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The Corruptions, The Cankers, The Effluents


Digha Nikaya #33: Sangiti Sutta 3s#20 PTS: pp288; and The Compilation 3s#20, MO, trans.

PTS, T.W and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., Dialogs of the Buddha III #33 pp 209

WP, Walshe, trans, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33, pp484

Puremind, M. Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, pp8-56

All The Asavas Outline of Majjhima I:#2: Sabbasavasutta

Majjhima I:#2: Sabbasavasutta, Rhys Davids, trans.

AIT: All the Fermentations, MN I:2, Thanissaro, trans.

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, All the Taints, pp 91

PTS: The Collection of The Middle Length Sayings, Translated by I.B. Horner, Discourse on All the Cankers, pp8

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, III, v (75): The Warrior, Hare, trans., pp76

PTS: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, V, The Great Chapter, Kindred Sayings on the Way, iii: Asava, Woodward, trans., pp45

The 10th Lesson: The Destruction of the Asavas

ATI: A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms: asava

£savas (1st 3 older than 4th)
Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
£savas No-Goods (Sa Va? No!) Cankers Cankers influences, inate impulses, compulsion taints taints intoxicants, poisons intoxicants, poisons fermentations corruptions asavas
k¤m¤sava PleasureSeeking lust sense pleasure sense pleasure craving for sense pleasure, sensual desire craving for sense pleasure, sensual desire sensuality sensuality sensuality sense desire sensual delight
bhavasava living becomings becoming urge for existance, being craving for being craving for being future life, becoming future life, becoming becoming becoming becoming
avijj¤sava blindness ignorance ignorance unconsciousness ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance nescience
diÂÂh¤sava View, View Theories, Perspectives, Hypotheses view view Perspective view view erroneous opinion, view eroneous opinion, view view views view


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

£sava: that which flows (out or on to) outflow and influx. 1. spirit, the intoxicating extract or secretion of a tree or flower, O. C. in Vin IV.110 (four kinds); B. on D III.182 (five kinds).... - 2. discharge from a sore, A I.124, 127.... - 3. in psychology, t.t. for certain specified ideas which intoxicate the mind (bemuddle it, befoozle it, so that it cannot rise to higher things). Freedom from the "¤savas" constitutes Arahantship, and the fight for the extinction of these ¤savas forms one of the main duties of man.... - The 4 ¤savas are k¤m-, bhav-, diÂÂh-, avijj-, i. e. sensuality, rebirth (lust of life), speculation and ignorance. - They are mentioned as such at D II.81, 84, 91, 94, 98, 123, 126; A I.165 sq., 196; II.211; III.93, 414; IV.79.... - The set of 3, which is probably older (k¤ma-, bhava-, avijj¤-) occurs at M I. 55; A I.165; III.414; S IV.256; V.56, 189....
Referring specially to the extinction (khaya) of the ¤savas and to Arahantship following as a result are the foll. passages: (1) ¤sav¤naµ khaya D I.156; S II.29, 214; III 57, 96 sq, 152 sq; IV.105, 175; V.92, 203, 220, 271, 284; A I.107 sq., 123 sq., 232 sq., 273, 291; II.6, 36, 44 sq., 149 sq., 214; III 69, 114, 131, 202, 306, 319 sq.; IV.83 sq., 119, 140 sq., 314 sq.; V.10 sq., 36, 69, 94 sq, 105, 132, 174 sq., 343 sq.... - (2) kh¨¼¤sava (adj.) one whose ¤savas are destroyed... S I.13, 48, 53, 146; II 83, 239; III.199, 128, 178; IV.217; A I 77, 109, 241, 266; IV.120, 224, 370 sq.; V 40, 253 sq.... - (3) an¤sava (adj.) one who is free from the ¤savas, an Arahant Vin II.148 = 164; D III.112; S I 130; II.214, 222; III.83; IV.128; A I.81, 107 sqQ, 123 sq., 273, 291; II.6, 36, 87, 146; III.19, 29, 114, 166; IV.98, 140 sq., 314 sq., 400; A V.10 sqQ, 36, 242, 340....


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Asava"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Asava"


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