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Table of Contents

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ Y ]


Glossology is a rarely-used word that means the study of the meanings of the words of a language or the terms used in a science. I think it is an ideal word for describing what this section is doing.

This section is organized this way:
[ ] Tables of Comparative Vocabularies of the various translators organized by "Dhamma" (major category of Practice or building-block of the system) with the individual Pali terms therein linked to
[ ] Individual pages discussing that term. Links from that page lead to:
[ ] the various "Dhammas" to which that term belongs,
[ ] discussions of that term on the main website,
[ ] Suttas in the Sutta Index that deal with that term, and to
[ ] whatever other helpful material can be found.
Approaching it from the other end, Pali terms and major concepts that come up in the course of discussions, within suttas, and so forth will be linked to the term or Dhamma in the Glossology.

The contents listings below (containing both Dhammas and individual terms) should serve as a general all-round subject index. It deliberately contains numerous redundancies. Included will be the term (or terms) for the Dhamma in Pali, and the most commonly used English Language term (or terms).

I have decided to include all the well-known (and at least one of the...um...lesser-known translators for each dhamma even when there is no translation by that individual for that dhamma. I will do this by "constructing" what their translation would have likely been based on the way they use the sub-terms elsewhere. This has at least one problem: Some, if not most, translators are inconsistant in their use of terms across their own translations (I am certainly one of those!), so there is no real assurance that the constructed translations would be as the translator would have rendered the Dhamma. What this Will do, however, is give us at least a clue as to how the translator was thinkiing about the system as a whole. This is the real point of this section.

Please be aware that by the nature of the materials being presented in tabular form, horizontal scrolling will often be needed.

One thing I would like to introduce at this point is the idea that there is no sense, when dealing with translations, in attempting to determine which One Single word is the best translation. I think a better approach is to view the various translations of a term as a "spectrum" of meanings encompassed by the Pali term. This does not mean that some translation may not be incorrect; but only that many translations may be correct but limited in scope. The reader should, in his own thinking either be using the Pali term understanding this scope, or be picking what he feels is the best term, understanding that it should not be held on to ridgedly.

The intent here is only to discuss terms that qualify as dhammas and their sub-categories. For other terms used in the suttas, see the very good general glossary at Access to Insight: A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist terms
and/or Buddhist Dictionary Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, by Nyanatiloka
and of course, The Pali Text Society's: Pali/English Dictionary available on line at:

See also:
Lingo: A section for discussion of/links to some of the more unusual terms/subjects that come up on BuddhaDust, both Pali and otherwise.
Adams Apple: On Niruti and discovering 'Old Pali'.
Buddhist India for some geographical information about the India of the Buddha's day;
Weights and Measures for some information about units of measurement used in the Buddha's time.
DhammaTalk: Give Ear A Section devoted to the study of the meanings of Pali Terms.
Brahmi On the first Alphabet used to write down the Buddhist texts.

Pali Terms

-----[ A ]-----

Appamada (Appam¤da, Appamaada) [get]

Abhassara (£bhassara, AAbhassara) [get]

Abhibhu (Abhibh¬, Abhibhuu) [ get]

Abhibhayatana (Abhibh¤yatan¤ Abhibhaayatanaa) [get]

Activities (sankhara, Sa¸kh¤ra, Sa.nkhaara) [get]

Aggregates (khandha, Kkhandh¤, Kkhandhaa) [get]

Ahara (£h¤ra, AAhaara) [get]

Ajiva (£j¨va, Samm¤ £j¨va AAjiiva, Sammaa AAjiiva) [get]

Akasa, Akasanancayatana (£k¤s¤, £k¤s¤na¾c¤yatana, AAkaasaa, AAkaasaana~ncaayatana) [get]

Akincannayatana (£ki¾ca¾¾¤yatana, AAki~nca~n~naayatana) [get]

All, The (Salayatana, Sa²¤yatana Sa.laayatana) [get]

Ally (bala) [get]

Anatta (Not-Self, Non-Self) [get]

Anicca (Change, Impermanence) [get]

Añña (A¾¾¤, A~n~naa) [get]

Apa, Apo (£pa, £pª, AApa, AApoo oh-oh!) [get]

Ariya [get]

Ariya Atthangika Magga, (Ariya AÂÂhangika Magga, Ariya A.t.thangika Magga, The Way, The Eightfold Way) [get]

Asavas (£savas, AAsavas) [get]

Avijja (Avijj¤, Avijjaa) [get]


-----[ B ]-----

Balani [get]

Bhaggava [get]

Bhava [get]

Bhuta (Bh¬t¤, Bhuutaa) [get]

Boy's Questions, The (Dasa Panha, Dasa Pa¾h¤ Dasa Pa~nhaa) [get]

Brahma (Brahm¤, Brahmaa) [get]


-----[ C ]-----

Cankers, The (Asavas, £savas, AAsavas)[get]

Cattari Aharo (Cattari £h¤ro, Cattari AAhaaro) [»]

Cattari Ariya Saccani (Catt¤ri Ariya Sacc¤ni, Cattaari Ariya Saccaani) [get]

Cattari Iddhipada (Catt¤ri Iddhip¤d¤, Cattaari Iddhipaadaa) [get]

Cattari Satipatthana (Catt¤ri SatipaÂÂh¤na, Cattaari Satipa.t.thaana) [get]

Cattaro Maha Bhutani (Catt¤ro Mah¤ Bh¬t¤ni, Cattaaro Mahaa Bhuutaani) [get]

Chanda [get]

Citta [get]

Controlling Powers (Indriyani, Indriy¤ni, Indriyaani) [get]

Consciousness (Vinnana, Vi¾¾¤¼a, Vi~n~naa.na)[get]

Corruptions, The (Asavas, £savas, AAsavas) [get]

Craving (Tanha Ta¼h¤ Ta.nhaa) [get]


-----[ D ]-----

Dana (D¤na, Daana) [get]

Dasa Panha (Dasa Pa¾h¤, Dasa Pa~nhaa) [get]

Dependant Uprising (Dependant Origination) (Paticca Samuppada, PaÂicca Samuppada, Pa.ticca Samuppada) [get]

Deliverances, The Eight, (Vimokkha) [get]

Desideratum [get]

Desire (Tanha Ta¼h¤ Ta.nhaa) [get]

Devas [get]

Devine Madness (Sammatta) [get]

Detachment (Upekkha, Upekkh¤, Upekkhaa) [get]

Dhamma [get]

Dhamma_vicaya [get]

Dhatu (Dh¤tu, Dhaatu) [get]

Dittha (DiÂÂha, Di.t.tha) [get]

Ditthi (DiÂÂhi, Di.t.thi) [get]

Doubt (Vicikiccha Vicikicch¤, Vicikicchaa) [get]

Dukkha [get]


-----[ E ]-----

Earth (PaÂhav¨, Pa.thavii) [get]

Effort, Right Effort (Vayama V¤y¤ma, Samm¤ V¤y¤ma, Vaayaama, Sammaa Vaayaama) [get]

Effluents, The [get]

Ekatta [get]

Elements, The Four Great (The Six) (Dhatu, Dh¤tu, Dhaatu) [get]

Enablers (Balani) [get]

Endogamous/Exogamous [get]

Energy (Viriya) [get]

Entity/Identity (Nama/Rupa, N¤ma¾ ca R¬pa¾ ca, Naama/Rupa) [get]

Equanimity (Upekkha, Upekkh¤, Upekkhaa) [get]

Ethical Culture, Ethics (Sila S¨la, Siila) [get]


-----[ F ]-----

Fabrications (sankhara, Sa¸kh¤ra, Sa.nkhaara) [get]

Factors of Existance, The Five (khandha, Kkhandh¤, Kkhandhaa) [get]

Factors of Wisdom, The Seven (Satta Sambojjhanga (Sambojjhang¤, Sambojjhangaa) [get]

Faculties (Indriyani, Indriy¤ni, Indriyaani) [get]

Faith (Saddha) [get]

Feelings, The Three (Vedana, vedan¤, Vedanaa) [get]

Fetters, The Ten (Sanyojana, Sa¸yoj¤na, Sa.nyojaana) [get]

Fire (Tejo) [get]

Foods, The Four (Ahara, £h¤ra, AAhaara) [get]

Forces (Indriyani, Indriy¤ni, Indriyaani) [get]

Freedom (Vimutti) [get]


-----[ G ]-----

Giving (Dana, D¤na, Daana) [get]

Grasping (Upadana Up¤d¤na, Upaadaana) [get]

Grasping Groups, The Five (khandha, Kkhandh¤, Kkhandhaa) [get]

Guardians of the World (Hiri and Ottappa) [get]


-----[ H ]-----

Hindrances, The (Nivarana, N¨vara¼¤, Niivara.naa) [get]

Hiri [get]

Hiri and Ottappa [get]

Hunger/Thirst (Tanha Ta¼h¤ Ta.nhaa) [get]


-----[ I ]-----

Iddhipada (Iddhip¤d¤, Iddhipaadaa) [get]

Indriya, Indriyani (Indriy¤ni, Indriyaani) (several classes) [get]

Intuitive knowledge (Vinnata vi¾¾¤ta, vi~n~naata) [get]

Investigation (Vimamsa V¨maµs¤, Viima.msaa) [get]

Impermanence (Anicca, Change) [get]


-----[ J ]-----

Jaramarana (Jar¤mara¼a, Jaraamara.na)[get]

Jati (J¤ti, Jaati)[get]

Jhana (Jh¤na, Jhaana) [get]


-----[ K ]-----

Kabalinkara Aharo (Kabaliºk¤ra £h¤ro, Kabali.nkaara AAhaaro) [get]

Kama (K¤ma, K¤masava, Kaama, Kaamasava) [get]

Kamacchanda (K¤macchanda, Kaamacchanda) [get]

Kammanta [get]

Karuna (Karu¼¤, Karu.naa) [get]

Kaya (K¤ya, Kaaya) [get]

Khandha (Kkhandh¤, Kkhandhaa) [get]

Knowing (intuitive knowledge) (Vinnata vi¾¾¤ta, vi~n~naata) [get]

Knowledge, (Nana, ½¤¼a, ~Naa.na) [go] (Vijja Vijj¤, Vijjaa) [get]

Kumara Panha (Kum¤ra Pa¾h¤, Kumaara Pa~haa) [get]

Kusala (Skill) [get]


-----[ L ]-----

Liberations, The Eight, (Vimokkha) [get]

Limbs of Wisdom, The Seven (Satta Sambojjhanga, Sambojjhang¤, Sambojjhangaa)[get]

Liquid (Apa, Apo £pa, £pª, AApa, AApoo) [get]


-----[ M ]-----

Magga, Ariya Atthangika (Magga, Ariya AÂÂhangika, Ariya A.t.thangika Magga) [get]

Maha Dhatu (Mah¤ Dh¤t¬, Mahaa Dhaatuu) [get]

Manosancetana (Manosa¾cetan¤, Manosa~ncetanaa) [get]

Mentality and Materiality (N¤ma R¬pa, Naama Ruupa) [get]

Metta [get]

Mind and Matter (N¤ma R¬pa, Naama Ruupa) [get]

Mindfulness, Setting up, The Four (Satipatthanas, Catt¤ri SatipaÂÂh¤na, Cattaari Satipa.t.thaana)[get]

Mudita (Mudit¤, Muditaa) [get]

Mulapariyaya (M¬lapariyaya, Muulapariyaya) [get]

Muta [get]

-----[ N ]-----

Nahuta [get]

Nama (N¤ma, Naama) [get]

Nama Rupa (N¤ma R¬pa, Naama Ruupa) [get]

Name and Form (N¤ma R¬pa, Naama Ruupa) [get]

Nana (½¤¼a, ~Naa.na, Knowledge) [get]

Nanatta (N¤natta, Naanatta) [get]

Naya (½¤ya, ~Naaya) [get]

Nava Sattavasa [get]

Nekkhamma [get]

N'evasannanasannayatana (N'evasa¾¾¤n¤sa¾¾¤yatana, N'evasa~n~naanaasa~n~naanaa) [get]

Nine Abodes (habits, habitats) of Beings (Nava Sattavasa) [get]

Nibbana (Nibb¤na, Nibbaana) [get]

Nidana (Nid¤na, Nidaana) [get]

Nidana Paccay'akara (Nid¤na Paccay'¤k¤ra, Nidaana Paccay'aakaara) [get]

Niraya: See: Subdivisions of Hell and Advantages and Disadvantages

Nirodha [get]

Nivarana (Niv¤ra¼a, Nivaara.na) [get]

Noble Eight-Fold Path, The (Ariya Atthangika Magga,Ariya AÂÂhangika Magga, Ariya A.t.thangika Magga, The Way, The Eightfold Way) [get]

Noble Truths, The Four (Cattari Ariya Saccani, Catt¤ri Ariya Sacc¤ni, Cattaari Ariya Saccaani) [get]

Not-Self, Non-Self (Anatta) [get]


-----[ O ]-----

Omniscience (A¾¾¤, A~n~naa, Añña) [get]

Ottappa [get]


-----[ P ]-----

Pajapati (Paj¤pati, Pajaapati) [get]

Panc'Upadana Kkhandha (Pa¾c' Up¤d¤na Kkhandh¤, Pa~nc'Upaadaana Kkhandhaa) [get]

Panna (Pa¾¾¤, Pa~n~naa) [get]

Passaddhi [get]

Pathavi (PaÂhav¨, Pa.thavii) [get]

Paticca Samuppada (PaÂicca Samuppada, Pa.ticca Samuppada) [get]

Phassa [get]

Piti (P¨ti, Piiti) [get]

Power-Paths, The Four (Iddhip¤d¤, Iddhipaadaa) [get]

Powers (Bala) [get]


-----[ R ]-----

Realm of the Senses, The (Sa²¤yatana, Sa.laayatana) [get]

Releases, The Eight, (Vimokkha) [get]

Reminiscence -- Remembering (Vimamsa (V¨maµs¤, Viima.msaa) [get]

Root of All Evil, The (Mulapariyaya, M¬lapariyaya, Muulapariyaya) [get]

Rupa (r¬pa, ruupa) [get]


-----[ S ]-----

Sabba [get]

Saccani [get]

Saddha [get]

Sakkayaditthi (Sakk¤yaditthi, Sakkaayaditthi) [get]

Salayatana (Sa²¤yatana, Sa.laayatana) [get]

Samadhi (Sam¤dhi, Samaadhi) [get]

Sambojjhanga (Sambojjhang¤, Sambojjhangaa) [get]

Samma (Samm¤, Sammaa) [get]

Sammatta [get]

Samudaya [get]

Sankappa [get]

Sankhara (Sa¸kh¤ra, Sa.nkhaara) [get]

Sanna (Sa¾¾¤, Sa~n~naa [get]

Sanyojana (Sa¸yojana, Sa.nyojana) [get]

Sassata [get]

Sati [get]

Satipatthanas, The Four (Catt¤ri SatipaÂÂh¤na, Cattaari Satipa.t.thaana)[get]

Satisfaction [get]

Satta Sambojjhanga (Sambojjhang¤, Sambojjhangaa) [get]

Self-control (Vayama V¤y¤ma, Samm¤ V¤y¤ma, Vaayaama, Sammaa Vaayaama) [get]

Sensations, Sense Experiences, The Three (Vedana, Tisso vedana Tisso vedan¤, Vedanaa)[get]

Six Senses, The (Salayatana Sa²¤yatana, Sa.laayatana) [get]

Sila (S¨la, Siila) [get]

Skill (Kusala) [get]

Speech (Vaca, V¤c¤, Vaacaa) [get]

Spheres of Mastery, (Abhibhayatana, Abhibh¤yatan¤ Abhibhaayatanaa) [get]

Stabilizers of the World (Hiri and Ottappa) [get]

Subhakinna (Subhaki¼¼a, Subhaki.n.na) [get]

Sukha [get]

Sukka Lokapala (Hiri and Ottappa) [get]

Suta [get]

Sympathy (Karu¼¤, Karu.naa) [get]

Systematic Attention (Yoniso-manasikara Yoniso-manasik¤r¤, Yoniso-manasikaaraa) [get]


-----[ T ]-----

Talk (Vaca, V¤c¤, Vaacaa) [get]

Tanha (Ta¼h¤ Ta.nhaa) [get]

Tejo [get]

Ten Questions, The (Dasa Panha, Dasa Pa¾h¤, Dasa Pa~nhaa) [get]

Thina-middha (Th¨na-Middha, Thiina-Middha) [get]

Thought ("Initial" Vitakka) [get] ("Sustained" Vicara -- Vic¤ra, Vicaara) -- [get]

Tracing to the root (origin, getting to the bottom of things) (Yoniso-manasikara Yoniso-manasik¤r¤, Yoniso-manasikaaraa) [get]

Trust (Saddha) [get]


-----[ U ]-----

Uddhacca-kukkucca [get]

Uncertainty (Vicikiccha Vicikicch¤, Vicikicchaa) [get]

Upadana (Up¤d¤na, Upaadaana) [get]

Upekkha (Upekkh¤, Upekkhaa) [get]


-----[ V ]-----

Vaca (V¤c¤, Vaacaa) [get]

Vayama (V¤y¤ma, Samm¤ V¤y¤ma, Vaayaama, Sammaa Vaayaama) [get]

Vayo (V¤yo, Vaayo) [get]

Vedana, Tisso vedana (Vedan¤, Tisso vedan¤, Vedanaa) [get]

Vehapphala [get]

Vibhava [get]

Vicara (Vic¤ra, Vicaara) [get]

Vicikiccha (Vicikicch¤, Vicikicchaa) [get]

Vijja (Vijj¤, Vijjaa) [get]

Vision (Vijja Vijj¤, Vijjaa) [get]

Vimamsa (V¨maµs¤, V¨ma¼sa Viima.msaa, Viima.nsaa) [get]

Vimokkha (or Vimokha) [get]

Vimutti [get]

Vinnana (Vi¾¾¤¼a, Vi~n~naa.na) [get]

Vinnanancayatana (Vi¾¾¤¼a¾c¤yatana, Vi~n~naa.na~ncaayatana) [get]

Vinnana Anidassana (Vi¾¾¤¼a Anidassana, Vi~n~naa.na Anidassana) [get]

Vinnata (vi¾¾¤ta, vi~n~naata) [get]

Viriya [get]

Vitakka (Vitakk¤, Vitakka) [get]

Vyapada (Vy¤p¤da, Vyaapaada) [get]


-----[ W ]-----

Wisdom [get]

Wisdom, Seven Factors (Limbs, Dimensions) of, (Satta Sambojjhanga Sambojjhang¤, Sambojjhangaa) [get]

Wise Attention (Yoniso-manasikara Yoniso-manasik¤r¤, Yoniso-manasikaaraa) [get]

Water (Apa, Apo £pa, £pª, AApa, AApoo) [get]

Wind (Vayo V¤yo, Vaayo) [get]


-----[ Y ]-----

Yoke to Rebirth (Sanyojana Sa¸yojana, Sa.nyojana) [get]

Yoniso-manasikara (Yoniso-manasik¤r¤, Yoniso-manasikaaraa) [get]


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