pr.p. of viriccati being purged.  
viritta pp. of viriccati purged.  
viriya nt. vigour; energy; effort; strength.  
viriyabala nt. the power of energy.  
viriyavantu adj. energetic.  
viriyasamatā f. moderation of energy.  
viriyārambha m. application of exertion.  
viriyindriya nt. the faculty of energy.  
virujjhati vi + rudh + ya opposes; to be hostile.  
virujjhanta pr.p. of virujjhati opposing.  
virujjhi aor. of virujjhati opposed.  
virujjhitvā abs. of virujjhati having opposed.  
viruddha pp. of virujjhati opposed; opposite; hostile.  
viruddhatā f. hostility; opposition.  
virūpa adj. deformed; ugly.  
virūpakkha m. name of the overlord of Nāgas.  
virūpatā f. ugliness.  
virūḷha pp. of virūhati grown; increased.  
virūḷhi f. growth.  
virūhati vi + ruh + a grows; sprouts; increases.  
virūhana nt. growing; growth. virūhanā (f.) growing; growth.
virūhanta pr.p. of virūhati growing; sprouting; increasing.  
virūhi aor. of virūhati grew; sprouted; increased.  
virūhitvā abs. of virūhati having grown; having sprouted; having increased.  
vireka m. virecana. (nt.), purging; a purgative.  
virecita pp. of vireceti purged.  
vireceti vi + rec + e purges.  
virecesi aor. of vireceti purged.  
virocati vi + ruc + a shines; to be brilliant.  
virocana nt. shining.  
virocamāna pr.p. of virocati shining.  
viroci aor. of virocati shone.  
virocita pp. of viroceti caused to illumine.  
virocitvā abs. of vorocati having shone.  
viroceti caus. of virocati causes to illumine.  
virocetvā abs. of viroceti having caused to illumine.  
virocesi aor. of viroceti caused to illumine.  
virodha m. opposition; contradiction; obstruction.  
virodhana nt. opposition; contradiction; obstruction.  
virodhita pp. of virodheti rendered hostile; caused obstruction.  
virodheti vi + rudh + e renders hostile; causes obstruction.  
virodhetvā abs. of virodheti having rendered hostile; having caused obstruction.  
virodhesi aor. of virodheti rendered hostile; caused obstruction.  
vilagga pp. stuck; attached. (m.), the waist.  
vilaṅghati vi + lagh + ṅ-a jumps up; makes a somersault.  
vilaṅghita pp. of vilaṅgheti jumped over; violated.  
vilaṅgheti vi + lagh + ṅ-e jumps over; violates.  
vilapati vi + lap + a laments; wails; talks nonsense.  
vilapanta pr.p of vilapati lamenting; wailing.  
vilapamāna pr.p of vilapati lamenting; wailing.  
vilapi aor. of vilapati lamented; wailed; talked nonsense.  
vilapitvā abs. of vilapati having lamented; having wailed; having talked nonsense.  
vilambati vi + lamb + a loiters; tarries; hangs about.  
vilambana nt. loitering; a cause for shame.  
vilambi aor. of vilambati loitered; tarried; hung about.  
vilambita pp. of vilambati loitered; tarried; hung about. (pp. of vilambeti), mocked; derided.  
vilambeti vi + lamb + e mocks; derides.  
vilaya m. dissolution.  
vilasati vi + las + a shines forth; dalies; sports.  
vilasi aor. of vilasati shone forth; dallied; sported. vilāsī (adj.), possessing charm or grace.
vilasita pp. of vilasati shone forth; gay shining; splendid. vilāsitā (f.), coquetry.
vilāpa m. wailing; idle talk.  
vilāsa m. charm; grace; beauty; appearance; coquetry.  
vilāsinī f. a woman.  
vilikhati vi + likh + a scratches; scrapes.  
vilikhita pp. of vilikhati scratched; scraped.  
vilitta pp. of vilimpeti anointed with.  
vilimpati vi + lip + ṃ-a smears; anoints.  
vilimpeti vi + limp + e smears; anoints.  
vilimpetvā abs. of vilimpeti having smeared; having anointed.  
vilimpenta pr.p. of vilimpeti smearing; anointing.  
vilimpesi aor. of vilimpeti smeared; anointed.  
vilīna pp. of vilīyati dissolved.  
vilīyati vi + lī + ya melts; perishes; to be disslved.  
vilīyana nt. melting; dissolution.  
vilīyamāna pr.p. of vilīyati melting; perishing.  
vilīyi aor. of vilīyati melted; perishes.  
vilīva nt. a slip of bamboo or reed.  
vilīvakāra m. basket maker.  
vilugga pp. of vilujjati broken; crumbling to pieces.  
vilutta pp. of vilumpati plundered; robbed of.  
vilūna pp. cut or torn off.  
vilekha m. perplexity; scratching.  
vilepana nt. ointment; cosmetic; toilet perfume.  
vilepita pp. of vilepeti anointed with.  
vilepeti vi + lip + e anoints with.  
vilepetvā abs. of vilepeti having anointed with.  
vilepesi aor. of vilepeti anointed with.  
vilokana nt. looking at; investigation.  
vilokayamāna pr.p. of viloketi looking at; inspecting.  
vilokita pp. of viloketi looked at; inspected.  
viloketi vi + lok + e looks at; inspects.  
viloketvā abs. of viloketi having looked at; having inspected.  
vilokenta pr.p. of viloketi looking at; inspecting.  
vilokesi aor. of viloketi looked at; inspected.  
vilocana nt. the eye.  
vilopa m. pillage; plunder.  
vilopaka m. one who plunders or destroys.  
vilopana nt. pillage; plunder.  
viloma adj. opposing; disagreeing.  
vilomatā f. disagreement; discrepancy.  
vilometi Deno. from viloma disagrees with; disputes.  
vilometvā aor. of vilometi having disagreed with; having disputed.  
vilomesi aor. of vilometi disagreed with; disputed.  
viloḷana nt. stirring.  
viloḷeti vi + luḷ + e stirs; shakes about.  
vivacca ind. aloof from; separating oneself from.  
vivajjana nt. abandoning; abstaining from.  
vivajjita pp. of vivajjeti avoided; abandoned; forsaken.  
vivajjiya abs. of vivajjeti having avoided; having abandoned; having forsaken.  
vivajjeti vi + vajj + e avoids; abandons; forsakes.  
vivajjetvā abs. of vivajjeti having avoided; having abandoned; having forsaken.  
vivajjenta pr.p. of vivajjeit avoiding; abandoning; forsaking.  
vivajjesi aor. of vivajjeti avoided; abandoned; forsaked.  
vivaṭa pp. of vivarati opened; laid bare; unveiled; made clear.  
vivaṭacchada adj. who has drown away the veil.  
vivaṭa-nakkhata nt. a festival in which all kinds of veils are removed.  
vivaṭṭa nt. devolution of rebirth.  
vivaṭṭakappa m. an ascending aeon.  
vivaṭṭati vi + vaṭṭ + a moves back; revolves; begins again.  
vivaṭṭana nt. moving back; turning away.  
vivaṭṭi aor. of vivaṭṭati moved back; revolved; began again.  
vivaṭṭita pp. of vivaṭṭati moved back; revolved; begun again. (pp. of vivaṭṭeti), turned back; diverted; destroyed.  
vivaṭṭitvā abs. of vivaṭṭati having moved back; having revolved; having begun again.  
vivaṭṭeti vi + vaṭṭ + e turns back; diverts; destroys.  
vivaṭṭetvā abs. of vivaṭṭeti having turned back; having diverted; having destroyed.  
vivaṭṭesi aor. of vivaṭṭeti turned back; diverted; destroyed.  
vivaṇṇa adj. of a faded colour; feeble.  
vivaṇṇita pp. of vivaṇṇeti dispraised; defamed.  
vivaṇṇeti vi + vaṇṇ + e dispraises; defames.  
vivaṇṇetvā abs. of vivaṇṇeti having dispraised; having defamed.  
vivaṇṇesi aor. of vivaṇṇeti dispraised; defamed.  
vivadati vi + vad + a disputes; quarrels.  
vivadana nt. disputation.  
vivadanta pr.p. of vivadati disputing; quarrelling.  
vivadamāna pr.p. of vivadati disputing; quarrelling.  
vivadi aor. of vivadati disputed; quarrelled. vivādī (m.), one who disputes.
vivaditvā abs. of vivadati having disputed; having quarrelled.  
vivara n. an opening cleft; fissure; flaw.  
vivaraṇa nt. opening; unveiling; revelation.  
vivarati vi + var + a opens; uncovers; makes clear; analyses.  
vivaranta pr.p. of vivarati opening; uncovering.  
vivaramāna pr.p. of vivarati opening; uncovering.  
vivari aor. of vivarati opened; uncovered; maked clear; analysed.  
vivarituṃ inf. of vivarati to open; to make clear.  
vivaritvā abs. of vivarati having opened; having uncovered.  
vivasāna nt. the end.  
vivāda m. dispute; contention; quarrel; controversy.  
vivādaka m. one who disputes.  
vivāha m. marriage.  
vivāhamaṅgala nt. marriage ceremony.  
vivitta adj. secluded; lonely; solitary. vivittā (f.), seclusion.
vivīvetvā abs. of visīveti having warmed oneself.  
viveka m. detachment; seclusion.  
vivecana nt. discrimination; criticism.  
vivecita pp. of viveceti separated; discriminated; criticised.  
viveceti vi + vic + e separates; discriminates; criticises.  
vivecetvā abs. of viveceti having separated; having discriminated; having criticised.  
vivecesi aor. of viveceti separated; discriminated; criticised.  
vivedha adj. divers; manifold.  
vivesatā f. distinction.  
vivesesi aor. of viseseti qualified; defined; distinguished.  
visa nt. poison; venom.  
visaṃkita adj. suspicious.  
visaṃkhāra m. divestment of all material things.  
visaṃkhita pp. of visaṃkharoti destroyed.  
visaṃyutta pp. unyoked; detached from.  
visaṃyoga m. disconnection; separation from.  
visaṃvāda m. deceiving; a lie.  
visaṃvādaka adj. untrustworthy.  
visaṃvādana nt. lying.  
visaṃvādita pp. of visaṃvādeti deceived; lain; broken one's word.  
visaṃvādeti vi + san + vad + e deceives; lies; breaks one's word.  
visaṃvādetvā abs. of visaṃvādeti having deceived; having lain; having broken one's word.  
visaṃvādenta pr.p. of visaṃvādeti deceiving; lying; breaks one's word.  
visaṃvādesi aor. of visaṃvādeti deceived; lay; broke one's word.  
visaṃsaṭṭha adj. separated; disconnected.  
visakaṇṭaka nt. 1. a poisoned thorn; 2. a kind of sugar.  
visañña adj. unconscious.  
visaññī adj. unconscious.  
visata pp. of visarati spread; diffused. visaṭa (pp. of visarati) spread; diffused.
visatta adj. strongly attached; entangled.  
visattikā f. attachment; craving.  
visada adj. clean; pure; manifest. visāda (m.), dejection; depression.
visadakiriyā f. cleaning of the fundamentals; making clear.  
visadatā f. clearness; purity.  
visadabhāva m. clearness; purity.  
visapīta adj. dipped into poison.  
visappana nt. struggle.  
visabhāga adj. different; contrary; uncommon.  
visama adj. uneven; unequal; disharmonious.  
visama-cakkhula adj. squint-eyed.  
visaya m. locality; region; sphere; object; scope; sensual pleasure; footing.  
visayha adj. bearable; possible.  
visarukkha m. a poisonous tree.  
visalla adj. free from grief; removed of the dart.  
visavejja m. a physician who cures poison.  
visasalla nt. a poisoned dart.  
visahati vi + sah + a to be able; dares; ventures.  
visahamāna pr.p. of visahati daring; venturing.  
visahi aor. of visahati dared; ventured.  
visākhā f. name of a lunar mansion, and that of a female devotee of the Buddha.  
visāṇa nt. a horn.  
visāṇamaya adj. made of horn.  
visārada adj. self-possessed; confident; skilled.  
visāla adj. large, broad; extensive; bulky.  
visālakkhī f. (a woman) having large eyes.  
visālatā f. largeness; immensity.  
visālatta nt. largeness; immensity.  
visikhā f. a street.  
visiṭṭha adj. distinguished; eminent; extraordinary.  
visiṭṭhatara adj. more prominent.  
visibbeti vi + siv + e unsews; warms oneself.  
visibbetvā abs. of visibbeti having warmed oneself.  
visibbesi aor. of visibbeti warmed oneself.  
visīdati vi + sad + a sinks down; to be dejected.  
visīdana nt. sinking; dejection.  
visīdi aor. of visīdati sank down.  
visīvana nt. warming oneself.  
visīveti vi + siv + e warms oneself.  
visīventa pr.p. of visīveti warming oneself.  
visīvesi aor. of visīveti warmed oneself.  
visuṃ adv. separately; individually; apart.  
visuṃkatvā abs. having separated.  
visuṃkaraṇa nt. separation.  
visujjhati vi + sudh + ya becomes clean or pure.  
visujjhamāna pr.p. of visujjhati becoming clean or pure.  
visujjhi aor. of visujjhati became clean or pure.  
visujjhitvā abs. of visujjhati having become clean or pure.  
visuddha pp. of visujjhati clean; pure; bright; stainless; sanctified.  
visuddhatā f. purity; cleanliness.  
visuddhatta nt. purity; cleanliness.  
visuddhi f. purity; holiness; splendour; excellency.  
visuddhideva m. a holy person.  
visuddhimagga m. the path to obtain holiness.  
visūka nt. wriggling; a show.  
visūkadassana nt. visiting shows.  
visūcikā f. cholera.  
visesa m. 1. distinction; difference; 2. attainment.  
visesaka m. a distinguishing mark.  
visesagāmī adj. reaching distinction.  
visesato adv. distinctively; altogether.  
visesana nt. distinction; attribute; an adjective.  
visesabhāgiya adj. leading to distinction or progress.  
visesādhigama m. specific attainment.  
visesita pp. of viseseti qualified; defined; distinguished.  
visesitabba adj. to be qualified or defined.  
visesiya adj. to be qualified or defined.  
visesī adj. possessing distinction; one who qualifies.  
viseseti vi + sis + e qualifies; defines; distinguishes.  
visesetvā abs. of viseseti having qualified; having defined; having distinguished.  
visoka adj. free from grief.  
visodhana nt. cleaning; purifying.  
visodhita pp. of visodheti cleaned; purified.  
visodhiya abs. of visodheti having cleaned; having purified.  
visodheti vi + sudh + e cleans; purifies.  
visodhetvā abs. of visodheti having cleaned; having purified.  
visodhenta pr.p. of visodheti cleaning; purifying.  
visodhesi aor. of visodheti cleaned; purified.  
visosita pp. of visoseti caused to dry up; made wither.  
visoseti vi + sus + e causes to dry up; makes wither.  
visosetvā abs. of visoseti having caused to dry up; having made wither.  
visosenta pr.p. of visoseti causing to dry up; making wither.  
visosesi aor. of visoseti caused to dry up; made wither.  
vissagandha m. a smell like that of raw flesh.  
vissagga m. donation; distribution.  
vissajjaka adj. giving out; distributing. (m.), one who answers a question; distributor.  
vissajjana nt. bestowing; sending off; discharging; an answer; expenditure.  
vissajjanaka adj. answering; bestowing; expending.  
vissajjanīya adj. to be distributed or answered.  
vissajjitabba adj. to be distributed or answered.  
vissajjiya adj. to be distributed or answered.  
vissajjeti vi + sajj + e answers; distributes; sends off; spends; gets rid of; emits; lets loose.  
vissajjetvā abs. of vissajjeti having answered; having distributed.  
vissajjenta pr.p. of vissajjeti answering; distributing.  
vissajjesi aor. of vissajjeti answered; distributed; sent off; spent; got rid of; emitted; let loose.  
vissaṭṭhi f. emission; discharge.  
vissattha pp. of vissasati confined in; friendly. vissaṭṭha (pp. of vissajjeti) sent off; answered.
vissanta pp. of vissamati reposed; refreshed.  
vissanda m. overflow; oozing.  
vissandati vi + sand + a flows out; overflows.  
vissandana nt. overflow; oozing.  
vissandamāna pr.p. of vissandati flowing out.  
vissandi aor. of vissandati flowed out; overflowed.  
vissandita pp. of vissandati flowed out; overflowed.  
vissanditvā abs. of vissandati having flowed out; having overflowed.  
vissamati vi + sam + a rests; reposes; recoveres from fatigue.  
vissamanta pr.p. of vissamati resting; reposing; recovering from fatigue.  
vissamitvā abs. of vissamati having rested; having reposed; having recovered from fatigue.  
vissara adj. a cry of distress.  
vissarati vi + sar + a forgets.  
vissari aor. of vissari forgot.  
vissarita pp. of vissari forgotten.  
vissaritvā abs. of vissari having forgotten.  
vissasati vi + sas + a confides in; to be friendly with.  
vissasanta pr.p. of vissasati confiding in.  
vissasasi aor. of vissasati confided in. vissāsāsi (adj.), intimate; confidential; trustworthy.
vissasitvā abs. of vissasati having confided in.  
vissāsa m. confidence; trust; intimacy.  
vissāsaka adj. intimate; confidential; trustworthy.  
vissāsanīya adj. trustworthy; confidential.  
vissāsika adj. intimate; confidential; trustworthy.  
vissuta adj. famous; renowned.  
vihaṃsu aor. (they) lived.  
vihaga m. a bird.  
vihaṅgama m. a bird.  
vihaññati vi + han + ya to be vexed or grieved; suffers hardship.  
vihaññamāna pr.p. of vihaññati suffering hardship.  
vihaññi aor. of vihaññati suffered hardship.  
vihata pp. of vihanati 1. killed; destroyed; 2. combed or carded (cotton, etc.).  
vihanati vi + han + a kills; puts an end to; removes.  
vihani aor. of vihanati killed; put an end to; removed.  
vihanitvā abs. of vihanati having killed; having put an end to; having removed.  
vihantvā abs. of vihanati having killed; having put an end to; having removed.  
viharati vi + har + a lives; abides; dwells; sojourns.  
viharanta pr.p. of viharati living ; abiding; dwelling; sojourning.  
viharamāna abs. of viharati having lived; having abode; having dwelled; having sojourned.  
vihari aor. of viharati lived; abode; dwelled; sojourned. vihārī (adj.), (in cpds.) staying or sojourning; being in such and such a condition.
viharitukāma adj. wishing to live.  
viharitvā abs. of viharati having lived; having abode; having dwelled; having sojourned.  
vihassati v. (he) will live.  
vihāya abs. of vijahati having abandoned; having forsaken; having left; having given up.  
vihāra m. an abode; a dwelling place; mode of life; passing the time.  
vihārika adj. (in cpds.), staying or sojourning; being in such and such a condition.  
vihāsi aor. (he) lived.  
vihiṃsati vi + hiṃs + a hurts; injures; annoys.  
vihiṃsanā f. cruelty; injury; injuring.  
vihiṃsanta pr.p. of vihiṃsati hurting; injuring; annoying.  
vihiṃsā f. cruelty; injury; injuring.  
vihiṃsāvitakka m. malign thought.  
vihiṃsi aor. of vihiṃsati hurt; injured; annoyed.  
vihiṃsitvā abs. of vihiṃsati having hurt; having injured; having annoyed.  
vihita pp. of vidahati arranged; furnished; engaged upon.  
vihīna pp. of vihāyati left; lost; decreased.  
viheṭhaka adj. harassing; oppressing; annoying.  
viheṭhakajātika adj. having the habit of harassing.  
viheṭhana nt. oppression.  
viheṭhanaka adj. doing harm.  
viheṭhana-jātika adj. used to hurt (other beings).  
viheṭhita pp. of viheṭheti vexed; brought into difficulties.  
viheṭhiyamāna pr.p.p. of being oppressed or harassed.  
viheṭheti vi + heṭh + e vexes; brings into difficulties.  
viheṭhetvā abs. of viheṭheti having vexed; having brought into difficulties.  
viheṭhenta pr.p. of viheṭheti vexing; bringing into difficulties.  
viheṭhesi aor. of viheṭheti vexed; brought into difficulties.  
vihesaka adj. vexing; troubling.  
vihesā f. vexation; annoyance; injury.  
vihesiyamāna pr.p.p. of being oppressed or harassed. (see viheṭhiyamāna).  
viheseti vi + his + e vexes; brings into difficulties. (see viheṭheti).  
vīci f. a wave; an interval.  
vījati vīj + a fans.  
vīji aor. of vījati fanned.  
vījiyamāna pr.p.p. of being fanned.  
vījeti vīj + e fans.  
vījetvā abs. of vījati having fanned. (abs. of vījeti), having fanned.  
vījenta pr.p. of vījeti fanning.  
vījesi aor. of vījeti fanned.  
vīṇā f. a lute.  
vīṇādaṇḍaka m. the neck of a lute.  
vīṇādoṇi f. the sounding board of a lute.  
vīṇāvāyana nt. playing of a lute.  
vīta pp. of vināti woven. (pp. of ?), free from; being without.  
vītagedha adj. without greed or craving.  
vītaccika adj. flameless; glowing.  
vītataṇha adj. without greed or craving.  
vītamala adj. stainless.  
vītamoha adj. without ignorance.  
vītarāga adj. passionless. (m.) a saint.  
vītikkanta pp. of vītikkamati transgressed; gone beyond.  
vītikkama m. trangression; going beyond.  
vītikkamati vi + ati + kam + a transgresses; goes beyond.  
vītikkamanta pr.p. of vītikkamati transgressing; going beyond.  
vītikkami aor. of vītikkamati transgressed; went beyond.  
vītikkamitvā abs. of vītikkamati having transgressed; having gone beyond.  
vītināmeti vi + ati + nam + e spends time; waits.  
vītināmetvā abs. of vītināmeti having spent time; having waited.  
vītināmesi aor. of vītināmeti spent time; waited.  
vītināmtia pp. of vītināmeti spent time; waited.  
vītipatati v. flies up and down.  
vītivatta pp. of vītivattati having passed,spent, or overcome.  
vītivattita pp. of vītivatteti overcome; spent time.  
vītivatteti vi + ati + vat + e overcomes; spends time.  
vītivattetvā abs. of vītivatteti having overcome; having spent time.  
vītivattesi aor. of vītivatteti overcame; spent time.  
vītiharaṇa nt. exchange of steps; a stride; carrying in between.  
vītiharati vi + ati + har + a walks; strides.  
vītihari aor. of vītiharati walked; strode.  
vītiharitvā abs. of vītiharati having walked; having stridden.  
vītihāra m. exchange of steps; a stride; carrying in between.  
vīthi f. a street; a track.  
vīthicitta nt. process of cognition.  
vīmaṃsaka adj. one who investigates or tests.  
vīmaṃsati mān + sa ; mā is doubled and the first mā is changed to vī; the second mā is shortened investigates; tests; considers.  
vīmaṃsana nt. experiment; investigation.  
vīmaṃsanta pr.p. of vīmaṃsati investigating; testing; considering.  
vīmaṃsā f. experiment; investigation.  
vīmaṃsi aor. of vīmaṃsati investigated; tested; considered. vīmaṃsī (m.) investigator.
vīmaṃsita pp. of vīmaṃsati investigated; tested; considered.  
vīmaṃsiya abs. of vīmaṃsati having investigated; having tested; having considered.  
vīyati vā + ī + ya to be woven.  
vīra adj. brave; heroic. (m.) a hero.  
vīsati f. twenty.  
vīsatima adj. twentieth. (in cpds. vīsati -- sometimes takes the form vīsaṃ, e.g. vīsaṃvassasatikā).  
vīhi m. paddy.  
vuccati vac + ya to be said or called.  
vuccamāna pr.p. of vuccati saying or calling.  
vuṭṭhahati u + ṭhā + a rises; arises; emerges from; to be produced.  
vuṭṭhahanta pr.p. of vuṭṭhahati rising; arising. vuṭṭhahanta (pr.p. of vuṭṭhāti) rising; arising.
vuṭṭhahi aor. of vuṭṭhahati rose; arose; emerged from; to be produced.  
vuṭṭhahitvā abs. of vuṭṭhahati having risen; having arisen; having emerged from.  
vuṭṭhāti u + ṭhā + a rises; arises; emerges from; to be produced.  
vuṭṭhāpita pp. of vuṭṭhāpeti roused; turned away from; ordained.  
vuṭṭhāpeti caus. of vuṭṭhahati rouses; turns away from; ordains.  
vuṭṭhāpetvā abs. of vuṭṭhāpeti having roused; having turned away from; having ordained.  
vuṭṭhāpesi aor. of vuṭṭhāpeti roused; turned away from; ordained.  
vuṭṭhāya abs. of vuṭṭhahati having risen; having arisen; having emerged from.  
vuṭṭhāsi aor. of vuṭṭhāti rose; arose; emerged from; to be produced.  
vuṭṭhi f. rain.  
vuṭṭhika adj. having rain.  
vuṭṭhita pp. of vuṭṭhahati risen; arisen; emerged from. vuṭṭhita (pp. of vuṭṭhāti) risen; arisen; emerged from.
vuḍḍhatara adj. elder; older.  
vutta pp. of vadati spoken; said; told. vutta (pp. of vapati) sown; shaven. ### vutta (nt.) the thing sown or said.
vuttappakāra adj. having above said qualities.  
vuttappakārena adv. in the way above explained.  
vuttavādī m. one who speaks what is said.  
vuttasira adj. with a shaven head.  
vutti f. conduct; habit; practice; usage; livelihood. vuttī (adj.) having the habit or practice of.
vuttika adj. having the habit or practice of.  
vuttitā f. condition.  
vuttha pp. of vasati lived; abided; dwelt; stayed; spent the rainy season. vuṭṭha (pp. of vassati) rained.
vuddha adj. old; venerable. vuḍḍha (adj.) old; venerable.
vuddhi f. increase; growth; prosperity. vuḍḍhi (f.) increase; growth; prosperity.
vuddhippatta adj. come of age; fit to be married; grown up.  
vupakaṭṭha adj. secluded.  
vuyhati vah + ya to be carried away or floated.  
vuyhana nt. floating.  
vuyhamāna pr.p. of vuyhati floating.  
vuyhi aor. of vuyhati floated  
vusita pp. of vasati dwelt; fulfilled; come to perfection.  
vusitatta nt. the fact of being dwelt.  
vusitabhāva m. the fact of being dwelt.  
vussati pass. of vasati has been lived; has been dwells.  
vūtthāna nt. rising up.  
vūpasanta pp. of vūpasammati allayed; calmed.  
vūpasama m. relief; clamness; cessation.  
vūpasamana nt. relief; clamness; cessation.  
vūpasamita pp. of vūpasameti appeased; allayed; relieved.  
vūpasameti vi + upa + sam + e appeases; allays; relieves.  
vūpasametvā abs. of vūpasameti having appeased; having allayed; having relieved.  
vūpasamenta pr.p. of vūpasameti appeasing; allaying; relieving.  
vūpasamesi aor. of vūpasameti appeased; allayed; relieved.  
vūpasammati vi + upa + sam + ya to be assuaged or quieted; to be extinguished.  
vūḷha pp. of vuyhati floated  
ve particle of affirmation indeed; truly; surely.  
vekalla nt. deformity; deficiency.  
vekallatā f. deformity; deficiency.  
vega m. force; speed; velocity; impulse.  
vejayanta m. name of Indra's palace.  
vejja m. a physician; doctor.  
vejjakamma nt. medical treatment.  
veṭhaka adj. enveloping; wrapping.  
veṭhana nt. a wrapper; a turban or head-dress.  
veṭhita pp. of veṭheti wrapped; twisted round; enveloped.  
veṭhiyamāna pr.p.p. of being wrapped or twisted.  
veṭheti veh + e wraps; twists round; envelopes.  
veṭhetvā abs. of veṭheti having wrapped; having twisted round; having enveloped.  
veṭhenta pr.p. of veṭheti wrapping; twisting round; enveloping.  
veṭhesi aor. of veṭheti wrapped; twisted round; enveloped.  
veṇa m. basket-maker.  
veṇika m. a player on a lute.  
veṇī f. braid of hair.  
veṇīkata adj. plaited; bound together as in a sheaf.  
veṇīkaraṇa nt. making sheaf.  
veṇu m. bamboo.  
veṇugumba m. a bush of bamboo.  
veṇubali m. a tax to be paid in bamboo.  
veṇuvana nt. a bamboo grove.  
vetana nt. wages; hire; payment; fee.  
vetanika m. one who works for wages; a hireling.  
vetaraṇī f. name of a river.  
vetasa m. the rattan reed.  
vetālika m. a court musician.  
veti vi + i + a wanes; disappears.  
vetta nt. a cane; a twig.  
vettagga nt. the sprout of a cane.  
vettalatā f. cane creeper.  
veda m. religious feeling; knowledge; the brahmanic canon of authorised religious teaching.  
vedaka m. one who feels or suffers.  
vedagū m. one who has attained the highest knowledge.  
vedajāta adj. filled with joy.  
vedanā f. pain; sensation.  
vedanākkhandha m. the aggregate of sensation.  
vedantagū m. one who excells in the knowledge of the Vedas.  
vedapāragū m. one who excells in the knowledge of the Vedas.  
vedayita nt. feeling; experience.  
vedi aor. of vidati knows. vedī (f.) a platform; a railing.
vedikā f. a platform; a railing.  
vedita pp. of vedeti felt; sensed; known.  
veditabba pt.p. of should be known.  
vediyati vid + i + ya to be felt or experienced  
vediyamāna pr.p. of vidiyati experiencing.  
vedeti vid + e feels; senses; knows.  
vedetvā abs. of vedeti having felt; having sensed; having known.  
vedenta pr.p. of vedeti feelling; knowing.  
vedesi aor. of vedeti felt; sensed; knew.  
vedeha adj. belonging to the Videha country.  
vedehīputta m. son of a princess from Videha.  
vedha m. piercing; shooting; pricking.  
vedhati vidh + a trembles; quakes.  
vedhana nt. piercing; shooting; pricking.  
vedhi aor. of vedhati trembled; quaked. vedhī (m.), one who shoots or hits.
vedhita pp. of vedhati trembled; quaked.  
venayika m. 1. a nihilist; 2. an expert in Vinaya.  
veneyya adj. accessible to instruction; tractable.  
vepulla nt. full development; abundance.  
vepullatā f. full development; abundance.  
vebhaṅgiya adj. fit to be distributed.  
vema m. a shuttle.  
vemajjha nt. the middle; centre.  
vematika adj. doubtful. vemātika (adj.), having a different mother and the same father.
vematta nt. difference; distinction.  
vemattatā f. difference; distinction.  
vemānika adj. having a fairy palace.  
vemānikapeta m. a kind of spiritual beings liable to semi-punishment and semi-enjoyment.  
veyyattiya nt. lucidity; accomplishment.  
veyyākara m. an attendant; servant; one who waits on.  
veyyākaraṇa nt. explanation. (m.), one who knows grammar or how to explain.  
veyyābādhika adj. causing injury or oppression.  
veyyāyika nt. expense.  
veyyāvacca nt. duty; service; commission.  
veyyāvatika m. an attendant; servant; one who waits on.  
vera nt. enmity; hatred.  
veraṃ appeti   revenges.  
verajjaka adj. belonging to various countries.  
veramaṇī f. abstinence.  
verambhavāta m. a wind blowing in high altitudes.  
verika adj. inimical; revengeful. (m.), an enemy.  
verī adj. inimical; revengeful. (m.), an enemy.  
verocana m. the sun.  
velā f. time; shore; limit; boundary.  
velātikkama m. going out of limits.  
vellita adj. crooked; curly.  
vellitagga adj. having curly tips.  
veḷu m. bamboo.  
veḷuriya nt. a lapis lazuli.  
vevacana   an epithet; a synonym.  
vevaṇṇiya nt. disfiguration; discolouring.  
vesa m. appearance; dress.  
vesamma nt. inequality; disharmony.  
vesākha m. name of a month, April-May.  
vesārajja nt. self-confidence.  
vesiyā f. a harlot; a prostitute.  
vesī f. a harlot; a prostitute.  
vesma nt. a dwelling place.  
vessa m. a member of the third social grade.  
vehāsa m. the sky.  
vehāsakuṭi f. an airy room upstairs.  
vehāsagamana nt. going through the air.  
vehāsaṭṭha adj. situated in the sky.  
vo enclitic from tumha to you; of you; by you.  
vokāra m. 1. a constituent of being, i,e, a khandha ; 2. trouble.  
vokiṇṇa pp. covered with; full of; mixed up.  
vokkanta pp. of okkamati entered; falled into. (pp. of vokkamati), turned aside; devited from.  
vokkanti f. entry; coming to be; appearance.  
vokkamati vi + u + kam + a turns aside; deviates from.  
vokkami aor. of vokkamati turned aside; devited from.  
vokkamitvā abs. of vokkamati having turned aside; having devited from.  
vokkamma abs. of vokkamati having turned aside; having devited from.  
vocchijjati vi + u + chid + ya to be cut off or stopped.  
vocchijji aor. of vocchijjati cut off.  
vocchijjitvā abs. of vocchijjati having cut off.  
vocchinna pp. of vocchijjati cut off.  
votthapana nt. definition.  
vodaka adj. free from water.  
vodapana nt. cleansing; purification. vodapanā (f.) cleansing; purification.
vodapeti vi + u + dā + āpe cleanses; purifies.  
vodapesi aor. of vodapeti cleansed; purified.  
vodāna nt. purity; sanctification.  
vomissaka adj. miscellaneous; mixed.  
voropana nt. depriving of.  
voropita pp. of voropeti deprived of; taken away.  
voropeti vi + ava + rup + e deprives of; takes away.  
voropetvā abs. of voropeti having deprived of; having taken away.  
voropenta pr.p. of voropeti depriving of; takes away.  
voropesi aor. of voropeti deprived of; took away.  
voloketi vi + ava + lok + e examines; scrutinizes.  
vosita adj. accomplished; perfected.  
vossagga m. donation; relinquishing; giving up.  
vossajati vi + ava + saj + a gives up; hands over; relinquishes.  
vossajana nt. donation; relinquishing; giving up.  
vossaji aor. of vossajati gave up; handed over; relinquished.  
vossajitvā abs. of vossajati having given up; having handed over; having relinquished.  
vossajja abs. of vossajati having given up; having handed over; having relinquished.  
vossaṭṭha pp. of vossajati given up; handed over; relinquished.  
voharati vi + ava + har + a uses; expresses; calls; trades; administrates.  
voharanta pr.p. of voharati using; expressing; calling.  
vohari aor. of voharati used; expressed; called; traded; administrated.  
voharita pp. of voharati used; expressed; called; traded; administrated.  
voharitvā abs. of voharati having used; having expressed; having called; having traded; having administrated.  
vohariyamāna pr.p.p. of being called.  
vohāra m. calling; expression; use; trade; jurisprudence; current appellation.  
vohārika m. a trader; a judge.  
vohārikāmacca m. the Chief Justice.  
vyaggha m. a tiger.  
vyagghusabha m. a tiger-king.  
vyañjana nt. a curry; a distinctive mark; a consonant; a letter.  
vyañjayati vi + añj + a indicates; characterises; denotes.  
vyañjayi aor. of vyañjayati indicated; characterised; denoted.  
vyañjita pp. of vyañjayati indicated; characterised; denoted.  
vyatta adj. learned; accomplished; evident; manifest. vyattā (f.) cleverness; learning.
vyattara adj. more learned or skilful.  
vyathati vyath + a oppresses; subdues.  
vyathi aor. of vyathati oppressed; subdued.  
vyathita pp. of vyathati oppressed; subdued.  
vyantikatvā abs. of vyantīkaroti having abolished; having removed; having got rid of.  
vyantīkata pp. of vyantīkaroti abolished; removed; got rid of.  
vyantīkari aor. of vyantīkaroti abolished; removed; got rid of.  
vyantīkaritvā abs. of vyantīkaroti having abolished; having removed; having got rid of.  
vyantīkaroti vi + anta + ī + kar + o abolishes; removes; gets rid of.  
vyantībhavati vi + anta + ī + bhū + a ceases; stops; comes to an end.  
vyantībhavi aor. of vyantībhavati ceased; stopped; came to an end.  
vyantībhāva m. annihilation; destruction.  
vyantībhūta pp. of vyantībhavati ceased; stopped; come to an end.  
vyantīhoti v. becomes exhausted.  
vyapagacchati vi + apa + gam + a departs.  
vyapagata pp. of vyapagacchati departed.  
vyapagami aor. of vyapagacchati departed.  
vyamha nt. a divine mansion.  
vyaya m.; nt. (mano-group) age; loss; decay; expenditure. (see vaya).  
vyasana nt. misfortune; ruin; destruction.  
vyākata pp. of vyākaroti explained; declared; answered.  
vyākaraṇa nt. grammar; explanation; answer; declaration.  
vyākari aor. of vyākaroti explained; declared; answered.  
vyākaritvā abs. of vyākaroti having explained; having declared; having answered.  
vyākariyamāna pr.p.p. of being explained or declared.  
vyākaroti vi + ā + kar + o explains; declares; answers.  
vyākula adj. perplexed; confused; entangled.  
vyākhyāta pp. of vyākhyāti announced; explained.  
vyākhyāti vi + ā + khyā + a announces; explains.  
vyākhyāsi aor. of vyākhyāti announced; explained.  
vyādha m. huntsman.  
vyādhi m. sickness; disease.  
vyādhita adj. affected with illness.  
vyāpaka adj. fulling with; spreading; suffusing.  
vyāpajjati vi + ā + pad + ya fails; to be troubled; to be vexed.  
vyāpajjanā f. failing; ill will; anger.  
vyāpajji aor. of vyāpajjati failed.  
vyāpanna pp. of vyāpajjati gone wrong; malevolent; vexed.  
vyāpāda m. ill-will; malevolent.  
vyāpādeti vi + ā + pad + e spoils; vexes.  
vyāpāra m. occupations; work; business.  
vyāpārita pp. of vyāpāreti instigated; urged by.  
vyāpita pp. of vyāpeti pervaded; made full; diffused.  
vyāpeti vi + ap + e pervades; makes full; diffuses.  
vyāpetvā abs. of vyāpeti having pervaded; having made full; having diffused.  
vyāpenta pr.p. of vyāpeti pervading; diffusing.  
vyāpesi aor. of vyāpeti pervaded; made full; diffused.  
vyābādhita pp. of vyābādheti doharmed; obstructed.  
vyābādheti vi + ā + bādh + e doharms; obstructs.  
vyābādhetvā abs. of vyābādheti having doharmed; having obstructed.  
vyābādhesi aor. of vyābādheti doharmed; obstructed.  
vyābhaṅgī f. a carrying pole.  
vyāma m. a fathom.  
vyāvaṭa adj. busy; active; engaged in; intent on.  
vyāsatta adj. attached to.  
vyāsecana nt. sprinkling.  
vyāhaṭa pp. of vyāharati uttered; talked; spoken.  
vyāharati vi + ā + har + a utters; talks; speaks.  
vyāhari aor. of vyāharati uttered; talked; spoke.  
vyāharitvā abs. of vyāharati having uttered; having talked; having spoke.  
vyūḷha pp. of viyūhati removed; scattered; assembled.  
vyūha m. an array; grouping of troops.