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Pali Term

Main English Terms


Bhikkhu Thanissaro: Mindfulness of Breathing

The Inspiring Expiring Mind (The Anapanasati Sutta)

WP: Bhikkhu Nanamoli/Bhikkhu Bodhi: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: #118: Mindfulness of Breathing, 941
PTS: Horner, The Middle Length Sayings: #118: Discourse on Mindfulness when Breathing In and Out, III.121

ATI: A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms: Anapanasati

Pali MO Horner Bodhi Nanamoli Thanissaro Walshe Piya Tan
ĢnĪpĪnasati Mindfulness When Breathing Mindfulness of Breathing Mindfulness of Breathing Mindfulness of the In-and-Out Breath


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

ĢnĪpĪna: [Īna + apĪna, cpds. of an to breathe] in haled and exhaled breath, inspiration and respiration S V.132,...; usually in cpd. -sati concentration by in-breathing and out-breathing (cp. Man. of Mystic 70) M I.425 (cp. D II.291); III.82; Vin III.70; A I.30...See detail under sati.

Oxford English Dictionary:

Prana: In Hindu religion, the ‘breath of life’; hence in extended uses, a life-giving force or inspiration; the breath, breathing. Also pranayama, regulation of the breath; breathing-control.
1830 H. T. Colebrooke in Trans. R. Asiatic Soc. II. 11: The term prĪža properly and primarily signifies respiration, as well as certain other vital actions (inspiration, energy, expiration, digestion, or circulation of nourishment); and secondarily, the senses and organs.
Of several examples of use given 2 are:
1960 J. Hewitt Yoga v. 70 Prana, to the Yogi, means much more than mere breath. Prana is actually the power behind and within breath. The power of the atom is Prana. Thought is Prana. It pervades the whole universe.
And another: 1970 Man, Myth & Magic v. 146/3 The idea of an astral body is very old. Ancient Indian writings describe the eight siddhis or supernormal powers which can be acquired through a type of yoga called Pranayama.


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